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conveyor belts

Calculation methods – conveyor belts

Terminology 2

Unit goods
conveying systems 3

Take-up range for

take-up systems 8

Bulk goods
conveying systems 9

This brochure contains advanced equa- These variations are due to the very Calculation example
tions, figures and recommendations, different approaches taken: while B_Rex for unit goods conveying 12
based on our longstanding experience. is based on empirical measurements and
Results calculated can however differ requires a detailed description of the
from our calculation program B_Rex machinery, the calculation methods
(free to download from the Internet at shown here are based on general, simple
www.forbo-siegling.com). physical equations, supplemented by cer-
tain factors that include a safety margin.

In the majority of cases, the safety margin

in calculations in this brochure will be
greater than in the corresponding B_Rex

Further information on machine design

can be found in our brochure, ref. no. 305
“Recommendations for machine design.”

Siegling – total belting solutions


Key to the abbreviations


Drum and roller width b mm
Belt width b0 mm
Calculation factors C.. –
Drum and roller diameter d mm
Drive drum diameter dA mm
Rolling resistance of support rollers f –
Tensile force F N
Maximum belt pull (on the drive drum) F1 N
Minimum belt pull (on the drive drum) F2 N
Force of the tensioning weight FR N
Effective pull FU N
Tensioning drum weight FTR N
Steady state shaft load on the drive drum FWA N
Initial value of the shaft load FWinitial N
Relaxed shaft load on the return drum FWU N
Acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s2) g m/s2
Difference in the drum radii (crowning) h mm
Conveying height hT m
Relaxed belt pull at 1% elongation per unit of width k1% N/mm
Support roller pitch on upper side l0 mm
Transition length lS mm
Support roller pitch on return side lu mm
Geometrical belt length Lg mm
Length of conveyor lT m
Mass of the goods conveyed over the entire length
conveyed (total load) m kg
Mass of the goods conveyed on the top side (total load) m1 kg
Mass of the goods conveyed on the return side (total load) m2 kg
Mass of the belt mB kg
Mass of the goods conveyed per m length conveyed
on the upper face (line load) m'0 kg/m
Mass of all rotating drums, except for drive drum mR kg
Mass of the goods conveyed per m length conveyed
on the return side (line load) m'u kg/m
Mechanical motor power PM kW
Mechanical power calculated on the drive drum PA kW
Production tolerance Tol %
Friction coefficient when running over roller µR –
Friction coefficient for accumulated conveying µST –
Friction coefficient when running over table support µT –
Belt velocity v m/s
Volume flow for bulk goods conveying V∙ m3/h
Total take-up range X mm
Belt sag yB mm
Drum deflection yTr mm
Margin for take-up range Z mm
Machine’s angle of inclination α °
Arc of contact on the drive drum (or snub roller) β °
Opening angle on the tensioning drum γ °
Belt elongation (pre-tensioning with weight) ΔL mm
Permitted angle of inclination for unit goods δ °
Elongation at fitting ε %
Maximum belt elongation εmax %
Drive efficiency η –
Bulk density of goods conveyed ρS kg/m3

Unit goods conveying systems

Load examples to
m = lT . Weight of conveyed goods per meter establish the maximum
effective pull Fu [N]
FU = µR . g . (m + mB + mR ) [N]

mB m
FU = µT . g . ( m + ) + µR . g ( B + mR ) [N]
2 2

FU = µT . g . (m1 + m2 + mB) [N]

Direction conveyed upward:

FU = µR . g (m + mB + mR) + g . m . sin α [N]
Direction conveyed downward:
FU = µR . g (m + mB + mR) – g . m . sin α [N]

Direction conveyed upward:

FU = µT . g ( m + mB ) + µR . g ( mB + mR ) + g . m . sin α [N]
2 2
Direction conveyed downward:
FU = µT . g ( m + mB ) + µR . g ( mB + mR ) – g . m . sin α [N]
2 2

. mB m
FU = µT g ( m + ) + µR g ( B + mR ) + µST . g . m [N]
2 2

FU = please enquire [N]

FU = please enquire [N]

PVC-impreg- Brushed Thinly coated RFL-impreg- Thickly coated
Friction coefficients µS for nated underside underside underside nated underside underside
various coatings (guidelines) (FS) (B) (F) (BB) (C)
black FR black white black FR white

µT (table)
0.35 0.35 0.8 0.45 not recommended
µR (table)
0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05
µST (accu-
0.4 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.9

Maximum belt pull F1

P · η · C1 · 1000
F₁ = FU . C1 [N] F1 = M [N]

If effective pull FU can be calculated If the effective pull FU cannot be calcu­

lated, F1 can be established from the
motor power installed PM.

Factor C1 Siegling Transtex

(applies to the drive drums) Underside coating Brushed (B) or impregnated (FS, BB)

Arc of contact β 180° 210° 240° 270° 300°

Smooth steel drum 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5

Lagged drum 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3

Siegling Transtex
Underside coating Thin (F) or thick coating (C)

Arc of contact β 180° 210° 240° 270° 300°

Smooth steel drum 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3

Lagged drum not recommended

Factor C2

Checking the Transilon type selected F1 N F
≤ C2 [ mm ] if the value 1 is larger than C2,
b0 b0

Note: If belts have been perforated, b0 must a stronger belt type (with a higher k1% value) must be used.
be reduced by the total width of the holes
at a typical cross section. In the case of C2 indicates the max. permitted belt pull per unit width for the belt type:
extreme temperatures, the C2 factors
C2 = ε max . k1%
Please enquire.

The product data sheets list details on the relaxed k1% value.
If example calculations and rough estimates without a data sheet are required,
the following assumptions can be made (but not guaranteed):

Siegling Transtex PVC Siegling Transtex PVK Siegling Transtex PHR Siegling Transtex PU

Type class k1% in N/mm Type class k1% in N/mm Type class k1% in N/mm Type class k1% in N/mm

PVC 120 8 PVK 100 11 PHR 2-90 5 PU 2-150 8

PVC 150 8.5 PVK 125 12 PHR 2-160 11 PU120 11
PVC 200 11 PVK 150 12 PHR 3-135 8 PU150 11
PVC 350 17 PVK 200 15 PHR 3-200 19 PU200 15
PVC 450 24 PHR 3-265 25

You can find details on the maximum elongations in the product data sheets.
If example calculations and rough estimates without a data sheet are required,
the following assumptions can be made (but not guaranteed):

Siegling Transtex PVC, PVK, PU PHR, PU2

εmax in % 2.0 2.0

Minimum diameter of the drive drums dA

F · C · 180
dA = U 3. [mm]
b0 β

Siegling Transtex PVC-impreg- Brushed Thinly RFL-impreg- Thickly Factor C3

Underside coating nated underside coated nated coated (applies to the drive drums)
underside underside underside underside
(FS) (B) (F) (BB) (C)

Smooth steel drum

dry 40 40 30 40 25
wet not recom- not recom- not recom- not recom- 50
mended mended mended mended

Lagged drum
dry 30 30 25 30 25
wet 40 40 40 40 30

Mechanical capacity calculated

F ·v on the drive drum PA
PA = U [kW]

Mechanical capacity required PM

PM = [kW] = the next largest, standard motor is selected

Take-up range for screw-
operated take-up systems
The following factors must be taken into
account when establishing the take-up

1. The approximate magnitude of elon­

Z -Tol +Tol ε Z
gation at fitting ε of the belt, resulting
from the belt load. To establish ε, see
pages 7 and 8.

2. The production tolerances (Tol) of

the belt as regards the length. example the impact of temperature, Generally, depending on the load, elon-
stop-and-go operation. gation at fitting, ranging from approx.
3. Any external influences that might 0.2 % to 1 %, is sufficient, so that normally
necessitate greater elongation 4. Fitting the belt is easy by moving the a take-up range X of approx. 1 % of the
(ten­sioning) than usual, or might tension drum inwards by value Z. belt length is adequate.
require a safety margin Z, such as for

Guidelines for shaft load At rest

at rest with tensile force F
When you are estimating the shaft loads,
please assess the different levels of belt
pull when the conveyor is at rest and in a
steady state.

FW1 = FW2 = 2 . F F ≈ ε% . k1% . b0 [N]

Guidelines for elongation Head drive in steady state forces

at fitting ε for head drives
The minimum elongation at fitting for
head drives is:

F /2 + 2 . F2
ε ≈ U. [%]
2 k1% . b0
F2 = F1 – FU FWA = F1 + F2

Tail drive in steady state forces
Guidelines for elongation
at fitting ε for tail drives
The minimum elongation at fitting for
return side drives is:

FU/2 + 2 · F2 + FU
ε = [%]
2 · k1% · b0
F2 = F1 – FU

Guidelines for elongation at

fitting ε for return-side drives
The minimum elongation at fitting for
operating head drives is:

FU (C1 – K)
ε = [%]
k1% · b0
Return side drive in steady state

Guidelines for steady state K for head drives = 0.75

shaft load K for return-side drives = 0.62
K for tail drives = 0.25

Typical drive drum β = 180°

FWA = F1 + F2 [N]

Typical end drum β = 180°

Shaft load when tensioning belts

FW3 = 2 . F2 [N] Tension members made of synthetic This implies that higher belt forces FWinitial
materials display significant relaxation will occur when tensioning the belt.
behavior. As a result, the relaxed k1% value They will have to be taken into account
is taken as a basis for calculating belts in when dimensioning the drum and its
Typical snub roller β = 60°
line with ISO 21181. It describes the proba- components (bearings). The following
FW6 = 2 . F2 . sin (β/2) [N] ble long-term force-elongation proper- value can be assumed as a reference:
ties of the belt material that has been
subjected to stress due to deflection and FWinitial = FW . 1.5
load change. This produces the calcula-
Typical drive druml β ≠ 180°
tion force FW. In critical cases, we recommend you
FWA = F1 + F2 2 – 2 . F1 . F2 . cos β [N] contact application engineers at Forbo

Dimensioning force-dependent
take-up systems

Establishing FR In weight-loaded take-up systems, the The tension weight must be able to
tension weight must generate the mini- move freely. The take-up system must
mum belt pull F2 to achieve perfect grip be in­stalled behind the drive section.
of the belt on the drive drum (spring, Reverse operation is not possible. The
pneumatic and hydraulic take-up systems take-up range depends on the effective
work on a similar principle). pull, the tensile force F2 required, elonga-
tion of the belt ΔL, the production toler-
ance Tol, the safety margin for tensioning
Z and the belt selected.

FR = 2 . F2 – FTR  [N]

Example for establishing the tension
weight FR [N] at 180° arc of contract
(FTR = tensioning drum weight [N]). FTR FR

γ _ FU F1
FR = 2 · F2 · cos FTR [N]

Example for establishing the tension γ
weight FR [N] at an angle γ according to
the drawing (FTR = tensioning drum
weight [N]). FTR FR

Establishing belt In force-driven take-up systems, the overall elongation of the belt changes, according
elongation ΔL to the level of the effective pull. The change in belt elongation ∆L has to be absorbed
by the take-up system. For head drives ∆L is calculated as

FU/4 + FTR + FR
∆L = · Lg [mm]
k1% · b0

Bulk goods conveying systems

Bulk goods δ (approx.°) Bulk goods δ (approx.°) Longitudinal angle

Ash, dry 16 Salt, fine 15 – 18 of inclination δ
Ash, wet 18 Salt, rock 18 – 20
Soil, moist 18 – 20 Loam, wet 18 – 20 Guidelines for the longitudinal angle of
Grain, except oats 14 Sand, dry, wet 16 – 22
inclination δ permissible in various bulk
Lime, lumps 15 Peat 16
Potatoes 12 Sugar, refined 20 goods. The machinery’s actual angle of
Gypsum, pulverized 23 Sugar, raw 15 inclination α must be less than δ.
Gypsum, broken 18 Cement 15 – 20
Wood, chips 22 – 24
Artificial fertilizer 12 – 15 These values depend on the particle
Flour 15 – 18 shape, size and mechanical properties of
the goods conveyed, regardless of any
conveyor belt coating.

Goods conveyed Bulk density ρS [103 kg/m3] Goods conveyed Bulk density ρS [103 kg/m3] Bulk density of some
Ash, cold, dry 0.7 Gypsum, broken 1.35 bulk goods ρS
Soil, moist 1.5 – 1.9 Flour 0.5 – 0.6
Grain (except oats) 0.7 – 0.85 Clinker 1.2 – 1.5
Wood, hard 0.6 – 1.2 Loam, dry 1.5 – 1.6
Wood, soft 0.4 – 0.6 Loam, wet 1.8 – 2.0
Wood, chips 0.35 Sand, dry 1.3 –1.4
Charcoal 0.2 Sand, wet 1.4 – 1.9
Pulses 0.85 Soap, flakes 0.15 – 0.35
Lime, lumps 1.0 – 1.4 Slurry 1.0
Artificial fertilizer 0.9 – 1.2 Peat 0.4 – 0.6
Potatoes 0.75 Sugar, refined 0.8 – 0.9
Salt, fine 1.2 – 1.3 Sugar, raw 0.9 – 1.1
Salt, rock 2.1 Sugarcane 0.2 – 0.3
Gypsum, pulverized 0.95 – 1.0

b0 mm 400 500 650 800 1000 1200 1400 Volume flow V∙ for belts
Angle of surcharge 0° 25 32 42 52 66 80 94 lying flat
Angle of surcharge 10° 40 57 88 123 181 248 326 The table shows the hourly volume flow
(m3/h) at a belt velocity of v = 1 m/s.
Conveyor belt lying flat and horizontal.
The belt is equipped with 20 mm high
longitudinal profiles T20 on the belt
edges of the top face.

Volume flow V∙ for troughed b0 mm 400 500 650 800 1000 1200 1400

conveyor belts Troughed angle 20°

in m3/h at a belt velocity of 1 m/s. Angle of surcharge 0° 21 36 67 105 173 253 355
Angle of surcharge 10° 36 60 110 172 281 412 572

Troughed angle 30°
Angle of surcharge 0° 30 51 95 149 246 360 504
Under real world conditions, the theoreti- Angle of surcharge 10° 44 74 135 211 345 505 703
cal values for volume flow are hardly ever
reached as they only apply to horizontal
belts with perfectly even loads. Uneven
loads and the properties of the goods
conveyed can decrease the amount by
approx. 30 %.

Conveying angle α [°] 2 4 6 8 10 12

Factor C6
Factor C6 1.0 0.99
In inclined conveying, the theoretical
Conveying angle α [°] 14 16 18 20 22
quantity of goods conveyed is slightly
less. It is calculated by applying the factor Factor C6 0.91
C6 which depends on the conveying
angle α.

IT [m] 25 50 75 100 150 200

Factor C4
C4 2 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.3
Additional effective pull, for example
from scrapers and cleaning devices, is
taken into account by including the
factor C4.

f = 0.025 for roller bearings

Rolling resistance for support rollers f
f = 0.050 for slide bearings

Establishing the mass of goods conveyed m

m = V . δS . lT . 3.6 [kg]

Establishing the effective pull FU
FU = g · C4 . f (m + mB + mR ) ± g · m . sin α [N]

Calculation as for unit goods (–) downward

(+) upward

The support roller pitch depends on the If maximum sag of 1 % is permitted, Support roller pitches
belt pull and the masses. The following (i.e. yB = 0.01 l0)
equation is used to calculate it:

Recommendation l0 max ≤ 2b0

lu ≈ 2 – 3 l0 max

yB . 800 . F 8.F
l0 = [mm] l0 = [mm]
m'0 + m'B m'0 + m'B

l0 = Support roller pitch on upper side in mm

yB = Maximum conveyor belt sag in mm
F = Belt pull in the place concerned in N
m'0 + m'B = Weight of goods conveyed and belt in kg/m

Calculation example for unit goods conveying

In a goods sorting system, conveyor belts

are loaded with goods and sent to the
distribution center. Horizontal conveying,
skid plate support, return drive systems as
shown on the sketch, drive via the top
face of the belt, smooth drive drum,
screw-operated tensioning system,
14 support rollers. Proposed belt type:
Siegling Transtex PVC200 P CxB-NA black
(908028) with k1% = 11 N/mm.

End drums 1, 2, 6 Length of conveyor lT = 50 m

Snub rollers 3, 7, 8 Geometrical belt length Lg = 105000 mm
Drive drum 5 Belt width b0 = 1000 mm
Support rollers 4, 9, and various Total load m = 2000 kg
tension drums 6. Arc of contact β = 180°
v = ca. 0.8 m/s g = 9.81 m/s2
Mass rollers mR = 570 kg
(all drums except
for 5)

Effective pull FU [N] mB   m

FU = µT . g (m + ) + µR . g ( B + mR )
2 2

672    672  
FU = 0.35 . 9.81 (2000 + ) + 0.04 . 9.81 ( + 570)
2 2

FU ≈ 8376 N

m = 2000 kg
µR = 0.04
µT = 0.35
mB = 672 kg (from 6.4 kg/m2 . 105 m . 1 m)

FU = 8376 N
Maximum belt pull F1 [N] C1 = 1.6 F1 = FU . C1

F1 = 8376 . 1.6

F1 ≈ 13402 N

F1 = 13402 N
Checking the belt type selected F1
b0 = 1000 mm ≤ C2
k1% = 11 N/mm
εmax = 2 %
≤ 2 · 11 N/mm

13.4 N/mm ≤ 22 N/mm

The belt type has been chosen correctly.

FU = 8376 N
F . C . 180°
C3 = 25 dA = U 3. [mm] Minimum drive drum diameter
b0 β
β = 180°
b0 = 1000 mm
8376 . 25 . 180°
dA = [mm]
1000 . 180°

dA = 209 mm

dA dimensioned at 250 mm

FU = 8376 N
FU . v
v = 0.8 m/s PA = [kW] Power PA on the drive drum

8376 . 0.8
PA =

PA ≈ 6.7 kW

PA  = 6.7 kW
η = 0.8 (assumed) PM =  [kW]
Motor power required PM

PM =  [kW]

PM ≈ 8.4 kW

PM at 9.0 kW or higher

FU = 8376 N Minimum elongation at fitting

F (C – K)
C1 = 1.6 ε = U .1 [%] for return drive
k1% b0
K = 0.62
k1% = 11 N/mm for Siegling Transtex
PVC200 P CxB-NA black (908028)
8376 (1.6 – 0.62)
b0 = 1000 mm ε =  [%]
9 . 1000

ε ≈ 0.9 %

Shaft load in steady state drum drum 2 Simplified calculation assuming β = 180°
(return drum) FW2 = 2 . F1
F1 = 13402 N
FW2 = 2 . 13402 N

FW2 ≈ 26804 N

Shaft load in steady state drum drum 1 F2  = F1 – FU

(return drum) F2  = 13402 – 8376 FW1 = 2 . F2
F2 = 5026 N
FW1 = 2 . 5026 N

FW1 ≈ 10052 N

Shaft load in steady state drum drum 5 F1 = 13402 N

(Drive drum) F2  = F1 – FU FW5 = F1 + F2
F2 = 13402 – 8376
F2 = 5026 N FW5 = 13402 + 5026

FW5 ≈ 18428 N

Governed by minimum belt pull F2, FW3 is

Shaft load in steady drum 3 (snub roller) calculated using the equation on page 7.

At rest, tensile forces are defined on the
Shaft load at rest
top and underside by elongation at fitting F = ε [%] . k1% . b0 [N]
ε. The tensile force F is calculated accord-
ing to: To compare rest and steady state modes,
please observe the different shaft loads
in drum 1.
Example for a drum with β = 180°
Arc of contact FW = 2 . F FW1 at rest = 10800 N
FW = 2 . 0.6 . 9 . 1000
(In our example, this force is exerted FW ≈ 10800 N
FW1 steady state = 10052 N
equally on drums 1, 5 and 6 because of
the 180° arc of contact). Note:
When designing machinery, both modes
When β ≠ 180° the following applies must be taken into account.
when determining FW (F1 = F2 can be FW =  F12 + F22 – 2 . F1 . F2 . cos β
assumed at rest). FW = [N]

Take-up range

200 –105 +105 315 200



Tol = ± 0.2 %
ε = 0.6 % ­­ 2 . Tol . Lg ε . Lg
Lg = 105000 mm +
100  100
Z = 200 mm X= + 2Z  [mm]

2 . 0.2 . 105000 0.6 . 105000
100 100
X= + 400 [mm]

X = 210 + 315 + 400 [mm]

X ≈ 925 mm

Siegling – total belting solutions

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