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Kan Ban Crossing The Line Pushing

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Kanban - Crossing the line, pushing

the limit or rediscovering the agile

Jesper Boeg, Agile Coach, Developer

March 11, 2010

In general
 Feel free to ask questions
– I much prefer an enthusiastic discussion over
missing a few slides
– Might also keep you from taking your lunch time
nap ☺
 I am not a PowerPoint black belt so please
bear with my less than fancy slides
 Kanban origins
 What is software Kanban?
 How is software Kanban different from
other agile methods and which problems
might it help us solve?
 Software Kanban and team maturity
 Last notes
Kanban in manufactoring
 Kanban is Japanese and means
“visual card,” “signboard,” or
 Used to limit the amount of
inventory tied up in “work in
progress” in Lean manufacturing
 Excess inventory is regarded as
waste and so is the time spent
producing it
 Kanban cards act as a “work
permit” representing how much
WIP is allowed in a system.
 Typically a color coded plastic

A simple example of a Kanban pull

 New paper is
ordered when the
limit prescribed by
the kanban is
 When paper
arrives the kanban Order

is returned along Paper

with the paper

Software Kanban uses a broader
Lean perspective
 Limit work in progress.
– Focus on flow
– Deliver often
 Focus on quality
– stop the line
 Balance demand and throughput
– Getting people home at night
– Finding the right bottleneck
– Having free time on your hands
– Optimizing the whole
 Continuous improvement
– Keep getting better
– Focus on business value and minimal marketable feature set
To achieve this
 Start by mapping the value stream and
track work on a white board
Define WIP limits for each stage
Pick the low hanging fruits
 You will be surprised
how much you can
achieve by
– Limiting work in progress.
– Balancing demand and
How does that fit with current Agile
best practices?
 You can do fixed iterations or not
– As long as you deliver often
 You can use iteration retrospectives or not
– As long as you focus on continuous
 You can use estimation or not
– As long as you are able to do necessary
 You can leave out iteration retrospectives
– If you replace them with spontaneous quality
circles or a better way to continuously improve
But that does not mean
 It is illegal to do iterations
– If doing iterations will increase flow
 It is illegal to estimate
– If estimation provides valuable information to
stakeholders and motivates developers
 It is not possible to do release planning
– Release planning can be done on other metrics
e.g. cycletime or average number of items
 You are not focusing on improving the way
you work
Typical measurements
 Cycle time
– Measured from when you started working on it
 Lead time
– Measured form when the customer ordered
– Time spend bugfixing per iteration
– Average number of “stories” in progress
– Number of “stories” completed per iteration (when
using fixed iterations)
Use Cumulative Flow diagrams

Focusing on value sets instead of

 Using Kanban focus is no longer on

specific practices
– Choose practices that will help you use
resources at hand most effectively in your
 You might end up doing Scrum ☺
– If Scrum practices are the perfect way to
limit WIP, build quality in, level throughput
and demand and prioritize according to
business value in your context
But that is not my practice!!

David Anderson:
“I don’t care about your practices”

 Keep your eye on the ball

– We are hopefully using best practices because we
believe they help us deliver business value to our
customers – not because somebody told us to
 Once practices become faith based and cargo
cult we risk loosing sight of the goal
– Remember Alistair Cockburn’s: Shu, Ha, Ri
Traditional agile methods have
• Development items small enough to fit a 2 week iteration
are often too small to deliver real business value and
obtain real feedback
• Traditional iterations have consequences:
• Requirements may suffer as product owners rush to prepare for
upcoming cycles
• Development may suffer when busy product owners, testers and
users are unable to inspect software or answer questions during
• Functional quality may suffer as testers race to complete work
late in the development time-box
• Code quality may suffer when developers prioritize finishing a
set of features over refactoring, TDD and pair programming

Keeping a sustainable pace

 Sustainable pace is a core value

in agile – tech wise and people
– But many “agile” projects exhibit
anything but sustainable pace
– Both in terms of stressed out
people and a low quality code

Accept that most traditional agile methods are feature

driven and therefore require more measures than
delivering working software to keep a sustainable code
We need to allow more than one

David Anderson: “Concept that input cadence,

output cadence and cycle time should be
synchronous e.g. 2 week iteration, will be seen
as edge case 5 years from now”

 I don’t know if that will be true but it does seem

reasonable to decouple prioritization, delivery
and cycle time to wary naturally according to the
context and transaction costs
– Actually one of the main reasons kanbans are used
in manufacturing
Why do we readily accept agile

 Stopping the development team for 1-2

days to do sprint planning
 Low quality feedback because
functionality is to small to provide
business value
 Stressing the real bottleneck/constraint
by protecting the development team from
external interruptions
Immediate results
 More pair programming
 Better functional quality
 Better code coverage
 More refactoring
 Closer collaboration and Team feeling
across teams
 Immediate focus on the “real” bottleneck
– which turned out to be PO specification
Rediscovering the Agile vision?

 It actually kind of felt that way. Back to the

basics of
– Flow
– Feedback
– Quality built in
– Close communication and collaboration across the
entire value chain
– Continuous improvement
 Valuing people over processes and tools
– That goes for Agile processes and tools as well
 Though for a moment I must admit I did feel
quite lost without my Scrum safety blanket ☺
Kanban is not the only way

 I am 100 percent sure you can find ways

to achieve similar results using traditional
agile methods
– But it might take you longer to get there
– So keep an open mind
 It has become increasingly hard to
protect the team from all sorts of
– A hard deadline is easy for everyone
to understand
– Both within the team and people
outside the project
 We have to spend more time
discussing plans and long term
– Since people are no longer as
focused on the short term goal
 We are using considerably more time explaining
why we are doing things the way we are to
– Who for the most part had bought the Scrum silver
 We have experienced that people react very
differently to the new structure
– Some find it very hard to stay focused while others
are taking on more responsibility and are becoming
true craftsmen
 What I still consider good “Scrum habits” have to
be reinforced
– Daily standup, division of responsibility (PO/team)
 Reprioritizing flexibility escalated to the
point where the PO would try to
reprioritize work in progress
 Problem with understanding that though I
helped you out this time, it does not
automatically become my responsibility
 New people on the team using longer to
get adjusted to the way we work
 Many more will probably come since we
have yet to see the long term effect
Kanban requires high team maturity

 Since Kanban is based on Lean value sets and

Agile principles it requires high maturity to adopt
the right practices
– Requires a large toolbox
– Ability to distinguish between practices that are
effective but difficult to implement and practices that
does not fit the context
– Ability to focus on the individual “story” and avoid
unnecessary interruptions
– Use the added flexibility to find practices that
deliver more business value faster – not to
compensate for poor requirements and failed
Kanban is a good way to start
 Since Kanban does not include specific
practices you can start with your current
process and improve it one step at a
– Visualize your current value chain and
remove one bottleneck at a time
– Implement one practice at a time and
gradually improve your process
The jury is still out on that one
 At least for me personally
 But I think I am leaning towards high
Kanban is just a process
 Sometimes one process will work better
than another and sometimes they will be
equally good.
– Understand your problem before trying to
solve it.
– Expand your toolkit.
– My tool is better than yours attitude won’t
get you anywhere
– Compare processes to understand them not
for judgment.
Kanban is just a process
 You NEED good practices
– Agile product management principles do not
work well without good practices to support
– Quality built in is not just well tested. It is also
good architecture and good coding practices
 If you haven‘t got the technical practices in
place it doesn’t matter what process you
are using,
– It won’t get you anywhere in the long run.
– But a good process will help you focus on
having good technical practices.
Look at the entire value stream

 Start by acknowledging that development is not

always the bottleneck
 In cases where this is true you would rather want
developers doing nothing than stressing the real
bottleneck further
– Ideally developers are of cause helping relieving the real
 In traditional Agile methods, development is almost
by definition regarded as the bottleneck
– Keeps you from exposing the real bottleneck
– Keeps you from taking the right actions do improve your
– It took a switch from Scrum to Kanban for us to realice
Kanban is “Leaner” than traditional Agile
 Lean thinking done right can provide you with a
wealth of opportunities for improvement
– Exposing bottlenecks, visualizing flow, optimizing
the whole…..
 Even Toyota forgot the fundamentals - everyone
gets caught up in the new sexy stuff and
 But remember to distinguish between Lean
manufacturing and Lean product development
– You cannot eliminate variability without eliminating
value added in LPD
– Cost of delay in manufacturing is often the same
Look at your process from a true
Lean perspective
 Don’t try to make a process seem Lean just because
it’s a popular word
 A team pulling items from a backlog does not make
it a pull system
– It only means that you have a pull mechanism within
your system
– It doesn’t keep you from delivering more functionality
than the customer needs or is able to adopt.
 A true pull system is based on the entire value
stream and making sure it is closely aligned with the
needs and capabilities of the customer
– A software Kanban system should represent such value
stream since balancing throughput and demand is a
core value
Ask yourself
 Are you environment driven or
environment driving?
– Methods
– Organization
– People
– Technology
 That could very well be your biggest
impediment since it stops continuous
Keep time-boxed product and
process inspection
 Keep regular time-boxes in your process as a cue for product
• Evaluate the quality of the growing product from a functional,
engineering, and user experience perspective

 Evaluate your pace of development:

• Look at the number of development items completed relative to
• Look at the average cycle time per development item
• Adjust your development plan as necessary

 Evaluate and adjust the process you’re using

• Use a process reflection session to identify changes you could
make to improve your product or pace
Ending cycles right: http://www.stickyminds.com/s.asp?F=S14865_COL_2


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