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Cambridge IGCSE™


Paper 1 Theory February/March 2021


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This document consists of 15 printed pages.

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Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers.
They should be applied alongside the specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors
for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit
is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme,
referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these
features are specifically assessed by the question as indicated by the mark scheme. The
meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed
instructions or in the application of generic level descriptors.


Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question
(however; the use of the full mark range may be limited according to the quality of the candidate
responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should
not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors in mind.
0417/12 IGCSE - Mark Scheme February/March 2021

Qn Answer Marks

1 2
internal external

Mouse ✓

Video card ✓

Printer ✓

Actuator ✓

2 marks for 4 correct ticks

1 mark for 2 or 3 correct ticks
0 marks for 0 or 1 tick

2 Three from: 3
Ergonomic keyboard
Ergonomic mouse
Wrist rest

3(a) Four from: 4

Bold on date
Superscript on the date
Left aligned on date
Fully justified
Text/word wrap
Highlighted text

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Qn Answer Marks

3(b) Six from: 6

Plug in/bluetooth the digital camera to the computer//Plug in the SD card/memory
Select the image to be uploaded
Upload the image to the computer
Save the image on the computer

Load/open the word processing software

Load the diary entry file
Place the cursor where you want the image to be
Click insert…image
Choose/find/browse the image from the folder
Insert the image in the text

Reformat/resize/crop the image

Reposition/place the image
Click word wrap/text wrap
Save the document

3(c) Two from: 2

Scanned images
Images stored on: Smart phone/Mobile phone/PC/Tablet/SD card/Smartwatch
Clipart libraries

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Qn Answer Marks

3(d) jpg png gif 4

This file type stores still or moving images ✓

This file type uses lossy compression ✓

This file type is used for storing photographs on a

digital camera

This file type is limited to 256 colours ✓

3(e) Max two from: 4

It is an area of a document on every page
At the top of a page
The area is between the top of the page and the top of the margin
Max two from
To show consistency on each page
To ensure that each page has the same data in the header
Saves time for the author typing out the data on each page

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Qn Answer Marks

4(a) Six from: 6

Different size/style of font for the title/features in the table
Clear font colour for the title/text in the table
Clear fonts for the title/text in the table
Use of bold to highlight keywords
Use of italics to highlight keywords
Poster fills the page
Data is shown in the comparison table/chart
More text than images
Contrasting colours for font and background colour
Use of white space
Use of borders to make the text stand out

4(b) Four from: 4

The data is sent to/read by the microprocessor
The data is stored by the tracker
Convert the raw data into blood pressure data
Compare the data with pre-set values
If out of range send data to an alert system
The data is sent to the screen

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

5(a) Two from: Allow set of rules for social conventions

Internet etiquette
Set of social conventions Allow good behaviour for common courtesy
They show common courtesy when communicating online

5(b) Four from: 4 Remember the question is about texting

Do not use capital letters as it relates to shouting
Do not use abusive/vulgar language/threatening behaviour
Be clear in the text sent
Always check spelling and grammar
Remember that sarcasm does not communicate well
Respect other’s privacy
Respect other people’s views
Do not use too many emoticons
Do not use text language/slang
Do not spam
Do not send inappropriate links

6(a) an RFID reader 1 Do not allow chip reader as this may not be

6(b) OCR 1

6(c) a bar code reader 1

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

7(a) Six from: 6

Benefits Do not allow easily lost as cash can be lost
Fast throughput of pupils at the tills
Fast transaction (as only the card is presented)
If the card is stolen it can be blocked
One card is less bulky than money
(Using the card) is more secure because the money can only be used in the

Tendency to spend more as it is a card
Difficult to keep track of your spending (as no physical money)
If the card is damaged/lost the pupil cannot buy food/lose all their money
Card needs topping up regularly
Cards will need to be purchased by the pupils and can be expensive
Parents can see what the pupils buy
If there is an issue with the machine not easy to see mistakes
Easier to misplace than cash/coins
Parents can limit how much is spent on food
Pupils can only spend the money in the canteen and on food

To gain full marks there must be at least one benefit and at least one

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

7(b) Six from: 6 Allow one mark for transferring money from the
The cost of the meal is totalled
card to the school system, this is instead of
The reader reads the details from the card
deducted from the card and credited to the
The amount of money on the card is checked
school system
The total is compared to the amount of money on the card
If it is greater the transaction is rejected
If it is less than or equal to then the transaction is accepted Do not accept anything about banks/account.
Checked whether card it is correct type/stolen/blocked
The cost is deducted from the amount on the card
The amount/total balance on the card is updated (following transaction) Allow receipt is printed for a BOD
The amount is credited to the school system
The details of the receipt are prepared//The receipt is produced//Rejection slip is
produced//Message is prepared

8(a) One from 3 If it works then it is correct. There may be

Highlight cells A4 to B10 alternatives
Click anywhere in the range
Highlight A4 to A10 and click expand the selection Allow A3 as part of the range
Highlight B4 to B10 and click expand the selection Allow Select A3 to B3

Two from Ascending is in the question

Click on the down arrow//Click on (Custom) Sort
Select column B
Select smallest to largest/A  Z

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

8(b) Three from: 3

Totals cells B5 to B9//Totals the scores
Multiplies by cell D1/difficulty/3.4
Rounds the value to 1 decimal place

8(c) Matched pairs 4 Accept 1 or 0 for lower boundary of extreme

Abnormal – data that is outside the range//Unacceptable data//Data of the wrong data. Any others contact Ian
Example: greater than 10, negative numbers, letters, symbols

Extreme – data that is on the boundary of acceptability

Example: 10

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

9(a) Six from: 6 Allow position is noted by the system

OMR sheets are scanned in using an optical mark reader//Reader reads the
lozenge Allow mark is recorded for last four points
Data is sent to the computer
A template of the register is loaded into the computer
A value is assigned to each lozenge
A light passes through the scanner and shows position of each filled in
lozenge//Comparing dark spots with lighter areas//Use X Y coordinates
The position is compared to the template/pre-determined data
If the lozenge shaded is [P] then the pupil is recorded as present
If the lozenge shaded is [A] then the pupil is recorded as absent
If both lozenges [A] and [P] are shaded then the pupil is recorded as late.
If no lozenge on a line is shaded the result is discarded

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

9(b) Eight from: 8

Faces are unique therefore greater security
Data entry is faster (as it does not need to be sent to the office for entry)
Data entry is more accurate (the teacher could enter the wrong data)
Greater security as the pupil needs to be present to register
More difficult to fake biometrics
OMR data sheets can be forgotten or lost

Facial injuries/facial hair/glasses/(masks) can affect the data entry
The cost of setting up a new system is higher as extra hardware and software
needs to be purchased//Setting up the system is (more) expensive
Time consuming to set up all the pupils
The data will need to be updated regularly due to facial changes as pupils get
Higher error rate
System is more complex therefore may cost more to maintain//Maintaining the
system is (more) expensive
The environment and usage may affect the reader
Biometric systems are not 100% accurate
Less flexibility as the OMR sheets can be used anywhere in the school
Biometric data harder be reset if incorrect/if change needed
Greater invasion of privacy as data has to be stored on the computer

To gain full marks there must be at least one advantage and one

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

9(c) Two from: 2 There will be others

Gender Do not allow biometrics
Date of birth
Personal contact details (Email address, phone number) Allow Caste/religion
ID card/roll number
Race//Ethnic origin

10(a) Two from: 4

Data is stored on offsite servers
Many servers in many locations
Data is stored on more than one server
Uses data redundancy
Cloud is an online service/data storage

Two from:
The cloud has greater storage capacity than other methods
The data could be sent directly to the cloud (from any device)
Access the data from any device/anywhere
Easier to add storage capacity
Lower capital outlay
The owner would only pay for the storage they used
Backup up tends to be automatic
Cloud is more robust
Cloud is more secure (as it is passworded)

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

10(b) 4 If two ticks are on one line then X

optical magnetic solid state

Flash drive ✓

Hard disk drive ✓

Blu-ray disc drive ✓


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Qn Answer Marks Notes

11 Check the page before for answers 4 Field names:

Max two examples, for each example Name of book, Name of author, ISBN, Date of
purchase, Number of copies, Type of book
1 mark for a correct field names (and data examples)
1 mark for the reason Apart from Name of book the field names must
be exact
Matched pairs
Type of book Allow
Can use length/lookup check as only one letter is input for example E or H The validation checks must be appropriate
Cannot use a type check as only one letter used otherwise invalid data would be accepted – 1
Can use check digit as a way of checking that digits are not transposed Checks the data entered is sensible – 1 mark
Cannot use a length check as they are different lengths
Allow FT for misspelt field name
Date of purchase
Can use a format check as all dates are the same format. Allow presence check for Name of book or Type
of book include reason
Number of copies
Can use a range/limit check as the lowest number is 1 Do not allow character check
Can use a type check as only numbers are accepted

Name of book/Name of Book

Cannot use a length check as names can be any length
Cannot use a type check as any character can be used

Name of author
Cannot use a length check as names can be any length

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Qn Answer Marks Notes

12 Six from: 6 Allow Sends warnings to users about unsafe

Monitors traffic into and out of the network to make sure that all data passing is
safe. Allow port for block IP addresses
Checks whether the data passing through it meets a given set of rules…
…if they do not then the data is blocked
Can block the unwanted traffic in and out of the network Allow filtering incoming data for monitors in first
It can log all incoming and outgoing traffic to check later mark point
Can block certain undesirable websites/IP addresses
Keeps a list of desirable IP addresses/websites
It can block IP addresses to stop hackers

It cannot stop individuals, on internal networks, by-passing the firewall
It cannot stop employees hacking the computer from within the system
Users own devices can by-pass the firewall therefore meaning the
computer/network is in danger
It cannot stop hackers only devices that hackers are using

To gain full marks on the question at least one benefit and drawback are

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