Faq Economics 2019
Faq Economics 2019
Faq Economics 2019
[3 marks]
Three points to be covered:
1. Land: natural resources available for production, e.g. oil, coal, forests, fish,
2. Labour: human effort available for production/human capital, e.g.
3. Capital: man-made physical goods used in production, e.g. machines, tools,
factories (Do NOT accept money).
4. Enterprise: the role of the entrepreneur in terms of organising the other factors
of production and in taking a risk in doing so.
Discuss whether a country should conserve or use its natural resources. [8 marks]
Build a two sided discussion and consider the pros and cons of using natural resources.
You answer could include:
Explain, using examples, what is meant by the factor of production called land.
[3 marks]
Explanation should include the definition of LAND and examples
Examples could include: Coal, oil, gold, fish, forests and the land itself
Explain that there might be non-price competition in this kind of market structure such
as advertising.
However, despite their relative stability, prices may change in a non-collusive oligopoly:
Identify the three questions faced by every type of economic system. [3 marks]
1. what to produce?
2. how to produce?
3. for whom to produce?
Explain how the market system attempts to solve the economic problem. [6 marks]
Possible explanation could include:
goods and services are freely exchanged through a market without the need for
government intervention.
an equilibrium price and quantity will be established in the market through the
interaction of the buyers and sellers.
This will determine the allocation of the scarce resources.
Price mechanism signals preferences.
Profits encourage switching/reallocation of resources and thus an optimum level
of efficiency is achieved.
Broadly speaking, an explanation of how market system works on its own through the
dynamics of demand and supply in the market.
Explain, using a demand and supply diagram, how a subsidy can affect the equilibrium
price and equilibrium quantity in a market. [6 marks]
That axes are correctly labelled P and Q and curves are correctly labelled D and S or S
and S-subsidy (1)
Explanation of the effect of a subsidy on equilibrium price and quantity {will get upto 3
Describe the factors that can affect the demand for a product. [6 marks]
there will be elements of a market economy where equilibrium price and quantity
determined by forces of demand and supply without the need for governm
ent intervention
changes in demand and supply bring about changes in price and quantity
the allocation of resources is, therefore, determined by the profit motive
bringing together the preferences of the producers and the consumers
there will also be elements of government intervention either through direct
government control and ownership or through influences on the private sector,
such as through laws and regulations
Using a demand and supply diagram, analyse the effect of introducing an indirect tax on
a product on its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. [6 marks]
Diagram showing a shift on the supply curve to the left and rise in price and fall in
a decrease in supply will lead to a rise in the equilibrium price and a fall in equilibrium
Discuss whether government intervention to reduce market failure is always likely to be
successful. [10 marks]
The case for government intervention:
Explain two reasons why the supply curve of a product may shift to the right.
[4 marks]
Any Two reasons must be identified along with a brief explanation for each.
accept deposits
lend to customers
enable customers to make payments
travellers cheques/foreign currency
deposit important documents
source of financial advice.
means of exchange
unit of account/measure of value
standard for deferred payments
store of value.
In order to get full marks, the answer should include 4 functions with description.
Describe the likely changes in income for individuals over their lifetime. [4 marks]
The usual trend of income change is as follows:
There is low earnings at the start in a job, earnings gradually rise with more experience
and reach a high point before retirement. However, retirement income is likely to be
lower. The income might also be affected by the change in demand for occupation over
a lifetime.
Discuss whether wages are the most important factor influencing the choice of
occupation for many individuals. [8 marks]
The discussion will include a two sided discussion on the importance of wages. The
response might include that:
certainly wages are a very important factor to be taken into account. However, other
factors also influence the choice of occupation for individuals. These might include:
Is it always true that individuals are paid more as they get older? [4 marks]
It is true in most of the cases however, wages also depend on:
Describe the factors, other than possible membership of a trade union, which can affect
an individual’s choice of occupation. [6 marks]
Factors that can affect an individual’s choice of occupation:
holiday entitlement
proximity to home
promotion prospects
working conditions
canteen/social facilities.
Discuss whether trade unions always have a harmful effect on the wider economy. [6
Key word "Discuss' Two sided discussion.
Potential disadvantages:
Potential advantages:
Explain why it is better for individuals to use money rather than barter. [6 marks]
The problem with barter was that it relied on a double coincidence of wants, this wasn’t
always possible and the use of money as a means of exchange avoids this.
Money is also significantly better as a measure of value, a store of value and a standard
for deferred payments.
Analyse why some individuals are more likely to borrow money than others. [8 marks]
Possible reasons:
Using a demand and supply diagram, analyse how a trade union can increase the
wages of their members. [6 marks]
Demand and supply diagram based on restricting supply
Explain why a skilled worker is likely to be paid more than an unskilled worker. [6 marks]
Candidates could mention:
A firm in perfect competition is producing at the profit maximizing output, but making a
loss. Using diagrammatic analysis, explain how this is possible.
You are expected to:
Explain the relationship in the short-run between the marginal costs of a firm and its
average total costs.
You are expected to
marginal cost (MC)
average total cost (ATC)
Explain the concept of diminishing returns
Draw diagram showing marginal cost (MC) and average total cost (ATC). Label it
properly and explain it
Explain MC cuts ATC at lowest point
Explain the impact of marginal cost (MC) changes on average total cost (ATC)
Using appropriate diagrams, discuss whether monopoly is more efficient or less efficient
than perfect competition.
You are expected to
Explain monopoly
However there is higher output and lower prices in monopoly than in perfect competition
due to economies of scale
Using a diagram, explain how allocative and productive efficiency will be achieved in
long run equilibrium in perfect competition.
You are expected to
Draw the standard perfect competition equilibrium diagram showing and explaining that
in perfect competition output will occur on the lowest point of the ATC curve (productive
efficiency), and that price will be equal to MC (allocative efficiency).
A monopolist decides to maximize profits rather than revenue. Using a diagram, explain
how price and quantity will change.
You are expected to
Define monopoly
Explain that a monpolist strives to proudce at the revenue maximizing level of output
(MR = 0) and the profit maximizing level of output (MC = MR)
Support your answer with an accurately labelled diagram showing the levels of price
and output when profit is maximized and when revenue is maximized.
Explain the fact that when the change from revenue maximization to profit maximization
is made, output will fall and price will rise.
Using appropriate diagrams, explain the difference between the law of diminishing
returns and economies of scale.
You are expected to
Draw a properly labelled diagram of product curves and/or short run cost curve showing
law of diminishing returns
Support your answer with a diagram illustrating economies of scale using long run cost
Using at least one diagram, explain the difference between profit maximization and
sales revenue maximization as goals of the firm.
You are expect to
Explain the concept of profit maximization (MC=MR) with the help of properly labelled
Define monopoly
Draw a diagram should show profit maximizing level of output (MC = MR)
Support your diagram with an explanation that when there is a move from profit
maximization to revenue maximization, output will increase and the price of the good
will fall.
Using diagrams, explain the difference between the short-run and long-run profit
maximizing positions of a firm in monopolistic competition.
You are expected to
Draw a diagram illustrating a short-run profit maximizing position, e.g. abnormal profits
or losses
Draw a diagram illustrating the long-run profit maximizing position, i.e. normal profits
Explain long-run profit maximizing position and how it differs from the short-run profit
maximizing position.
Explain why an airline would want to practice price discrimination. Under what
conditions would the airline be able to do so?
Define price discrimination
to earn higher revenues and earn greater economic (supernormal) profits through the
capture of consumer surplus
to drive higher cost competitors out of the market by lowering prices for some consumer
groups, and therefore it can increase its monopoly power
You answer should also include an explanation about how an airline can practice price
It may do so by spliting the market and discriminate between different buyers: they can
charge the elderly lower prices on certain days, give discounts for students' weekend
travel, offer lower fares to travellers who make advance bookings and charge higher
fares to those making their travel plans closer to the day of travel
"As price falls the quantity supplied falls. As supply increases price falls." Use supply
and demand analysis to explain why these two statements do not contradict each other.
[10 marks]
In the question the first part of the statement refers to a movement along the supply
curve resulting from a shift of the demand curve to the left and a fall in price. The
second part of the statement refers to a shift of the supply curve to the right, a
movement along the demand curve and fall in price.
Draw diagrams (a) movement along the supply curve (b) shift of supply curve. Label it
properly, or else you will lose marks.
Why is the concept of income elasticity of demand likely to be important for a producer
of an agricultural product? Use supply and demand analysis in your answer. [10 marks]
You are expected to
Explain that.... for most agricultural products, demand expands less than
proportionately as real incomes grow, so demand tends to be income inelastic and the
value of the YED tends to be low. Thus YED determines the extent to which the
agricultural producers' demand curve will shift to the right in response to an increase in
Illustrate with the help of a properly labelled diagram that income is a determinant of
demand and therefore can shift the demand.
Draw diagrams:
Using demand and supply analysis, explain how resources are allocated through
changes in price in a market economy.
You are expected to
Explain that resources are allocated in a free market through the interaction of demand
and supply because there is no government intervention. Emphasise that this is a
dynamic process and that the market forces i.e. demand and supply are constantly
changing to arrive at an equlibrium or market price.
Define cross elasticity of demand and using diagrams, explain what determines whether
cross elasticity of demand is positive or negative.
You are expected to
Explain that XED with respect to the price of a complement is negative for substitute is
Explain that as per the law of demand ,all other things being equal, a rise in price
causes a fall in the quantity demanded similarly a fall in price causes a rise in the
quantity demanded.
Now talk about exceptions to the law of demand i.e. demand curves can sometimes
slope upwards Giffen goods or Veblen goods or speculative goods
Draw Giffen Goods diagram and Veblen goods diagram. Label them
With the aid of a diagram, explain why the price elasticity of supply is likely to change
over time.
You are expected to start with a definition of price elasticity of supply.
Explain why the PES can change over time (factors affecting PES)
How quickly the costs of using resources rise as output increases; if the cost of
resource use increases quickly as production increases, producers are less likely to
increase supply, resulting in an inelastic supply
Time period: the longer the time period considered, the more elastic supply will be (for
example, difficulty in expanding capital e.g. constructing another factory)
Spare Capacity: the greater the excess capacity, the more elastic supply will be
Give examples, such as primary products (agriculture, minerals) which have a lower
PES than manufactured products.
Draw a diagram showing supply curves with different values of PES. Label it properly.
Always explain your diagrams.
With the aid of a diagram, explain why the price elasticity of supply is likely to change
over time.
You are expected to start with a definition of price elasticity of supply.
Explain why the PES can change over time (factors affecting PES)
How quickly the costs of using resources rise as output increases; if the cost of
resource use increases quickly as production increases, producers are less likely to
increase supply, resulting in an inelastic supply
Time period: the longer the time period considered, the more elastic supply will be (for
example, difficulty in expanding capital e.g. constructing another factory)
Spare Capacity: the greater the excess capacity, the more elastic supply will be
Give examples, such as primary products (agriculture, minerals) which have a lower
PES than manufactured products.
Draw a diagram showing supply curves with different values of PES. Label it properly.
With the aid of a diagram, explain why the price elasticity of supply is likely to change
over time.
You are expected to start with a definition of price elasticity of supply.
Explain why the PES can change over time (factors affecting PES)
How quickly the costs of using resources rise as output increases; if the cost of
resource use increases quickly as production increases, producers are less likely to
increase supply, resulting in an inelastic supply
Time period: the longer the time period considered, the more elastic supply will be (for
example, difficulty in expanding capital e.g. constructing another factory)
Spare Capacity: the greater the excess capacity, the more elastic supply will be
Draw a diagram showing supply curves with different values of PES. Label it properly.
"Economics is primarily concerned with the allocation of scarce resources which have
alternative uses." Use a production possibility curve to help you explain this statement.
An explanation of the economic problem of unlimited wants, limited resources, scarcity,
choice and opportunity cost
Explain how the three basic economic questions would be answered in a free market
economy and in a centrally-planned economy.
Explain free market economy and a centrally-planned economy
Differentiate between these two systems keeping in view the three questions.
How to produce?
Free market economy, decided by cost of production and attempts to minimize unit
costs of production/maximizing profit – in a centrally-planned economy, decided by the
central planners based upon desired production targets
Whom to produce?
Explain what is meant by a production possibility curve and use a production possibility
curve diagram to explain the concepts of scarcity, choice and opportunity cost
You would be expected to
Explain a production possibility curve: the boundary between attainable and
unattainable levels of production given current resources and technology
Related scarcity and the production possibility curve: scarcity of resources determines
the position of the production possibility curve and identifies the maximum that can be
produced with available resources of land, labour and capital (quantity and quality)
Relate choice and the production possibility curve: better to choose a point on the
production possibility curve than a point inside the curve, but points outside the curve
cannot be chosen
Relate opportunity cost and the production possibility curve: making a choice of where
to produce on the production possibility curve involves an opportunity cost; definition of
opportunity cost and explanation. Making a choice to move from a point inside the
production possibility curve to the production possibility curve involves no opportunity
With reference to the concept of economic growth, explain the difference between a
movement along an existing production possibility curve (PPC) and an outward shift in a
production possibility curve (PPC).
You will be expected to
Draw a diagram of a production possibility curve (PPC) indicating two alternative types
of output (most likely "capital goods/consumer goods")
Explain economic growth in terms of a shift outwards in the PPC and that a movement
along the PPC represents reallocation of resources and opportunity cost
Also explain that substitution of capital goods for consumption goods (opportunity cost)
along the PPC in the short-term leads to a shift outwards in the PPC i.e. economic
1. Land: natural resources available for production, e.g. oil, coal, forests, fish,
2. Labour: human effort available for production/human capital, e.g.
3. Capital: man-made physical goods used in production, e.g. machines, tools,
factories (Do NOT accept money).
4. Enterprise: the role of the entrepreneur in terms of organising the other factors
of production and in taking a risk in doing so.
Discuss whether a country should conserve or use its natural resources. [8 marks]
Build a two sided discussion and consider the pros and cons of using natural resources.
You answer could include:
Explain, using examples, what is meant by the factor of production called land. [3
Explanation should include the definition of LAND and examples
Examples could include: Coal, oil, gold, fish, forests and the land itself
Explanation – idea of moving along one axis has the effect of a reverse
movement along the other axis
TAGS: PPC, Production Possibility Curve, Production Possibility Frontier
Explain what is meant by price elasticity of demand. [4 marks]
Definition and explanation
Its value can range from perfectly inelastic to perfectly elastic. inelastic demand
has a value of less than 1 while elastic demand has a value of more than 1 and it
is usually a minus figure varies along the demand curve.
there will be elements of a market economy where equilibrium price and quantity
determined by forces of demand and supply without the need for governm
ent intervention
changes in demand and supply bring about changes in price and quantity
the allocation of resources is, therefore, determined by the profit motive
bringing together the preferences of the producers and the consumers
there will also be elements of government intervention either through direct
government control and ownership or through influences on the private sector,
such as through laws and regulations
Using a demand and supply diagram, analyse the effect of introducing an indirect tax on
a product on its equilibrium price and its equilibrium quantity. [6 marks]
Diagram showing a shift on the supply curve to the left and rise in price and fall in
a decrease in supply will lead to a rise in the equilibrium price and a fall in equilibrium
Using a production possibility curve diagram, analyse the effect of a decrease in the
supply of labour and enterprise on an economy. [5 marks]
This answer should inclulde :
Explain two reasons why the supply curve of a product may shift to the right. [4 marks]
Any Two reasons must be identified along with a brief explanation for each.
accept deposits
lend to customers
enable customers to make payments
travellers cheques/foreign currency
deposit important documents
source of financial advice.
means of exchange
unit of account/measure of value
standard for deferred payments
store of value.
In order to get full marks, the answer should include 4 functions with description.
Describe the likely changes in income for individuals over their lifetime. [4 marks]
The usual trend of income change is as follows:
There is low earnings at the start in a job, earnings gradually rise with more experience
and reach a high point before retirement. However, retirement income is likely to be
lower. The income might also be affected by the change in demand for occupation over
a lifetime.
Discuss whether wages are the most important factor influencing the choice of
occupation for many individuals. [8 marks]
The discussion will include a two sided discussion on the importance of wages. The
response might include that:
certainly wages are a very important factor to be taken into account. However, other
factors also influence the choice of occupation for individuals. These might include:
TAGS: wages
Is it always true that individuals are paid more as they get older? [4 marks]
It is true in most of the cases however, wages also depend on:
Describe the factors, other than possible membership of a trade union, which can affect
an individual’s choice of occupation. [6 marks]
Factors that can affect an individual’s choice of occupation:
holiday entitlement
proximity to home
promotion prospects
working conditions
canteen/social facilities.
Explain the benefits that an individual may get from being a member of a trade union. [4
Benefits of a trade union to an individual:
Discuss whether trade unions always have a harmful effect on the wider economy. [6
Key word "Discuss' Two sided discussion.
Potential disadvantages:
Explain why it is better for individuals to use money rather than barter. [6 marks]
The problem with barter was that it relied on a double coincidence of wants, this wasn’t
always possible and the use of money as a means of exchange avoids this.
Money is also significantly better as a measure of value, a store of value and a standard
for deferred payments.
Analyse why some individuals are more likely to borrow money than others. [8 marks]
Possible reasons:
Explain why a skilled worker is likely to be paid more than an unskilled worker. [6 marks]
Candidates could mention:
Explain how the three basic economic questions would be answered in a free market
economy and in a centrally-planned economy.
Explain free market economy and a centrally-planned economy
Differentiate between these two systems keeping in view the three questions.
How to produce?
Free market economy, decided by cost of production and attempts to minimize unit
costs of production/maximizing profit – in a centrally-planned economy, decided by the
central planners based upon desired production targets
Whom to produce?
Explain what is meant by a production possibility curve and use a production possibility
curve diagram to explain the concepts of scarcity, choice and opportunity cost
You would be expected to
Relate choice and the production possibility curve: better to choose a point on the
production possibility curve than a point inside the curve, but points outside the curve
cannot be chosen
Relate opportunity cost and the production possibility curve: making a choice of where
to produce on the production possibility curve involves an opportunity cost; definition of
opportunity cost and explanation. Making a choice to move from a point inside the
production possibility curve to the production possibility curve involves no opportunity
With reference to the concept of economic growth, explain the difference between a
movement along an existing production possibility curve (PPC) and an outward shift in a
production possibility curve (PPC).
You will be expected to
Draw a diagram of a production possibility curve (PPC) indicating two alternative types
of output (most likely "capital goods/consumer goods")
Explain economic growth in terms of a shift outwards in the PPC and that a movement
along the PPC represents reallocation of resources and opportunity cost
Also explain that substitution of capital goods for consumption goods (opportunity cost)
along the PPC in the short-term leads to a shift outwards in the PPC i.e. economic
A firm in perfect competition is producing at the profit maximizing output, but making a
loss. Using diagrammatic analysis, explain how this is possible.
You are expected to: