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Essentials to Mathematics

Arithmetic and Algebra Worksheets

Shirleen Luttrell

Chapter 1 Number System ............................................................................................................................................5
1a- Translating Mathematical Symbols .....................................................................................................................6
1b – Number Systems ................................................................................................................................................7
1c - Number Systems .................................................................................................................................................8
1d - Which Number is Bigger? ..................................................................................................................................9
1e-Adding & Subtracting Integers ........................................................................................................................... 10
1f- more Adding & Subtracting Integers ................................................................................................................. 11
1g-Multiplying & Dividing Integers ........................................................................................................................ 12
1h-Expanding Numbers ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Test REVIEW: Integers ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 1 Test.......................................................................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 2 Fractions ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

2a-Finding Fractions ................................................................................................................................................ 17
2b-Proper and Improper Fractions ........................................................................................................................... 18
2c-Adding & Subtracting Fractions of Different Denominators.............................................................................. 19
2d-Multiplying & Dividing Fractions ...................................................................................................................... 20
2e-Adding Fractions of Like Denominator .............................................................................................................. 21
2f - Like Terms ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
2g-Solving Basic Algebraic Equations (one step) ................................................................................................... 23
2h-Solving Basic Algebraic Equations (two steps).................................................................................................. 24
2i-More Solving Basic Algebraic Equations ........................................................................................................... 25
2j-Solving for a Variable (multiple steps) ............................................................................................................... 26
2k-Solving for a Variable (Multiple Like Terms) .................................................................................................... 27
2L-More Practice Solving Equations ....................................................................................................................... 28
2m-Basic Algebraic Equations with Perimeter ........................................................................................................ 29
2n-Basic Algebraic Equations with Area ................................................................................................................. 30
2o-Basic Algebraic Equations with Fractions.......................................................................................................... 31
2p-Basic Algebraic Equations with Fractions.......................................................................................................... 32
2q-Basic Algebraic Equations with Fractions.......................................................................................................... 33
2r- More Fractions with Perimeter and Area ........................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 2 Test.......................................................................................................................................................... 35

Chapter 3 Decimals ..................................................................................................................................................... 37

3a-Decimal Notation................................................................................................................................................ 38
3b-Switching Between Fractions and Decimals ...................................................................................................... 39
3c- Operations with Decimals.................................................................................................................................. 40
3d-Adding and Subtracting Decimals ...................................................................................................................... 41
3e-Multiplying & Dividing Decimals ...................................................................................................................... 42
3f-Decimals with Area and Perimeter ..................................................................................................................... 43
3g-Multiplying & Dividing Decimals...................................................................................................................... 44
3h-More Multiplying & Dividing Decimals ............................................................................................................ 45
3i-Circumference with Decimals ............................................................................................................................. 46
3j-Area with Decimals ............................................................................................................................................. 47
3k-Surface Area & Volume with Decimals ............................................................................................................. 48
3L- Similar Shapes and their Surface Area & Volume ............................................................................................ 49
3m-Surface Area & Volume of Pyramids & Spheres .............................................................................................. 50
3n-Mixed Review of Shapes and Objects ................................................................................................................ 51
3o-Mixed Review of Volume & Surface Area ........................................................................................................ 52
3p-Mixed Review of Volume & Surface Area ........................................................................................................ 53
Chapter 3 Test.......................................................................................................................................................... 54

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Chapter 4 Percents and Proportions ............................................................................................................................. 56
4a- Field Axioms ..................................................................................................................................................... 57
4b – Exponents ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
4c- Order of Operations ........................................................................................................................................... 59
4d- Using Absolute Values within the Order of Operations .................................................................................... 60
4e - Evaluating ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
4f- Expanded Form .................................................................................................................................................. 62
4g-Expanding Numbers Using Powers .................................................................................................................... 63
4h- Expanded Form using Powers ........................................................................................................................... 64
4i-More Practice with Standard and NonStandard Forms ....................................................................................... 65
4j - Scientific Notation............................................................................................................................................. 66
4k - Percents ............................................................................................................................................................ 67
4L – Using Proportions with Conversions ............................................................................................................... 68
4m - Proportions ...................................................................................................................................................... 69
4n – Mixed Review.................................................................................................................................................. 70
Chapter 4 Test.......................................................................................................................................................... 71

Chapter 5 Number Line and Cartesian Plane ............................................................................................................... 73

5a – Solving for a Variable (Multiple Variables present) ........................................................................................ 74
5b – More Practice Translating ................................................................................................................................ 75
5c – Number Line .................................................................................................................................................... 76
5d – Absolute Values ............................................................................................................................................... 77
5e – Graphing Absolute Values ............................................................................................................................... 78
5f – Solving Absolute Values .................................................................................................................................. 79
5g – Cartesian Coordinate Plane .............................................................................................................................. 80
5h – Polynomials and Variation............................................................................................................................... 81
5i – Identifying Functional Relations ...................................................................................................................... 82
Chapter 5 Test.......................................................................................................................................................... 83

Chapter 6 Linear Equations ......................................................................................................................................... 84

6a – Linear Equations .............................................................................................................................................. 85
6b – Graphs of Linear Equations ............................................................................................................................. 86
6c –Writing Linear Equations .................................................................................................................................. 87
6d – More on Writing & Graphing Linear Equations .............................................................................................. 88
6e –Parallel Lines .................................................................................................................................................... 89
6f – Perpendicular Lines .......................................................................................................................................... 90
6g – Linear Inequalities ........................................................................................................................................... 91
6h – Systems of Equations- Substitution ................................................................................................................. 92
6i – Systems of Equations - Elimination.................................................................................................................. 93
6j – Systems of Equations – Mixed Review ............................................................................................................ 94
6k – Linear Word Problems ..................................................................................................................................... 95
6L – More Word Problems (Mixed Review) ........................................................................................................... 96
Chapter 6 Test.......................................................................................................................................................... 97

Chapter 7 Exponents .................................................................................................................................................... 99

7 - Rules of Exponents ........................................................................................................................................... 100
7a – Simplifying Exponents ................................................................................................................................... 101
7b – More Simplifying Exponents ......................................................................................................................... 102
7c – Prime Numbers .............................................................................................................................................. 103
7d – Prime Factorization ........................................................................................................................................ 104
7e –Simplifying Radicals ....................................................................................................................................... 106
7f –More Rational Exponents ................................................................................................................................ 107
7g – Combining Radicals....................................................................................................................................... 108
7h – Rationalizing Denominators .......................................................................................................................... 109

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7i – Solving Radical Equations.............................................................................................................................. 110
Chapter 7 Test........................................................................................................................................................ 111
Chapter 8 Expanding & Solving Polynomials ........................................................................................................... 113
8a – Multiplying Polynomials ................................................................................................................................ 114
8b – Factoring ........................................................................................................................................................ 115
8c – Factoring ........................................................................................................................................................ 116
8d – Factoring ........................................................................................................................................................ 117
8e – Solve by Factoring ......................................................................................................................................... 118
8f – Difference of Squares ..................................................................................................................................... 119
8g – More Practice Factoring ................................................................................................................................ 120
8h –Quadratic Formula .......................................................................................................................................... 121
8i – more Quadratic Formula ................................................................................................................................. 122
8j – Graphing Quadratics ....................................................................................................................................... 123
8k – Graphing Quadratics ...................................................................................................................................... 124
8L – Quadratic Word Problems ............................................................................................................................. 125
8m –Complex Numbers ......................................................................................................................................... 126
8n –Complex Numbers continued.......................................................................................................................... 127
Chapter 8 Test........................................................................................................................................................ 128

Algebra Cumulative Review...................................................................................................................................... 130

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................... 131

1 Sets and Operations of Numbers ........................................................................................................................ 132
2 Functions and Relations ...................................................................................................................................... 133
3 - Linear Functions ............................................................................................................................................... 134
4- Systems of Linear Functions ............................................................................................................................. 135
5 - Quadratic Functions ......................................................................................................................................... 136
6a - Exponentials ................................................................................................................................................... 137
6b - Logarithmic Functions ................................................................................................................................... 138
6c - Solving Logarithmic Functions ...................................................................................................................... 139
7 - Rational Functions ............................................................................................................................................ 140
8 - Irrational Functions .......................................................................................................................................... 141
9 - Polynomials of any Degree .............................................................................................................................. 142

Final Exam................................................................................................................................................................. 144

Answer Key ............................................................................................................................................................... 155


I want to acknowledge that this booklet does not contain all the worksheets needed to cover the entire algebra
curriculum. This book began ten years ago when I assisted a colleague, Dr. Keith Calkins, remediate high school
students entering a rigorous advanced mathematics program. The worksheets I developed then focused on common
weak areas my students needed to strengthen. Since that time I worked a couple of years with Dr. Lynelle Weldon
who directed the task to remediate university students before placing them into university mathematics courses. A
few of her study guides became a blue print for a few of mine and those got inserted into this book as well. Then I
spent three years developing a two-year pre-algebra course for a combined seventh and eighth grade class. Since
there was always an influx of new students each year, the curriculum was the same each year with the difference
only in the activities and worksheets. The worksheets I developed were for certain days when I could find no
resources on hand for what I wanted the students to master. These worksheets found their way into this book as
well. So you can conclude that this booklet you are perusing is a compilation of ten years of supplemental writing.
Hopefully you will find it useful.

I want to thank Dr Calkins and Dr Weldon for their inspiration and their examples! Pun intended.

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Chapter 1 Number System

Prior Skills:
• Convert fractions to decimal for sheet 1c
• Time measurements for sheet 1c
• Basic understanding of decimal and fractions for sheet 1d

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1a- Translating Mathematical Symbols

For each question, translate the equation and then solve by mental math. No calculator!

Example: 3x = 21. Translation: Three times a number is 21. Answer: x = 7

1. x - 4 = 13

2. x+5=8

3. 8-x=5

4. 4x = 12

5. 2x = 6

6. T + 7 = 10

7. 14 - t = 5

8. 21 - x = 13

9. Y÷3=6

10. 9÷P=1

11. 8×P = 32

12. 6 × R = 54

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____
1b – Number Systems
Complex Numbers - All numbers are complex. Their form is a + bi. These numbers will be taught later!

Real Numbers – numbers found on the “number line”. If written as a complex number, they would look like a+0i.

Imaginary numbers - points not on the standard number line. If written as complex, they would have form 0+bi.

Zero - It is both real and imaginary.

Rational Numbers – Real numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. If written as a decimal, they
would be terminating or repeating.

Irrational Numbers - reals that CANNOT be expressed as a ratio of integers. If written as a decimal, they would
be nonterminating and nonrepeating decimals.

Transcendental Numbers - irrational numbers that can NOT be solved by algebraic methods

Integers - whole numbers and their opposites

Non-integers - another name for a reduced fraction where 1 is NOT in the denominator.

Whole numbers - 0, 1, 2, 3…

Natural Numbers (counting numbers) - 1, 2, 3…

Digits - whole numbers from 0 to 9, those numbers which make up our numerals

Even - integers divisible by 2

Odd - integers that are NOT divisible by 2

Positive - reals greater than 0

Negative - reals less than 0

Answer the following about numbers:

1. On a separate piece of paper, create a hierarchy for the number systems above.
For each branch, list three examples of the number system.

2. Which of the following is not a rational number?

3.1 3.01 3.111... 3.1234322344523... 3½

3. Which of the following is not a rational number?

3.4 -3.4 3.444... -3.444 3.040040004...
4. Which is not an integer? 2 -2 0 ½ 4
5. What type of number is this: (rational, irrational, integer, real...)
A. -3.4 B. 5 C. 12 D. 0
6. Explain which decimals are rational numbers? How can you tell them from an irrational number?

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1c - Number Systems
Mathematicians use short-hand notation when referring to number systems:
N - natural, Z - integer, Q - rational, R - real, C - complex.

1. Check off which number systems the following numbers are:

0 .81

2. How many minutes are there in two and one half days?

3. How many seconds are there in a day?

4. Some rational numbers can be expressed in decimal form. Express the following in decimal,
showing all work:
1 1 5 7
a. ¼ b. c. d. e.
6 9 12 100

5. Explain which decimals are rational and which are irrational.

For example: π ≈ 3.141592... is irrational.

6. Write the following decimals as a ratio of two integers:

a. 0.315 b. 3.151515...

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1d - Which Number is Bigger?

You may use your calculator to convert into decimal if necessary to answer the questions.

1. Plot the numbers on a real number line: -1⅓, 0, 2 ⅔, 1¾, -⅝, -⅔, 1 53 , 2 75 , -3, 2 ½

2. Plot the numbers on a real number line: -2.3, -3.3, 4.3, 4, 2, -2, -3.8

3. Plot on a real number line: -1 ½, 3⅛, -2⅞, 1.5, 1.05, -1¾, 1.7

6. Which is bigger? Fill in the blank with <, >, or =.

a. -3 ___ 3

b. - 4 ___ -5

c. -10.4 ___ -10.3

d. 4.5 ___ 4.55

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1e-Adding & Subtracting Integers

Perform the operations without a calculator. Show work by plotting the operations on a
number line.

1. There are several ways to add or subtract integers. Some think of money debts, others think
of protons versus electrons. The following example is showing how addition is about gaining
and subtraction about losing in terms of the real number line.

-4 + 9 7-5 -3 - 3 1-7 1+3

=5 =2 = -6 = -6 =4

-4 01 2 345 -6 -5 -4 -3 1 2 3 4

Simplify the following by doing the indicated operation:

2. - 4 - 9 3. -7 – 5 4. -3 + 3

5. -1 – 7 6. 1 - 3 7. -5 – 9

8. 8 – 3 9. 53 – 42 10. 31 – 82

11. - 44 + 53 12. - 35 + 35 13. 23 – 17

14. 2 – 4 – 6 15. 2 + (- 4) – 6 16. 0 – 2 + 6

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1f- more Adding & Subtracting Integers

You may use your calculator only to check your answers. Simplify the expressions.

Find the result.

1. 7 + 3 2. -6 – 3 3. -8 – 6 4. 6 + (-3)

5. (+6) + (-3) 6. -7 + (-8) 7. - 4 + (+2) 8. 4 + (-2)

9. 5 – 8 10. -78 – 21 11. -32 – 21 12. -55 – 44

13. 34 – 43 14. -34 + 68 15. 54 – 59 16. -90 + 90

17. 3 – 6 18. –4 + 5 19. 4–5 20. 6 – 5

21. 7 – 17 22. 10 – 15 23. 0 – 1 24. -3 + 4

25. -14 + 25 26. -5 + 10 27. -1 + 8 28. -7 + 23

29. 8–3 30. 3 – 6 31. 10 – 6 32. 4 – 7

33. -1 + 3 34. -10 + 6 35. -7 + 4 36. -7 + 8

Translate the following expression and find the integer that represents the overall change.
37. The temperature starts at -15°C, drops 10°C, rises 5°C and rises 8°C.

38. A person starts with $50, earns $12, spends $15, earns $18, and spends $22.

39. A submarine starts at sea level, dives down 125 m, dives another 72 m, and rises 42 m.

40. An elevator starts on the seventh floor, descends 5 floors and ascends 9 floors.

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1g-Multiplying & Dividing Integers

You may use your calculator only to check your answers.

1. (-8)(-3) 2. -6(- 4) 3. 5(-9) 4. 10(-3)

5. -6(-3) 6. -2(5) 7. 15(- 4) 8. 16(-3)

9. 17×(-5) 10. (-8)(-9) 11. (-7)(31) 12. 90(100)

13. 8 × (-3) 14. -3 × (-2) 15. -5 × -14 16. 12×12

17. -9 ÷ -3 18. -18 ÷ (-9) 19. 20 ÷ (-5) 20. -72 ÷ (-8)

21. -100 ÷ (-10) 22. -35 ÷ 7 23. 36 ÷ 4 24. 81 ÷ (-3)

25. 95 ÷ (-19) 26. -32 ÷ 4 27. 64 ÷ 8 28. 42 ÷ (-6)

29. -(-9) 30. -0 31. (-1)(-1)(-1)(-1)(-1) 32. 2(-3)(4)(-5)(6)

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1h-Expanding Numbers
You may use your calculator only to check your answers.

State the place value of the ‘5’ in each number below:

1. 78,513 2. 960,500 3. 5,000,732

4. 85,723 5. 23,985 6. 234,951

Write the following in expanded form:

7. 34

8. 5345

9. 4,000,001

10. 203,432

11. 432

12. 865,342,422

Write each of the following in standard form:

13. (4×100,000) + (5×10,000) + (3×1000) + (8×100)

14. (9×1,000,000) + (7×1)

15. (6×1) + (7×10) + (8×100) + (6×1000) + (7×10,000)

16. (3×100) + (4×1000) + (7×1) + (9×10) + (4×1,000,000)

Luttrell 2012 13
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

Test REVIEW: Integers

SHOW WORK. A calculator is NOT allowed on this test. You must work alone.
Questions regarding interpreting the directions are allowed. Simplify your answers!

1. Solve the following for x:

a. x – 12 = 28 b. x + 17 = 0 c. 6 – x = 2

2. Evaluate the following:

a. 13 - 12 b. -13 + 12 c. -13 - 12

3. Evaluate the following:

a. -2(- 4) b. 4(-8) c. -(-7) d. -5 × 4

4. Evaluate the following:

a. 25 ÷ (-5) b. -32 ÷ 8 c. -18 ÷ (-2)

5. Write the following number in standard form:

4(100,000) + 6(1,000) + 5(100) + 3(10)

6. Write in expanded form: 43,507.

Luttrell 2012 14
Chapter 1 Test
Name: _____________________ Date: _________

SHOW WORK. A calculator is allowed on this test, but work still must be shown for full
credit. Only questions regarding interpreting the directions are allowed – no talking to anyone
but the teacher until all have finished and have submitted their test.

1. Put the following numbers in order from smallest to biggest:

-9, 9, -1, 1, 7, -7, 0, 2, -3, -5, 6

2. Write each number in standard form:

a. 500,000 + 1,000 + 70 + 2
b. 20,000 + 300 + 4

c. 4,000,000 + 800,000 + 2,000 + 900

3. Rewrite using algebraic symbols:

a. three less than a number B. Five more than twice a number is thirteen.

4. Fill in the blanks with either standard form or expanded form.

a. 62,723 = ( 6 × 10 ) + _ _ _ _ _ + ( 7 × 10 ) + _ _ _ _ _ _ + ( 3 × 10 )
4 2 0
b. ________________= (3 × 102 ) + (9 × 105 )

5. Solve: a. x - 2 = 5 b. x -(-3) = 7

6. Circle each of the following types of numbers that best describes 4.5.
a. Real b. Rational c. Complex d. Transcendental e. Integer
Bonus: Fill in the next three numbers that continues the sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10,__, __, __

Luttrell 2012 15
Chapter 2 Fractions

Prior skills:
• For sheet 2a, know perimeter
• For sheet 2n, know area

An asterisk (*) next to a question, such as question 17 & 18 on sheet 2i implies that the student
may find the question challenging. The questions may have come from an activity we did in
class prior to the worksheet. If you using the worksheets without other resources, just beware
that the students may have difficulty with asterisk questions.

Luttrell 2012 16
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2a-Finding Fractions
For each question, translate the equation and then solve by mental math.

1. Darcy decides to eat only ⅓ of a candy bar. Draw a candy bar and shade in what was eaten.

2. Students at SLA walked 20 laps to help the Terry Fox Foundation. Some walked only ¾ the
laps. Make 20 squares to represent the laps and shade in the amount some only walked.

3. The perimeter of the park is about 4 miles. Someone walked only ¼ of it. Draw a circle and
color the fraction of the circle walked.

4. Nicole bought four apples. One was eaten this morning. What fraction of apples are left?

5. There are 150 days of school. If students have been in school for 15 days, what fraction of
the school year is left?

6. The perimeter of the building is 400 feet and is getting a new coat of paint, what fraction of
the building is left to paint if only 100 feet got painted? Draw a picture of the outline of the
building and where it’s painted. Does your drawing look like others?

Luttrell 2012 17
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2b-Proper and Improper Fractions

Write as a mixed number:

11 24 43 8
1. 3 2. 5 3. 12 4.

33 56 23 7
5. 5 6. 15 7. 16 8. 3

Write as an improper fraction:

9. 2 7
10. 5 116 11. 10 27 12.
6 119

5 11 3 1
13. 2 7 14. 3 12 15. 5 10 16. 13 5

Luttrell 2012 18
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2c-Adding & Subtracting Fractions of Different Denominators

Simplify the following without the use of a calculator. Leave as a proper fraction.

1. 2
3 + 125 2. 3 15 −1 83 3.
6 + 125

4. 2
3 + 4 45 5.
9 + 3
4 6.
7 + 3

7. 2
2 − 1 43 8. 10 6 − 3 9
5 1
9. 4
− 2 13
9 15

10. 1 3 −
1 14
15 11. ⅞ + ⅔ 12. ⅓ - ⅜

Luttrell 2012 19
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2d-Multiplying & Dividing Fractions

Use your calculator only to check your answer. Leave answer as simplified proper fractions.

1. 3
4 ⋅ 89 2.
5 × 17
× 103

7 × 14
15 5.
9 × 27
28 6. 3
( 10 )

7. 2 3
4 × 4 25 8. − 5 ( 24 )
4 15

5 ( −15) 11. 3 ( − 3 )
12. 2
4 × 3 13

13. 3 3 × 4 × 3 25 15. 5 3 × 7
2 1 1 1 1
11 14. 2 17 2

16. 2
2 ÷ 5
6 17. 4
5 ÷ 11 21 18.
7 ÷ 10

9 ÷ 3 91 20. 4 ½ ∙ 8 ⅔ 21. (8⅔) / (4½)

Question 21 is an example why there are many types of parentheses and division symbols. Some
symbols make the question cluttered and hard to read.

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____
2e-Adding Fractions of Like Denominator
For each question, translate the equation and then solve by showing your algebraic steps.

1. The perimeter of the room is 248 inches. If two walls of the rectangular room are 80 ½ long,
how long is each of the other walls?

2. A rectangular room has perimeter of 320 ½ inches. One wall is 70¼. Find the dimensions of
the other three walls.

3. A triangle has sides 1⅜, 2⅝, and 2⅞. Find its perimeter.

4. A rectangle has dimensions 6⅔” by 7⅓”. Find its perimeter.

5. A rectangle has perimeter 8⅛ and one known side of 2⅞. What are the dimensions of the

6. A hexagon (6-sided shape) has sides 2⅞, 1⅜, 4, 5⅛, 4½ and a perimeter of 20. How long is
the missing side?

7. Find the perimeter of an octagon with equal sides of 4⅝. An octagon has 8 sides.

8. A pentagon has perimeter of 30⅔. If four sides are known to be 4⅓, 5⅔, 7⅔, and 6⅔, how
long is the remaining side?

Luttrell 2012 21
Name: ______________________ Date: _____
2f - Like Terms
Constant: A number that doesn’t change. In the expression 2x + 3, the constant is 3. The 2 is a coefficient.

Variable: A number that may change, usually is represented by a letter. In the expression 2x + 3, the variable is x.

Term: Any constant or variable that is being added or subtracted. In the expression 2x + 3y, the terms are 2x and 3y.

Expression: A collection of terms that together represents a number.

Equation: When two expressions are equal. Usually the goal is to find the value of the variable that makes the
equation true (equal).

Like Terms: Two or more terms having the same variables with the same exponents. The variables do not need to
be in the same order; 2wz and 3zw are like terms. Coefficients are ignored since they refer to the amount of this
term you have.

Combining like terms: When the terms are alike, you add or subtract (depends on signs) the coefficients. Adding
2wz and 3zw would give you 5wz. Subtracting 2wz from 3zw would result in 1wz (better written as wz).

1. Write a like term for each of the following:

a. -16y b. -5 c. 4xy2z d. 5h

2. Determine which of the following sets are made up of like terms:

a. {4x, 3x2, 3x3} b. {xyz, -3xyz, 5yz} c. {2xy, -3xy, -8xy}

For the following exercises, combine like terms.

3. 5x2 - 6x2 + 4xy + 3y2 - 2y2 4. (8y2 + 6y - ½) + (-y2 - 2y + ¾)

5. (3x2 + 4x + 4) + (x2 - 2x - 2) 6. Add x2 - ¼ and -x2 - 5x + ⅞.

7. (5x3 - 10x2 + 3x) - (-3x3 + 5x2 - 8x0) 8. (5x-3) - (- 4x2 + 3x - 1)

9. Subtract -3x3 - 2x2 - 6x0 from -2x3 - 3x2 - 6x. 10. (2 - x) - (4 + 5x)

11. Subtract 2x3 - 3x2 + 4x from -2x3 - 3x2 + 5x +4x0. 12. (3 + 3x) + (1 - 2x)

Luttrell 2012 22
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2g-Solving Basic Algebraic Equations (one step)

Use your calculator to check your answer. Leave answer as simplified proper fractions.

1. 3x = -21 2. -7y = 28 3. -196 = -28x

4. -15a = - 45 5. -x = 17 6. -22 = 2x

7. -12b = -288 8. 12x = -60 9. A÷5 = -6

10. Y ÷ (-5) = -14 11. X ÷ 4 = -24 12. X ÷ (-3) = 4

13. A ÷ 14 = 7 14. 3a = -15 15. A ÷ 4 = -81

16. Y ÷(-1) = 0 17. X ÷ (-3) = 6 18. -12 = 4n

19. - 4w = -12 20. Y ÷ 6 = 2 21. 4x = 0

22. x + 6 = 9 23. x – 9 = 1 24. 7 = x + 3

Luttrell 2012 23
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2h-Solving Basic Algebraic Equations (two steps)

Use your calculator to check your answer. Leave answer as simplified proper fractions.

Solve the following equations:

1. 2x + 1 = 5 2. -3x + 1 = 10 3. 4x - 2 = 10

4. 5x + 3 = -12 5. 8 - x = 13 6. 4x - 3 = 5

7. -3x + 17 = 14 8. - x + 6 = 6 9. -2x + 3 = -5

10. - 4 + 2x = 6 11. -7 + 5x = 13 12. 6 - 5x = 1

13. - 4 - 6x = -4 14. 10x - 45 = 45 15. -9 + 7x = 12

Luttrell 2012 24
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2i-More Solving Basic Algebraic Equations

Use your calculator to check your answer. Leave answer as simplified proper fractions.

1. 3x + 2 = 14 2. x
−3 + 4 = 10 3. x + 3 = 3 ¾

4. ½ x - 8 = 16 5. 5x - 10 = 5 6. x
2 +3= 7

7. x
−7 − 5 = 15 8. ¼ x = 32 9. x
6 − 8 = 10

10. 12 = x
8 +5 11. 5x - 3 = 17 12. 4x + 7 = -1

13. 2x
3 −8 = 6 14. −3 x
4 + 4 = −8 15. −x
3 +1= 4

16. 5x + 3 = -12 *17. 2x +8 = 4x + 2 *18. 3x – 1 = x + 5

Luttrell 2012 25
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2j-Solving for a Variable (multiple steps)

When solving for a variable, reverse the order of operations. The objective is to isolate that
variable by getting it to one side of the equation and all the constants to the other side. If faced
with an equation with a nested variable (see example C), eliminate the outer portion before
messing with the interior of an expression. To eliminate terms or coefficients, you will need to
apply the inverse operations.

A. 3x = 24 B. 3x + 1 = 25 C. (3x-1) ÷ 5 = 3
(3x)÷3 = 24÷3 3x+1 -1 = 25 - 1 (3x-1)÷5×5 = 3×5
x=8 3x = 24 3x - 1 = 15
3 = 24
3 3x -1 + 1 = 15 + 1
x=8 3x = 16
3 = 16
x = 5⅓

Solve for the variable in the following equations:

1. 3x - 4 = 11 2. 5x + 7 = - 3 3. -3x + 2 = 17

2x + 3 2x +5
4. =5 5. =3 6. 2(2x - 1) = 8
3 2

3x + 2
2x +5 +7= 6
*7. −3 =3 *8. 3 *9. 3(x+5) - 2 = 7

Luttrell 2012 26
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2k-Solving for a Variable (Multiple Like Terms)

When faced with an equation that has multiple terms of the same variable you need to solve, get
those terms together on one side of the equation. It doesn’t matter what side of the equation you
move the terms to, as shown below. You may have to simplify before you can move terms
around. There are many alternate methods of solving for a variable; valid methods require the
use of the Field Axioms and PEMDAS.

Example: 2(3w + 2) - 12 = 3w - 11
6w + 4 - 12 = 3w - 11
6w - 8 = 3w - 11
6w - 3w - 8 = 3w - 3w - 11 or 6w - 6w - 8 = 3w - 6w - 11
3w - 8 = - 11 -8 = -3w - 11
3w - 8 + 8 = 8 - 11 11 - 8 = -3w -11 + 11
3w = -3 3 = -3w
3w÷3 = -3÷3 3÷(-3) = -3w÷(-3)
w = -1 -1 = w

Solve for the variable:

1. 8x - 2(x - 8) + 4x = - 4 2. 4x - 2(x+3) - 4x = -3

3. - 3(x + 5) = 10 - 2x 4. 12z - 3(z - 7) = -(5z + 7)

5. -6(w - 3) = 3w - 9 6. 16x - 4(x - 8) + 8x = -8

*7. 5y - [7 - (2y - 1)] = 3(y - 5) + 4(y + 3) 8.

4 + 2x + 3x = 13

Luttrell 2012 27
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2L-More Practice Solving Equations

You may use your calculator only to check your answers. Leave fractions proper.

Solve for the variable:

1. 3x - 2 = 5x 2. 4x + 6 = 3x 3. 5x - 14 = -2x

4. 6x - 2x - 3 = 9 5. -7x + 4x + 5 = 20 6. -x + 7 = 3x -1

7. 2x + 6 = 7x - 14 8. 7x - 12x + 4 = 19 9. 8 - x = 9 - 2x

10. 7 - 2x = - 3 + 3x 11. 54 - ( ⅔)x = 38 12. -7 - x = 8 + 4x

x − 3 2x +5
13. 4x = 3x - 2(5-x) 14. 2x - 3 = 4(x+3) - 5x 15. + =7
4 2

Luttrell 2012 28
Name: ______________________ Date: _____
2m-Basic Algebraic Equations with Perimeter
For each question, translate the equation and then solve by showing your algebraic steps.

1. The perimeter of the room is 248 inches. If two walls of the rectangular room are 80 long,
how long is each of the other walls?

2. A rectangular room has perimeter of 30 inches. One wall is 10. Find the dimensions of the
other three walls.

3. A triangle has sides 1, 2, and 2. Find its perimeter.

4. A rectangle has dimensions 6” by 7”. Find its perimeter.

5. A rectangle has perimeter 6 and one known side of 2. What are the dimensions of the

6. A hexagon (6-sided shape) has sides 2, 1, 4, 5, 4 and a perimeter of 20. How long is the
missing side?

7. Find the perimeter of an octagon with equal sides of 4. An octagon has 8 sides.

8. A pentagon has perimeter of 26. If four sides are known to be 4, 5, 7, and 6, how long is the
remaining side?

9. A rectangle has dimensions x - 3 and 2x + 6 with a known perimeter of 24, what is x?

10. A triangle has sides 2x, 3x +1, and x - 5 with a known perimeter of 26, what is x?

Luttrell 2012 29
Name: ______________________ Date: _____
2n-Basic Algebraic Equations with Area
For each question, translate the equation and then solve by showing your algebraic steps.
Leave answers as proper fractions.
1. A rectangular room is 8 feet by 10 feet. Draw the layout and label. Find the area of the room.

2. A rectangular kitchen is 12 feet by 9 feet. Draw its layout and find the area of the room.

3. A rectangle is 9 ½ by 10 ¼. Find its area.

4. A triangle has a base of 4 ½ and a height of 5¾. Find its area.

5. A rectangle is 3⅝ by 4⅛. Find its area.

6. A square has a side of 3⅓. Find its area.

7. A bedroom is to be carpeted. Its dimensions are 9⅓’ by 11⅞’. How much square feet does it
have? How much square yardage does it have? (3 ft = 1 yd, 9 ft² = 1 yd²)

Luttrell 2012 30
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2o-Basic Algebraic Equations with Fractions

For each question, translate the equation and then solve by showing your algebraic steps.
Leave answers as proper fractions.

1. 2x - 3 = 5 2. 3x - 1 = 11 3. 4x - 1 = 15

4. 3x - ½ = 5 ½ 5. 4x - 1¼ = 3¾ 6. 6x - 1⅛ = 4⅜

7. 3x - 2 = 5 8. 4x + 5 = 16 9. 5x + 30 = 3

10. -2x = 9 11. -3x + 1 = 6 12. -6x + 4 = -9

13. 3
2 x + 4 = −5 14. 5
x−4 = 6 15. 4
x − 1 43 = 10 81
3 5

Luttrell 2012 31
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2p-Basic Algebraic Equations with Fractions

Solve for x by showing your algebraic steps. Leave answers as proper fractions.

1. The area of a rectangle is length times width. If the area of a rectangle is 9⅜ cm² and its
width is 4¼ cm, what is its length?

2. If a rectangle’s area is 100¾ cm² and its length is 9½ cm, what is its width?

3. Area of a triangle is half its height times base. If the area of a triangle is 10 cm² and has base
of 3 ½ cm, what is its height?

4. If the area of a triangle is 4 ½ and its height is 3¼, what is its base?

5. 3
2 x= 27
44 6. 4
5 x= 6
25 7. 4
9 x= 30

8. 3
4 x − 43 = 12
9. 8
9 x + 3 21 = 10 78 10. 4 13 x + 1 43 = 11 81

Luttrell 2012 32
Name: ______________________ Date: _____
2q-Basic Algebraic Equations with Fractions
Use your calculator to check your answer. Leave answer as simplified proper fractions.

1. 2x - 4 = 9 2. 3x + 5 = 7 3. 7x - 1 = 8

4. 2
3 x − 4 = 10 5. 3
4 x + 5 = 14 6. x
2 − 3 43 = 5 81

7. 3x
4 − 6 = 10 8. 5x
3 = 15 9. 3
4 x = 16

10. If a square has a side of ½ inch, what is its area?

11. If a rectangle has dimensions of ¾” and ⅝”, what is its area?

12. If a rectangle has area of 32 ⅔” and a length of 14", what is its width?

13. If a rectangle has area of 38" and a length of 4¾”, what is its width?

14. If a square has area of 64 squared feet, what is its length of side?

Luttrell 2012 33
Name: ______________________ Date: _____
2r- More Fractions with Perimeter and Area
Use your calculator to check your answer. Leave answer as simplified proper fractions.

1. Find the perimeter of the following triangles with sides of:

a. 3¾, 4½, 5⅝ b. 7⅔, 8⅓, 13⅓ c. 4⅓, 3½, 5⅛

2. Find the perimeter of the following rectangles with dimensions of:

a. 4⅜” by 5 3 5 ” b. 4" by 4⅜” c. 3½” by 3½”

3. Find the area of the following rectangles, with dimensions of:

a. 4⅜” by 5 3 5 ” b. 4" by 4⅜” c. 3½” by 3½”

4. Find the area of the following triangles, with dimensions of:

a. Height 3½”, base 8" b. Height 2⅛”, base 4 174 “ c. Height 4, base 5 ½

5. If the perimeter of a square is 16, what is its area?

6. If a triangle has area of 35 and length of 16, what is its base?

7. If a triangle has area of 32 and height of 5, what is its base?

*8. If the perimeter of a rectangle is 14 and the length is 5 more than the width, what is its area?

*9. If perimeter of a rectangle is 14 and the length is 4 more than the width, what is its area?

Luttrell 2012 34
Name: ___________________________ Date: __________
Chapter 2 Test

SHOW WORK. A calculator is NOT allowed on this test. You must work alone.
Questions regarding interpreting the directions are allowed. Simplify your fractions!

1. Put in order from smallest to greatest.

5 a. 21 , 13 , 15 , 41 , 11 B. - ½, ¼, - ⅝, ⅔

2. A. Write as an improper fraction: 6 43 . B. Write as a mixed number: 23

8 .

3. Add the fractions, leaving answer as a proper fraction:

5 a. 83 + 78 B. 4
5 + 3 23

4. Subtract the fractions, leaving answer as a proper fraction:

5 a. 17 89 − 5 49 B. 6 21 − 3 78

5. Multiply and simplify to proper fractions:

5 a. 56 × 10
B. 5 23 × 179

6. Divide and simplify to proper fractions:

5 a. 43 ÷ 78 B. 8 21 ÷ 4

Luttrell 2012 35
Chapter 2 Test, continued

7. Match the terms

_____ a. Vinculum A. Top part of a fraction
10 _____ b. Denominator B. Bar separating parts of fraction
_____ c. Numerator C. Bottom part of a fraction
_____ d. Decimal D. Dot separating whole from parts
_____ e. Improper fraction E. 5

_____ f. Proper fraction F. 3 25

_____ g. 0.06 G. 6 thousandths
_____ h. 600 H. 6 hundredths
_____ I. 0.006 I. 6 hundreds
_____ j. 0.6 J. 6 tens
K. 6 tenths

8. Find the perimeter of the rectangle whose dimensions are 1¾ cm by 3 ⅓ cm.


9. Find the area of the rectangle whose dimensions are 5 ½” by 10".


Bonus: (2 pts) Let N = 20×30×50×70×110×130. What is the smallest positive

0 prime number which is NOT a factor of N?
(3 pts) What is the value of x which satisfies the equation 205 + 287 + 369 + 44
+ 80x = 1 ?

Luttrell 2012 36
Chapter 3 Decimals

Prior Skills:
• Fractions
• Area
• Perimeter
• For sheet 3k, volume and surface area
• For sheet 3m and 3o, Pythagorean Theorem
• For chapter 3 test, order of operations and definition of addend

Luttrell 2012 37
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3a-Decimal Notation
Use your calculator only to check your answer.

Write the following number in standard form:

1. (3×100) + (5×10) + (1×1) + (8×0.001)

2. (5×1000) + (3×10) + (4×0.1) + (5×0.01)

3. (4×1000) + (8×100) + (4×0.1) + (3×0.001) + (3×0.0001) + (5×0.00001)

4. (8×1) + (7×0.1) + (4×0.001) + (2×0.000001)

Write the following in expanded form, use the example as a guide:

27.6581 = (2×10) + (7×1) + (6×0.1) + (5×0.01) + (8×0.001) + (1×0.0001)
= ( 2 × 10) + ( 7 × 1) + ( 6 × 10
) + (5 × 100
) + (8 × 1000
) + (1 × 10000

5. 4.8712

6. 3.140092

7. 62.34

8. 144.987

Write the following lengths of a rectangle as fractions:

9. 0.47 m 10. 0.3609 m 11. 5.63 ft

12. Which area is largest? 3.404, 3.44, 3.40004, 3.4004

13. Which perimeter is smallest? 2.3, 2.31, 2.311, 2.3111, 2.31111

Luttrell 2012 38
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3b-Switching Between Fractions and Decimals

Use your calculator only to check your answer.

The perimeter of the room is given in fraction form. Convert the fractions into decimal
1. 40½ 2. 31¾ 3. 61⅝ 4. 56⅔

4 7 19 212
5. 5 6. 4 7. 9 8. 100

9. 5 10. 6 12
15 11. 5
8 12. 3 14 20

13. Which questions had repeating decimals? When does the fraction cause repeating decimals?

14. Rational numbers are those numbers that can be written as fractions. Thus the numbers in
problems #1- #12 are all rational numbers. Which of the following decimals are not rational
A. 0.121212... F. 2.718281828459045...
B. 3.444554445544455... G. 1.4142643...
C. 0.5 H. 1.4141414...
D. 0.567 I. 6.55789789789...
E. 3.141592...

Luttrell 2012 39
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3c- Operations with Decimals

Only use your calculator to check your answer!

Order the decimals from least to greatest.

1. 9.33, 9.4, 9.44, 9.45, 9.446 2. 2.11, 2.111, 2.121, 2.112

3. 3.4, 3.43, 3.424, 3.4509, 3.43509 4. 1.2, 1.302, 1.3002, 1.30002

Simplify the expressions.

5. 8.275 – 5.857 6. 18.93 + 149.42

7. 87.944 – 6.58 8. 14.923 + 1.8

9. 13.245 + 1.4467 10. 12.3 + 1.43 + 1.5607

11. 2.3 – 3.12 12. 0.45 + 45

13. 0.45 – 45 14. 4.01 + 0.034

15. -0.475 – 3.78 16. -7.2 + 10.56

17. 1.8 + 2.401 + 1.05 18. 3.45 + 2.356

Luttrell 2012 40
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3d-Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Use your calculator only to check your answer.

1. Find the perimeter of the room with dimensions: 8.35' by 11.24'.

2. Find the perimeter of a triangle whose sides are 4.3", 6.71", and 5.901".

3. Find the perimeter of the room with dimensions 9.12' by 10.8'.

4. Find the perimeter of the room with dimensions 7.02' by 11.76'.

5. If the perimeter of a room is 48' and the length is known to be 10.8', what is the other

6. If the perimeter of a room is 65' and the length is known to be 12.5', what is the other

7. The perimeter of an equilateral (all sides equal) triangle is 34.8". What is the side length?

8. The perimeter of a square is 38". What is the side length?

9. The perimeter of a regular hexagon (6-sided shape with equal sides) is 39'. What is the side

Luttrell 2012 41
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3e-Multiplying & Dividing Decimals

Only use your calculator to check your answer.

1. (-14.3)×(-2.1) 2. (-0.05)×(-0.05)×(-0.05) 3. -0.003 × 16.1

4. 15.2 × 5.2 5. -18.34(-1.02) 6. 0.0003(-1.2)

7. -18.46 – (-18.79) – 18.46 8. -15.37 – 14.35 + 6.2 9. -83.26 – (-15.6) +(-18.2)

10. 9.3 • 1.23 11. 0.0023 • 1.57 12. 3.14 • 2.718

Solve the following problems with the aid of a calculator.

13. Your bank account started off with $40. Over the course of the week you either put money
or took money out of your account. Here are the pile of ATM transactions: 15.50, - 4.75,
-20, 55.75. How much did you have at the end of the week?

14. Your room has dimensions of 11.23 feet by 9.56 feet. What is its perimeter and area?

15. The monkey cage at a laboratory is 5.3 feet by 5.3 feet. What is the perimeter of the cage
and it’s area?

16. A zoologist recommended that captive monkeys should have AT LEAST a cage 10 feet by
20 feet. What is its perimeter and area?

17. What is the difference in areas between the two cages in problems #15 and #16?

Luttrell 2012 42
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3f-Decimals with Area and Perimeter

Use your calculator to check your answer. You must show ALL your work!!!

1. Find the area of the rectangle with dimensions 4.1' by 8.24'.

2. Find the length of the rectangle which has width 3.2' and area 64 feet squared.

3. Find the area of the rectangle with dimensions 3.201' by 8.9'.

4. Find the width of a 32 feet squared rectangle with length 6.4'.

5. Find the area of the triangle with height 5.4" and base 8.2".

6. Find the area of the triangle with height 4.35" and base 2".

7. Find the base of the triangle with area of 35 squared inches and height of 1.5".

8. Find the height of the triangle with area of 36 squared inches and base of 1.8".

Luttrell 2012 43
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3g-Multiplying & Dividing Decimals

Simplify without the use of a calculator.

1. 13.5 ÷ 1000 2. 1.004 ×100 3. 0.36 ÷ 0.009

4. 2.3 × 3.5 5. 4.56 × 3.2 6. 3.4 ×5.6

7. 2.3 ÷ 100 8. 5.34 × 1000 9. 1002.1 ÷ 10

10. 3.2 ÷ 0.8 11. 0.42 ÷ 0.07 12. 0.0036 ÷ 0.06

Solve without the use of a calculator.

13. If the available cars hold only 4 people, and 34 are going to the beach, how many cars
will be needed?

14. If you spent $48.75 on three pair of jeans, how much is each?

15. If you drive 450 miles in a car that uses 27 gallons, what is your average mile per gallon?

16. If a sack of potatoes weigh 1.2 kilograms, then how much is it in grams? How much in

17. A teacher wants to show a video in her 45 minute class. If the video lasts 153 minutes, how
many classes must she reserve for its use?

18. A lawn of 150 ft by 250 ft will have a house built on it. If the house will be 75 ft by 45 ft,
how much lawn will remain? Put answer in units of feet and yard.

Luttrell 2012 44
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3h-More Multiplying & Dividing Decimals

Simplify without the use of a calculator.

1. 2.9 × 3.1 2. 4.06 × 1.2 3. 27 ÷ 100

4. 34.45 ÷ 1000 5. 0.45 × 100 6. 53.4 × 10,000

7. 3.2 ÷ 0.4 8. 0.45 ÷ 0.9

Solve without the use of a calculator.

9. If 42 people are going to the beach, and cars seat at most 5, how many cars are needed?
(We are omitting vans and other modes of transportation.)

10. If you spent $39.75 on three pair of jeans, what is the average price of one?

11. If you drive 500 miles in a car that uses 22 gallons, what is your average mile per gallon?

12. If a can weighs 10 grams, then how much is it in kilograms? How much in milligrams?

13. A teacher wants to show a video in her 35 minute class. If the video lasts 112 minutes, how
many classes must she reserve for its use?

14. A lawn of 162 ft by 210 ft will have a house built on it. If the house will be 51 ft by 81 ft,
how much lawn will remain? Put answer in units of feet and yard.

Luttrell 2012 45
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3i-Circumference with Decimals

No calculator is allowed. Use 3.14 when approximating π. Round to the nearest hundredth.

1. Calculate the circumference of the circle with radius 9".

2. Calculate the circumference of the circle with diameter 2".

3. Calculate the circumference of the circle with radius 3".

4. Find the radius of a circle with circumference of 31.41 inches.

5. Find the diameter of a circle with circumference of 6.28 inches.

6. Find the radius of a circle with circumference of 9.42 inches.

7. Find the diameter of a circle with circumference of 4.71 inches.

Luttrell 2012 46
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3j-Area with Decimals

No calculator is allowed. Use 3.14 when approximating π. Round to the nearest tenth.

1. Calculate the area of the circle with radius 9".

2. Calculate the area of the circle with diameter 2".

3. Calculate the area of the circle with radius 3".

4. Calculate the area of the circle with diameter 3".

5. Calculate the radius of a circle with area of 28.26 squared inches.

6. Calculate the radius of the circle with area of 50.24 squared inches.

7. Calculate the diameter of the circle with area of 314 squared inches.

Luttrell 2012 47
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3k-Surface Area & Volume with Decimals

A calculator is allowed. If your calculator does not have a π button, use 3.14 to approximate π.

1. Find the surface area and volume of the box:



2. Find the surface area and volume of the box with dimensions 6” by 8” by 10”.

6 10

3. Find the surface area and volume of the cylinder with a radius of 5” and height of 15”.


Luttrell 2012 48
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3L- Similar Shapes and their Surface Area & Volume

Show your work in spite of having a calculator. If your calculator does not have a π button, use
3.14 to approximate π.

1. Find the volume of a box with dimensions of 3 by 4 by 5.

2. Find the volume of a box with dimensions 6 by 8 by 10.

3. Find the volume of a box with dimensions of 12 by 16 by 20.

4. By how much, are the dimensions of the second box bigger than the first box? How does that
compare to their volumes?

5. By how much, are the dimensions of the third box bigger than the first box? How does that
compare to their volumes?

6. Find the volume of a cylinder that has a diameter of 2 and height of 4.

7. Find the volume of a cylinder that has a diameter of 4 and a height of 8.

8. Find a volume of a cylinder that has a diameter of 6 and a height of 12.

9. How do the dimensions in problems #6 and #7 compare? How do their volumes compare?

10. How do the dimensions in problems #6 and #8 compare? How do their volumes compare?

11. What rule can you create to make it easier to compare the volumes of similar shapes?

Luttrell 2012 49
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3m-Surface Area & Volume of Pyramids & Spheres

A calculator is allowed. If your calculator does not have a π button, use 3.14 to approximate π.

1. A pyramid is twice as big as a similar pyramid with volume of 25 in3. Find the volume of the
other pyramid.

2. A pyramid has a square base of sides 5 inches and a height of 3 inches. What’s the volume of
the pyramid?

3. A triangular pyramid is made up of equilateral triangles with a side of 2 feet. What is the
pyramid’s surface area? (Use Pythagorean Theorem to find the height of a triangle.)

4. A pyramid has a triangular base with area of 15 squared inches and a height of 6 inches.
What’s the volume of the pyramid.

5. A man decides to make a playhouse that’s a triangular pyramid like the one in question #4,
but three times as large. What would be the new volume?

6. Find the volume of a sphere that has a radius of 9 inches.

7. Find the volume of a sphere that has a radius of 4 inches.

8. Find the surface area of a sphere that has a radius of 9 inches.

9. Find the surface area of a sphere that has 4 inches.

10. A. Finding the amount of leather to cover a basketball is an example of (area, volume).
B. Finding the amount of air contained in a basketball is an example of (area, volume).

Luttrell 2012 50
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3n-Mixed Review of Shapes and Objects

A calculator is allowed. If your calculator does not have a π button, use 3.14 to approximate π.

1. The area of a square is 625 cm2. Find the length of the sides.

2. The area of a rectangle is 600 cm2. Find the width of the rectangle if the length is 40 cm.

3. The area of a triangle is 45 cm2. Find the base of the triangle if the height is 9 cm.

4. The area of the circle is 8π cm2. Find the circumference of the circle.

5. The area of a square is 400 cm2. Find the perimeter of the square.

6. The perimeter of a rectangle is 30 cm with the length being 8 cm. Find the area of the

7. If the surface area of a box is known to be 300 cm2 and have a base of 5 cm by 4 cm, what is
the height of the box?

8. If the surface area of a box is known to be 320 cm2 and have a height of 36 cm and a width of
2 cm, what is the depth of the box?

9. If the surface area of a sphere is 400π cm2, what is its volume?

10. If the surface area of a sphere is 100π cm2, what is its volume?

11. If the surface area of a cube is 600 cm2, what is its volume?

12. If the surface area of a cube is 96 cm2, what is its volume?

13. If the volume of a cube is 27 cm3, then what is its surface area?

14. If a square pyramid has height of 10 cm and a volume of 60 cm3, what is the dimension of
its base?

15. If a square pyramid has a height of 5 cm and a base side of 6 cm, what is its volume?

Luttrell 2012 51
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3o-Mixed Review of Volume & Surface Area

A calculator is allowed. Leave answers in terms of π.

1. A cube has surface area of 72 in². 2. A tetrahedron has surface area of

What is the area of each face? of 27.7128 in². What is the length
of each

3. A prism has a base of 4" by 8" and surface area 4. A prism has dimensions
of 112 in². What is its height? of 3" by 4" by 5".
What’s its surface area?

5. A cylinder has radius of 2" and 6. A cylinder has diameter of 2"

height of 6". What’s the surface area? and height of 3". What’s the
surface area?

Luttrell 2012 52
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3p-Mixed Review of Volume & Surface Area

A calculator is allowed. Leave your answer in terms of π.

1. What the volume of a cylinder 2. A cylinder has radius of 4" and

whose diameter is 10 and height is 3? surface area of 64π. What’s the

3. What’s the volume of a rectangular 4. What’s the volume of a right

prism of dimensions 3 by 4 by 5? triangular prism whose base has
sides 3, 4, and 5 and height of 10?

5. What the volume of a cylinder whose *6. A cylinder has height of 3" and
radius is 6 and height is 10? surface area of 36π. What is the

Luttrell 2012 53
Chapter 3 Test
Name: ___________________________ Date: ______

SHOW WORK. A calculator is NOT allowed on this test. You must work alone.

1. Put in order from smallest to greatest.

a. 6.1, 6.01, 6.11, 6.001 B. -3.2, -3.22, -3.3

2. A. Write as decimal: 6 43 . B. Write as a decimal: 23

8 .

3. Add:
a. 4.3 + 7 b. 4.3 + 13.7 c. 4.3 + 8.007

4. Subtract:
a. 12.3 - 3.4 b. 12.3 - 5.444 c. 1.23 - 5.444

5. Multiply:
a. 1.3 × 6 b. 1.3 × 6.44 c. -2.3 × (-8.55)

6. Divide:
5 a. 17.34 ÷ 1.7 b. 42.9 ÷0.03 c. -12.56 ÷ (-8)

Luttrell 2012 54
Chapter 3 Test, continued
7. Find the perimeter of the rectangle whose dimensions are 2.45 cm by 3.1 cm.

8. Find the area of the rectangle whose dimensions are 4.03” by 11".

9. Simplify
a. 4(3 - 4)2 - 5 ÷ 10 b. [3(2-1)×5- 4] ÷ 10 + 1

10. Find the volume and surface area of a cylinder whose diameter is 10 cm and its height
‘ is 20 cm.

Bonus: (3 pts) The sum of ten positive odd numbers is 20. What is the largest number
which can be used as an addend in this sum?
Bonus: (3 pts) Two 5×5 squares overlap to form a 5×7 rectangle, as shown. What is the
area of the region in which the two squares overlap?

Luttrell 2012 55
Chapter 4 Percents and Proportions

Prior Skills:
• For sheet 4f, placement values
• For sheet 4g, powers of ten
• For sheet 4h, an introduction to other bases would be good for students to get a historical
sense of mathematics.
• For sheet 4i, decimal representations of fractions
• For sheet 4k, practice understanding and solving with percents
• For sheet 4m, practice with understanding and solving proportions

Luttrell 2012 56
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4a- Field Axioms

Simplifying any expression or solving any equation requires the use of the following axioms:
Closure: A set of numbers is closed if the unique sum or product of an operation is also in the
same set. For example: 3+8 = 11, so the set of reals would be closed, but not digits.

Commutativity: x+ y = y + x or xy = yx. The order to how the sum or product is obtain is not
important, e.g. 2 + 1 = 1 + 2.

Associativity: How the sum or product is grouped isn’t important. Examples can be seen in
x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z or 2(3×4) = (2×3)×4.

Distribution of Multiplication Over Addition: x(y + z) = xy + xz

Identity: Zero plus any number remains that number. One times any number remains that
number. For example: 0+2 = 2, 1×2 = 2. Identity is about leaving the value unchanged!

Inverse: To obtain zero, sum the number and its opposite. To obtain a one, multiply the number
and its reciprocal. The Inverse defines subtraction and division! For example:
2 + (-2) = 0 which is the same as 2 - 2 = 0. You can see it with 2(½) = 1 which is 2/2 = 1.

1. What is the additive inverse of ⅝?

2. Write an example of the distribution property.
3. What is the multiplicative inverse of ⅓?
4. What is the multiplicative inverse of x?
5. Rewrite the following using addition: 5 - 5 = 0.
6. Rewrite the following using multiplication: 5/3.
7. Fill in the justifications (axioms) used in the proof of the Multiplicative Property of Zero:
a. 0 = 0 Reflexive Property
b. 0 + 0 = 0 ________________
c. x(0 + 0) = x(0) Multiplication Property of Equality
d. x(0+0) = 0 + x(0) ________________
e. x(0) + x(0) = 0 + x(0) ________________
f. x(0) = 0 Add/Subtraction Property of Equality
8. Fill in the justifications to the following problem:
a. 4x - 3 = 5 Given
b. 4x - 3 + 3 = 5 + 3 _______________, Add Property of Equality
c. 4x + 0 = 8 _______________
d. 4x = 8 Add Property of Zero
e. (¼)(4x) = (¼)(8) _______________
f. (¼*4)x = 2 _______________
g. 1*x = 2 _______________
h. x = 2 Identity

Luttrell 2012 57
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4b – Exponents

An exponent is a shorthand notation for multiplication. A power is an expression that uses exponents.
In the example, 53 = 5∙5∙5 =125, the three is the exponent and five is the base. The exponent of three says
to multiply five three times. 42=16 because 4∙4 is 16.

Write the following as a product and then simplify:

1. 32 2. 24 3. 53 4. 10 6

5. 42 6. 33 7. 82 8. 45

9. 103 10. 110 11. 02 12. (- 4)2

13. (-3)4 14. (-2)3 15. (-3)5 16. 40

Please note that anything with a zero in the exponent is reduced to equal 1.

Negative exponents are first simplified by making them positive. By definition they mean to reciprocate
the value.
17. 10–2 = 1/102 = 1/100 18. 2 –4 = 1/24 = 1/16 19. 3 –3 20. 4 –2

−3 −5 −3 −5
21. 3 22. 2 23. 6 24. 10

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____
4c- Order of Operations
In English, there is a standard way of writing; there is an order of words that belie the meaning.
The subject is first, followed by verb, and then the direct object. The sentence, “the dog chased
the cat” has a different meaning from “the cat chased the dog”. The same can be said about
mathematical operations. There is a prescribed order of simplifying expressions. This order can
be remembered by the mnemonic “Please excuse my dear aunt Sally” or “Please eat Ms. Daisy’s
apple sauce.” The first letter of each word represents the mathematical operations: Parentheses,
Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.

Actually division and subtraction are a special type of multiplication and addition. So whenever
you have multiplication and division (addition and subtraction) together, they are treated equally.
That means you do the operations as they present themselves from left to right.

Example A: 2×3÷2 + 1 - 2 Example B: -(-3) - [-(- 4) + 2] + 7

6 ÷2 + 1 - 2 3 - [4+2] + 7
3+1-2 3-6+7
4-2 -3 + 7
2 4

Simplify the following expressions:

1. (2×3×4 - 1×3)2 2. 3(2 - 3)2 ×3 - 1 3. (2+22) ÷ 3 - 6 ÷ 3

4. 1 + 42 ÷ (5-3) 5. 2 - 2 ×32 + 1 6. (2÷2)×[32-1]

7. 2x - 3x(5x) + 3x 8. 2x - 2x(5x + 3) 9. (2-3)x + 4x + 3

Luttrell 2012 59
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4d- Using Absolute Values within the Order of Operations

The American way to remember the order is to say “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” where the
beginning of each word represents the operation: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, and Subtraction. Since division is definition a multiplication of fractions, whenever you see
them together, you go left to right. This can explain why the Canadian expression “Bed Mas” is still valid
in spite of them listing division first. Again when multiplication and division are together, the order is the
left operator goes first. The same can be said of addition and subtraction.

1. 2 – 3(4+5) +3∙5 2. 2∙3 + 3(2-1) 3. 4(3-22)-3∙7+8∙4

4. 3÷9 ⋅6–42 +5(3-32) 5. 5 – 22 + 34 6. –4*2*6 – 12/3 + 33

7. 2 + 3 × 4(3 − 2 2 ) ÷ 6 + 8 8. ( 3 − 3 2 )(4 − 3 × 5 ) 9. 3×4 ÷6 +5×2

There are various ways to write a parenthesis: { }, ( ), [ ], ---- , | |. The absolute value is a special type of
parenthesis because it makes the expression contained within a positive value. The first two questions
have been done for you.

1. | -3 | = 3 2. | 1-4 | = | -3| = 3 3. –2 | 3+8-10 |

4. | 2-6 |∙3 5. | -½ | 6. (-3+4 2)(-6)

7. –3(23 + 4) ∙5 8. 1-5 | 5 – (9+1)| 9. -2|3-(7-3)|

10. [3 - (2 - 4)][3 + | 2 - 4 |] 11. 4 - | 1 - 7 | 12. 8 - 3| 5- 42 + 1|

Luttrell 2012 60
Name: ______________________ Date: _____
4e - Evaluating
Most times you need to determine the value of an expression (the number an expression
represents). In order to find the value, you need to know what the variables represent. By
substituting the value of the variables and simplifying, the value of the expression will be found.
Note the vertical alignment of the work; try to show your work in similar manner.

Example A: Evaluate the expression when y = 2: 3y + 2y2 - 6(y - 4) + 8y3.

Step I - substitute value of y. 3(2) + 2(2)2 - 6(2 - 4) + 8(2)3.
Step II - simplify. 6 + 2(4) - 6(-2) + 8(8)
6 + 8 + 12 + 64
3 ( 2 x + 1) − 2 ( x − 3 )
Example B: Evaluate when x = -3
x +6

3 ( 2 ( −3 ) + 1) − 2 ( −3 − 3 )

3 ( −6 + 1) − 2 ( −6 )

3 ( −5 ) + 12
= −1

Evaluate when a = -1.

1. (4a + 3)a - (2 + 2a) 2. 12a2 - 3a + 2 3. 3a4 + 5a3 - 6a2 - 2a

Evaluate when x = 1, y = 2, and w = 2

4. 2 x + 3 + 5 − 3 x 5. -(-x) 6. x - (x - {x - y})

w + w3 × w3 + w1 3( x + y ) − 2 ( x − y )
7. 4w + 7 + 3w -2 + 2w 8. 9.
w×w−w 5x + y

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____
4f- Expanded Form

Do without the aid of a calculator. Check your answers with a calculator at the end.

Fill in the missing parts by writing out the numeric value.

1. 8,375 = eight thousand, three hundred __________________
2. 312, 435, 600 = three hundred twelve million, ___________________________, six hundred
3. 412 = ____________________________ twelve
4. 8,300,567 = eight million, ____________________________, five hundred sixty-seven

Identify the numeric value of the number indicated:

Example 567,890 5 represents the _______hundred thousands______
5. 320,045 2 represents the ____________________________
6. 1030 3 represents the ____________________________
7. 321 3 represents the ____________________________

Write out in expanded form:

Example: 431.24 4(100) + 3(10) + 1(1) + 2(1/10) + 4(1/100)
8. 3, 243

9. 345,645

10. -23,120

11. 304.125

12. 300,561, 100

Write out in standard form:

Example: 3(1000) + 4(10) + 8(1) + 9(1/10) = 3,048.9

13. 4(1,000,000)+8(10,000)+3(1,000)+7(100) =

14. 2(10,000) + 8(100)+3(10)+4(1/10) =

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4g-Expanding Numbers Using Powers

Use calculator only when checking answers!

Write the following as a power of 10:

1. 10,000 2. 100 3. 10,000,000 4. 1

Write each of the following in standard form:

5. (4 ×104) + (9 ×103) + (5 ×102) + (6 ×1)

6. (6× 105) + (6×102)

7. (7×106) + (8×105) + (6×104)

8. (8×104) + (2× 103) + (3 × 102)

9. (4×102) + (8×104) + (4×1) + (7×103)

Write the following numbers in expanded form, using powers:

10. 34,500

11. 403

12. 1,234

13. 50,500,000

14. 271,828,459,045

Luttrell 2012 63
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4h- Expanded Form using Powers

Do without the aid of a calculator. Check your answers with a calculator at the end.

Use the powers of 10 to expand this number:

example: 8,321 = 8(103) + 3(102) + 2(101) + 1(100)

1. 340, 073 2. 53,100 3. 830,401

4. 234,876,912 5. 32 6. 144

7. 300,045 8. 16, 230, 030

Write the following numbers in standard form:

9. 7(103) + 4(102) + 2(101) + 6(100)
10. 8(105) + 8(103) + 4(101) + 7(100)
11. 8(106) + 1(105) + 2(104) + 1(103) + 5(102) + 3(101)
12. 5(108) + 8(106) + 7(104) + 9(102) + 2(100)

We work with base 10, probably because we have 10 fingers. But other societies used different
bases. France used to have base 20 (they used fingers and toes). It still exists in some names for
numbers, like quatre-vingt-neuf. The Babylonians used base 60 which remains in our time: 60
minutes in an hour and 60 seconds to a minute. Computers made wide use of counting by 2s or
16s. Follow the example of how to convert other bases into base 10 (standard form).

Example: 111012 = 1(2)4 + 1(2)3 + 1(2)2 + 0(2)1 + 1(2)0 = 16 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1= 29

10. 101112 = 1(2)4 + 0(2)3 + 1(2)2 + 1(2)1 + 1(2)0 = _________________________________

11. 1012 = 1(2)2 + 0(2)1 + 1(2)0 = _________________________________

12. 1101012 = 1(2)5 +1(2)4 + 0(2)3 + 1(2)2 + 0(2)1 + 1(2)0 = _____________________________

13. FACE16 = F(16)3 + A(16)2 + C(16)1 + E(16)0 = 15(16)3 + 10(16)2 + 12(16)1 + 14(16)0
= ____________________________________________________ (calculator allowed)

Luttrell 2012 64
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4i-More Practice with Standard and Non-Standard Forms

Exercise A. Write the following numbers in expanded form:
Example: 835 = 8(102) + 3(10 1) + 5(10 0)

1. 435,800
2. 12,300,506
3. 1000
4. 15,000
5. 4,000,000,000,000,000
6. 5,000,000,000,000

Exercise B. Write the following numbers in expanded form, using the example as a guide:
Example: 1.2345 = 1 + 2( 101
) + 3( 100
) + 4( 1000
) + 5( 10,1000 )

7. 12.005
8. 0.0004
9. 0.100304
10. 4.500005

Exercise C. Write the following numbers in expanded form, using the example as a guide:
−1 −2 −3 −4
Example: 1.2345 = 1 + 2 (10 ) + 3(10 ) + 4 (10 ) + 5(10 )

11. 12.005
12. 0.0004
13. 0.100304
14. 4.500005

Exercise D. Write the following numbers in standard form.

15. 8(106) + 3(10 5) + 5(10 4) + 1(10 0) =

16. 4(1013) + 8(10 10) + 5(10 5) =

−1 −2
17. 3(10 ) + 5(10 ) + 4(10 ) + 5(10 ) =
3 0

Luttrell 2012 65
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4j - Scientific Notation
Since mathematicians and scientists have tried to find ways of simplifying written expressions, scientific
notation is common for writing VERY large or small numbers. This is very useful when talking about the
distance between stars, light years, the number of molecules in an object, the people on the planet, etc.

Note how this large number is rewritten: 64000000 = 6.4∙107 The 6.4 is the mantissa and is always a
number between 1 and 9, inclusively. The exponent 7 is the characteristic and says what power of 10 you
are multiplying by. Some people just remember that is how many spaces to move the decimal point. A
negative moves it left and a positive moves the decimal right. A small decimal like 0.000007 is rewritten
as 0.000007 = 7∙10-6 .

1. 0.000123 2. 2,340,000,000 3. 0.0000000345

4. 435000000000000 5. 76,000,000,000 6. 0.0000308

Express each number into scientific notation. For some you may have to round to three
significant digits in the mantissa.

7. 23,000,000,000,000 7. ______________________
8. 134,000,000,000 8. ______________________
9. 456,000,340,000,000 9. ______________________
10. 788,999,213,543,345,532,345 10. ______________________

Express each number in standard form.

11. 2.34 × 10
11. ______________________
12. 3.4 × 10
12. ______________________
13. 6.7 × 10
13. _______________________
14. 2.6 × 10 9
14. _______________________
15. 3.4 × 10 15. _______________________
16. 1 × 10 -10 16. ______________________
17. 3.25 × 10 -6 17. ______________________

Fill in the missing spots of the equation.

18. 0.0000234 = 2.34 × 10 . × 10 = 00000031
19. 31
20. 0.0045 = 45∙10-3 21. 6.1 ∙ 10 = 610,000

Luttrell 2012 66
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4k - Percents
Write the equivalent percent for each of the following:
1. 0.04 2. 0.12 3. 0.45 4. 1.23 5. 1

Convert the percent into standard decimal form:

6. 1% 7. 23% 8. 123% 9. 0.3% 10. 56%

Solve using percents:

11. What is 10% of $32? 12. What is 5% of $32? 13. What is 15% of $32?

14. What is 5% of $42? 15. What is 10% of $42? 16. What is 20% of $42?

17. What is 15% of $42? 18. What is 8% of $40? 19. What is 110% of 80?

20. A suit at JcPenny’s has a $185 tag. But it’s on sale for 30% off. How much will it cost without tax?
If the Nova Scotia government has a provincial tax of 15%, how much will the suit cost?

21. If you spent $42.75 on 3 CDs, how much does each one cost?
What percent of the total cost is one CD?

22. A dress has a price tag of $90. The dress is on sale for 20% off and there is a 6% sales tax.
What is the total cost of the dress? How much money do you save?

23. A dress has a price tag of $86.

a. If it is on sale for 20% off, what will be the cost? (Ignore tax)
b. What is the price of the dress on sale with a 6% tax?
c. How much would the dress cost when not on sale?

Luttrell 2012 67
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4L – Using Proportions with Conversions

Show your work! Calculator is allowed.

Going between Canada and the United States, you will find that the two countries use different
measuring systems. If you want to know how fast to go or how far away some city is, you might
have to do a bit of converting. Here are some basic units:

1 mile = 1.6 kilometer

10 mm = 1 cm 10 cm = 1 dm 10 dm = 100 cm = 1 m 1000 m = 1 km
2.5 cm = 1 in
12 in = 1 ft 3 ft = 1 yd 5280 ft = 1 mi (mile)

Metric Distance Conversion

1. 5 m = _____ cm = _____ mm = ______ km

2. 60 km = ______ m = _____ cm = ______ dm

3. 45 mm = ______ m = _______ km

4. 0.23 km = _____ m = ______ mm

5. 0.003 km = ______ m = ______ cm

Area Unit Conversion

1. 10 feet squared = _______ inches squared 2. 196 in2 = ______ ft2

3. 105 in2 = ______ yd2 4. 144 mm2 = _____ cm2

5. 10000 cm2 = ______ m2 6. 100 m2 = ______ km2

7. 145 m2 = _____ km2 8. 5 ½ m2 = _____ cm2

9. 10 ¾ yd2 = ______ ft2 10. 12 ¼ ft2 = ______ in2

11. 400 ½ m2 = ______ km2 12. 2 ¼ ft2 = _____ in2

13. 3 1/3 yd2 = _____ in2 14. 2 ¾ km2 = ______ cm2

Luttrell 2012 68
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4m - Proportions
Show your work! Use a proportion to solve each problem. Calculator is allowed.

1. 3
5 = 15x 2. x +1
5 = x −1
2 3. x
x+ 8 = 2

4. The ratio of seniors to juniors is 2:3. If there are 21 juniors, how many seniors are there?

5. A 15-foot building casts a 9-foot shadow. How tall is a building that casts a 30-foot shadow
at the same time?

6. A photo that is 3 inches wide by 5 inches high was enlarged so that it is 12 inches wide. How
high is the enlargement?

7. Philip has been eating 2 hamburgers every 5 days. At that rate, how many hamburgers will he
eat in 30 days?

8. An architect wants to build a model of the structure he is making. The structure is 80 feet tall
and 35 feet wide. His model will be 50 cm wide. How tall will it be?

9. Draw a rectangle whose dimensions are 3 cm by 4 cm. Find its area and perimeter. Then
draw an enlarged rectangle whose dimensions are 9 cm by 12 cm. Find its area and perimeter.
How do those numbers relate to the scale factor between the two images?

The following is a review of shapes. You may use a calculator.

10. A right triangle has two sides of 5 and 12. What is the distance of the hypotenuse?
11. What is a 4-sided polygon called?
12. What is a 6-sided polygon called?
13. If two angles in a triangle are 30 and 45, what is the third angle?
14. What is a scalene triangle, isosceles triangle, and equilateral triangle?
What relationship is there between the angles and sides being equal?

15. Draw an example of a reflection, rotation, and translation. Label each drawing.

Luttrell 2012 69
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4n – Mixed Review
Solve the following. Show your work! Calculator is allowed.

1. If you drive 650 miles in a car uses 30 gallons, what is your average mpg?

2. If a house is 2.3 km away, how far is it in meters? Millimeters?

3. A teacher wants to show a movie in her 50 minute class. If the movie is 210 minutes long,
how many classes must she need in order to watch the entire movie?

4. A lawn of 100 ft by 150 ft has a house built on it. The house is 50 ft by 30 ft.
What percent of the lawn is left to landscape?

5. Amy used to work 60 hours each week. Now she works 45 hours a week.
What is the percent decrease?

Luttrell 2012 70
Chapter 4 Test
Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________

SHOW WORK for full credit!!! You must work alone. Only a calculator is allowed.

1. Determine which ratio is larger. Use the symbols <, >, or = to fill the blank:
5 a. 56 ____ 89 11
b. 15 23
____ 27 15
c. 18 ____ 56

2. Write the ratios:

a. There are fourteen P-3 students, fourteen 4-6th grade students, six 7-8th graders,
5 fourteen10th graders and nine 11-12th grade students at SLA. Write the ratio of the
4-6th to the 7-8th graders.

b. Ethan and Ben played checkers. Ethan won 8 games and Ben won 12. Write the
ratio, in simplest form that compares Ethan’s score to Ben’s.

3. Write each rate in simplest form, and give its units:

a. Kelsey skied downhill twice in 30 minutes.
5 b. The Morash family visits Martock 20 times in five months.
C. My granny bought 4 tickets to the Tattoo for $160.

4. Solve: a. 4
x = 24
54 b. 40
n = 8
5 C. 12
13 = 5

5. Solve these word problems:

a. The ratio of the boy’s shadow to the flag pole’s shadow is 1:10. If the boy is 160 cm tall,
5 how high is the pole?

b. On a map 2.5 cm represents 300 km. What distance would a 3.5 cm line represent?

6. A. Which is cheaper: $3.20 for 8 L or $2.40 for 4 L?

b. Paul’s family travelled 190 km in 3 hours. At this speed, how far do they go in 5 hours?

Luttrell 2012 71
Chapter 4 Test, continued
7. Answer each part:
a. What is 40% of 70?
5 b. What is 25% of 40?
c. Fifteen is 10% of what number?
d. Sixteen is 25% of what number?
e. Write as a percentage: 7 girls in a class of 18 students.

8. A city recycles 78% of the newspapers sold there. The Chronicle Herald has a readership of
316,700. How many of the Chronicle Herald gets recycled?

9. It costs you $25 to make a sweater and want to sell it for profit at $45. What percent markup
do you have (percent increase)?

10. SLA has 73 students and is praying for 100 next year. What is the percent increase?

11. Answer the following short questions:

a. Write as standard form: 2.34×105.
10 b. Write as a sum of powers: 300.04.
c. Write as standard form: 6(103) + 3(102) + 4(100)
d. Simplify: 3-3×23∕4 – 3
e. Evaluate 3x2 – 4x + 1 when x = -1.

Bonus: (5pts) Two identical jars are filled with equal number of marbles. The marbles are
colored red or white. The ratio of red to white in jar I is 7:1 and 9:1 in jar II. If there are 90
white marbles all together, how many red marbles are in Jar II?

Luttrell 2012 72
Chapter 5 Number Line and Cartesian Plane

This chapter contains worksheets on the topics of solving linear equations and inequalities,
absolute value equations and inequalities, graphing on number lines, and plotting on the
Cartesian coordinate system.

Prior Skills
• For sheet 5h, students need to understand what constitutes a polynomial.
• For sheet 5i, domain and range need to be introduced.

Luttrell 2012 73
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5a – Solving for a Variable (Multiple Variables present)

When solving for a variable, use the inverse functions. To remove a division, multiply. To
remove an addition, subtract. Here is a list of some common inverse pairs:

add multiply square, logarithms trigonometr derivatives

cubes... f(x)s ic f(x)s
subtract divide square root, exponential inverse trig integrals
cube root... f(x)s

When faced with multiple variables, just focus on the variable you need to solve for. Remove all
the terms and coefficients that surround the needed variable. Here is an example:

Solve for b1: A = 21 ( b1 + b 2 ) h

2 A = ( b1 + b 2 ) h Since b1 is interior, remove constants
h = b1 + b 2 of the parentheses first. Undo division of 2
h − b 2 = b1 by multiplying by 2. Undo multiplication of
h by dividing. And so forth.

1. Solve for h: V = ⅓πr2h 2. Solve for m: y = mx + b

3. Solve for b: V = 13 b 2 h 4. Solve for r: V = πr2h

y1 − y 2 y1 − y 2
5. Solve for y1: m= 6. Solve for x1: m=
x1 − x 2 x1 − x 2

7. Solve for h: A = ½bh 8. Solve for y: x2 + y2 = r2

Luttrell 2012 74
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5b – More Practice Translating

Algebra was founded by people who needed to find answers to problems. For centuries, people
would try to solve problems without the use of variables. It wasn’t until Fibonacci in the 1400s
made using symbols (mathematical operators and variables) popular. Note the difference
between the two equations below:

Tom’s age plus 4 equals Sally’s age T+4=S

Students typically have problems translating sentences into expressions or equations. Once they
get the equation written, they no longer have as much difficulty.

Translate the following into expressions or equations. Define your variables:

1. Sally is five years less than twice Tom’s age. 2. One less than Sally’s hourly wage.

3. Three times as many rocks 4. Thrice as many hours

5. Sally’s and Tom’s wages sum to be $50,000. 6. Four less pounds

7. The sum of two numbers 8. A number and 3

9. My height is 4 inches more than yours. 10. Five less than a number

11. The height of the room is half the length. 12. Twice the age of Sally.

13. Tom earns 1.25 times as much as Sally. 14. Four more pounds

15. I ate ½ my daily peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Had I eaten one more sandwich, I
would have eaten ⅝ my daily sandwiches. How many sandwiches do I eat daily?

16. Tom wanted Sally’s telephone number. Knowing she lived in Berrien Springs, with an
exchange number of 473, Tom just needed the last four digits. Sally slyly stated that 45 added to
his age of 30 equaled to 1000 less than half her telephone number (ignoring the exchange).

Luttrell 2012 75
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5c – Number Line
Real numbers can be plotted on a line from left to right with the numbers in ascending order.
That means negatives are placed on the left end and positives on the right. Remember -100 is
smaller than -1, so -100 would be further left than -1. For equalities, a solid dark dot on the
number line indicates the value of the variable that makes the equation true. For example, an
equation is found that x = 4. The graph of x = 4 is shown below:
| | | | | | | |
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Below are examples of inequalities and their solutions graphed. Remember that the inequality
symbols switch when multiplying (dividing) by a negative. Also an open circle or ) shows a
strict inequality, as in the constant is not included in the solution set. On the other hand, a closed
circle or ] shows that the constant is included.

Example: 4x - 1 < 7 -x - 2 ≥ 2
4x < 8 -x ≥ 4
x<2 x ≤- 4

| | | | ◯ | | | | | | | | | | |
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -6 -5 - 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1

Solve and graph the solution on a number line:

1. 3x - 2 = 13 2. 2x + 2 = 12 3. (4 - 2)x = 12

4. - 4 ≤ x - 1 ≤1 5. -3w < 12 6. 6(1 - x) - 3x ≤ 12

7. -2z > 12 8. 2y ≥-11 9. 3x + 4 > 5

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5d – Absolute Values
On a real number line, what is the distance between: 5 and 12, -3 and 5, or 4 and 7? We find the
distance by subtracting the smaller value from the larger: 12-5, 5 - (-3), 7 - 4. So what is the
distance between 0 and x? It would be written as x - 0. But what if we knew x was 5 units from
zero? The number could be five less or five more than zero. Then symbolically it would be
written as |x - 0| = 5, then x is either -5 or 5. The absolute value, magnitude, of x - 0 (or x) gives
the distance, without specifying direction.

The equation | x - 1| = 5, can be thought as the distance x from 1 is 5 units. So starting on the real
number line at 1, you would count to the right or left 5 units, getting two answers: 6 and - 4.
Expressions with absolute values can get more complicated, so you may want to remember a
certain rule: |xy| = |x|⋅|y|. For example: |-x| = 3 can be written as |-1|⋅|x| = 3. Then |-1| really is 1
since the absolute value is asking for the magnitude of -1. So the equation really is 1⋅|x| = 3,
which gives the answer of -3 and 3.

Simplify each expression and graph the solution.

1. The distance between 4 and 6 is 2.

2. The distance between 5 and 11 is 6.

3. The distance between 7 and -3 is 10.

4. The distance between x and 3 is 5.

5. The distance between x and -2 is 4.

6. The distance between x and 3 is more than 6.

7. The distance between x and -2 is less than 4.

Solve each equation by translating its symbolic meaning first. Graph the solution.

8. | x - 4 | = 2 9. | x - 8| = 3 10. | x + 3| = 5 11. |x + 2| = 6

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Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5e – Graphing Absolute Values

Sometimes it is quite impossible to simplify absolute equations unless you get rid of them
altogether. That is done only by finding two equivalent equations and solving each. The reason
for two equations is because the expression inside the absolute value could very well be a
positive or negative value. Now if the expression were positive, the absolute values are
redundant and can simply be dropped. But if the expression were negative, the only way to
make it positive like an absolute value would be to negate the expression.

Example: |-x + 2 | ≤ 5 |x-3|>2

+(-x + 2) ≤5 and -(-x + 2) ≤5 x - 3 >2 or -(x - 3) >2
-x ≤3 and x - 2 ≤ 5 x > 5 or x - 3 < -2
x ≥-3 and x ≤ 7 x >5 or x < 1

| ●| | | | | | | | | ● | | | | ◯ | | | ◯ |
- 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Explain why and is used in the first example and or in the second. ________________________

Simplify each expression and graph the solution.

1. x = |-2| 2. x = | -5| 3. |x| = 4 4. |x| = 2

5. x < |- 3| 6. x ≥ |-1| 7. |x| ≤3 8. |x| ≥7

Solve each equation by converting into two equivalent equations first. Graph the solution.

9. | x – 3 | = 5 10. | x – 1 | = 4 11. | x – 5 | = 6 12. |x – 2 | = 3

Luttrell 2012 78
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5f – Solving Absolute Values

Show the two equivalent equations. Solve and graph the solution set.

1. | x - 2| < 3 2. |x-4|> 2 3. |x+7|< 1

4. |x+2| > 3 5. | x - 1 | ≥ 5 6. | x + 2 | ≤ 7

7. | x - 2 | ≤ 4 8. | 3x + 1 | < 5 9. | 4x - 1 | > 3

10. |2 - y | < 2 11. | 2x - 4 | ≤ 5 12. | 3x - 6 | ≥1

13. | 2x - 5 | ≤4 14. | x - 12 | ≤ 3 15. | x + 3 |≤ 2

Luttrell 2012 79
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5g – Cartesian Coordinate Plane

Rene Descartes came up with a way to systematize giving directions. He took two real number
lines and had them intersecting at zero to form perpendicular angles. At each integer, you can
draw a vertical or horizontal line. After a while you will have formed a grid, with each line
intersecting at integer coordinates (lattice points). The horizontal real number line is commonly
referred to as the x-axis and the vertical number line is called the y-axis. The point (x,y) can be
found by moving left/right along the x-axis and then from that new point, moving up/down y-
spaces. For example the ordered pair (2,-1) would be found by starting at the origin (0,0) and
moving right 2 spaces and down 1 space.

There are other coordinates, such as polar coordinates, but those are for a later course.

1. Draw a coordinate system, label the integers from -10 to 10 on both axes.
2. Draw a dot and label the points R(-2, 4), E(1, 5), S(4, -3) and T(-7,-2).

3. Draw a coordinate system, label the integers from -10 to 10 on both axes.
4. Label the points A(-2,4), B(-1, 2), and C(3, -6). Connect the dots. What does figure does it
look like? How could you tell that it really is that shape?

Luttrell 2012 80
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5h – Polynomials and Variation

Polynomials are algebraic expressions that involve only the operations of addition, subtraction,
and multiplication of variables. Examples of polynomials are 3, 3x, 3x + 1, 3x2 + 6x+1, and
x3 + x. Polynomials are described by the number of terms in the expression. Special names are
used for one-term through three-termed polynomials: monomial, binomial, trinomial.
Polynomials are also described by the highest-degree term in the expression: constant (zero-
degree), linear (first-degree), quadratic, cubic, quartic, quintic, hextic (sextic), heptic (septic), any
higher degrees are labeled by the ordinal value.

Match the following polynomials. If it isn’t a polynomial, explain wy:

___ A. 3x2 + 6x+1 1. Quadratic trinomial

___ B. 3x2+ 8x4 2. Quintic monomial
___ C.
x +4 3. Non-polynomial; since ________________
___ D. 3x5 4. Non-polynomial, since division by variable
___ E. 5 5. Hextic binomial
___ F. 23x5 + x4 + 3 6. Quartic binomial
___ G. x6 + x4 7. Constant
___ H. 8 x + 4 8. Quintic trinomial

Ever had such a conversation?

“This recipe calls for eggs and flour.”
“How much flour?”
“One egg is needed for every cup of flour.”
The first statement tells what is needed, a simple list of ingredients. The third statement gives
the proportion of each amount. Expressing how variables relate in an equation is very similar.
In the following exercises, you’ll get a chance to symbolically express that relationship of
variables. In the first couple of examples, you see the use of k. This letter represent the
proportion; its value is of secondary importance to the actually relationship of the variables. As
noted in the dialogue, the most important was getting the ingredients and then the proportion.

9. y varies directly with x. (answer: y = kx) 10. y varies indirectly with x. (y = k/x)
11. y varies with the reciprocal of x. 12. y varies with the cube of x.
13. y varies with the square root of x. 14. y is a constant.
15. y varies linearly with x. 16. y varies inversely with x.

17. Solve: The number of pounds you weigh is directly proportional to the number of kilograms you are.
Sally steps onto a scale calibrated in kilograms and finds that she is 60 kilograms. Her bathroom scale
says 140 pounds. Write the equation expressing pounds in terms of kilograms. How much would she
weigh if she was 25 kilograms?

Luttrell 2012 81
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5i – Identifying Functional Relations

Identify which of the following are functions. Determine the domain and range of each relation.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Luttrell 2012 82
Chapter 5 Test
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________

SHOW WORK. A calculator is allowed on this test. Attach any scratch paper that’s used.

1. Solve for x: A. 2x - 6 = 9 B. -3(2 - x) = 18 C. 8

x= 3

2. A truck contains crude oil. The mass of the empty truck is 14,000 kg. The mass of one barrel
of oil is 180 kg. Let T kilograms represent the total mass of the truck and the oil. Let b represent
5 the number of barrels of oil. Write an equation relating T and b. How much would the total
mass be, if the truck has 13 barrels?

3. Solve for h: A. A = ½bh B. V = πr2h


4. Graph the solutions:

a. 2y < -6 b. (5, -3) c. 10 > y ≥ 5

5. Graph the solutions:

10 a. | x – 3 | < 5 b. | x + 1 | ≤ 6 c. | 3x – 2 | = 4

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Chapter 6 Linear Equations

Luttrell 2012 84
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6a – Linear Equations
Polynomials with x and y to the first power and are expressed either as Ax + By = C or
y = mx + b are linear equations. They are called linear equations because when graphically
represented, the solutions form the shape of a line. There is a pattern between the solutions that
makes it easy to distinguish linear equations. In the spaces below, fill in the missing pieces to
the pattern:
Equations: A. B. C.
y = 2x - 1 y = -3x + 2 2x + 3y = 5
(-3, -7) (0, 2) (-5, 5)
(0, -1) (1, -1) (1, 1)
(3, 5) (2, - 4) (7, -3)
(6, 11) (3, -7) (13, -7)

In equation A, as x increased by___, y values increased by___. In equation B, x increased by___

each time y decreased by___. In equation C, increasing x by___ made y decrease by___.

It is necessary to find the solutions to a linear equation. Some people make a t-chart, where they
choose values of x (or y) and find the corresponding value of y (or x).

1. Fill in the t-chart for x - 2y = 6.

x -2 1 2
y -3.5 -3 -2

2. Fill in the t-chart for the following data: St. Joseph’s ice arena has a $3 admittance per person.
Let x represent the number of people in a group and y be the admittance price.

x 1 3 5
y 21 42

3. Let x represent a bag of apples that are being sold at $1.99 a bag. If y represents cost, fill in
the chart below:
x 4 12
y 11.94 19.90

Luttrell 2012 85
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6b – Graphs of Linear Equations

Some of the solutions to 2x - y = 1 are (-2,-5), (0,-1), and (1, 1). Recognizing 2x-y = 1 as a linear
equation, the conclusion can be made that there is a pattern between the ordered pairs. Between
the first two pairs, x increases by 2. But between the last two pairs, it increases by 1. With such
inconsistency, it will give some difficulty for writing an equation when only given coordinates.
So to circumvent this problem, slope was defined. Slope is the ratio of the change between y-
values to the change between x-values. As any ratio can be reduced to simplest terms, the ratio
4/2 between the first two ordered pairs reduces to 2, which is the ratio between the last two pairs.
y1 − y 2 rise ∆y
Algebraically, slope (m) is defined as m = . Other expressions are = .
x1 − x 2 run ∆x
Slope can be found by taking the ratio between two ordered pairs, or by looking at the equation
when it is in the form y = mx + b (slope-intercept form). Solving for y in the example gives
y = 2x - 1. If x = 0, the equation gives y = -1, just like the -1 in the equation. The y-intercept (b)
is represented by the -1. Go ahead and plot the point on the graph. By evaluating more values of
x, more ordered pairs are obtained: (1,1) and (2, 3). The same can be done by starting at the y-
intercept and moving right 1 and up 2 and make a dot. Notice the slope was 2 and there is a x-
coefficient of 2 in the equation. So graphing can be done by knowing your m’s and b’s.

Graph the following:

1. 2x + y = 3 2. 6x + 2y = 4 3. -6x + 3y = 9

4. y = x - 3 5. y = 5x - 2 6. y = (½)x - 3

7. y = -2x + 1 8. -x - y = 3 9. y = 3x

Luttrell 2012 86
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6c –Writing Linear Equations

A needed skill is being able to write a model to represent values on a graph. A model is an
equation that represents the data. It may be an approximation, especially when the values do not
form a true shape of a line, parabola, etc. There are four equations to represent a line, and each
are useful when depending on a set of questions or given data. These equations are: slope-
intercept (y = mx + b), point-slope (y - y1 = m(x - x1)), standard form (Ax + By = C, where A, B,
and C are integers), and double-intercept form ( x/a + y/b = 1).

To write the equation of a line, you need either two points or a point and the slope. Let’s follow
5 − ( − 1) 6
two methods below with the points (1,-1) and (3,5). First find slope: = = 3.
3 −1 2
Method 1: Method 2:
y = mx + b y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y = 3x + b y - 5 = 3(x - 3)
5 = 3(3) + b y - 5 = 3x - 9
5=9+b y = 3x - 4
y = 3x - 4

1. Write the equation that has slope 2. Write the equation that has m = 3
of ⅔ and y-intercept of -7. and passes through (0,-2).

3. Write the equation that passes 4. Write the equation that passes
through (0,2) and (3,1). through (0,3) and (2,1).

5. Write the equation that passes 6. Write the equation that passes
through (2,1) and (4,-3). through (1,2) and (10,2).

7. Write the equation that passes through (-6, 3) and (3,7).

Luttrell 2012 87
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6d – More on Writing & Graphing Linear Equations

Write the equation of the line that has the following characteristics.

1. Slope = -3, point: (0,2) 2. Slope = ⅔, point: (4,5)

3. Points: (6, 8) and (1, 7) 4. Points: (-2, 3) and (3, 8)

5. Slope = ¾ and passes through (4, 3) 6. Slope = -2 and passes through (3,-1)

7. Passes through (2,-3) and (4,5) 8. Passes through (-1,-3) and (3,-3)

Graph the equations after simplifying it.

9. 6x = 36 10. 7x = 42 11. 5x = -15

12. 3y = 12 13. 4y = -8 14. y = 0

15. y = 3x - 3 16. 4x - 3y = 6 17. 3x - 5y = 10

Luttrell 2012 88
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6e –Parallel Lines
A set of lines may be either parallel or not. No fuzzy logic here! Parallel lines never intersect.
Looking at a graph isn’t a good indicator because the lines could be getting closer little by little.
So determine if the lines are parallel by comparing the slopes. If the slopes are equal, then the
lines are parallel. If the slopes and intercepts are equal, then the lines are the same!

Example A: Is 2x - y = 5 parallel to 4x - 2y = 1?
Solution: Writing the equations into slope-intercept form: y = 2x - 5 and y = 2x - ½ , it is
obvious both have slopes of 2. Yes, they are parallel.

Example B: Find the linear equation parallel to 3x - y = 5 that is passes through (0,2).
Solution: First find the slope, which is 3. Then using point-slope form, fill in the point and
the slope: y - 2 = 3(x-0). Simplify the equation to slope-intercept form: y = 3x + 2.
This equation can also be written as -3x + y = 2 or 3x - y = -2.

Example C: Find the linear equation parallel to 2x - 3y = 1 that passes through (1,2).
Solution: Slope of the line is ⅔, plug into point-slope form: y - 2 = ⅔(x-1). Simplify into
standard form by getting rid of fraction - multiply by denominator of slope:
3y - 6 = 2(x-1). Bring x and y together on one side of equation: -2x + 3y = 4.
This equation can also be written as 2x - 3y = - 4.

There is a pattern in the examples that make finding parallel lines easier. Be on the look-out!

1. Determine which of the following lines are parallel. Show your work.
A. 3x - 2y = 5 B. 6x + 9y = 1 C. 6x - 4y = 4 D. 9x + 6y = 1

2. Write the linear equation that is parallel to x - 3y = 1 and passes through the point (4, 2).

3. Write the linear equation that is parallel to 5x - 3y = 1 and passes through the point (- 4, 2).

4. Write the linear equation in standard form that is parallel to 4x + 9y = 3 and intersects (4,-2).

Luttrell 2012 89
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6f – Perpendicular Lines
Lines that form at right angles are said to be perpendicular or orthogonal. If one line has a slope
of m, then the other has the slope of -1/m. The product between the slopes of perpendicular lines
is always -1. Another way of expressing the slopes is to say the slopes are negative reciprocals of
each other.

Example 1: Determine if the line 2x - y = 5 is perpendicular to x + 2y = 3.

Solution: The equations can be written as y = 2x - 5 and y = (-½)x + 1.5.
Since 2(-½) = -1, the lines are perpendicular.

Example 2: Determine if the lines 2x - 3y = 5 and 6x + 4y = 3 are perpendicular.

Solution: The equations in slope-intercept form are y = (⅔)x-5/3 and y = (-6/4)x + ¾.
Since -6/4 × ⅔ = -1, the lines are perpendicular. Note: -6/4 = -3/2 which is the
negative reciprocal of ⅔.

Example 3: Write the linear equation perpendicular to 2x - y = 5 which passes through (- 4,2).
Solution: The given line has slope of 2, so the perpendicular line must have m = -½.
Substitute the point and slope into the point-slope form to get y - 2 = -½(x + 4).
Simplify into slope-intercept form, y = (-½)x, or standard form, x + 2y = 0.

There is a pattern in the examples that make finding perpendicular lines easier. Look out!
1. Determine which of the following lines are perpendicular. Show your work.
A. 3x - 2y = 5 B. 6x + 9y = 1 C. 6x - 4y = 4 D. 9x + 6y = 1

2. Which of the following is perpendicular to -3x - y = 4? Show work.

A. x + 3y = 2 B. 9x + 3y = 3 C. 3x - y = 3 D. x - 3y = 5

3. Write the linear equation perpendicular to 5x - 3y = 1 that passes through (4, 2).

4. Write the linear equation in standard form that is perpendicular to 4x - 3y = 7 at (1,-1).

Luttrell 2012 90
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6g – Linear Inequalities
The solution to a linear inequality is a set of points that make the inequality true. In the case of
the inequality, the solutions include points that lie on one side of the line. The points on the line,
the boundary to half-planar solutions, are solutions only if the inequality includes an =. Use the
following example as a guide.

Example: 6x + 3y > 12
3y > 12 - 6x
y > 4 - 2x Plot some points on the line y = -2x + 4.
Connect the dots with a dashed line since the line itself contain
no solution to the inequality. Now pick a point that does NOT
lie on the line. (0,0) is an easy choice. Since 0 + 0 > 12 is
false, then the other side of the dashed line must contain the
solutions. Shade the solution side.

Graph the solutions.

1. -2x - y > 4 2. 3x + y > 5 3. x - y > 4

4. -2x + y ≤4 5. x + 2y ≥ 5 6. 4x - 3y < 9

Luttrell 2012 91
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6h – Systems of Equations- Substitution

System is to equation as a paragraph is to a sentence. Since all the sentences in the paragraph
relate to the same idea, all the equations in a system relate to the same variables. The solution to
a system is the ordered pair(s) that makes all the equations true.

One way of finding the solution is to graph each equation and see where the graphs intersect.
Unfortunately if the graphs intersect anywhere but a lattice point, it is hard to determine the exact
values of the ordered pair(s). Instead most mathematicians either do a substitution or an
elimination process.

Example: solve the system of 2x + y = 3 and 3x - 5y = -2.

Step I: choose one variable in one equation to solve y = 3 - 2x
Step II: Substitute the expression into other equation 3x - 5(3-2x) = -2
Step III: Simplify and solve for remaining variable 3x - 15 + 10x = -2
13x - 15 = -2
13x = 13
Step IV: Substitute known variable into either equation 2(1) + y = 3
Step V: write answer Ans: (1,1)

Solve. Sketch a graph to confirm results.

1. x + y = 3 2. 5x - y = 6 3. y = -x + 1
x-y=2 3x - 2y = -2 y = -3x + 5

4. y = 3x + 5 5. x - 4y = 5 6. 4x - 2y = 2
y = 2x + 2 3x - 4y = -1 -3x + 2y = 1

Luttrell 2012 92
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6i – Systems of Equations - Elimination

Solving a system with Substitution either means you are good with fractions or you use it mostly
when a variable has a coefficient of one. Most times elimination will prove easier.

Example: Solve the system: 5x + 3y = 18

3x - 2y = 7
Step I: choose variable you want to eliminate. We choose to eliminate y for this example.
Step II: Multiply each row by a number so that the coefficients for y are opposites. The first
equation was multiplied by 2 and the second by 3. The equations are still balanced!
10x + 6y = 36
9x - 6y = 21
Step III: Add the equations together. One variable must disappear or else we made a mistake!
By adding equal items to both sides, the result is a balanced equation.
19x + 0 = 57
Step IV: Solve for remaining variable.
19x = 57
Step V: Repeat process with other variable or do a substitution.
3(3) - 2y = 7
9 - 2y = 7
-2y = -2

Solve. Sketch a graph to confirm results.

1. x + y = 5 2. 4x + 3y = 7 3. y = -2x + 1
x-y=1 3x - 2y = 1 y = -3x + 3

4. 5x - y = 6 5. 5x - 3y = 12 6. 4x + 5y = 2
3x - 2y = -2 3x + 2y = 11 3x + 2y = 5

Luttrell 2012 93
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6j – Systems of Equations – Mixed Review

Solve the following systems algebraically. Decide whether to use substitution or elimination. But you
cannot do only one method for the entire worksheet!!! Graph the system and confirm results.

1. 2x + 3y = 2 2. 5x+2y = 11 3. y = 2x - 1
4x - 9y = -1 x+y=4 y = 3x - 5

4. x - y = -11 5. 6x - 7y = 47
7x + 4y = -22 2x + 5y = -21

Complete the sentence!

6. Two lines intersect zero, _________, or infinite times. The systems that contain these lines are
referred to as inconsistent (formed by parallel lines), independent (lines intersecting), or dependent (lines
that are the same).

Luttrell 2012 94
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6k – Linear Word Problems

You can identify a linear equation even if it is written in the jargon of a word problem. The
biggest clue is to identify a constant change in the values. If you read the cost for a pencil is
$0.50, then two pencils should cost $1.00. Then identify your variables, choosing those not
easily mistaken for a number. Convert given values into ordered pairs. Find the slope and then
write the equation. Once you have an equation, you can predict almost anything.

1. Pencils are sold at the bookstore for 49 cents each. How much would 75 pencils cost?

2. Some reception halls have a flat fee for use of the hall and then a fee of $25 or more for each
person they will be serving. For a wedding reception, Black Forest Inn charges about $64 per
person plus $5500 for the use of their inn. How much will it cost my brother to host a wedding
of 250 people?

3. An auto repair shop charges $25 an hour. They say your muffler needs to be replaced for
$65. It takes them 2.5 hours to fix your exhaust system. How much will the bill be?

4. To frame an oil painting, framers charge a rate based on the perimeter of the painting.
You choose a polished wooden frame that has a price tag of $8 a foot. Will the price
of framing exceed your $125 budget if your painting is 3.5' by 2.5'?

5. A Nissan Sentra sold in 1996 for $17,000. Ten years later its worth is $3,400. How much
would it be worth in another five years, if the depreciation followed a linear model? (In real life,
cars depreciate exponentially.)

Luttrell 2012 95
Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6L – More Word Problems (Mixed Review)

Solve the word problems:
1. When water freezes, it is 0̊C (or 32̊F). When water reaches its boiling point, it is 100̊C (or 212̊F).
What is the temperature in Fahrenheit if the water is 72̊C?

2. Machinery is purchased for $450, but five years later is worth $0. What would be the worth of the
machinery after two years? (Assume linear depreciation.)

3. A room is twice as long as the width. If the area of the room is 72 square feet, what is the perimeter?

4. A lawn is 1000 feet around. If the length is three times the width, how much square feet is the lawn?

5. A recipe wants 4 cups of flour and 1 cup of oats. How much flour is needed for ⅔ cups of oats?

6. A recipe wants 3 cups of flour and ½ cup of butter. How much butter would you use for 8 cups of

7. Keith is 16 years older than Shirleen and three times as old as Rachel. If the sum of their ages is 96,
how old are they?

Luttrell 2012 96
Chapter 6 Test
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________

SHOW WORK. A calculator is allowed on this test. Attach any scratch paper that’s used.

1. Solve for the variable:

A. -3(n + 2) = 21 B. 3
4 p= 3
8 C. 1 − x
5 5

2. An airplane travels eight times as fast as a car. The difference in their speeds is 420 km/h.
How fast is each vehicle travelling?

3. Graph the following lines. Label intercepts.

10 a. y = -3 B. x = 4 C. y = 2x - 3

4. Graph the solutions:

a. 2y < -6 b. y < 2x - 3 c. 2x - y ≥5

5. Solve the system:

3x - 2y = 6
5 x + 2y = 10

Luttrell 2012 97
Chapter 6 Test, continued
6. Rewrite each equation into standard form (Ax + By = C) using integer coefficients.
5 A. y = 23 x − 89 B. y - 3 = ½ (x + 4)

7. Write the linear equation that passes through (4, 3) and (3, 9). Show work for slope.

8. Plot the ordered pairs and label: ( 2, -3), (-4, 5) and (0, 6).

9. Write the linear equation that passes through (3, 5) and (7, 8).

10. Write the equation of the line parallel to 2x – 3y = 5 and passes through the point (4,-3). For three
bonus points, find the equation of the line perpendicular to 2x – 3y = 5 that passes through (4,-3).

x^2 – y^2
Bonus: (3 pts) If x + y = 5 and x - y = 1, what is the value of 2 ?
0 (3 pts) If 2010x + 2010y = 2011(x + y), what is the value of x/y?

Luttrell 2012 98
Chapter 7 Exponents

Prior Skills:
• Sheet 7a: division by zero

Luttrell 2012 99
7 - Rules of Exponents
The operation of raising a number to a power is exponentiation. In the expression x3, 3 x’s are
being multiplied together so that x3 = x∙x∙x. For the expression xn, x is called the base, n is the
exponent and the whole expression is a power.

Remember that exponents occur second in the order of operations. So that 4x3 does not mean
4x×4x×4x, rather 4×x×x×x. One of the common mistakes when simplifying -24 is to wrongly use
the negative. The expression -24 means the negative of 2 to the fourth or the negative of 16
which is -16. If it is -2 that is raised to the fourth power, then it needs to be written as (-2)4.

The properties of Exponents:

1. Product of two powers with equal bases: x ⋅ x

a b
= x a +b
xa a −b
2. Quotient of two powers with equal bases: b = x
3. Power of a power: ( x ) = x
a b ab

4. Power of a product: ( xy )
= xa ya
5. Power of a quotient: ( ) = a
x a
6. x0 = 1, as long as x≠0.

−a 1
7. x =

8. x b
= b xa

1. Never confuse distribution of exponents - ONLY distribute over multiplication and division,
never over addition or subtraction. e.g. (x2+y3)2 ≠ x4 +y6 but (x2y3)2 = x4y6.
2. The product of two fractions is made from the product of the numerators over the product of
the denominators. e.g. (2∕3) (5∕6) = 10∕18

Example a: x2 y3 • y5 = x2 y8

x 2 ( xy ) 2 x2x2y2 x4y2 4 −1 2 −6 3 −4 x3
Example b: • = 3 3 = =x y =x y = 4
y3 xy 3 y xy xy 6 y

Luttrell 2012 100

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7a – Simplifying Exponents
Simplify each of the following expressions:
1. 3(-2)2 2. (3∙2)2 3. 2
7 ( 23 ) 2

(3x 2 ) 3 8 ( 2006) 1003 8 ( 2 − 3) 3 + 3 2

4. 5. 6.
6x5 1003( 2006) 1002 2 ( 5 − {2 + 3})

( )( )
9. ( 4 x ) +10( 4 x )
100 xy 5x 2 2
7. x3y 100 x 3
8. 8y + (-7y)2

(2 x 2 ) 4 6 ⋅ 2 148
10. zy ⋅ ( x ) y ÷ z
4 3 2 2
11. 12.
4x4 3 ⋅ 2 150

( 5 − 3) 3 + 7
(−5 x )2
14. zz ( y x ) ÷ x ⋅ z 15. 6 − 5 + ( − 2 )
2 4 3 3 2 2 2
13. 3
30 x

Luttrell 2012 101

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7b – More Simplifying Exponents

Simplify each of the following expressions:
z 12
2. − ( x y )
2 4 5 4 3 2
1. y y y 3.

4. ( a b ) ÷ ( a b ) ⋅ a ⋅ 26a
5 3 4 2 2 4 13
5. ( x ) 6. a

1 y
7. ( 3 t )
8. 2 ⋅ 2 xy ⋅ 9. ( − x y )
3 5 2
x y x

10. 4 a ÷ ( 2 b )
4 2 3
11. ( 3 xy )( 4 x y )
3 2 5
12. ( 2 x y −1 z 0 ) −3

3 a 2 c 2 12ac 3x 3 15x 3 y
13. ÷ 3 14. ÷ ⋅ 15. ( 3 x
y ) −2
n4 n 4 y 4 12 y 5 2 x 2

Luttrell 2012 102

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7c – Prime Numbers

Prime numbers are any number that cannot be divided evenly by another number except for one and itself.

1. Shade any number that is NOT a prime number in the list below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Here are a few tricks by which you can tell whether a number is divisible:
• Divided by 2: all even numbers.
• Divided by 3: if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3.
• Divided by 5: number ends with 0 or 5
• Divided by 6: even and rule for 3 works.
• Divided by 9: if sum of digits is divisible by 9.
• Divided by 11: if a 3-digit number has the first and last digit sum to be the middle digit.

Using the number tricks above, fill in the blanks.

2. 22,245 is divisible by ____ and ____.

3. 473 is divisible by _____.

4. 6561 is divisible by _____ and _____.

5. 792 is divisible by 2, 3, ____, _____, and ____.

Luttrell 2012 103

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7d – Prime Factorization
Often times it is necessary to break down an item into smaller pieces, whether it be a digestive
system, rearranging a postal package contents, troubleshooting a computer problem, or any other
instance. Working with numbers, the factor is a number that divides into another evenly. For
example, the factors of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24. A factor tree is a usual algorithm for
finding the factors of a number.

(American) Factor Tree: (European) Factor Chart

18 - looks like long division
2 9 2 9
3 3
3 3 3 1

The usefulness of a factor tree is that you have divided up the number (18) into its smallest
factors. Those factors of 2 and 3 are only divisible by 1 and itself. That makes those factors
prime. One is not considered prime; it is unique. While the goal of the factor tree is to get
prime factors, the other factors can be found by combining the different primes. The prime
factorization is a list of all the prime factors in ascending order. 18 would have a prime
factorization of 2×3×3 or 2×32. The prime factorization of 24 is 23×3 because 24 = 2×12 =
2×2×6 = 2×2×2×3. By combining different prime numbers of 24, you can get the entire factors
of 24: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24. The factors of 18 are 2, 3, 6, and 9. Factoring can also take a
polynomial and split it into smaller polynomials. This idea that polynomials like x2 - 2x - 3 can
be factored into x - 3 and x + 1 will be developed later.

When adding fractions together, you need to get a common denominator. Find the Least
Common Multiple (LCM) in order to reduce the work. For 18 and 24 the least common multiple
would be 72. There are two methods for finding the LCM. A common elementary method is to
list the multiples of each number until you find a common number between the two.

18 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 198 216

24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288

Another method is to use the greatest power of each prime in the prime factorization. The prime
factorization of 18 is 2×32 and 24 is 23×3, so the LCM would be 23×32 which is 8 ×9 = 72. A
good way to visualize the result is to use a Venn diagram of the prime factors. Place the prime
factors of 18 in the left circle and the prime factors of 24 in the right circle. The factors in
common should be placed in the shared region. Now take each part of the circles and multiply
the factors together and you get 3∙2∙3∙2∙2 = 72.

Note: GCF is the shared region. This will be explained later.

3 2 *3 2*2

Luttrell 2012 104

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7d – Prime Factorization continued

Whereas the LCM, least common multiple, is the union of the two circles in a Venn diagram, the
GCF would be the intersection. The GCF, short for Greatest Common Factor (Divisor), is the
largest factor that divides into each number evenly. In the Venn diagram, it is the region
overlapped by both circles. So the GCF(18, 24) is 6.

Another way of finding the GCF is to write the prime factorization of each number and take only
the primes that are in common, and with the least exponent. The prime factorization of
18 is 2×32 and 24 is 23×3, so the GCF would be 21×31 which is 6. Of course the way most
elementary and middle schools teach is to list the factors of each number and take the greatest
common number: 18 is 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 and 24 is 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24.

The GCF is useful in simplifying equations. Say you had an equation such as 4x2 + 12x - 20 = 0.
The greatest common factor of 4, 12, and 20 is 4. So you could divide both sides by 4 to get
x2 + 3x - 5 = 0, making it easier to solve.

The word factoring can be used in other manners. Factoring out implies dividing the GCF from
an expression. The example above would be written as 4x2 + 12x - 20 = 4(x2 + 3x - 5). The
formal name is Converse to Distribution. Another example of factoring out is 2x - 4y = 2(x - 2y).

Find the prime factorization of each:

1. 116 2. 175 3. 216 4. 40

Find the Lowest Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor of each. Label.
5. 35 and 21 6. 18 and 42 7. 21 and 54 8. 3, 12, and 20

9. 24, 42 10. 15, 36 11. 35, 25, 50 12. 12, 28, 32

13. 64, 32, 56 14. 10, 42, 72 15. 36, 72, 84 16. 8, 15, 20

Luttrell 2012 105

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7e –Simplifying Radicals
One of the properties of exponents that was not discussed before was that of fractional exponents.
As you can tell in the example below, fractional exponents are another way of writing radicals.
a 3
x b = b xa 81 4 = 4 813 = 3 3 = 27

Before manipulating radicals, you’ll need to understand the pieces to the radical. In the
b a
expression x the b is the root index. It says how many of the same number is being
multiplied together to get xa. The √ is the radical sign; it implies what operation needs to be
performed. The line over the xa is the vinculum; it is a fancy name for parentheses. So 4 can
be reduced to 2 because the same two numbers that multiply to get 4 is 2. Note that for square
roots, the root index is usually dropped. 144 reduces to 12. But what happens when the
number is not a perfect square? You simplify the radicand (expression inside the radical) so it
contains no factors that are perfect squares. For nth roots, you want no factors that are nth powers.

Example A: 24 = 4 ⋅ 6 = 4 ⋅ 6 = 2 2 2 6 = 2 6

Example B: 146 = 2 ⋅ 73 = 146

Example C: 108 = 4 ⋅ 27 = 4 ⋅ 9 ⋅ 3 = 2 ⋅ 3 3 = 6 3

Example D: 56 = 2 ⋅ 28 = ( 2 ⋅ 2 ) ⋅ 2 ⋅ 7 = 2 14

Another way to simplify a radicand is to make a factor tree and look for pairs. Better yet is to
use prime factorization.

Simplify exactly the following:

1. 24 2. 75 3. 96 4. 102

5. 144 6. 225 7. 625 8. 525

Luttrell 2012 106

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7f –More Rational Exponents

x b = b xa

Examples of rewriting fractional exponents:

16 2 = 16 = 2 16 = 4 ⋅ 4 = 4

27 3 = 3 27 = 3 3 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3 = 3

814 = 4 81 = 4 3 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3 = 3

For rational exponents, most times it’s easier to simplify with the denominator of the exponent
first. See the examples below:
4 2 = 23 = 8 16 4 = 2 3 = 8 625 4 = 53 = 125
3 3 3

Simplify the following without a calculator into an integer or a simplified radical:

− 76
1. 64 3 2. 64 3. 64 6

− 65
5. −32
4. ( −64) 3
6. 343 3

− 23 − 43
7. −100 8. ( 256
625 ) b g
9. − 125
− 43

10. 6÷ 2 11.
81 ⋅ 3 9 12.
128 ⋅ 32

3 3 3 5 4
13. 64 14. 36 15. 64

Luttrell 2012 107

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7g – Combining Radicals
Adding radicals is similar to adding like terms. Like terms are combined by adding the
coefficients. When radicals have the same radicands and root indices, then add the coefficients.

Example A: 2 3 + 4 3 = 6 3 Example B: 2 3 + 4 3

Example B cannot be simplified because the root indices are different.

Simplify exactly:
1. − 3 24 + 2 54 2. − 3 3 + 2 27 3. 5 3 + 48

4. 3 1 − 4 5. 2 x 0 − 3 x 4 6. 8 + 2 32

Multiplying radicals can only be done easily with those of the same root index. If the root
indices are the same, multiply the radicands. Those with differing indices will be dealt with
Example C: 2 24 = 48 = 4 3
Example D: ( 2 5 ) 2 = ( 2 5 )(2 5 ) = 4 ⋅ 5 = 20

See a trick? Share it!___________________________________________________

Simplify each expression:

7. 6 12 8. 2 8 4 9. ( 3 6 )

10. ( 3 8 )(2 12 ) 11. 3( 8 − 2 ) 12. ( 5 3 )


Luttrell 2012 108

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7h – Rationalizing Denominators
Dividing by radicals could require a calculator. But before those were invented, mathematicians
used a trick to get the radical out of a denominator. What’s the purpose? Dividing by a never-
ending number is quite impossible to do! But to divide by an integer is not bad at all! Even with
the invention of the calculator, most people prefer the answer to be written with the radical on in
the numerator. Mathematicians don’t consider a fraction with radicals simplified until it has
been rationalized.

The whole process of rationalizing the denominator is to multiply by one. That way the value
doesn’t change, but its appearance does. Write in your own words what occurs in each step.

2 2
Example: = Definition of division
3 3
2 3
⋅ _______________________________
3 3
3 _______________________________

6 3 5 2
1. 2. 3. 4.
2 5 6 6

2 4 3 2
5. 6. 7. 8.
8 2 3 42 8 56

Luttrell 2012 109

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7i – Solving Radical Equations

Solve the following equations:
1. 2x2 -32 = 0 2. 3x2 = 75 3. 4x3 = 32

4. x −8= 4 5. x + 5 = 20 6. x+ 6 = 6

7. x−1= 7 8. x+ 3= 5 9. 5x4=625

Luttrell 2012 110

Chapter 7 Test
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________

SHOW WORK. A calculator is allowed on this test. Attach any scratch paper that’s used.

1. With the numbers 16 and 24, find the

A. Greatest Common Factor. B. Least Common Multiple.

2. With the numbers 18, 24, and 28, find the

5 A. Greatest Common Factor. B. Least Common Multiple.

3. Write as a product and then evaluate:

5 A. bg
2 3
3 bg
B. − −4

4. Write each product as a single power and then evaluate:

5 A. ( −3) ⋅ −3
bg −4
B. 7 ⋅ 3
3 3

5. Simplify each quotient:

A. 43 ×52 ÷ (42 × 5) B. x3y7 ÷ (x4y3)

6. Simplify each expression:

A. 8 5 × 8 -11 ÷ 8 -3 B. x3(x3)4 ÷ (x2)0

Luttrell 2012 111

Chapter 7 Test, continued
7. Simplify into scientific notation
5 A. 0.000 000 000 034 B. 3×108 + 4.7×109

8. Solve for x:
10 a. 4x = 64 B. (125) ⅔ = x2 C. x+8 = 6

9. Short answer:
5 A. How can you tell if a radical (square root, cube root...) is a rational number?

B. Simplify: 4√3 + (3 - √3)

10. Simplify:
5 18
A. 6 B. 3 27 6

Bonus: (3pt) Let 10101-1 be written as an integer in standard form. What is the sum of the digits?
0 (2pt) Suppose N1982 = 19821982. If N ≠1982, what is the real value of N?

Luttrell 2012 112

Chapter 8 Expanding & Solving Polynomials

Luttrell 2012 113

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8a – Multiplying Polynomials
If the teacher were to ask the class to multiply 2x + 5 to x - 3, many students will give the
incorrect answer of 2x2 - 15. These students didn’t distribute correctly, causing them to lose the
middle terms. There are four methods to ensure a complete answer: traditional distribution, box
method, FOIL, or multiplying like you did with real numbers. The letters of FOIL stand for the
product of first terms, outer terms, inner terms, and last terms of each binomial. The box method
uses a multiplication table or a Punnett Square (see biology class) with the binomials. The
answer for both methods is the sum of these products.

Traditional distribution: (2x2 + 4)(x - 1) = (2x2 + 4)x + (2x2 + 4)(-1) = 2x3 - 2x2 + 4x - 4

Box Method:
x -1
2x2 2x3 -2x2
4 4x -4

F O I L Multiply like Reals:

(2x + 5)(x - 3) = (2x)(x) + (-3)(2x) + (5)(x) + (5)(-3) 2x + 5
= (2x2) + (-6x) + (5x) + (-15) × x-3
= 2x2 - 6x + 5x - 15 -6x - 15
= 2x2 - x - 15 2x2 + 5x
2x2 - x - 15
1. (x - 3y)(x + 2y) 2. (x+5)2 3. (x-2)(3-x) 4. (4x-3)(4x+3)

5. (2a+3b)(a-5b) 6. (x + 2)(10 - 4x) 7. (W + 2)(W - 2) 8. (a - 4)(a + 4)

9. (11-x)(x+3) 10. (3x2 - 4)(x + 2) 11.(x2 + 2)(2x2 + 1) 12. (2x2 - 6)(x2 + 4)

Luttrell 2012 114

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8b – Factoring
Factoring when a = 1, c > 0:
A quadratic expression of ax2 ± bx + c where a = 1 looks like x2 ± bx + c. This expression can be
factored into (x+d)(x+ e) or (x-d)(x-e) whenever the c term divisors sum up to the middle term b.
Note how both factors have the same sign as b whenever c>0.

Example A: x2 + 5x + 6 You probably won’t have more than one line of

( )( ) work on your paper. But these are the steps to fill
(x )(x ) in the parentheses. Note (x 2)(x 3) was chosen
Choices: (x 1)(x 6) Or (x 2)(x 3) because 2 + 3 = 5. The signs are usually the last.
Answer: (x + 2)(x + 3)

Example B: x2 - 12x + 36
( )( ) Fill in the missing numbers!
(x )(x )
Choices: (x ±)(x 3) or (x 1)(x 36) or (x 2)(x 18) or (x 4)(x ±) or (x 6)(x ±)
Answer: (x - 6)(x - 6)

Factor. Check work.

1. x2 + 4x + 3 2. x2 - 2x + 1 3. x2 + 6x + 8

4. x2 + 7x + 12 5. x2 - 14x + 24 6. x2 - 11x + 24

7. x2 + 9x + 18 8. x2 - 10x + 24 9. x2 + 11x + 18

10. x2 + 9x + 20 11. x2 + 13x + 40 12. x2 - 5x + 4

Luttrell 2012 115

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8c – Factoring
Factoring when a = 1, c < 0:
A quadratic in the form of x2 ± bx - c can be factored into (x-d)(x+e) whenever the c term
divisors differ by the middle term b. The larger factor will have the same sign as b; the other
factor will have the opposite sign.

Example A: x2 + 5x - 6 You probably won’t have more than one line of

( )( ) work on your paper. But these are the steps to fill
(x )(x ) in the parentheses. Note (x 6)(x 1) was chosen
Choices: (x 1)(x 6) Or (x 2)(x 3) because 6 - 1 = 5. The signs are last to be done.
(x + 6)(x - 1)

Example B: x2 - x - 30
( )( ) Fill in the missing numbers!
(x )(x )
Choices: (x ±)(x 3) or (x 1)(x 30) or (x 2)(x 18) or (x 5)(x ±)
(x - 6)(x + 5)

Factor. Check work.

1. x2 + x - 6 2. x2 + 3x - 10 3. x2 - 8x - 20

4. x2 + 4x - 12 5. x2 - 6x - 16 6. x2 - x - 12

7. x2 - 16 8. x2 + 3x - 18 9. x2 - 7x - 18

10. x2 - 36 11. x2 + 8x - 9 12. x2 - 9x - 36

Luttrell 2012 116

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8d – Factoring
Factoring when a ≠ 1:
A quadratic expression of ax2 ± bx ± c can be factored in the same way as lessons 28a and 28b.
There is one extra step, and that is factoring the a term as well. This can create many
combinations to try. But after lots of practice, you will start to recognize patterns. Ask for one.

Example A: 4x2 - 4x - 3 With an a ≠ 1 term, it just means

( )( ) there are more combinations to try.
(x )(x )
Choices: (2x 1)(2x 3) Or (4x 1)(x 3) Or (4x 3)(x 1)
Answer: (2x + 1)(2x - 3)

Example B: 2x2 - 11x - 30

( )( ) Fill in the missing numbers!
(x )(x )
Choices: (2x ±)(x 3) or (2x 3)(x 10) or (2x 2)(x 15) or (2x 15)(x ±)
(2x 1)(x ±) or (2x 30)(x 1) or (2x ±)(x 6) or (2x 5)(x 6)
Answer: (2x - 15)(x + 2)

Factor. Check work.

1. 2x2 + 5x - 7 2. 3x2 - 12x - 15 3. 3x2 - 8x + 4

4. 4x2 - x - 5 5. 3x2 - 11x + 6 6. 4x2 - 8x + 3

7. 3x2 - x - 4 8. 3x2 - 4x - 4 9. 8x2 - 6x - 9

10. 6x2 - 5x - 6 11. 6x2 + 15x + 6 12. 6x2 - 37x + 6

Luttrell 2012 117

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8e – Solve by Factoring
Once you know how to factor, then you are able to solve many quadratic equations for the
variable. Most equations will follow the steps as in the example below.

Example: 2x2 = x2 + 5x - 6
2x2 - x2 - 5x + 6 = 0 Bring terms to one side of the equation.
x2 - 5x + 6 = 0 Simplify
(x - 2)(x - 3) = 0 Factor
x - 2 = 0 Or x - 3 = 0 If ab = 0, then either a = 0 or b = 0.
x ∈{2, 3} Solve each equation for the variable.

Example: 0 = 2x2 + 6x - 20 Fill in the blanks!

0 = 2(x2 + 3x - ±)
0 = 2(x + ±)(x - ±)
x+±=0 Or x-2=0
x ∈{2, -5}

Solve by factoring:
1. x2 - 7x + 6 = 0 2. x2 - 3x + 2 = 0 3. x2 - 7x + 12 = 0

4. x2 - 3x = 4 5. x2 + 5x = - 4 6. x2 + 13x + 12 = 0

7. x2 + 5x = 14 8. x2 - 8x + 12 = 0 9. x2 + 9x = -14

10. 2x2 + x = 6 11. 4x2 + 9x = -5 12. 12x2 - x = 20

Luttrell 2012 118

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8f – Difference of Squares
When a quadratic expression of ax2 ± bx ± c is missing the bx, it probably still can be factored.
As you noted before in a previous lesson, x2 - c can factored into (x - d)(x + d). Then it can be
concluded c is a perfect square. The factors of c are equal, so when foiling dx - dx = bx = 0.

Example A: x2 - 49 = (x - 7)(x + 7).

Check work: x2 -7x +7x - 49 can be simplified to x2 - 49.

A leading coefficient must be factored into equal quantities as well.

Example B: 9x2 - 100 = (3x - 10)(3x + 10)

Maybe you can simplify before factoring

Example C: 25x2 - 100 = 25(x2 - 4) = 25(x - 2)(x + 2)

Summarize the following factor rules:

Perfect Trinomial a2x2 ± 2abx + b2 =

Difference of Squares a2x2 - b2 =

Solve by factoring:
1. x2 - 9 = 0 2. x2 = 16 3. x2 - 25 = 0

4. x2 - 36 = 0 5. 25x3 - 100x = 0 6. 2x3 - 32x = 0

7. 3x2 - 27 = 0 8. 4x2 - 36 = 0 9. 25x2 - 9 = 0

Luttrell 2012 119

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8g – More Practice Factoring

Use the following formulas to help factor the questions below.
a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b)
a3 – b3 = (a – b)(a2 + ab + b2)
a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 – ab + b2)

1. 25x2 – 9 2. 4 – 81x2 3. 16c2 – 64 4. 27 – 3h2

5. 3c4 – 81c 6. x4 – x 7. 5x5 – 5000x2 8. y3 + 64

9. a4b – ab4 10. 4x2 –16y2 bonus. x12 – y12

Luttrell 2012 120

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8h –Quadratic Formula
All quadratic equations are of the form y = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are real numbers.
When y = 0, you can solve for x by factoring or using the quadratic formula. Factoring doesn’t
always work, but the quadratic formula will!
Quadratic Formula:
− b ± b 2 − 4 ac

Example A: x2 + 2x -3 = 0
Identify parts: a = 1, b = 2, c = -3
− 2 ± 2 2 − 4 (1)( −3) − 2 ± 16 − 2 ± 4
Substitute into formula: x = = = = 1 or -3
2 (1) 2 2

Find the solutions (roots, zeros, x-intercepts):

1. 5x2 +2x - 3 = 0 2. 4x2 - 3x - 7 = 0 3. 4x2 +5x - 6 = 4

4. 3x2 + 7x - 10 = 0 5. x2 - 5x + 6 = 0 6. 3x2 + 11x - 4 = 0

7. x2 - 5x - 6 = 0 8. x2 + 10x + 21 = 0 9. x2 - 2x + 2 = 2x

Luttrell 2012 121

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8i – more Quadratic Formula

Solve for the given variable, leaving answer in simplest form.
1. 3x2 - 5x - 8 = 0 2. w2 + 5w - 6 = 0 3. z2 + 7z - 8 = 0

4. g2 + 5g - 5 = 0 5. y2 - 2y - 3 = 0 6. 4x2 + 10x - 14 = 0

Solve for x:
7. 3a2 + 10a + 5 = 0 8. -2x2 + 5x - 3 = 0 bonus: 3x2 + ax - 4a2 = 0

Luttrell 2012 122

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8j – Graphing Quadratics
Polynomials with a general form of y = ax2 + bx + c are called quadratic equations. When a
quadratic is graphed, the shape of the curve is referred to as a parabola. One of the easiest, but
time-consuming methods of graphing a parabola is to complete a t-chart. Then plot the points.

Example: Graph y = 2x2 - 3x + 1.

Start by choosing common values for x or y: In the end it should look like:
x -1 0 ½ 1 2
x -1 0 1 2
y 6 1 0 0 3
y 0

Substitute the values you picked:

When x = -1, then y = 2 + 3 + 1 = 6.
When x = 0, then y = 0 - 0 + 1 = 1.
When x = 1, then y = 2 - 3 + 1 = 0.
When y = 0, then 0 = 2x2 - 3x + 1.
Then by factoring, we can solve 0 = (2x-1)(x-1) for x = ½ or 1.

Place the corresponding values in the t-chart. Then plot on the

axis provided. Connect the dots. The shape of the curve should
look like a u.

Fill in the t-charts. Then graph to the right. Please label!

1. y = x2 + 4x - 5
x -5 -3 -1 0 1 3

2. y = 2x2 + 3x - 5
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

3. y = x2 + 5x + 6
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1

4. y = -x2 + 3x + 4
x -1 0 1 2 3 4

Luttrell 2012 123

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8k – Graphing Quadratics
Parabolas have certain defining characteristics. If we know those characteristics, then we can
use them to make graphing easier. One of the first characteristics to see is the Line of symmetry.
If you ‘cut’ down that line, you would cut the parabola in halves. And each half would be a
reflection of the other. If your parabola was already graphed (see #4 from lesson 8j), then take
two ordered pairs with the same y-value. Find the midpoint between those ordered pairs. The
line of symmetry will pass through this point so that it cuts the parabola in reflected halves. The
line of symmetry will also pass through the vertex, which is lowest point or highest point on the
graph. If the parabola were a string necklace, the vertex would be where the single charm would
hang. Without the graph, some refer to the equation y = ax2 + bx + c and determine the vertex x-
coordinate with the formula: x = −
2a . Then they can evaluate for the y-coordinate. Another
quick calculation is done to find the y-intercept, where the parabola crosses the y-axis. Evaluate
for y when x = 0. You’ll notice that y-value is the same as c in y = ax2 + bx + c. Reflect the y-
intercept over the line of symmetry to get another point. With those three points, you can graph.

You can always check your work by knowing the direction of the parabola. From lesson 32a,
you’ll notice that when a is positive the parabola opens upward. When a is negative, it opens

Graph the following equations:

1. y = x2 + 4x + 4 2. y = x2 - 6x + 8 3. y = x2 - 6x + 4

direction: up
y-intercept: y = 0+0+4
vertex: x = − = −2
2 (1)

y = 4 +4(-2)+4 = 0
symmetry point: (- 4,4)

4. y = x2 + 8x + 15 5. y = -x2 + 3x - 2 6. y = -x2 + x + 12

Luttrell 2012 124

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8L – Quadratic Word Problems

A quadratic equation can be recognized by the shape of the data when plotted. Or maybe an
equation was given and it was in the form y = ax2 + bx + c where a ≠0. If you need to extrapolate
or interpolate (predict) some values, it is best to find the equation first. Then using the equation,
the prediction of the needed value should be accurate.

1. A ball is kicked so that it lands 50 feet away 3 seconds later. The height of the ball at any
given moment is found by h = -12x2 + 36x. According to the equation, what is the maximum
height the ball travelled?

2. Wind chill temperature is given by the formula C = − 6 w + F , where C is the wind chill
1 2

temperature, w is the wind speed in miles per hour, and F is the Fahrenheit temperature in still
air. On July 12, the wind speed was 15 mph and the still air was 88°F. What was the wind chill
temperature for that day? Which variable has greater effect on C? Explain your conclusion.

3. Carbon Dioxide emissions were found to be increasing since 1975. The following equation
has been simplified to make calculations easier, x represents the number of years since 1975 and
y represents CO2 measured in parts per million: y = 0.005x2 + x + 300. What would you expect
for the year 2006?

4. The horsepower required to overcome wind drag on an automobile is approximated by

H = 0.01s2 + 0.01s – 0.1 where s is the speed of the car in miles per hour. What is the speed
of the car when the horse power is 2?

Luttrell 2012 125

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8m –Complex Numbers
Imaginary Numbers are complex numbers that are square roots of negative numbers. They are
called imaginary because at the time of their discovery, no one could imagine such numbers
existing. But they do! You’ll encounter them in engineering.

The unit for an imaginary number is i which is equal to − 1 . Any imaginary number can be
written as a multiple of i. Take − 4 as an example. It can be written as a product, −1 4
which can be written as 2i. Of course the example could be irreducible like − 13 = i 13 .

Imaginary numbers can be plotted on the “imaginary” plane. It looks very similar to the real
number line! Now if you intersect both the real and imaginary lines at zero. You should have the
complex plane. The complex plane contains all numbers. It’s only a matter of finding them on
the plane. A complex number has the form a + bi, where a is the real number and bi is the
imaginary number. You plot the number as if you would in the cartesian coordinate system. You
go left/right from the origin as many units as your real number (a) and up/down the number of b

The graphs of 2 + i, 3 - 2i, and 3i are plotted

to the right. (in their approximate spot) ●3i

i ●2+i


You can combine complex numbers like any real number, except you can only add reals together
and imaginaries together. (Like Terms:)

Simplify the following. Graph the results.

1. (-3 - 2i) + (-3 + 2i) 2. 3 - 2i -(3 - 2i) 3. 5 - i+ 3 - 3i 4. -3-2i-(10-12i)

Solve the following and simplify in terms of its complex solution:

5. 4x2+8x +9 = 0 6. x2 +x + 1 = 0

Luttrell 2012 126

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8n –Complex Numbers continued

Multiplying complex numbers is similar to multiplying polynomials. There is just one extra step
of simplification and that is to remember i
= ( − 1 ) 2 = −1 .

For example: (3 - 2i)(2 - i) = 6 - 3i - 4i + 2i2 = 6 - 7i - 2 = 4 - 7i.

Multiply and simplify:

1. (2 + 3i)(3 - 2i) 2. (3 + 2i)(3 - 2i) 3. (1 - 2i)(1 - 2i) 4. (1- i)(2 + 2i)

Sometimes it is necessary to know how far a point is from the origin, otherwise called modulus
or magnitude. The magnitude is indicated by vertical bars around the complex number. So | 4 +
3i | would be 5. How do you contrive that? By using the Pythagorean Theorem, use the origin
and given point as vertices of a right triangle.

Evaluate. Graph and show work with triangles.

5. | 3 - 2i| 6. |-2 - 2i| 7. |1 + 2i| 8. |-5 + 12i|

What can you do really fast to determine (without actually solving) if the equation has real roots?
If the discriminant (b2 – 4ac) is negative there are no real solutions. Remember, negative
numbers under a square root are not possible with real numbers.

Complex numbers are commonly found when solving quadratic equations. Solve the following
for its x-intercepts, simplifying your answers completely.

9. y = 3x2 - 6x + 4 10. y = x2 - 3x + 3 11. y = 2x2 + 7x + 8

Luttrell 2012 127

Chapter 8 Test
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________

SHOW WORK. A calculator is allowed on this test. Attach any scratch paper that’s used.

1. Write two examples of a like term for each of the following:

A. 7x B. -3x2y7

2. Combine the like terms:

A. (x2 + 2x - 1) - (2x2 + 3x + 3) B. 5x2y2 - 4x2y2 + 3xy3

3. Determine each product:

A. 4(3b) B. -2p2(3p3)

4. Determine each product:

5 A. 2x (2x + 3) B. -12(3 + 2t)

5. Factor each binomial:

5 A. 25a + 30a2 B. 9c3 - 15c

6. Factor each binomial:

5 A. a(a + 6) + 7(a + 6) B. -16(x - 2) + 48(x - 2)

7. Expand (foil):
5 A. (a + 1)(a - 3) B. (2x - 3)(3x + 4)

Luttrell 2012 128

Chapter 8 Test, continued
8. Factor what you can and then reduce each fraction:
10 A. (6a - 12) ÷ 3 B. (4a2 + 12a - 16) ÷ (a + 4) C. (x2 + 7x + 12) ÷ (x + 3)

9. Solve by factoring:
5 A. a2 + 5a – 14 = 0 B. 121 + 22m + m2 = 0

10. Solve by the quadratic formula:

5 A. 3a2 + 2a – 5 = 0 B. 12 + 7m + m2 = 0

11. Graph y = 2x2 – 5x + 3.


12. Use the discriminant to determine how many x-intercepts the graph y = 2x2 – 5x – 3.

Bonus of three points: (x2 + x - 2) ÷ (x2 - 4x - 12) ⋅(x2 - 5x - 6) ÷ (x2 - 1).


Luttrell 2012 129

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

Algebra Cumulative Review

3 ⋅ (3x y ) .
2 3 2
1. Simplify:

2. What is the additive inverse to -3?

3. Solve for p: I = prt.

4. Graph the equation y = 2x - 3.

5. Graph the solution to |3x + 7| < 8.

6. Transform the given equation into Standard (Ax + By = C) form: 5 y = x −4.


7. Find the linear equation perpendicular to 5 y = x − 4 through the point (0,1).


8. Compare the point-slope formula of a line and the slope formula.

9. Write a linear equation through the points (3,2) and (5,8).

10. Expand: (2x-5)2.

11. Solve the following by two methods: 0 = 3x2 - 5x + 2.

12. Solve the equation for r: A = πrr 2 .

13. Solve the following over the complex plane: 0 = 5x2 - 6x + 5.

4 5
14. Simplify: + .
x xy

Luttrell 2012 130


Algebra II Review Sheets

The appendix contains worksheets that were designed for students taking Algebra II with a
textbook by Paul A. Foerster entitled Second Edition of Algebra and Trigonometry: Functions
and Applications. These were questions were pulled from his book for students seeking extra
questions to practice for a test. You will find these worksheets handy as a test or exam review
whether or not you are using the same textbook.

So note that each sheet in the appendix covers the major themes of an Algebra II course. The
material to build these topics would have to be found in another document.

Luttrell 2012 131

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

1 Sets and Operations of Numbers

Directions: Use your algebra textbook to determine how to do the following questions. Read
carefully the text as well as the examples in the textbook. Try a few questions out of the
textbook for additional practice. Help is provided to clarify any concept.

1. Identify the different sets to which each number belongs.

Type Integers Natural Rational Imaginary Whole Complex

number (Z) (N) (Q) (C)

− 27

2. Simplify: (2x-3)(x+5) 3. Simplify: 4x - 2[3x - (x-2x)]

Explicitly solve two equivalent forms for absolute equations (inequalities). Then graph the

4. 4 - 3x > -5 5. | 3x + 2 | < 5 6. | x + 1 | < -3

7. 2 < | 2x + 3 | ≤ 5 8. | 5x - 3 | = 12 9. 8(x – 2) < 12

10. Expand: (x + y)3 11. Solve (x + 4)(x - 5)(2x + 3) = 0.

Luttrell 2012 132

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

2 Functions and Relations

1. Solve: x3 = 16x, domain ∈{x | x > 0} 2. Show the algebra to expressing
5.1121212... as a ratio of integers.

3. Determine if the following is a polynomial. If it is, give its name by both degree and term.
A. x2yz5 - 9x2y3z B. 4xy3 - 7xy7 + 5x2y5 C. 3x2y-3 - (2xy2)3

 2 x, x≤4
4. Graph: y = -x2 - 4x. 5. Graph f ( x ) = 
3 − x , x >4
What is the range? What is the range? What is f(4)? f(0)?

6. Explain or show the different ways you can determine if 3x2 - 3y2 - 6x + 5 = 0 is a function.
Is it a function?

7. Name the axiom(s): a. 12(4×3) = (12×4)(3) ______________

b. 3+(-3) = 3 - 3 = 0 ______________ ____________
c. 2(½) = 1 ______________
d. 3×4×2 = 2×3×4 ______________

8. Fill in the justifications for each step of the proof:

Multiplication Property of Zero

Step Justification
x(0+0) = x(0)
x(0+0) = 0 + x(0)
x(0)+x(0) = 0 + x(0)
x(0) = 0

Luttrell 2012 133

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

3 - Linear Functions
1. Graph y + 4 = -2(x - 1). 2. Graph 4y - x = 8.

3. Find the y-intercept and slope of 4. Transform y - 3 = ¾(x + 5)

3x - y + 5 = 0. into Ax + By = C form.

5. Graph the plane: x - 3y + 2z = 6. 6. Determine the type of system: dependent,

Label the intercepts and axes. inconsistent, or independent.
2x - 3y = 1
-5x + 7.5y = 4

7. Write the linear equation perpendicular 8. Write the equation of the line
to 2x + 4y = 5 that passes through (3,1). parallel to 2x + 4y = 5 that passes
through (3,1).

Luttrell 2012 134

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

4- Systems of Linear Functions

Solve the following systems by each of the following methods: Substitution, Elimination,
Determinants (Cramer’s Rule), Augmented Matrices, Graphing, Inverse Matrices. Attach any
additional sheets of paper you used to complete the different methods.

1. 2x + y = 3 2. 7x + 3y = 6 3. x – 5y = -6
x - 4y = -3 5x - 2y = 25 3x – 6y = 0

Solve each of the following systems by a different method: substitution, elimination,

determinants, and augmented matrices.

4. 2x - y - z = 6 5. 3x + 2y - z = 3
x + 5y + 3z = -10 x + 4y - 4z = 7
3x - y - 5z = 4 -2x - 3y + 5z = 0

Luttrell 2012 135

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

5 - Quadratic Functions
Convert the quadratic equations into Vertex Form. Graph.
1. y = 3x2 - 12x + 5 2. y = -2x2 + 8x - 3 3. y > 5x2 + 10x + 12

Verify the number of solutions by using the discriminant.

4. 0 = 3x2 + 4x + 5 5. 2x2 - 3x = 3 6. x2 + 2x = 5 - x

7. Write the quadratic equation that passes through (-3, 37), (1,1), and (2,7).

For #8- #10,use f(x) = 3x2 + x - 2 to find x such that the equation is true.

8. f(x) = 0 9. f(x) = 3 10. f(5) = x

Luttrell 2012 136

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6a - Exponentials
Simplify. No complex number should remain in the denominator!

3. ( − 2 x y )
3 2
1. (3x - 2)2 2. -72 ( 6 xy 3 ) 2

( 9 35 ) 10 −4 −7 2
4. 5. (1001x ) ÷ ( 77 x y )
6. ( 36 x ) 2

( 9 32 ) 11

(3x 3 ) 3
7. (128 x ) 7
8. 9. 4
x 12 y 8

5 2 +i 8i 4
10. 11. 12.
2i − 1 1 − 4i − 4 + 2i 9

Luttrell 2012 137

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6b - Logarithmic Functions
1. What is the definition of a logarithm?

Simplify into one logarithm:

2. log 2 + log 4 - log 3 3. 2log 4 - log 5 + 3log 3

Expand into several logarithms:

x2 y3 x 2 ( x +1 )
6. log(x + x )
4. log( z ) 5. log( 2 )

Change into a natural logarithm:

7. log 5 8. log 2 6 9. log 3 7


5 log 2005
10. 6 log 64 64 11. 10 12. log 8 2

13. log 1 14. log 0 15. log 1000

16. log 4 64 17. 2 log 27 3 18. log 2 + log 5

Luttrell 2012 138

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

6c - Solving Logarithmic Functions

Solve exactly:
x +1
1. 4
= 64 2. 2 =8 3. 3 = 25
4. 10 = 144

Solve simultaneously these systems in questions 5-6.

y = 3⋅2 x y = 32 x
5. 6.
y = 6 ⋅ 2 3x y = 2 ⋅3x

7. log 2 ( x − 4 ) + log 2 ( x − 2 ) = 3 8. log 3 ( x − 2 ) + log 3 x = 1

9. What are properties of inverses? How do you find an inverse to a function?

10. Graph and determine if y = −5 and y = − log 5 x are inverses.


Find the inverse of:

11. f ( x ) = 3 x + 2 12. y = 3 13. f ( x ) = ( x − 1)
2 x 2

Determine if the following pairs of equations are inverses:

f (x) = x 2 + 2 f (x) = 2 ⋅3x
14. 15.
g ( x) = ( x − 2) 2 g ( x ) = log 3 2 x

Luttrell 2012 139

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

7 - Rational Functions
Expand these polynomials:
1. (6x + 5)2 2. (x - y)3 3. (2x + 4)2

Factor these polynomials:

4. x2 - 6x - 27 5. 12x2 + 25x + 12 6. 7a4 - 28b2

7. 9x2 - 4y6 8. 8x3 - 27y12 9. 4xy -3y -8xy2 + 6y2

Simplify these rational expressions:

x 2 + 2 xy + y 2 y + x 1− 4
x +1 x +2 x +1
10. ÷ 11. 12. + 2
x2 − y2 y−x 1− 2
x −1 x −1 x + x +1

Solve these equations:

x +3 18 x 2 3
13. 2x2 - 5x = 7 14. = 2 15. − =5
2x − 3 4x − 9 x +1 x −1

16. A rectangular piece of cardboard has area of 200 cm2. The length is four times its width.
Find the dimensions of the cardboard.

17. A metal worker wants to make sure an open box made from 6" by 8" sheet of metal has
maximum volume. The box was made by cutting out equal squares from the corners of the
sheet and then bending edges. Once you determine the equation to represent volume, use
a calculator to find the maximum volume and corresponding dimensions of the box. Explain
how you got your answer.

Reduce the equations. Graph, labelling the intercepts and discontinuities. Differentiate between
removable and nonremovable asymptotes. No calculator!
x2 − x −6 3x + 3
18. f ( x ) = 19. f ( x ) =
( x + 2 )( x + 3 ) 2 x3 +1

Luttrell 2012 140

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

8 - Irrational Functions

Answer the following questions based on f ( x ) = 4 − 3−x .

1. What is the domain? 2. What is the range?

3. When will f(x) = 2? 4. Where does the maximum occur?

5. 3 125 − 2 80 + 405 6. ( 2 3 − 2 )(2 3 + 2 ) 7. 4

8. x +6 −x =4 9. 2 x − 4x − 3 =
4x − 3

x 1
10. +3 = −1
x −1 x −1

Luttrell 2012 141

Name: ______________________ Date: _____

9 - Polynomials of any Degree

1. Describe the difference in the shape of the curves between even-powered polynomials and
odd-powered polynomials.

2. Complex solutions come in _____________. They are ________________ to each other.

Use synthetic division to rewrite as linear (or non-reducible quadratic) factors:

3. x − x − 4 x + 4 4. 5 x − 3 x − 8 x + 20 5. x + x − 5 x + x − 6
3 2 3 2 4 3 2

6. How many possible positive and negative zeros does y = x − x − 11x + 9 x + 8 have?
4 3 2

Luttrell 2012 142

Final Exam

Let me say a word about this final exam. This is an excerpt of an exam where grades seven through twelve had a
common portion of questions. The pages were broken down by subject material so that everyone always had to
show competence on their basics. This allowed me as a teacher to assess students’ progress. This also allowed for
reducing my exam writing so I didn’t have six completely different exams to write, on top of the other courses I
taught. The idea was continue to drill the basics as they learned more concepts each year. This was essential as I
noted when arriving at my school a lot of students were weak in their arithmetic and oblivious to their need to shore
up their weak areas before graduating.

Thus the exam starts off where everyone has the same pages but slowly different grades will drop out. The bonus
page is numbered in base 2 so that it can be attached at any point of the exam. For example the first five pages are
for grades seven and eight. So I would attach the bonus page at the end of the fifth page, and not bother printing the
rest of the exam for them. I would circle the grade at the top of the page after correlating and stapling the pages.
Then I would ask students when passing out the test to verify they had the correct exam by checking the grade level.

You will also note that the first two pages were to be done without a calculator. The students would have to submit
it before receiving the rest of the exam and allowing calculators to be used. I would color code the exam sheets so
the non-calculator pages were different. Then I would have a visual reminder when scanning the examinees for
calculator misuse. I got this idea of having a calculator/non-calculator parts from my colleague Dr Keith Calkins,
who would also color code.

Luttrell 2012

Final Exam
Name: __________________________ Your grade level: 7, 8, 9, 10
Date: ____________

Follow directions! No calculator is allowed on this part of the exam. Show work for full
credit. One 8.5" by 11" sheet of notes is allowed on the entire exam.

Real Numbers and Their Operations

1. Simplify:
a. 15 - 7 b. 3 -17 c. -5(-21) d. -120 ÷ -3

2. Simplify, leaving answer as proper fraction (mixed number):

a. 45 + 53 b. 45 − 23 c. 43 × 15
d. − 14
15 ÷

3. Simplify:
a. 3.4 - 5.25 b. - 4.1 - 3.001 c. 0.011(3.5) d. 5.46 ÷ 0.6

4. Simplify:
a. 4 b. 75% of 88 c. ___ % = 0.241 d. 16

Bonus (2 pts): Simplify, exactly: 32

Luttrell 2012

Basic Algebra Final Exam 7, 8, 9, 10
Leave answers as exact or proper fractions (mixed numbers). Demerits given for not leaving
answer in correct form.

5. Solve for x:
a. 4x = -10 b. 4x - 3 = 7 c. 3(x + 2) = 9

6. Simplify:
a. (6x3 + 24x2) ÷ (3x) b. - 6x2(2x + 5x2)

7. Simplify:
a. (x3 + 3x2) + (5x - 4x2) b. (5x3 - 4x) - (3x3 - x)

8. Write a proportion for the similar triangles below. Solve for x.

8 2

9. Paul eats twice as fast as Nathan, who eats eats three times slower than Ms Luttrell. She
finishes eating her lunch in 12 minutes, how quickly does Paul eat?

Bonus (2 pts): An $56 sweater is on sale for $42. What is the percent of discount?

Luttrell 2012

Name: __________________________ Final Exam 7, 8, 9, 10
Basic Geometry
Calculator is allowed from this point onward. You must show work for full credit!!

10. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

4.2 cm

3.1 cm

11. A rectangle with dimensions x and 3x - 4 has a perimeter of 24. Find x. Then find its area.

12. If the diameter of a circle is 6 cm, what is its circumference? What is its area?
(Leave the answer in terms of π.)

13. What is the area of the triangle?

9 cm

14. If a cube has surface area of 150 cm2, then what is the volume of the cube?

Bonus (2 pts): Find the area of the right triangle: 12

Luttrell 2012

Basic Statistics & Probability Final Exam 7, 8, 9, 10

Use the following test scores to answer the questions #14 to #16:
61 65 68 71 71 73 77 78 78 82 82 82 87 89 91 91 95 98.

15. Construct a stem-and-leaf plot.

16. What is the mode? The median? The mean?

17. Create a histogram, labeling the axes.

18. The class has 3 boys and 5 girls. What is your chance of randomly picking a boy’s name
from the list?

19. There are 4 pants (beige, blue, green, black) and 2 matching shirts (white, yellow). How
many ways can you match a pants with a shirt? Write out the combinations if you must.

Bonus (2 pts): A class average on an exam is 85 where the boys in the class averaged 90. The
class of eight students has only three boys. What is the girls’ average?

Luttrell 2012

Miscellaneous Arithmetic & Geometry Final Exam 7, 8, 9, 10

20. Factor the following numbers using a factor tree:

a. 48 B. 144

21. Complete the chart:

Scientific Notation Standard form

2.1 × 107

22. Identify the type of angle:

a. b. c. d.

23. Find the volume: 6


24. Circle whether true or false:

true false If all the sides of one triangle equal to all the sides of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent (equal).
true false If two sides of an isosceles are equal to two sides of another isosceles, then the
triangles are congruent (equal).
true false An equilateral triangle has three equal angles as well.
true false The angles in a triangle sum to be 180̊.
true false The cube with side length of 4 cm has a surface area of 64 cm2.

Bonus (3pts):
A regular (all sides and angles are equal) octagon has perimeter of 96 cm. Find its area.
Luttrell 2012

Algebra: Linear & Quadratics Systems Final Exam 9, 10

25. Write the equation of a line that passes through (2,5) and (4, 6).
Bonus (3 pts): Write the line perpendicular that passes through (3,4).

26. Solve the system: 2x + 3y = 3 Bonus (3pts each) for doing

- 3x - 3y = -9 two other methods.

27. Graph the solutions to the system: y ≤ 3x - 2 and y < x + 1.

28. Answer the questions based on the equation: y = 5x + 6.

a. Slope = _____
b. y-intercept = ______
C. x-intercept = ______
Bonus (1 pt): f(7) = ______

Bonus: Solve by one method (3 pts), by an additional method (2pts): 2x2- 7x + 5 = 0

Luttrell 2012

Miscellaneous Algebra Final Exam 9, 10
29. Simplify each:
b. 3 × 3
0 3 2 2 0 2 3
a. ( 4 x y ) ( 3x y )

c. (3 - 2i) + (1 + 3i) D. (3 - 2i)(1 + 3i)

30. A. Expand: (x - 3)(x - 5) B. Solve for x: 3 - 2(1 - x) = -5.

C. Solve for x: 3 - x < 6 D. Solve for x: | x - 3 | > 3

E. Expand: (x - 3)(x²-5x + 6)

31. Do the matrix operations:

a. [ 2 3] + [-1 2] b. [ 2 -2] × [4 3] c. 2[4 -1]

x2 − 4x − 5
32. Simplify: 2
x − 8x − 9

Luttrell 2012

Algebra: Graphing & Evaluating Final Exam 10

33. Graph: y = 3x2 - 6x - 4, labeling the intercepts, vertex and symmetry point.

34. Graph x + y = 9
2 2

35. A. Evaluate f(x) = 8 - 2x³ + 4x + 7x² when f(-2).

B. Evaluate f(x) = 3x³ + 4x² when x = -1.

36. Solve: x −1 = 7

37. Solve
x −1 + 4 = 6

Bonus: (3 pts) Solve 3

x −1 +3= 5
x −1

Luttrell 2012

Algebra: Series & Logarithms Final Exam 10

38. Write the next three terms for the sequence: 2, 8, 14, ____, ____, ____ ... and then write a
general equation to represent the terms of the sequence.

39. Write in summation notation: 2+8 + 14 +... 236.

40. Evaluate: ∑ (k
k =3
− k)

41. A. Expand this logarithm: log 4 3x
B. Simplify into one logarithm log(x-1) + log(x+1) - log 4

42. Solve: e = 6

Bonus (2 pts): Find the zeroes of the equation: y = 3x 4 − 6 x 2 + 8 x − 16 .

Luttrell 2012

Basic Trigonometry Final Exam 10

43. A right triangle has a hypotenuse of 60 and leg of 24. What is the measure of the other leg?
What are the angle measures?

44. The oldest tree in town casts a shadow of 52 m long on level ground. At the same time, a
boy 2 m tall casts a shadow 4 m long.
A. How tall is the tree?
B. If the boy, standing 60 m away, looks into binoculars at an osprey at the top of the
tree, what is the angle of elevation?

45. In a right triangle where sin x = 2 , find cos x.

46. A surveyor is measuring the distance across a small lake. He has set up his transit on side of
the lake 150 meters from a piling that is directly across from a pier on the other side of the lake.
From his transit, the angle between the piling and the pier is 72̊. What is the distance between
the piling and the pier to the nearest foot?

Bonus (2 pts): For what angle is sinθ = ½ and tanθ = − 3 ?

Luttrell 2012

Bonus Final Exam 7, 8, 9, 10

Each bonus question is worth 4! ÷ 3!. Show work for full credit!!

0. How can 7 + 8 = 12? One possibility is that the number system being used is to the base 13.
However, what we are looking for here is a different digit to be substituted for each of the letters in the
following example in order to give a correct addition.

01. If the city of A is 9000 miles from B, and B is 9000 miles from the city of C, what is the probability
that C is closer to A than to B?

10. What number should be replace the x?

7 8 9
4 6 8
1 x 7

11. With the weights given below, find x so the weights balance the scale.

6 10 12 x

100. What is X? 131 517 192 X

I have been careful not to allow others to see my work and the work on the examination is completely my own. This examination
may be returned for my own personal use and I will not share it except with concurrent classmates. Other uses are not condoned.
I will properly dispose it. I will not talk about the exam until after June 30.

Signature/Date: ____________________________________

Luttrell 2012

Answer Key
A select portion of the answers are given below. Any answer with graphics was not included.

Sheet 1a: 1. 17, Four less than a number is thirteen.

2. 3, Five more than a number is eight.
3. 3, A number less than eight is five.
9. 18, A number divided by three is six.
12. 9, A number times six is fifty-four.

Sheet 1b: 2. 3.1234322... 3. 3.040040004... 4. ½

Sheet 1c: 2. 3600 3. 86400 6. A. 315/100 6. B. 104/33

Sheet 1d: 6. A. < B. > C. < D. <

Sheet 1e: 2. -13 3. -12 4. 0 5. -8 6. -2

7. -14 11. 9 12. 0 13. 6

Sheet 1f: 1. 10 2. -9 3. -14 4. 3 5. 3 6. -15

7. -2 8. 2 25. 11 26. 5 27. 7 28. 16
33. 2 34. - 4 35. -3 36. 1 38. $43 40. 11

Sheet 1g: 1. 24 3. -45 5. 18 7. -60 9. -85 11. -217

13. -24 15. 70 17. 3 19. -4 21. 10 23. 9
25. -5 27. 8 29. 9 31. -1

Sheet 1h: 1. Hundred 3. Million 6. Tens 8. (5×1000) + (3×100) + (4×10) + (5×1)

13. 453,800 15. 76,876

Sheet Test review: 1. A. 40 2. A. 1 3. A. 8 C. 7 D. -20

4. C. 9 5. 406,530 6. 4(10,000) + 3(100) + 5(100) +7(1)

Chapter 1 Test: 2. A. 501,072 3. A. x – 3 4B. 900,300 5. A. 3

Sheet 2a: 4. 3∕4 5. 9∕10 6. 3∕4

Sheet 2b: 1. 3 ⅔ 2. 3 7∕12 8. 2⅓ 9. 23∕8 11. 72∕7

15. 53∕10 16. 66∕5

Sheet 2c: 1. 1 1∕12 3. 1 1∕4 5. 1 23∕26 7. 3∕4 9. 1 21∕45

11. 1 13∕24

Sheet 2d: 1. ⅔ 3. ¼ 5. 6∕7 7. 12 1∕10 9. 2¼ 11. -2

13. 15 15. 40 17. 2∕5 19. 2∕7 21. 1 25∕27

Sheet 2e: 1. 43 ½ 3. 6⅞ 7. 37 8. 6⅓

Sheet 2f: 3. –x2 + 4xy + y2 5. 4x2 + 2x + 2 7. 8x3 – 15x2 + 3x + 8

11. x + 4 12. x + 4

Sheet 2g: 1. -7 3. 7 5. -17 7. 24 9. -30 11. -96

13. 98 15. -324 17. -18 19. 3 21. 0 23. 10
Luttrell 2012

Answer Key, chapters 2-3

Sheet 2h: 1. 2 3. 3 5. -5 7. 1 9. 4 11. 4

13. 0 15. 3

Sheet 2i: 1. 4 3. ¾ 5. 3 7. -140 9. 108 11. 4

13. 21 15. -9 17. 3

Sheet 2j: 1. 5 3. -5 5. ½ 7. 3.5 9. -2

Sheet 2k: 1. -2 3. -25 5. 3 7. {}

Sheet 2L: 1. -1 3. 2 5. -5 7. 4 9. 1 11. 24

13. 10 15. 4 1∕5

Sheet 2m: 1. 80 by 44 3. 5 5. 1 by 2 7. 32 9. 3

Sheet 2n: 1. 80 3. 97⅜ 5. 14 61∕64 7. 110 5∕6 ft 2 or 12 17∕54 yd2

Sheet 2o: 1. 4 3. 4 5. 1¼ 7. 2⅓ 9. -5 2∕5

11. -1⅔ 13. -6 15. 14 27∕32

Sheet 2p: 1. 2 7∕34 3. 5 5∕7 5. 9∕22 7. 3 3∕14 9. 8 19∕64

Sheet 2q: 1. 6 ½ 3. 1 2∕7 5. 12 7. 21⅓ 9. 1¼

11. 15∕32 13. 8

Sheet 2r: 1. A. 13⅞ B. 29⅓ C. 12 23∕24 3. A. 24 ½ B. 17 ½ C. 12 ¼

5. 16 7. 12 4∕5 9. W = 1 ½, area = 8¼

Chapter 2 Test: 2. 27∕4; 2⅞ 4. A. 12 4∕9, B. 2 5∕8 6. A. 6∕7, B. 2 1∕8 8. 10 1∕6

Sheet 3a: 1. 351.008 3. 4800.40335 9. 47∕100 11. 5 63∕100 13. 2.3

Sheet 3b: 1. 40.5 3. 61.0625 5. 0.8 7. 2.1 9. 16.4 13. 4, 7

Sheet 3c: 2. 2.11, 2.111, 2.112, 2.121 5. 2.418 7. 81.364 9. 14.6917

11. -0.82 13. -44.55 15. -4.255 17. 5.251

Sheet 3d: 1. 39.18’ 3. 39.84’ 5. 13.2’ 7. 11.6” 9. 6.5’

Sheet 3e: 1. 30.03 3. -0.0483 5. 18.7068 7. -18.13 9. -85.86

11. 0.003611 13. $86.50 15. P=21.2 ft, A=28.09 ft2 17. 171.91 ft2

Sheet 3f: 1. 33.784 3. 28.4889 5. 22.14 7. 46.7

Sheet 3g: 1. 0.0135 3. 40 5. 14.592 7. 0.023 9. 100.21

11. 6 13. 9 15. $16.67 17. 3.4 (4)

Sheet 3h: 1. 8.99 3. 0.27 5. 45 7. 8 9. 9

11. 22.72 13. 3.2

Sheet 3i: 1. 56.52 2. 6.28 5. 2.00 6. 1.50

Sheet 3j: 1. 254.3 2. 3.1 5. 3 6. 4

Luttrell 2012

Answer Key, chapters 3-4

Sheet 3k: 1. SA=880, V = 1600 3. SA≈ 628, V ≈ 1,177.5

Sheet 3L: 1. 60 3. 3840 5. 4 times, 64 times 7. 32π

9. double, 8 times 11. K → K3

Sheet 3m: 1. 200 3. 6.93 5. 810 7. 267.9 9. 198.4

Sheet 3n: 1. 25 3. 10 5. 80 7. 300 9. 4187

11. 1000 13. 54 15. 60

Sheet 3o: 1. 12 3. 2 5. 100.5

Sheet 3p: 1. 235.5 3. 60 5. 1130

Chapter 3 Test: 1. A. 6.001, 6.01, 6.1, 6.11 B. -3.3, -3.22, -3.2 3. A. 11.3 B. 18
3. C. 12.307 7. 11.1 8. 44.33 10. V = 500π cm2, SA = 250π cm

Sheet 4a: 1. -5/8 2. A(b+c) = Ab+Ac 3. 3 4. 1/x 5. 5+(-5) = 0

Sheet 4b: 1. 3×3 = 9 3. 5×5×5 = 125 5. 4×4 = 16 7. 8×8 = 64

9. 1000 11. 0 13. 81 15. -243
19. 1∕27 21. 1∕27 23. 1∕216

Sheet 4c: 1. 441 3. 0 5. -15 7. 5x – 5x2 9. 3x + 3

Sheet 4d: 3. -2 5. ½ 7. -180 9. -2 11. -2

Sheet 4e: 1. 1 3. -6 5. 1 7. 23 9. 1 4/7

Sheet 4f: 1. Seventy-five 3. Four hundred 5. Ten thousands 7. Hundreds

9. 3(100,000) + 4(10,000) + 5(1,000) + 6(100) + 4(10) + 5(1) 13. 4,083,700

Sheet 4g: 1. 104 3. 107 5. 49,506 7. 7,860,000 9. 87,401

2 0
11. 4(10 ) + 3(10 ) 13. 5(107) + 5(105)

Sheet 4h: 2. 5(104) + 3(103) + 1(102) 5. 3(101) + 2(100) 9. 7,426 11. 8,121,530
10. 23 11. 5 12. 53 13. 64,206

Sheet 4i: 3. 1(103) 5. 4(1016) 11. 1(101) + 2(100) + 5(10-3) 15. 8,450,001

Sheet 4j: 1. 1.23×10-4 3. 3.45×10-8 5. 7.6×1010 7. 2.3×1013 9. 4.56×1014

11. 23,400 13. 67,000,000 15. 0.000 034 17. 0.000 003 25

Sheet 4k: 1. 4% 3. 45% 5. 100% 7. 0.23 9. 0.003

11. $3.20 13. $4.80 15. $4.20 17. $6.30 19. $88
21. $14.25; 33.3% 23. $68.80; $72.93; $91.16

Sheet 4L: 1. 500; 5000; 0.005 3. 0.045; 0.000045 5. 3; 300

1. 1440 3. 0.081 5. 1 7. 0.000145 9. 96.75
11. 0.0004005 13. 480

Luttrell 2012

Answer Key, chapters 4-6
Sheet 4m: 1. 9 3. 16 5. 50 7. 12 9. 12; 14; 108; 42
11. Quadrilateral 12. Hexagon 13. 105

Sheet 4n: 1. 20.8 2. 2300m; 2,300,000 mm 3. 4.2 classes 4. 90% 5. 25%

Chapter 4 Test: 1. <; <; = 2. 7/3; 2/3 3. 15; 4; 40 4. 9; 25; 5.42 5. 1600; 420
6. $3.20 is cheaper; 326.7 km 7. 28; 10; 150; 64; 39% 8. 247,026
9. 80% 10. 37% 11. A. 234000 11. C. 6,304 11. D. -6
11.E. 8 Bonus Jar I: 350 red, 50 white; Jar II: 360 red, 40 white

Sheet 5a: 1. H = 3V/(πr2) 2. m = (y-b)/x 5. Y1 = m(x1-x2) + y2 7. h= 2A/b

Sheet 5b: 1. S = 2T-5 3. 3R 5. S+T = 50,000 7. x + y

9. H = 4 + y 11. H = ½ L 13. T = 1.25S 15. D = 8

Sheet 5c: 1. x = 5 3. x = 6 5. w > -4 7. z < -6

Sheet 5d: 1. | 6 - 4 | = 2 3. | 7 – (-3)| = 10 5. | x – (-2)| = 4 7. |x – (-2)| < 4

9. 5, 11 11. -8, 4

Sheet 5e: 1. 2 3. -4, 4 5. x < 3 7. -3 ≤ x ≤ 3 9. -2, 8

11. -1, 11 12. -1, 5

Sheet 5f: 1. -1< x < 5 3. -8 < x < -6 5. x < -4 or x > 6 7. -2≤ x ≤ 6 9. x > 1 or x < -1/2
10. 0 < y < 4 14. 9 ≤ x ≤ 15 15. -5 ≤ x ≤ -1

Sheet 5g: 4. The figure is a line.

Sheet 5h: 1, 6, 4, 2, 7, 8, 5, 3 9. y = kx 11. y = k/x 12. y = k 15. y = kx + b

Sheet 5i: 1. Yes, Domain: -1 ≤ x ≤ 4; Range: -5 ≤ y ≤ 6 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes

5. Yes 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. No 9. No

Chapter 5 Test: 1. 7.5; 8; 6 2. T = 180B + 14000; 16,340 3. h = 2A/b; h = V/(πr2)

4. y < -3… 5. -2 < x < 8; -7 ≤ x ≤ 5; 2, -⅔

Sheet 6a: Fill in blanks: 3, 6, 1, 3, 6, 4 1. x = {-1, 0}, y = {4, -2.5}

2. x = {7, 14}, y = {3, 9, 15} 3. x = {6, 10}, y = {7.96, 23.88}

Sheet 6b: Graphs are not included.

Sheet 6c: 1. y = ⅔x – 7 2. y = 3x – 2 3. y = -⅓x + 2 4. y = -x + 3

5. y = -2x + 5 6. y = 2 7. -4x + 9y = 51

Sheet 6d: 1. y = -3x + 2 2. y = ⅔x + 2⅓ 4. y = x + 5 6. y = -2x + 5

7. y = 4x – 11 8. y = -3 Graphs are not included (#9-#17)
9. x = 6 10. x = 6 11. x = -3 12. y = 4

Sheet 6e: 1. A & C 2. y = ⅓x + ⅔ 3. 5x – 3y = -26 4. 4x + 9y = -2

Luttrell 2012

Answer Key, chapters 6-8
Sheet 6f: 1. A&B, B&C 2. D 3. 3x + 5y = 22 4. 3x + 4y = -1

Sheet 6g: Graphs are not included. Simplified equations: 1. y < -2x -4 2. y > -3x + 5
3. y < x – 4 4. y ≤ 2x + 4 5. y ≥ - ½ x + 2.5 6. y > 4/3 x - 3

Sheet 6h: 1. (2.5, 0.5) 2. (2, 4) 3. (2,-1) 4. (-3, -4) 5. (-3, -2) 6. (3, 5)
Sheet 6i: 1. (3, 2) 2. (1, 1) 3. (2, -3) 4. (2,4) 5. (3, 1) 6. (3, -2)

Sheet 6j: 1. (½, ⅓) 2. (1, 3) 3. (4, 7) 4. (-6, 5) 5. (2, -5) 6. once

Sheet 6k: 1. Y = 0.49x; $36.75 2. Y = 64x + 5500; $21,500 3. Y = 25x + 65; $127.50
4. y = 8x; $96 5. Y = -1360x + 17000; $-3400 (cost you to get rid of it!!!)

Sheet 6L: 1. 161.6°F 2. $270 3. 36 ft 4. 46,875 ft2 5. 2 ⅔ cups

6. 1⅓ cup 7. Keith = 48, Shirleen = 32, Rachel = 16

Chapter 6 Test: 1. -9, ½, -10 2. C = 60, A = 480 5. (4, 3) 6. 6x – 9y = 8; -x + 2y = 10

7. y = -6x + 27 9. Y = 0.75x + 2.75 10. 2x – 3y = 17; 3x + 2y = 6 Bonus: 32; -1

Sheet 7a: 1. 12 2. 36 5. 16 6. {} 8. 8y + 49y2

9. 176x2 11. 4x4 12. ½ 14. Z3y6x9 15. 1

Sheet 7b: 1. Y11 2. –x8y6 3. Z6 4. A18b11 5. X8 6. a/2

Sheet 7c: 1. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
2. 3 and 5 3. 11 4. 3 and 9 5. 6, 9, and 11

Sheet 7d: 1. 22×29 2. 52×7 5. GCF = 7; LCM = 105 7. GCF = 3, LCM 378
9. GCF = 6; LCM = 168 11. GCF = 5; LCM = 350 13. GCF = 8; LCM = 448

Sheet 7e: 1. 2√6 2. 5√3 3. 4√6 5. 12 6. 15 7. 25

Sheet 7f: 1. 16 3. 32 4. 16 6. 49 10. √3 11. 9

Sheet 7g: 1. 0 2. 3√3 3. 9√3 4. 1 5. -6x 6. 10√2

7. 6√2 8. 8√2 9. 54 10. 24√6 11. √6 12. 75

Sheet 7h: 1. √3 2. 3√(5)/5 3. √(30)/6 4. √(6)/3 5. √(2)/2

Sheet 7i: 1. ±4 2. ±5 3. 2 4. 144 5. 225 6. 30

7. 50 8. 22

Chapter 7 Test: 1. 8; 48 2. 2; 504 3. 8∕27; -256 4. -⅓; 9261 5. 20; y4∕x

6. 1∕512; x15 7. 3.4×10-11; 5×109 8. 3; 5; 28 bonus: 909; -1982

Sheet 8a: 1. x2 – xy – 6y2 3. –x2 + 5x – 6 5. 2a2 – 7ab – 15b2 7. W2 – 4 9. –x2 + 8x + 33

Sheet 8b: 1. (x + 1)(x + 3) 3. (x + 4)(x + 2) 5. (x – 2)(x – 12) 7. (x + 3)(x + 6) 9. (x + 4)(x + 5)

Luttrell 2012

Answer Key, chapter 8 & appendix
Sheet 8c: 1. (x - 2)(x + 3) 3. (x + 2)(x – 10) 5. (x + 2)(x – 8) 7. (x-4)(x+4) 9. (x - 9)(x + 2)

Sheet 8d: 1. (2x + 7)(x – 1) 4. (x + 1)(4x – 5) 7. (3x – 4)(x + 1) 10. (3x + 2)(2x – 3)

Sheet 8e: 1. {1, 6} 2. {2, 1} 3. {3, 4} 4. {4, -1} 5. {-1, -4}

6. {-12, -1} 7. {-7, 2} 8. {2, 6} 9. {-2, -6} 10. {1.5, -2}

Sheet 8f: (ax ± b)2; (ax –b)(ax + b) 1. {±3} 2. {±4} 3. {±5} 4. {±6}
5. {0, ±2} 6. {0, ±4} 7. {±3} 8. {±3} 9. {±0.6}

Sheet 8g: 1. (5x+3)(5x–3) 2. (2-9x)(2+9x) 3. 16(c-2)(c+2) 4. 3(3-n)(3+n) 5. 3c(c-3)(c2 +3c+9)

6. x(x-1)(x2+x+1) 7. 5x2(x-10)(x2+10x+100) 9. ab(a-b)(a2+ab+b2)

Sheet 8h: 1. {0.6, -1} 2. {1.75, -1} 4. {-3⅓, 1} 5. {2, 3} 6. {⅓, -4} 7. {6,-1}

Sheet 8i: 1. {2⅔, -1} 2. {-6, 1} 3. {1, -8} 5. {3, -1} 6. {-3.5, 1} 8. {1.5, 1}

Sheet 8j: 1. {0, -8, -8, -5, 0, 16} 2. {4, -3, -6, -5, 0, 9} 3. {2, 0, 0, 2, 6, 12}

Sheet 8k: 2. Up; y-int (0,8); vertex (3,-1); sym (6,8) 5. Down; y-int (0,-2); vertex (1.5, 0.25); sym (3,-2)

Sheet 8L: 1. 27 ft 2. C = 50.5; Wind speed 3. 365.8 parts per million 4. 14 mph

Sheet 8m: 1. -6 2. 0 3. 8 – 4i 4. -13 + 10i

Sheet 8n: 1. 12 + 5i 2. 13 3. -3 – 4i 4. 4 7. √5 8. 13

Chapter 8 Test: 2. –x2 – x – 4; x2y2 + 3xy3 3. 12b; -6p5 4. 4x2 + 6x; -36 - 24t
5. 5a(5 + 6a); 3c(c - 5) 6. (a+7)(a+6); 32(x-2) 7. a2 -2a – 3; 6x2 – x –12
8. 2a – 4; 4(a – 1) 9. {2, -7}; {-11} 10. {-1, -1⅔}
11. up; vertex (1.25; -0.125), y-int (0, 3); sym (2.5; -0.125) 12. 49; two real bonus. 1

Cumulative Review: 1. 1.2x5y3 2. 3 3. P = I/(rt) 5. -5 < x < ⅓ 6. -2x + 15y = -12

7. y = -7.5x + 1 9. y = 3x – 7 10. 4x2 – 20x + 25 11. ⅔, 1
13. 0.6 ± 0.8i 14. (4y + 5)/(xy)

A-1 4. x < 3 5. x > 1 8. {3, -1.8} 9. x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y3 10. {-4, 5, -1.5}

A-2 1. {4} 2. 5061/990 5. Range {y| y ≤ 8}; 8, 0

6. No. There are two values for y for an x.

A-3 3. Slope is 3 and y-intercept is 5. 4. 3x – 4y = -27 6. Inconsistent 7. y = 2x - 5

A-4 1. (1, 1) 2. (3, -5) 3. (4, 2) 4. (2, -3, 1) 5. (-1, 4, 2)

A-5 1. y = 3(x – 2)2 – 7 3. y > 5(x + 1)2 + 7 5. 33; 2 real

7. y = 3x2 – 3x + 1 8. {-1, ⅔} 10. {78}
Luttrell 2012

Answer Key, appendix

A-6a 2. -49 6. 216x3 7. 4x4 8. 4.5x4 10. -1 – 2i 12. -2i

A-6b 2. log 8/3 3. log 86.4 4. 2log x + 3log y – log z 6. log x + log(x+1)
7. ln5/ln10 8. ln6/ln2 10. 5/6 11. 2005 12. ⅓ 13. 0
15. 3 16. 3 17. ⅔ 18. 1

A-6c 1. 3 2. 2 4. log 144 6. (log32, 4) 7. 6 8. 3

10. no 12. y = log3 x 14. No 15. no

A-7 1. 36x2 + 60x + 25 2. x3 - 3x2y + 3xy2 - y3 3. 4x2 + 16x + 16 4. (x – 9)(x + 3)

2 2
5. (3x + 4)(4x + 3) 6. 7(a – 2b)(a + 2b0 7. (3x – 2y3)(3x + 2y3)
9. y(4x – 3)(1 – 2y) 10. -1 13. {-1, 3.5} 14. {3} 15. {0, -0.2}
18. Removable at x = -2; non-removable at x = -3 19. Removable at x = -1

A-8 1. x ≤ 3 2. y ≤ 4 3. -1 4. (3,4) 6. 10 8. -2 9. 1

A-9 2. pairs; conjugates 3. (x – 2)(x + 2)(x – 1) 4. (x – 1)(5x2+2x – 6)

5. (x2 + 1)(x + 3)(x - 2) 6. Two positive and two negative zeroes

Final Exam: You can always email me if you need my answers. I might use this exam again in the future…

Luttrell 2012


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