Korisi Teknik
Korisi Teknik
Korisi Teknik
2. The next choice is to use purest possible metal. But in many cases, it is not
possible to produce a metal of high chemical purity. Hence, even a trace
amount of impurity leads to corrosion.
3. Thus, the next choice is the use of corrosion resistant alloys. Several corrosion
resistant alloys have been developed for specific purposes and environment. For
example, a) Stainless steel containing chromium produce an exceptionally coherent
oxide film which protects the steel from further attack. (b) Cupro-nickel (70% Cu +
30%Ni) alloys are now used for condenser tubes and for bubble trays used in
fractionating column in oil refineries. (c) Highly stressed Nimonic alloys (Ni-Cr-Mo
alloys) used in gas turbines are very resistant to hot gases.
Proper Designing:
Proper geometrical design plays a vital role in the
control of corrosion of equipments and structures. The
general guidelines of the design of materials and
components to control corrosion are the following:
Nick Raymond
1. Hot Dipping:
- Metal is kept in molten state and base metal is dipped into it.
- Process is followed by cooling the coating through a palm oil to
prevent oxidation of tin plate to its oxide.
- Palm oil layer is removed by alkaline cleansing agent.
2. Metal Cladding:
- The surface to be protected is sandwiched between two layers of
the coating metals and pressed between rollers.
- E.g. Alclad Sheeting– Plate of duralumin is sandwiched between
99.5%pure aluminum
Metal Cladding
Thermal Spray