Van Wyck Grumbach

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International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics

Bhatia R et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2016 Feb;3(1):262-263 pISSN 2349-3283 | eISSN 2349-3291

Case Report

Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome: a case report

Ravi Bhatia1*, Gunjan Bhatia2

Department of Pediatrics, Pacific Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Department of Pathologist, GBH American Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Received: 05 October 2015

Accepted: 10 December 2015

Dr. Ravi Bhatia,

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Van Wyk Grumbach Syndrome is characterized by long standing hypothyroidism, precocious puberty, Ovarian cysts
and delayed bona age. We present a case of a 12 year old female who presented with Short stature and precocious
puberty. The Patient responded well to L- thyroxine therapy.

Keywords: Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Precocious puberty

INTRODUCTION hirsuitism, dry skin. According to Tanner staging her

Sexual maturation score was B4, P3. Visual acuity and
Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome is characterized by fundus examination was normal. Her investigation were
juvenile hypothyroidism, delayed bone age and isosexual as follows Hb 7.4 gm/dl, MCV 97 fl, RBS 79 mg/dl,
precocious puberty with reversal to pre pubertal state blood Urea 18 mg/dl, serum creatinine 0.75 mg/dl, T3
following thyroxine replacement therapy.1 We report a 0.324 ng/ml ( normal 0.7-2.0 ng/ml ), T4 0.462 mcg/dl
case of 12 year old girl who presented to our OPD with (normal 5.5-13 mcg/dl), TSH >100 mic IU/ml( Normal
short stature, constipation and precocious puberty due to 0.27- 4.20 micIU/ml), LH 2.16 mIU/ml, FSH 6.6
long standing hypothyroidism. mIU/ml, Serum Prolactin 100.2 ng/ml (2.8-28). Her
radiological investigations revealed a bone age of two
CASE REPORT years. Ultrasound of the pelvis showed a uterine size of
7.29×2.55×5.10 cm. Uterus was anteverted, normal in
A girl aged 12 years presented to our OPD three months size, shape and echo density. Both the ovaries were
back with complains of not gaining height adequately, enlarged and multiple cystic septate areas. MRI of the
constipation and poor scholastic performance. She had patient could not be done due to financial constraints. The
attended menarche at the age of 8 years, the menstrual Patient was started on thyroxine replacement therapy and
cycles were irregular and the flow was scanty. She was was found to have improvement in symptoms when
born out of a normal vaginal delivery and was the first of reviewed after three months.
two siblings. Her parents were of normal height and
weight. There was no history of headaches, visual DISCUSSION
disturbances, vomiting and head trauma.
Sexual precocity is associated with an increase in linear
Her height was 88.5 cm (expected median height being height, premature epiphyseal fusion ultimately leading to
151 cm), Upper segment to lower segment ratio 1.3:1, short stature. Von wyk and Grumbach in 1960 first
weight was 20.4 kg. Pulse rate was 62/min; Blood described the association of long standing
pressure was 100/74 mm Hg. On examination she had hypothyroidism , isosexual precocious puberty and poly
pallor, coarse facial features, large tongue, facial cystic ovaries.1,2 The precocious puberty seen in this
syndrome is always isosexual and incomplete. In girls the

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | January-March 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 Page 262
Bhatia R et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2016 Feb;3(1):262-263

condition usually presents with irregular menstrual bleed the bone age is advanced. Delayed bone age along with
and uncommonly with breast enlargement and hypothyroidism suggests a strong possibility of Van wyk
galactorrhoea.3 Pubic hair are conspicuous by their grumbach syndrome.
absence. In boys usually it is macroorchidism without
presence of axillary hair. Early recognition of this entity Rastogi A et al, have reported a case of 10.7 year old
is important as the early institution of thyroid hormone female suspected of having van wyk grumbach syndrome
replacement therapy can help in resolution of symptoms. having responded successfully to thyroxine therapy.4
The most common cause of hypothyroidism in these Branoswki et al have reported a 8 year old girl with long
patients is auto immune thyroiditis. Von wyk grumbach standing hypothyroidism who presented with features
syndrome can be diagnosed by its salient clinical and suggestive of von wyk grumbach syndrome.5 Sneha LM
et al, have reported a case of short stature diagnosed as
radiological features.
having van wyk grumbach syndrome which responded
well to thyroxine therapy.6

Although the etiology of the disease remains unclear the

treatment plan remains the same with patients responding
well to thyroxine therapy. Patients respond well to
thyroxine therapy with improvement in symptoms and
resolution of symptoms.7 We report this interesting
association between hypothyroidism and precocious
puberty as it would help fellow colleagues in reaching to
a diagnosis sooner. The case is being reported for its

Funding: No funding sources

Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: Not required


1. Styne DM, Grumbach MM. William's textbook of

Endocrinology. 11th ed . Philadelphia: Saunders
(Elsevier); 2008. Puberty: Ontogeny,
neuroendocrinology, physiology and disorders.
2. Van Wyk JJ, Grumbach MM. Syndrome of
Figure 1: Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome. Precocious menstruation and galactorrhea in
juvenile hypothyroidism. An example of hormonal
The exact mechanism as to why precocious puberty overlap in pituitary feedback. J Pediatr. 1960;57:
develops in von wyk grumbach syndrome is speculative. 416-35.
Postulated mechanism is lack of specificity in feedback 3. Gordon CM, Austin DJ, Radovic S, Lufer MR.
mechanism leading to overproduction of multiple Primary hypothyroidism presenting as severe
hormones. TSH levels are consistently elevated in such vaginal bleeding in a pre pubertal girl. J Peditar
patients and the manifestations of sexual precocity might Adolesc Gynecol. 1997;10:35-8.
be directly related to TSH levels. Low FSH like activities 4. Rastogi A, Bhadada S, Bhansali A. An unusual
of TSH becomes significant at high concentrations of presentation of a usual disorder: Van Wyk
TSH. Hyperprolactinemia, reduced gonadotropin Grumbach Syndrome. Indian J endocrinol Metab.
clearance and decreased dopaminergic and opioid tone at 2011;15(suppl 2):141-3.
the hypothalamic pituitary axis are other plausible 5. Baranowski E, Hogler W. An unusual presentation
explanations of precocious puberty. The increased FSH of acquired hypothyroidism: the van wyk grumbach
or FSH like activity of TSH causes a high FSH/LH ratio syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 2012;166(3):537-42.
which is in contrast to high LH/FSH ratio which is there 6. Sneha LM, Thanasegarapandian K, Paramasivam
in normal puberty, the increased FSH/LH ratio causes V, Scott J. Short Stature an interesting association.
increased estrogen secretion thereby leading to multiple Indian J Hum Genet. 2013;19(1):101-3.
follicles in the ovaries. Direct effect of Thyroxine on 7. Bhattacharya M, Mitra AK. Regressive of
prepubertal testis, which leads to proliferation of sertoli precocious puberty in a child with hypothyroidism
cells, is responsible for macroorchidism in males. The after thyroxine therapy. Indian Pediatr. 1992;29:96-
common causes of incomplete sexual precocity are intake 8.
of hormonal preparations, sex hormone secreting tumors,
McCune Albright Syndrome. However in all above cases Cite this article as: Bhatia R, Bhatia G. Van Wyk-
Grumbach syndrome- a case report. Int J Contemp
Pediatr 2016;3:262-3.

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | January-March 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 Page 263

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