Engine, Lubrication: Caution

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Chassis ID Path
1/Service and maintenance/VN, VERSION2/Engine, Lubrication

Model Identity
VN 133896808

Publishing Date ID/Operation No.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Engine, Lubrication
For more engine information, refer to the Service Information in Group 2 and the appropriate vendor literature.

Engine oil not only lubricates the engine, it also seals, cools and cleans the engine. Also, such things as filtering the
intake air and using low sulfur fuel helps protect the engine components. With better engine designs and improved
engine oils, the service intervals have steadily increased. The service interval used depends on the engine
manufacturer specifications. Make sure that oils having the correct oil type and the correct viscosity are used for the
mileage interval driven.

Please note that extending oil change intervals beyond the ones given in this Service Bulletin may damage the
engine, and void your warranty, if still in effect.

Shorter oil change intervals are required if the vehicle operates in a dusty environment or if frequent stops and starts
are made.

Many aftermarket oil treatment additives claim to improve engine oil performance when added to the engine oil. Do
NOT use such aftermarket oil treatment additives. Each oil type recommended in this Service Bulletin already contains
additives that have been tested by engine and oil manufacturers. Adding aftermarket additives may put the engine at
risk of failure.

Always change the oil filters when changing the engine oil. Previously, there were two types of oil filters used — one
type for normal change intervals and one type for extended change intervals. Now, only long-life oil filters should be
used with each oil change.

VOLVO branded oil filters are designed to provide the proper level of filtration and protection for VOLVO
engines. Filters that do not meet the same stringent requirements may put the engine at risk of failure.

VOLVO Trucks North America cannot guarantee the performance of oil filters not made or sold by VOLVO Trucks

© Copyright Volvo Group North America

The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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North America. The performance guarantee of any commercially-available oil filter is the responsibility of the filter

Engine Oil Viscosity

Select an engine oil with the appropriate engine oil viscosity based on the typical ambient temperatures in which the
vehicle will be operated. It is not enough to just select the right type of oil; the right oil viscosity is just as important.

According to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the correct viscosity is determined by the minimum ambient
temperature at cold start and the maximum ambient temperature during engine operation. Use the temperature chart to
select the best viscosity. In general, use the highest viscosity oil available that still meets the cold start-up temperature

Note: When using 10W/30, fuel consumption can be lower than when using 15W/40.

Temperatures refer to constant ambient temperature readings.

1. Only VDS-4 or EO-O Premium Plus approved oils can be used above +30°C (+86°F). Non VDS-4 / EO-O
Premium Plus approved oils can be used up to +30°C (+86°F).
2. Only VDS-2, VDS-3 / EO-N premium Plus and VDS4 / EO-O Premium Plus approved oils.
3. VDS-3 and VDS-4 /. EO-O Premium Plus approved oils of viscosity grade 5W/30 can be used up to +30°C

D12D and D16D Oil Type/Quality

The length of time a vehicle can operate before changing the engine oil depends on the quality of the engine oil used,
the type of fuel used, fuel consumption, engine oil consumption, vehicle application, and level of dust in the air. The
engine oil change intervals given in this Service Bulletin are MAXIMUM intervals. In on/off highway driving, severe
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off-highway, continuous stop-and-go city driving and extremely high mileages, the oil change interval needs to be
customized for the best protection and economy. Change all engine oil filters at each oil change.

Synthetic engine oils do NOT allow further extension of engine oil change intervals. It is the contamination rate (i.e.,
soot and the depletion of additives) rather than base oil quality that determines the useful life of engine oil and,
therefore, the oil change intervals.

Note: Engines meeting the emissions requirements of 2004 operate under more severe conditions than previous
engines. This lead VOLVO to require an oil that meets both VDS-2 and EO-N Premium Plus quality or both VDS-2 and
API CI-4 quality standards for model year 2003 through 2006 VOLVO engines. Earlier engines also work better with
these oils. They are not required, but are strongly recommended.

Extra oil additives must never be added to any engine oil used.

Note: Oil Terminology: VDS (VOLVO Drain Specifications), and EO-N (Engine Oil - [Grade Level])

D12D Oil Filters

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D16D Oil Filters

D12D and D16D Oil Change Intervals

Note: For D12D and D16D engines, VOLVO strongly recommends to use oils meeting both VDS-2 and EO-N
Premium Plus at all times.

Note: For information on the oil change intervals for non-VOLVO engines, refer to the appropriate vendor

D12D Engines
Note: Use the information in the following table to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your

Type of Operation
Average fuel Average fuel Average fuel
consumption is over consumption is consumption is
4.7 liters per 10 Km between 4.7 and 3.6 under 3.6 liters per
(under 5.0 miles per liters per 10 Km 10 Km (over 6.5
gallon) (between 5.0 and 6.5 miles per gallon)
Gross combined miles per gallon) GCW is less than
weight (GCW) is GCW is less than 36,000 kg (80,000
greater than 45,000 kg (100,000 lb.)
45,000 kg (100,000 lb.) Highway operation
lb.) Vehicle operates in only
Idle time is 40% or regional distribution
Vehicle operates off
road or in dusty
Vehicle operates in
inner city delivery

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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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Model Year 2003 (from serial # 307434)

Higher Oil Qualities

Oil Quality both VDS-2 and EO-N Premium Plus

Mileage* 19,000 Km (12,000 miles) 24,000 Km (15,000 miles) 40,000 Km (25,000 miles)

Months* 4 4 4

Hours* 300 400 600

Fuel Usage* 9,500 liters 11,500 liters 15,000 liters

(2,500 gallons) (3,000 gallons) (4,000 gallons)

Normal Oil Qualities

Oil Quality both VDS-2 and API CI-4

Mileage* 14,000 Km 18,000 Km 30,000 Km

(9,000 miles) (11,000 miles) (19,000 miles)

Months* 4 4 4

Hours* 250 300 450

Fuel Usage* 7,100 liters 8,500 liters 11,500 liters

(1,900 gallons) (2,200 gallons) (3,000 gallons)

* Whichever comes first

D16D Engines
Note: Use the information in the following table to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your

Type of Operation
Average fuel consumption is Average fuel consumption is
over 4.7 liters per 10 Km under 4.7 liters per 10 Km
(below 5.0 miles per gallon) (above 5.0 miles per gallon)
Gross combined weight GCW is equal to or less than
(GCW) is greater than 50,000 50,000 kg (110,000 lb.)
kg (110,000 lb.) Idle time is less than 40%
Idle time is 40% or higher
Note: All three conditions (fuel
consumption, GCW and idle time)
must be fulfilled to use this interval.

Oil Quality Both VDS-2 and EO-N Premium Plus

42L (44 quarts) Oil Capacity

Mileage* 24,000 Km 40,000 Km

(15,000 miles) (25,000 miles)

Months* 4 4

Hours* 400 600

Fuel Usage* 12,500 liters 17,000 liters

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(3,300 gallons) (4,500 gallons)

52L (55 quarts) Oil Capacity

Mileage* 32,000 Km 56,000 Km

(20,000 miles) (35,000 miles)

Months* 4 4

Hours* 500 800

Fuel Usage* 17,500 liters 24,000 liters

(4,500 gallons) (6,400 gallons)

* Whichever comes first

D11F, D13F and D16F Engines Oil Type/Quality

The length of time a vehicle can operate before changing the engine oil depends on the quality of the engine oil used,
the type of fuel used, fuel consumption, engine oil consumption, vehicle application, and level of dust in the air. The
engine oil change intervals given in this Service Bulletin are MAXIMUM intervals. In on/off highway driving, severe
off-highway, continuous stop-and-go city driving and extremely high mileages, the oil change interval needs to be
customized for the best protection and economy. Change all engine oil filters at each oil change.

VOLVO Trucks North America cannot guarantee the performance of filters that are not made or sold by VOLVO Trucks
North America. The performance guarantee of any commercially available filters is the responsibility of the filter

Synthetic engine oils do NOT allow further extension of engine oil change intervals. It is the contamination rate (i.e.,
soot and the depletion of additives) rather than base oil quality that determines the useful life of engine oil and,
therefore, the oil change intervals.

Note: Engines meeting the emissions requirements of 2007 are designed with exhaust aftertreatment systems
requiring a new engine oil quality. This has lead VOLVO to require an oil that meets VDS-4 and EO-O Premium Plus
quality standards for model year 2007 and later VOLVO engines. VDS-4 and EO-O Premium Plus are both based on
the newly developed API CJ-4 engine oil specification, but have additional performance requirements essential to
adequately protect the VOLVO engines at the drain intervals specified. Earlier engines also work better with the above
mentioned oils, but are not required.

Extra oil additives must never be added to any engine oil used.

Note: Oil Terminology: VDS (VOLVO Drain Specifications), and EO-O (Engine Oil - [Grade Level])

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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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D13F Oil Filters (D11F Similar)

D16F Oil Filters

D11F, D13F and D16F Engines Oil Change Intervals

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Note: For the D11F, D13F and D16F engines, VOLVO strongly recommends using oils that meet both VDS-4
and EO-O Premium Plus quality standards at all times.

Note: For information about oil change intervals for non-VOLVO engines, refer to the appropriate engine
manufacturer's literature.

D11F and D13F Engines

Note: Use the information in the following table to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your

Engine Operating Condition Medium Heavy Severe

Total Fuel Consumption (L/100 Km) Less than 39 Less than 50 Less than 64

Total Fuel Consumption (mpg) More than 6.0 More than 4.7 More than 3.7

Engine Oil and Filter Change Interval — 56,000 Km 40,000 Km 24, 000 Km
36 L (38 quarts) oil capacity (35,000 miles) (25,000 miles) (15,000 miles)

Note: If idle time is greater than 25%, use the next lower drain interval.

D16F Engines
Note: Use the information in the following table to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your

Engine Operating Condition Medium Heavy Severe

Total Fuel Consumption (L/100 Km) Less than 39 Less than 50 Less than 64

Total Fuel Consumption (mpg) More than 6.0 More than 4.7 More than 3.7

Engine Oil and Filter Change Interval 56,000 Km 40,000 Km 24,000 Km

— 42 L (44 quarts) oil capacity (35,000 miles) (25,000 miles) (15,000 miles)

Engine Oil and Filter Change Interval 80,000 Km 56,000 Km 40,000 Km

— 52 L (55 quarts) oil capacity (50,000 miles) (35,000 miles) (25,000 miles)

Note: If idle time is greater than 25%, use the next lower drain interval.

D11H, D13H and D16H Engine Oil Type/Quality

The length of time a vehicle can operate before changing the engine oil depends on the quality of the engine oil used,
the type of fuel used, fuel consumption, engine oil consumption, vehicle application, and level of dust in the air. The
engine oil change intervals given in this Service Bulletin are MAXIMUM intervals. In on/off highway driving, severe
off-highway, continuous stop-and-go city driving and extremely high mileages, the oil change interval needs to be
customized for the best protection and economy. Change all engine oil filters at each oil change.

Synthetic engine oils do NOT allow further extension of engine oil change intervals. It is the contamination rate (i.e.,
soot and the depletion of additives) rather than base oil quality that determines the useful life of engine oil and,
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therefore, the oil change intervals.

Note: Engines meeting the emissions requirements of 2010 and later are designed with exhaust aftertreatment
systems requiring a new engine oil quality. This has lead VOLVO to require an oil that meets VDS-4 quality standards
for model year 2010 and later VOLVO engines. The VDS-4 quality standard is based on the newly developed API CJ-4
engine oil specification, but has additional performance requirements essential to adequately protect the VOLVO
engines at the drain intervals specified. So, all engine oils recommended in this Service Bulletin also meet the VDS-2,
VDS-3, EO-N Premium Plus and API CJ-4 specifications. Pre-2010 engines also work better with the recommended
engine oils. They are not required, but are strongly recommended.

Extra oil additives must never be added to any engine oil used.

D11 and D13 Oil Filters

D16 Oil Filters

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D11H, D13H and D16H Engines Oil Change Intervals

Note: For the D11H, D13H and D16H engines, VOLVO strongly recommends using oils that meet both VDS-4
and EO-O Premium Plus quality standards at all times.

Note: For information about oil change intervals for non-VOLVO engines, refer to the appropriate engine
manufacturer's literature.

D11H and D13H Engines

Note: Use the information in the following table to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to
your vehicle.

Engine Operating Condition Medium Heavy Severe Very Severe

Total Fuel Consumption (L/100 Less than 39 Less than 50 Less than 64 Less than 120

Total Fuel Consumption (mpg) More than 6.0 More than 4.7 More than 3.7 More than 2.0

Engine Oil/ Filter Change 56,000 Km 40,000 Km 24,000 Km 16,000 Km

Interval — 36 L (38 quarts) oil (35,000 mi.) (25,000 mi.) (15,000 mi.) (10,000 mi.)

Note: If idle time is greater than 25%, use the next lower change interval.

D16H Engines

Note: Use the information in the following table to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to
your vehicle.

Engine Operating Condition Medium Heavy Severe Very Severe

Total Fuel Consumption (L/100 Less than 39 Less than 50 Less than 64 Less than 120

Total Fuel Consumption (mpg) More than 6.0 More than 4.7 More than 3.7 More than 2.0

Engine Oil and Filter Change 56,000 Km 40,000 Km 24,000 Km 16,000 Km

Interval — 42 L (44 quarts) oil (35,000 mi.) (25,000 mi.) (15,000 mi.) (10,000 mi.)

Engine Oil and Filter Change 80,000 Km 56,000 Km 40,000 Km 24,000 Km

Interval — 52 L (55 quarts) oil (50,000 mi.) (35,000 mi.) (25,000 mi.) (15,000 mi.)

Note: If idle time is greater than 25%, use the next lower drain interval.
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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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D13 Euro III (Export Only)

Use the information in the following tables to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your vehicle.

Euro III Powertrain Operating Conditions (POC)

Transport Long Distance Distribution Construction1

Regional City

GCW ≤44 45-70 71-80 ≥80 ≤32 33-44 45-70 ≤32 ≤32 33-34 45- 80 >80

Topography PF H PF H PF H           H H H VH

POC L2,3 M3 H3 S3 S3 VS VS M H S S H S VS

1 Examples include sugar cane, tipper, dumper, swap carrier, concrete mixer and refuse bodies.

2 If vehicle speed frequently exceeds 90 km/hour, move to the next higher POC.

3 If the combined PTO (vehicle stationary) and idle time exceeds 25% of total operating time, move to the next
higher POC.

Euro III Oil Service Intervals


Max fuel consumption ≤33 ≤39 ≤50 ≤64 ≤120 –

(L/100 km)

Oil Quality Driving Distance (km)/ Time (hours)

VDS-3/VDS-4 100 75 000/- 60 000/750 45 000/600 20 000/6001 -/6001


VDS-2 60 000/- 50 000/- 40 000/500 30 000/400 15 000/4002 -/4002

VDS/Other 30 000/- 25 000/- 20 000/250 15 000/200 10 000/2003 -/2003

For waste collection, mine operation, airport services, etc., engine hours (hours) can be used instead.

1 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 25 000 liters.

2 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 16 000 liters.

3 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 8 000 liters.

EURO III Oil Service Intervals (South America)


Max fuel consumption ≤33 ≤39 ≤50 ≤64 ≤120 –

(L/100 Km)

Fuel type 1 (Fuel sulfur less than 500 ppm)

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Oil Quality Driving Distance (Km)/ Time (hours)

VDS-3/VDS-4 100 75 000/- 60 000/750 45 000/600 20 000/6001 -/6001


VDS-2 60 000/- 50 000/- 40 000/500 30 000/400 15 000/4002 -/4002

VDS/Other 30 000/- 25 000/- 20 000/250 15 000/200 10 000/2003 -/2003

Fuel type 2(Fuel sulfur between 500 and 5000 ppm)

Oil Quality Driving Distance (Km)/ Time (hours)

VDS-3/VDS-4 67 000/- 50 000/- 40 000/5001 30 000/4001 10 000/4001 -/4001

Fuel type 3(Fuel sulfur higher than 5000 ppm)

Oil Quality Driving Distance (Km)/ Time (hours)

VDS-3/VDS-4 50 000/- 37 500/- 30 000/4001 22 500/3001 10 000/3001 -/3001

For waste collection, mine operation, airport services, etc., engine hours (hours) can be used instead.

1 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 25 000 liters.

2 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 16 000 liters.

3 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 8 000 liters.

D13 Euro IV (Export) Engine Oil Change Intervals

Use the information in the following tables to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your vehicle.

EURO IV Powertrain Operating Conditions (POC)

Transport Long Distance Distribution Construction1

Regional City

GCW ≤44 45-70 71-80 ≥80 ≤32 33-44 45-70 ≤32 ≤32 33-34 45- >80

Topography PF H PF H PF H           H H H VH

POC L(missing M 3 H3 S S3 VS VS M H S S H S VS VS
entity for 3 +
) ,

1 Examples include sugar cane, tipper, dumper, swap carrier, concrete mixer and refuse bodies.

2 If vehicle speed frequently exceeds 90 Km/hour, move to the next higher POC.

3 If the combined PTO (vehicle stationary) and idle time exceeds 25% of total operating time, move to the next
higher POC.

EURO IV Oil Service Intervals

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Max fuel consumption ≤33 ≤39 ≤50 ≤64 ≤120 –

(L/100 Km)

Fuel type 1 (Fuel sulfur less than 500 ppm) Do not use other fuel types.

Oil Quality Driving Distance (Km)/ Time (hours)

VDS-3/VDS-4 100 75 000/- 60 000/750 45 000/600 20 000/6001 -/6001


VDS-2 60 000/- 50 000/- 40 000/500 30 000/400 15 000/4002 -/4002

For waste collection, mine operation, airport services, etc., engine hours (hours) can be used instead.

1 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 25 000 liters.

2 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 16 000 liters.

D13, Euro V (Export Only)

Use the information in the following tables to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your vehicle.

Euro V Powertrain Operating Conditions (POC)

Transport Long Distance Distribution Construction1

Regional City

GCW ≤44 45-70 71-80 ≥80 ≤32 33-44 45-70 ≤32 ≤32 33-34 45- 80 >80

Topography PF H PF H PF H           H H H VH

POC L2, M3 H3 S3 S3 VS VS M H S S H S VS

1 Includes e.g. sugar cane, tipper, dumper, swap carrier, concrete mixer and refuse bodies.

2 If vehicle speed frequently exceeds 90 Km/hr, move to the next higher POC.

3 If the combined PTO (at zero vehicle speed) and idle time exceeds 25% of total operating time, move to the
next higher POC.

Euro V Oil Service Intervals


Max fuel consumption ≤33 ≤39 ≤50 ≤64 ≤120 –

(L/100 Km)

Oil Quality Driving Distance (Km)/ Time (hours)

VDS-4 100 75 000/- 60 000/750 45 000/600 20 000/6001 -/6001

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VDS-3 80 000/- 60 000/- 40 000/500 30 000/400 15 000/4002 -/4002

For waste collection, mine operation, airport services, etc., engine hours (hours) can be used instead.

1 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 25 000 liters.

2 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 16 000 liters.

D16 Euro V Engines (Export Only)

Use the information in the following tables to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your vehicle.

Euro V Powertrain Operating Conditions (POC)

Transport Long Distance Distribution Construction1

Regional City

GCW ≤44 45-70 71-80 ≥80 ≤32 33-44 45-70 ≤32 ≤32 33-34 45- 80 >80

Topography PF H PF H PF H           H H H VH

POC L2,3 M3 H3 S3 S3 VS VS M H S S H S VS

1 Examples include sugar cane, tipper, dumper, swap carrier, concrete mixer and refuse bodies.

2 If vehicle speed frequently exceeds 90 km/hour, move to the next higher POC.

3 If the combined PTO (vehicle stationary) and idle time exceeds 25% of total operating time, move to the next
higher POC.

Euro 5 Oil Service Intervals


Max fuel consumption ≤36 ≤44 ≤53 ≤69 ≤140 –


Oil Quality Driving distance (km)/ Time (hours)

VDS-41 125 100 75 000/1000 55 000/700 20 000/7002 -/7002

000/- 000/-

VDS-4 100 75 000/- 60 000/750 45 000/600 20 000/6003 -/6003


VDS-31 100 75 000/- 50 000/500 40 000/500 18 000/5004 -/5004


VDS-3 80 000/- 60 000/- 40 000/500 30 000/400 15 000/4005 -/4005

For waste collection, mine operation, airport services, etc., engine hours (hours) can be used instead.

1 With large oil pan 52 liters

2 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 30 000 liters.
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3 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 25 000 liters.

4 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 20 000 liters.

5 Max permitted fuel to be used between each engine oil change is 16 000 liters.

Engine Oil Capacity

All Engines

Model Engine Approximate oil change capacity in liters (US quarts)

Normal oil change (including filter) Maximum to minimum on


VN D12D 33 L (35 qts.) 8 L (8.5 qts.)

VHD D12D 38 L (40 qts.) 6 L (6.5 qts.)

VNL D16D 42 L (44 qts.), standard 8 L (8.5 qts.)

52 L (55 qts.), optional

VT D16D 52 L (55 qts.) 8 L (8.5 qts.)

VN, VHD D11F, D11H, D13F, 36 L (38 qts.) 8 L (8.5 qts.)


VNL D16F, D16H 42 L (44 qts.), standard 8 L (8.5 qts.)

52 L (55 qts.), optional

VT D16F, D16H 52 L (55 qts.) 8 L (8.5 qts.)

Fuel Filters
Note: Drain the primary filter water trap daily. When draining the fuel filters, collect the waste fuel in a fuel-safe
container. Always dispose of fuel according to Federal or local regulations. Dispose of the drained fuel and water at a
recycle or waste management center.

Fuel filters are an important part of the fuel system. For the best engine operation and service life, always replace the
filters at every engine oil change and use the recommended filter types.

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1. D16D Secondary Fuel Filter

2. D16D Primary Fuel Filter with Water Separator

1. D13F/D13H Secondary Fuel Filter (D11F/D11H Similar)

2. D13F/D13H Primary Fuel Filter with Water Separator (D11F/D11H Similar)

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1. D16F/D16H Secondary Fuel Filter

2. D16F/D16H Primary Fuel Filter with Water Separator

Typical Chassis-Mounted Primary Fuel Filter

Fuel/Water Separator Chassis Mounted

Fuel Tank Ventilation Filter

There are two different ventilation filters available tank mounted or stanchion exhaust bracket mounted.
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Attached to the fuel tank support bracket is the fuel tank ventilation filter. The purpose of this component is to
filter out contaminants that can enter the fuel tank from the vent lines.

This filter should be replaced in conjunction with the vehicle air filter, every 12 months.

1 – Fuel Tank Ventilation Filter

Exhaust Stanchion Mounted – Fuel Tank Ventilation Filter

The fuel tank ventilation filter is added to the fuel tank vent lines and mounted on the stanchion exhaust bracket
at the right side of the truck. This is for extremely dusty applications. For both single or dual tank applications,
the vent-lines will run from the tank vent fittings to the fuel tank ventilation filter.

This filter should be replaced in conjunction with the vehicle air filter, every 12 months.

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Fuel/Water Separator Chassis Mounted

Water and large contaminants fall to the bottom of the body and can be drained away. Dispose of the drained
water/fuel in an environmentally safe manner.

Note: DO NOT drain the water separator bowl while the engine is running.

Note: Drain the filter water trap daily. Change the fuel/water separator filter at every oil change or when the fuel
reaches the top of the filter.

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1. Drain Valve

ELEMAX® Filter

The patented clear cover allows the user to know when not to change the filter.
Fuel level rises as the filter media becomes contaminated, the fuel filter doesn’t need replacement until the fuel
level is at the Top Of The Filter.

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Engine Intake Air Filter

The condition of the engine intake air filter is monitored by the air cleaner pressure differential sensor mounted
on the air filter housing. Continued operation with the air cleaner pressure differential sensor gauge showing in
the red (indicating a clogged air filter) may cause damage to the engine. Also, operating the engine with a
damaged air filter allows dust to pass directly into the engine, causing damage. Promptly replace clogged or
damaged air filters.

Air Pressure Differential Sensor

Note: In some cases, the sensor may be connected to a telltale signal on the instrument panel which illuminates when
the air filter needs to be changed. Refer to the vehicle operator's manual for additional information.
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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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The air cleaner pressure differential sensor gauge should be inspected regularly to monitor the condition of the air filter.
Replace the main air filter when indicated by the sensor gauge or after a maximum of two years, whichever comes first.
The optional extra filter insert should be changed with every third main air filter change.

Main Engine Air Filter

Optional Extra Filter Insert

Engine Component Maintenance Intervals

D11, D13 and D16 Engines

Engine Coolant

VOLVO Trucks North America recommends using a proper mixture of approved antifreeze and water in the
engine cooling system. VOLVO Trucks North America does NOT recommend using only plain water as a
coolant. Water alone is corrosive at engine operating temperatures and does not provide adequate boil-over
© Copyright Volvo Group North America
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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protection. With plain water as a coolant, the boiling point is lower compared to a proper antifreeze and water
mixture, allowing the cooling system to develop corrosion and cavitation problems in the engine and radiator.
Failure to follow VOLVO Trucks North America's cooling system care/maintenance recommendations can
render the warranty invalid.

Note: Antifreeze is hazardous to humans and animals if ingested. Always dispose of coolant according to Federal or
local regulations. Dispose of used coolant at a recycling or waste collection center.

With a manual transmission, the engine coolant system capacity is approximately 50 liters (53 US quarts) . With an
I-Shift automatic transmission, the capacity is approximately 59.5 liters (63 US quarts).

Change the coolant filter and coolant according to the intervals in the following table:

Coolant Chemical Release used w/ fully 80,000 Km (50,000 mi.) or 6 months, whichever comes first
Filter formulated coolant

Long-life used w/ extended life 240,000 Km (150,000 mi.) or 12 months, whichever comes
coolant first

Coolant Fully formulated 500,000 Km (300,000 mi.) or 24 months, whichever comes


Extended-life (no “extender” 1,000,000 Km (600,000 mi.) or 48 months, whichever

package required) comes first

Drive Belts (Fan and Accessory)

All engine drive belts have automatic belt tensioners that automatically maintain the correct belt tension without the
need for manual adjustment. All drive belts should be checked at each service point and inspected for cracks or frayed
material. Replace any drive belt that displays such obvious wear or defects. Otherwise, replace the drive belts
according to the intervals in the following table:

VT, VNL, VNM 500,000 Km (300,000 mi.) or 36

models: months, whichever comes first

VHD models: 241,500 Km (150,000 mi.) or 12

months, whichever comes first

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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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Drive Belts

Drive Belt Routing Label

A drive belt routing label is located on the vehicle frame rail.

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The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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Belt Routing Label Location

Drive Belt Tensioners

Replace the drive belt tensioner(s) at the following interval:

All models: 500,000 Km (300,000 mi.) or 4000 hours, whichever comes first

Engine Valves
Adjust the engine valves according to the intervals in the following table:

D11, D13 Engines First Service Adjustment: 200,000 Km (125,000 mi.) or 12 months, whichever comes first

Then, adjust every 400,000 Km (250,000 mi.) or 24 months, whichever comes first

D16 Engines First Service Adjustment: 100,000 Km (60,000 mi.) or 6 months, whichever comes first

Then, adjust every 200,000 Km (125,000 mi.) or 12 months, whichever comes first

Exhaust Aftertreatment System

Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

Take the vehicle to an authorized VOLVO Truck dealer for servicing.

D11, D13, D16 Either clean the ash from the DPF or replace the DPF every 400, 000 Km (250,000
© Copyright Volvo Group North America
The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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IMPACT 3.0 Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Engines miles) or 4,500 hours, whichever comes first

Aftertreatment Hydrocarbon Doser Service

D11, D13, D16 Clean every 240,000 Km (150,000 miles) or 4,500 hours, whichever comes first

Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Pump Filter

Replace the diesel exhaust fluid pump filter according to the intervals in the following table:

D11H, D13H, D16H Then, change every 240,000 Km (150,000 mi.) or 4,500 hours, whichever comes first

Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank Flushing and Filler Neck Filter
Clean the filter in the DEF tank filler neck according to the intervals in the following table:

D11H, D13H, D16H 240,000 Km (150,000 mi.) or 4,500 hours, whichever comes first

© Copyright Volvo Group North America

The information contained herein is current at the time of its original distribution, but is subject to change. The reader is advised that printed copies are uncontrolled.

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