MAPEH Diagnostic
MAPEH Diagnostic
MAPEH Diagnostic
1. It is an abbreviation for Korean pop music genre consisting of dance, RnB music, electronic,etc.
A. K-pop B. Kkwaenggawari C. Janggu D. No and Ri
2. The following are some of the percussion instruments of Samul Nori played by the Korean
Percussion Ensemble EXCEPT.
A. Yayue B. Kkwaenggawari C. Janggu D. Jing
3. What elements of music are predominant in Indian music?
A. harmony and melody B. melody and texture C. texture and rhythm D. rhythm and melody
4. It is one of the traditions in India for meditation and spiritual exercises.
A. Zumba B. Yoga C. Aerobics D. Gymnastics
5. Which of the following Pakistani musical instruments is a two-drum instrument originated in India
and is considered as the most important accompaniment in classical music?
A. Dafli B. Tabla C. Dholak D. Rubab
6. What epic play in Ajoka Theater in Pakistan was the first South Asian play shown in the National
Theater in London?
A. Dara B. Punjab C. Rubab D. Tabla
7. Kabuki is one of the four forms of Japanese traditional theater. What does the word “ka” mean?
A. dance B. skill C. song D. male
8. It is said to be the most sophisticated and highly developed theatrical drama in China and also
known as the Beijing Opera.
A. Peking Opera B. Kabuki C. Nuo Opera D. Chinese Opera
9. It is one of the similarities of the Javanese and the Balinese music in their instrumental ensemble.
A. Pesidhen B. Gerong C. Gamelan D. Palabunibunyan
10. What music does the Thai music acquire great influence in terms of musical elements and
A. Chinese B.Indian C. Indonesian D. Japanese
11. It is the extensive collection of classical songs of Myanmar.
A. Sidaw B. Saung C. Mahagita D. Byaw
12. What is the main scale used in Chinese melody ?
A. heptatonic B. pentatonic C. monotonic D.octave
13. What form of shadow play in Thailand which means “skin” and “large shadow puppet”?
A. Wayang Kulit B. Nang Yai C. Kabuki D. Wayang Golek
14. It is the term for male Japanese performers who portray female and spoke in their falsetto voices
while chanting their praises.
A. Bunraku B. Okuni C. Kyogen D. Onnagata
15. It is a small ensemble of women musicians performed in the courts of Central Thailand and
Cambodia and usually consists of nine to eleven instruments only.
A. Piphat Ensemble B. Khruang sai Ensemble C. Pinpeat Ensemble D. Mahori Ensemble
1. An original Thai silk is from?
A. a caterpillar cocoon B. a cotton thread C. an insect fiber D. a weed strand
2. The krama, a traditional cotton garment which can be used as a scarf, bandana, and decorative,
originated from what country?
A. Brunei B. Cambodia C. Laos D. Myanmar
3. Historically, where does the batik making originated from?
A. China B. Java,Indonesia C. Singapore D. Zamboanga
4. The traditional long skirt in Laos is called?
A. Bengaline B. Ebony satin C. Sihn D. Shantung
5. The sumbol sumbol or pitcher plant is a tradional batik design from?
A. Brunei B. China C. Singapore D. Malaysia
6. It is one of the famous sculptures in Singapore which is based on the different folklores of the area.
A. Stone Lion B. Merlion C. Phra Bang D. Asmat wooden sculpture
7. It is a face painting art in Japan that elucidates the performer’s own role through the medium of
facial features.
A. Mukimi-guma B. Jingju Lianpu C. Kumadori D. Kesho
8. The objective of this art is to transform a flat sheet of squared paper into a three-dimensional form
by following various folding techniques without cutting.
A. Yuanhao B. Kesho C. Origami D. Kabuki
9. These are the tribal symbols of the Bedouin (a seminomadic group), which are found to be
prehistoric art on rocks in the hills and deserts of Arabia.
A. Sumerians B. Sasanians C. Persians D. Wusums
10. It means “two” and “full moon day” and also known as light festival celebrated in Chiang Mai,
Thailand for paying homage to Budhha.
A. Yi Peng B. Krathong C. Khom Loi D. Loi Krathong
11-15 (Identify the following crafts, accessories and everyday objects found in the different South
East Asian countries.)
11. Sky Lantern
A. Cambodia B. Indonesia C. Thailand D. Singapore
12. Wau Kite
A. Brunei B. Laos C. Malaysia D. Singapore
13. Sa Paper
A. Indonesia B. Laos C. Malaysia D. Singapore
14. Wayang Kulit
A. Cambodia B. Indonesia C. Thailand D. Singapore
15. Songkok
A. Brunei B. Laos C. Malaysia D. Singapore