Mullerian Agenesis: An Unusual Presentation As Hematometra and Bilateral Hematosalpinx

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Mullerian Agenesis: An Unusual Presentation as

Hematometra and Bilateral Hematosalpinx

A case of hematometra with bicornuate uterus and bilateral hematosalpinx in a 15-year-old girl complicated by vaginal agenesis
and absent cervix is presented. She was managed by abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy. Bilateral ovaries
were conserved.
Keywords: Mullerian agenesis, hematometra, hematosalpinx

ullerian agenesis occurs in 1 out of every noncontributory. Per vaginal examination was not
4,000–10,000 females.1 The independent carried as she was unmarried.
occurrence of congenital hematometra
All routine examinations revealed no obvious
without hematocolpos is a rare mullerian duct anomaly
abnormality. An ultrasound scan of pelvis and abdomen
that results from a noncommunicating rudimentary
revealed hematometra with bilateral hematosalpinx.
horn with functioning endometrium or primary cervical
Computed tomography scan showed thick-walled
atresia and absent upper vagina.2–4 Women affected by
cystic lesion in left lumbar region continuous with
this disorder often have accompanying renal, skeletal,
and other anomalies.5 hematometra. Examination under anesthesia revealed
a blind lower vagina of 2 cm. On rectal examination,
We report a case of bicornuate uterus with hematometra tense and firm mass was felt.
and bilateral hematosalpinx in a 15-year-old girl who
presented with acute abdominal pain and 6 × 4 cm A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed that revealed a
pelviabdominal mass (Fig. 1). bicornuate uterus with hematometra; bilateral fallopian
tubes were distended and bluish in color suggestive of
CASE REPORT hematosalpinx. Both ovaries were normal. Stick-like
band was seen between lower half of both mullerian
A 15-year-old unmarried female presented with ducts.
complaint of primary amenorrhea with cyclical
abdominal pain for past 12 months. Pain was relieved
by oral analgesics. There were no bladder or bowel
complains. Her general and systemic examinations
were within normal limits. Examination per
abdomen revealed a firm, well-defined, nontender,
noncompressible, and nonreducible mass measuring
6 × 4 cm in left iliac fossa. Per rectal examination was

*Antenatal Medical Officer and Lecturer

†Senior Resident

Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology

BRD Medical College Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Address of correspondence
Dr Ankita Kumari
H. No. 727, Anand Vihar Colony
Rapti Nagar, Arogya Mandir
Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273 003 Figure 1. Intraoperative photograph showing bicornuate
E-mail: uterus with hematometra and bilateral hematosalpinx.

Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 7, December 2013 655

On laparotomy, bilateral hematosalpinx with bilateral CONCLUSION

normal ovaries and distended bicornuate uterus was
found. The lower part of uterus, cervix, and upper When one encounters blocked uterus, it should be
three-fourth of vagina were not formed. Routine thoroughly evaluated especially in adolescents with
hysterectomy along with removal of both fallopian relevant investigations keeping in mind the rare
tubes was done. Both ovaries were conserved. The possibility of mullerian anomaly. Early diagnosis
patient had an uneventful postoperative recovery. Her and prompt treatment is recommended in these
stitches were removed on the eight postoperative day patients to avoid future gynecological and obstetrical
and she was allowed to go home the same day. complications. Although technical advances favor
reconstructive surgery for cervicovaginal agenesis, it
must be emphasized that these complex procedures are
Complete cervicovaginal agenesis with a functioning not without complications resulting in recurrence of
endometrium in a bicornuate uterus is an extremely hematometra ultimately requiring hysterectomy. In this
rare mullerian duct malformation.6 Only few cases of patient, the decision for hysterectomy was considered
such abnormality have been reported along with their most appropriate to suit her social circumstances.
surgical procedures.
This 15-year-old girl had cyclical abdominal pain for REFERENCES
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Our case emphasizes that mullerian anomalies should 3. Garat JM, Martinez E, Aragona F, Gosalbez R. Cervical
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656 Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 7, December 2013

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