Activity 1 2

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Activity 1: The Atom’s Family (Valence Electrons and Group Numbers of


determine the valence electrons of given atoms using the periodic table of
elements and their electronic configurations;
describe valence electrons and group numbers of common elements


Periodic Table of Elements



1. Locate the metals, non-metals and noble gases in Figure 1. Color the area
with metallic elements, blue; the non-metallic elements, yellow; and the noble gases,

1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 1 (Atomic Number) 2
H H (Chemical Symbol) He
2.2 2.2 (Electronegativity)
1310 1310(First Ionization Energy)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
0.98 1.57 2.04 2.55 3.04 3.44 3.98
520 900 800 1090 1400 1310 1680 2080
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
0.93 1.31 1.61 1.9 2.19 2.58 3.16
490 730 580 780 1060 1000 1250 1520
19 20 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
0.82 1.0 1.81 2.01 2.18 2.55 2.96 3.00
420 590 580 780 960 830 1140 1350
37 38 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr In Sn Sb Te I Xe
0.82 0.95 1.78 1.96 2.05 2.1 2.66 2.6
400 550 560 700 830 870 1010 1170
55 56 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
0.79 0.89 1.62 2.33 2.02 2.0 2.2
380 500 590 710 800 810 1030
FIGURE 1: A portion of the Periodic Table of the Representative Family/Group

2. Each Group will be assigned a Group or Family of elements to study as follows;

Group1: Group 1 Elements
Group 2: Group 2 elements
Group 3: Group 6 elements
Group 4: Group 7 elements
Group 5: Group 8 elements

a. Write the electronic configurations of each of the elements in the group of

elements given to you.
b. Identify the number of electrons in the outermost energy level (valence electrons)
of the given atom.

c. Write your data in Table 1

Table 1: Valence Electrons of Atoms

Atoms Electronic configurations Number of Group

outermost Number
3. Post your outputs in our output bulletin.

Guide Questions:
A. Valence electrons and Group Number
Q1. What are valence electrons?
Q2: How many valence electrons are there in all Group 1 elements? Among the
other groups of elements, how many valence electrons do they have?
Q3: What is common to the elements belonging to Group 1?
Q4: Is this true for the other groups of elements?
Q5: What general idea can you give to describe the group number of elements?
B. Metals and Non-metals
Based on your data in figure 1 and Table 1, what kind of elements have;
a) less than 4 valence electrons?
b) more than 4 valence electrons?
c.) low electronegativity?
d.) high electronegativity
e.) low ionization energy
f.) high ionization energy
C. To check your level of understanding, write a one or two-sentence
description for the given concept.

Groups of

Valence Metals and

Electrons Non-Metals
Activity 2: The atom’s series, families, and properties.

determine the group and period numbers of elements given their atomic numbers or
electronic configurations;
illustrate the electron dot structures/Lewis Symbols of common metals and
andshow the relationship among the number of valence electrons, electronegativity,
and ionization energy.


Periodic table of elements

Blank Periodic Table
Improvised/conventional Pin Boards (made from corrugated boxes)
Chemical Symbols


1. Lewis Symbol Challenge (10 mins)

Refer to your output in Activity 1. Using the data presented, and with your
conventional pin boards with pins, illustrate the Lewis Symbols of the pre-drawn
atoms. Only the first group who can give the correct representation will get a
corresponding score.

For example;
The element drawn is magnesium;
From the output, the electronic configuration of Mg12 is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
Mg has 2 valence electrons, hence 2 dots around Mg

Chlorine has 17 electrons: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s23p5

It has 7 valence electrons, hence 7 dots
Q1. What corresponds to the number of dots around the element’s symbol in the
Lewis symbol?
Q2. What number in the periodic table is the same as the number of valence
Q3. How many valence electrons do metals have?
Q4. How many valence electrons do non-metals have?
Q5. Which has more valence electrons, metals or non-metals?
2. Periods or Series of Elements
Complete the Table 2
Table 2: Periods or Series Numbers of atoms
Atoms Electronic Electrons in Each Number of Period
Configuration Energy Level Energy Levels Number
Mg 12 1s2 2s2 2p63s2 2)8)2 3 3
2 2
Cl 17 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 6 2 5 2)8)7 3 3
Li 3 2
1s 2s 1 2)1 2 2
Al 13
Ne 10
K 19
Rb 37
S 16
Q6. What is period Number?
Q7. What corresponds to the period or series number of atoms in the Periodic table?

3. Group and Period Numbers of Atoms

Table 3: Periods and Group Numbers of Atoms
Atoms Electronic Configuration Number of Period Valence Group
Energy Levels Number Electrons Number
Ar 18
Na 11
Ca 20
Q8. In case you do not have a copy of the periodic table of elements, how will you
determine the group and period numbers of elements given their atomic number or
electronic configuration?
Use the given periodic table of elements to determine the number of valence
electrons, ionization energy and electronegativity values of the given atoms. You
may refer to the group number in filling up the table below.

4. Electronegativity and Ionization Energies of Metals and Non-metals

Table 4. Electronegativity and ionization energies of metals and non-metals

Element Metal/Non- Family or Lewis Electronegativity Ionization Energy
metal Group Symbol Value (KJ/mol)

Lithium metal 1
. 0.98 520




Guide Questions:
Q9 Arrange these elements in increasing order;
a. Valence electrons
b. electronegativity values
c. ionization energy

Q10.What kind of elements has the greatest tendency to attract electrons? Why?
Q11. What kind of element requires high energy to remove its valence electrons?
Be Mg
4 20

Happiness Recipe

Ar Na
A heart full of thankfulness
18 11
A thimbleful of care 3
A cup of consideration and goodness
An early morning prayer

A mole of love,

Br A dozen of sacrifice
A cup of well-beaten faults C
35 8
A tablespoonful of forgiveness
Mix thoroughly.
Add tears of joy, sorrow, and sympathy

K Al
Fold in 4 cups of prayer and faith

Blend warmth of kindness and serve daily with a smile and

19 13 16
Ar N
18 7 17

P F Ne10
15 9

Kr Se Br
36 34 35

Rb Si I
37 14 53

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