Flea Beetles (Scelodonta strigicollis) :
The adult beetles scrap the sprouting buds after each pruning. Damaged buds fail to sprout. The
beetles also feed on tender shoots and leaves, and tendrils causing substantial damage. The tender
shoots may wither and drop down. The losses are heavy when the sprouting buds are damaged after
forward pruning.
Control : Removal of loose bark of the stem and applying paste of Copper Oxychloride and Carbaryl
50% WP after forward pruning to exposes and kills the beetles. Spraying of insecticides like Carbaryl
(0.15%) or Quinalphos (0.05%) from the fourth day after pruning at an interval of 3-5 days until the
emergence of the leaves is effective in protecting the sprouting bud from the attack. The spraying
should preferably be carried out in the evening.