Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF), An Efficient Process For Bio-Ethanol Production: An Overview

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Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF), An Efficient

Process for Bio-Ethanol Production: An Overview

Article  in  Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia · April 2015

DOI: 10.13005/bbra/1639


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3 authors, including:

Pinaki Dey Joginder Singh

Karunya University Lovely Professional University


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Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF), An

Efficient Process for Bio-Ethanol Production: An Overview
Dey Pinaki*, Wangyal Lhakpa and Singh Joginder

School of Biotechnology and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Panjab, India.


(Received: 15 January 2015; accepted: 10 February 2015)

Excessive exploitation of conventionally used fossil fuel has been the major root
cause of depletion of its reserves. Additionally, environmental concern, energy security,
short supply with an increasing demand for fuel lead to adoption of sustainable energy
resources such as solar, wind, biofuel, etc. Among all, ethanol was proved as a promising
biofuel with various advantages. Sugarcane and corn which are considered as conventional
raw material for ethanol production, hardly meets the current global demand for biofuel.
Search for most promising feed stock for ethanol production, pioneered the use of
lignocellulosic biomass and starch based materials. But low ethanol yield of lignocellulosic
biomass without technological breakthrough forced researchers to opt for the starchy
based routes. In recent years, only microbe based simultaneous saccharification and
fermentation (SSF) has been evolved successfully as a starch based bio-ethanol production
process while overcoming the problems associated with using harmful chemical and
expensive enzymes. The principal advantage of microbial SSF process is starch hydrolysis
and sugar fermentation can be processed in a single vessel while minimizing the substrate
inhibition effects and overall reaction time. This review discusses the multiple aspects of
Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) process in the context of existing
ethanol production routes.

Key word: Saccharification, Fermentation, Ethanol, Starch, Glucose.

In the recent years, demand of energy applications in beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic,

has increased drastically due to transportation, chemical and other industries. Worldwide
heating and industrial processing 1 . The production of ethanol has been estimated around
conventional source of energy alone is insufficient 23,429 Million Gallons in year 20135. Fuel accounts
to meet the growing energy demand. Dependence for 73% of produced ethanol, while beverage and
and unplanned exploitation of non-renewable industrial ethanol constitute 17 and 10%,
fossil fuel leads to depletion of its reserve2. Hossain respectively 6. Ethanol is used as prime renewable
et al.3 and Prasad et al.4 reported that global energy biofuel in the transport sector in Brazil, US and
crisis, political crisis, depletion of fossil reserve some European countries and such necessarily is
lead to adoption of ethanol as viable, economical, expected to increase rapidly1. As a fuel, ethanol
efficient, safer, eco-friendly, and renewable combustion emits low CO, SO2 and unburned
alternate to conventionally used fossil fuel. In hydrocarbon compared to gasoline. It was also
addition to fuel grade ethanol, ethanol has broad reported that ethanol is an octane enhancer with is
rich in octane number of 120 as compared to 87- 98
in case of gasoline. Another significance of ethanol
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. is its low green house gas emission. As ethanol
burns, CO 2 released is photo-synthetically
88 PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015)

assimilated by growing feed stock plant for and lignocellulosic biomass (soft wood).
carbohydrate production. Due to these advantages, Sugarcane, sugar beets and corn are most feasible
ethanol is blended in gasoline in a range of 5-20 % for ethanol production and have been used
3, 7
. extensively though these are valuable food sources
8, 9
Various agricultural based raw materials . As a by product of sugar industries, molasses
like sugar crops, starch-containing plants and contain high amount of impurities which
lignocellulosic biomass can be utilized for ethanol necessitate a long pre-treatment steps. In order to
fermentation. In order to select the cost effective select the cost effective process, lignocellulosic
process, lignocellulosic biomass has been the biomass is another option for ethanol fermentation.
primary choice for ethanol fermentation. But Important feed stocks for bio-ethanol production
lignocellulosic biomass has to undergo the most have been represented in Table1. But
complicated pre-treatment process prior to lignocellulosic biomass (grasses, soft woods,
fermentation which includes removal of lignin bamboo, forest residue and agricultural residues;
followed by the hydrolysis of cellulose. However, straw, corn stover, rice husk, corn cobs, corn
research effort to reduce the production cost of stover, etc.) has to undergo the most complicated
bio-ethanol was successful when starchy raw time taking pre-treatment processes prior to
materials were introduced in simultaneous fermentation accompanied by removal of lignin
saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process followed and hydrolysis of cellulose. The
with improved starch hydrolysis efficiency. The hydrolysis of cellulose is far more difficult than
SSF process was first introduced by Gulf Oil the saccharification of starch. To avoid such
Company, US and the University of Arkansas. Bio- complications in the process and bring down the
ethanol production using the same process has overall production cost of bio-ethanol, starchy
been successfully implemented by different based raw materials like corn starch, wheat starch
researchers 8-17 using different starch based and potato starch were introduced with improved
material. Among all the researchers, Purohit and and efficient hydrolysis.
Mishra7, Srichuwong et al.13 implemented potato Starch is a polysaccharide, largely
based starchy material while Li et al. 16 and present in plants. It is found in the leaves, seeds,
Arasaratnam et al.17 used rice based starchy material roots and fibres as food reserve. Native starch
for the production of ethanol. Olukotun et al.10, measures small globules 1 to 100 µm. It is composed
Itelima et al.15 developed the overall cost effective of mixture of two structurally different polyglucans
microbial based saccharification and fermentation – amorphous amylase (20-30%) and crystalline
process in SSF by using Aspergillus niger and amylopectin (75-80 %) 18. Amylose (shown in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae while reducing the Figure1) is linear chain of D-glucose units bonded
dependency of direct enzymatic use for first stage by ±-1, 4-linkages with an average degree of
saccharification. Among all, Lu et al.11 and Moon polymerization (DP) up to 6,000, making its
et al. 9 adopted fed batch and continuous molecular mass of 105 to 106 g/mol. Amylopectin
fermentation approach to improve the productivity (shown in Figure 2) is highly branched polymer
of ethanol in SSF. Hence it is transparent that with average degree of polymerisation of 2 million
microbe based SSF process using food waste and consists of short -1, 4-oligomers linked by -
starch can be evolved with a novel and promising 1, 6-bonds making its molecular mass of 107 to 109
concept for cost effective, environment friendly, g/mol 12. To make SSF based ethanol production
large scale industrial production process for process economically feasible attention has been
ethanol which has not been largely implemented. given more on starchy based waste materials which
Potential Feed stocks used for bio-ethanol are largely available in the environment in different
production forms.
Bio-ethanol is mainly produced by Food wastes for cheaper bio-ethanol production
fermentation of various raw materials. The According to estimates of UN’s Food and
commonly used feed stocks for ethanol production Agriculture Organization (FAO) 19, one-third of food
are sugar crops (sugar cane molasses, sugar beet), is wasted every year. The amount of food products
starchy crops (corn, wheat, potato and Cassava) lost or wasted accounts 1.6 Gtonnes of primary
PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015) 89

products and 1.3 Gtonnes of edible part of 6 management and secures both energy and fuel
Gtonnes of the agricultural production (for food crisis.
and non-food uses). Food wastes damages Starchy potato waste could be potential
environment and causes economic loss of US $ feedstock for production of bio-ethanol. In India,
750 billion annually to food producers. Wasted 5 to 20% of potato crops (starch content in a range
edible starchy foods are generally potatoes, bread, of 11.2% to over 19.3%) were wasted as by
cereals, rice and pasta. In India, about 40 per cent products from potato cultivation and due to poor
fresh fruit and vegetables costing $8.3bn annually storage facility 20-22. Yamada et al.23 also reported
perish before reaching consumers. Each year, 21m that 18% of the starchy potatoes are wasted in
metric tonnes of wheat rots in India due to improper potato industry. Arumugam and Manikandan24
storage facilities in government regulated Food obtained high ethanol yield from dilute acid pre-
Corporation 20. Instead of wasting one-third food treated waste mango and banana by enzymatic
produced when 870 million people go hungry every saccharification. Similarly, modified kitchen garbage
day, the most innovative way to recover is use of having high sugar content, low cost, requiring short
these food wastes as a feedstock in ethanol fermentation time could be used to produce ethanol
production. By chemical and biological methods, in an optimised fermentation process25. High starch
food waste can be hydrolysed to glucose, free content rice, barley, corn and wheat are also wasted
amino nitrogen and phosphate, which can be in huge amount which could be used for cheaper
utilised as nutrients by many microorganisms ethanol production.
production of wide range of diversified products Conventional roots of bio-ethanol production
like ethanol. This would be an innovative waste In early days, ethanol was used to
90 PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015)

produce by anaerobic yeast fermentation of simple sugars, (2) fermentation of sugars into ethanol at
sugars. In such fermentation, natural yeast had 25-30 °C for 6-72 hours depending on nature of
been grown on fruits to produce wines. Normally substrate, cell density, physiological activity and
fermented beer is made by using amylases of yeast species and (3) separation and purification
germinating grain to hydrolyse the grain starches of ethanol. Based on various sources for bio-
to fermentable sugars12. As depicted in Figure 3, ethanol production, different processes are
Ethanol was also produced chemically by employed for obtaining fermentable sugars.
hydration of ethylene (IUPAC name: ethene) using Usually, for starch and lignocellulosic ethanol
phosphoric acid embedded on to porous silica gel productions necessitate milling, liquefaction and
as catalyst at 300 °C and 60-70 atm pressure 26. saccharification processes to prepare fermentable
Ethanol is produced in large scale by sugars unlike direct fermentation of sugar juice in
fermentation of different feed stocks like sugar case of sucrose based feed stocks29. Different
crops, starchy materials or lignocellulosic biomass amylases (-amylase, -amylase and
using various technologies with action of glucoamylase) are utilised for obtaining fermentable
anaerobic and ethanologenic Saccharomyces sugars (Dextrose or D-glucose) from starch instead
cerevisiae like microorganisms27, 28. The overall of energy consuming acid hydrolysis although acid
process of fermentative ethanol production hydrolysis has been implemented. Similarly,
involves: (1) preparing of solution of fermentable

Fig. 1. Structure of amylose

Fig. 2. Structure of amylopectin

PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015) 91

cellulases are used for saccharification of cellulosic starch biomass like corn namely: (i) dry grinding
biomass where as xylanases are utilised for and (i) wet milling30. In dry grinding, corn is
generating fraction of glucose from hemicelluloses processed in sequence of steps viz. (i) milling or
to achieve comparatively higher yield of ethanol mechanical grinding by hammer mills into fine
from complex hemicelluloses and lignocellulosic powder (ii) liquefaction i.e. gelatinisation of corn
biomass12. starch by cooking of powdered corn and water
Some time sugar crop based ethanol slurry at 85 °C and subsequent heating at 150 °C
production is advantageous for its low cost of for an hour on addition of -amylase and adding
production. The short supply during non-seasonal more -amylase to the cooled intermediate at 85
months is main problem associated with sucrose ÚC for 1 hour (iii) saccharification or enzymatic
based feedstock. Generally, sugar cane based hydrolysis of corn starch to dextrose at room
ethanol production involves crushing of stalks temperature by gluco-amylase (iv) fermentation of
after initial process after harvest by specialised sugars into ethanol for 40-50 hours operated in
rollers to extract sugar juice. Calcium hydroxide is
added to the juice extract to precipitate the fiber
and sludge and the mixture is filtered. The filtrate
solution is evaporated to crystallise sugar. The
non crystallised sugar mixture is called blackstrap
molasses which is used for ethanol production by
fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae at
33-35 °C. Ethanol can be directly produced from
processed sugar juice. Similarly, sugar beets and
sweet sorghum are also used for ethanol production
. Two different pretreatment processes are
normally employed for production of ethanol from
Fig. 3. Chemical synthesis pathway of ethanol

Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representation of corn dry milling process

92 PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015)

either batch or continuous process, and (v) passed to steep tank where these are soaked in
distillation and recovery ethanol29. A typical dry dilute sulphuric acid at 52 OC for 24-48 hours. This
grinding plant has incorporation of simultaneous step soften corn kernel and release starch with
saccharification and fermentation (SSF) to lower removal of soluble components. On passing and
contamination and cost31. Flow sheet of corn dry processing of the intermediate in series of tanks,
milling process has been represented in Figure 4. parts of corn kernels like germ, gluten, and fiber
By-products of the process like distillers dried are separated from starchy materials. Starch is
grains with solubles (DDGS) containing protein, mainly separated by centrifugation. The separation
oil and fibre, Carbon dioxide and others products generates primary products like starch and starch
are used as animal feeds. In wet milling process of derived primary products (such as high fructose
corn, initially shelled corns are supplied into content corn syrup and ethanol), corn oil, and corn
mechanical cleaners in wet mill to remove gluten. These by products, hull and steep liquor
undesirable parts like stones, meal, pieces of cobs, are sold as animal feed. The processed corn starch
husk and sticks. The detail of the process has been is liquefied at pH 5.8-6.2 by -amylase. About 20-
represented in Figure 5. The clean corns are 100 ppm of Calcium is often used to stabilise -

Fig. 5. Diagrammatic representation of corn wet milling process

Fig. 6. Diagrammatic representation of SHF Process Fig. 7. Diagrammatic representation

of microbial SSF process
PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015) 93

amylase. Liquefaction is followed by glucan substrates.

saccharification at pH of 4.5 and 65OC using 2. Exo-1, 4--D-glucanases hydrolyze D-
glucoamylase. The enzymatically produced sugars cellobiose.
are then fermented in continuous process by S. 3. -D-glucosidases (EC which
Cerevisiae for 20-60 hours29. The wet milling catalyse cellobiose and soluble
process is relatively more flexible than dry milling cellodextrins to release D-glucose units.
process of corn starch 12 . The comparative All these biodegradable and synergistic
disadvantages of conventional processes of enzymes efficiently decrystallise and hydrolyse
ethanol production are those are non environment cellulose to achieve high yields under mild
friendly, heat involving processes or costly process conditions with low supply of catalyst 29, 32.
due to involvement of enzymes. However, enzyme hydrolysis yield is affected by
Cellulosic bio-ethanol production and drawbacks thermostability of enzyme, effect of pH and
Cellulosic ethanol produced from second temperature of system, nature of substrate and
generation feedstock could be an alternative to enzyme, substrate concentration, etc. This problem
the ethanol produced from energy crops. But, was minimized when saccharification and
conversion of non-edible lignocellulosic biomass fermentation processes are employed
constituted by cellulose (40-50%), hemicelluloses simultaneously using co-culture of Aspergillus
(20-30%), and lignin (20-30%) into ethanol is more niger or Aspergillus oryzae and yeast 10, 15.
complex, expensive and yield relatively less ethanol Moreover, simultaneous saccharification and
compared to starch hydrolysis and fermentation12. fermentation starch is cheaper, efficient and higher
Lignocellulosic ethanol is produced either by29; ethanol yielding process compared to cellulosic
(i) Biochemical conversion/sugar platform and ethanol production.
(ii) Thermochemical conversion/syngas SSF process, current trend for bio-ethanol
platform (not commercialised): Involves production
gasification of lignocellulosic biomass and Most adopted process for bio-ethanol
catalytic or microbial conversion of syngas production now is Separate hydrolysis and
into ethanol. fermentation (SHF) and Simultaneous
Lignocellulosic ethanol production saccharification and fermentation (SSF). Separate
involves intense pre-treatment by physical, hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) process has
biological, chemical or combination of these been fairly implemented for ethanol production and
followed by saccharification into pentose sugars is basically starch based ethanol production
(like xylose, rhamnose and arabinose) and hexose process. In this process, starch is initially catalysed
sugars (like glucose, mannose and galactose) and by the action of amylolytic enzymes viz. -amylase
fermentation of sugars obtained 12. Among the (for liquefaction) and glucoamylase (for
various pre-treatment methods like use of dilute saccharification). The process has been described
acid of H2SO4 or HCl, alkaline (like NaOH or CaOH), in Figure 6. The process can be accomplished by
liquid ammonia (ammonia fiber explosion), SO2, fermentation in separate vessels. Major
CO2, Sulfite (Sodium bisulfite, Calcium bisulfite or disadvantage with this process is inhibition of
Magnesium bisulfite) and steam explosion, use of enzyme activity due to accumulation of hydrolysed
cheaper acids like H2SO4 in large quantity in an sugar. It is also an expensive and time consuming
efficient acid recycling system achieves economic process 12, 29. Only microbe based Simultaneous
operation 32. But, steam explosion is an economical, saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process
efficient, eco-friendly and offers complete sugar was innovated by Gulf Oil Company, US and
recovery of all pre-treatment processes33. Arkansas University7 which solves the problems
Enzymatic hydrolysis (EH) is also an associated with separate hydrolysis and
extensively studied pre-treatment. It employs fermentation (SHF) process. In microbe based SSF
different fungal cellulolytic enzymes for process, both saccharification and fermentation
conversion of cellulose in to glucose namely; 12, 29 are achieved simultaneously in a single vessel at
1. Endo-1, 4-- glucanases (EC, optimised enzyme activity with least accumulation
hydrolyse soluble and insoluble 1, 4-- of sugars34, 35. To make the process less time
94 PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015)

consuming, two organisms with synergistic ethanol from one gram of carbohydrate 29. Ethanol
relationships are co-cultured together in the same production from syngas is emerging technology
vessel. The process has been diagrammatically in which syngas is produced from various biomass
represented in Figure 7.This process assures less including lignin through a process called
contamination by microorganism as ethanol is gasification. Gasification is a thermochemical
produced in the single tank 36. Many reports on conversion process where biomass comprising
bio-ethanol production stating that SSF is superior mainly carbonaceous materials like oil or coal is
in terms of ethanol yield and productivity than reacted with oxygen, air or steam to produce syngas
bio-ethanol produced by SHF process 12 . (also called producer gas). The syngas is composed
Simultaneous Saccharification and Co- of mixture of gases like CO, H2, CO2, CH4 and N2 in
fermentation (SSCF) is another alternate process various proportions37. The clean syngas is used
to SSF which allows pentose fermentation. In SSCF for metal-catalytic or bio-catalytic methods of
configuration, microorganisms used for production of ethanol and other biofuels like
fermentation should have similar operating pH and methanol, hydrogen. Rhodium, Cobalt,
temperature. Successful co-culturing of C. Molybdenum are some components of catalysts
shehatae and S. Cerevisiae by SSCF process was used. Syngas catalytic conversion is energy
successfully reported by Cardona and Sanchez37. intensive process requiring catalytic conversion
Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) is also under high pressure and temperature 29.
known as direct microbial conversion (DMC) and Microorganism involved in SSF process
it integrates maximum biotransformation of biomass Numerous bacteria and fungi which can
into ethanol in a single reactor by a single produce -amylases and glucoamylase are used
microorganism community38. It promises use of one for bio-ethanol production by SSF process. In
microbial community in maximum production of general, ±-amylase is produced by most of Bacillus
cellulases and fermentation, i.e., cellulase species like Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus
production, cellulose hydrolysis, and fermentation licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacilus
are accomplished in one step. This process saves megaterium. Amylases are also produced by
operation expenditures needed for enzyme various fungus species like Aspergillus oryzae and
production within the process 36,39. Thermophilic Aspergillus niger. Details of microorganisms
cellulolytic anaerobic bacteria like participated in SSF processes are presented in
Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, Clostridium Table 3. It has been reported that Aspergillus
thermohydrosulfuricum, Thermoanaerobacter amylase produces more degraded sugar than
mathranii, Thermoanaerobium brockii, Bacillus amylase. In the similar way, glucoamylase
Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum strain, etc can be produced by bacterial Rhizopus species,
have been explored for bioethanol production by Endomyces species and few Bacillus species.
consolidated bioprocessing (CBP). These Fungal resources for the same are Aspergillus
anaerobic bacteria are superior than niger, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus saitai and
conventionally used yeasts for bioethanol Aspergillus awamori 40. For fermentation process
production for their ability to direct conversion of of ethanol production, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
various cheaper biomass feedstocks for bioethanol and Zymomonas mobilis are most promising
production at extreme temperature. Low bioethanol microorganisms.
tolerance of thermophilic cellulolytic anaerobic Separation of Bio-ethanol after SSF process
bacteria (<2%, v/v) is a major problem for their Ethanol (or bioethanol) is mainly
bioethanol production 35, 39 . Cell surface produced by fermentation using yeast in industries.
modification by genetic engineering of the yeast After SSF, ethanol can be produced along with
K. marxianus has been explored for the production different by-products like esters, organic acids, or
of cellulolytic enzymes on the cell surface. higher alcohols as starch derivative, and lignin
Recombinant K. marxianus strain produce both derivative like cyclic and heterocyclic compounds.
endoglucanase and b-glucosidase on the cell These by-products need to be removed to obtain
surface survive at 48 OC and produce ethanol from pure ethanol. A typical method of separation and
cellulosic material b-glucan with a yield of 0.47 g purification of these by products is distillation.
PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015) 95

Distillation method of purification requires much most expectable adsorbents 41.

energy for recover and dehydrate ethanol. Gas stripping
Distillation utilises the differences of volatilities Separation by gas stripping technique
of components in a mixture. The fundamental utilise the differences of volatilities among
principle of distillation is that by heating a mixture, compounds. The separation efficiency is simply
more volatile components mainly ethanol with low governed by Henry’s law constant.
boiling point vaporises to form vapour phase. Pvap
Condensation of the vapour phase is obtained in H= .
liquid phase as distillate in a separate chamber. Csat
The distillate is mostly an azeotropic mixture Where, H = Henry’s constant (moles/L atm)
composed of 95.5% alcohol and 4.5% water. As Pvap= Partial pressure of a pure compound (atm),
the distillate usually carries impurities with similar and
boiling points to ethanol, it is limitation of this C sat = Saturation concentration of the pure
separation technique. Moreover it is expensive, compound in the liquid phase (moles/L or mg/L)
energy intensive separation 29, 41. Henry’s law constant varies depending
Some of proposed alternative separation on the vapour and liquid phases. As the
and purification of ethanol to distillation are (i) compounds with lower boiling points are stripped
non-heating fractional distillation by ultrasonic more easily, major impurity in ethanol like
irradiation, (ii) oxidation of impurities by ozone and acetaldehyde is stripped more easily 41.
(iii) adsorption of impurities by activated carbon Quantitative estimation of Bio-ethanol
or zeolite. The purification technique for ethanol is There is different analysis techniques
less studied area and search for alternative methods used to determine quality of ethanol and optimise
to replace distillation are still under progress. It is steps in production. Some of common analytical
expected that typical water purification techniques methods are used earlier for quality control of
such as adsorption, ozonation, and gas stripping alcoholic beverages use distillation and
could be used to purify ethanol 41. picnometry, electronic densimetry, colorimetry,
Ozonation photometry, by fluorescent chemical sensor. At
Ozone (O3) has strong oxidation potential present, advanced analytical techniques are used.
which makes it capable of decomposing various These can be either (i) Chemical analyses for
compounds. Decomposition of compound identification and quantification of components
increases volatility, biodegradability, and decrease of ethanol or (ii) sensory analyses. Chemical
toxicity. As ethanol oxidation does not occur under analyses includes Infrared spectroscopy (IR), Near-
the atmospheric condition, ozone can be used to infrared (NIR) spectrometry, high performance
remove impurities with least damage on ethanol41. liquid chromatography (HPLC), Gas
Major problem associated with ozonation is chromatography (GC) or mostly Gas
generation of ozonolysis by-products and lodging chromatography with flame ionisation detector
of non oxidisable compounds. These compounds (GC-FID), and mass spectrometry (MS). The typical
should be removed after ozonation by post- sensory analyses technique is olfactometry.
ozonation treatments. Olfactometry coupled with GC is used for better
Adsorption flavour analysis of alcoholic beverages 41-43.
Adsorption utilises large surface area of Gas chromatography (GC) has been used
adsorbent to absorb compounds depending on for ethanol analyses as impurities in ethanol and
their physical and chemical properties. Usually, ethanol are basically volatile. Ethanol sample is
bigger particles and compounds having similar injected into heated injection port where ethanol
polarity to the adsorbent surface are adsorbed is vaporises. The sample vapour passed through
more. For purification of ethanol, non-polar surface column packed with adsorbent or absorbent.
with varying pore distribution are favourable as Within the column, components in sample are
ethanol is polar compound mixed with varying separated based on physical and chemical
particles of impurities. From water treatment, property. The concentration of each component is
activated carbon and activated alumina are the measured at the end of column by a detector.
96 PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015)

Usually, flame ionisation detector is used to analyse numerous medicines and drugs, disinfectant and
ethanol. Results are interpreted from a in tinctures and (v) fuel or gasoline additive. Many
chromatogram generated by data system attached U.S. automobiles manufactured since 1998 were
to the apparatus 44. Gas chromatography-mass equipped with either gasoline or E85 engine 47.
spectrometry (GC-MS) is used for fast ethanol
analysis with its simultaneous separation and In 2013, US alone produced 13,300 million
identification capacities. gallons while the second largest producer, Brazil,
High performance liquid chromatography produced about 6,267 million gallons of ethanol.
(HPLC) uses liquid as the mobile phase unlike gas China has invested much in the production of
in case of Gas chromatography (GC). Though non- ethanol and is now producing over 696 million
volatile compounds or heat sensitive compounds gallons, becoming Asia’s largest ethanol producer
48, 49
can be analyzed by HPLC, it is more expensive and . Worldwide bioethanol production is expected
less sensitive compared to GC. The ethanol analysis to increase up to 100 x109 litres in 2015 50. In the
with HPLC has been studied extensively 45. United States, dry milling and wet milling are the
Infrared spectroscopy (IR) utilises two primary processes used for production of
infrared adsorption characteristics of different ethanol. The U.S. ethanol industry is not only
compounds. Varying wavelengths of infrared are helping to meet demands for energy, it also helps
passed through the liquid sample, and the to meet the growing food and feed needs of the
absorbability of infrared by components of world. In 2013 alone, US exported 9.7 million metric
compound at different infrared wavelengths is tons of distillers grains to China, Mexico, Canada,
measured. Results are interpreted from IR spectra Vietnam and South Korea. The country also
generated by data system coupled with the exported approximately 1.9 million metric tons of
apparatus. IR does not have as high resolution corn gluten feed and corn gluten meal to Ireland,
like GC or HPLC, but it is cheap with simple and Israel, Turkey, Morocco, Indonesia, Egypt, Chile,
quick analysis technique46. This technique is Colombia and Mexico51.
utilised more for quality assurance and analytical In Brazil, Ethanol Interministerial Council
purposes. (CIMA) has increased the percentage of ethanol
Olfactometry is a typical sensory analysis blended to gasoline from 20 to 25 percent in May
mostly integrated with GC. In GC-Olfactometry 201352. Likewise, most of countries are strategising
(GCO) system, a Gas chromatography column is the use of bioethanol produced from various
connected to a separator where samples are feedstocks and mandated use of varying
directed into two paths, one of olfactometry and percentages of ethanol blended to gasoline.
other of detector such as FID, PID, and MS. Japanese government proposed to use E-3 where
Olfactometry is a simple system with an open-end as Indonesia and Philippines mandated use of E-
column, and a panelist that sniffs analytes coming 10 and E-5 respectively 12. In France, ‘Superethanol
from the column. The odour characteristics and E85’ was authorised to use as transport fuel.
intensity of the analytes are measured by panelist Similarly, In Sweden ethanol production from
that corresponds with a peak in chromatogram. softwood was operated in mid 2004 1, 12. India with
Olfactometry provides flavour data rather and is initial blending of 5% practiced by the Oil
used for analysis of alcoholic beverage. GC is Marketing Companies (OMCs) and use of E-10
advantageous for its high resolution of analysis mandating since October, 2008 in few states and
where as HPLC is useful for heat sensitive sample. four Union territories has proposed to blend 20%
IR is usually used for routine analysis for quality ethanol by 2017. It is thus expected a drastic
assurance. The olfactometry technique is useful increase in demand of fuel grade ethanol for which
for flavour analysis of alcoholic beverages 41. the sugar industries are allowed direct production
Advances and development through bio-ethanol of ethanol from sugarcane without creating problem
Ethanol is widely used as (i) sole solvent in production of sugar. OMCs still faces short
in production of perfumes and varnishes, (ii) supply of fuel grade ethanol from sugar distilleries,
preservative for biological specimens, (iii) agent in which in turn demands need of alternate feed stock
the preparation of flavourings, (iv) ingredient in for ethanol production 53. Large amount of starchy
PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015) 97

food wastes of potato, rice, wheat etc could be can be for economical production of biofuels50.
used as alternative sources for bioethanol n US, one-third of each bushel of grain input for
production 54. Simultaneous Saccharification and ethanol process is usually supplied to the animal
Fermentation (SSF) of these sustainable starch rich feed market in the form of distiller’s grains, corn
wastes could efficiently produce bio-ethanol with gluten meal and corn gluten feed. These nutrient
least impact on environment. rich co-products are used to feed beef cattle, cows,
Socio-economic aspects poultry, swine, and fish. In 2013-14 marketing year,
In recent advances and development about 39.2 million metric tons of high-quality feed
through bioethanol, studies were aimed to evaluate having estimated market value of U.S $7.2 billion
the social and economic aspects of ethanol was produced by the US ethanol industry, making
production by many international organizations. the industry one of the largest feed producing
Generally, bioethanol production cost is given by sector in the US. There is no doubt that ethanol
total annual costs of a system divided by amount industry is well positioned to meet the increasing
of fuel produced. The total annual cost comprises demand of renewable fuels in the near future as
of annual capital investments, operating and well as to help satisfy growing global demand for
maintenance expenses, cost of biomass feedstock food and feed 60.
and electricity charges 55. The expenses for
production are liable to decrease through time due CONCLUSION
to different reasons like installation cost, price of
feedstock used and availability of feedstock, The review clearly describes the concept
process improvement, etc which in turn affect the and potential of cost effective microbial SSF
final price of fuel in the market56. process for starch based bio-ethanol production
The expansion of bioethanol industry in the background of the feasibility of other
and a like biofuels industries have been major socio- processes. The process so-called Simultaneous
economic impact especially in developing Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) was
countries. Generally, in most of developing incited with expensive enzymatic hydrolysis with
countries bioethanol industry has been the major simultaneous fermentation and was virtually similar
or only source of income to many farmers and as for the separate process. The process has been
increase job opportunities for both skilled workers, modified by combining two separate processes in
reduce regional income difference, reduce poverty one vessel in order to reduce the time and increase
and develop country’s economy. Among the efficiency of the overall process. The presence
developing countries, the Brazilian fuel-ethanol of yeast or bacteria along with enzymes or enzyme
program (Pro-alcool) started in 1975, overseeing containing microorganism minimizes substrate
the reduction in regional income differences, and inhibition effects by reducing the sugar
an increase in job opportunities for both skilled accumulation in the vessel. The presence of
and unskilled workers, the sugarcane agro- ethanol in the broth makes the mixture less
industry has generated more than 700,000 jobs in susceptible to unwanted microorganisms
the country 57. contamination and hence helped in increasing the
Biofuel production leads to soaring of overall ethanol yield and productivity using the
prices of agricultural products which has become SSF process. Such developed process with
major concern for governmental agencies and many improved hydrolysis-fermentation efficiency could
nations. There is emphasis about careful help in significant reduction of ethanol production
monitoring of inflation of agricultural commodities costs. Such technological advancement towards
caused by expansion of biofuels business58. So, green and clean bio-ethanol production will
major efforts have been directed towards better definitely contribute in reducing the fossil fuels
use of non-edible, diverse agricultural products dependency for future energy needs and hence
for bioethanol production 59. Large amounts of eliminating the chances of air pollution caused due
renewable agro-industrial wastes generated during to combustion of petroleum based derivatives.
industrial processing of agricultural products which
98 PINAKI et al., Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 12(1), 87-100 (2015)

10. Olukotun B.G, A Ado S, B. Ameh J, A. Yabaya,
Authors are thankful to each other for Bioconversion of cassava starch to ethanol in a
their continuous contribution towards the research simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
process by co-cultures of Aspergillus niger and
paper. Authors are also thankful to the Lovely
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Science World
Professional University for providing basic Journal. 2009; 4(4): 19-22.
research facilities and infrastructure. 11. Lu Jie, Li Xuezhi, Yang R, Yang L, Zhao J, Liu
Y, Qu Y. Fed-batch semi-simultaneous
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