Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Bio-Ethanol Production, A Sustainable Energy Alternative
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Bio-Ethanol Production, A Sustainable Energy Alternative
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Bio-Ethanol Production, A Sustainable Energy Alternative
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5 authors, including:
Arun Karnwal
Lovely Professional University
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Abstract –Current world energy demand is based on fossil fuels, which will vanish in coming decades.
Renewable energy especially biofuels has attracted great interest as solutions to the current energy problem.
Among available biofuel resources, bioethanol seems to be an efficient alternative. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
a well-established organism for bioethanol production. However, during the fermentation process, yeast
cells experience various stress conditions and inhibitors hampering its efficacy for commercial bioethanol
production. To overcome these yeast cells, adopt different signal transduction pathways. In this review,
common and least explored carbon feedstocks which can be readily converted into bioethanol are
highlighted. The various protectants, genes, and pathways which can be tempered to engineer yeast strains
are discussed. We have suggested strategies to utilize this lucrative alternative for sustainable bioethanol
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