Lesson Plan Guide: Unit/Chapter Objective/Generalization/Big Idea

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: S student Date: July 29,


Grade and Topic: 1th grade Science Length of Lesson: 45 – 60


Mentor Teacher: Cornelius School: U of Memphis


o Recognize the structure of plats (roots, stems, leaves,) and describe the function of the

o The student will, using technology, create a table showing the parts of a plant and it’s
function with at least 90% accuracy.
o Given ample technology, the student will research analyze data to illustrate and
present a summary of the plant parts and their functions.

o 1.LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
o Recognize the structure of plants (roots, stems, leaves) and describe the function of
the parts (taking in water and air, producing food, making new plants).
o Illustrate and summarize the life cycle of plants.
o Analyze and interpret data from observations to describe how changes in the
environment cause plants to respond in different ways
o Graphic organizer
o Dictionary
o Computer
o Pencil
o Paper
o Internet Access to:
a. Present YouTube video
b. BrainPOP
c. Research materials


o With previous knowledge and use of technology, the students will create a table
using Microsoft word, and in the future build on this knowledge and further their
abilities using Microsoft.
o Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
o This lesson is a continuation of TN science K.ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
o We will refer to this lesson when discussing photosynthesis.
o We will also use our outlines for a unit on technology education.
o I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master
the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not
covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.


o Introduction-Prior to the computer( 15 minutes)

 The teacher will begin the lesson by passing a flower around the classroom.
 Instructing the students to be careful with the flower, the teacher will ask the students to
assess the flower and write down obvious characteristics of the flower: how it felt, color,
smell, etc.
 The students and the teacher will then engage in discussion about the facts that the students
wrote down.
 The teacher will then present a YouTube video on the parts of the flower.

o Procedures
At the computer (25 minutes)

o Teacher Procedures:
After the Introduction, watching the video of the parts of the flower, the students will be
instructed to research the parts of the flower (roots, stem, leaves) and their functions.

Student Procedures: Assignment 1

1. The students will be assigned a computer and be instructed to use google to look up the
definition of the flower part and it’s function.
2. Using word, the students will create a table of the data that collected.
3. Open a new word document.
4. In the insert tab, go to table and insert 4 rows and 3 columns.
5. Label the rows: part, definition, function, picture
6. Change font to Times New Roman, and size to 12
7. Hit save after every step.
8. Print table when done

Student Procedures: Assignment 2

1. At their computers, the students will use ToonDoo Website to create a comic of
themselves teaching about a part of a flower.
2. They will insert more than one character and at least 3 pictures of a flower.
3. The comic should be in enough detail that I know which flower part they are
4. They will save the comic and turn it in as a grade

o After the computer (10 minutes)

 With their elbow partners, the students will compare and contrast their tables.
 The pair will come up with one similarity and one difference to discuss with the class.

*The table and comic will be taken up for a grade

o Closure (10 minutes)

 Each pair will discuss the comparisons and differences of their tables with the class.
 To end the lesson, the teacher will pass out a worksheet that is a matching game to
match the parts of the flower to the right definition. This will be taken up as a quiz grade.

Formative Assessment: The teacher will formally assess the students during discussion and
paired partner times. The teacher will assess the students as they do their research and use
the praise, prompt, leave strategy to encourage and redirect the students.

The teacher will also take up the comic strip as a formative assessment grade because this
will be the students first time using ToonDoo.

Summative Assessment: the teacher will collect the tables made by the students at the end
of the class to be taken as a grade.

The teacher will also take up the matching worksheet as a quiz grade.

Table Rubric

Criteria 3 2 1

The definition Definition was The student didn’t Definition was

portion will be from internet, use wording of completely made
correct and obviously looked the internet, some up.
copied from the up during made up.
internet. research time.
The function of The student had Wrong function, Wrong function
the flower is the correct but research was and no research.
correct and facts function labeled done.
are presented and it was
from research obvious the
student did

The picture was of Picture is of Wrong part of No picture.

the right part of correct part of flower. Picture
the flower and is flower and off the was from internet.
posted from the internet.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part
of this particular lesson.

Student Sample
Part Definition Function Picture
Roots the part of a  Absorb water
plant which  Anchor plant
attaches it to the in ground.
ground or to a  Store food
support, typically
conveying water
and nourishment
to the rest of the
plant via
branches and

Stem the main body  Support for

or stalk of a leaves
plant or shrub,  Keeps the
typically rising leaves in the
above ground light.
but occasionally  Holds flowers
subterranean. and fruits.
Leaves a flattened  Absorb light
structure of a  Photosynthesis
higher plant,  Gas
typically green exchange
and blade-like,
that is attached
to a stem
directly or via a
stalk. Leaves are
the main organs
of photosynthesis

Matching Quiz Worksheet:

*Match the correct flower part to the correct definition

1. Steam -The part of the flower that is in the ground

absorbing nutrients.

2. Leaf -The main body of the plant.

3. Root -The green structure attached to the stem.

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