Evaluating The Performance and Emission Characteristics of Ci Engine With Waste Plastic Oil
Evaluating The Performance and Emission Characteristics of Ci Engine With Waste Plastic Oil
Evaluating The Performance and Emission Characteristics of Ci Engine With Waste Plastic Oil
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignan’s Lara Institute of Technology and Science,
Vadlamudi, Andhra Pradesh, India
The continuous increase of demand for energy, diminution of oil recourses and stringent pollution norms
encourage the researchers to find alternate fuels. Waste converted to fuel, a technique to get alternate fuels is an
upcoming research. Waste plastic converted to liquid fuel is another alternate energy source path, which can contribute
to depletion of fossil fuels and to help avoiding landfills. Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine
fuelled with waste plastic oil were investigated. Diesel was replaced by various percentages of 10, 20, and 30% by volume
with waste plastic oil. From the obtained results, observed the improvement in brake thermal efficiency (Bthe) and
Original Article
reduction in HC and CO emissions for waste plastic oil. Waste plastic oil 30 (W30) showed 11% higher Bthe than the
pure diesel operation.
Received: Mar 13, 2019; Accepted: May 03, 2019; Published: May 22, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDJUN2019109
Energy plays a key role in the economic growth of any country and also to the victuals of any modern
economy[1]. Diesel engines are higher fuel to power ratio than the gasoline engines[2]. Due to this the utilization
of diesel engines, in medium and heavy duty vehicles and in many other fields for various purposes[3]. Waste
plastics recycling, regenerating, and utilizing have become a hot spot of research at home and abroad and
progressively formed a new industry. These plastics are employed in entire scope of industrial and domestic areas;
hence, plastics have become essential materials and their applications in the industrial field are constantly
increasing[5]. Recycling of waste plastics is expected to become the most effective way. The Pyrolysis of
polyethylene has been deliberated by various authors, and the oil composition results propose that, it is promising
fuel for power and heat generation[7].
Polyethylene is basically categorised into two types: low density polyethylene and high density
polyethylene. Generally, most of the plastics have been very low deprivation rate due to the molecular bonds of
carbon, hydrogen and some other elements. It makes them extremely durable resulting in a higher environmental
issue by land filling them. However, waste plastics can become a source of enormous energy with the correct
In the present investigation, four-stroke single cylinder water cooled diesel engine setup has been used. This setup
contains a computer interface for getting the automated data. It is connected with AVL DI gas analyzer for analyzing the
emissions like CO, CO2, NOX, HC, and O2. Smoke was measured by using the AVL smoke meter. The engine setup was
connected with crank angle encoder and a pressure transducer for the pressure analyzing. The research engine setup was
shown in Figure 1.
The experimental investigation was carried out on a single cylinder diesel engine fuelled with waste plastic oil. In
the present section, the performance, emission characteristics of diesel engine are deliberated.
Bthe is the significance of fuel consumption to useful power generation. It is one of the important performance
parameter, which indicates the percentage of energy present in the fuel that is converted into useful work. The variation of
brake thermal efficiency at full load for diesel and WPO blends is shown in Graph 1. From the obtained results, observed
the improvement in Bthe for waste plastic oil. Waste plastic oil 30 (W30) showed 11% higher Bthe when compared to the
pure diesel operation.
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Evaluating the Performance and Emission Characteristics 1017
of CI Engine with Waste Plastic Oil
NOX is formed due to the higher combustion in the combustion chamber. Graph 2 depicts the influence of brake
power to the NOX emissions. NOX emissions are increased with increase of load. The waste plastics oil blends shown the
increase of NOX emissions when compared with the pure diesel operation. W30 showed 46.15% higher NOX emissions
than the pure diesel.
3.3 HC Emissions
Hydrocarbon emissions are formed mainly due to the improper combustion of fuel[9]. Hydrocarbons remain
unburned in these areas, because the flame does not wholly propagate into these areas. Graph 3 showed the effect of waste
plastic oil blends on HC emissions. From the graph, observed the reduction of HC emissions while increasing the load.
The waste plastic oil blends shown the reduction HC emissions when compared with the pure diesel operation.
The W30 showed 21.42% reduction of HC than the pure diesel.
In this present experimental investigation, diesel engine was fuelled with waste plastic oil blends. The diesel was
replaced by 10, 20, and 30% volume of waste plastic oil. It is represented as W10, W20, and W30. From the obtained
results, drawn are the following conclusions.
The brake thermal efficiency of waste plastic oil blends shown higher when compared to the pure diesel.
The Bthe was increased with increase of waste plastic oil percentage. W20 and W30 shown similar Bthe and W30 showed
11% higher Bthe when compared to the pure diesel operation. When compared to waste plastics, oil blends shown the
increase of NOX emissions in comparison with the pure diesel operation process. Here, W30 blends showed 46.15% higher
NOX emissions than the pure diesel path. The waste plastic oil blends indicate reduces the HC emissions when compared to
pure diesel operation. By observing, the blends of W30 showed 21.42% decreasing in HC emissions and when compared
to the pure diesel.
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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
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of CI Engine with Waste Plastic Oil
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