Jet Aircraft Engine Lubrication Systems: Learning Objectives
Jet Aircraft Engine Lubrication Systems: Learning Objectives
Jet Aircraft Engine Lubrication Systems: Learning Objectives
When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
1. Discuss aircraft engine lubricants.
2. Describe the functions of jet engine oils.
3. Identify the two main types of lubrication systems.
4. Describe the engine oil system.
5. Discuss engine lubrication system maintenance procedures.
6. Explain the goals and requirements of the Joint Oil Analysis Program (JOAP).
The primary purpose of any lubricant is to reduce friction caused by metal-to-metal contact.
Lubricating oils provide a film that permits surfaces to glide over one another with less friction.
Therefore, lubrication is essential to prevent wear in mechanical devices where surfaces rub together.
The Navy uses many types of lubricants. The selection of the proper lubricant depends on the design
of the equipment and the operating conditions. Maintenance instruction manuals (MIMs) or
maintenance requirements cards (MRCs) list the type of lubricant required for specific aircraft
maintenance tasks. With an understanding of the different types of lubricants, their characteristics,
and purposes, you will know why we must use the proper lubricant. Using the wrong type of lubricant,
mixing different types, or lubricating improperly can cause extra maintenance man-hours, part
failures, and accidents.
You should consult the applicable technical instructions for
the grade number or Military Specifications (MILSPEC) of
oil recommended for use in an engine. Reciprocating
engines use, MIL-PRF-2105-E, W-120, or E-120 oil, which
is not compatible with the turbojet engine.
Types of Lubricants
Lubricants are classified according to their source—animal, vegetable, petroleum, mineral, or
synthetic. Animal oils are not suitable lubricants for internal-combustion engines. They form fatty
acids, which cause corrosion when exposed to high temperatures. Vegetable oils have good
lubricating qualities, but break down (they change in chemical structure) after long periods of
operation in internal-combustion engines. Mineral-base lubricants are usually divided into three
groups—solids, semisolids, and liquids. Petroleum-based oils (for example, MIL-PRF-6081 grade)
were used in early jet engines. This oil was distributed in two grades—1010 for normal use and 1005
for extremely low temperatures. A MIL-PRF 6081 grade 1010 is still used as preservation oil in fuel
The types of lubricants used in the engines of today are different from the lubricants used years ago.
As the power output of jet engines increased, aircraft were able to fly higher. The operation of jet
engines at these higher, colder altitudes and higher engine temperatures created greater demands on
lubricating oils. This, in turn, required the development of synthetic lubricants that could withstand
these higher bearing temperatures.
MIL-PRF-7808 was the first synthetic oil developed to meet these demands. Today, most jet engines
use synthetic-based oil, MIL-PRF-23699. These two oils are completely compatible and may be
mixed when necessary. However, certain 23699 characteristics are downgraded in proportion to the
quantity of 7808 oil, if mixed. Synthetic oils are based on acids and other chemicals; therefore, they
are not compatible with the mineral- or petroleum-based oils.
You are probably more familiar with the Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) numbers for grading viscosity.
If you want a comparison between the two systems, take
the last 3 numbers for the Saybolt system, divide by 2, and
round to the nearest multiple of 10. For example, 1065 has
an SAE rating of 30.
Designations of Lubricating Oils
Lubricating oils used by the Navy have a classification number, which shows the grade and intended
use of the oil. Aircraft engine lubricating oils are given a four-digit grade number, such as 1065. The
Navy and the Air Force use the Saybolt scale for designating the viscosity of oil. The designation
consists of four digits. The first digit designates the use of the oil; the 1 indicates aviation engine
lubrication. The last three digits give the viscosity using the Saybolt scale. Synthetic oils use military
specification numbers for references as shown in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1 — Classification of Lubricating Oils
NATO Number MILSPEC & Grade Use
O-133 MIL-O-6081 Early turbine engine lube oil. (Fuel system preservative and
Gr. 1010 oil).
O-148 MIL-PRF-7808 Three centistoke turbine engine synthetic lubricating oil.
O-156 MIL-PRF-23699 Five centistoke turbine engine and gearbox oil.
Lubricating Greases and Their Properties
Another type of lubricant Aviation Machinist’s Mate (AD) should be familiar with is grease. Grease is
used on bearings, outside the engine lubricating system, on control arms and linkages, and on
actuators. The most important requirements of greases are as follows:
Stability. It must be free from bleeding (separation of oils), oxidation, and changes in
consistency during periods of storage and use.
Non-corrosiveness. The lubricant must not chemically attack the various metals and other
material it comes in contact with.
Water resistance. In some cases, grease that is insoluble in water is required. In other cases,
the grease must be resistant only to weathering or washing.
Satisfactory performance in use. The grease must perform satisfactorily in the equipment and
under the conditions it was intended.
Properties of greases vary with the type of soap used in manufacturing. Military specifications specify
the operating conditions or applications. Table 5-2 contains information on some of the most
frequently used greases.
Oil systems used in jet engines are relatively simple in design and operation, but their function is
important. The principal purposes of the oil system are the same as those covered under lubricating
oils—to provide an adequate supply of clean oil to bearings and gears at the right pressure and
temperature, to remove heat from the engine, and to remove contaminants from the system and
deposit them in the filters.
The ability of the oil to lubricate correctly depends upon its temperature and pressure. If the oil is too
hot, it will not have enough viscosity. If it is too cold, the oil will resist movement between the parts
and flow too slowly for proper lubrication. If the oil pressure is too low, not enough oil will be supplied
to the bearing for proper cooling. If the pressure is too high, it may cause high-speed antifriction
bearings to skid and not roll properly.
It would be impossible to cover all the different parts of every type of engine oil system in use today.
Therefore, this text presents a representative sample of various parts common to different types of oil
Table 5-2 — Common Military Lubricants and Their Uses
MIL-G-23827 [Grease, -100 to 250 °F Thickening agent, low Actuator screws, gears, controls,
Aircraft, Synthetic, temperature synthetic rolling-element bearings, general
Extreme Pressure] (-73 to 121 °C) oils, or mixture EP instrument use
MIL-G-81322 [Grease, -65 to 350 °F Thickening agent and O-rings, certain splines, ball and
Aircraft, General synthetic hydrocarbon; roller bearing assemblies,
Purpose, Wide (-54 to 177 °C) has cleanliness primarily wheel bearings in
Temperature Range] requirements internal brake assemblies, and
where compatibility with rubber
is required
MIL-G-25537 [Grease, -65 to 160 °F Thickening agent and Lubrication of bearings having
Helicopter Oscillating mineral oil oscillating motion of small
Bearing] (-54 to 71 °C) amplitude
MIL-G-27617 [Grease, -30 to 400 °F Thickening agent and Tapered plug and oxygen
Aircraft Fuel and Oil fluorocarbon or system valves; certain fuel
Resistant] (-34 to 204 °C) fluorosilicone system components; anti-seize
MIL-G-25013 [Grease, -100 to 450 °F Thickening agent and Ball and roller bearing lubrication
Ball and Roller Bearing, silicone fluid
Extreme High Temp] (-73 to 232 °C)
Types of Lubrication Systems
Engines use
a wet-sump,
dry-sump, or
of both as
store the
lubricating oil
in the engine
or gearbox.
engines use
an external
Figure 5-1 — Wet-sump lubrication system.
mounted on the engine or somewhere in the
aircraft structure near the engine. You
should know the similarity and operation of
these systems (Figures 5-1 and 5-2).
Wet-Sump System
Engines needing a limited supply of oil and
cooling can use a wet-sump type (Figure 5-
1). The reservoir for the wet-sump system is
either the accessory gear case or a sump
mounted to the bottom of the accessory
gear case. This system is similar to your
car’s engine. In the wet-sump oil system,
the gearbox provides space for foaming and
heat expansion because the oil level only
partly fills the casing. Deaerators, in the
gearbox, remove oil from the air and vent
the air outside.
The main disadvantages of a wet-sump
system are as follows:
The oil supply is limited by the sump
It is hard to cool the oil. Oil
temperatures are higher because the
oil is continuously subjected to the
engine temperature.
The system is not adaptable to Figure 5-2 — Dry/wet-sump oil system.
unusual flight altitudes, since the oil
supply would flood the engine.
Dry-Sump System
The dry-sump system shown in Figure 5-2 is the most common. In the dry-sump lubrication system, a
tank located in the airframe or mounted on the engine holds the oil supply. This type of system carries
a larger oil capacity, and an oil cooler is usually included to control temperature. The lubrication
design of the engine may use either an air-oil or a fuel-oil cooler. The axial-flow engines keep their
comparatively small diameter through a streamlined design of the oil tank and oil cooler.
Notice in Figure 5-5 a relief valve in
the discharge side of the pump. This
valve limits the output pressure of the
pump by bypassing oil back to the
pump inlet. Also notice the location of
the shaft shear section, which will
allow the shaft to shear if the gears
should seize.
Gerotor Oil Pump
The gerotor pump usually has a single
element for oil feed and several
elements for scavenging oil. Each of
the elements, pressure and scavenge,
are almost identical in shape.
However, the capacity of the elements
is controlled by varying the size of the
gerotor elements. The pressure
element has a pumping capacity of
3.1 gallons per minute (gpm),
compared to a 4.25-gpm capacity for
the scavenge elements. So the
pressure element must be smaller Figure 5-5 — Cutaway view of gear-type oil pump.
since the elements are all driven by a
common shaft. Engine revolutions per minute (rpm) determine oil pressure, with a minimum pressure
at idling speed and maximum pressure at maximum engine speed. A set of gerotor pumping
elements is shown in Figure 5-6. Each set of gerotors is separated by a steel plate, making each set
an individual pumping unit. Each set consists of an inner element and an outer element. The small
star-shaped inner element has external lobes fitting within and matching with the outer element,
which has internal lobes. The small element pinned to the pump shaft acts as a drive for the outer
free-turning element. In some engine models, the oil pump has four elements, one for oil feed and
three for scavenging. Other models have six elements, one for feed and five for scavenge. In each
case, the oil flows as long as the engine shaft is turning.
Oil Tank
The oil tank and air/oil cooler are
integral parts of an aluminum
casting. The filler port is on the right
side of the engine, and the filler
design makes it impossible to over-
service the tank. Oil flows to the oil
pump through a screen. The oil
level is shown by a sight gauge on
each side of the tank. The scavenge
pump returns oil from the sumps
and accessory gearbox to the oil Figure 5-13 — Engine oil system schematic.
tank through six scavenge screens.
Oil Pressure System
Oil suctioned through the pressure element of the pump is pressurized and flows through the oil filter.
The oil then flows into passages in the accessory gearbox and to the six main bearings in the sumps.
A cold-start relief valve downstream of the filter protects the system by dumping any extra oil into the
accessory gearbox case. Air jets blow across the oil jets to provide continuous oil mist lubrication.
The engine has two sets of oil jets to provide each main bearing with oil for cooling and lubrication.
Scavenge to the scavenge elements of the pump flows through screens at the pump inlet, and then
through the electrical chip detector. The oil then flows through the oil cooler, main frame, scroll vanes,
and into the oil tank. If the oil pressure drops below 24 psi, the appropriate ENGINE OIL PRESS
caution light will illuminate in the cockpit.
Oil Filter
Oil discharged from the oil pump is routed to a disposable element. The element is a 3-micron filter
located on the forward, left-hand side of the Accessory Gear Box (AGB). As the pressure differential
across the filter increases, the first indication will be a popped impending bypass button. As the
pressure increases, the OIL FLTR BYPASS caution light will illuminate at the same time the filter
bypass occurs.
Oil Coolers
Scavenge oil is cooled before it returns to the tank by a fuel/oil cooler. After passing through the oil
cooler, oil enters the top of the main frame. At this location it flows through the scroll vanes that
function as an air/oil cooler. This further cools the oil and heats the vanes for full-time anti-icing. The
vanes discharge oil into the oil tank. If the oil cooler pressure becomes too high, a relief valve will
open to dump scavenge oil directly into the oil tank.
New seals are packaged to prevent damage.
These packages are identified from technical
information printed on the package. This
information (shown in Figure 5-14) identifies
the use and qualifications of the packing.
Besides the part number, the manufacturer’s
cure date is one of the most important items
listed on the package. Refer to Department of
Defense (DOD) 4140.27 for shelf life of
preformed packings. Most synthetic rubbers
are not damaged by several years of storage
under ideal conditions. However, they
deteriorate quickly when exposed to heat,
light, moisture, and various other conditions.
This is why it is important to keep them in their
original envelopes. Damage also occurs to
packings when improperly stored, such as
flattening or creasing from storage under
heavy parts. Before using the parts, inspect
new seals for damage (nicks, scratches,
flattening, over-age). Do not use over-aged,
damaged or non-identifiable seals (seals
removed from original envelopes). The Figure 5-14 — Seal packing information.
difficulty encountered whenever a gasket,
seal, or packing is being replaced is in proper installation. Always check that the mating surfaces are
clean, and that the new gasket, seal, or packing is correctly installed. Seals or O-rings are
comparatively soft, so you should use care to prevent nicks and scratches; do not use sharp
instruments during installation. Always refer to the applicable MIM for the correct procedures, tools,
and lubricants used during installation.
Always refer to the applicable MIM’s prior to any
maintenance actions performed
Some engines prohibit decreasing oil pressure; the oil
pump must be changed instead. High oil pressure could
indicate blocked oil passages and lowering the oil pressure
could result in an inadequate oil supply to some bearings.
After any adjustments, you must recheck the pressure with a direct reading gauge at the
recommended oil temperature and engine rpm.
To identify defects in the oil systems that are attributable to either high or low oil pressure, refer to
Table 5-3.
Table 5-3 — Low/High Oil Pressure Defects
Trouble Probable Cause Corrective Action
High oil pressure. Low oil temperature. Check temperature indicator.
Indicator accuracy must be Improper setting of relief valve. Check grade of oil.
confirmed using direct reading oil
Defective pressure indicator. Reset pressure relief valve.
pressure gauge.
Replace with new or serviceable
Low oil pressure. High oil temperature. Check temperature indicator.
Indicator accuracy must be Clogged oil filter. Remove and clean oil filter.
confirmed using direct reading oil
Improper setting of relief valve. Reset pressure relief valve.
pressure gauge.
Defective pressure pump. Repair or replace pump.
Defective pressure indicator. Replace with new or serviceable
Low oil level.
Fill oil tank to the proper level.
Viscosity of oil is too light.
Drain system; refill with correct
Air leak in the supply line.
grade of oil.
Locate and eliminate air leak.
Reduction gear oil pressure out of Reduction gear oil pump assembly Repair/replace as required.
limits. pressure element deteriorated (low
Replace engine.
pressure), check valve stuck or
The reduction gear has a fixed
restricted (low pressure). Prime reduction gear pump
orifice oil system. The problems
described are often caused by a Reduction gear oil pump drive train
change in the effective orifice or bearing or gear failure (low Clean/replace as required.
the pump output. pressure).
Reduction gear and pump pressure Reduction gear internal oil
may only be adjusted to increase passages blocked (high pressure)
pressure. or ruptured (low pressure), worn
transfer tubes (low pressure).
Indicator accuracy must be
confirmed using direct reading oil Oil system air lock.
pressure gauge.
Reduction gear pressure relief
valve stuck open (low pressure).
The screen and spacer-type filters require a special holding
fixture for replacing (buildup) the filter elements. Be sure
the screen and spacers are the correct number and in
proper order.
Removal and Replacement of Oil
The following procedures are general
procedures. You should refer to the correct
MIM before you remove or replace oil filters on
your engine. Oil filters are removed and
inspected at regular intervals. They are also
inspected when the cockpit indicator (chip
light) for the magnetic drain plug warns of
possible failure (Figure 5-15).
1. Provide a suitable container for
collecting oil and remove the filter.
2. Inspect the filter for metal
3. After inspection, clean the filters. Most
filters are routed to the Fleet Readiness
Center (FRC) /Aircraft Intermediate
Maintenance Department (AIMD) for
ultrasonic cleaning.
4. Install clean or new filters on the oil filter
5. Install the filter assembly using new O-
rings and gaskets. Torque nuts to
recommended values. Figure 5-15 — Oil filter assembly.
Fuzz consists of fine, hair-like particles resulting from
normal wear. Fuzz accumulation may be more noticeable
on new engines during the first 100 hours of operation.
Always refer to your specific aircraft and engine MIM for
contamination and serviceability limits. Rejection criteria for
one engine type may be only an oil flush and oil component
replacement on another engine type.
The following test procedures help determine different types of metal particles:
Iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni). Use a permanent magnet to isolate these metal particles.
Tin (Sn). Tin particles can be distinguished by their low melting point. Use a clean soldering
iron, heated to 500 °F (250 °C) and tinned with a 50-50 solder (50-percent tin and 50-percent
lead). A tin particle dropped on the soldering iron will melt and fuse with the solder.
Aluminum (Al). Aluminum particles can be determined by their reaction with hydrochloric acid.
When a particle of aluminum is dropped into the hydrochloric (muriatic) acid, it will fizz, and the
particle will gradually disintegrate. Aluminum particles will also dissolve rapidly and form a
white cloud in a strong caustic solution (sodium or potassium hydroxide). Silver and copper
(bronze) do not noticeably react with hydrochloric acid.
Silver (Ag) and copper (Cu). Silver and copper (or bronze because of its high copper content)
may be differentiated by their respective reactions in nitric acid. When a silver particle is
dropped into nitric acid, it will react with the acid, slowly producing a whitish fog. When a
particle of copper (bronze) is dropped into the nitric acid, it will react rapidly with the acid. This
reaction produces a bright, bluish-green cloud.
Chromium (Cr). These particles may be determined by their reaction to hydrochloric acid.
When a chromium particle is dropped into concentrated hydrochloric acid, the acid will develop
a greenish cloud.
Cadmium (Cd). Cadmium particles will dissolve rapidly when dropped into a 5-percent solution
of chromic acid.
Tin cadmium. These particles will dissolve rapidly when dropped into a 5-percent solution of
chromic acid. The tin content will cause a clouding of the solution.
Always use the appropriate protective clothing and
equipment, and use extreme care when handling acids.
Make sure the metal particles found in the oil are of an acceptable quantity for the engine to remain in
service. Always refer to the applicable MIM for the limits of metal particles for each particular engine.
The Joint Oil Analysis Program (JOAP) provides a diagnostic technique to monitor and diagnose
equipment or oil condition. This is done without the removal or extensive disassembly of the
equipment. It is mandatory for all activities operating aeronautical equipment to participate in this
program. Type commanders or the Cognizant Field Activity (CFA) are the only ones to relieve you
from this requirement. The CFA provides information on the sampling points, techniques, and
intervals for all Navy equipment. The CFA also establishes and maintains sampling information for
the Maintenance Requirements Cards (MRCs) and maintains updated MIMs with the contamination
and serviceability limits of the respective equipment or weapon systems.
Wear Metals
Wear metals are generated by the motion between metallic parts, even though lubricated. For
normally operating equipment, the wear metal is produced at a constant rate. This rate is similar for
all normally operating equipment of the same model. Any condition that changes the normal
relationship will accelerate the rate of wear and increase the quantity of wear metal particles
produced. If the condition is not corrected, the deterioration will increase and cause secondary
damage to other parts of the assembly. This can result in the final failure of the entire assembly and
loss of the equipment. New or newly overhauled assemblies tend to produce wear metal in high
concentrations during the initial break-in period.
amount of light energy absorbed by the elements in the flame is proportional to the
concentration of wear metals.
The spectrometric fluid analysis method is effective only for
those failures that are characterized by an abnormal
increase in the wear metal content of the lubricating fluid.
This is particularly true of failures that proceed at a rate
slow enough to permit corrective action. This is done after
receipt of notice from the laboratory.
The value of a spectrometric analysis is based on the assumption that the oil sample is representative
of the system from which it is taken. Occasionally, samples from one part may be substituted for
another, resulting in a false appearance of a developing wear condition. A sudden increase of wear
metal in one part and a decrease in another should be considered as a problem related to sample
error; for example, misidentifying a sample as an engine sample when it was actually a transmission
Refer to the applicable scheduled maintenance or periodic
inspection document for the specific routine sampling
interval. Also look for specific sampling instructions for each
type/model/series of equipment being sampled.
Each operating activity participating in the JOAP must take routine samples properly and at the
prescribed intervals. In addition to the routine samples, each operating activity is required to submit
special samples under the following conditions:
When samples are requested by the CFA or by the laboratory.
When the activity is so directed by the unit maintenance officer to check out suspected
When abnormal conditions exist, such as malfunction of the oil lubricated part, damage to the
oil lubricating system, excessive engine oil loss, or zero oil pressure.
Before and after the replacement of major oil lubricating system parts.
At the completions of a test cell run. If the repaired or suspect unit is operated on oil previously
used in the test cell system, a sample must be taken. This is done before and after the
completion of the test cell run.
After the final test on an aircraft that is undergoing
rework or scheduled depot-level maintenance or after
installations of new/overhauled engines or engines
repaired by FRC/AIMD.
Following all accidents, regardless of cause and
resulting damage. These samples must be taken by
any means possible to get a representative sample.
There are two basic methods of taking a fluid sample: (1) the
dip tube technique, and (2) the drain technique.
Dip Tube Sampling
The following procedures should be followed when using the
dip tube method for getting a fluid sample:
1. Remove the filler cap from the oil tank and open the
sample bottle.
2. Use a sampling tube of the correct length. Hold the
tube at one end and lower it into the tank through the
filler neck until only the upper end protrudes (Figure
5-17, views A and B).
3. Allow the lower end of the tube to fill with oil, and then
close the upper end with your thumb or finger.
Withdraw the tube and drain the trapped oil into the
sample bottle. (Figure 5-17, views C and D). Repeat
this operation until the bottle has been filled to about
one-half inch from the top. Figure 5-17 — Dip tube oil
Do not use mouth suction to fill the sampling tube. Many
oils and fluids are highly toxic and may cause paralysis or
4. Replace the bottle cap and tighten it to prevent leakage of the sample. Replace the cap on the
tank and discard the sampling tube.
5. Reduce the chance of misidentifying samples by marking all oil samples with
equipment/system identification as soon as possible after sampling.
Drain Sampling
When using the drain sampling method for getting a fluid sample, you should use the following
1. Open the sample bottle.
2. Open the drain outlet in the bottom of the tank, sump, case, or drain port, and allow enough oil
to flow through to wash out accumulated sediment (Figure 5-18, view A).
3. Hold the sample bottle under the drain and fill to about one-half inch from the top (Figure 5-18,
views B and C). Close the drain outlet.
4. Replace the bottle cap and tighten it enough to prevent leakage.
5. Reduce the chance of misidentifying samples by marking all oil samples with
equipment/system identification as soon as possible after sampling.
H** Inspect unit and advise lab of finding. Abnormal wear indicated by *** PPM (element).
R** Do not fly or operate; inspect filters, screens, chip detector and sumps; advise laboratory of results.
Do not fly or operate. Examine for discrepancy and advise laboratory of results and disposition. If
T** discrepancy found and corrected, continue operation and submit resample after *** hours of operation.
If discrepancy is not found, recommend remove component from service and send to maintenance.
J* Contamination confirmed. Change oil; sample after *** minute run-up and after *** operating hours.
Contamination suspected. Change oil; run for *** additional hours, take samples hourly. (This code for
Air Force Depot use only.)
Do not change oil. Restrict operations to local flights or reduced load operation, maintain close
surveillance and submit check samples after each flight or *** operating hours until further notice.
Do not change oil. Submit resample after ground or test run. Do not operate until after receipt of
laboratory result of advice.
G* Contamination suspected; resample unit and submit sample from new oil servicing this unit.
P* Do not fly or operate; do not change oil; submit resample as soon as possible.