Yilmaz 2010
Yilmaz 2010
Yilmaz 2010
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In this study, hydroxy gas (HHO) was produced by the electrolysis process of different
electrolytes (KOH(aq), NaOH(aq), NaCl(aq)) with various electrode designs in a leak proof
plexiglass reactor (hydrogen generator). Hydroxy gas was used as a supplementary fuel in
5 July 2010
a four cylinder, four stroke, compression ignition (CI) engine without any modification and
without need for storage tanks. Its effects on exhaust emissions and engine performance
characteristics were investigated. Experiments showed that constant HHO flow rate at low
engine speeds (under the critical speed of 1750 rpm for this experimental study), turned
advantages of HHO system into disadvantages for engine torque, carbon monoxide (CO),
hydrocarbon (HC) emissions and specific fuel consumption (SFC). Investigations demon-
strated that HHO flow rate had to be diminished in relation to engine speed below 1750 rpm
due to the long opening time of intake manifolds at low speeds. This caused excessive
volume occupation of hydroxy in cylinders which prevented correct air to be taken into the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 3 6 6 e1 1 3 7 2
Unleaded gasoline
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 3 6 6 e1 1 3 7 2
oxygen (hydroxy gas, HHO, Browns gas) was fed to the intake
manifold of a direct-injection CI engine by a hydroxy system
and a hydroxy electronic control unit (HECU) under various
loads, which caused engine speed to decrease from 2800 to
1200 rpm. Hydroxy gas is in brown color and the form of
unseparated hydrogen and oxygen generated by the electrolysis process of water (NaOH, KOH or NaCl additives for more
HHO production and optimum molality to keep electrical
resistance-conductivity balance) by a unique electrode design.
Hydrogen and oxygen did not form into O2 and H2 molecules.
They were in their monoatomic state (a single atom per
molecule). Water was split by electricity to form its various
elements, oxygen and hydrogen. When HHO mixture was
ignited, both explosion and implosion occured to form water,
releasing the energy that was found in the bonds of the two
elements in the form of heat. In the monoatomic portion,
there werent any atomic bonds needed to be broken (the
bonds of the H2 and O2 respectively) before turning back into
water. The key difference of HHO gas was the fact that some of
the hydrogen and oxygen never go into a diatomic state.
Hence, HHO gas had more energy because these bonds were
never made. In this state, which was an unstable state of H2O
vapor, more energy was achieved compared to hydrogen
burning with oxygen. Pulverized water clashed the fuel and
they united. Water became the core and the fuel tended to be
the water shell (due to density difference). During compression stroke, pressure and heat increased, the water exploded
to steam and consequently, the fuel got atomized. After ignition, in-cylinder temperature increased rapidly which resulted water to be splitted into hydrogen and oxygen and
reigniton occured which yielded increased combustion efficiency. Due to the oxgen atoms coming out with hydrogen
(monoatomic structure), autoignition temperature of hydroxy
was not as high as hydrogen (diatomic structure). Thus,
hydroxy gas did not need an external ignition source like
spark or glow plug and due to the simultaneous production
and consumption of hydrogen; no storage was necessary,
which resulted in safe operation [18]. Hydroxy gas was
generated and used as a sole fuel in diesel engine to benefit
from peculiar features and minimize disadvantages of
hydrogen. It was observed that hydroxy system provided
advantages in engine performance, emissions and specific
fuel consumption at high engine speeds under lean conditions. At mid and low speeds, these specifications turned into
disadvantages, due to minimum ignition energy of hydroxy
which is a strongly decreasing function of equivalence ratio,
pre-ignition and knock occured. Also, low lean-flammability
limit of hydroxy resulted advantages only under dilute (lean)
conditions unless HECU was added to the HHO system.
Experiments without HECU demonstrated that, compared to
pure diesel fuel operation, engine torque was increased by an
average of 27.1% above the engine speed of 1750 rpm and
decreased by an average of 46.9% under 1750 rpm. An average
reduction of 23.8% (>1750 rpm) and increment of 22.7%
(<1750 rpm) in HC emissions were observed. An average of
2.1% (>1750 rpm) reduction and 4.6% (<1750 rpm) increment
were observed for CO emissions. The average values for SFC
were 13% reduction above 1750 rpm and 15.8% increment
below 1750 rpm. Average values, obtained from experiments
with HECU addition to the hydroxy system, were 19.1%
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 3 6 6 e1 1 3 7 2
increment for engine torque, 13.5% reduction for CO emissions, 5% reduction for HC emissions and 14% reduction for
SFC at all engine speeds.
measure the flow rate of hydroxy gas and a gas analyzer was
used to observe the exhaust emissions. Technical specifications of the HHO system are given in Table 4.
A float system was assembled into the reactor container to
prevent short circuits through hydroxy gas expanded in
reaction pot. Dynamometer which has a torque range of
0e1700 Nm, speed range of 0e7500 rpm was connected with
the engine to control the speed by automatically adjusting the
In-line 4
Direct-injection diesel
with glow plug
3567 cm3
104 mm
105 mm
255 Nm at 1800 rpm
80 kW at 3500 rpm
3600 rpm
DC Ground
The trigger pin triggers the beginning of
the timing sequence. When it goes LOW (0),
it causes the output pin to go HIGH (1).
The trigger is activated when the voltage
falls below 1/3 of V on pin 8.
The output pin is used to drive external
circuitry. It has a totem pole configuration,
which means that it can source or sink
current. The HIGH (1) output is usually
about 1.7 V lower than V when sourcing
current. The output pin can sink up
to 200 mA of current. The output pin is
driven HIGH (1) when the trigger pin is taken
LOW (0). The output pin is driven LOW (0)
when the threshold pin is taken HIGH (1),
or the reset pin is taken LOW (0).
The reset pin is used to drive the output
LOW, regardless of the state of the circuit.
Control Voltage The control voltage pin allows the input of
external voltages to affect the timing of
the 555 chip. When not used, it should be
bypassed to ground
through a 0.01 mF capacitor.
The threshold pin causes the output to be
driven LOW when its voltage rises
above 2/3 of V.
The discharge pin shorts to ground
when the output pin goes HIGH. This is
normally used to discharge the timing
capacitor during oscillation
DC Power/3 to 18VDC
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 3 6 6 e1 1 3 7 2
5 L/min
316L stainless
steel plates
12 Ve10 A
7.3 Ve5.9 A
NaOH aqueous solution
8.5 L
Float system
40e45 C
170 400 mm
(diameter height)
3.5 kg
load. The engine speed, power output, SFC, HC and CO emissions were measured by the computer via a data logging
software. Hydroxy gas was firstly sent to a water safety system
to prevent backflash using a 1/3 water-filled pot before being
sent to the intake manifold. Sensors were located on the
container to observe excess growth of water temperature and
gas pressure. A return-safety valve was used to prevent rising
of gas pressure over 1 bar in the container. General view of
experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 2.
Engine torque
HHO Flow
Data Logger
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 3 6 6 e1 1 3 7 2
HC emissions
CO emissions
At mid and higher engine speeds; the HHO system with diesel
fuel yields higher engine torque output compared to pure
diesel fueled engine operation unless HECU is added to the
system. High burning velocity and low ignition energy of
hydroxyeair mixture minimize the effect of the weakened incylinder charge flow and increased residual gas fraction which
block the fuel to be fast and completely burnt at high speeds.
However, increased CR may cause pre-ignition and this can be
minimized by direct HHO injection into the cylinder. At low
engine speeds, low lean-flammability limits of hydroxy causes
challenges at higher equivalence ratios. Due to the long
opening time of intake manifold at low speeds, high volume
occupation (reduced volumetric efficiency) of HHO becomes
inevitable. Since minimum ignition energy of hydroxyeair
mixture is a decreasing function of equivalence ratio till
stoichiometric (richer) conditions, torque is reduced after
HHO gas addition. A control unit has to be used to obtain
appropriate electrolysis voltage and current (gas flow rate) to
terminate the impairments of hydroxy gas at low speeds.
Uniform and improved mixing of hydroxyeair and oxygen
content of HHO stimulate combustion which has a major
effect on SFC by using an adequate capacity system. Wide
flammability range, high flame speed and short quenching
distance of hydroxy yield diesel fuel to be combusted
completely under high speed conditions without HECU and
low speed conditions with HECU.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 3 6 6 e1 1 3 7 2
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