Design of Abrasive Jet Machine

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International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June, 2015

ISSN 2091-2730

Design Of Abrasive Jet Machine

Harshavardhan Ronge, Swapnil Wagh, Rohit Shinde

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli,

Abstract: In abrasive jet machine, abrasive particles with high velocity are impacted on workpiece. Work material is removed by
erosion action. High velocity of particles, proper mixing of air and abrasive paticles are important factors for good working of abrasive
jet machine. Considering this, we have made design of mixing part of abrasive jet machine. This design uses pressurized abrasive
feed. This pressuried abrasive powder is then mixed with high pressure air. Pressure is obtained in both uses from same pressure
supply. Abrasive flow is designed to be controlled by pinch of valve. All design calculations and methodology used is given further in

Keywords- Abrasive jet machine, Design, CAD, Mixing chamber, Pinch valve, Hoop stress, Pressure

Abrasive jet machining (AJM) is a processing nontraditional machine which operates materials without producing shock and heat.
AJM is applied for many purposes like drilling, cutting, cleaning, and etching operation. In Abrasive jet machining abrasive particles
are made to impinge on the work material at high velocity. A jet of abrasive particles is carried by carrier gas or air. The high velocity
stream of abrasives is generated by converting the pressure energy of carrier gas or air to its Kinetic energy and hence the high
velocity jet. Nozzles direct abrasive jet in a controlled manner onto work material. The high velocity abrasive particles remove the
material by micro-cutting action as well as brittle fracture of the work material. Machining, Drilling, Surface Finishing are the Major
Processes that can be performed efficiently. The process parameters are used like variables which effect metal removal. They are
carrier gas, abrasive, and velocity of abrasive, work material, and nozzle tip distance (NTD). Abrasive jet cutting is used in the cutting
of materialsas diverse as: Titanium, Brass, Aluminum, Stone, Any Steel, Glass, Composites etc.

Conceptual design-

Fig.1 Conceptual design of AJM

Basic Components:
1. Abrasive Reservoir
2. Pinch-off valve
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

3. Pressure regulating valves

4. Pressure gauge
5. Nozzle
6. Air supply Line
7. Air abrasive mixture line

The compressed air is fed through the inlet line, the pressurized air contains moisture which need to removed hence FRL unit
is introduced at the inlet pressure line. The pressure of air is regulated using pressure regulating valve. This air is then supplied to the
abrasive reservoir, another line of air is connected to the outlet of abrasive reservoir via pressure regulating valve. Pressure at the inlet
of the abrasive reservoir is maintained at higher pressure with the help of PRV1 than that of the pressure in PRV2 .If this provision
was not made then the air will bubble into the abrasive reservoir through pinch-off valve. The flow of abrasive particle is regulated
using pinch-off valve, it is provided at the bottom of abrasive reservoir. Pinch-off valve is connected to the conical section of abrasive
reservoir using pipe. The pinch-off valve consists of abrasion resistance sleeve whose cross section can be changed by movable
plates. The plates slides up and own and is supported by two rods. Their movement is controlled by rotating the valve .Hence the mass
flow of abrasive can be controlled in order to control the abrasive air ratio which is an important process parameter. The mixture of air
and abrasive formed at the outlet of pinch-off valve is then passed through a nozzle.
Initially the on-off valve is set in open position, this let the air pass to the abrasive chamber and the pressure line. When the required
pressure is met in the abrasive reservoir the pinch-off valve can then be gradually opened to admit the abrasive particle in the air. The
ratio of mass of air to abrasive particle needs to be maintained at an optimum level. This can be done during experimentation. In the
pinch-off valve there is no direct contact between the metal and abrasive particle, there is no wear of valve and have a good service
life. But the sleeves need to be replaced though they are abrasion resistant, its service life is less and needs replacement. The air and
abrasive particles gets mixed at the T-section and as they pass through the pipe. The limitation of intermittent flow of abrasive particle
is eliminated by introducing the pinch off valve. The air imparts the kinetic energy to the abrasive particle during their flow through
pipe, initially their kinetic energy is low but as they pass through the nozzle, its kinetic energy increases in accordance to Bernoulli‟s
principle. In order to stop the machining, the on-off valve is set to off position and then the pinch-off valve is closed. If pinch-off is
first closed and then the valve set to off-position, then there is a possibility of irregular machining, since the pinch-off valve can‟t be
closed in spit second. Also during closing the pinch off valve, the abrasive mass flow decreases gradually and may affect the surface
finish of work piece. Hence considering the current capability of the system and its limitation, most of its limitations can be overcome
by the new mixing chamber.

Design calculations for abrasive feeder

Abrasive feeder is a pressure vessel, because we want to maintain pressure around 10 bar. But for design we take pressure as 15bar for
design calculation. Mixing chamber will have two portions- cylindrical and conical. Conical portion is to facilitate easy flow of
abrasive particles and all abrasive particles will slide down.
We chose to construct cylindrical portion by using steel tubes in market. We searched for catalogue of steel tubes and took
data for design calculation. Storing capacity of abrasive feeder should be 2 kg of silicon carbide abrasive particles.
Calculation for volume of cylindrical portion:
Density of abrasive particles is 1.3 gm/cc.
Assuming whole 2 kg is stored in cylindrical portion. Cone volume will provide additional storage capacity,
Volume of cylinder = mass of abrasive particles / density

Available diameter and thickness values of steel tube are taken from catalogue.

Stress calculation for steel tubes with15 bar pressure and available dimensions.

Therefore, hoop will be considered for calculation.

Where, P = Internal pressure,

D = Internal diameter of cylinder
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

J = Joint efficiency = 1

All calculation is done in excel. Results show that maximum stress generated in all dimensions is 33.48 MPa . While minimum
strength available in catalogue is 210 MPa . Thus it is safe design for any available dimension in catalogue.
Table 1 selection of diameter and length
Outer dia. t Avg. dia. Stress Length
Mm mm mm MPa Cm
101.6 3.6 98 20.41667 22.00562
101.6 4 97.6 18.3 22.38339
101.6 4.8 96.8 15.125 23.16871
114.3 3.6 110.7 23.0625 17.09616
114.3 4.5 109.8 18.3 17.68564
114.3 5.4 108.9 15.125 18.30614
127 4.5 122.5 20.41667 14.0836
127 4.8 122.2 19.09375 14.22792
127 5.4 121.6 16.88889 14.5233

Table 2 Selection for diamentions of cone

Avg. dia of pipe t (α=40) t(α=50) t(α=60)
Mm mm Mm Mm
98 1.990494 1.985534 1.979798
97.6 1.98237 1.97743 1.971717
96.8 1.966121 1.961221 1.955556
110.7 2.248446 2.242843 2.236364
109.8 2.230166 2.224608 2.218182
108.9 2.211886 2.206374 2.2
122.5 2.488118 2.481917 2.474747
122.2 2.482025 2.475839 2.468687
121.6 2.469838 2.463683 2.456566
Upper side of mixing chamber will be covered by flange. Flange will be attached to main body by bolts.

Calculation for bolt diameter

where, P = Pressure = 15 bar

D = inside diameter of mixing chamber
n = number of bolts
d = diameter of bolt
= stress = 50 MPa

n=4 d= 9.9 mm
n=6 d= 7.31 mm

International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

CAD model

Fig 2 CAD model of design

For optimum performance of machine, the parameters like NTD, pressure of jet, grain size, type of abrasive, nozzle tip size,
mixing ratio and abrasive mass flow rate have been studied and analyzed. Depending upon the situation, if material removal rate is
improved, stand off distance should be on higher side . On the other hand if precision and better surface finish are requirements, the
shorter stand-off distance with higher air pressure is recommended.

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International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June, 2015
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