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Spiritual Life... PHILOSOPHY
a perspective...
Swami Sivananda respected all religions, saints and sages. Every person - irrespective of his religion or
country - was received by Swamiji with the same warmth and love. He advocated: "Mankind is one
family. All beings are children of the one Divine. He believed that the fundamental principles of all
religions are the same, and all saints teach us and lead us to the same Truth". 'Adapt, adjust and
accommodate' was the motto which he practised to perfection in his thought, speech and action. He
accepted all that was good from all sources and propounded the basic Truth of all religions in his
philosophy, but jettisoned the redundant ceremonies and paraphernalia. He gives the quintessence of
all religions in a very simple, apt and appealing manner. He says:

"There is only one religion - the religion of love, the religion of unity and oneness". He used to sing:


The essentials of all religions are the same:

Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise;

Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate; 1/7
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Enquire 'who am I' know the Self and be free.

Love all, serve all, serve the Lord in all.

Speak the truth, be pure, be humble,

Concentrate, meditate, attain Self-realisation.

These are the essentials of all religions.

Customs, conventions, ceremonies are non-essentials.

Do not fight over petty non-essentials.

Be tolerant, be catholic, have a broad outlook.

Respect all Prophets, all Saints, all Messengers.

All Saints speak the same language.

Even as Swamiji tried to integrate the basic tenets of all religions, so also he integrated various Paths
of Yoga and called this 'Yoga of Synthesis'. Like Buddha, he chose the path of moderation. His main
admonition is:

"Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realise; Be good, Do good, Be kind, Be compassionate."

The terms 'Serve, Love, Meditate, Realise' denote the four main Paths of Yoga, namely Karma Yoga
(Yoga of Action), Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion), Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation) and Jnana Yoga
(Yoga of Knowledge). That is, he advocated synthesis of all the Paths of Yoga on the rock-foundation
of purity which is to be develop through broad-mindedness and generosity reflected through charity
which is symbolised here by the word give. As a practical philosopher, Swamiji instructed everyone -
irrespective of his spiritual level - to be good and to do good to others. "Real happiness", he says, "is in
making others happy." His vision of Jnana Yoga was in seeing the Lord in every being and serving all
the living creatures as if it is worship of the Lord. He was open-minded and did not impose on any
aspirant a rigid sadhana programme. Swamiji believed that each sadhaka requires a different amalgam
of spiritual practices, and that the sadhaka himself should find out a suitable mode by properly
blending different Paths of Yoga, in accordance with his aptitude and temperament while keeping one
Path as the main Path.

Swamiji has given a very significant view of Yoga. He says: "Yoga is not a religion, but an aid to the
practice of the basic truths in all religions. God dwells in all. Yoga is union with God, union with all.
Yoga is for all and is universal. It is not a sectarian affair but a way to God. To live in God, to
commune with God is Yoga. Yoga is life in God, life in perfection, peace, lasting happiness and eternal
Bliss. Yoga shows you the way, unites you with God. You can turn out efficient work within a short
span of time and have success in every walk of life."

His explanation of the main paths of Yoga is very explicit and apt. He says: "To behold the one Self in
all is Jnana Yoga. To love the Self in all is Bhakti Yoga. To serve the Self in all is Karma Yoga. Karma 2/7
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Yoga is suitable for a man of active temperament, Bhakti Yoga for a man of devotional temperament,
Raja Yoga for a man of mystical temperament, and Jnana Yoga for a man of rational and philosophical

He used to suggest Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga sadhana to beginners, and only after proper
purification, and control of mind and senses, he was initiating the sadhakas into meditation and Jnana
Yoga sadhana. We present here an article 'Serve, Love, Meditate, Realise' by Swamiji for better
understanding of his philosophy.


I have only one message and only one common subject: and that is: "Serve, Love, Give, Purify,
Meditate and Realise. Be Good Do Good". Reflect deeply on these wonderful words, which reveal the
secret of harmony, peace, joy, success and Bliss. Remember that the salt of life is selfless service, the
bread of life is universal love; the water of life is purity. Hence serve, love and be pure. The fragrance
of life is generosity; the sweetness of life is devotion; the pivot of life is meditation. The goal of
human life is Self-realisation. Therefore be devoted and generous. Meditate and realize the Self.

Man is a triune being: Action, emotion and intelligence are the three horses that are linked to this
body-chariot. They should work in perfect harmony or unison. Then only the chariot will run smoothly.
There must be integral development. You must have the head of Sankara, the heart of Buddha, and
the hand of Janaka. The Yoga of Synthesis alone will develop the head, heart and hand, and lead one
to perfection. To become harmoniously balanced in all directions is the ideal of religion and of Yoga.
This can be achieved by the practice of the Yoga of Synthesis.

Man is a strange complex mixture of will, feeling and thought. He is a triune being. He is like a
tricycle or a three-wheeled chariot. He wills to possess the objects of his desires. He has emotion and
so he feels. He has reason and so he thinks and ratiocinates. In some the emotional element may
preponderate, while in some others the rational element may be dominating. Just as will, feelings and
thought are not distinct and separate; so also, work, devotion and knowledge are not exclusive of one
another. He must, therefore, develop his heart, intellect and hand. Then alone can he attain
perfection. Many aspirants have lopsided development. They will not possess an integral, all-round
development; so long they will continue to neglect the other aspects of their personality. One-sided
development is not commendable. Religion and Yoga must educate and develop the whole man - his
heart, intellect and hand - then only he will attain integral development.


If you want to see your face clearly in a mirror, you must remove the dirt in the mirror, keep it
steady, and remove the covering also. You can see your face clearly in the water of a lake only if the
turbidity (impurity) is removed, if the water that is rendered still, and if the (avarana of) moss that is
lying on the surface is removed. Even so is the case with Self-realization.

In the mind there are three defects, viz., mala or impurity, vikshepa or tossing, and avarana or veil.
The impurities of the mind should be removed by the practice of Karma Yoga, by selfless service. The
tossing of the mind should be removed by worship or upasana, by japa and devotion. The veil should 3/7
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be torn down by the practice of Jnana Yoga, i.e., by study of Vedantic literature, enquiry, self-
analysis, service to the Guru, and deep meditation. Only then Self-realization is possible.


To behold the one Self in all beings is Jnana, wisdom; to love the Self is Bhakti, devotion; to serve the
Self is Karma, action. Yoga of synthesis is best suited for this age. Take the help of Karma, Bhakti,
Yoga and Vedanta to achieve the summum bonum of life. All round perfection should be your aim.
Practice of Karma Yoga, singing Hari's names, vedantic vichar (enquiry) - all these take you to the
highest goal. They do not contradict each other. They, on the other hand, act as help or sahakaris in
the attainment of God-realization.


Emotions are generally considered as a hindrance in perfect Realization. But only certain emotions are
of a binding nature while, certain others will liberate the jiva (individual soul) from bondage. The
conception of God and love for God rouses the purest of emotions.

How does love for God give us Liberation from samsara (round of births and deaths)? Man is an egoistic
entity. His only enemy is the ego. He feels that he is entirely different from other things of the world.
He is convinced that he is sharply marked off from the universe by his physical body. He is sure that
he is only the body even though he may try to separate the 'I' from the notion of the body. Bhakti Yoga
is a method to kill the sense of separateness or egoism. It annihilates the modification of the mind and
fills the individual with universal Consciousness.


The karmayogi attains wisdom and devotion when his actions are wholly selfless. Karma Yoga gives
chitta suddhi. It purifies the heart and prepares the mind for the knowledge (jnana-uday). This
Sadhana demands constant practice, steadfastness, patience, perseverance and endurance. A trained
Karma Yogi or a sannyasin works for the loksangraha or uplift of humanity with akarta (non-doer) and
sakshi (witness) bhava (attitude), without attachment or idea of agency and the strong nischaya or
determination that the world is unreal and that the world is nothing but Atman or Brahman.


Love towards the objects of earthly pleasure is binding chains, which hurl down the jiva to many
cycles of birth and death. The dissipated rays of the mind take interest in countless objects of the
universe. The mind that is centered in one point of space at all times can do and undo things with
supernatural force. It is the concentrated ray of the sun passing through a lens that burns things
focused through it, and not the rays that are scattered here and there. Mind has to be concentrated
on one substance, controlling the mind through one-pointedness of it. Love for God of unselfish origin
is a ladder to final Emancipation.

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When the jnanayogi attains wisdom, he is endowed with devotion and selfless activity. Karma Yoga is
for him a spontaneous expression of his spiritual nature, as he sees the one Self in all. When the
devotee attains perfection in devotion, he is possessed of wisdom and activity. For him also, Karma
Yoga is a spontaneous expression of his divine nature, as he beholds the one Lord everywhere.

Practice of combined Karma and Jnana Yoga in the world is far more difficult than the practice of
pure Jnana Yoga in a cave of Himalayan retreats. To keep up meditation while performing actions is a
different kind of difficult sadhana. The yogi who keeps up meditation while performing actions is a
powerful yogi indeed.


The three paths are, in fact, one in which the three different temperaments emphasize one or the
other of its inseparable constituents. Yoga supplies the method by which the Self can be seen, loved
and served.

Hence everyone should have one Yoga as the basic Yoga and combine other Yogas. You can combine
Nishkama (selfless) Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Sankirtan Yoga, etc., with Jnana
Yoga as the basis. This is my Yoga of Synthesis, which will ensure rapid spiritual progress.

A little practice of Hatha Yoga (asanas and pranayamas) will give you good health. Raja Yoga will
steady your mind. upasana and Karma Yoga will purify your heart and prepare you for the practice of
vedanta. sankirtan will relax your mind and inspire you. Meditation will take you to liberation. Such a
Yogi has all-round development. The Yoga of Synthesis will help you to attain God-realization quickly.
Upanishads, Gita and all other scriptures speak of this Yoga. Therefore, O mokshapriya (one whom
Liberation is dear), practise this unique Yoga of Synthesis and attain Self-realization quickly.

Here is my little song of the Yoga of Synthesis, for your daily practice:

Eat a little, drink a little,

Talk a little, sleep a little,

Mix a little, move a little,

Serve a little, rest a little

Work a little, relax a little,

Study a little, worship a little,

Do Asanas a little, Pranayamas a little,

Reflect a little, Meditate a little,

Do Japa a little, do Kirtan a little,

Write Mantra a little, have Satsanga a little. 5/7
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Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize.

Be Good, Do good; Be kind, Be compassionate.

Enquire 'Who am I?' Know the Self and be Free.


Swami Sivananda (Gurudev) has authored more than 300 books. You may wonder how his teachings
and his message to mankind can be given briefly! But do you know the driving force and spirit behind
his writings? He had an inborn passion to help others. And he has written these books not to show his
erudition, but only to help as many people as possible, in as many ways as possible. He was receiving
many letters daily. His eagerness to help others forced him to reply in most inspiring and encouraging
words, on the very same day!

Being a very successful medical practitioner, he fully knew the importance of positive thinking and
positive approach to life. He used to say: "An evil man is a saint of the future. Transmute evil into
good through vichara or reflection. Out of evil often comes good." He saw no evil anywhere, in any
one. His forceful, animating message used to bring even the most disheartened man out of his
despondency, and would make him strive with vigour and zeal. Even if you are reading his message
umpteenth time, it will have the same powerful positive impact.

One reason for this, according to a noted writer Sri Jhingam D.N., is: "Swami Sivananda's preaching are
all backed by his personal experience of practical sadhana." Swami Chidananda, the foremost disciple
of Swami Sivananda has also made a similar observation: "Gurudev (Swami Sivananda) taught us by
both being and doing. He made himself an embodiment of, a personification of, what he wanted us to
be." Swami Sivananda practised the most severe tapas (penance) and very intense sadhana in various
paths of Yoga. He always shared all that he had with others. And in that spirit of sharing, he put his
personal experiences and lessons in his writings with the intention of guiding the aspirants, of showing
them the right path, and of cautioning them against the pitfalls of the sadhana path.

Swami Sivananda teaches us that God is within us, and whatever we see, hear, touch or feel is also
manifestation of God only. He saw only God in all existence. Swamiji does not ask you to give up your
home, wealth and relations, and to run away into a cave or jungle. On the contrary, he assures us that
it is possible to attain divinity while living in our present surroundings and discharging all our duties
and obligations.

He was a gunagrahin (one who saw only merits of others and appreciated them). He saw only good in
every person, every event. He appreciated and accepted all that was good from different religions and
faiths, from the lives and teachings of saints of East as well as West, and even from most insignificant
men. The mankind for him was one family only. He loved followers of other religions, as much as he
loved his own disciples. This broad outlook, this universal love was the hallmark of his writings. He
addressed the reader directly with the love, concern and interest of the Guru.

Swami Sivananda has brought out the inner significance of Vedanta and Upanishads in his writings.
These highly scholarly books are a treat for the philosophers and advanced students. But on the other
hand, he has written good many books to help neophytes and the common man in easy-to-understand 6/7
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language. His main aim in writing most of the books was to help as many people as possible by sharing
his experiences. .In all such books, he directly addresses the reader and gives him relevant practical
hints, as if the guru is directly teaching the disciple in person. This gives a sort of personal touch to
the reader, and enhances the appeal of his teachings.

Swami Hridayananda says, "The greatest attraction of his teachings is that whatever he teaches can
easily be translated into practice." Swami Sivanandaji's life was a source of inspiration to all men who
came in his personal contact and even to those who studied his life through biographies. Whatever
was the path of the aspirant, he found that Swamiji had perfected that path. Swamiji was a role
model for various paths of Yoga. Such immensely inspiring life of Swami Sivananda made his teachings
equally inspiring. As such, his teachings have always remained a source of inspiration to millions of his
disciples and readers.

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