Executive LLM: Programme For Working Professionals
Executive LLM: Programme For Working Professionals
Executive LLM: Programme For Working Professionals
Executive LLM
Department of Law
The London School of Economics
and Political Science
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
Twitter: @LSELaw
Facebook: facebook.com/LSELaw
Pinterest: pinterest.com/LSELaw
Instagram: Instagram.com/LSELaw
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4 Welcome and introduction
8 Executive LLM modules
I wanted to participate 10 LSE History
in something that was
qualitative as well as 11 The Law Department
interactive. Here at LSE 12 Intellectual life at LSE
I’ve found that it certainly
more than exceeds my 13 LSE: In the heart of legal life
14 LSE: Pre-eminence in
Daphne Delaney
research and teaching law
Executive LLM Graduate
Studying in and enjoying London
16 The LSE network
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Welcome and introduction
The Executive LLM is one of the most The programme offers modules in a
innovative and intellectually exciting LLM broad range of fields including arbitration,
programmes offered in Europe today. human rights, international law, and
It makes available the highest quality corporate, commercial and financial law.
postgraduate education, taught by many LSE is an exceptionally diverse, energetic
of the leading academics in the UK, and international academic institution.
to individuals in full-time employment This makes studying here not only
who are not in a position to take a year- intellectually rewarding but also a lot of
long break from work. Students on the fun. Our teaching combines views and
Left: Professor Niamh Moloney, Head of programme will study for the LLM by experiences from different disciplinary
Department. Right: Professor David taking a set of intensive modules over traditions as well as from different
Kershaw, Director of the Executive LLM. a period of three to four years. The jurisdictions which ensures that what you
programme is open to applicants who learn at LSE is relevant to legal study and
have had at least three years post-degree practice in any jurisdiction.
work experience in law.
Many of your questions will be answered in
The Law Department at the London the following sections of this brochure and
School of Economics and Political the accompanying video. If you have any
Science is the UK’s number one legal additional questions, the programme team
research institution. It is also a market will be more than happy to answer them.
leader in the provision of postgraduate
legal education through our well
established LLM and MSc programmes.
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Programme structure
A part-time executive degree Intensive Module Teaching Teaching Delivery Alternative Completion
The Executive LLM is a part-time The modules will be taught in short In our view high-quality intensive Options: Degrees, Diplomas
degree for working professionals who intensive sessions. Each module will programmes can only be delivered
and Certificates
have obtained at least three years provide approximately 25 hours of through interactive seminar-based Whilst we hope and expect that most of
post degree work experience. The contact teaching time. Students will teaching. The intensive teaching sessions our Executive LLM students will complete
programme of study will typically be be provided with online and hard copy are a perfect environment for such the whole programme, we recognise that
completed in four years, although materials for the module well in advance interaction, allowing the teacher to get unexpected work commitments may
students with more time flexibility will of the intensive teaching. the best from the students and enabling sometimes make this unfeasible. With
be able to complete the programme the students to learn not only from this in mind, the Executive LLM also
The teaching will take place in week-long
in three years. To obtain the Executive the teacher but also from each other’s offers alternative exit points for students
sessions, which will typically be held in
LLM, students must complete eight professional experience and knowledge. who have completed several modules
the first half of September, December
modules from any of the modules listed but do not think it will be possible to
and April. Modules will run from Monday
on pages eight and nine. Examination complete the whole degree. An LSE
until Friday.
Students will be examined through Diploma in Legal Studies is available
a combination of assessed essays on the completion of six modules and
(maximum of three out of eight) and a Certificate of Legal Studies on the
take-home examinations. The take- completion of four modules.
home examinations will be uploaded Enrolment
and submitted electronically and will be
Enrolment on the degree can take place
set two months after the completion of
at any time during the course of the year.
the intensive teaching. Video revision /
There is no requirement to wait until the
question and answer sessions will be
beginning of the next academic year
offered to students between the end of
to start the programme as there is on a
the teaching session and the exam. The
typical LLM degree programme.
examination date will be provided at the
time a student registers for the module.
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Executive LLM modules
The modules that we will offer on the Executive LLM over the four
year degree period are set out below. We will not offer all of these
modules every year, although some of the more popular options may
be offered in each year, or more than once each year. We aim to offer
between 15 and 20 modules on a yearly basis when the programme is
operating at full capacity.
8 9
LSE History The Law Department
aim of the School was the betterment with over 60 academic members of
It has been the most of society. By studying the causes and staff, many of whom are recognised
intellectually exciting and effects of poverty and inequality, the internationally as leading scholars in
invigorating experience I have founders sought to improve society in
general. Sidney Webb in particular, noted
their fields.
10 11
Intellectual life at LSE LSE: In the heart of legal life
unrivalled context in which to study
experiencing the astonishingly vibrant intellectual life of our campus. As befitting the law. The fact that cases, statutes and
objectives of LSE’s founders as well as its location, the LSE Law Department is a The structure of the Executive regulations are produced, and deals
focal point for the engagement of academic work with the real business and political LLM affords an opportunity for brokered and structured, in the vicinity of
worlds on our doorstep. The range of events and intellectual activity taking place in participants to balance their our campus brings the study of law to life.
the Department is quite exceptional, with regular talks and seminars involving leading respective work and academic
“ This proximity is also a key component
politicians, regulators, practitioners and academics. Many of these are available only to lives, while still managing to have of LSE’s intellectual life and energy which
LSE students. Although Executive LLM students will not be present on campus during a family/social life. draws on the views and experiences of
the whole year to attend all these events, we will ensure that you will have access to John Ludden judges, practitioners and regulators for
these events remotely. Executive LLM Graduate conferences, lectures and seminars.
12 13
LSE: Pre-eminence in research Studying in and enjoying London
and teaching law
14 15
The LSE network Application process and fees
LSE is truly a multinational institution What are the Requirements Acceptable scores are:
with countries from many parts of for admission? • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
Europe and the rest of the world with a minimum overall score of 109 in the Internet
The Executive LLM has three
represented in both the student based test (with a minimum of 24 in listening, 27 in
pre-requisites for admission:
body and our faculty. LSE Alumni writing, 23 in reading and 22 in speaking).
• You must have obtained very good
really do span the globe. By taking or
grades in your law studies. The grades
the Executive LLM you will become • IELTS (International English Language Testing
required for admission will be tailored
part of the Alumni Network, and will System) with a minimum overall score of 7.5 (with
to the system of legal education in
have a wonderful opportunity to meet a minimum of 7.0 in both the listening and writing
the countries from which applicants
and to learn from your peers about elements, 6.5 in reading and 6.5 in speaking).
have obtained, or will obtain, their
both the practice of law and life in
qualifications. Places will normally
multiple jurisdictions — both in the When can I apply and when can I
only be offered to applicants with
classroom and over a drink at one of
the equivalent of a high 2:1 in a UK start?
the Executive LLM social events.
Bachelor of Laws Degree. The Executive LLM programme is open for
admissions on a rolling basis throughout the year.
• You must have had at least three
Once admitted, students may start the programme
years post-degree experience in legal
immediately by taking the next available modules
practice. This could, for example, be
after admission. Applicants are encouraged to
in a law firm, government, a company,
apply at least six months before their proposed
a non-governmental organisation or
start date. Complete applications must be received
international organisation.
a minimum of two months in advance of the start
• If you are not a native English speaker, of the module teaching.
you may need to provide a language
test. You should include your test How do I apply?
scores, if available, in the relevant The application form is available on the Graduate
section of the application form. If you Admissions website. As part of your application
receive an offer of admission, it will be you will need to provide a personal statement
subject to proof of your score. explaining why you wish to take the module, your
English tests must be less than two curriculum vitae, and two references (one academic
years old at the time of registration on reference and one reference from your most recent
the programme. If you have not yet legal employer).
taken the test, your application can be
Programme Fees:*
considered in its absence, but any offer
will be conditional on your achieving the
required score.
16 * Note: Changes in fee levels may occur over the course of the programme. 17
The Directorate and contact details
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