Listening TOEFL 3
Listening TOEFL 3
Listening TOEFL 3
Time : 40 minutes
50 Questions
In this section of the test, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand
conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in this section. Answer all questions on the
basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not take notes or write in your test
book at any time. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so.
Part A
DIRECTIONS: In part A, you will hear a short conversations between two people. After each
conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will
not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and
choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
CD B, Track 1
3. What does the woman say about taking the certification exam?
A. She thinks she should take it, but it’s too time-consuming.
B. She doesn’t think she is smart enough to pass it.
C. She already took it and failed.
D. She does not believe it will benefit her career.
4. What does the man imply about what happened on the highway?
A. He was not afraid.
B. Nothing really happened. The accident was just a rumor.
C. He was not driving the car at the time of the accident.
D. He was extremely frightened.
7. What do the speakers imply about the procedure the students will view?
A. It’s very interesting. B. It’s not pleasant.
C. It’s hard work. D. The paper will be hard to write.
8. What does the woman imply about Allan’s leaving the meeting?
A. He had a prior engagement. B. He was not at the meeting at all.
C. He was unhappy with the presentation. D. The leader made him leave.
11. What do the speakers imply about Bill and the stock market?
A. Bill has been studying the stock market lately.
B. Bill never believes anything he reads about stocks.
C. Bill made a bad decision about a stock purchase.
D. Bill has made an enormous amount of money in the stock market.
14. What do the speakers say about their opinions of the receptionist?
A. She eats too much at her desk.
B. She writes messages that contain incorrect information.
C. She refuses to write down phone numbers.
D. She is rude to callers.
15. What does the man say about interviewing with the new company?
A. He absolutely will not interview with the company.
B. He will interview if he is invited.
C. He already took a job with his old company.
D. He already interviewed with them.
Part B
Directions: In this part, you will hear several conversations and talks. You will hear each conversation
or talk only once, and then you will hear several questions. Answer the questions based on what is
stated or implied by the speakers. Choose the best of the answer choices provided. Mark the answer
in your book or on a separate piece of paper.
CD B, Track 2
16. What does the woman indicate about the next process in the case?
A. The judge may send them to an arbitrator.
B. The judge will require mediation.
C. The judge will set a trial date.
D. The judge will give them an option, and the woman suggests mediation.
18. How does the man apparently feel about the opposing parties in this matter?
A. He feels that the opponents are entrenched in an incorrect position.
B. He feels that an arbitrator could convince them.
C. He feels that mediation is a great idea.
D. He feels that the opposing party is being too sensitive.
20. What does the man indicate that the woman previously advised him to do?
A. To try mediation B. To resist mediation
C. To settle the case D. To try arbitration
21. What does the woman state about the mediation procedure?
A. The mediator will listen to the evidence and render a decision.
B. The mediator will separate the parties and carry settlement offers from one to the other.
C. The mediator will push the parties like an exercise coach.
D. The mediator will listen to evidence and then contact the judge.
22. How long does the man indicate that Claire Nelson has been interested in carcinogens?
A. She recently became interested.
B. She has been researching carcinogens for years.
C. She started research long ago but then put it off until just recently.
D. She performed research long ago but only obtained access to equipment when she met the
Nobel Prize winners.
CD B, Track 3
23. What does the man indicate is the nature of her research?
A. She studies whether microwave ovens cause radiation to migrate into food.
B. She studies whether olive oil is a carcinogen.
C. She studies whether carcinogens in plastic wrap can get into food when heated in microwave
D. She studies whether microwave ovens cause cancer.
CD B, Track 4
27. What does the woman imply that she just finished talking about before she began this topic?
A. A will B. Handling things for an incapacitated person
C. Guardianships D. Advanced directives
29. What does the woman indicate that a designee can do with a durable financial power of
A. Access accounts and property while the grantor is alive
B. Become the grantor’s guardian
C. Direct that life-prolonging procedures be withheld or withdrawn
D. Administer the will
30. Why does the woman say that a durable power of attorney is the form to use?
A. It is still effective after death. B. It remains valid in the case of incapacity.
C. It has stronger language. D. It includes the right to terminate life support.
31. How does the man initially react to the suggestion of a power of attorney?
A. He is hesitant. B. He is angry.
C. He is obstinate. D. He is ready.
32. Which of the following would probably not be a use of an advance directive?
A. To disconnect a ventilator on a dying 95-year-old man
B. To remove food and hydration from a person who is in a permanent vegetative condition
C. To write checks for medical care
D. To discontinue chemotherapy and other medicines on a 46-year-old man with terminal cancer
33. How does the man appear to feel about advance directives?
A. Hesitant B. Ready
C. Afraid D. Confused
34. What does the woman say has led to a new interest in cloud seeding?
A. The fact that the process is easy and inexpensive
B. Scientific studies that have proven its success
C. Extended periods of drought
D. The need for agricultural advances
35. Does the man indicate that he has heard of cloud seeding before?
A. No, it is totally new to him.
B. Yes, he heard of it some years ago.
C. Yes, he just read an article about it recently for the first time.
D. Yes, he has studied it extensively at the university.
CD B, Track 5
Part C
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some
questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best
answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.
42. A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. Seven.
43. A. In winter.
B. In spring.
C. In summer.
D. In fall.
44. A. Seasonable, with warm summers and cold winters.
C. Very humid.