Points To Remember
Points To Remember
Points To Remember
1. Microbes involved on the production of Insulin, Growth hormone, interferon, Somatosatin via genetic engineering
Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis
2. Hybridomas which made monoclonal antibodies first created in the year and by
1975, Georgeskohler and Cesamilstein (1984 – got Noble prize)
3. “Just bad news wrapped in protein” This statement means a Virus
4. Enzymes used in Recombinant DNA technology for cut at specific site of DNA and join of DNA viz Restriction
enzyme (ECO RI) and DNA ligase
5. DNA finger printing technology invented by Alecc jeffrey (1958)
6. Chromosomal counting of animals to be done only the cells have in
Metaphase condition (to retain metaphase condition colchicine is used)
7. Nucleic acids are polymer of poly nucleotides, poly nucleotides have 3 important molecules are
i. Sugar (ribose or deoxyribose), ii. base (Purine, pyrimidine) (AGTCRU)
iii. PO4
8. Sugar with base molecules (Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytocine) arrangement called as Nucleosides (+ PO4
called nucleotides)
9. The term which is used to describe the haploid set of chromosomes in cell, representing the total genetic
information Genome
10. The analysis at loci on the genome revealing the linear order of different genes on the chromosomes as known as
Gene mapping
11. Agarose gel electrophoresis used for Sieving of DNA based on its base pair
12. The first transgenic fish produced is Gold Fish
13. Which is the correct information flow for the synthesis of protein
Replication→ transcription → translation
14. The development of embryos with out genetic contribution from the male parent is known as Gynogenesis
15. Mass gene transfer to be done by Electroporation, Transfection of DNA
16. In hybridoma technology B-lymphocytes (from spleen cell)fused with myeloma cell for the production of
Monoclonal antibody
17. Benefits of Labeo rohita x Catla catla hybrid as to
18. Possess a wider food spectrum.
19. A polynuleotide which play a prominent role in binding mRNA to ribosomes and its translation to t RNA it is r-
RNA (Ribosomal RNA)
20. The conjugated protein which is determine heredity is Nucleoprotein
21. The minor base which is present in specific DNAs 5-methyl cytosine
22. Commonly DNA contains 4 different types of nucleotides
23. Between A and T in the double stranded DNA there are 2 hydrogen bonds
24. The united Nations has declared “ The best food for tomorrow” is
Spirulina (blue green algae)
25. DNA probe is small nucleotide sequences which are used to detect the presence of complementary sequences in
nucleic acid samples
26. The sperm or ova are cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for the desried period of time, this is related to Gene
27. Genetic engineering technique responsible for the current “Biotechnology boon” was Recombinant DNA
28. A powerful method used to locate nucleic acid sequences in histological and cytological preparations of tissues,
organelles, cells and chromosomes is
In- situ hybridization
29. Gene therapy is a method that aim to cure an inherited disease by providing the patient with a correct copy of
defective gene
30. Induction of multiple ovulations by application of exogenous hormones in the early follicular or in the luteal
phase of the oestrus cycle, in order to collect a large number of fertilized eggs. This method known as Super
31. Karyotype normally defined as
The complete set of chromosome arranged according to their size
32. The same word ‘ Parthenogenesis” in fish seed production is Gynogenesis
33. Cryopreservation fish egg not be done because of Yolk
34. Pro-phenol oxidase (Pro-po) enzyme, which plays a key role in the defense reactions of crustaceans. This pro-po
stored in granular haemocytes, which is present in Haemolymph of crustaceans
35. Forward primer used in WSSV detection by PCR technique
(Reverse primer – 5’ TAA TGC GGG TGT AAT GTT CTT ACG A-3’)
36. Detection and diagnosis of fish pathogen the most commonly used immunology method is ELISA (Enzyme
linked immunoabsorbent assay)
37. Factor responsible for denature, annealing and extension of DNA in PCR analysis is Temperature treatment
38. Size of the primers which is used in PCR is 20 – 24 bases in length
39. A substance that causes a specific immune response in an animal Vaccines
40. Triplet codon of mRNA for the synthesis of methionine is AUG
41. Soluble factors that can be inhibit viral invasion of cell is Interferons
42. The correct chromosome formula for Catla 8m+16sm+14st+8t+4t (50)
43. Leading Aquaculture production country - China
44. Scampi culture leading state – Andra Pradesh
45. Bimetal lake is in – Uttranchal
46. Induced breeding first successfully dose by - CICFRI
47. Jayanthi” is a selective breeding hybrid of Rohu
48. Shrimp complete its entire life in sea water – Parapenaeus stylifera
49. State having maximum number of small reservoir – Tamil Nadu
50. Aquaculture production in India - 3.4 mmt
51. Total fish production in India - 6.4 mmt
52. Best live feed for shrimps - Diatoms
53. Delicate larval stage of shrimp - Zoea
54. Banned species - Clarias gariepinus
55. Condensation of the nuclei of cells Pyknosis
56. Soft shell syndrome in shrimp caused by Adverse environment condition
57. MBV infects only Mid gut and Mid gut gland
58. A hybrid of lake trout and the brooke trout is called Splake
59. Mud banks are special feature between Quilone and cunnanore is kerala
60. The exploratory fisheries project was renamed Fishery survey of India (FSI) in 1983.
61. In shrimp culture, Black gill disease is caused by due to Hydrogen sulphide
62. The water stability of shrimp feed should be minimum of 2 hours
63. Moist feed are suitable for Sea bass
64. Biological value in feeds studies related to Nitrogen
65. The most powerful anti-nutritional factors in plant ingredient is Phytic acid
66. Simazine is used for controlling Blue green alge
67. Yellow head virus first reported in Thailand
68. Seaweeds are rich in Iodine
69. The common marine blue green algae responsible for causing red tide is Trichodesmium sp
70. Largest cephalopods - Architeuthis sp
71. Acidic water have higher amount - H+ ions
72. Which plankton is suitable for common carp larvae - Zooplankton
73. Upper limit of fertilizers used in aquaculture is – 20,000kg/ha (cow dung)
74. Upper limit of protein used in feed – 66%
75. Temperature of water is increase the solubility of gases – Decreases
76. Key metabolic nutrient in Aquaculture - Nitrogen (Protein)
77. Biggest reservoir in India - Hirakud reservoir
78. Maturation period of prawn - 4-7 months
79. UNCLOS started at - 1958
80. Sea bed committee starting year - Jamaica
81. Restricted or banned species at sea is - Endangered species
82. Why catla have the upturned mouth - Surface feeder
83. Herbivorous feeder have long intestine
84. Single gene control the more than one character is called Pleiotrophisum
85. The best dyke have the slope ratio is 1:5:1
86. Incubation period of carp eggs -15 to18 hours
87. Trout is introduced at Nilgiris (1863) region in India
88. Calcareous deposit presents in sharks skin Shagreen
89. Haemoflagellate is caused by Trypanosome
90. Captive breeding of sand lobster is successfully carried out by CMFRI
91. PCR method for detection of V. cholerae was standardized by CIFT
92. The most widely used cryoprotectant in fish gamete preservations are DMSO
93. In India about 1.2 million ha. of potential area is suitable or shrimp farming
94. The larval phase of P. monodon life cycle is spent in oceanic water
95. The Indian finfish and shellfish production during the year 2003 was 6.01 million tones
96. In 2003, India got a total export value of Rs.6,62,700 million through fish export
97. Total no. of BFDAs in our country is 39
98. Total no. of BFDAs in Tamil Nadu is 5
99. Total water spread area covered by BFDA in our country 22,857 ha
100. Origin of IMC - River Ganges
101. In India 0.3 million number of people are getting employment through
Shrimp farming
102. Currently an area under shrimp farming is 157000 ha
103. The average culture shrimp production in India per year is about
1,00,000 tonnes
104. The average Indian culture shrimp production per hectare per year is 660 kg
105. Total number of feed mills in India is 33
106. The stocking density of Penaeus vannamai in the intensive culture system developed by the Oceanic institute,
USA was 100 shrimp seeds /m2
107. The secchi-disk transparency maintained in round ponds of intensive shrimp culture is between 30cm and 50cm
133. Black spot in frozen shrimps is due to the action of tyrosinase enzyme.
134. Freezing should be done after rigor mortis in the case of finfishes
135. Small ice and block ice have same cooling capacity when their weights are equal
136. It is important that flake ice is kept sub-cooled.
137. Cold chain is essential for marketing frozen fishery products
138. The time taken for freezing is directly proportional to air speed in a blast freezer
139. Agitation is necessary in RSW system of storing fishes.
140. Hydrogen swell in canned fresh is due to enzymatic action
141. Curd formation can be prevented by hot blanching the fish in 10 -15% brine
142. Retort pouch needs special retorts for thermal processing
143. Head space is necessary in canned foods
144. Fluctuation cause in temperature during storage freezer burn
145. Cl. Botulinum type E has been found to grow and produce toxin at temperature as low as 3 oC
146. The bacterial count (TPC) of ice prepared out of the prescribed quality of water is within 102 to 103
147. Ice – salt mixture was the first man made freezing system used for food freezing
148. Chilling fish in RSW is faster than chilling in melting ice
149. Frozen fishery products are found to be more economical than canned fishery products.
183. First vertebrates with jaws are fishes.
184. Fishes evolved during Ordovician period.
185. Golden age of fishes is Devonian of palaeozoic era.
186. Fishes are aquatic active creatures with gills for respiration and fins for locomotion.
187. Stone fish is the most poisonous fish.
188. Metazoa means multicellular animals.
189. Triploblastic term is used for those animals which are derived from three germ layers – ectoderm, mesoderm,
and endoderm.
190. Coelomate animals possess true coelom.
191. Ostrecoderms are extinct ancestors of fishes.
192. Pisces is the largest class of vertebrates in number of species
193. Fishes are the first evolved vertebrates.
194. Tail is prehensile in sea horse (Hippocampus).
195. Brood pouch is found in male Hippocampus.
196. Dipnonans are lung fishes. E.g., Protopterus, Lepidosiren, Neoceratodus etc.
197. Parental care is well developed in Hippocampus.
198. Remora (Echeneis) has modified dorsal fin into a sucker. It attaches to the body of sharks, whales, etc.
199. Hippocampus has bony plates/ scutes in addition to scales
200. Scales of fishes are dermal in origin.
201. Mesodermal scales are cycloids, ctenoid or ganoid.
202. Scales are absent in cat fishes.
203. Nostrils open in olfactory sac.
204. Egg capsule of sharks and skates are called “Mermaid purse”.
205. In saw fish (Pristis) snout is modified into saw.
206. In hummer headed shark (Zyganea) head region is modified into Hammer.
207. Eggs of fishes are macrolecithal.
208. Ampulla of Lorenzini present as thermoreceptor in the snout of shark.
209. The study of skates, rays and sharks is called “Torpedology”.
210. Placodermi class includes extinct fish.
211. Body is spindle shaped, divided into head, trunk and tail. Neck is absent in a fish.
212. Locomotion by paired pectoral and pelvic fins along with median dorsal and caudal fin.
213. Heart is two chambered and venous heart is characteristic.
214. Aquatic respiration takes place in water and source of oxygen is water.
215. Air bladder of fish serves as hydrostatic organ or organ of respiration in air breathing fishes.
216. Algae are kept in aquarium to provide oxygen to fishes. Largest and best aquarium in India is located in
217. Peculiarity of a fish heart is that it has all venous blood.
218. Scoliodon and Mustellus are viviparous.
219. Operculum is found in bony fishes.
220. Skin is usually provided with scales. Three common types of scales are placoid, cycloid and ctenoid.
221. Muscles are arranged in Myotomes.
222. Notochord is present in all chordates. It is an elongated rod like structure developed from mesendoderm.
223. Statoacoustic organ is internal ear. It helps in balancing and hearing.
224. Carnivorous animals are those which feed on animal flesh.
225. Some fishes produce sound e.g., Mola, Ballstea, Callomystax etc.
226. Predaceous animals are those which first kill their prey and then devour it.
227. Liver is bilobed in chondricthys.
228. Larvaevorous fishes are Gambusia, Labestes, Oryzias, Tilapia etc.
229. Some fishes such as Narcine, torpedo, Skates, Mormyrids, electric Eels, electric catfishes, star gazers possess
electric organs.
230. Scroll valve is found in intestine of certain fishes to increase absorptive surface area.
231. Dioecious means sexes are separate.
232. Liver is Trilobed in bony fishes.
233. Migration from rivers to sea or from fresh water to marine is calledCatadromous.
234. Tactile function means sensitive to touch.
235. Scales are absent in Silurids or Cat fishes.
236. In some fishes Weberian ossicles also help in sound producing besides equilibrium and hearing
237. Chromatophores are pigment cells. These impart colour.
238. Cranium is brain box i.e., a box of cartilage or bones in which brain lies protected.
239. Operculum-gill cover absent in Elasmobranchs except chimaera.
240. Operculum is present in Osteichthyes or bony fishes
241. Podobranchs are the gills which are attached to legs (Invertebrates-Prawn)
242. Pleurobranchs-Gills attached to lateral side of the body (Prawn).
243. Cranial nerve arise from the brain.
244. Sharks are laterally compressed
245. Rays are dorsoventrally depressed.
246. Thermoreceptors perceive temperature.
247. Photoreceptors perceive light.
248. Chemoreceptors perceive chemicals.
249. Tangoreceptros perceive touch.
250. Sharks have gill-slits on ventral side.
251. Rheoreceptors perceive the water current.
252. Olfactoreceptors perceive smell (chemoreceptors)
253. Rheoreceptors are found in lateral line of fishes.
254. Cycloid scales have concentric rings called lines of growth. These help in determining the age of fish.
255. In India the only members of Notidanidae group is
Heptranchas platycephalus (has 7 pair of gill slits)
256. Elasmobranch rank 5th – 7th among the landings of marine fish groups of India.
257. Highest annual catches of elasmobranches among the maritime states of India registered by Tamil Nadu followed
by Gujarat, Maharastra, kerala and Andhra
258. The highly lucrative Oil sardine fishery fishery is restricted to southern and central regions of the west coast of
259. The movement of oil sardines towards the bottom is a common occurrence during
October to January
260. The juvenile oil sardines areCarnivorous and the adults are phytoplankton feeders
261. The sexes of oil sardine can be externally distinguished by the presence of a papilla. (hermaphroditism also
reported in few instance)
262. Oil sardine attain first maturity at age of 1st year and 150mm in length.
263. Lunar periodicity in spawning is observed in Oil sardines.
264. The oil sardine shoals range from 2-25m in length and 1-20m in breadth.
265. The oil sardine production higher in--------- and followed by ---------
Kerala (80%), Karnataka (18%)
266. Second grade oil obtained from oil sardine in which refined yellow oil used in
Leather industry, arsenals.
267. Second grade oil obtained from oil sardine in which the inferior brown oil used for Jute and steel industries
268. Lesser sardines are belonging to two families viz,Clupeidae and Dussumieridae.
269. Lesser sardine commercial catch comprises of size groups of 12-14 cm in length.
Tamil Nadu, Andhra (east coast) and Kerala (west coast) together contribute to
over 80% percentage of all India production of lesser sardines.
270. Lesser sardines (Sardinella jussieu) first sexual maturity is at 11-12cm in length.
271. Spawning season of Sardinella fimbriata is
December – March in gulf of Mannar,
October – November in Tuticorin,
April – June in Malabar coast
272. The active fishery of white sardine (Kowala coval) confined to west coast of India. (Karnataka & kerala) mainly
273. It is the most important member of the lesser sardine group.
Sardinella firmbriata
274. The rainbow sardines of genus Dussumieria constitute fisheries in
South Kerala and Southern Tamil Nadu.
275. 80-90% of mackerel catches come from The west coast.
276. Indo pacific fisheries council of FAO sponsored integrated projects for
Rastrelliger fisheries.
277. Most of the intensive mackerel fishery centers lie between
Quilon (south) and Ratnagiri (North) along west coast.
278. Increase in temperature adversely affect the Mackerel catches
279. Low temperature and low salinity favoured good yields for Mackerel fisheries.
280. Intake of larger zooplankton like Mysids, Acetes and Lucifer are observed in
281. The competitor for the food of mackerel is Oil sardine.
282. The first sexual maturity of mackerel is attained When completing second year
283. Rampani net is introduced by Portuguese priest along canara coast.
284. The highest catch of Mackereal recorded in Karnataka coast, followed by kerala
285. Major fishery of Harpodon nehereus along Gujarat and Mahasrastra coast (98%).
286. Sciaenid contribute 4.9% percentage of total marine fish landings in India.
287. Pseudosciaena diacanthus (ghol) and Otolithus brunneus (koth) larger ones in obtained in north-western region
between Bombay and Gulf of kutch
288. Polynemus paradiseus occurring in coastal and estuarine waters of
Orissa and west Bengal (Abundant in Hoogly estuary)
289. Polynemids are of greater concentration only in Indo-Pacific Region
290. Hermaphroditism is commonly noticed in Polynemids
291. Waghra jal of Gujarat and Maharastra is exclusively used in Polynemid fishery
292. There is a good skipjack fishery in Minicoy Island of Lakshadweep.
293. Istiophorus gladius is commonest among the bill fishes caught off
Tuticorin on east coast.
294. Pomfrets in coastal fisheries caught using All type of seine nets.
295. Pomfrets are abundant in Gujarat and Maharastra.
296. Carangids are abundant in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
297. The production of silver bellies highest in Tamil Nadu followed by Andhra and Kerala.
298. Ribbon fishes known as Hair tails or cutlass fish.
299. Trichiurus lepturus fishery distributed through out the coast of India.
300. Flat fish fishery constituted along the Malabar coast.
301. Psettodes erumei (Indian Turbot)fish is common in trawling grounds along north-west coast of India.
302. Cynoglossus macrostomus (Malabar sole)fish is common along the Malabar coast.
303. Muraenesox talabonoides (eel) is common in Maharastra and Gujarat.
304. The landing of Lizard fish are high is Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharastra.
305. -------------constitute a single species fishery along Maharastra coast.
Bregmaceros mcclellndi (tengali)
334. There is no gill rakers in Muraenesox
335. Broad-sieve like gill raker present in Herbivorous (Rohu, catla)
336. Second function of gill raker is Filtering food and prevent escape
337. Filtering efficiency of gill raker is lowest in Carnivorous fishes
338. Distinet muscularis mucosa is present in stomach of only Haroidib nehereus
339. Intestinal caeca pyloric caeca develop from Phylorus of anterior intestine
340. Function of intestinal caeca is Accessory food reservoir
341. Pepsin (Proteolytic enzyme) is present in Gastric juice
342. Pepsin (proteolytic enzyme) is secreted by Granularcell of gastric gland
343. Major sources of enzyme – Trypsin, lipase, maltose, amylase is Hepatopancreas
344. Concentration of carbohydrates is highest in Cyprinus (herbivorous)
345. Concentration of carbohydrates is lowest in Gobi (Carnivorous)
346. Sedentary fishes have smaller nos. of erythrocyte than Active fishes
347. Seat for manufacture of monocyte, thrombocyte (in teleost fish) and lymphocytes is Spleen
348. Monomeric haemoglobin is Single polypeptide molecule with 17000 dalton molecular weight
349. Tetrameric haemoglobin is found in Most higher fishes
350. Tetrameric haemoglobin is 4 amino acid chain with 65000 dalton molecular weight
351. Main seat of gaseous exchange Secondary gill lamella
352. Most common branchial glands are Mucous gland and chloride cell
353. Function of cells Secrete acid and neutral glycoprotein
354. Total gill area is directly proportional to Efficiency of gill sieve
355. While filtering water, gills utilize 50 – 80% of oxygen in water
356. Flow of blood and oxygen in fish gill Counter current system
357. Gill cavities of fast swimming fish Smaller than sedentary sp
358. Additional respiratory organ (Accessory respiratory organ) is found in (marine)
Chiloscylium indicum, C. griseum
359. Numbers of fishes having accessory respiratory organ > 140
360. Skin is used respiratory organ in Anguilla anguilla
361. Gill are reduce and gill lamellae are present only in second gill are of fish
Cuchia cel (Amphipnous cuchia)
362. Intestinal respiration is found in Loaches (Migunus fossilis)
363. Chief function of accessory respiratory Organ absorption of oxygen
364. A duct by which gas bladder opens to esophagus Pneumatic duct
365. Gas bladder is connected with Internal ear
366. Bladder of fishes living is deep bottom is Filled with oxygen (75%)
151. Monomeric haemoglobin is found in Agnatha (Lamprey and hagfish)
367. Transparent juvenile of eels ascending in river Elever
368. The Indian hill trout comprise six genera viz
Schizothorax, schizothoraichthys, schizopyogopris, plychobarbus and gymnolypris