Available Transfer Capability Enhancement Using Series FACTS Devices in A Designed Multi-Machine Power System
Available Transfer Capability Enhancement Using Series FACTS Devices in A Designed Multi-Machine Power System
Available Transfer Capability Enhancement Using Series FACTS Devices in A Designed Multi-Machine Power System
Abstract-Series FACTS devices have been successfully used and controllability of the power system known as Flexible
for many years in order to enhance the stability and loadability Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS).
of high voltage transmission networks. The principle is to
compensate the inductive voltage drop in the line by an inserted This group of controllers are revolutionizing the way
capacitive voltage or in other words to reduce the effective electric power is transmitted by rapidly and smoothly
reactance of the transmission line to enhance Available Transfer controlling power system quantities. They are designed to
Capability (ATC) in the network. ATC accurately reflects the overcome the constraints mentioned in a fast and intelligent
physical realities of the transmission network, all system way so that the electric power regulators and investors goals
conditions, uses, and limits in a consistent manner. It depends on
other parameters namely Total Transfer Capability (TTC), are met without them having to undertake major system
Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM), Transmission Reliability additions. According to FACTS IEEE definition; they are
Margin (TRM), and Existing Transmission Commitments (ETC) Alternating current transmission systems incorporating
that are described in this study thoroughly. This paper power-electronic based and other static controllers to enhance
investigates the optimized use of FACTS devices and mainly controllability and increase power transfer capability.
Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) to improve ATC
and maximize Total Transfer Capability generally defined as the Furthermore, FACTS controller is a power electronic-based
maximum power transfer transaction between a specific power- system and other static equipment that provide control of one
seller and a power-buyer in a two area designed power system. or more AC transmission system parameters [1]. From the
The case study has been implemented on a 13-bus multi-machine time this technology has been established numerous FACTS
test system using PowerWorld Simulator version 12.0. devices have been introduced in which each have their own
Furthermore, static linear analysis methods have been taken
into account in calculating ATC and the impact on various impact on the load flow equation parameters affecting the
factors has been defined clearly. power system [2], but the most common ones implemented in
the power grids are: Static VAR Compensator (SVC),
Index Terms-Available Transfer Capability, Thyristor-
Controlled Series Capacitor, Total Transfer Capability, Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), Phase Angle
Thermal Limits, Optimal Placement. Regulator (PAR), and Unified Power Flow Controller
(UPFC) [3]. In this paper the optimized usage of TCSC in a
designed multi-machine power system is studied, improving
I. INTRODUCTION the stability and loadability of the power transmission
The electric power industry has encountered major changes
during its evolution. In recent years the load has increased
significantly mainly due to the growing amount of individual
power suppliers and rivals among electric power firms which
A. Series Compensation
is continuing on. Besides, some new conditions have emerged
Series FACTS devices and TCSC have been successfully
constraining the physical development of the power
used for many years in order to enhance the stability and
transmission networks. These major drawbacks are
loadability of the power transmission network. The principle
environmental issues, economical matters constructing new
is to compensate the inductive voltage drop in the line by an
transmission lines, and ground availability concerns
inserted capacitive voltage or in other words to reduce the
especially in densely-populated areas and regions consisting
effective reactance of the transmission line increasing the
of distribution networks. Thus, for the optimized usage of
current and consequently the power flow in the line under
present transmission lines there is a necessity to increase the
operation. The series capacitors also contribute to an
power transfer capability in transmission lines, control the
improvement in voltage profiles and enhance the transient
power flow in transmission grids, enhance the reliability of
stability [4]. Fig. 1 illustrates a model of transmission line
the power grid, and improve the efficiency of available
with a TCSC connected between buses i and j. The
facilities. These facts indicate the importance of utilizing
transmission line is represented by its lumped π-equivalent
devices that enhance power transmission, security, reliability,
parameters connected between the two buses. During the
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xc (rij2 − x ij2 + x c xij )
ΔBij = − (6)
(rij2 + xij2 )[rij2 + ( xij − xc ) 2 ]
rij xij
g ij = , bij = − (8)
Fig. 2. TCSC Power Injection Model rij2 + x ij2 rij2 + x ij2
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determined in order to reach an accurate value in calculating In this study voltage limits is of minor importance and
ATC. "Total Transfer Capability" is the fundamental doesn’t constrain power transactions between the two areas,
parameter in calculating ATC. It is defined as the amount of due to the reason that the test system has been constructed of
electric power that can be transferred over the interconnected short transmission lines less than fifty kilometers. In fact, the
transmission network in a reliable manner while meeting all main constraint in this type of power systems is the
of the specific set of defined system conditions. transmission line's thermal limitations. Therefore, in the
"Transmission Reliability Margin" is the amount of designed 13-bus power system according to TTC= minimum
transmission transfer capability necessary to ensure that the of {thermal limits, voltage limits, transient stability limits}
interconnected transmission network is secure under a and its definition: the maximum power transfer transaction of
reasonable range of uncertainties in system conditions. The the transmission lines between the two areas utilizing series
"Capacity Benefit Margin" is the amount of transmission FACTS devices, TTC is estimated considering thermal MVA
transfer capability reserved by load serving entities to ensure limits as its major bound. Consequently, the case studies
access to generation from interconnected systems to meet simulation and its results confirm the importance of this
generation reliability requirements [10]. Finally, "Existing limiting factor in evaluating TTC.
Transmission Commitments" indicates the overall amount of Furthermore, both TRM and CBM which account for the
power flowing in the interconnected transmission lines reliability of the system can be typically assumed as fixed
between specified areas during OPF execution in a given values. TRM is assumed as a fixed percentage of TTC which
case; it can also be named as "Existing Power Flows". is 5% under normal operating conditions [11,13] and CBM is
assumed to be zero according to [12-14]. Hence, the ATC can
be approximated as follows:
B. Proposed ATC Computation
Mathematically, ATC is defined as the TTC less the TRM,
ATC = 0.95 TTC − ETC (12)
less the sum of ETC (which includes retail customer service)
and the CBM [10-13]:
The foregoing illustrates that ATC is determined by load flow
study results and transmission limits which reduces the
ATC = TTC – TRM – CBM − ETC (11)
complexity of the ATC calculations. In the following sections
these parameters will be determined and utilized in (12)
The ATC between two areas provides an indication of the
estimating the ATC values as their outcome.
amount of additional electric power that can be transferred
from one area to another for a specific duration and set of
conditions. IV. CASE STUDY
In this case study which has been implemented on a 13-bus A. Description of The 13-Bus Power System
multi-machine test system, optimized use of TCSC is This section represents our designed 13-bus multi-machine
investigated in order to improve ATC and to come into an power system as the test system of this study, which has been
approximate estimation of its value based on other relevant designed and assessed utilizing PowerWorld Simulator
parameters and mainly TTC. Thus, Total Transfer Capability version 12.0. The designed power system's overall
will be generally defined as the maximum power transfer information has been given in Table I. This system is divided
transaction between a specific power-seller and a power- into two areas of which the left area is the generation area
buyer in the two area designed power system, considering the (seller) and the right area is the sink (buyer). In fact, the
limitations by the physical and electrical characteristics of the reason of this division is due to the high amount of power the
power system including thermal, voltage, and stability left area generates, and provides part of the right areas
constraints [10,11]. Therefore, the TTC can be evaluated by consumed power through eight transmission lines
determining the most restrictive of those limitations for a interconnecting the two areas (lines 1 to 8). Table II clarifies
specific duration and set of conditions: the two areas condition comparatively.
TTC= Minimum of {Thermal limit, Voltage limit, Stability The main goal of this simulation is to determine the
limit} as indicated in [10].
Transmission Slack Bus
Buses Generator Load Power Loss Area
Lines Number
Units MW Mvar Units MW Mvar MW Mvar
13 22 2 7
10 1890 263 12 1870 228 20 35
Area Generation (MW) Load (MW) Loss (MW) Buses
Left 1150 450 5 6
Right 740 1420 15 7
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optimal placement of the TCSC in the designed power system be placed in the transmission lines with three different
in order to enhance the ATC from the left area (seller) to the compensation statuses forming 24 scenarios:
right area (buyer). Taking into account this fact that the • compensation degree of 25%
power is dispatched from the left to the right area through the • compensation degree of 50%
eight transmission lines, the most appropriate place to install • maximum compensation degree for each case
the compensating series device is one of these eight lines.
Consequently, the increase in power transmission in these B. Base Case
lines and from the seller to the buyer will define the best case The single line diagram of this designed system is depicted
and the most suitable line to install TCSC. ATC improvement in Fig. 3, considered as the base case and without any FACTS
is defined by taking into consideration the network's topology device installed on it. Base values are assumed to be 100
and its constraints, mainly known as thermal limits discussed MVA and 138 kV. In this case as it can be observed by the
in section III.B. Thus, it is not feasible to increase the series pie charts on the lines between each two buses, all of the
compensation degree 'k' to any desired rate because of the transmission lines operate under their thermal limit value 100
mentioned constraints. MVA. The buses comprehensive attributes are listed in Table
In this simulation a TCSC with a definite compensation III. Bus 7 is the slack bus and the direction of the power
degree is installed on each line (one of the eight transmission transaction between the buses can be inferred according to the
lines between the two areas) representing eight cases, voltage phase difference among two buses and the
enabling the calculation of TTC, ETC, and ATC in each case transmission lines between them. Consequently, the buses
respectively; providing us with the optimal placement of this located in the left area of the test system (1, 2, 6, 10, 12, 13)
series FACTS device. In each of these eight cases TCSC will are leading in phase in respect to buses situated in the right
Angle Load Generation
Name Area Type V (p.u.) V (kV)
(deg.) MW Mvar MW Mvar
Bus 1 Left 138 1.05 144.9 -64.35 0 0 210.78 10.19
Bus 2 Left 138 1.04 143.52 -68.33 20 20 110.4 56.35
Bus 3 Right 138 1.00015 138.02 -75.1 270 30 0 0
Bus 4 Right 138 1 138 -74.88 220 30 100.49 21.74
Bus 5 Right 138 1.00718 138.991 -74.68 200 40 0 0
Bus 6 Left 138 1.04 143.52 -69.23 220 20 250.19 20.5
Bus 7 Right 138 1.04 143.52 -72.49 250 0 199.17 199.55
Bus 8 Right 138 1 138 -70.18 150 30 220 13.85
Bus 9 Right 138 1 138 -68.36 110 8 220 -15.82
Bus 10 Left 138 1 138 -67.64 50 20 170 17.89
Bus 11 Right 138 0.99114 136.777 -74.16 220 20 0 0
Bus 12 Left 138 1 138 -65.48 140 0 220.81 -35.15
Bus 13 Left 138 1 138 -63.22 20 10 188 -26.2
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area (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11). Hence, the power is dispatched from voltage or in other words reduce the effective reactance of the
the left area to the right and all the eight lines 1 to 8 dispatch transmission line mainly influencing real power (P) than
power from the left area to the right area. In the designed reactive power(Q). On the other hand, in transmission lines
system, the per unit value of the buses voltage has to be in the shorter than 100 kilometers (l<100km) the factor which
permissible bounds, so that the system wouldn't encounter receives attention is the thermal limit and voltage and
overvoltage or voltage collapse maintaining the power quality stability constraints are not of a major importance and don't
in its suitable amount. The standard voltage variation is in the cause any specific limitation for the power grid. The fact is
range of 94% to 106% of its nominal value [15], of which in that only in distances with l>250km the voltage's magnitude
all of the scenarios has been maintained. encounters major changes and will be much more important
Table IV shows the positive and negative sequence than the thermal constraint. Therefore, TCSC placement in
electrical parameters for each of the specified eight the base case system's lines only changes the voltage's phase
transmission lines in the base case (lines 1 to 8 in Fig. 3) with due to the change in the power transfer rate between the buses
Sb= 100MVA, Zb= 190.44 Ω , and Vb= 138kV. Installing a series and the voltage magnitude remains constant. In addition, TTC
capacitor in each of these lines only affects the reactance (X) is estimated according to Thermal limitations discussed in
of the line, so that it decreases the line's reactance causing an section III.B.
increase in the specified line's power transaction. The results The comprehensive results calculated for each case at its
of installing TCSC on each line will be discussed in the maximum compensation degree can be derived from Table V.
following section. They hold the principle results of the simulation, TCSC
installations, and ATC calculations for the eight cases
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION discussed, including the base case. In this table, in each
specific case e.g. case x (number of each case identifies the
line TCSC is installed on), based on the amount of power
The series FACTS device is placed in lines 1 to 8 of the transferred by each of the eight lines from left to right, ETCx
power system at each time (named case 1, case 2, …, case 8) is derived indicating the sum of power flowing in the lines
with three different compensation degree rates and the between the two area at case x (x= 1, 2, …, 8). Consequently,
maximum ATC improvement in these lines has been according to (12), TTC definition, and the assumptions made
achieved, indicating the optimal placement and maximum in section III.B; ATC is estimated. In fact, TTC is
compensation degree of the TCSC in the 13-bus multi- approximated as the sum of the diagonal entries "a11, a22, a33,
machine power system. In all these cases TCSC placement in a44, a55, a66, a77, a88" of the 8×8 power transmission matrix
the lines didn't change the buses voltages and had minor excluding the base case. Since this amount of MW is the most
impact on it, since all of the transmission lines are less than reached installing the series FACTS device with its maximum
fifty kilometers long and series capacitors insert an capacitive compensation degree (refer to Table V) and in a reliable
manner while meeting all of the specific set of defined system
conditions including system constraints mainly thermal limits
of the lines (max. 100% is equivalent to 100MW), it's TTC
Line No. R (pu) X (pu) B (pu)
1 0.02 0.20 0.03
values are also implemented in calculating ATC for 25% and
2 0.02 0.10 0.03 50% compensation degree. The TTC amount estimated based
3 0.03 0.21 0.04 on the above details is 719.1MW and following TRM= 36MW.
4 0.03 0.20 0.04 Table V works as a reference consisting of all the data
5 0.02 0.18 0.03
6 0.04 0.10 0.05
required to indicate the optimal placement of the series
7 0.04 0.10 0.05 FACTS device in the lines between the two areas. In this
8 0.02 0.24 0.03 status, TCSC is installed with its maximum compensation
Power Transmission (MW)
Transmission Line No. TTC
Base Case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8
1 64.6 98.3 58.3 61.1 63.1 65.6 64.7 64.7 66.8 98.3
2 53.7 41.6 87.7 43.5 48.2 57 55.9 55.9 54.1 87.7
3 60.4 56.6 54.8 99.6 51.3 54.5 59.2 59.2 58.8 99.6
4 61.5 59.8 58 51.9 98.9 54.4 60.3 60.3 59.8 98.9
5 66 67.3 68.2 58.4 57.4 98.5 64.2 64.2 63.9 98.5
6 53.5 53.9 58.9 48.1 48.2 47 68.2 46.4 46.6 68.2
7 53.5 53.9 58.9 48.1 48.2 47 46.4 68.2 46.6 68.2
8 62.6 64.3 62.7 61.4 61.4 61.4 61.5 61.5 99.7 99.7
ETC 475.8 495.7 507.6 472.1 476.7 485.5 480.4 480.4 496.3 -
Power Loss (MW) 7 8.6 9 8.4 8.2 7.8 9.7 9.7 8.3 -
Compensation Degree (k) - 56% 62% 51% 51% 50% 63% 63% 60% -
ATC 207.3 187.4 175.5 211 206.4 197.6 202.7 202.7 186.8 -
ATC Enhancement - 9.6% 15.3% -1.8% 0.4% 4.7% 2.2% 2.2% 9.9% -
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degree in each case as it doesn't overload the line located on. VI. CONCLUSION
The outcome of the TCSC placement in different lines (cases) ATC Enhancement is an important issue in restructuring
indicates remarkable enhancement in ATC in respect of the the electrical power systems. Furthermore, Optimum
base case, so that the most impact is with case 2, showing utilization of the transmission lines available capacity
15.3% enhancement in comparison to the base case. Also, indicates the necessity of implementing series FACTS
cases 8 and 1 go through an ATC improvement of 9.9% and devices in the power grid. In the present paper, the impacts of
9.6% respectively, which conclude a better usage of the TCSC on ATC improvement are investigated. The case study
transmission lines available capacity. In cases 6 and 7, the has been implemented on a reliable designed 13-bus multi-
amount of MW transmitted in lines 6 and 7 during their 100% machine power system. From the numerical results, it can be
thermal capacity operation increases lesser in comparison to seen that TCSC increases TTC causing the ATC to improve,
the other cases, reaching 68.2MW out of 100MVA. This points and leading to better utilization of transmission grids.
out the large amount of Mvar flowing in these lines in respect Moreover, the results show a maximum 15.3% improvement
of other cases and other diagonal entries of the 8×8 power in ATC by installing TCSC and indicate the optimal
transmission matrix. By observing the ATC of these two placement of it in the designed power system. Since series
cases it can be inferred that lines 6 and 7 are not suitable for FACTS devices have many other uses such as improving
installing TCSC. In fact, the best lines for placing it are 2 and power system angle and voltage stability in long transmission
8 respectively, whereas they enhance ATC 15.3% and 9.9% lines etc., the optimal placement of them in the power grid
with the compensation degree of 62% and 60% respectively. may be a practical solution decreasing new transmission lines
Furthermore, a comparison among the sum of the electric structural investments and expansion planning issues.
power loss in the lines between the two areas in cases 2 and 8
with cases 5 and 6 indicates the advantage of installing TCSC
in lines 2 and 8. REFERENCES
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