Edurev: Solved Problems - Chemical Kinetics, Class 12, Chemistry

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Solved Problems - Chemical

Kinetics, Class 12, Chemistry
Created by: Mohit Rajpoot

subjective solved problems

Problem : 1

The rate of change of concentration of

C in the reaction 2A+B → 2C+3D was
reported as 1.0 mol litre-1 sec-1.
Calculate the reaction rate as well as
rate of change of concentration of A, B
and D.

Sol. We have,

- = = = = rate of


Therefore, = 1.0 mol litre-1 sec-1

Therefore, = = 1.0 mol L-1sec-1

= = = 0.5 mol L-1 sec-1

= = 1.5 mol L-1 sec-1


Q Rate =

Therefore, Rate = × 1 = 0.5 mol L-1 sec-1

Problem : 2

For the reaction A B → C, the following

data were obtained. In the first
experiment, when the initial
concentrations of both A and B are 0.1
M, the observed
initial rate of
formation of C is 1 × 10-4 mol litre-1
minute-1. In the second experiment
when the initial concentrations of A
and B are 0.1 M and 0.3 M, the initial
rate is 9.0 × 10-4 mol litre-1 minute-1.

(a) Write rate law for this reaction

(b) Calculate the value of specific rate

constant for this reaction.

Sol. Let Rate = K[A]m[B]n

(a) r1 = 1 × 10-4 = K[0.1]m [0.1]m ...(1)

r2 = 9 × 10-4 = K[0.1]m[0.3]n ...(2)

r3 = 2.7 × 10-3 = K[0.3]m[0.3]m ...(3)

By Eqs. (1) and (2),

Therefore, n = 2

By Eqs. (2) and (3),


Therefore, Rate = K[A]1[B]2

(b) Also by Eq. (1), 1 × 10-4 = K[0.1]1 [0.1]2

-1 2 -2 -1
K = 10 = 0.1 L mol min

Problem : 3

The chemical reaction between

K2C2O4 and HgCl2 is ;

2HgCl2 K2C2O4 → 2KCl 2CO2 Hg2Cl2

The weights of Hg2Cl2 precipitated

from different solutions in given time
were taken and expressed as following

Let the rate law be written as : r = k[HgCl2]x


1. = k[0.0418]x [0.404]y

2. = k[0.0836]x[0.404]y

3. = k[0.0836]x [0.202]y

Solving the above equations, we get :

x = 1 and y = 2 order of reaction w.r.t x = 1

and y = 2 and overall order is 3.

Problem : 4

The reaction given below, involving the

gases is observed to be first order with
rate constant
7.48 × 10-3 sec-1. Calculate the time
required for the total pressure in a
system containing A at an initial
pressure of 0.1 atm to rise to 0.145 atm
also find the total pressure after 100

2A(g) → 4B(g) C(g)

Sol. 2A(g) → 4B(g) C(g)

initial P0 0 0

at time t P0 - P¢ 2P¢ P¢/2

Ptotal = P0 - P¢ 2P¢ P¢/2 = P0

P¢ = (0.145 - 0.1) = 0.03 atm



t = 23.84 sec

Also, k =

7.48 × 10-3 =

0.1/0.1 - P¢ = 5

P¢ = 0.08

Ptotal = 0.1 (0.080) 0.22 atm.

Problem : 5

The net rate of reaction of the change :

[Cu(NH3)4]2 H2O [Cu(NH3)3H2O]

2 NH is,

[Cu(NH3)4]2 - 3.0 × 105

[Cu(NH3)3H2O] 2 [NH3]

calculate :

(i) rate expression for forward and

backward reactions.

(ii) the ratio of rate constant for

forward and backward reactions.

(iii) the direction of reaction in which

the above reaction will be more

Sol. (i) Rate of forward reaction = 2.0 × 10-4

[Cu(NH3)4]2 [H2O]

Rate of backward reaction = 3.0 × 105

[Cu(NH3)3H2O] 2 [NH3]

(ii) Also, Kf = 2.0 × 10-4

Kb = 3.0 × 105

Therefore, = 6.6 × 10-10

(iii) More predominant reaction is backward


Problem : 6

The rate law for the decomposition of

gaseous N2O5,

N2O5(g) → 2NO2(g) O2(g)

is observed to be

r= = k[N2O5]

A reaction mechanism which has been

suggested to be consistent with this rate law is

N2O5(g) NO2(g) NO3(g) (fast


NO2(g) NO(g) O2(g) (slow)

NO(g) NO3(g) 2NO2(g) (fast)

Show that the mechanism is consistent with the

observed rate law.

Since the slow step is the rate determining step,


r = k1[NO2] [NO3] ...(1)

and from the fast equilibrium step,

Thus, [NO2] [NO3] = K[N2O5] ...(ii)

Using (ii) in (i), we get :

r = k1K[N2O5] = k[N2O5] where k = k1K

This shows that the mechanism is consistent

with the observed rate law.

Problem : 7

The half life of first order

decomposition of nitramide is 2.1 hour
at 15°C.

NH2NO2(aq) → N2O(g) H2O (l)

If 6.2 gm of NH2NO2 is allowed to

decompose, find :

(a) time taken for nitramide to

decompose 99%;

(b) volume of dry N2O gas produced at

this point at STP.

Sol. (a) Using first order kinetics, we have :

kt = 2.303 log10

= 2.303 log t = 13.96 hours

(b) 6.2 gm of NH2NO2≡ 0.1 mol

and 1 mole NH2NO2 º 1 mole of N2O

As 99% of NH2NO2 is decomposed

0.099 mol of NH2NO2 is decomposed

0.099 mol of N2O are produced º 22.4 ×

0.099 = 2.217 L of N2O at STP.

Problem : 8

The reaction A OH- → Products, obeys

rate law expression as,

If initial concentrations of [A] and

[OH-] are 0.002 M and 0.3 M
respectively and if it takes 30 sec for
1% A to react at 25°C, calculate the rate
constant for the reactions.

Sol. A OH- → Products

t = 0 0.002 0.3

t = 30



K = 1.12 × 10-3 L mol-1 sec-1

Problem : 9

A certain reaction A B → products ; is

first order w.r.t. each reactant with k =
5.0 × 10-3 M-1s-1. Calculate the
concentration of A remaining after
100s if the initial concentration of A
was 0.1 M and that of B was 6.0 M.
State any approximation made in
obtaining your result.

Sol. A B → products

Given : Rate = k[A][B] (2nd Order reaction)

Now, since [B] >> [A], [B] can be assumed to

remain constant throughout the reaction. Thus,
the rate law for the reaction, becomes :

Rate » k0[A] where k0 = k[B] = 5.0 × 10-3 ×

6.0 s-1 = 3.0 × 10-2 s-1

Thus, the reaction is now of first order.

Using, 2.303 log10

2.303 log10

[Therefore, logex = 2.303 log10x]

Problem : 10

Dimethyl ether decomposes according

to the following reaction :

CH3 - O - CH3(g) → CH4(g) CO(g) H2(g)

At a certain temperature, when ether

was heated in a closed vessel, the
increase in pressure with time was
noted down.

(i) Show that the reaction is first order.

(ii) Compute the pressure of CO(g) after

25 minutes.

Sol. CH3 - O - CH3 (g) → CH4(g) CO(g)

H2(g) (all are gases)

Pt = P0 2x

x= (Pt - P0)

Now find k1, k2 and k3 using the first order


k t = 2.303 log10

k1 = log10 = 0.0129 min-1

k2 = log10 = 0.0122 min-1

k3 = log10 = 0.0123 min-1

As k1 ~ k2 ~k3, the reaction is first order.

kaverage = = 0.0127 min-1

PCO = x =

Find P after t = 25 min using first order

kinetics with k = 0.0127 min-1

Pt = 648.46 mm x = 114.23 mm

Problem : 11

The decomposition of N2O5 according

to following reaction is first order
reaction :

2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) O2 (g)

After 30 min. from start of the

decomposition in a closed vessel, the
total pressure developed is found to be
284.5 mm of Hg and on complete
decomposition, the total pressure is
584.5 mm of Hg. Calculate the rate
constant of the reaction.

Sol. 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) O2(g)

P0 : initial pressure ; Let Pt : pressure at 30

min and P¥ : pressure at the end of

Pt = P0 3x x= (Pt - P0)

and P¥ = 2P0 = P0 =

For the first order kinetics

keff t = 2.303 log10

A0 : initial concentration ; A : final



keff = × 2.303 log10 × =

5.204 × 10-3 min-1

k for the reaction = = 2.602 × 10-3


Problem : 12

The gas phase decomposition of N2O5

to NO2 and O2 is monitored by
measurement of total pressure. The
following data are obtained.

Ptotai 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3

(atm) 4 15 60 15 46

1 52 103 205 309

Find the average rate of disappearance

of N2O5 for the time interval between
each interval and for the total time
interval. [Hint : Integrated rate law is
NOT to be used]

Sol. 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) O2(g)

Initial Pressure (at t = 0) P0 0 0

At equilibrium P0 - 2x 4x x

Now: Pt = (P0 - 2x) 4x x x=

Thus, where Pt 2 and Pt 1 are

the total pressures at time instants t2 and t1

(t2 > t1) respectively

Problem : 13

5 ml of ethylacetate was added to a

flask containing 100 ml f 0.1 N HCl
placed in a thermostat maintained at
30°C. 5 ml of the reaction mixture was
withdrawn at different intervals of
time and after chilling, titrated against
a standard alkali. The following data
were obtained :

Show that hydrolysis of ethyl acetate

is a first order reaction.

Sol. The hydrolysis of ethyl acetate will be a

first order reaction if the above data confirm
to the equation.

k1 =

Where V0, Vt and V¥ represent the volumes

of alkali used at the commencement of the
reaction, after time t and at the end of the
reaction respectively, Hence

V - V0 = 21.05 - 9.62 = 11.43

Time V - Vt k1

75 min 21.05 - 12.10 = 8.95 =

0.003259 min-1

119 min 21.05 - 13.10 = 7.95 =

0.003051 min-1

183 min 21.05 - 14.75 = 6.30 =

0.003254 min-1

A constant value of k shows that hydrolysis of

ethyl acetate is a first order reaction.

Problem : 14

The optical rotations of sucrose in 0.5N

HCl at 35°C at various time intervals
are given below. Show that the
reaction is of first order :

Sol. The inversion of sucrose will be first

order reaction if the above data confirm to the
equation, k1 =


Where r0, rt and r¥ represent optical

rotations initially, at the commencement of
the reaction after time t and at the completion
of the reaction respectively

In the case a0 = r0 - r¥ = 32.4 - (-11.1) = 43.5

The value of k at different times is calculated as

follows :

Time rt rt - r¥ k

10 min 28.8 39.9 = 0.008625 min-


20 min 25.5 36.6 = 0.008625 min-


30 min 22.4 33.5 = 0.008694 min-


40 min 19.6 30.7 = 0.008717 min-1

The constancy of k1 indicates that the

inversion of sucrose is a first order reaction.

Problem : 15

The hydrolysis of ethyl acetate



in aqueous solution is first order with

respect to ethyl acetate. Upon varying
the pH of the solution the first order

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