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Republic of the Philippines


Tabaco City
AY 2023-2024

Authentic Assessment Tools Utilized by DepEd Teachers in Mathematics Classroom

In Partial fulfillment of the course requirements in Educ 8: Assessment in Learning 2 of

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics

Submitted by:
Bea Mae Basmayor
Shella Mae Bobier
Romina Buiza
Jolina Cabria
Angeline Canicula

Assessment is crucial in assessing the student's progress and understanding, helping

them to enhance their skills and deepen their understanding. There are two types of

assessment, one of them is the authentic assessment. Authentic assessment evaluates the

learning of the students through real-life situations where they can apply their knowledge (Lange

et al., 2020). For instance, a portfolio (Zhang, 2021).

In mathematics, authentic assessment is utilized through the performance rubrics to

assess the students' understanding about the mathematical problems (Ukobizaba et al., 2021).

And to improve their critical thinking and problem solving skills (Nurhadi et al., 2019).

Additionally, writing prompts and graphic organizers (Steppler, 2020), mini projects (Fauziah et

al., 2018), and oral questioning (Kayoko, 2019). These tools can be integrated into different

parts of the lesson. For instance, at the end of the lesson, the teacher uses his authentic

assessment tool to measure the student's understanding of the topic (McFeetors et al., 2021).

However, teachers encounter challenges in developing and utilizing various authentic

assessment tools. Some teachers said that time constraints and the demand for accuracy in

implementation are the challenges (Mohammad, 2020). Additionally, a lack of knowledge and

training among some teachers leads to challenges in implementing authentic assessment tools

(Terrie et al., 2021). Furthermore, some teachers have mentioned that authentic assessment is

time-consuming (Muhammad, 2019).

The significance of conducting this study lies in its potential to identify the different

authentic assessment tools utilized by the DepEd teachers in Mathematics classroom as well as

the challenges they encounter in implementing it. These identifications can lead to improvement

and understand the effective implementation of authentic assessment in the classroom.

Recognizing the specific tools used by the teachers can help to gain insights on what is most

effective and practical. Furthermore, the challenges teachers face can help to develop methods
by providing training and support. So, this study can help to improve the quality of mathematics

education by utilizing the adoption of authentic assessments that are relevant to the needs and

reality of students as well as teachers in the classroom.


Research Design and Method

This study followed a qualitative research design to explore the authentic assessment

utilized by teachers in mathematics classrooms. A case study is being used wherein according

to Creswell (2014, p. 241), it is a qualitative design in which a program, event, activity,

procedure, or one or more people are thoroughly examined by the researcher and the case(s)

are constrained by time and activity, and researchers gather comprehensive data over an

extended period of time utilizing a range of data gathering techniques. In this study, qualitative

design is used to primarily determine the different authentic assessment tools used by teachers

in teaching mathematics, when authentic assessment tools are utilized, and the challenges

teachers face in developing and utilizing authentic assessment tools.


The respondents of this study are high school mathematics teachers of Tabaco City,

Albay. Only three (3) mathematics teachers who participated in the study.

Research Instrument

The study utilized a survey distributed via Google Forms to gather data from

participants. This method facilitated well-organized data collection, with responses automatically

recorded in digital format. Moreover, utilizing Google Forms allowed participants to conveniently

complete the survey online, reducing barriers to participation. Furthermore, participants were
assured that the gathered data would remain confidential and solely used for the study's


Sources of Data

The sources of data being presented in this study are primary and secondary sources of

data. The primary sources of data or first-hand experience is being collected through the

responses of mathematics teachers who are the respondents of this study. While the secondary

sources or the second-hand information are the published and unpublished data such as

theses, dissertations, and journals.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted an online research on the related literature and studies

about the authentic assessment tools utilized by teachers in mathematics classrooms. The

researchers secure permission to the mathematics teachers as the participants of our study.

Right after the approval, the survey using Google form was conducted to determine the different

examples of authentic assessment tools they’ve used, when they used authentic assessment

tools in teaching mathematics, and the challenges they encountered when using authentic tools.

The researchers used thematic analysis to analyze the data collected.

Ethical Considerations

In this study, ethical considerations included maintaining confidentiality and securing

participants' consent for data privacy. Prior to completing the survey, participants were informed

on the study's purpose and assured that their responses would remain confidential. These

ethical measures were implemented to protect participants' privacy and rights, ensuring the

research was conducted with integrity and accountability.


The data used in this study is from three (3) mathematics high school teachers from

Tabaco City, Albay, who participated in the study. It focused on determining the different

examples of authentic assessment tools they've used, when they use authentic assessment

tools in teaching mathematics, and the challenges they encountered when using authentic tools.

The researchers used thematic analysis to analyze the data collected. The researchers first

familiarized themselves with the data; then, they started organizing the data in a meaningful and

systematic way by coding, which reduced lots of data into small chunks of meaning. In this

case, the researchers examined the codes, and some of them clearly fit together into themes

that captured something significant or interesting about the data. At the end of this step, the

codes had been organized into broader themes that seemed to say something specific about

this research question.

Guide Questions Interview Extract Codes Themes

Do you use Teacher 1  Portfolio Theme 1: Types of

authentic authentic Assessment
assessment tools? If  Reflective tools
Yes, I use portfolio
yes, could you Journals
assessment, project
provide examples of and problem based  Essays
different authentic learning, interviews,
assessment tools simulations and  Problem-solving
that you have used many other types of  Simulations
in teaching authentic
Mathematics? assessment.  Observations

Teacher 2  Open-ended
Yes, in general math
subjects I am using
observations and
reflective journals
Teacher 3
Open response
questions, Essays
What criteria do you Teacher 1  Real-life Theme 2: Criteria for
consider when application choosing authentic
choosing authentic It should measure assessment tools
assessment tools students' ability to  Construct
for mathematics, apply the knowledge knowledge and
and how does this of the content in real meaning
impact their life situations,
demonstrate  Relevance
proficiency in  Appropriateness
showcasing the
knowledge by  Authenticity
applying it and it
should provide
students with
opportunities for
them to create new
knowledge and
meaning. It is
essential that
teachers must give
way to the feedback
phase in order to
gauge and learn new
things from the
learners. Learners do
effectively learn from
these assessments
by having them apply
and create new ideas
through the guide of
their teachers.
Teacher 2
Authenticity, it gives
positive effect on the
part of the student

Teacher 3
Relevance and
appropriateness of
the authentic
assessment to the
When do you use Teacher 1  Time dependent Theme 3: Utilization of
authentic authentic assessment
assessment tools? I often use authentic  During tools
assessment tools performance task
whenever it is
possible and if time  After chapters
permits due to the discussion
great bulk of work
given by DepEd to
public school

Teacher 2
In giving performance
Teacher 3
After discussing
topics by chapter
How do authentic Teacher 1  Conceptualize Theme 4: Impact on
assessment tools and contextualize learning outcomes
contribute to the Authentic learning
overall improvement assessment helps
of students' learning students  Retain
outcomes in conceptualize and information
mathematics? contextualize their
learning by applying  Different learning
these ideas to real styles are
life situations that incorporated
connects concepts to  Assessment
reality. This also
helps them retain  Reflection
essential information
because there are
more senses
involved in the
teaching learning
process that can be
used in their day to
day activities.
Teacher 2
contribute a lot in
evaluation and

Teacher 3
It provides more
reflection on the part
of the students. The
teacher will be able
to pick up ideas of
students regarding a
certain topic.
What challenges do Teacher 1  Time constraints Theme 5: Challenges
you face in and solutions in
developing and One of the many  Time-consuming development and
implementing challenges is time implementation
authentic constraint. It is
assessment tools, significant the Solution:
and how do you teachers must be
overcome them? organized and time  Organized
conscious in the teachers
implementation of
 Punctuality
assessment tools in
order to attain the
needed to be
covered in the limited
span of time.
Teacher 2

Teacher 3
Why is it important Teacher 1 Engagement and Theme 6:
to use authentic active learning Effectiveness of
assessment tools in Authentic authentic assessment
teaching assessment helps  Supports tools
mathematics? students to be collaboration
engaged and be skills
more active in the
teaching learning  Develops
process. It aids their problem solving
critical thinking skills skills
and develops  Critical thinking
problem solving development
skills. It is also
significant because it  Effective teaching
supports learning process
communication and
 Effective
collaborating skills
needed in order to
solve real life
Teacher 2
assessment helps us
evaluate students’
performance in
effective way

Teacher 3
It can develop critical
thinking on the
students. It can
provide the teacher
with students' own
idea and learning.


Theme 1: Types of authentic assessment tools

The respondents had mentioned different types of authentic assessment tools they have

used in teaching mathematics. They used several examples of authentic assessment tools

such as portfolios, reflective journals, essays, problem solving, simulations, observations, open-

ended questions, and others. These authentic assessment tools help them to assess or

evaluate the learning of the learners. Although the respondents' responses have differences,

the findings show that they have similarities in terms of the types of authentic assessment tools

that they have used in teaching mathematics. This includes project-based learning, problem-

based learning, scenario-based learning, and inquiry-based learning.

Theme 2: Criteria for choosing authentic assessment tools

The results of this study shows that mathematics teachers’ criteria for choosing authentic

assessment tools in teaching mathematics. The respondents emphasize that authentic

assessment tools should measure students' ability on the application of knowledge into real-life

situations, it should provide students with opportunities to construct new knowledge and
meanings. The relevance and appropriateness of authentic assessment tools to the topic is also

essential criteria in choosing authentic tools. In addition, it is also mentioned that authentic

assessment tools have a positive impact on the students' learning.

Theme 3: Utilization of authentic assessment tools

The respondents varied on the utilization of authentic assessment tools in the

classroom. The result shows that the respondents use authentic tools depending on the time

when they have less load of work. On the contrary, it is mentioned that the respondents used

authentic assessment tools in giving performance tasks and after discussing the topics for a

particular topic. It shows that time availability influenced the utilization of authentic assessment

tools in teaching mathematics. These suggest that the time availability influences the utilization

of authentic assessment tools in teaching mathematics.

Theme 4: Impact on Learning Outcomes

Authentic assessment tools play a crucial role in shaping students' learning outcomes.

They facilitate the application of knowledge in real-world contexts, aiding students in

conceptualizing and contextualizing their learning, thereby enhancing retention of essential

information. Additionally, these tools influence the evaluation and assessment process, enabling

a more comprehensive understanding of students' abilities. Moreover, they promote reflection

among students, offering insights into their understanding of specific topics, which in turn assists

teachers in refining instructional approaches. This impact serves as a valuable aid in fostering

meaningful learning experiences.

Theme 5: Challenges and solutions in development and implementation

When teachers engage in the utilization and development of authentic assessment tools, they

may face various challenges. Time constraints and the time-consuming nature of the tasks are

among the challenges encountered. Nevertheless, Respondent 2 appears to have encountered

no challenges in both developing and implementing authentic assessment tools. Respondent 1

suggests that overcoming these challenges requires time-consciousness and effective

organization to cover the necessary competencies within limited time frames. Despite these

challenges, this can serve as opportunities for growth and innovation in teaching practices.

Theme 6: Effectiveness of authentic assessment tools

The effectiveness of authentic assessment tools depends on the teacher's skill in utilizing and

creating them for the mathematics classroom. These tools not only enhance students'

communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills but also enable

effective evaluation of their performance. Furthermore, authentic assessment tools offer insights

into students' own ideas and learning processes, providing valuable feedback for teachers.
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