Note On Tax Audit Report On ICDS Disclosures
Note On Tax Audit Report On ICDS Disclosures
Note On Tax Audit Report On ICDS Disclosures
1. First identify the disclosures required to be made under various ICDS and disclose the same in
para 13 (f).
Vide Circular No. 10/2017, dated 23rd March, 2017 the CBDT has clarified as under:
Question 25: ICDS-I requires disclosure of significant accounting policies and other ICDS requires
specific disclosures. Where is the taxpayer required to make such disclosures specified in ICDS?
Answer: Net effect on the income due to application of ICDS is to be disclosed in the Return of income.
The disclosures required under ICDS shall be made in the tax audit report in Form 3CD. However, there
shall not be any separate disclosure requirements for persons who are not liable to tax audit.
Hence, if due to difference in Accounting standards followed in ICDS and Financial GAAP the differences
should be given in para 13(e) and the specific disclosures required in para 13(f) would also be disclosed.
It may be noted that under this ICDS, the cost of inventory should include duties, taxes, etc., which are
subsequently recoverable from taxing authorities, while inventory valued in accordance with the
provisions of the AS 2 does not include such duties, taxes, etc. A reference may be made to para 23 of
the Guidance Note on Tax Audit under section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 issued by the ICAI. Care
should be taken to make adjustment for the same and reconcile it with adjustments made under section
145A of the Act and reported under clause 14(b) of Form 3CD.
a. in a transaction involving sale of good, total amount not recognised as revenue during the previous year
due to lack of reasonably certainty of its ultimate collection along with nature of uncertainty;
b. the amount of revenue from service transactions recognised as revenue during the previous year;
c. the method used to determine the stage of completion of service transactions in progress; and
d. for service transactions in progress at the end of previous year:
(i) amount of costs incurred and recognised profits (less recognised losses) upto end of previous year;
(ii) the amount of advances received; and
(iii) the amount of retentions.
The disclosures need to be made only in respect of service transactions with duration of more than 90
It may be mentioned that Ind AS does not allow recognition of dividend but ICDS allows recognition of
dividend and so this difference may be reported, where applicable.
Difference between IT depreciation and Financial Accounts depreciation should be disclosed in para 13(e).
a. nature and extent of Government grants recognised during the previous year by way of deduction from
the actual cost of the asset or assets or from the written down value of block of assets during the
previous year;
b. nature and extent of Government grants recognised during the previous year as income;
c. nature and extent of Government grants not recognised during the previous year by way of deduction
from the actual cost of the asset or assets or from the written down value of block of assets and reasons
thereof; and
d. nature and extent of Government grants not recognised during the previous year as income and
reasons thereof.
Nature of grant Amount recognised Nature of grant Amount recognised Nature of grant Amount recognised
Government grants recognised during
the previous year by way of deduction
from the actual cost of the asset or
assets or from the written down value
of block of assets during the previous
Government grants not recognised
during the previous year by way of
deduction from the actual cost of the
asset or assets or from the written
down value of block of assets
Government grants recognised during
the previous year as income
Government grants not recognised
during the previous year as income
Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a
qualifying asset shall be capitalised as part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are
recognised in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
Inventory is qualifying asset if period to bring them to saleable condition is at least 12 months.
Contingent assets are recognised when it becomes reasonably certain that inflow of economic
benefit will arise, and the asset and related income are recognised in the previous year in which
the change occurs.