Marogold Pest
Marogold Pest
Marogold Pest
Aphids :
These are small insects green to bluish-grey or black in colour. These usually occur in clusters and
damage the apical growing portion by sucking the plant sap. Infected plants become weak and
unproductive. Spraying of insecticides can control the attack.
Control: Spraying of Monocrotophos 0.05%, Phosphamidon 0.02%, or Dimethoate 0.03% at 10-15
days interval helps to check the population of the aphids.
Leaf Hoppers :
Leaf hoppers cause considerable damage to the foliage of the plant, particularly during rainy season.
The symptom appears as rolling and curling of leaves along with wilting of shoots. French marigold is
more susceptible than African type. Spraying of systemic insecticides can control the insects.
Control: the pest is effectively controlled by two to three sprayings of Methyl Parathion or Quinalphos
(0.05%) as soon as the pest infestation is observed.