Norma ASTM D790-10 PDF
Norma ASTM D790-10 PDF
Norma ASTM D790-10 PDF
1. Scope* priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 These test methods cover the determination of flexural bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics, including NOTE 1—These test methods are not technically equivalent to ISO 178.
high-modulus composites and electrical insulating materials in
the form of rectangular bars molded directly or cut from sheets, 2. Referenced Documents
plates, or molded shapes. These test methods are generally 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
applicable to both rigid and semirigid materials. However, D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing
flexural strength cannot be determined for those materials that D638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics
do not break or that do not fail in the outer surface of the test D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
specimen within the 5.0 % strain limit of these test methods. D4000 Classification System for Specifying Plastic Materi-
These test methods utilize a three-point loading system applied als
to a simply supported beam. A four-point loading system D4101 Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extru-
method can be found in Test Method D6272. sion Materials
1.1.1 Procedure A, designed principally for materials that D5947 Test Methods for Physical Dimensions of Solid
1 2
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Plastics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10 on Mechanical contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Properties. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved April 1, 2010. Published April 2010. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1970. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D790 – 07 ´1. DOI: Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
10.1520/D0790-10. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
supports shall have cylindrical surfaces. The default radii of the
mm/mm/min (0.10 in./in./min). loading nose and supports shall be 5.0 6 0.1 mm (0.197 6
0.004 in.) unless otherwise specified in an ASTM material
5. Significance and Use
specification or as agreed upon between the interested parties.
5.1 Flexural properties as determined by these test methods When the use of an ASTM material specification, or an agreed
are especially useful for quality control and specification upon modification, results in a change to the radii of the
purposes. loading nose and supports, the results shall be clearly identified
5.2 Materials that do not fail by the maximum strain as being obtained from a modified version of this test method
allowed under these test methods (3-point bend) may be more and shall include the specification (when available) from which
suited to a 4-point bend test. The basic difference between the the modification was specified, for example, Test Method D790
two test methods is in the location of the maximum bending in accordance with Specification D4101.
moment and maximum axial fiber stresses. The maximum axial 6.2.1 Other Radii for Loading Noses and Supports—When
fiber stresses occur on a line under the loading nose in 3-point other than default loading noses and supports are used, in order
bending and over the area between the loading noses in 4-point to avoid excessive indentation, or failure due to stress concen-
bending. tration directly under the loading nose, they must comply with
5.3 Flexural properties may vary with specimen depth, the following requirements: they shall have a minimum radius
temperature, atmospheric conditions, and the difference in rate of 3.2 mm (1⁄8 in.) for all specimens. For specimens 3.2 mm or
of straining as specified in Procedures A and B (see also Note greater in depth, the radius of the supports may be up to 1.6
7). times the specimen depth. They shall be this large if significant
5.4 Before proceeding with these test methods, reference indentation or compressive failure occurs. The arc of the
should be made to the ASTM specification of the material loading nose in contact with the specimen shall be sufficiently
being tested. Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, large to prevent contact of the specimen with the sides of the
dimensions, or testing parameters, or combination thereof, nose. The maximum radius of the loading nose shall be no
covered in the ASTM material specification shall take prece- more than four times the specimen depth.
dence over those mentioned in these test methods. Table 1 in
6.3 Micrometers— Suitable micrometers for measuring the
Classification System D4000 lists the ASTM material specifi-
width and thickness of the test specimen to an incremental
cations that currently exist for plastics.
discrimination of at least 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) should be used.
6. Apparatus All width and thickness measurements of rigid and semirigid
plastics may be measured with a hand micrometer with ratchet.
6.1 Testing Machine— A properly calibrated testing ma-
A suitable instrument for measuring the thickness of nonrigid
chine that can be operated at constant rates of crosshead motion
test specimens shall have: a contact measuring pressure of
over the range indicated, and in which the error in the load
25 6 2.5 kPa (3.6 6 0.36 psi), a movable circular contact foot
measuring system shall not exceed 61 % of the maximum load
6.35 6 0.025 mm (0.250 6 0.001 in.) in diameter and a lower
expected to be measured. It shall be equipped with a deflection
fixed anvil large enough to extend beyond the contact foot in
measuring device. The stiffness of the testing machine shall be
all directions and being parallel to the contact foot within 0.005
mm (0.002 in.) over the entire foot area. Flatness of foot and
TABLE 1 Flexural Strength
anvil shall conform to the portion of the Calibration section of
Values Expressed in Units of %
of 103 psi
Test Methods D5947.
Material Mean, 103 psi
7. Test Specimens
ABS 9.99 1.59 6.05 4.44 17.2
DAP thermoset 14.3 6.58 6.58 18.6 18.6 7.1 The specimens may be cut from sheets, plates, or
Cast acrylic 16.3 1.67 11.3 4.73 32.0
GR polyester 19.5 1.43 2.14 4.05 6.08
molded shapes, or may be molded to the desired finished
GR polycarbonate 21.0 5.16 6.05 14.6 17.1 dimensions. The actual dimensions used in Section 4.2, Cal-
SMC 26.0 4.76 7.19 13.5 20.4 culation, shall be measured in accordance with Test Methods
Vr = within-laboratory coefficient of variation for the indicated material. It is D5947.
obtained by first pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations of the test
results from all of the participating laboratories: Sr = [[(s1)2 + (s2)2 . . . + ( sn)2]/n] NOTE 2—Any necessary polishing of specimens shall be done only in
1/2 then Vr = (Sr divided by the overall average for the material) 3 100.
the lengthwise direction of the specimen.
Vr = between-laboratory reproducibility, expressed as the coefficient of varia-
tion: SR = {Sr2 + SL2}1/2 where SL is the standard deviation of laboratory means. 7.2 Sheet Materials (Except Laminated Thermosetting Ma-
Then: VR = (S R divided by the overall average for the material) 3 100.
r = within-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3 Vr. terials and Certain Materials Used for Electrical Insulation,
R = between-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3 VR. Including Vulcanized Fiber and Glass Bonded Mica):
NOTE 13—When large support span-to-depth ratios are used, significant
end forces are developed at the support noses which will affect the
moment in a simple supported beam. Eq 4 includes additional terms that NOTE—Curve a: Specimen that breaks before yielding.
are an approximate correction factor for the influence of these end forces Curve b: Specimen that yields and then breaks before the 5 % strain
in large support span-to-depth ratio beams where relatively large deflec- limit.
tions exist. Curve c: Specimen that neither yields nor breaks before the 5 % strain
12.4 Flexural Strength (sfM)—Maximum flexural stress limit.
FIG. 1 Typical Curves of Flexural Stress (ßf) Versus Flexural
sustained by the test specimen (see Note 11) during a bending Strain (´f)
test. It is calculated according to Eq 3 or Eq 4. Some materials
that do not break at strains of up to 5 % may give a load
deflection curve that shows a point at which the load does not
from the load-deflection curve at the deflection corresponding
increase with an increase in strain, that is, a yield point (Fig. 1,
to the desired strain (for highly orthotropic laminates, see Note
Curve B), Y. The flexural strength may be calculated for these
materials by letting P (in Eq 3 or Eq 4) equal this point, Y.
12.8 Flexural Strain, ´f—Nominal fractional change in the
12.5 Flexural Offset Yield Strength—Offset yield strength is
length of an element of the outer surface of the test specimen
the stress at which the stress-strain curve deviates by a given
at midspan, where the maximum strain occurs. It may be
strain (offset) from the tangent to the initial straight line portion
calculated for any deflection using Eq 5:
of the stress-strain curve. The value of the offset must be given
whenever this property is calculated. ´f 5 6Dd/L2 (5)
NOTE 14—This value may differ from flexural strength defined in 12.4.
Both methods of calculation are described in the annex to Test Method where:
D638. ´f = strain in the outer surface, mm/mm (in./in.),
12.6 Flexural Stress at Break (sfB )—Flexural stress at D = maximum deflection of the center of the beam, mm
break of the test specimen during a bending test. It is calculated (in.),
according to Eq 3 or Eq 4. Some materials may give a load L = support span, mm (in.), and
deflection curve that shows a break point, B, without a yield d = depth, mm (in.).
point (Fig. 1, Curve a) in which case s fB = sfM. Other 12.9 Modulus of Elasticity:
materials may give a yield deflection curve with both a yield 12.9.1 Tangent Modulus of Elasticity—The tangent modu-
and a break point, B (Fig. 1, Curve b). The flexural stress at lus of elasticity, often called the “modulus of elasticity,” is the
break may be calculated for these materials by letting P (in Eq ratio, within the elastic limit, of stress to corresponding strain.
3 or Eq 4) equal this point, B. It is calculated by drawing a tangent to the steepest initial
12.7 Stress at a Given Strain—The stress in the outer straight-line portion of the load-deflection curve and using Eq
surface of a test specimen at a given strain may be calculated 6 (for highly anisotropic composites, see Note 15).
in accordance with Eq 3 or Eq 4 by letting P equal the load read EB 5 L3m/4bd 3 (6)
For a discussion of these effects, see Zweben, C., Smith, W. S., and Wardle, M. where:
W., “Test Methods for Fiber Tensile Strength, Composite Flexural Modulus and EB = modulus of elasticity in bending, MPa (psi),
Properties of Fabric-Reinforced Laminates, “ Composite Materials: Testing and
L = support span, mm (in.),
Design (Fifth Conference), ASTM STP 674 , 1979, pp. 228–262.
b = width of beam tested, mm (in.), 12.10 Arithmetic Mean— For each series of tests, the
d = depth of beam tested, mm (in.), and arithmetic mean of all values obtained shall be calculated to
m = slope of the tangent to the initial straight-line portion three significant figures and reported as the “average value” for
of the load-deflection curve, N/mm (lbf/in.) of deflec- the particular property in question.
tion. 12.11 Standard Deviation—The standard deviation (esti-
mated) shall be calculated as follows and be reported to two
NOTE 15—Shear deflections can seriously reduce the apparent modulus
of highly anisotropic composites when they are tested at low span-to- significant figures:
depth ratios.4 For this reason, a span-to-depth ratio of 60 to 1 is
s 5 =~ (X 2 2 nX̄ 2! / ~n 2 1! (8)
recommended for flexural modulus determinations on these composites.
Flexural strength should be determined on a separate set of replicate
specimens at a lower span-to-depth ratio that induces tensile failure in the where:
outer fibers of the beam along its lower face. Since the flexural modulus s = estimated standard deviation,
of highly anisotropic laminates is a critical function of ply-stacking
X = value of single observation,
sequence, it will not necessarily correlate with tensile modulus, which is
not stacking-sequence dependent.
n = number of observations, and
X̄ = arithmetic mean of the set of observations.
12.9.2 Secant Modulus— The secant modulus is the ratio of
stress to corresponding strain at any selected point on the 13. Report
stress-strain curve, that is, the slope of the straight line that
joins the origin and a selected point on the actual stress-strain 13.1 Report the following information:
curve. It shall be expressed in megapascals (pounds per square 13.1.1 Complete identification of the material tested, includ-
inch). The selected point is chosen at a prespecified stress or ing type, source, manufacturer’s code number, form, principal
strain in accordance with the appropriate material specification dimensions, and previous history (for laminated materials,
or by customer contract. It is calculated in accordance with Eq ply-stacking sequence shall be reported),
6 by letting m equal the slope of the secant to the load- 13.1.2 Direction of cutting and loading specimens, when
deflection curve. The chosen stress or strain point used for the appropriate,
determination of the secant shall be reported. 13.1.3 Conditioning procedure,
12.9.3 Chord Modulus (Ef)—The chord modulus may be 13.1.4 Depth and width of specimen,
calculated from two discrete points on the load deflection 13.1.5 Procedure used (A or B),
curve. The selected points are to be chosen at two prespecified 13.1.6 Support span length,
stress or strain points in accordance with the appropriate 13.1.7 Support span-to-depth ratio if different than 16:1,
material specification or by customer contract. The chosen 13.1.8 Radius of supports and loading noses, if different
stress or strain points used for the determination of the chord than 5 mm. When support and/or loading nose radii other than
modulus shall be reported. Calculate the chord modulus, Ef 5 mm are used, the results shall be identified as being generated
using the following equation: by a modified version of this test method and the referring
specification referenced as to the geometry used.
Ef 5 ~sf2 2 sf1!/~´f2 2 ´f1! (7)
13.1.9 Rate of crosshead motion,
where: 13.1.10 Flexural strain at any given stress, average value
sf2 and sf1 are the flexural stresses, calculated from Eq 3 or and standard deviation,
Eq 4 and measured at the predefined points on the load 13.1.11 If a specimen is rejected, reason(s) for rejection,
deflection curve, and ´ f2 and 13.1.12 Tangent, secant, or chord modulus in bending,
´f1 are the flexural strain values, calculated from Eq 5 and average value, standard deviation, and the strain level(s) used
measured at the predetermined points on the load deflection if secant or chord modulus,
curve. 13.1.13 Flexural strength (if desired), average value, and
standard deviation,
TABLE 2 Flexural Modulus
13.1.14 Stress at any given strain up to and including 5 % (if
Values Expressed in units of %
of 103 psi
desired), with strain used, average value, and standard devia-
Material Mean, 103 psi
13.1.15 Flexural stress at break (if desired), average value,
ABS 338 4.79 7.69 13.6 21.8
DAP thermoset 485 2.89 7.18 8.15 20.4
and standard deviation,
Cast acrylic 810 13.7 16.1 38.8 45.4 13.1.16 Type of behavior, whether yielding or rupture, or
GR polyester 816 3.49 4.20 9.91 11.9 both, or other observations, occurring within the 5 % strain
GR polycarbonate 1790 5.52 5.52 15.6 15.6
SMC 1950 10.9 13.8 30.8 39.1
limit, and
Vr = within-laboratory coefficient of variation for the indicated material. It is
13.1.17 Date of specific version of test used.
obtained by first pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations of the test
results from all of the participating laboratories: Sr = [[(s1)2 + ( s2)2 . . . + (sn)2]/n] 14. Precision and Bias
1/2 then Vr = (Sr divided by the overall average for the material) 3 100.
Vr = between-laboratory reproducibility, expressed as the coefficient of varia- 14.1 Tables 1 and 2 are based on a round-robin test
tion: SR = {Sr2 + SL2}1/2 where SL is the standard deviation of laboratory means. conducted in 1984, in accordance with Practice E691, involv-
Then: VR = (SR divided by the overall average for the material) 3 100.
r = within-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3 Vr. ing six materials tested by six laboratories using Procedure A.
R = between-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3 VR. For each material, all the specimens were prepared at one
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 In a typical stress-strain curve (see Fig. A1.1) there is alignment or seating of the specimen. In order to obtain correct
a toe region, AC, that does not represent a property of the values of such parameters as modulus, strain, and offset yield
material. It is an artifact caused by a takeup of slack and point, this artifact must be compensated for to give the
corrected zero point on the strain or extension axis.
A2.2.3 Using a vernier caliper with pointed tips that is nose, simple jigs should be manufactured for each of the
readable to at least 0.1 mm (0.004 in.), measure the distance standard setups used. An example of a jig found to be useful is
between the supports, and use this measurement of span in the shown in Fig. A2.3.
FIG. A2.3 Fixture Used to Set Loading Nose and Support Spacing and Alignment
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Introduction X1.3.5 Steel bar, with smoothed surfaces and a calculated
X1.1.1 Universal Testing instrument drive systems always flexural stiffness of more than 100 times greater than the test
exhibit a certain level of compliance that is characterized by a material. The length should be at least 13 mm greater than the
variance between the reported crosshead displacement and the support span. The width shall match the width of the test
displacement actually imparted to the specimen. This variance specimen and the thickness shall be that required to achieve or
is a function of load frame stiffness, drive system wind-up, load exceed the target stiffness.
cell compliance and fixture compliance. To accurately measure
the flexural modulus of a material, this compliance should be X1.4 Safety Precautions
measured and empirically subtracted from test data. Flexural X1.4.1 The universal testing machine should stop the ma-
modulus results without the corrections are lower than if the chine crosshead movement when the load reaches 90 % of load
correction is applied. The greater the stiffness of the material cell capacity, to prevent damage to the load cell.
the more influence the system compliance has on results. X1.4.2 The compliance curve determination should be
X1.1.2 It is not necessary to make the machine compliance made at a speed no higher than 2 mm/min. Because the load
correction when a deflectometer/extensometer is used to mea- builds up rapidly since the steel bar does not deflect, it is quite
sure the actual deflection occurring in the specimen as it is easy to exceed the load cell capacity.
X1.5 Procedure
X1.2 Terminology
NOTE X1.1—A new compliance correction curve should be established
X1.2.1 Compliance—The displacement difference between
each time there is a change made to the setup of the test machine, such as,
test machine drive system displacement values and actual load cell changed or reinstallation of the flexure fixture on the machine. If
specimen displacement the test machine is dedicated to flexural testing, and there are no changes
X1.2.2 Compliance Correction—An analytical method of to the setup, it is not necessary to re-calculate the compliance curve.
modifying test instrument displacement values to eliminate the NOTE X1.2—On those machines with computer software that automati-
amount of that measurement attributed to test instrument cally make this compliance correction; refer to the software manual to
compliance. determine how this correction should be made.
X1.5.1 The procedure to determine compliance follows:
X1.3 Apparatus X1.5.1.1 Configure the test system to match the actual test
X1.3.1 Universal Testing machine configuration.
X1.3.2 Load cell X1.5.1.2 Place the steel bar in the test fixture, duplicating
X1.3.3 Flexure fixture including loading nose and specimen the position of a specimen during actual testing.
supports X1.5.1.3 Set the crosshead speed to 2 mm/min. or less and
X1.3.4 Computer Software to make corrections to the dis- start the crosshead moving in the test direction recording
placements crosshead displacement and the corresponding load values.
FIG. X1.1 Example of Modulus Curve for a Material FIG. X1.2 Compliance Curve for Steel Bar
Committee D20 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D790 - 07´1) that may impact the use of this standard. (April 1, 2010)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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