Typhoid Hepatitis: Khosla
Typhoid Hepatitis: Khosla
Typhoid Hepatitis: Khosla
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Postgrad Med J (1990) 66, 923 - 925 © The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1990
Typhoid hepatitis
S.N. Khosla
Department of Medicine, Medical College and Hospital, Rohtak, 124001 (Haryana), India
Summary: Liver involvement in typhoid fever is uncommon. Typhoid hepatitis is now being recognized
as a definite entity. Over a period of 4 years, we have observed 10 cases (4.8%) of typhoid hepatitis out of
210 cases of typhoid fever. Jaundice, anaemia, hepatomegaly and abnormal biochemical tests were
present in all cases. Liver biopsy was done in 8 cases and was found to be abnormal in 5. Two of the 10 cases
of typhoid hepatitis died.
Recognition of typhoid hepatitis is important since it has to be differentiated from other common
ailments in the tropics such as viral, malarial or amoebic hepatitis. Early institution of specific therapy in
cases of typhoid hepatitis carries a good prognosis.
Typhoid fever is a common bacterial infection in Investigations included haemoglobin, total and
the tropics attended with considerable morbidity differential
leucocyte counts, urine examination
and mortality.' It involves almost all the major (for albumin, sugar, bile salts, bile pigments and
systems in the body. Liver involvement may be in urine urobilinogen), bleeding and clotting times,
the form of hepatomegaly alone, jaundice, bio- platelet count, peripheral blood film for malarial
chemical alterations and histopathological chan- parasite, hepatitis-B surface antigen in serum,
ges.2 Isolated hepatomegaly usually is of no clinical serum transaminases (SGOT/SGPT), serum pro-
significance but its occurrence with jaundice teins (total and differential), serum bilirubin, pro-
though rare, indicates liver involvement as a result thrombin time index, serum alkaline phosphatase,
of generalized toxaemia or invasion by salmonella 5'-adenosine nucleotidase and plasma fibrinogen
organisms.3 There are occasional case reports of levels. Biochemical investigations were carried out
typhoid hepatitis4-7 but detailed studies are lack- serially during the course of the disease and after
ing. recovery. Percutaneous liver biopsy was performed
(by Menghini's needle) in patients with hepato-
megaly, biochemical dysfunction and jaundice
Materials and methods after obtaining due consent of the patient. A
diagnosis of typhoid hepatitis was considered if a
Over a period of 4 years (1984-88) 210 cases of patient fulfilled three or more of the following
typhoid fever were studied with special reference to criteria. (a) Hepatomegaly (liver span > 14 cm); (b)
liver involvement. Only cases with a clinical profile jaundice; (c) biochemical abnormalities-serum
suggestive of typhoid fever along with rising (four bilirubin > 30.6 imol/l SGOT/SGPT raised with
fold) titres of Widal agglutinins on serial estima- or without 5'-adenosine nucleotidase and/or
tions and isolation of Salmonella typhi or S. decreased prothrombin time index; (d) abnormal
paratyphi from blood/bone marrow culture were liver histopathology.
In every case a detailed clinical history was taken
and a thorough physical examination was per- Results
formed with special reference to hepatospleno-
megaly, jaundice, bleeding disorder and stigmata Out of 210 cases of typhoid, 10 cases fulfilled the
of chronic liver disease. Every attempt was made to criteria for typhoid hepatitis. These cases com-
exclude cases ofviral hepatitis, chronic liver disease prised of 6 males and 4 females, their ages ranging
and gall bladder disease by history, physical from 15-45 years (mean 26.2 years). All cases were
examination and relevant investigations. culture positive for S. typhi, there was no case of S.
paratyphi. Fever ranging from 102-104°F pre-
ceded jaundice from 4-30 days. Jaundice, moder-
Correspondence: S.N. Khosla, M.D., M.N.A.M.S., ate to severe anaemia, hepatomegaly and soft
F.I.A.M.S. tender splenomegaly were noted in all cases.
Accepted: 2 July 1990 Neuropsychiatric features dominated the clinical
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.66.781.923 on 1 November 1990. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 16 July 2019 by guest. Protected by
picture in 3 cases and 4 cases had intestinal have appeared. Isolated hepatic enlargement with
haemorrhage, out of which 2 cases had intestinal or without splenomegaly has been reported in
perforation. There were 2 cases of relapse. Two 13-65% cases.9-"
cases (20%) out of 10 in the series died. One had Jaundice has been reported in 0.5-7.6% cases2
intestinal perforation and the other had bleeding and we observed it in 4.8% cases. Hepatomegaly
from various sources. was seen in all cases with jaundice. Stuart and
All the cases presented with high grade fever, Pullen9 observed hepatomegaly in all cases of
toxaemia and clinical detectable jaundice. The jaundice in typhoid, yet Ayhan et al.4 in their study
profile presented was in no way different from a of 16 cases of typhoid found jaundice in none,
very ill patient with typhoid who had no features of hepatomegaly in 7 and histopathological changes
hepatitis. in all cases. We have also earlier reported" jaundice
Haemoglobin levels were between 6-9 g/dl in 4 without hepatomegaly in cases of typhoid.
cases and 9-11 g/dl in 6 cases. Serum protein levels Abnormal biochemical tests suggestive of hep-
were less than 6 g/dl in all cases and the albumin/ atic involvement have been reported in 23-60%
globulin ratio was less than 1. cases.2'9'1112 It has been suggested2'6"2 that mild
Platelet count was less than 100,000 in 2 cases increase in transaminase levels occurs in typhoid
and 120,000 in 1 case while in 2 cases bleeding and hepatitis and it could differentiate such cases from
clotting times were prolonged. Biochemical abnor- viral hepatitis where increase is marked, yet on the
malities in the form of raised serum bilirubin, contrary we observed high transaminase levels as
SGOT/SGPT, serum alkaline phosphatase, 5'- did Ayhan et al.4
adenosine nucleotidase and decreased plasma Rise of alkaline phosphatase and 5'-adenosine
fibrinogen levels, prothrombin time index was nucleotidase levels seen in our cases indicates
observed (Table I). Australia antigen was negative definite involvement of the hepatobiliary system.
in all cases. Out of 3 of our cases with significant hypofibrino-
Serial estimation of biochemical parameters genaemia, low prothrombin index and thrombo-
showed their return to normal levels after recovery cytopenia, 1 case manifested with significant
from the acute illness in 8 cases. Histopathology of bleeding from various sources. Though we had not
liver studied in 8 cases (consent for biopsy was not estimated fibrin degradation products, this could
available in 2 cases) was abnormal in 5 cases. represent bone marrow suppression or liver cell
Cloudy swelling, ballooning degeneration with dysfunction. 1013
vacuolation, moderate fatty change, mononuclear Hepatic encephalopathy, though rare, has been
cell infiltration in few focal areas with minimal reported in typhoid fever.'4 However, a variable
portal tract infiltration without any focal necrosis spectrum of neuropsychiatric manifestations15
was observed. could be mistaken for hepatic encephalopathy in
cases of typhoid with jaundice though asterexis has
not been observed in typhoid encephalopathy.
Discussion Neuropsychiatric manifestations dominated the
clinical picture in 3 of our cases but asterexis was
Since the earliest description of hepatic involve- observed in none.
ment in typhoid by Osler,8 who documented Because of a poor immune response in anaemic
enlarged tender liver with clinical jaundice in 8 out and malnourished cases, the complication rate has
of 1500 cases of typhoid fever, a number of studies been found to be higher.""' Anaemia was observed
Table I Biochemical parameters in cases of typhoid with hepatitis (10 cases) and without
hepatitis (200 cases)
Normal value Hepatitis Non-hepatitis
Serum bilirubin 5.1 -17 ;Lmol/I 34 pmol- 122 oimol/I 5.1-17 gmol/I
SGOT 3-20 IU 80-186 IU 9-40 IU
SGPT 3-15IU 80-150IU 8-26IU
5'adenosine 8.8-22.5 U/1 25-92 units/I 8.8-10.5 U/I
Plasma fibri- 200-400 mg/dl 100-118 mg/dl 200-275 mg/dl
nogen levels
Prothrombin index 80-100% 50-70% 80-100%
Serum alkaline 4-13 kA units 8-21.5 kA units 6-12 kA units
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.66.781.923 on 1 November 1990. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 16 July 2019 by guest. Protected by
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