Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Biplab Bhattacharyya, Sanjay Kumar
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Biplab Bhattacharyya, Sanjay Kumar
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Biplab Bhattacharyya, Sanjay Kumar
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In the present work, GSA (gravitational search algorithm) based optimization algorithm is applied for the
Received 2 September 2015 optimal allocation of FACTS devices in transmission system. IEEE 30 & IEEE 57 test bus systems are taken
Received in revised form 15 November 2015 as standards. Both active and reactive loading of the power system is considered and the effect of FACTS
Accepted 26 November 2015
devices on the power transfer capacity of the individual generator is investigated. The proposed approach
of planning of reactive power sources with the FACTS devices is compared with other globally accepted
techniques like GA (Genetic Algorithm), Differential Evolution (DE), and PSO (Particle Swarm
Optimization). From the results obtained, it is observed that incorporating FACTS devices, loadability
FACTS devices
Active power loss
of the power system increases considerably and each generator present in the system is being able to dis-
Operating cost patch significant amount of active power under different increasing loading conditions where the steam
Loadability flow rate is maintained corresponding to the base active loading condition. The active power loss & oper-
Gravitational search algorithm ating cost also reduces by significant margin with FACTS devices at each loading condition and GSA based
planning approach of reactive power sources with FACTS devices found to be the best among all the
methods discussed in terms of reducing active power loss and total operating cost of the system under
all active and reactive loading situations.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0142-0615/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Bhattacharyya, S. Kumar / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 78 (2016) 470–479 471
and the cost of system operation, namely, energy loss cost are com- TCSC SVC Transformer Reactive
bined to form the objective function to be minimized. Without tap setting Generation
FACTS devices, transmission loss can also be minimized by
optimization of reactive power, which is possible by controlling 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 5 nos.
reactive generations of the generator’s, controlling transformer
tap settings, and by the addition of shunt capacitors at weak buses. Fig. 4. String variables for IEEE-30 bus system.
As Var generations of the generators and controlling transformer
tap settings within their defined limits do not contribute any cost
to the operating cost of the system, here in the proposed approach TCSC SVC Transformer Reactive
setting of transformer tap positions and reactive generations of tap setting Generation
generators are included as controlling parameters along with the Generators
FACTS devices. 4 nos. 3 nos. 17 nos. 6 nos.
The objective function is combinatorial. It consists of two parts;
first is the cost due to the energy loss and second is the cost due to Fig. 5. String variables for IEEE-57 bus system.
Table 3
Comparative study of total reactive power flow in line with GA, DE, PSO and GSA in IEEE-30 bus system.
Table 4
Operating cost and active power loss analysis without and with FACTS devices in IEEE-30 bus system.
Loading Pd Active power loss Operating cost due to Active power loss with loss Evolutionary Operating Cost of FACTS Net
and Qd (%) without FACTS energy loss in ($) (A) with FACTS devices in (pu) methods with cost in ($) (B) devices in ($) saving
devices in (pu) FACTS devices (A–B)
100 0.0711 3,737,016 0.0406 GA 2.1786 106 44,664 1,558,416
0.0406 DE 2.1770 106 43,064 1,560,016
0.0445 PSO 2.4052 106 66,280 1,331,816
0.0390 GSA 2.1481 106 98,260 1,588,916
110 0.0974 5,120,900 0.0585 GA 3.1222 106 47,440 1,998,700
0.0584 DE 3.1222 106 52,700 1,998,900
0.0639 PSO 3.4361 106 77,516 1,684,800
0.0581 GSA 3.1224 106 68,700 1,998,500
120 0.1294 6,800,100 0.0839 GA 4.4915 106 81,716 2,308,600
0.0839 DE 4.4915 106 81,716 2,308,600
0.0891 PSO 4.7774 106 94,304 2,022,700
0.0824 GSA 4.4230 106 92,056 2,377,100
Table 5
Operating cost and active power loss analysis without and with FACTS devices in IEEE-57 bus system.
Loading Pd Active power loss Operating cost due to Active power loss with loss Evolutionary Operating Cost of FACTS Net saving
and Qd (%) without FACTS devices energy loss in ($) (A) with FACTS devices in (pu) methods with FACTS cost in ($) devices in ($) (A–B)
in (pu) devices (B)
100 0.2799 14,712,000 0.2165 GA 1.1440 107 60,760 3,272,000
0.2168 DE 1.1465 107 69,992 3,247,000
0.2276 PSO 1.2059 107 96,344 2,653,000
0.2145 GSA 1.1429 107 154,880 3,283,000
110 0.4168 21,907,000 0.2997 GA 1.5840 107 87,768 6,067,000
0.2997 DE 1.5846 107 93,768 6,061,000
0.3155 PSO 1.6674 107 91,320 5,233,000
0.2989 GSA 1.5830 107 119,816 6,077,000
120 0.6091 32,015,000 0.3075 GA 1.6318 107 156,000 15,697,000
0.3081 DE 1.6364 107 170,264 15,651,000
0.3221 PSO 1.7081 107 151,424 14,934,000
0.3012 GSA 1.5984 107 152,928 16,031,000
474 B. Bhattacharyya, S. Kumar / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 78 (2016) 470–479
Table 8
Active power flow and reactive power flow with FACTS devices under different loading in IEEE 30 bus system.
Location of Generator Line in between Methods Active power flow between Reactive power flow between Phase angle between buses
generator connected generator and the buses buses
with bus bus (Eb)
Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄ Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄ Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄
(Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd)
2 4 3 GA 0.2916 0.3470 0.3888 0.0495 0.0165 0.0266 0.0458 0.0553 0.0636
DE 0.2921 0.3535 0.3981 0.0728 0.0159 0.1401 0.0448 0.0551 0.689
PSO 0.2149 0.2587 0.2885 0.0146 0.0931 0.0431 0.0443 0.0517 0.0537
GSA 0.2538 0.3123 0.3516 0.1196 0.1059 0.2599 0.0414 0.0491 0.0567
5 5 GA 0.5852 0.6656 0.7520 0.0384 0.2069 0.1315 0.1101 0.1207 0.1364
DE 0.5865 0.6582 0.7357 0.0383 0.2662 0.1760 0.1104 0.1146 0.1307
PSO 0.8647 0.9753 1.1152 0.0384 0.0492 0.1202 0.1112 0.0722 0.0752
GSA 0.7489 0.7744 0.8740 0.0502 0.1980 0.0162 0.0792 0.0955 0.1094
6 6 GA 0.3827 0.4535 0.5170 0.0033 0.0137 0.0393 0.0645 0.0744 0.0863
DE 0.3835 0.4520 0.5239 0.0084 0.0061 0.1821 0.0642 0.0732 0.0918
PSO 0.2860 0.3442 0.3965 0.0071 0.1388 0.0872 0.0632 0.0705 0.0705
GSA 0.3319 0.4168 0.4747 0.1961 0.1244 0.2555 0.0559 0.0667 0.0667
Table 9
Active power flow and reactive power flow with FACTS devices under different loading in IEEE 57 bus system.
Location of Generator Line in Methods Active power flow between Reactive power flow between Phase angle between buses
generator connected between buses buses
with bus generator and
Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄ Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄ Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄
(Eb) the bus (Eb)
(Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd)
2 3 2 GA 1.0153 1.4324 1.7292 0.0044 0.0093 0.1103 0.0837 0.1153 0.1491
DE 1.0014 1.3489 1.7488 0.0045 0.1889 0.4796 0.0837 0.01195 0.1450
PSO 1.0161 1.3530 1.7650 0.0048 0.1891 0.0196 0.0839 0.1212 0.1549
GSA 1.0213 1.3754 1.8632 0.1282 0.1879 0.1601 0.1279 0.1223 0.1529
Table 9 (continued)
Location of Generator Line in Methods Active power flow between Reactive power flow between Phase angle between buses
generator connected between buses buses
with bus generator and
Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄ Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄ Base 1.10⁄ 1.20⁄
(Eb) the bus (Eb)
(Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd) (Pd, Qd)
Fig. 6. Variation of operating cost with generation for base loading using GA, DE, Fig. 7. Variation of operating cost with generation for 110% of base loading using
PSO and GSA for IEEE 30 bus system. GA, DE, PSO and GSA for IEEE 30 bus system.
devices placed at different locations already defined and system per- The loss reduction is calculated on the basis of the loss occurred
formance is observed without and with FACTS devices. Tables 1 and without and with FACTS devices for 100%, 110% and 120% of base
2 shows the locations of different FACTS devices in the transmission loading conditions. Hence it is clear from the Tables 6 and 7 that
lines in IEEE 30 and IEEE 57 bus systems. Table 3 shows the total optimal placement of FACTS devices in the systems can effectively
reactive power loss of the system without and with FACTS devices. reduce the transmission loss of the system. GSA method can be an
A comparative study of the operating cost of the system without and effective method for the planning of FACTS devices in reducing
with FACTS devices using GA, DE, PSO and GSA technique under dif- active power loss and reactive power flow in all the congested
ferent loading conditions are shown in Table 4 for IEEE 30 bus sys- lines. Effect of FACTS devices on the active power flow, reactive
tem and Table 5 for IEEE 57 bus system. Tables 6 and 7 shows power flow and the phase angle in lines connected between
comparative study of the percentage loss reduction without and generator bus and load bus is shown in Tables 8 and 9 for both
with FACTS devices using GA, DE, PSO and GSA technique under dif- the systems with proposed approach. From the results, as observed
ferent loading conditions for both the systems respectively. from Tables 8 and 9, it is clear that each generator in both IEEE 30
From Table 3, it is observed that after installation of FACTS and IEEE 57 bus test systems are being able to transfer significant
devices in the pre-defined location, the sum of reactive power flow amount of active powers through the lines connected to other load
of all lines reduces considerably. The decrease is more in case of buses. Similarly, there is considerable reduction of reactive power
GSA based optimization algorithm. flow in these lines. This phenomenon is found to be true for all
It has been observed that operating cost and active power loss cases of increased loading condition.
using GA, DE, PSO and GSA algorithms is reduced significantly in Variations of operating cost with generation using GA, DE, PSO
all cases of loading with FACTS devices as well as significant eco- and GSA techniques under different loading conditions for IEEE-30
nomic gain is obtained. The economic gain obtained is much higher bus test system are shown in Figs. 6–8. Similarly, Figs. 9–11 shows
than the installation cost of FACTS devices in all cases of loading. variation of operating cost with generation using GA, DE, PSO and
B. Bhattacharyya, S. Kumar / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 78 (2016) 470–479 477
Fig. 11. Variation of operating cost with generation for 120% of base loading using
Fig. 8. Variation of operating cost with generation for 120% of base loading using
GA, DE, PSO and GSA for IEEE 57 bus system.
GA, DE, PSO and GSA for IEEE 30 bus system.
Fig. 9. Variation of operating cost with generation for base loading using GA, DE, Fig. 12. Active power flow with active and reactive loading for generator 2
PSO and GSA for IEEE 57 bus system. connected to bus 4.
Fig. 10. Variation of operating cost with generation for 110% of base loading using Fig. 13. Active power flow with active and reactive loading for generator 11
GA, DE, PSO and GSA for IEEE 57 bus system. connected to bus 9.
478 B. Bhattacharyya, S. Kumar / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 78 (2016) 470–479
GSA techniques for IEEE-57 bus test system under different cases of
loadings. Optimization algorithms are run for 100 generations and
number of populations are taken as 80 for IEEE-30 bus system. For
IEEE-57 bus system, optimization algorithms are run for 200 gen-
erations as number of string variables are more in 57 bus system
compared to 30 bus system. The number of populations are taken
as 80 as in 30 bus system.
Effect of FACTS devices on some selected generator buses are
shown by, Figs. 12 and 13 for IEEE 30 bus test system. Similarly
effect of FACT devices on some generator buses of IEEE 57 bus test
system is shown in Figs. 14–16.
In this paper the usefulness of GA, DE, PSO and GSA based opti-
mal placement of FACTS devices in a transmission network is
tested for the increased loadability of the power system as well
as to minimize the total operating cost and total active power loss.
Fig. 14. Active power flow with active and reactive loading for generator 2 Results showed that the proposed GSA algorithm is efficient for
connected to bus 3. reduction of power losses, improvement of the voltage profile as
well as reduction of total operating cost maintaining all the con-
straints. From the convergence characteristics of operating cost
with iteration for different optimization techniques, it is found that
GSA is the best among all the methods. It gives minimum operating
cost and active power loss among all the methods. Furthermore,
the effect of FACTS devices on transfer capability of each generator
present in the transmission system is investigated and it is found
that even at increased loading condition, generators are being able
to dispatch significant amount of active power without increasing
steam flow rate corresponding to the base loading situation. This is
the significant contribution of FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission
System) devices when both active & reactive loading is considered
though it is obvious that FACTS devices is able to inject large
amount of reactive power into the system under only reactive
loading cases. Hence, key issue is the optimum co-ordination of
FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) devices with the existing
reactive power sources for achieving all the mentioned benefits.
Here, in the proposed work, the result shows that GSA can be a
proper optimization algorithm for optimal planning of FACTS
devices for the enhancement of loadability of the power system.
Fig. 15. Active power flow with active and reactive loading for generator 12
connected to bus 10. References
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