Connect The Secret LinkedIn Playbook

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The key takeaways are that relationships are valuable assets that need to be carefully managed, and that digital platforms like LinkedIn have changed how business relationships are built in the modern era.

Some of the problems with old school marketing techniques discussed in the book are that they are outdated, leave money on the table, and allow competitors to establish themselves as industry leaders while still using outdated techniques.

The new marketing blueprint discussed in the book leverages digital platforms like LinkedIn to identify potential customers, contact them, earn their trust, build relationships, establish yourself as an industry leader, and set up face-to-face meetings.

Copyright © 2015 Josh Turner

All rights reserved.

The Secret LinkedIn Playbook To
Generate Leads, Build Relationships,
And Dramatically Increase Your Sales

ISBN 978-1-61961-327-0














The Power of Relationships

We spend our days in management—our time, our money, our

employees, and even ourselves. But how often do we remem-
ber to manage our relationships?

Relationships, like stocks or bonds, are valuable assets. When

mismanaged, or simply left to their own devices, they fall apart
the moment we need to lean on them. But when relationships
are carefully managed, they bring growth and prosperity.

Here’s a famous example. In 2011, AOL acquired The Huffington

Post for $315 million—less than six years after its launch. In a
crowded field of agile competitors and award-winning jour-
nalists, how did The Huffington Post rise to the top? In a word,
relationships—specifically, the relationships and connections
cultivated by co-founder Arianna Huffington. In a 2011 article
titled “Arianna Huffington: The Connector,” Vogue magazine

Introduction  7
attributed Huffington’s success to her uncanny ability to
build relationships.

In any business, developing a powerful system for forming,

nurturing, and sustaining relationships with prospects, busi-
ness partners, and clients is essential.

But as our world changes, the nature of business relationships

is changing too. Learning to harness new practices will allow
you to build, refine and scale your business quickly. Relying
on relationship-building techniques developed even five or
ten years ago (let alone twenty or thirty or fifty) to connect
with new customers will get you only one thing: left behind.

The digital economy has changed the way we communicate,
especially with potential customers. Sophisticated digital plat-
forms and social marketing have made it easier than ever to
identify potential customers, contact them, earn their trust,
build a relationship, establish yourself as a leader in your
space, and ask for a face-to-face sales meeting. But because
we don’t understand how to leverage these platforms and tac-
tics for success, many of us still struggle to find new revenue,
increase sales and grow our businesses.

Who can blame us? Learning new and unfamiliar practices

can be intimidating. Doing what’s always worked before is
comforting—we already know how to do it, authorities have
approved it, and even when it doesn’t work, we can reassure

ourselves that we’ve tried our best and “the market is just
against us.”

Unfortunately, what worked reasonably well just five years ago

is woefully outdated and inadequate today. Sticking with old-
school techniques means leaving sales (and money) on the
table. It also means your competition eating your lunch when
they figure out the new techniques before you, and establish-
ing themselves as trusted industry leaders while you’re still
making cold calls.

Let’s look at the difference between sticking with old-fash-

ioned practices and learning current ones with a pair of
business stories.


After years of working for a big payroll company, Sue

Thompson left her position and started her own payroll
service a few months ago. Ever since, she’s been hustling every
day to find new clients. She’s doing all the stuff every sales
guru says you should do: networking meetings, coffees and
lunches, requests for introductions, chamber of commerce
meetings, handing out business cards, even spending two
days a week cold calling. But the results are coming way
too slow.

After several months of sixty-hour workweeks, Sue has picked

up a handful of clients. But now she’s finding that as the
demands of her paying clients grow, she has less time for

Introduction  9
prospecting and networking. And the few coffee meetings and
sales lunches she still has time for don’t seem to be yielding
any new clients. Most of these meetings end with Sue and
her new business connection agreeing to “keep in touch,” but
never actually connecting again.

By now, Sue is really tired. She thinks to herself, “There must

be a better way.” She realizes it’s going to take a methodical
commitment, and some sort of organized system or process,
to stay in touch with these contacts and develop an ongoing
business relationship with them. But she only has so much
time for coffee and lunch meetings, which already take too
much time and just aren’t scalable.

Thinking about the future of her business, both short and

long term, Sue begins to realize that servicing an existing
client list and also making time to prospect for new business
is impossible for her small company. Sadly, she considers
folding her new venture and going back to work for a big
payroll company.

Sue’s story is all too common. She grew up in an era where

sales managers preached old-school techniques. But the world
is changing, and while Sue knows on some level she needs to
change with it, she’s just not sure how.


Now let’s look at a very different approach. Examine the story
below and consider how a novel strategy makes all the dif-

Bob Sanders had a long career working for small and
medium-sized construction companies. He knew that his
skills were in demand, and that there was no shortage of
companies that needed help. So he decided to set up his own
construction consulting firm.

Prior to striking out on his own, Bob spent several years

following the growing importance of digital media and social
marketing. He knew that the right way to grow his business
was not by attending networking events, going to chamber
breakfasts, meeting potential clients for coffee, and handing
out business cards to everybody he meets. Bob knew he could
spend that same time much more effectively.

So Bob set up his new firm’s sales practices to leverage the

new paradigm for generating sales leads and building a
scalable business. Bob knew that it was absolutely possible
to design a system to bridge online with offline activities,
so that he could systematically build relationships with
thousands of potential clients in a short amount of time.
Bob was certain that he could take the old-school principles of
networking and referrals, combine them with all of these new
online tools and platforms, and create a powerful formula
for generating leads consistently.

Within just a few months, Bob had built an online

networking and lead generation machine that was reaching
an audience of targeted prospects fifteen times larger than
his more old-fashioned competitors could reach. On top of
that, the system allowed him to establish himself as a trusted
resource and keep his name in front of these prospects on a

Introduction  11
regular basis, in a personal one-to-one manner. Bob now has
a steady stream of new clients approaching him to discuss
business and an outbound marketing effort that produces
new opportunities every day. Now his biggest problem is
hiring enough employees to handle all the business.

What these two parables illustrate is that face-to-face, in-per-

son networking and relationship building takes a tremendous
amount of time and effort. Every minute you spend driving
to a coffee meeting and making small talk is time away from
running and managing your business. And if that meeting
doesn’t result in a new paying client, it’s essentially wasted
time. The process is inefficient. You have to spend an inordi-
nate amount of time and energy to reach a small number of
potential clients.

Not only that, prospecting the old-fashioned way, in person or

via cold calling, simply doesn’t scale. It’s impossible to go for
coffee with a thousand prospects in a year. Heck, it’s nearly
impossible to go for coffee with a couple hundred, unless
that’s your only responsibility.

But when you leverage the power of the Internet, you find
possibilities today that never existed before. Smart companies
are using large, existing digital platforms to get their message
out to thousands of potential customers all at the same time.
Try doing that at Starbucks.

The only hurdle is that these technologies are new. Imple-

menting those means learning specialized techniques you’ve
never used before. But this is actually an advantage, because

by reading this book and putting the plan into action, you
will be getting a big jump on your competitors. By the time
they figure out what you’re doing, it will be too late for them
to catch up.


This book will show you how to systematically develop rela-
tionships with thousands of cold prospects, converting them
into warm leads over time, all done utilizing online tools you
already have at your disposal. I’ll teach you how to do this in a
way that’s easily scalable, primarily using LinkedIn and webi-

You’ll have more leads, better leads, more referrals, and you
won’t churn through prospects as fast. You’ll be able to pro-
actively pluck out the very best prospects and market to them
in a specific way that culminates in a request for a phone call
or a meeting, so that all you’ll need to do is bring them into
your sales process and close the sale. And once this system is
in place and functioning, your marketing machine will be con-
tinually running in the background, so you’ll finally be able to
step off that roller coaster of constantly chasing the next sale.

This is not a book about social media. It is not a marketing

textbook. It’s a laser-focused recipe for finding new customers
and winning their business in the digital age.


This book is for business owners, marketers and salespeople

Introduction  13
in B2B companies. If you sell to other businesses, especially
high-ticket products and services, then this book is for you. It
doesn’t matter what industry you’re in; the tactics in this book
are universal. For example, consulting services, enterprise
software, design and construction, manufacturing, informa-
tion products, law firms, CPAs, IT services, and many other
industries have expensive products that require trust and a
relationship to sell. Customers don’t need a relationship with
you to buy a $5 product, or to hire a graphic artist for $300
to design a one-off brochure, but they sure do need to know
you if they’re going to hire you to run their million-dollar
monthly payroll.

Another important requirement is that your target custom-

ers must be companies or people that you can identify on
LinkedIn. Although more and more businesses of all types
are building an online presence, some industries simply aren’t
there yet. But if you can find them online, especially on Linke-
dIn, then this system will work for you.


If you’re like most business people these days, you have more
than a little trepidation about boldly entering the digital/social
marketplace. Terms like “social media,” “hashtags” and “ana-
lytics” may make you start sweating. But don’t panic. By the
time you’re finished with this book you’ll be ready to run a
lead generation system that will amaze even the most tech-
savvy online marketers. You’ll understand it. You’ll know
how to use it. And soon you’ll be on your way to generating

hundreds of new leads to help take your business to a whole
new level.

Let’s get started.

Introduction  15


Why do you almost always reject a sales call from a complete

stranger? Why does cold calling yield such low results? What
makes a prospect trust or mistrust you? And what’s the best
way to make sure they choose to trust you? The answers to
these questions lie in millions of years of human evolution.

There is a well-established branch of the social and natural
sciences called evolutionary psychology. According to evolu-
tionary psychologists, the brains of modern humans operate
essentially the same way today as they did in the days of
the caveman.

The brain evolves, but it evolves slowly. So while the modern

human brain is very different than the brain of a Homo erectus

on the African savanna one million years ago, it likely isn’t so
different from the brain of the early Homo sapiens. Although
our brains were similar, our lives couldn’t be more different.
Early Homo sapiens spent their days running around with
spears hunting mammoths, hiding from saber-toothed tigers,
and clashing with other hostile clans. Survival in that prehis-
toric world depended in large part on how well individuals
learned to evade danger, find food and shelter, work together
and avoid hostile tribes. As our ancestors faced social and
survival problems, they developed ways to adapt. Evolutionary
psychology shows that these thousands of years of learned
behavior eventually became ingrained as instinct—what we
commonly refer to as “human nature.”

Today, we don’t need to sit down and puzzle out how to

respond to many situations. Our instincts respond for us. And
that doesn’t just happen in fight-or-flight instances of fear or
anxiety. Here’s an example of how it shows up in a regular
business scenario.

According to Harvard Ph.D. and behavioral scientist Dr.

Samuel Bowles, as a consequence of tribal warfare, humans
evolved to be more cooperative with members of their own
tribe, and more hostile to members of unknown tribes.

So when a copier salesperson cold calls a purchasing manager

whom he has never met, is it any surprise that the purchasing
manager won’t return the call? The salesperson is not in the
purchasing manager’s tribe—they don’t work together, they
don’t know each other, so human nature warns the purchas-
ing manager to be suspicious and not respond. Trying to set

up a sales meeting with a cold prospect you’ve never met is
difficult because you are literally trying to bypass thousands
of years of ingrained human behavior.

So what’s the solution?

Instead of working against human nature, learn to work with it.

You’ll see how the most effective way to turn cold prospects
into warm leads is to gradually entice them to join your clan.

We’ll talk more about how to do all this in a moment. First,

let’s look at why these switches work so well.


Humans are naturally wary of strangers. If a person we have
never seen before approaches us on the street, we instantly
put our guard up. However, if someone approaches who we’ve
seen many times walking her dog around the neighborhood,
our natural instinct will be to greet her with a smile, even if
we’ve never met. Social psychologist Dr. Elliot Aronson writes
in The Social Animal, “All other things being equal, the more
familiar an item is, the more attractive it is. People prefer faces
they’ve seen ten times to equally attractive faces they’ve seen
only five times.”

In other words, the more often people see something, the

more comfortable they are with it simply because they’ve seen
it before.

Why is this? Largely because of what’s known as priming.

C av e m a n P s yc h o lo g y  1 9
Priming works like this: When someone is exposed to a mes-
sage repeatedly, they naturally start to believe and trust it.
The higher the exposure, the deeper the trust.

The multi-billion dollar advertising industry is based on this

very principle of priming. Aronson writes, “In the case of many
consumer products, the public tends to buy a specific brand
for no other reason than the fact that it is heavily advertised.”

Priming is not complicated. Many studies have shown that
simply being primed with certain types of words can lead to
a distinct change in behavior. A recent study published in the
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed how prim-
ing with different types of words elicits different behaviors.

In this study, one group of students was primed with nega-

tive words, including: rude, bother, disturb, intrude, annoyingly,
interrupt, audaciously, brazen, impolitely, infringe, obnoxious,
aggravating, and bluntly. A second group of students was
primed with positive words: respect, honor, considerate, appre-
ciate, patiently, cordially, polite, courteous, graciously, sensitively,
behaved, and unobtrusively. Then, still part of the experiment,
each student was asked to go out into the hallway and fetch
the professor, who was engaged in an important conversation
with another colleague. The students primed with negative
words were far more likely to rudely interrupt the profes-
sor’s conversation.

This study and others like it show how vital it is to consider

the types of words you use—especially with potential custom-
ers. Whether you’re considering ad copy or personal messages
to prospects, you want to use positive words. Words like suc-
cess, win, celebrate, affordable, profit, future, happy, prosperity,
affluence, and wealth will serve you and your clients much
better than words like fail, lose, disappear, shrink, competition,
expensive, and losses.

When you use these words is also important. Upbeat words

and optimistic communications trigger positive emotions in
the brain, which will cause your prospects to associate you
with feeling good.

So to get that association going as soon as possible, start using

positive words from the get-go. Open the relationship by com-
municating something positive or even inspirational. It can be
as simple as, “Hey, thanks for connecting here. I’m impressed
by what your company has accomplished.”

Now what about the idea that the strongest marketing strate-
gies play on the desire to avoid losing something? Oftentimes
the promise of helping your client not lose what they already
have can be more effective than the promise of future gains.
But it is possible (and preferable) to couch this technique in
positive language! If you constantly tell your potential clients
that they are about to lose something, they’ll start tuning you
out, so make sure you stay positive even when talking about
loss avoidance.

In addition to using positive language, make an effort to share

positive content as well. Here’s an example of how that works:

C av e m a n P s yc h o lo g y  2 1
A client of ours owns a manufacturing company that sells
equipment to the mining industry. There are a lot of negative
topics and sad news in the mining industry—mining accidents,
lawsuits, environmental controversies, protesters, negative
publicity and news reports, and so on. If we were to focus on
those negative headlines in the communications we write for
this client, their readers and customers would get depressed
about the shape of the mining industry. Worse, they’d associ-
ate the company giving them mining news—our client—with
their own feelings of depression, and probably not support or
buy from that company. Our client would be sunk!

So instead, when we write this client’s communications we

try to find a great success story, or talk about rising ore prices,
or favorable legislation, or charitable donations to local com-
munities. There is always good news, even if you have to look
hard to find it, and focusing on that good news will help your
potential customers associate you (the source of the good
news) with the good feelings they get reading it.


It’s not enough to simply “prime the pump.” To really get the
best results, your prospects need to view you as a leader in
your space. Why is that? To break it down to the core, let’s
take a look at another Harvard University study. In this study,
a lecturer presented a speech to two different groups of stu-
dents about the importance of arithmetic. To one group, the
presenter was introduced as an award-winning scholar from
a prestigious research university. To the other group, the pre-
senter was introduced as a dishwasher in a restaurant. As you

might imagine, the students responded much more strongly
to the “professor” than to the “dishwasher.”

So if your prospects see you as the dishwasher, you’re facing

an uphill battle to convince them to do anything. You have
to establish yourself as an expert or an authority in the field.
Luckily, there are some relatively simple steps you can take
to position yourself and your business as real leaders in your
industry. We’ll cover these steps in a later chapter.


Relationships are all about trust. If you want people to trust
you, you have to keep them from thinking that you’re just
another salesperson trying to separate them from their money.
So the best way to prime somebody for a sales conversation is
not what most salespeople typically do; that is, telling them
all about your company and your products.

So if you shouldn’t talk about your company and your prod-

ucts, what should you talk about?

Easy: Talk about them. If you know their business well, give
them information pertinent to that business. If you don’t
know their business well, ask them about it! People love
talking about their businesses. Explore their needs and desires
with them, and use your expertise to share ways to meet those
needs. Sales will come later—right now your job is to earn
their trust, and the way to do that is to give them everything
you can without asking for anything back. Their instinct will

C av e m a n P s yc h o lo g y  2 3
be to look for the quid pro quo behind your words, so flip the
script and don’t have one for them to find.

Now that you have a beginning understanding of human

nature and why it works the way it does, we’re going to look at
the specifics of how to achieve the objectives we discussed in
this chapter. In the coming chapters we’ll explain exactly how
to use tools like LinkedIn groups and strategic messaging cam-
paigns to turn cold prospects into warm leads, establish trust
upfront, and place yourself as a leader in your industry. We’ll
also explore some examples, case studies, and success stories
that demonstrate the power of this process. Let’s dive in.



Just fifteen years ago, marketing and selling were much dif-
ferent than it is today. The Internet hadn’t yet developed into
its current state, and the ability to connect with a massive
audience of targeted prospects was available only to major
corporations with huge marketing budgets.

Today, marketing, selling, and the internet could not be more

closely intertwined. These days, even a solopreneur on a tight
budget can leverage online tools to reach an audience of inter-
national clients.

But what even is marketing now? The game has changed so

much that definitions from even a few years ago don’t fit any-
more. For instance, Wikipedia defines marketing as:

“The process of communicating the value of a product or
service to customers, for the purpose of selling that product
or service.”

That definition is outdated. If you’re a B2B company and your

marketing is solely focused on communicating the value of
your product or service, you are missing a key part of the equa-
tion. Marketing in the digital age requires a different strategy.

We now have widespread mainstream digital platforms that

allow you to put your marketing message in front of exactly
the right people. But here’s the catch: If you use that tech-
nology simply to tell people about the value of your product
or service, you’ll get an extremely low response rate. People
will tune you out. Even the right people are so saturated with
that kind of marketing that they won’t even look twice at
yours. No, the true power of technology in marketing is rela-
tionship building.

Remember the objectives from the last chapter? Instead of just

trying to sell products, if you use these tools to first build an
online relationship, then establish trust and position yourself
as a leader, you will almost never have a cold call in your life.

Still, the old-school marketer might argue, “Who has time to

do all that networking with even a few hundred prospects, let
alone several thousand?” And that’s a valid question.

You remember Sue and her payroll service from the introduc-
tion of this book. Doing things the old-fashioned way, well, it
just wasn’t cutting it. Sue’s been trying the relationship-build-

ing route by networking and meeting prospects over coffee.
Her interactions with people feel genuine, but she can already
see that the numbers just don’t add up. There is a limit to how
many coffee meetings she can schedule, and it’s not very many.
And most of her meetings don’t result in new clients anyway.
Her work doesn’t scale. What Sue (and other old-school mar-
keters) is missing is a systematic approach for combining both
the social and psychological principles that turn prospects
into customers and the new online tools that can reach tens
of thousands of potential prospects.

Integrating these two seemingly-different approaches is

known as Systematic Relationship Marketing. It is this pro-
cess of using these new online tools, combined with classic
social and psychological principles, which turns cold pros-
pects into warm leads. It works like magic. So why are so few
people doing it?


You’d be hard-pressed to find a legitimate company that’s not
doing something to promote their products or services online.
The Internet is arguably the most powerful business tool since
the invention of the telephone. But sadly, most companies
aren’t using it effectively, so they simply aren’t getting the
results they want or expect. Why is that?

In an article titled “The Power of the Internet,” marketing

guru and blogger Jason Thibeault wrote that the power of
the Internet is that it enables the average person to have a
voice that can be heard by thousands. In other words, the

The Problems with Old School Marketing  27

Internet gives everybody a megaphone. And when you have
a megaphone, you want to start shouting things through it.

Most business people will consider two options for their Inter-
net Megaphone Shouting Campaign:

1. The kind of marketing and advertising they’ve been

exposed to all their life. “It’s worked so far, right? Why fix
what isn’t broken?”

2. The kind of marketing and advertising they’re currently

seeing on the Internet. “Everyone else is doing it, so we
should too!”

More times than not, the marketing and advertising we are

accustomed to, online and offline, is interruption marketing.
Interruption marketing is exactly what it sounds like: mar-
keting designed to interrupt whatever you’re doing, grab your
attention and direct it toward a product. This includes banner
ads, pop-ups, radio commercials, Google ads, magazine ads,
billboards, telemarketers, trade show booths, Facebook posts,
television commercials, and on and on.

Our brains associate these types of communications with

advertising and marketing—we know instantly they are trying
to sell us something. We’re very accustomed to the constant
bombardment of commercials, billboards, and Internet ads.
So when we think about how to promote our businesses, our
brains automatically jump to interruption marketing because
we’ve seen so much of it already. Remember from last chapter:

our belief and trust in something is hugely influenced by how
often we’ve already seen it.

Unfortunately, interruption marketing is an old-school mar-

keting tactic that frankly doesn’t work very well anymore—if
it ever really did. Imagine someone following you around with
a megaphone and interrupting you with product pitches every
two minutes. You’d tune them out (or smash the megaphone!)
pretty darn quick. And that’s exactly what potential customers
do online—they tune out the ads or block them entirely.

But because your brain has seen these interrupting ads so

many times, it assumes they must work. So you think, “If only
I can come up with the right message and copy for my new ad,
people will see how great we are and will be beating our door
down to hire us.” And when that fails, you think that Internet
marketing just doesn’t work for your business.

Internet marketing isn’t the problem. The problem is that your

approach is based on old beliefs and outdated ways of doing
things. Buying ads for the sake of buying ads will not get you
the results you want.

Instead, we all need to change our approach to how to interact

with prospects. The next chapter will begin to show you how.

The Problems with Old School Marketing  29




Through modern digital platforms liked LinkedIn, any mar-

keting professional or business owner can have their voice
heard by literally thousands of people. The key to Internet
marketing success is to know what to say, how often to say it,
and where to say it.

The program described in this book will revolutionize your

B2B marketing efforts by helping you develop more warm
leads than you imagined possible. This system will walk you
through the steps to do the following:

1. Identify prospects

2. Create a community to appeal to those prospects

3. Reach out to them in a strategic way

4. Bring them into your network

5. Develop a relationship with them

6. Establish yourself as a leader they can trust

7. Keep your name in front of them on an ongoing basis in a

way that creates value and comfort for them

8. Gradually work them through a messaging process that

culminates in a call to action (CTA)

By following the steps of this system, you will guarantee a

much higher response rate to your CTAs than typical or old-
school marketing tactics could get. We then combine this
process with the superpower of webinars to turbo-charge
your results.

Here’s why this system works so well:

Instead of targeting just few dozen potential clients through

face-to-face networking and in-person meetings, our system
allows you to target and reach literally thousands of potential
clients. It’s almost infinitely scalable, and it works continu-
ously to provide a constant stream of new prospects, so your
sales pipeline won’t dry up when you get busy.


I started using LinkedIn in 2006, when I was the CFO of a
construction and manufacturing firm in St. Louis. At that time,

LinkedIn was relatively new and only had about six million
members; today it has hundreds of millions of members and
is growing exponentially. When the recession hit the US econ-
omy in 2008, the company I was working for was hit pretty
hard, and by 2009 was unfortunately forced to shut its doors.

I was out of a job, but I knew I had marketable skills. So I

began using LinkedIn to market my services as a freelance
CFO and finance pro. I was an early adopter of LinkedIn so I
knew it pretty well, but I put myself through a crash course
to learn even more. Soon I created a LinkedIn campaign for
myself to market my skills as a freelancer.

Along the way I created my own LinkedIn group, currently called

Small Biz Forum, which is still active today. (You can join the
conversation by visiting I
invited CEOs and other top-level business owners and execu-
tives to join, and I provided value to them by regularly posting
general business information and resources that I thought
would be valuable to that audience. I rarely used Small Biz
Forum as a sales tool for my own business. Instead, I posted
general business content about human resources, small
business insurance, employee morale, sales and marketing,
productivity and time management, strategic planning, cost
reduction and improving efficiency, and so on. I would never
directly pitch my freelance CFO services, but I made it clear
what kind of work I did.

As the LinkedIn group continued to grow, I began getting

more freelance job offers than I could handle. I soon realized
that by being the leader of the popular Small Biz Forum I was

T h e Ne w M a r k e t i n g B lu ep r i n t   3 3
gaining a reputation around town as a credible, knowledgeable
CFO and business leader. Furthermore, by regularly posting
valuable content in the group I was keeping my name in front
of thousands of powerful business execs who could hire me
or refer me. So when the need for a finance executive came
up at a St. Louis company, I was the one they thought of first.
It was remarkable. And as this continued, I began to see the
principles we discussed in the first chapter at work: by estab-
lishing myself as a leader, building trust through sharing value
with no strings attached, and keeping my name in front of my
audience without being pushy, I had created relationships that
brought me more ecstatic clients than I knew what to do with.

As I started to realize the power of this system, I began work-

ing hard to refine it, improve it, and expand it. Then in 2011,
I had a couple of clients who saw what the system was doing
for my business and thought it might work for them as well.
They asked my opinion and I gave them some thoughts on
how they could go about creating their own LinkedIn cam-
paigns. After listening, a couple of them said, “How about
we just hire you to do that for us?” And that’s when Linked-
Selling was born and where things really took off. In 2012
we launched our online training program Linked University.
Since then, between our agency LinkedSelling and training
program Linked University, we’ve helped thousands of busi-
nesses skyrocket their sales using LinkedIn, and this book is
designed to make your business one of the next ones to do
the same.

One important note here: once you start using my system to
harness the marketing potential of the Internet, you don’t
then have to abandon everything else. Face-to-face network-
ing and in-person meetings still have tremendous value and
will always play a part in your marketing strategy. You just
won’t have to rely only on those things anymore! Instead, with
this system you’ll limit your face-to-face meetings to bona fide
warm leads with whom you’ve already established trust. So
when it comes to online vs. offline marketing and prospecting,
it’s not a case of doing one or the other; you’ll do both. You’ll
just do them better and scale them bigger.


As noted above, technology has advanced and progressed
freaky fast. Learning how to work with it can be like learning
a whole new language. As a result, a lot of people, especially
executives and businesspeople with decades of experience
in traditional marketing, tend to feel intimidated by or skep-
tical of this new type of tech-central, Internet-heavy social
marketing at first. You may be one of those people. The idea
of taking so much of your marketing online might have you
shaking in your shoes. You may not know where to start—or
even if you want to.

That’s okay. Really. I get that this can seem overwhelming,

and so I designed this system to be simple and user-friendly.
With a little time and focus, you can learn everything you
need to feel completely comfortable with the system. You
don’t need any technical expertise, social media know-how,

T h e Ne w M a r k e t i n g B lu ep r i n t   3 5
or above-average computer skills. All you need is the desire
to do it and this book to show you how.

We’ll start digging into the step-by-step process in the next

chapter. But first, check out the case study below. The results
you’ll see in it are not a fluke. Many businesses easily achieve
comparable sales results by learning my system, and yours
can too!

· · · · · · CASE STUDY · · · · · ·
U.S. Spray Foam

U.S. Spray Foam is a nationwide supplier of spray foam equip-

ment. Their primary business is renting professional spray
foam gear to contractors and homeowners, as well as pro-
viding training. Historically, most of their business has come
through their website via Google traffic. Looking to grow and
take a more proactive approach to developing new business,
they asked the question, “Where can we find and reach our
best prospects, and how can we go about targeting them to
generate qualified leads?”

U.S. Spray Foam owner Corey McDonald worked with the

LinkedSelling team to identify the following ideal prospect
profiles: general contractors, commercial contractors, project
managers, construction management firms, home builders,
remodelers, and estimators. Using LinkedIn’s Advanced
People Search, we quickly identified over 107,000 ideal pros-
pects in the United States. With that large of a prospect base,
there was no doubt the campaign would generate a flow of
qualified leads literally for years to come.


Given the massive size of the construction market, a fairly
direct approach made the most sense. Contractors are always
happy to take a look at another bid, and sometimes urgently
need additional options to consider. So getting in the door
was going to be relatively easy for U.S. Spray Foam.

T h e Ne w M a r k e t i n g B lu ep r i n t   3 7
With that in mind, we structured a LinkedIn campaign to go
after exactly the right prospects. The company wanted us to
funnel leads to sales reps based on different market segments,
so we structured the campaign around the sales reps’ LinkedIn
accounts. The system we devised with McDonald and his team
began delivering weekly batches of targeted messages from
each sales rep to the prospects in that rep’s segments.

The campaign started generating leads in the first week, and
it hasn’t let up since.

On average it’s generated 23.4 new leads per month. And

these are qualified prospects with both short and long-term
needs. Many of the leads have resulted in immediate sales
opportunities. And nearly all of them have built the founda-
tion for lasting relationships that will generate hundreds of
thousands in revenue over their lifetime. McDonald also noted
that “the long-term outlook from these leads is awesome…
most of the projects these conversations lead to have been
the biggest we’ve been involved in.”

With my system in place, your business could have the same

kind of tremendous results. In the next chapter, I’ll show you
how. You ready? Let’s do this.



Let’s start this at the very beginning.

What is LinkedIn? is an online business network where you can

connect with other professionals: people that you’ve worked
with, people that you’re friends with through work, peers in
your industry, people you know, or people you would like to
know. If Facebook is for your personal network—friends and
family—LinkedIn is for your business network.

LinkedIn is an enormous platform and it’s getting bigger. At

the time of this writing, LinkedIn membership is approaching
half a billion people, and the company’s stated goal is to reach
three billion total members. According to internal company
usage stats, 40% of members check LinkedIn daily.

The people who use LinkedIn are decision makers in their
organizations. According to independent market research of
over 300,000 business executives, LinkedIn reaches more
C-level executives (CEO , CFO , COO , etc.) than any other
news or business website. And 90% of members say they are
involved in purchasing decisions. If you’re selling B2B, these
are the folks you want to meet, and LinkedIn is the place to
meet them.


Kind of like being on Facebook, setting up a LinkedIn profile
has become something you just need to do. By this point, if
you’re a business professional and you’re not on LinkedIn,
people are going to wonder how legitimate you are. If you’re
a business, you should also create a company page to go along
with your personal profile.

Whether you are new to LinkedIn or have been around the

block, I would encourage you to sign up for one of our free
training sessions at No matter where
you’re at on the LinkedIn experience curve, this free training
will help you take your game to the next level. In the train-
ing, we touch on the basics, but we spend most of our time
diving into more advanced LinkedIn strategies. One of the
things you’ll get when you sign up at is
access to additional free training, including how to properly
structure and optimize your LinkedIn profile. An effective
profile is essential for everything we’ll be doing in the rest of
this program.

The most common way business people used LinkedIn is
for an online, up-to-date Rolodex—an enormous, accurate
database of professional contacts. Members set up their own
profile pages so others can find them and learn about their
company, title, skills, work history, etc.

Most LinkedIn users do much more than just set up a profile.

They seek out friends and colleagues to form connections.
They log on frequently to send messages and to see who has
messaged them. And with one of the most popular features,
they look to see who has been checking out their profile.
People can’t seem to resist finding out who’s interested
enough in them to peruse their profile. In this way, it’s a lot
like Facebook or any other social network.

There are also more strategic ways people use LinkedIn. A

common one is for recruiting employees. LinkedIn is now the
number-one tool that recruiters and headhunters use to find
staff. A potential employer can view your current position,
your employment history, your skills, and see if you know any
of the same people. The second way, a mirror of the first, is
as a job-seeking tool. LinkedIn is a great way to reach out to
potential employers and ask if they are hiring.

But none of these common practices leverage the true poten-

tial of this robust business tool.


Now we’re getting to the good stuff. What’s coming up here

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   4 1
is one of the most powerful ways to use LinkedIn—as a B2B
marketing tool to grow your business. This practice includes
a number of focused, targeted, and systematic ways to con-
nect with prospects and turn them into sales leads directly
on LinkedIn.

First, you can search for and join some of the different Linke-
dIn groups that have been created around all sorts of subject
matter and interests. Whether you’re a public accountant,
former collegiate athlete, engineering major, food truck oper-
ator or plumbing contractor, you can find groups filled with
people who have similar interests and backgrounds. If your
title is chief technology officer, you can find groups for CTOs
and senior-level technology people. If you’re in hot tub sales,
you can find groups that are all about selling hot tubs.

There are also groups based on geography. So if you work for

a chain of clothing stores in Topeka, Kansas, you can find a
Topeka retail group. If you are a business out of Australia,
you can find groups of other businesses based Down Under.

There are over two million LinkedIn groups. And some of

the most popular ones have hundreds of thousands of mem-
bers. There are even a few with over a million members. Once
you’re a member, you can post content in these groups and
many of the people who are members of the group—whether
it’s 50 or 50,000—will see that content. This ability to get
your content in front of so many people is a super-powerful
feature of LinkedIn.

And you can join lots of different groups. Currently, you can

be a member of up to fifty groups on LinkedIn. When you’re in
fifty of the right groups (i.e. the audiences you want to reach)
and you have a plan for sharing content into those groups on
a regular basis, a tremendous number of interested people
will see that content. It’s powerful.

In addition to just sharing content into those groups, you can

also get involved in discussions in your groups. You can jump
in and start conversations of your own, or comment on other
people’s ongoing discussions. It works kind of like the old
school bulletin boards from back in the day, only online and
in a group that’s already curated around a common interest.


So you’ve seen how you can get significant value by simply
joining existing groups and sharing your content in them. Now
the next-level payoff comes when you start your own group.

Do you remember that one of the objectives we started out

with was to position yourself as a leader? By creating a Linke-
dIn group you automatically place yourself as the default
leader of that community. When you’re running the group,
you determine who is invited to join, so you can target your
top sales prospects. And when you reach out to those people
to talk business, they’re much more open to you because they
view you as a leader in that space.

Another big advantage to creating and leading a LinkedIn

group is that you can send out a group email blast or news-

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   4 3
letter, called an announcement, once a week. That’s basically
an email blast to your entire group in which you can say what-
ever you want. You can use it for promotion. You can use it
to share content that’s valuable to the group. You can tell
people about a webinar you have coming up. You can use it
to highlight a case study.

Whatever you want to say, as group leader you have access

to the inboxes of everyone in your LinkedIn group. That’s
a pretty powerful tool and a really nice feature that comes
along with running your own group. We’ll go deeper into har-
nessing the power of creating your own LinkedIn group in a
later chapter.

But before you launch your own group, you need to spend
some time figuring out exactly whom you want in the group.
In other words, who are your best sales prospects?


Identifying your ideal prospect is the first step in our process.
We call this step “prospect profile development.” Essentially
this means figuring out who are the decision makers that
you’re trying to reach, and writing down a description of them.
Start with the industries that you are interested in targeting,
the geographic areas you want to focus on, in what countries,
what cities, and what states. Next, determine what size com-
panies to target.

Pro tip: it’s almost never “any size company.” Most businesses
are going to have some sort of sweet spot that their ideal

prospects fall into. Maybe you want to work with businesses
that have over five million in sales but less than fifty million,
or ones with between fifteen and one hundred employees.

Next up: Decide which types of people within those target

companies you want to form relationships with. Who are the
actual decision makers? The VP of purchasing or the plant
manager? The CFO or the CTO?

Start by looking at your current customers. Note the people

who typically do the buying from you, and what positions and
titles those people have. For example, if your company sup-
plies cement to the construction industry, the decision makers
you deal with from company to company could be the purchas-
ing manager, the project manager, the project foreman, the
COO, or even the CEO. Make a list of those different job titles.

Finally, search LinkedIn for the different job titles you just
listed. You should find thousands—which is great, because
now you know you have plenty of prospects to reach out to.
Now narrow them down by the criteria you decided on above:
geographic location, company size, etc.

For example, let’s say you’re looking for shop foremen. Here’s
the procedure you’d follow:

1. Type “shop foreman” into the top search bar on LinkedIn.

You’ll see close to 20,000 results.

2. Narrow that search by location—say, shop foremen in

Chicago. 473 results.

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   4 5
3. If desired, narrow it down even further—say, shop foremen
at Chicago companies that have ten or fewer employees.

4. Repeat this process with any other job titles you want to
look for.


Next, you want to make sure that the prospects you’re target-
ing look like they’re somewhat active on LinkedIn.

What does that look like?

Check to see if a prospect:

• Has a profile picture

• Has more than just a few connections
• Has written a well-developed profile

If a prospect is missing any of those elements, they’re prob-

ably not all that tuned in to LinkedIn. So don’t pursue that
prospect—they won’t be engaged enough to respond to
your messages.

Fortunately this level of non-engagement is relatively rare.

Most of the time, we find thousands of highly-engaged pros-
pects to go after—sometimes tens of thousands or even
hundreds of thousands.

Pro tip: Launch one campaign at a time. Focus that campaign

on one core type of prospect, especially when you first start.
If there are multiple different markets for your product or
service, that’s great. You can absolutely plan additional cam-
paigns targeted to those other markets. But do it after your
first campaign is up and running and successful.

For example, say you provide information technology services.

The first campaign you do might target the healthcare market.
After the success of that first campaign, you could then launch
a second campaign targeting insurance companies. The two
campaigns would be completely separate because the content,
messaging, prospects, and LinkedIn groups are completely
different for those two target markets. So trying to do them at
the same time divides your efforts and scatters your fire, while
doing them in sequence allows you to focus fully on each one.

Remember the wisdom of Ron Swanson: don’t half-ass two

things, whole-ass one thing.


Before you begin your first campaign, narrow down your list
to the couple thousand absolute best potential clients for your
business. Always aim for the decision makers, the people who
can buy your product or service. Keep refining and narrow-
ing your search until you get down to about 2,000 to 3,000
solid prospects.

Once you have your list of prospects, it’s time to start reach-
ing out via connection requests. To do this, reach out to each
prospect through LinkedIn and invite them to connect with

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   4 7
you. These invitations include personal messages between
you and the prospect, no one else. So not only does this tactic
create a feeling of professional intimacy, it also allows you to
customize each message to the prospect.

Include their first name, mention something you admire about

their business, a mutual LinkedIn connection or something
you have in common, and ask to connect with their LinkedIn
profile. Make sure you set aside enough time to give each
message its own personal touch. Because these messages
are personally customized and you’re only asking them for
a connection (do not try to sell them anything in this initial
message!), the acceptance rate is usually pretty high, often
between 50–75%.

So even though these are cold prospects who don’t know you,
more than half will usually accept that connection request
from you. And just like that, you now have a database of strong
potential clients to start working through the process.

Once you’ve done your initial database build, it’s time to begin
a personal messaging campaign.

Start by sending a few friendly messages—nothing about your

business, no selling, just connecting and sharing things that
might interest them. Keep them informal, use your own words,
and be genuine. For example:

Message 1: “Hey, Mark, thanks for connecting. Congrats on
your success.”

Message 2: “I came across this article the other day. I really

thought you might be into it. Would really love to hear
your thoughts.”

Message 3: “There’s a discussion going on in my LinkedIn

group right now on [subject the prospect works with or has
interest in]. I bet you’d have some great insights to share.
Here’s the link if you’re interested. ”

(Repeat and vary messages 2 and 3 as often as desired—the

idea is to share lots of valuable content with the prospect
while keeping your name in front of them.)

Message 4: “Hey Mark, we’ve been touching base here on

LinkedIn for a while. It’d be great to learn more about your
business. Do you have time for a call next Thursday any time
between 10 a.m. and noon?”

Note that the first three message types are all about building
a relationship with the prospect. They are consistent but not
eager, friendly but not flattering, personal but not sales-y, and
professional but not formal. They feel like a casual note a
friend would send, not a warm-up to a sales pitch.

The genius of messages like these is that even though you’re

sending out hundreds of them, maybe even thousands, in a
campaign, each one reads like you’re only sending it to one
person. This is why making each one personal is so important.

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   49
No one will respond well to a message that looks like you’ve
sent the same message to 200 other people and just changed
the salutation. But almost anyone will respond well to a mes-
sage that reads like a letter written just to them.

But won’t this take a ton of time?

In a word: yes. Because the messages are all personalized and

there is no way to automate the process, there is legwork
involved. All these one-on-one messages have to be sent man-
ually and individually. But that’s why it works so well! Because
it takes effort and time to execute, most people aren’t willing
to do it. And that’s how you’re going to stand out.

Again, there is no way to automate this part of the process.

You or someone on your team will need to sit at the computer
and send several hundred messages to the prospects in the
messaging campaign. It’s going to take some time; typically an
hour for every couple hundred messages. (As the CEO of your
company, you will not want to do this entire project yourself.
Design and oversee it, yes. Do all the writing, no.)

Fortunately, there are two important factors that make it abso-

lutely worth putting in that time.

First, you don’t have to do this all at once. In fact, you abso-
lutely shouldn’t—receiving all four of the above messages
within a month, let alone a week, will put a prospect’s guard up
and make them wonder if they’re being set up for a sales pitch.

Remember the schedule we discussed earlier. For each pros-

pect, the path from message one to message four should take
between two and three months. That’s one message every
three weeks or so. If you want to accelerate things, we rec-
ommend going no faster than every two weeks. Over several
hundred prospects, that’s still a lot of messages to send, but
now the workload is spread out over a much more manage-
able timeframe.

Second, many people just don’t have the discipline to do this.

Because it can be such tedious work, very few people bother
to do it all. So when you do put in the discipline and time to
do it, you automatically stand out. You’re the 1% who’s done
what the other 99% wouldn’t do. So while your prospects
are receiving and forgetting dozens of sales pitches from
your undisciplined competitors, they’ll remember the effort
you made to genuinely connect with them—and jump at the
chance to get on the phone with you.

I’m not including the exact instructions, clicks and screen-

shots to set up a messaging campaign and send messages here,
for a couple reasons. One, because LinkedIn is very intuitive
and easy to use. If you can use Facebook, you can set up your
own group and send messages on LinkedIn. Two, each busi-
ness requires a different approach.

Within our training program, Linked University, we include

detailed instructions on setting up and executing your mes-
saging campaigns, including scripts for each message. But
even with that, we highly recommend that you don’t use these
scripts verbatim. To get the best results, you really should put
them into your own words and craft these messages so they

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   5 1
speak to YOUR prospects. If you find you’re struggling with any
aspect of how to set these messages up, I’d highly encourage
you to join our advanced training program Linked University.


It is essential that you keep track of these messaging cam-
paigns. You need to be able to tell at a glance whom you have
reached out to, with which message, and when and how to
follow up with them. When you’ve got a couple thousand
people in your campaign, it’s super easy to lose track and get
disorganized very quickly. Once this happens, getting back on
track will be almost impossible. So don’t let it happen!

Here is a link ( to an Excel spread-

sheet that we use as a tracking form. It’s a simple spreadsheet
that shows how we structure and organize all these messages.
The spreadsheet gives you real-time access to the data of all
the prospects in the campaign, all the relevant information
about those people, what parts of the campaign they’re cur-
rently in, what messages they’ve received, and which messages
they’re queued up to receive.

This will make tracking the campaign simple. It’s intuitive and
easy to use for this process so that you have a one-stop shop
to go in and see everything going on in the campaign. If you
want to customize the spreadsheet you can easily create your
own. Or, if you have a CRM system that you think would do
the trick, great! No matter how you want to organize the data,
the key is that you do it. We’ll dig a lot deeper into creating
your own tracking system in Chapter 7.

After you’ve built your prospect list and started running your
messaging campaign, it’s time to launch your own group.
We’ll get back to this in Chapter 7 to show you the method
we’ve found is most effective, but first take a look at this case
study to see what kind of results are in store if you stick to
this program.

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   5 3
· · · · · · CASE STUDY · · · · · ·
Cohen Architectural Woodworking:
$10 Million in Revenue Growth

How do you go from being an old-school regional supplier

to the construction industry to one that closes long-term,
multi-million dollar contracts with international corporations?
Cohen Architectural Woodworking (CAW) was hungry to
answer that question. And the way they achieved it was cer-
tainly not by doing more of the same old-fashioned sales and
marketing grind.

In business since 1975, the Cohen family has maintained a

phenomenal reputation among its client base. But historically
most of these clients only placed occasional orders for special
projects. While many of these were large projects and quite
profitable, the seemingly never-ending revenue roller coaster
that comes along with being a “job shop” just wasn’t working

Instead, CAW wanted to upgrade. Their new goal was to focus

almost exclusively on national accounts—major corporate
clients that would name CAW as the single-source vendor
for all their new and remodel construction projects. The only
problem was that the traditional ways of selling just weren’t
generating results. CAW’s sales team wasn’t getting in the
door to forge the relationships with the buyers and key deci-
sion makers in the construction management departments.

Realizing that the old ways weren’t working, the Cohen man-

agement team turned to us at LinkedSelling. Even though all
this LinkedIn marketing stuff seemed a bit foreign to them,
they believed our system could deliver a scalable campaign
to reach these high-end corporate decision makers. And after
we worked them through a systematic relationship building
process, a large percentage of their highest-level prospects
were happy to schedule a call.

For Cohen Architectural Woodworking, we achieved this in

two ways. First, we built and quickly grew a LinkedIn group
catering to their ideal prospects. Not a group about wood-
working, but an industry-focused group that their prospects
would actually enjoy and care about. The group has since
grown to over 15,000 members!

The LinkedIn group regularly keeps the CAW name in front

of thousands of prospects. They see the group leader, Ben
Cohen, VP of sales, and CAW as leaders in the space. The
top-of-mind awareness it has built for CAW is massive.

Second, we developed several thousand direct connections

(highly-targeted prospects) via Ben Cohen’s LinkedIn account.
For these first-degree connections, we exposed them to daily
status updates and other communications, most importantly
our lead generation messaging campaigns.

Working the most high-value prospects through personal

messaging campaigns results in a steady stream of sales
opportunities. Some of these conversations result in quick
sales orders, while some are more introductory. But either

Se t t i n g Up a Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n   5 5
way, the value of getting a foot in the door with that many
qualified prospects is huge.

Over time, we nurture both of these databases (the LinkedIn

group + the direct connections) to position CAW as one of
the good guys—not pushy salespeople always talking about
themselves, but sharers of relevant and balanced content that
isn’t intrusive or annoying. That’s why, after working prospects
through the system, approximately 29% agree to a phone call.
That’s huge.

But what kind of manpower did Cohen have to allocate to the

management of this campaign? Since they hired us to run the
campaign for them, it only took about two hours per month of
coordination with their LinkedSelling Account Manager, plus
the time needed to schedule and field sales calls with pros-
pects who wanted to talk. The entire campaign is managed by
our team. We literally take it all the way to the point where
prospects agree to a phone call and then hand it off to CAW.

To date, our LinkedSelling campaign has generated more than

$10 million in new revenue for CAW. Furthermore, the cam-
paign has positioned CAW as a leader in the industry, and
maintained a top-of-mind campaign in front of thousands
of prospects. Needless to say, CAW executives have been
ecstatic with the results, and the campaign continues to
this day.



There are two primary ways we build relationships with

your prospects on LinkedIn. In Chapter 4 we talked about
the first one, personal messaging campaigns. In this chapter
we’ll dig into the other one, creating and leading your own
LinkedIn group.

Let’s start with an example.

A lawyer I know who concentrates on building and construc-

tion law created a professional LinkedIn group called The
Saint Louis Contractor Referral Network. As the founder and
president of the group, he invites key executives from the
industry to join the network, and he organizes conferences,
panel discussions, keynote speakers, and social events. He
sends out mailings, contacts executives about speaking on
panels, and introduces the keynote speakers at those panels.

By doing these things he has established himself as a respected

authority and well-known leader in the industry—even though
he’s probably never operated a cement mixer or driven a
dump truck. So when a building or construction executive in
the Contractor Referral Network needs a lawyer, guess who
they think of first? Conversely, when the lawyer calls a con-
struction executive and asks for a meeting, they usually say
yes. They seem him as a peer and a real player in the industry.

LinkedIn allows you to do exactly what the Saint Louis Con-

tractor Referral Network does, but online. As the founder and
creator of the group, you will control who joins, you will share
content with members, and you will be the leader of all group
initiatives. Creating and running your own LinkedIn group
positions you as a leader in that industry, space, market, or
geographic region where you do business. The value of being
seen as the leader of a group of high-level business profes-
sionals cannot be overstated.

There are many ways to establish yourself as an authority in

your field of business, but most of them are either very expen-
sive, or very difficult, or both. Let’s take a look at some of the
typical or traditional ways you might go about it:

• Write a bestselling book on your industry. Not easy.

• Market yourself as a keynote speaker for industry confer-

ences and conventions. Difficult and potentially expensive.

• Hire a public relations firm to get your name mentioned

in newspapers and magazines. Expensive.

• Write a hundred articles and pitch yourself to become a
featured columnist in your industry’s trade publications.
Not easy.

• Organize and run an annual conference. Expensive and dif-


What’s more, none of these ways guarantee the result of being

seen as an industry leader for more than a little while—if they
even work to begin with. So if none of these tactics are the
best way to become an industry leader, what is the best way?

The great thing about creating and leading your own LinkedIn
group is that you can do it very systematically, in your free
time (or even delegate the heavy lifting to somebody on your
team), and at comparatively low cost. Imagine how much time,
effort, and expense would be involved in launching a new
industry conference, or writing a bestselling book. Or paying
travel expenses to fly all over the country giving lectures and
seminars. (Not to mention the risk that these strategies might
flop. The book may never find a publisher. The conference
might never catch on.)

In contrast, on day one of founding your LinkedIn group you

have already positioned yourself as a leader in that space,
and on day two your prospects will begin to see you as an
authority—all because you are the founder and leader of
the community.

Le a d Yo u r Pa c k   5 9
Here’s another example. A client of ours runs a payment pro-
cessing business. He tries to sell companies on letting his
firm process all their credit card transactions. So he started a
LinkedIn group that focuses on wholesalers and distributors
from California. He invited mostly CFOs and CEOs of large
wholesalers and distributors to join the group. On day one,
he was seen as a leader in this space—even though he had
never run a wholesale or distribution company in his life. To
be honest, he’s not even in that industry. He’s in the payment
processing business. But he knew enough about the wholesale
and distribution business to find and share pertinent content
with the members, and lead the group discussions. The group
now has a constantly-growing membership of targeted exec-
utives that our client is looking to do business with, and they
all know who the group leader is.

LinkedIn groups are a highly efficient, cost-effective way to

reach out to the key prospects in your target market from a
position of strength and authority. And when you approach
the C-level executives who are your prospects as a peer, on
their level, you’ll have much greater success.


Since the end result of this process is more sales leads, some
companies consider having a salesperson or a sales manager
be the one to create and lead the LinkedIn group. This tactic
almost never works.


Because of the idea of peerage.

A peer is someone working at the same level as you. In Britain,

“the peerage” refers to a social class where all members are
at the same level of nobility. And we all know how powerful
“peer pressure” can be when people at our own level ask us
to join them.

The leader of a LinkedIn group will be approaching high-level

decision makers and buyers. But those prospects will be most
open to approaches from their own peers. A CEO or CFO at a
prospect company is going to view your company founder or
CFO as a peer. So if a lower-level sales rep contacts the CEO,
then the CEO is likely to think the sales rep is just trying to
sell him something.

Now that doesn’t mean that your CEO or founder will neces-
sarily run the group! But all of it will be done from the CEO’s
LinkedIn page, or that of an equivalent peer.


Before launching your group, do a search to see what other
groups are out there and how similar they are to yours. Of
course, you can’t use the same title as an existing group. But
even if there are groups very similar to yours, you can still
launch a new group into that same space. In fact, the existence
of similar groups shows that there’s an audience for you to
tap into!

It’s just like deciding to launch a new blog into a crowded

Le a d Yo u r Pa c k   61
marketplace, like a new travel blog, for example. If you’ve got
something to say, and a unique position or spin, then there’s
room for your blog too.

Same goes for LinkedIn groups. Even if you find a group that’s
exactly like the one you want to create, it’s unlikely that all the
people in the industry are in that group. And just because they
are in that group doesn’t mean they won’t also join your group.
There is plenty of room for more groups, especially groups
where the leader is actively engaged in sharing great content.

Be sure to position your group as exclusive, and for high-

level people. The name of your group should communicate
exclusivity and seniority. If there is already a group called
“Reality Television Professionals,” launch your group and title
it something like “Reality Television Executive Leadership
Network.” It’s a subtle difference, but look at how much more
powerful the second group name sounds.


In the previous chapter we talked about how to do a database
build by reaching out to about 1,500 prospects via personal
one-on-one connection requests. Once that database of
first-degree connections grows to a decent size, somewhere
between 300 and 500 prospects, you’re ready to launch
a group.

Now reach out to those prospects through another personal

message and invite them to join your group. We typically see
a couple hundred of them join the group off of that initial

invitation. As you keep marketing your group, it should grow
by at least a couple hundred members every month. Your
goal will be to grow it to several thousand members. And the
bigger the group becomes, the more momentum it has to
keep growing—eventually it will basically market itself and
grow on its own.

By this point you will have two databases: the LinkedIn group,
and your first-degree connections. There will likely be overlap
between the two—some people will agree to connect with you,
others will join the group, and some will do both. (Yes, some
also won’t do either. But if you have both to offer them, you’re
going to increase the chances that they will at least do one!)


One of the best ways to grow your group is by visiting other,
similar groups for your industry, or any groups that your pros-
pects are likely to belong. Then message the members of that
other group and invite them to join your group. For example, if
the group you launched is “The Chicago Banking Forum,” you
may want to visit groups like “Chicago Finance Executives”
or “The Chicago Financial Forum.”

In addition to personal one-on-one invitations, there are a

number of ways you can continuously grow your LinkedIn
group, including:

• Sharing content from the group with your email list.

• Promoting the group on your other social media properties.
• Promoting the group on your website.

Le a d Yo u r Pa c k   63
• Regularly posting status updates on LinkedIn about
your group.
• Sharing discussions from your group in other LinkedIn groups.
• Running LinkedIn ads to promote your group.
• Negotiating partnerships with other group owners to pro-

mote your group.

Okay, now that you have all these awesome prospects in your
group, what do you do with them? How do you strategically
form relationships with them? And more importantly, how
do you make the group worth their time? In the next chapter
we’ll show you how to lead your pack. But first, check out the
case study below. The Swip Systems story is a great example
of how it all comes together.

· · · · · · CASE STUDY · · · · · ·
Swip Systems
Return on Investment: 447%

Swip Systems is a technology company based in Illinois. Their

services include software and mobile development, infra-
structure, cloud solutions, automation, and intelligence. The
landscape of the IT industry is crowded and competition is
fierce. Swip needed a way to stand out from the pack and be
seen as a premium solutions provider.

Our system allowed founder and CEO Tom Swip to position

himself as a peer to the senior C-level decision makers he tar-
gets—the CEO, CFO, and CTO. To reach these prospects, we
first created and promoted a LinkedIn group called Midwest
Manufacturing Leaders, with Tom Swip as the leader of the
group. We targeted only senior-level manufacturing execu-
tives who had the power to make key buying decisions. The
group has since grown to more than 5,000 members. Second,
we developed several thousand direct connections via Tom
Swip’s LinkedIn account. We send these connections regular
communications and updates, constantly staying in front of
them and building brand awareness of Swip Systems.

As always, we position relevant and balanced content in front

of prospects in a way that isn’t intrusive or annoying. That’s
why, after working prospects through the system, again,
approximately 29% agree to a phone call. Swip Systems then
plugged those leads into their existing sales process, and con-
verted a percentage of them to paying clients.

Le a d Yo u r Pa c k   65
The results?

• Number of prospects in funnel: 6,557 and counting.

• Positioned the Swip Systems brand as a prestige service

provider in the manufacturing systems industry.

• Maintained a top-of-mind campaign in front of thousands

of high-value prospects.
• Generating a steady stream of leads and calls with high-

ly-targeted prospects.
• ROI on investment with LinkedSelling: Over $600,000

in new business.

As an added bonus, the LinkedIn group and campaign has

been so effective that Swip Systems has now taken it into
the real world. We’re currently working with them to host a
quarterly Midwest Manufacturing Leaders in-person event
and conference.



Now that you’ve created two large databases of potential cus-

tomers, what’s the best way to earn their trust and eventually
earn the right to ask them for a call or a sales meeting?

We’ve talked about it a little already.

In a word, it’s value.

The key to building relationships with your prospects is to add

value to their world. How? By giving them meaningful, useful
information that can help them in their business.

You can’t add value to your potential customers by aggressively

pestering them to buy your products. That will just annoy

them and make them regret connecting with you on LinkedIn.
Instead, go out and find information that is both timely and
helpful to your potential customers—and then share that info
with them without asking for anything in return.

In this chapter I’ll show you how to set up a systematic plan

for finding and sharing that content. We’ll talk about some
software tools that will help you automate the process to make
it even easier. And I’ll give you a few strategies to encourage
discussions and activity in your LinkedIn group.


How will you know what content will appeal to your target
customers? Cat pictures and BuzzFeed quizzes aren’t going
to cut it for this kind of connection. Fortunately there’s a very
simple rule for determining what content to use—and it’s one
you’ll recognize if you’ve ever taken a public speaking class.

Know your audience.

The better you know your potential customers—and their

industry—the better you’ll be able to recognize what type of
information they will find helpful. So use that knowledge to
post and share content that they will truly care about.

Ask yourself: What do my potential customers care about,

what challenges do they face, what do they worry about, what
makes their lives easier, and what’s important to their busi-

If your business sells electrical supplies and you have twenty
years experience calling on customers in the industry, you
probably have a clear picture of who they are and what
matters to them. So if you’ve built a LinkedIn group of inde-
pendent electrical contractors, it’s a good bet they care about
issues like:

• Preparing competitive bids

• Dealing with labor union issues
• Recruiting qualified apprentices
• Staying in line with ever-changing government regulations
• New electrical technologies
• Product recalls
• Maintaining a fleet of vehicles
• Cutting costs on wiring
• Preventing copper theft
• Fire and safety codes
• Trends in interior design and lighting
• Dispatch and scheduling efficiency
• Economic data, like construction figures and new housing

• And many more topics along these lines

If you post useful content about these topics to a LinkedIn

group full of electrical contractors, they will love you.

See, these people really need to know this stuff, but they don’t
always have time to look for it themselves. All the information
you’ll share with them is already out there somewhere, sure,
but it’s not aggregated, curated, or all in one place. They’d

B u i l d Re l at i o n s h ip s b y S h a r i n g Va lu e  69
have to spend a few hours every day searching the Internet
for it.

That’s where you come in. Using the automation tools in this
chapter you’ll streamline and automate the information aggre-
gation, curation, and sharing process, so your prospects won’t
have to spend hours digging to find this information (and
neither will you). Before long these potential customers will
consider you to be some sort of industry guru—or at least a
very helpful person who really understands their business.

While you’re thinking about that, think about this.

Everyone in your LinkedIn group of independent electrical

contractors will know that you sell electrical supplies. You
won’t make any secret of that—it’s your business and you’re
proud of it. But even though you sell supplies your group
members could use, you rarely, if ever, ask them to buy any-
thing. You don’t post about your own business and products
at all.

So when you regularly post helpful articles about the industry

without trying to sell anything, you look like a hero, not to
mention a super-knowledgeable industry leader. Over time,
your potential customers will gradually come to view you as
a trusted resource for their business. And when they need
a new electrical supplier, guess whose name will be first on
their call list?

Okay, that’s great for people who know their potential cus-
tomers inside and out, but what if you don’t know the industry

all that well? For example, you might be a CPA firm that spent
the last ten years specializing in auditing hospitals, but now
you want to expand into the construction business. How do
you handle that?

Actually, you’ll do exactly the same thing as when you do know

the industry—you’ll just need to do more research ahead of
time. Talk to some of your potential customers in the target
industry. Take them to lunch. Get to know them. Ask them
about the state of their industry, what’s going well, and what
challenges are on the horizon. What are their concerns? What
government regulations do they struggle with? What’s it going
to take to have a great year?

Don’t have time for lunches? You can shortcut the process
by reviewing the discussions happening in online forums or
other LinkedIn groups. With an hour or two of research, you’ll
uncover the hot topics that your target market is really keyed
in on. Once you figure out which information and topics will
resonate with your group, it’s just a matter of doing a little
Googling to find your sources.


In an hour of searching the Internet you will be able to find
industry websites, trade publications, and blogs that focus on
the content your prospects are interested in. Save these links
in your bookmarks.

Then find some of the leading experts, opinion leaders, or

speakers in your industry and visit their websites. If they don’t

B u i l d Re l at i o n s h ip s b y S h a r i n g Va lu e  71
have websites, look for articles they’ve written or talks they’ve
given. Bookmark all of those links too.

Next, set up some Google alerts based on keywords and topics

that you’ve identified as important to your prospects. This way,
anytime a new article or post on any of them goes up, you’ll
get a notification so you won’t miss it.

Keep in mind—to continue our electrical supply example

above—you won’t just be looking for electrician and elec-
trical industry websites. You’ll be finding websites and blogs
about other topics too, like unions, interior design, lighting
and ceiling fixtures, fire safety, economic data on construc-
tion, maintaining fleets of vehicles, scheduling and efficiency,
energy conservation, management, accounting, marketing,
and so on. Get as broad—and as specific—as you can.

So once you collect all these sources, there’s an easy way to

organize them using a feed aggregator—I recommend Feedly.
The term “aggregator” sounds intimidating, but it’s really
simple. You sign up for a free Feedly account at,
and dump in all of your website addresses. Then instead of
taking the time to visit all of those sites every week, you just go
to your Feedly every few days, review the fire hose of content
that’s accumulated there, and pick out the best stuff to share.
Keep a spreadsheet of which content you shared and when, so
you can keep track of it and not post the same content twice.

Ideally, you’ll want to post new content pretty much every

day. You can even post twice a day if you’re so inspired. If you
have Feedly set up with enough different sources there should
be plenty of content to allow you to share something daily.

To keep from overwhelming yourself or your mar-

keting team, you definitely want to automate this
posting process. We recommend a program called Oktopost
[]. With Oktopost you can
automate the distribution of your content right into LinkedIn.
And while it does not currently share into groups, it’s the best
tool for automating all of your daily status updates. Follow
that link above and you’ll get a free trial of Oktopost so you
can check it out.

Oktopost integrates seamlessly with LinkedIn, so your con-

tent looks just like you posted it manually—it doesn’t look
like an automated program did it. Even better, you can put
your content delivery on autopilot by scheduling it weeks or
months in advance. So if you’re going to Maui for vacation, it
will keep posting content while you’re away, so it looks like
you’re at your desk instead of on the golf course. Even if you’re
just doing regular daily work, Oktopost takes the task of daily
posting off your to-do list.


In the early days after the formation of your group, don’t
be discouraged if it’s not bustling with activity. Building
momentum and activity within the group takes time. But as
your numbers grow to a few hundred or more, the amount
of posting and discussions will also increase. The best and

B u i l d Re l at i o n s h ip s b y S h a r i n g Va lu e  73
most successful LinkedIn groups are vibrant places where
many people engage in posting content and discussing topics.
So you want to encourage others to be active in your group.
There are two effective ways to do this.

The first way to get others to actively participate in your group

is to go recruit members who are active and vocal in other
groups. If someone is active and engaged in a different group,
they will probably bring a lot of life to your group as well.

The second way to build participation and engagement in your

group is by discussion promotion. Instead of posting an arti-
cle, or a resource, or a case study, you just post a question to
the entire group. For example, “Hey, what are the things that
you’re planning to do next year to grow your business?” To
make sure the discussion gets going, message about thirty or
forty group members and ask them to weigh in. “Hey, Linda, I
posted a discussion question in the group. I know you have big
things planned for this year and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
If you’d leave a comment, that would be awesome.” Usually
when a few people start commenting, that’s all it takes for the
discussion to take off.

Pro tip: This technique works best when there are already
a hundred or so people in your group. The fewer people in
the group, the more messaging you’ll need to do to get the
discussion going. But once your group grows to 500 or more,
discussions tend to take off on their own and active promo-
tion is usually no longer necessary.

Once the group starts to come to life, human nature will kick

in and the group will become even more popular. People want
to be a part of something that’s happening and vibrant. No
one wants to join a ghost town. So you’ll have to work a little
harder initially to stir up activity until the group grows big
enough to take on a life of its own. Once it does, you’ll be
amazed at the number of inbound connection requests you’ll
be receiving as the leader of the group. When you position
yourself as the leader of an active group and an authority
in the space, people will want to connect with you and join
the group.


As the group members get in the habit of posting content and
participating in discussions, the group will organically grow.
But as the leader, it’s your job to help that growth along. So
until the group starts growing faster than you can send invi-
tations, definitely keep sending direct connection requests
inviting others to join. This not only helps fuel the group
but also allows you to continue reaching out to really tar-
geted prospects.

It’s important to point out one thing: Initially, you grew the
group by inviting your connections. So you might be think-
ing, why not just continue sending connection requests first,
and then inviting those new connections to join the group?
Because there is a limitation that LinkedIn places on direct
connection requests.

You can have no more than 5,000 connection requests per

person. At some point you may bump up against that. Which

B u i l d Re l at i o n s h ip s b y S h a r i n g Va lu e  75
means that you need to carefully craft your messaging when
approaching new prospects via a connection request. The
better your hit rate, the more runway you’ll have. This limit
only applies to direct connection requests, though. If you do
hit this limit, congratulations! You’ll likely have some pretty
awesome results on your hands. And it’s easy to turn to other
strategies to reach new prospects, to continue developing new
connections and leads. Or, consider utilizing another profile
from a colleague in your office.


By posting great content, promoting discussions, and continu-
ing to grow your group, you will regularly boost the number of
warm leads you’re generating for your business. These strate-
gies will grow your connections in a really targeted way, and
most of the people connecting with you are going to be a
good fit with your prospect profile. Many of our clients who
use this system find it challenging to keep up with the flow of
new prospects! What a great problem to have!

The sales pipeline can be viewed as a funnel. Using the tac-

tics described above helps create a constant flow of new
prospects pouring into the top of the funnel. If you do this
consistently you’ll have a predictable stream of warm leads
coming through every month. You can literally run these cam-
paigns and groups for years.

What to do with all these prospects? After a few months of this

flow, you may have more than you have time to connect with!

Of course, you could hire more staff to handle the overflow,
but before you call your HR department, try this:

Go through all the prospects in your group, and pick the very
best ones, the ones you’re practically salivating to work with.
Start working those through a targeted messaging campaign,
the kind we talked about in Chapter 4. After a couple months
of messaging, you send them Message 4 and request a phone
call. As we’ve seen, on average 29% of those prospects agree
(compared to a measly 1–2% without the relationship-build-
ing work).

And there’s an added bonus. Every once in a while people

in your group will reach out to you and say, “Hey, I’m in the
market for what you sell. Would you like to talk?” And you
didn’t even need to do any extra work for that to happen!

B u i l d Re l at i o n s h ip s b y S h a r i n g Va lu e  77
· · · · · · CASE STUDY · · · · · ·
Louder Online: 384% Return on Investment

Aaron Agius runs one of Australia’s leading marketing consul-

tancies, Louder Online. The firm specializes in search, social,
and content marketing. When Aaron approached us in the
summer of 2012, he was looking for a strategy to not just
generate more business, but to also position his company as
the leader in his space.


The challenge for Aaron’s business is pretty simple. As with
many consulting firms (and especially marketing firms), the
competitive landscape is crowded. There are literally thou-
sands of other marketing agencies competing for the same
business. And some of them are pretty aggressive in their tac-

On LinkedIn, that aggressiveness really poisons the well. SEO

and marketing service providers are hammering their pros-
pects with messages on LinkedIn. Naturally, these prospects
quickly tune out all these overt sales pitches.

But believe it or not, that aggressive environment actually

helps Aaron. For Louder Online we brought the tools and
experience to cut through this toxic perception and posi-
tion Aaron as a peer to the senior marketing decision makers
he targets.

7 8  CONN E CT
Aaron’s company isn’t looking to work with mom-and-pop
operations. They have big-ticket engagements and work with
Australia’s largest brands. The people he targets within these
companies are often digital marketing managers, marketing
directors, CMOs, etc. These kinds of people aren’t easily sold
just because you sent them a message on LinkedIn.

To reach these high-level prospects, we knew we needed a

unique approach to stand above the crowd. An approach that
would position Aaron as a true leader in his space, keep his
name consistently in front of his best prospects (in a non-
spammy way), and make his presence so rock-solid that his
prospects would jump at joining his community and (eventu-
ally) doing business with him.


When we position our clients as leaders in their space, and
position them in front of literally thousands of prospects over
and over again, the response rate when we go for a phone call
or other “call to action” averages 29%. These are prospects
who, taking the old-fashioned approach, wouldn’t give you the
time of day. But when we work them through a systematic
relationship-building process, 29% will be happy to schedule
a call.

For Aaron and Louder Online, we achieved this in two ways.

First, we built and quickly grew a LinkedIn group catering
to their best prospects. Not a group about the services that
Louder provides—SEO and inbound marketing—but rather

B u i l d Re l at i o n s h ip s b y S h a r i n g Va lu e  79
an industry focused group that their prospects would actually
enjoy, care about enough to join, and stay engaged in for a
long time.

The group has grown from zero to over 6,000 members.

The LinkedIn group allows us to keep Aaron’s name in front of

thousands of prospects for the long term. They see him and
Louder Online as leaders in the marketing arena. Furthermore,
the discussions cultivated within the group allow Aaron to
directly engage with potential clients.

Additionally, we developed several thousand direct connec-

tions with highly-targeted prospects via Aaron’s LinkedIn
account. For these direct-messaging connections, we com-
municate with them via frequent updates and content sharing
so that Louder Online is always top-of-mind.


• Number of prospects in funnel: 8,505 and counting.
• Positioned the Louder Online brand as a leader in
their market.
• Maintained a top-of-mind campaign in front of thousands

of prospects.
• Generating a steady stream of leads and calls with high-

ly-targeted prospects.
• ROI on investment with LinkedSelling: 384%



Okay, here’s a question for you: when we talked about tracking

your campaign data back in Chapter 4, did you roll your eyes?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

It’s pretty rare to hear someone say that tracking and logging
data is their favorite activity.

But here’s the thing: Just because it’s boring and tedious
doesn’t mean it isn’t important. And being able to track mul-
tiple chunks of data throughout your campaigns is going to
be critical for your success.

So ignore (or fight off ) the urge to be lazy, and take pride

in doing the tough stuff! I promise it’s going to make your
campaigns awesome. Here’s why:

Without tracking your activity you are essentially flying aim-

lessly in the wind. It will be nearly impossible to make any
improvements if you can’t tell what you have done already.
You also need to get a clear picture of what your results look
like when you finish different portions of your campaign. And
of course, if your results don’t turn out the way you expected,
the data you tracked will help you know what to adjust.

Fortunately, setting up a tracking system is actually very easy.

All you need, as I mentioned in Chapter 4, is a tracking sheet.
And while the data in this sheet may become pretty complex
as you add to it and customize it, the sheet itself is very simple.

All you need to start is a basic spreadsheet in Excel or

Google Docs.

Not only are these sheets simple, they are also hugely cus-
tomizable. And customization is the most important factor of
tracking. What you need to track may not be the same thing
that someone else needs to track. Your business and your
campaigns are unique to you—you need a tracking sheet that
you can design and adapt specifically for them. So as you read
through the example, be advised that it’s not one size fits all.
If your sheet needs to change to meet your campaign needs,
make the change.

Most tracking sheets are going to be divided into two parts,

contact info and touch point info. On the contacts side you

are going to have the basic information: “First Name,” “Last
Name,” Title,” “Company,” and “Email Address.” That’s
essentially all LinkedIn will allow you to export for your con-
tacts, and for many that may be all you need. For others you
may also need to take note of things like their location, the
division each contact works in, or what systems/products/
services their company uses. If any other item is important
to you, add it to your sheet.

Even though there are no rules as to how your tracking sheet

needs to work, it’s probably best to build your sheet from left
to right instead of top to bottom.

F irst N a m e L a st Na me Co mpa ny Ti tle Em ail

So far this stuff is pretty basic. Most people are familiar with
setting up spreadsheets of data for prospects. But now it’s
time to take your sheet one step further and start giving it
some moving parts.

Let’s say that you are going to run a five-message messaging

campaign, meaning you will send five separate messages, each
creating a touch point between you and your prospect, and
culminating with some call to action. Then you’ll want to set
up a section of columns that looks like this:

M e s s age 1 Me ssag e 2 Me ssag e 3 Me ssage 4 Message 5

C r e at i n g Yo u r C a m pa i g n T r a c k i n g S y s t e m   8 3
As you add additional campaigns, you can put in additional
campaign sections further to the right.

As you set up these messaging campaigns, make sure to

include the dates in which your prospects should be receiv-
ing messages—both the ones they’ve already received and the
ones going out to them soon. You could even do this in the
same area that you have your playbook tracked. Then group
the playbook under one heading for the campaign:

M 1 1 /1 /1 5 M2 1/22/15 M3 2/12/15 M4 3/ 5/15 M5 3/26/15

Each campaign represents a unique batch of prospects that are

running through a particular campaign. Since you are running
these campaigns to multiple batches of people at a time, then
you will have multiple campaigns running at a time:

Ca mpa i g n 1

M 1 1 /1 /1 5 M2 1/22/15 M3 2/12/15 M4 3/ 5/15 M5 3/26/15

Ca mpa i g n 2

M 1 1 /2 2 /1 5 M2 2/12/15 M3 3/ 5/15 M4 3/2 6/15 M5 4/26/15

Combine your “touch point” section with your “contact”

section and you may have something that looks like this
(opposite page):

Co n tact Inf o Cam paign 1 Campaig n 2
First Last M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
Company Title Email
name Name 1/1/15 1/22/15 2/12/15 3/5/15 3/26/15 1/22/15 2/12/15 3/5/15 3/26/15 4/26/15
Bob Smith abc Inc. Owner X X X Q Q
Tim Stack ceo X X Q Q Q
You can see now how quickly your tracking sheet can become
complex. Hundreds of prospects with many rows and columns
of data, with dozens of messaging campaigns going on; it can
get hairy pretty quickly. The x’s represent messages that have
been sent. The q’s represent messages that are going to be
sent (in the queue).

If this chapter is giving you heart palpitations, then take a deep

breath and slow down. You can get started with some very
basic columns of data and just take things slow. It will also
help to start your messaging campaigns with small batches
of prospects at a time, say eight to fifteen per week at most.
Once you’ve mastered tracking a batch that size, you can start
sending out larger batches.

At this point you might be wondering, “Josh, that’s all fine and
dandy, but why go to all this trouble to track this data outside
of LinkedIn? Why not stay in their platform?” That’s a great
question, and unfortunately the answer is that there’s no way
to give you a great snapshot, in one place, of all your activity
on LinkedIn. You absolutely must do it externally.

Anyway, once the sheet is set up, you can look through it for
any specific info you need. Want to see how many people
have agreed to a phone call? Create a lead column and sort
the column with a filter. Want to see how many people are in
your third messaging campaign? Sort the Campaign 3, Mes-
sage 1 column with a filter. Want to see how many people you
are connected to at a specific company? Sort the Company
column with a filter.

Not only can you see “big picture” data in the campaign, but
you can also focus in on each individual prospect to see what
they have been exposed to. Then when it’s time for a call
with one of your prospects, you’re not digging around for 30
minutes; all the info is right there in the tracking sheet, so you
won’t need to search all over LinkedIn to find it.

Pro tip: Periodically you’ll want to add new connections to

your tracking sheet from LinkedIn. You might think this would
be an easy process, but it’s actually a little tricky. See, when
you want to export contacts from LinkedIn to a spreadsheet,
you can’t pick and choose which contacts you export. You
have to export all of them. So when you do a new export after
adding several hundred new contacts, you’ll need to de-du-
plicate (remove duplicates from) the spreadsheet before
you proceed.

Now, if you are one of those people who are still recovering
from those heart palpitations a moment ago, there is good
news! Below is a link you can go to if you want to check out
an example of a fully-built tracking sheet. It’s been custom-
ized and has a few other columns of data that are extremely
useful to have when running these campaigns. One of those
rows is a place for messaging links. If you know you are going
to message batches and batches of candidates over and over
again, it helps to track a link that sends you straight to a mes-
sage window for each prospect, instead of having to manually
search for them over and over again in LinkedIn. There are
also detailed instructions in the sheet on how to de-duplicate
lists of contacts.

C r e at i n g Yo u r C a m pa i g n T r a c k i n g S y s t e m   8 7
You can check out the tracking sheet here:

Heart palpitations subsiding yet? They should be, because

this is not as bad as it seems—and as we talked about at the
beginning of this chapter, data is a good thing. It’s important
to have a handle on how to create a campaign and create a
system to track activity and results. Once you can do that,
then you have the ability to set up and test an infinite number
of different types of messaging campaigns—and know which
ones worked the best.

Now that we’ve looked at tracking your group activity and

messaging campaigns, it’s time to dig into another powerful
tool for demonstrating your expertise and establishing you
as a leader in your space: the webinar. Webinars help educate
prospects in a totally different way than LinkedIn campaigns
do, allowing you as the leader to go much deeper into a subject
your audience really wants to know more about. If you do it
right, your prospects will see your webinar as another form
of valuable content from you. And webinars integrate well
into the rest of the system. I’ll show you how to maximize
the power of webinars in the next chapter.



Wait…webinars? I thought this was a book about LinkedIn?

It is. But in a broader sense, this is a book about helping you

grow a lead generation machine. For my business, we’ve tri-
pled our revenue each of the last three years. And a big driver
for this growth has been the success we’ve had with webinars.
Currently we average about 10,000 webinar registrants per
month, mostly on autopilot.

Our playbook to achieve this growth has been a combination

of LinkedIn and webinars. So I would be remiss not to show
you how you can do the same for your business.

Let’s start from the beginning. What is a webinar?

Webinars combine “web” and “seminar” to create a live online
lesson or class that hundreds of people can watch simulta-
neously. Webinars are powerful tools that can boost your
credibility and leadership status within your industry, sell
products directly, and very effectively generate red-hot sales
leads for your business. In this chapter I’ll show you how
webinars work, why they work, and how to create your own
webinar campaign to support your LinkedIn marketing efforts.

A knowledgeable speaker giving a well-researched PowerPoint
presentation to a live audience is powerful. Public speaking is
an excellent business development tool, and it does wonders
for your credibility and status in your industry. Unfortunately,
public speaking isn’t scalable because you can only be in one
place at a time. And you’ve got a business to run, right? Well,
a webinar is just like giving that PowerPoint presentation in
front of a room full of people, but with a couple of major dif-

First, webinar campaigns are hugely scalable, able to reach

hundreds and even thousands of prospects.

Second, your webinar audience can be anywhere in the world;

they don’t need to book a flight and a hotel to come see you
speak. All they have to do is turn on their computer.

Third, as the speaker, you don’t need to spend time and money
travelling around the country, either. You can give your pre-
sentation wearing pajamas and bunny slippers while sitting

on your couch at home. The webinar attendees will only see
your computer screen and hear your voice (unless you prefer
to turn your webcam on).

And finally, if you record your webinar you can replay it over
and over again to new audiences without doing additional
work. So you only have to research, write, and create the
webinar once. In fact, you could have multiple prerecorded
webinars running every week while you’re lounging by the
pool. Now that’s scalability!

There are many ways to do webinars. The most common is

to simply share your computer screen with your attendees.
All they see are your PowerPoint slides and all they hear is
your voice. Some webinar presenters choose to also have their
computer’s webcam enabled, so the audience can see their
face. But disabling the webcam makes hosting a webinar much
easier, as it leaves you free to look at your notes or even read
them straight off the page. For somewhat introverted people
like me, this is wonderful.

Pro tip: A webinar is not a teleconference. A teleconference is

just a phone call that many people can listen to. There are no
visuals and no PowerPoint presentation. Webinars are much
more powerful than teleconferences because they engage your
audience’s eyes as well as their ears. So if you have a choice,
I always recommend a webinar rather than a teleconference.


You probably want to do a webinar to sell your product or

S u pe r p o w e r Yo u r Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n w i t h We b i n a r s   91
generate sales leads. But remember the principles of content
sharing! First and foremost you must provide your attendees
with real value. They must get something out of the time
they’re investing in your webinar. You may think lecturing
them for an hour about your company’s products is value,
but trust me, it isn’t. If your webinar is a giant product pitch
you’re just going to irritate your audience. So you have to
give them something that they really want: useful, actionable
information that will help them in their work.

Instead of pitching product, do some research on your target

prospects and find out what they are interested in. What types
of problems do they worry about in their business? What are
the frequent topics of discussion in your LinkedIn group?
What are people complaining about? What topics generate
the most comments? Use your research to generate a short
list of three to five potential webinar topics.

Next, do a quick survey. Message a few dozen of your pros-

pects or group members and ask them which topic they’d
be most interested in learning more about. Webinar success
starts with understanding your market and your customers.

For example, you might learn that many companies are look-
ing for creative ways to cut costs at their shareholder meetings
or annual conventions. So if you create and plan a webinar
titled “Amazing Corporate Events on a Budget” you will likely
get many people to sign up. Then when you present the webi-
nar, share plenty of solid, useful information and inside tips
for cost cutting. Every attendee will feel it was time well spent
because they learned something valuable.

Unlike with a LinkedIn group discussion or message campaign,
though, with a webinar you get to include a pitch for your
company at the end, and a call to action around a product or
service you offer. This works well because once the webinar is
finished, you’ll have already earned their respect and goodwill
for sharing your amazing content, so a short pitch doesn’t
seem manipulative or underhanded. (Also, since most webi-
nars end with sales pitches these days, most people who sign
up for yours will not feel blindsided by you including one.)

One popular tactic for webinars that will work in almost every
business is including case studies and success stories. This
generally involves telling the story of one company that suc-
ceeded in the marketplace and giving a step-by-step analysis
of how they did it. People love success stories, and they love
learning about what other successful companies are doing.

This works especially well if the product you’re selling played

a part in their success. For example, if you’re a SaaS provider
and your software helped the business in the case study suc-
ceed, that becomes a natural segue into a sales discussion for
your product. “Today I showed you how ABC Inc. used our
software to grow by 200%. If you’d like to explore how this
solution could generate the same results for you, we’d like
to set up a call with one of our account specialists. We’ll be
reaching out to you in the coming days.” Boom!

Generally there are two broad categories of webinars.

S u pe r p o w e r Yo u r Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n w i t h We b i n a r s  93
The first type is designed primarily to build brand awareness
and generate sales leads. In this type of webinar your goal is
to impress the attendees so much with your knowledge and
expertise that they agree to a post-webinar meeting or phone
call. You already have their contact information at this point,
so you simply let them know that “Someone from our orga-
nization will be reaching out to you in the next couple days
to ask your thoughts on the webinar and discuss some of the
ideas we talked about today.” This webinar strategy is best for
B2B companies, and any company with high-dollar expensive
products or services.

The second type of webinar is designed to directly sell some-

thing—and the goal is to get attendees to pull out their credit
cards and make a purchase immediately. This category of
webinar is popular for information products, such as training
or coaching programs, as well as many other types of products.
If your goal is to make a direct sale at the end of the webinar
it is helpful to offer an incentive to buy now.

For example, if you have an information product, like a $99

e-book or a video series that helps personal fitness trainers
sign more clients, in your webinar you could share the top ten
tips for building a fitness business and wow the audience with
your knowledge and expertise. At the end of the webinar, you
reveal that there are actually twenty-five tips in total, and all
of them are explained in detail in your 100-page e-book…that
you can buy right now for 50% off.

Pro tip: There are also webinars that actually charge custom-
ers a fee to attend. This strategy works best when the webinar

offers very valuable and specialized information that people
are willing to pay for upfront. Money-making techniques,
career or business advice, and self-help are typical topics in
this category. Aside from making a few bucks, another bene-
fit of charging for your webinar is that registrants are much
more vested; when they actually have skin in the game, the
attendance rate skyrockets. Whereas free webinars typically
see attendance rates of 25–40%, paid webinars can see atten-
dance as high as 80%.

That being said, most webinars offer their content for free,
and then try to convert attendees at the end.


For a webinar strategy to make sense for your business, you
generally must have at least a few thousand potential custom-
ers. This is because webinars are not a high response rate kind
of tactic. After all, you’re going to be asking people to dedicate
an hour of their time, and many people simply aren’t willing
to do that, no matter how much they’d like to hear what you
have to say. As such, you need a big enough audience to which
to market your webinar.

There are also many steps in the webinar sign-up funnel.

Potential attendees need to:

• Open the email invitation

• Click the invitation link
• Sign up at the registration page

S u pe r p o w e r Yo u r Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n w i t h We b i n a r s  95
• Show up at the webinar
• Stay for the whole webinar
• Convert (buy or sign up) at the end

That’s a lot of steps, and at each one you will lose people. So
in order to have anyone left after all that attrition, you need
to start with a decent pool of prospective attendees.

Let me walk through a representative example of some typ-

ical numbers. Consider an email list of 10,000 prospects.
That’s a good-sized universe. You send two rounds of emails
marketing your webinar, and the emails average a 15% open
rate. So now you’re down to 3,000 prospects that even see
the promotion. If you then get a 20% click-through on those
emails, you’re down to 600 prospects that make it to your
registration/landing page. If the landing page converts well,
maybe 50% of those people will sign up. From those 300, only
about 35% will actually attend the webinar. So that’s about
105 attendees for your webinar from a total possible pool of
10,000. If you’re new to webinars that may not seem like a
lot, but it’s actually very strong. You should be pleased if you
get 100 attendees on your webinars; those are solid numbers.

But now consider a business that only has a total universe of

about 500 prospects. Even if they convert well, the same for-
mula would only result in about five attendees. Is it worth all
the effort? Maybe. Only you can decide that. If you’re selling a
product or service that costs $20,000 or $50,000 or $500,000,
and those remaining five prospects are hot leads, then yes, it’s
worth it. It depends on your business and your product. But

the key point here is that webinars work best if you have a
large universe of potential customers.

For these same reasons, businesses that only operate in a

limited geographic area are less likely to have success with
webinars. For example, a regional company that only sells
products in the city of Cincinnati will have a much smaller
universe of potential customers than a company that sells its
products all over the country or the world. The smaller your
prospect pool, the faster you’ll run out of runway.


Planning a webinar is like planning a fancy party; the longer
you wait until the last minute to plan it, the less likely it will
be to succeed.

It takes about four weeks to prepare for and promote a quality

webinar, if you know what you’re doing. Here’s why:

• First, it takes time and testing to hone in on the topic that

will most appeal to your prospects.
• Second, you have to research, write, create, and produce

your webinar content.

• Third, you have to think about what your goal is for your

webinar, and plan your strategy and call to action so

that at the end of the webinar the attendees will become
paying clients.
• And fourth, perhaps most important, you must market and

promote your webinar so people will show up. You don’t

want to do all that work and have only two people in the

S u pe r p o w e r Yo u r Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n w i t h We b i n a r s   97
audience. I’ll cover marketing and promotion in detail in
the next chapter.

If you procrastinate too much, you won’t be able to do quality

work on any of these four tasks. Take content, for example;
once you have decided on your topic, it takes time to research
information, collect case studies, organize your presentation,
build the PowerPoint slides, and practice. Then you should
test the presentation in front of your friends or coworkers
and ask for their feedback and suggestions. You will probably
make small changes and tweaks all the way up until a day or
two before the live webinar.

What you don’t want to do is get behind schedule and have to

slap something together that isn’t your best work. Remember,
your attendees are busy people. They’re trusting you to make
this webinar worth their time. If you start at least a month
out and put in the effort, it will be. I’ll show you what steps
to take and when in the next chapter.


Here are a few webinar tips and tricks that I’ve learned over
the course of hundreds of webinars. But like many things in
life, the best way to learn is by doing, so as soon as you feel
you’re ready, jump in and try your first webinar. This chapter
will give you a good starting point, and you’ll keep improving
the more experience you get.

• Make sure you choose webinar topics that people really

care about. This is critical. Choose a topic that adds real

value and is worthwhile for your target prospects to attend;
otherwise, no one will show up. We’ll talk more about how
to pick the right topics in the next chapter.
• Write out your entire talk track word-for-word. Script

it! This may sound like a lot of unnecessary work, but trust
me, it’s worth it. You’ve spent a lot of time and effort plan-
ning your webinar and getting people to show up, so you
want to make darn sure you deliver your message the right
way. Don’t leave this to chance. There will be a lot of think-
ing going on in your head during a webinar, so it’s easy to
forget things, even your key message. Having it all scripted
also reduces fear and anxiety. If what you’re going to say is
written right in front of you, you’ll be more relaxed—even
if you don’t use the script.
• Write the way you talk. Don’t use fancy words in your

script, unless you actually talk that way. Most people use
small words, lots of contractions, and sometimes incom-
plete sentences. Sentence fragments are fine.
• Practice, practice, practice. You know the old joke about

“How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, prac-

tice.” Pretend like you’ll be giving this webinar in Carnegie
Hall. The more you practice, the more confident and
relaxed you’ll be. It is important to practice so the words
seem like you’re just talking, not reading, especially if you
are going to read word-for-word from a script. The more
you rehearse the more natural it will sound. Ask a friend to
listen to you over the phone and see if she can tell you’re
reading a script.
• Use a professional microphone. The built-in mic on

your computer is fine for Skyping with your friends, but

probably inadequate for professional use. Upgrade to an

S u pe r p o w e r Yo u r Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n w i t h We b i n a r s  99
external mic made specifically for webinars. I recommend
the Samson C01U USB studio condenser microphone. You
can usually pick one up with a shock mount kit for under
$90 from Amazon, sometimes even less on sale.
• Use GoToWebinar for hosting your live webinars. There

are a number of live webinar solutions out there, and I’ve

tried them all. GoToWebinar is the gold standard. Unfor-
tunately, it’s also the most expensive. You can try to save
a few bucks with one of the cheapies, but you might end
up paying for it later. The cost of one webinar disaster
can easily wipe out any small savings from using a lesser
solution. Here’s a link to get a free trial of GoToWebinar:
• Invite someone to co-host the webinar with you. When

two people are presenting a webinar together it often runs

a lot more smoothly. Two people can divide up the work,
so one person can focus on the slides and presenting
while the other person can moderate the chat, organize
questions, facilitate, troubleshoot, pop out for coffee, and
just chime in once in a while with an observation or a
rehearsed ad-lib. Plus, with two hosts, your webinar will
seem a little more legit, and make it less likely that attend-
ees will wonder if you’re sitting at home wearing a tank-top
and board shorts.
• Prepare questions ahead of time. At the end of your

webinar, when you open it up to questions from the audi-

ence, it’s awkward if no one asks anything. So I suggest
you always have a few questions ready to go. Many webinar
hosts even act like those prepared questions came from the
audience. Remember, people like to feel as though they’re
participating in something that’s popular and vibrant. If

they get the sense that there are only a few people in the
webinar, they won’t come back.
• Plant the questions you really want to answer. Whether

you have a full house or a handful of attendees, you always

want to make sure you get your business and products
promoted at the end of the webinar. An easy way to do this
is to “plant” or script a few questions about your product
or services to make it seem as though an audience member
submitted the question. That way you can talk a bit about
your company and products without seeming pushy.
• Always record your webinars. This allows you to go back

and listen and watch your webinar to self-critique. Make a

list of things you could do better next time. Recording also
lets you rerun your webinars again and again.
• Try to keep your webinars evergreen. In other words,

omit any reference to the time of day, day of the week, date,
seasons, holidays, the weather, your Christmas tree, jack-
o-lanterns, and anything else that would give away the fact
that you recorded this webinar six months ago and you’re
replaying it. This goes for what you say verbally, as well as
the text on your slides. If your webinar is evergreen you
can record it and run it over and over again.
• Edit if you have to. Sometimes you’ll want to make a few

edits, cut out something stupid you said, or add informa-

tion. You can use any editing software to do this, like Final
Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere. But I find a program called
Camtasia simple and easy to use because it’s designed as a
screen recorder. Here’s a link:
• Plan and implement a strong call to action at the end.

A rookie mistake I see a lot is that a good webinar just

fizzles out at the end, instead of finishing strong. Do not

S u pe r p o w e r Yo u r Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n w i t h We b i n a r s  101
end your webinar by mumbling to yourself and saying,
“Well…uh…I guess that’s it…bye.” A strong finish needs to
be well planned, compelling, definitive, and rehearsed. If
your goal is to sell product then and there, have your sales
pitch ready to go and say it. Do not end in a wishy-washy
puddle of indecisiveness. Practice strong endings.
• Learn the webinar software ahead of time. Make sure

you know how to work everything and what to click and

when. A little practice goes a long way here. You do not
want to be using your webinar software for the first time
during an actual live webinar. I suggest doing a full-on live
trial run to test everything.
• Use automated email software to simplify your email

campaigns. When you are running webinars you need an

email system to tell people about your webinar. Send them
a link to the landing page, remind them it’s coming up, and
then follow up after the webinar. GoToWebinar has some
built-in email capabilities, but it’s far more limited than
what you can do with your own email marketing software.
My favorite is a full-featured, robust email service called
Infusionsoft. Here’s a link:
For a less expensive, more basic option you can also look
into MailChimp, which also comes highly recommended.
We’ll talk much more about email software and how to use
it to promote your webinar in the next chapter.

And perhaps most important, market the heck out of your webi-
nars! The single most demoralizing mistake people make is
not getting enough attendees to show up. This doesn’t have
to happen! We’ll dig in to marketing and promoting webinars
to draw maximum attendance in the next chapter.

The super bonus round of scalability in webinar marketing
occurs when you create and present your webinar once, record
it, then replay that same webinar over and over to a brand new
audience every time. That’s some serious efficiency. You can
do all the hard work one time, and then continue to reap the
benefits for years. Luckily there are some really effective tools
to easily automate this process.

The platform that I recommend is called StealthSeminar. Here’s

a link to their site which is filled with tips and information about
creating killer webinars:
StealthSeminar co-founder Geoff Ronning says he created
this technology platform because he loves automation, and
he wanted to rerun his own webinars to maximize efficiency.
Setting up StealthSeminar takes a little effort, but it’s not
technical, they have amazing support, and you’ll get the hang
of it in no time.


Creating, practicing, and delivering great webinar content
is not the most difficult part of webinar marketing. That’s
actually the fun part. The hard part is simply getting people
to show up—in other words, effectively marketing and pro-
moting the webinar. If you can master this skill you will be
a webinar superstar in no time. We’ll show you how in the
next chapter.

S u pe r p o w e r Yo u r Li n k e d I n C a m pa i g n w i t h We b i n a r s  103


Webinars can be a powerful marketing tool for your business…

but only if people show up! You can present the most com-
pelling, engaging webinar of the year, but if you only get two
people to attend it’s an epic fail.

If you’re going to put in the work to create and execute your

webinar, then you must also put in the effort to market and
promote it properly. I would even argue that the marketing
requires more attention and planning than actually conducting
the webinar.

In this chapter we’ll run down all the key steps in planning,
marketing, and promoting your webinar, and we’ll put every-
thing on a timeline so you’ll get a sense of when you should

be doing what. These are general guidelines, so don’t panic
if things don’t line up 100%. But we’ve developed them over
years of trial and error, so if you follow them you should avoid
most of the mistakes I made early on. Just by reading this
chapter you’ll be light-years ahead of where I started. Let’s
dive in.


About a month out, you’ll begin your initial webinar prepara-
tion. (For your first webinar, you may want to start even earlier,
just to give yourself an extra cushion of prep and learning
time.) Initial prep will include the following tasks:

1. Pick the webinar date and time. A few things to keep in

mind as you make this choice:

Schedule your webinar on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

Research has shown that these days draw highest webinar
attendance. (That said, every audience is different, so it’s
important that you test to find out what’s best for yours.)

If you’re selling a B2B product or service, you can schedule

the webinar during work hours. 10:00 am or 11:00 am Pacific
Time tends to work well, since people in all four US time
zones can easily attend at that time.

If you’re selling B2C, on the other hand, it’s probably a good

idea to schedule the webinar outside work hours. Early eve-
ning is your go-to time slot here, though over a weekend could
also work.

2. Choose your content.

By this point, you’ll have already done some research on pos-

sible webinar topics that will directly appeal to your prospects.
At the four-week mark, start to narrow down the options and
decide what information, case studies, and success stories
you will present.

Remember, never present a webinar that just focuses on giving

a sales pitch for your product or service. No one will sign
up for that. If you have a heating and cooling company, do
not present a webinar titled, “Features and Benefits of the
AirCon5000 Heating and Cooling System.” Come up with a
title like, “Strategies for Reducing Your Building’s Heating and
Cooling Costs by 37%.” That sounds much more appealing.
(And of course, in one of your case studies you can casually
mention the AirCon5000.)

3. Choose your webinar title.

I know, we just talked about titles. But we’re going to mention

them again.


Because your title is the most important factor in marketing

your webinar.

Here’s a great example. What do you think would happen if

we tried to promote a webinar titled “LinkedIn Marketing

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 0 7
Strategies Training Session”? Few people would sign up! Why?
Because it’s boooorrrinnng.

Don’t get me wrong, the content could be solid, but the lame
title would scare people away. Your attendees may not judge
books by their covers, but they absolutely will judge your
webinar by its title. If your title is boring, they’ll respond with
a resounding “meh”—and not sign up for the webinar.

How to avoid this? Get creative. Choose titles that sound

actionable, interesting, and will pique curiosity. Make sure
they include tangible benefits for the potential attendees
(such as: “The LinkedIn system for generating 1,548 quali-
fied leads in just 18 minutes a day”). It’s almost like writing
headlines for a magazine; you want to hook people. If your
company has a good copywriter on staff, you’ll probably want
them involved in this process. And don’t be afraid to try dif-
ferent titles until you find one that clicks, or even change the
title a few weeks out based on the response you’ve had so far.

4. Create your landing page

One of the most important factors in marketing your webinar

is the landing page, also called a registration page. This is the
web page where people will be taken once they click on a link
to learn more about your webinar. Landing pages are very
simple, usually just including a little bit of written copy about
the webinar itself and a place to sign up. You can see a good
example of a landing page at

The great thing here is that you can build a landing page and

108  CONN E CT
start marketing your webinar before you’ve even committed
to delivering or designing the webinar. That may sound back-
wards, but I really recommend doing it. Get the landing page
up before you spend hours and hours refining your actual
presentation. Why? Because depending on how many people
actually sign up, the landing page may change completely. And
this may force your content to change.

To revisit the example from above, if you create a landing

page all about reducing an office building’s heating and cool-
ing costs, but no one is signing up, then it’s time to change
some things. You want to do some research to determine why
people aren’t signing up. Is it the topic? Is it the wording? Is
it the design of the page? Luckily, collecting hard data will
answer these questions definitively, and it’s pretty easy to do.

Software like LeadPages ( is

designed to help you create killer landing pages, and then
test which ones work best. I like these sites because you don’t
have to be a techie to make them work (or a Wall Street CEO
to afford them). I recommend starting with their preloaded
templates and customizing them as needed.

And yes, you read that right: Ideally you should test more than
one landing page, and they’ll all need to be a little bit different
from each other. Why? Because essentially, these programs
give you the ability to divvy up incoming web traffic to dif-
ferent landing pages. Then you can look at the conversion
rates of each to see which page is converting best (getting
the most sign-ups). This is an ongoing process. As you learn
which landing pages are working and which are not, you can

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 0 9
use that data to help refine your webinar content, title, date
and time, etc.

The importance of a good landing page cannot be overstated.

It’s certainly worth investing the time and effort writing
good copy and then testing. A difference of just a few per-
centage points in conversion rates can have an enormous
impact on the number of attendees on your webinar, and
your bottom line.


Now that your landing pages are set up, it’s time to prep the
communication system for the people who will sign up. This
is your only marketing task this week.

An auto-responder is an automated software program that

sends out a sequence of emails to people on a list at prede-
termined intervals. Why is this important? Because once you
have people’s names and email addresses on your webinar list,
you can reach out to them both before and after the webinar
to make sure their webinar experience is amazing. This is an
integral part of the webinar’s success.

Immediately after they sign up for your webinar, the first

email will be a welcome and confirmation email containing
the login details and instructions for the webinar. The rest of
the emails leading up to the webinar are designed to remind
people why they signed up and what they’re going to learn, to

11 0 CONN E CT
remind them when the webinar is, and to build anticipation
and excitement.

Pro tip: Do not schedule a reminder email every day for three
weeks. That will just make people angry. Send a couple emails
per week, and include some useful content in each email so
there’s more to it than just a boring reminder. This additional
content can include teasers, short case studies, success stories
from previous webinars, or even tips and tricks for getting the
most out of the webinar. You can also ask for questions that
attendees would like to have answered during the webinar.

You don’t necessarily need a skilled copywriter to wordsmith

each of these emails (though you certainly can use one if you’d
like!). Treat them like the content-sharing messages in your
messaging campaigns; write in a casual, genuine manner, and
try to write the way you talk. Avoid being formal or pushy.


Now it’s time to start promoting the webinar! We typically
recommend four tactics for promoting your webinar, each
targeting a different group of potential attendees.

1. Promote on LinkedIn.

All the work you’ve done building up your LinkedIn groups

and connections will prove tremendously useful for promot-
ing your webinars. Start your promotion efforts there.

First, send out an “announcement” to all of your group mem-

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 1 1
bers announcing the webinar. Announcements are one of the
benefits you have as a group owner. Once a week, you can send
a customized message that hits the inbox of all group mem-

You should also message your first-degree connections on

LinkedIn, inviting them to the webinar. Sending personal-
ized one-to-one messages to your connections, although time
intensive, gets a huge response rate. You might be tempted to
message your connections in bulk, which is understandable,
but it gets nowhere near the results of sending each message
one-on-one. People know when they’re getting blasted. But
when a message is personalized through LinkedIn, it will come
across far more genuine and your results will be far greater.

You can also reach out individually to other groups’ members,

even if you’re not connected to them, and tell them about your
webinar. You can message anyone on LinkedIn that shares
a group with you. And as long as they genuinely look like
they’d be a good fit for your webinar, you’ll be in good shape!
These people have opted to receive messages from other
group members when they joined their various groups. (And
of course, be sure to include a link to your webinar’s landing
page in every message so they can click through and sign up.)

Remember to write in a personal and informal way, like you’re

telling a friend about something special. For example, “Hey,
Bobby, it’s been great being connected with you here on Linke-
dIn. I thought you might be interested in a webinar I have
coming up. We’re going to be talking about X, Y, and Z, and
I thought you might be into it. If you’d like to check it out,

11 2 CONN E CT
here’s the link. Hope you’re doing well.” This informal tone
will get a much better response rate than sending them a
message that’s written like a formal marketing brochure.

2. Promote to your in-house email list.

Most businesses have some sort of in-house email list of

customers or clients. This is a great list for marketing your
webinars. Presumably these people are already familiar with
you, your company, and your products, so use your email
auto-responder to leverage this list and invite them to join
your webinar.

3. Use paid marketing channels to reach entirely new prospects.

Any time you present a webinar, it makes sense to try to bring

in some completely new faces. Invite people from outside
of your current pool of known LinkedIn contacts and your
in-house lists. This is one area where more traditional online
marketing techniques can help you. LinkedIn ads, Facebook
ads, YouTube ads, Google pay-per-click, Twitter ads, Pinter-
est ads, and all variety of other online advertising can put
your webinar in front of eyes that might never have seen it
otherwise. Basically you want to use these tools to reach your
prospects wherever they hang out online. You certainly don’t
need or want to advertise in all of the previously mentioned
channels; just the ones that give you the best chance of reach-
ing your prospects.

4. Establish joint ventures.

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 1 3
When you partner with someone else who has a large list or
following, it’s called a joint venture. This is common practice
in internet marketing. Once they agree to the joint venture,
you’ll be able to promote your webinar to their email list as
well as yours. How many joint ventures should you do? As
many as you can! One joint venture could double, triple, or
even quadruple your reach.

Pro tip: Identify other online groups (LinkedIn or otherwise)

that have a big list of members that you think would be a good
fit for your webinar. Then contact the administrator or owner
of that list to see if they’d be willing to promote your webinar
to their members. Write something like, “Hey, I noticed you
have a community that I think would be a good fit for my
webinar. Would you be interested in talking about how we
could structure a promotional deal?” More often than not
they’ll agree as long as there’s some benefit for them.

Potential benefits for joint venture partners could include:

• You agree in turn to market their products to your group.

• You compensate them directly.
• You split the sales from your webinar with them, or do a

revenue share, or pay them a commission.

If your webinar will add value to their members, they might

even let you use the list for free.

We have more training on Linked University on all of these

promotional strategies, including scripts and step-by-step
instruction on how to put them in place. The best place to

11 4 CONN E CT
start for an introduction to Linked U is by signing up for an
upcoming webinar at


The most important task for the week leading up to the webi-
nar is to make sure everything is working correctly.

Conduct a “dress rehearsal” of your webinar. Pretend it’s

really happening live, and run through the entire webinar. If
something doesn’t go smoothly, or if you forgot an important
element, pretend it’s live and keep going. It’s far better to find
any problems a week in advance so you have plenty of time to
correct them. Besides, there are almost always minor tweaks
to your script and your PowerPoint slides that you’ll notice
in the dress rehearsal.


The last three emails you will send out through the auto-re-
sponder are final reminder emails that come two days before,
one day before, and the day of your webinar.

Our research shows that you can still get results promoting
your webinar through email and ads up until the time the
webinar goes live. Why? Because two weeks or even one week
out, a lot of people won’t know their schedules for the webinar
day yet. So they’ll put off signing up, and maybe forget about
it entirely. But one day out, their schedule is pretty well set;
when they get one of those last-minute reminder emails, they
might just join the webinar.

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 1 5
Send a separate set of emails out to the people who have
already signed up, reminding them of the date and time, and
providing login instructions. Typically it’s best to send an
email the day prior, as well as a final reminder a couple hours
before the event. Yes, they’ve already received this info, but
it’s always better to send it to them again than to make them
dig through their inboxes for it.


I usually recommend logging in about twenty to thirty min-
utes before the start of the webinar. This lets you relax, get
your bearings, get comfortable, and make sure everything is
working properly. Then, you’ll want to start the webinar and
begin letting attendees trickle in about ten minutes before
the official start time. This provides a good opportunity to
greet the early bird attendees and get them talking. Once I
see a group of people are logged on, I’ll turn on my mic and
start greeting them.

I’ll say something like, “Hey everyone, Josh Turner here.

Thanks for being here this morning. This is going to be awe-
some. We’re definitely going to have a packed house today.”
I usually have this early greeting scripted. And I always say
it’s a packed house, no matter what, because again, people
like to be a part of something that’s vibrant and happening.
And attendees can’t tell whether there are five people or 500
attending the webinar. (Note: with some webinar systems
they can, but not with GoToWebinar.)

11 6 CONN E CT
Then I usually ask people questions, like where are they from,
I ask their name, and make them feel comfortable. People
appreciate that sort of personal greeting. It also helps to get
the conversation going in the direction of the webinar topic.
So I’ll ask questions like, “What are the biggest challenges your
business is facing today?” The more you get people sharing
and talking and interacting, the better the whole thing will go.
This chitchat also helps make sure your audio and picture are
working; you don’t want to be ten minutes into the webinar
only to find out people can’t hear you.

One important note: If at all possible, do not conduct your

webinar on a computer connected to the Internet via a Wi-Fi
signal. If you have a choice between a laptop using Wi-Fi and
a desktop that is hard-wired to the Internet, choose the hard-
wired computer. As reliable as Wi-Fi is, it’s still a risk. If your
connection is shaky and the audio or picture is popping in
and out, people will drop out of the webinar.


At this point you have a full house of attendees, you’ve warmed
them up, you’re well prepared, you’re calm, and you’re ready
to begin. When delivering your webinar, just relax and be
yourself—but be the version of yourself when you’re excited
and enthusiastic about something. Even if you’re introverted
and quiet, you can still be excited and enthusiastic. If the
audience senses you’re bored and just trying to get through
it, they’ll tune out. So get pumped up! Show your passion for
what you’re presenting. Make sure the attendees think you’re
excited to be there. One trick to help with this is to vary the

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 1 7
speed of your delivery. Speed up, slow down, and even whis-
per at times. Change your vocal intonation to emphasize key
points. This will take some practice, but it’ll become second
nature before you know it.

Pro tip: After a while, you will develop your own delivery style.
One of the best ways to learn about different styles is to sign
up for and attend other webinars, preferably those conducted
by experienced, well-known marketers. There are plenty of
them out there on all manner of different topics. So even
if you are not particularly interested in the content, it’s a
good idea to attend as many webinars as you can. It’s valuable
research. And of course, you’ll learn a ton by continuing to do
your own webinars. You’ll get better each time.


Your email auto-responder will also come into play after the
webinar is over. Shortly after the webinar ends, an email
should be sent to all the attendees thanking them for their
time, and asking for their feedback or to take a short survey
about the webinar. Depending on your goals, you can also use
this email to make a product offer or request a sales call. Plan
out ahead of time your strategy to get these webinar attendees
into your sales pipeline. We’ll show you some specific strat-
egies for doing this in the next chapter.


If you’re getting the sense that marketing and promoting
webinars takes a lot of work and involves managing a lot of

11 8  CONN E CT
moving parts, you’re right. There’s really no secret sauce and
no hidden shortcuts to organizing and managing a killer webi-
nar campaign. I wish there were. You just have to put in the
work and do the heavy lifting. But it’s well worth it, especially
once your webinars are set up on a system like Stealth Seminar
and running on autopilot.

If you put enough time and effort into it, I know you can suc-
ceed at becoming a webinar superstar and making webinars
an effective part of your marketing mix.

But not every company has the bandwidth and available man-
power to orchestrate a webinar campaign. Not to worry!

We have a division of our company called Webinarli. We’ve

assembled an experienced team of webinar professionals who
do nothing but run professional webinar campaigns for clients.
They’ll plan, market, promote, and run your entire webinar
strategy, so you can focus on your core business. We’ve
worked out all the bugs to create a portfolio of best practices
that virtually guarantees you’ll become a webinar superstar in
the shortest possible time. Visit to check out
more details and sign up for a consultation.

If you like the idea of using webinars to generate leads and

sales, but you don’t think you’re ready to manage a campaign
on your own, let us do it for you.

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 1 9
· · · · · · CASE STUDY · · · · · ·

Mertz-International LLC is a consulting firm specializing in tax

planning for U.S. expatriates in Asia and Russia. Firm owner
and managing partner Mike Mertz knew that growing only
through referrals was limiting his business. But where else
could he find prospects? After all, “U.S. expatriates in Asia”
isn’t a search filter offered anywhere we know of. Utilizing
some creative processes within LinkedIn, we were able to find
a virtually limitless supply of these prospects to target for
Mertz-International’s campaign. And our process for reach-
ing them has generated a substantial increase in revenue for
the firm.


To begin, we used a number of unconventional advanced
searches and criteria to find a large pool of prospects to target
on LinkedIn. From there, we worked with Mertz-International
to design a campaign that would directly connect with these
prospects, work them through a short-term nurture campaign,
and culminate fairly quickly with a direct call to action. After
deciding that the best prospect profile to utilize would be
the owner himself, Mike Mertz, we were ready to get started.
The campaign required a short setup phase, where our team
directly connected Mike with hundreds of prospects using
his LinkedIn account.

Also during the setup phase, we got Mike into the right Linke-

dIn groups where his prospects were actively engaged. We
optimized his profile to help convert views into leads. And we
began building the content and messaging that would be uti-
lized for the top-of-mind nurture component of the campaign.


Once we completed the setup phase, we were ready to roll out
the ongoing monthly campaign. We maintained top-of-mind
awareness with all of Mike’s connections, as well as thou-
sands of additional prospects that exist in his LinkedIn groups,
through daily status updates and bi-weekly group postings.

Posting these updates alone, however, didn’t generate a flood

of leads. Sure, an inbound lead came in every once in a while,
but with the consistent outreach and behind-the-scenes
messaging generating leads like clockwork, Mike no longer
needed to wait around for word-of-mouth hot leads to walk
into his office.

As a direct result of prospects targeted via the LinkedIn cam-
paign, Mike’s firm has generated twenty-nine new paying
clients in the last eight months. The campaign is ongoing, so
we’ll undoubtedly see this number rise even more. Mike sees
a steady stream of new qualified leads rolling into his Linke-
dIn inbox every month. And with the messaging campaign
warming up these prospects prior to the call, nearly 50% of
his leads from LinkedIn have converted into paying customers!

M a r k e t, P r o m ot e , a n d E x e c u t e Yo u r We b i n a r   1 2 1
From an ROI standpoint, Mike’s investment in the campaign
is generating roughly two times his firm’s investment in first-
year revenue alone. Considering the lifetime value of a client,
the long-term ROI is tremendous.

If the tactics in this book worked for Mertz-International,

they will work for your company too. Thanks for reading, and
good luck!



I briefly explained in Chapter 9 that you should plan and script

the end of your webinar, and that you should have a clear goal
for what you want to accomplish. One goal might be to sell a
product right on the webinar. Other goals could be to build
brand awareness, to move prospects deeper into your sales
funnel, or to schedule a follow-up sales call. This chapter will
teach you how to accomplish that goal.

The key is to think about your end goal from the very begin-
ning, so it can inform and influence your decisions as you
plan your webinar content and strategy. Choose case studies
and content that set up your sales pitch for your product or
service. During the planning stages, look for tie-ins and con-

nections between your audience, your content, your goals,
and your product.

For example, if you’re presenting a webinar to commercial

construction executives, and your product is concrete, and
your goal is to schedule a sales call, look for content and case
studies that bridge the gap between this audience, product,
and goal.

Of course it’s crucial that all the content is very good, but
because you’re using these webinars as a sales tool, the way
you end your webinar is equally critical. Always close your
webinar in a way that gets people pulling out their credit card
to purchase your product or service, filling out a survey form,
or requesting a phone call for a consultation or strategy ses-
sion—whatever the next step is. In this chapter we’ll explore
some of the most effective post-webinar strategies for fol-
low-up and conversion.


If you only have thirty prospects show up for your webinar,
you can easily reach out to every one of them with a per-
sonalized sales call after it’s over. And you should. But let’s
say you hit a home run with your webinar and 2,000 people
signed up. Wow! That means your topic was a hit, and your
prospects were eager to hear what you had to say. Congrats!
Now comes the hard part. You can’t call all 2,000 webinar
attendees on the phone—at least not in the week or two after
the webinar (unless you have a pretty big sales team). So you
have to prioritize those 2,000 attendees.

In every webinar, there are generally three different tiers
of prospects:

• Tier 1: hot prospects who are ready to buy right away

• Tier 2: warm prospects who are interested in learning more
• Tier 3: prospects who are not ready to buy right now, but

might be at some point in the future (most of your attend-

ees will fall into this category)

You can often tell which ones are the hot Tier 1 leads because
they are highly engaged in the webinar conversation, they
post a lot of comments in the chat, and ask lots of questions.
They may even directly request a call with you. These are the
top-tier prospects you want to go after first. Follow up with
them right away.

After you work the hottest prospects through your sales pro-
cess, then gradually move on to the Tier 2 warm leads. These
are the webinar attendees who were somewhat engaged, but
not as much as the top-tier prospects. Finally you can start
reaching out to the Tier 3 cool leads. Since they didn’t express
a lot of interest, and maybe didn’t even attend, the way you
reach out to them will be different than with the first two tiers.


Cool leads are people who registered for the webinar but
didn’t attend. For this group of prospects it’s usually best to
warm them up a bit with an email campaign starting immedi-
ately after the webinar. Even if you have their phone number,
email is the way to approach these people. Calling them when

F o l lo w u p a n d C o n v e r t Yo u r We b i n a r Le a d s   1 2 5
they didn’t express much interest on the webinar will come
off as super sales-y.

Instead, you can use your email auto-responder to send them a

series of emails inviting them to watch a replay of the webinar
recording, sharing some fresh content, and then culminating
with a request for a phone call.


For those prospects who did attend the webinar, there is also
still work to be done. Use your email auto-responder to con-
tinue to warm them up as you make time to call them.

Here’s what the emails you send them could look like:

• The first email is designed to thank the attendees, and

to invite them to contact you directly with any addi-
tional questions.
• Then a series of emails over the next couple weeks can

include reminders of a few key concepts from the webinar,

new tips and tricks, related information on the topic, and
links to some suggested resources.
• Finally, send a request for a phone call or an opportunity

to take a next step together.

This campaign is different from a long-term nurture campaign;

it’s designed to warm up the attendees enough to request a
phone call very shortly after the webinar—within a couple of
weeks at most.

If someone is not opening your post-webinar emails, con-
sider them a cold prospect. But if they open all of your emails
after the webinar and click on the links, they are a warm lead.
Your email marketing software should be able to give you this
data. This process can help you further zero in on your list
of target prospects.


The Internet, digital platforms like LinkedIn, and webinars
can be powerful sales tools, no doubt about it. And the results
can be amazing. But don’t fall into the trap of thinking that
the day after your webinar hundreds of prestigious clients are
going to be filling your inbox with purchase orders; you’re
still going to have to put on your salesperson hat and close
those sales.

If you are selling a product of modest price and asking people

to buy it during the webinar, you will probably never have
to take the sales process into the real world. You can do it
all digitally. But for higher-priced products and services, at
some point you will have to leave the digital part of the sales
funnel and meet your prospects in the real world. In other
words, make a real sales call. It could be over the phone or
via GoToMeeting or Skype, and if it’s a big enough potential
client, you may be getting on a plane and travelling for an
actual face-to-face meeting.

All of the automation, digital platforms and strategies in this

book are designed to get you to that real world sales call. So let’s

F o l lo w u p a n d C o n v e r t Yo u r We b i n a r Le a d s   1 2 7
talk about a few strategies for setting up those important sales
calls and meetings.

The most basic technique to ask for a sales call happens during
your webinar. Put up a simple PowerPoint slide at the end of
your webinar with your contact information on it, and ask
people to get in touch. A standard talk track goes something
like, “If you’re interested in talking more about how this could
work for your business, here is my email and phone number.
Please contact me and we can set up a complimentary con-

There are pros and cons to this approach. On the plus side,
this can be a pretty effective method of getting your most
enthusiastic prospects to take that next step. It’s also simple
and easy to execute. There are no online forms to build out,
and no web development is required.

Unfortunately, this tactic puts you in the position of waiting

for prospects to call you. So you have less control over the
sales process. Prospects that are tepid or on the fence may
never get around to calling you. Unless they really need your
product or service right away, they’ll probably want to take
their time and think about it, and once it’s not right in front
of them anymore, they may let it slide entirely.

So depending on your business, a simple slide may be all you

need. It’s straightforward, easy, and it can be very effective.
But in general, relying solely on a slide like this is often too

128  CONN E CT
passive to get the results you want. Let’s look at a few more
proactive tactics.


Many companies—from Verizon and AT&T to the cable TV
company—routinely perform survey calls. People are accus-
tomed to these types of phone calls. So after your webinar you
won’t surprise too many people by calling to ask for feedback.
But you’ll use a very specific tactic within your feedback calls.
Here’s how that works:

• First, you call an attendee and say something like, “I

am calling to ask for your feedback on the webinar you
attended last week. What did you like or not like about it?”
This will get them talking about the webinar.
• Once they’ve shared their feedback, you ask, “Have you

been able to take concrete steps to implement some of

the strategies that were discussed in the webinar?” Most
people will respond that they have not had a chance
because they’re too busy, or they have other more press-
ing matters. That is the opening for you to segue into a
sales call.

In response, you could say something like, “If finding the time
is a challenge for you right now, have you thought about let-
ting our company implement and manage the process for you?
We can take that whole project off your plate and get you
similar results, without your having to spend time on it.” Just
like that, you’ve started a sales conversation with them about
how your services work and what benefits you can provide.

F o l lo w u p a n d C o n v e r t Yo u r We b i n a r Le a d s   1 2 9
Another effective way to get prospects to take action after
your webinar is based on a kind of scarcity model. With this
tactic, you inform the webinar attendees that you can only
take on six or eight new clients at this time (or one or two,
the exact number is up to you), so they will have to fill out an
application to work with you.

The talk track goes like this: “If you’d like to achieve the type
of success we showed you in the case studies today, we have
a proven program that works. But we only work with clients
who are the exact right fit for our services, and we only have
room for six new clients at this time. So here is a link to an
application page. Fill it out and we’ll contact you one way or
the other. We can usually let you know within a couple days
if it seems like it’s going to be a good fit.”

This type of close builds excitement and exclusivity into your

service. It also allows you to ask for detailed information on
the application form, so you can follow up with these pros-
pects later, armed with more information about them and
their business.

Keep in mind that, like all sales processes, converting webi-
nar attendees into customers is a numbers game. No matter
how good you are, you will never convert 70–80% of your
prospects. On a really good day a skilled marketer can con-
vert maybe 20–30%. No matter how awesome your product is,
most people are not going to be interested in buying or engag-

ing with your company right now. They may be interested,
but it just isn’t the right time for that kind of investment,
or they’ve got too many fires to put out already, or they just
aren’t ready yet.

So with the majority of your webinar attendees you will have

to make a long-term commitment to stay in front of them
and earn their trust over time. The webinar thus becomes
the beginning of the relationship. It allows you to make a
positive first impression, even though that person is not in
the market for your product or service right now. So these
prospects should be moved into your long-term email “nur-
ture” campaign.

Much like with your LinkedIn messaging campaigns, you can

send regular emails to these long-term nurture prospects
sharing pertinent content, and even inviting them to future
webinars. Eventually they will become familiar and comfort-
able with you, so when they’re ready to buy they will think
of you.

Anyone can start learning how to achieve webinar success by
reading books like this one and attending other webinars, but
at some point you just need to learn by doing. You’ve got to
bite the bullet and put on your first webinar.

When I hosted my first webinar, I had no idea what to do. I

was nervous. And I didn’t know if it would succeed or be an
epic flop. But I thought to myself, “If these other people can

F o l lo w u p a n d C o n v e r t Yo u r We b i n a r Le a d s   1 3 1
do it, and they’re having success with it, then I can surely
figure it out too.” And I was right. We have figured it out and
our business has grown dramatically as a result of webinars.
For example, in 2010 I did only a handful of webinars; this
year, we will probably do between 700 and 1,000. That’s two
or three webinars per day. And we expect to attract roughly
120,000 people to these webinars!

Many of those are live webinars, but most will be automated

reruns of recorded webinars. And because most of the system
now runs on autopilot, we can spend our time focusing on
marketing the webinars and working prospects through our
sales process after the webinars. The process just keeps
expanding and generating more leads.

My point here is that before I could build up to that point, I

had to do my first webinar. So now it’s time for you to just go
out and do yours. Follow the steps in these pages, pick a date,
research your topic, choose a title, set up your landing page,
and start marketing your webinar. Once you have your first
webinar under your belt, you’ll be much more confident and
you will have learned a lot. The second webinar will be easier
and better, and the third even easier and even better. Like
many things in life, they key is just to start moving forward
and do it.



Let’s dive a little deeper into the real power of webinars,

which I refer to as the “Lather, rinse, repeat” technique. As
we discussed in Chapter 8, when you record all of your webi-
nars you can set up an automated system to replay them to
new audiences over and over again. This allows you to do all
the hard work of creating a webinar just once. Then you can
leverage that hard work many times in the future to reach a
much bigger total audience. This is how webinars are incred-
ibly scalable.

The power of taking all of that effort and plugging it into

an automated system that runs continuously on autopilot is
awesome. It allows you to scale up from doing just a handful
of webinars each year to literally hundreds, generating thou-
sands of new leads. Here are a few specific strategies to make
“Lather, rinse, repeat” work for you.

Sometimes a television network will employ an encore strat-
egy to get the most possible viewers for a new TV series.
Here’s how it works: The TV series premiere may be on a
Tuesday night. Then the network will announce an “encore
presentation” that same week just a few days later, often on
a Friday night. Because completely different people watch TV
on those two different nights, the network gets more viewers
to sample their new show. You can do the same thing with
webinars; simply rerun them just a day or two later to a dif-
ferent audience.

An encore presentation is a quick and easy way to leverage all

the hard work you do on each webinar so that more people will
see it. Let’s say you create, promote, and present your original
live webinar on a Wednesday at 11:00 am. But you notice that
less than half of the people who signed up actually showed up.

So shortly after the webinar is over, you send out a new email
announcing an “encore presentation” the following day at
6:00 pm. Then at 6:00 pm the next day, you rerun a recording
of the webinar. We always set up the encore on a different
day and at a much different time, because that new time
might work better for some people, or for people in different
time zones.

The email might say something like, “Yesterday’s webinar was

a tremendous success. We received rave reviews. But we also
heard from many of you who either couldn’t make it yesterday
or had to hop off early. So we’re doing it again! If for some
reason you couldn’t attend yesterday’s webinar, or if you just

want to review the things that we talked about, then I’d love
to have you join us Thursday evening.”

This strategy has several benefits:

• First, you can get more people to see your webinar. By run-
ning an encore you can nearly double your total audience.
• Second, even though you get twice the audience, you only

have to do the live presentation once. So you get twice the

benefit with just a little bit more work.
• Third, you may even get some people who attend both

presentations. You know these people are very interested

and are likely to be hot prospects.
• And fourth, you can use some of the automation tools we

talked about earlier in the book to set up this process on

an ongoing basis.


Remember StealthSeminar from Chapter 8? They’re the
people who set you up to replay your previously recorded
webinars. These people help build your landing pages and
completely automate your recorded webinars to run over
and over. And every time it will appear to the audience like
a brand new, live webinar. It works so well it’s scary. Visit to get started.

Pro tip: Most companies let these previously recorded webi-

nars appear as if they’re live. This tends to create more
excitement, drives audience engagement, and boosts authen-
ticity, which gets more people to sign up. Marketing a webinar

L at h e r , Ri n s e , Repe at   1 3 5
as “previously recorded” always leads to lower turnout, since
it doesn’t appear as a special event anymore. So while I would
never recommend saying that a previously recorded webinar
is live (never lie to your prospects!), it’s generally considered
okay to just not mention it at all. Most audience members will
assume it’s live, and what they don’t know won’t hurt them.


There is a limit to how often you can promote your webinars
to the same potential audience. If you keep telling someone
week after week about the same webinar, they’re going to see
you as a pest, and probably unsubscribe from your list alto-

The same goes for your LinkedIn groups. If you keep telling
your group members about the same webinar every week,
they’re going to tune you out. Or worse yet, they’ll leave your
group. So you really only want to promote any given webinar
to the same audience once every couple of months or so.


As you start to create more and more live webinars, run
encores, and rerun previously recorded webinars, it’s critically
important that you manage your email lists efficiently. With
programs like Infusionsoft and MailChimp, you can easily
select which lists receive which email marketing sequences.
With these programs, when people sign up for a particular
webinar they’re automatically tagged in the system as having

signed up for that specific webinar. Infusionsoft calls this
a campaign.

By signing up for a particular campaign, that person will now

receive the emails in that campaign until they exit it. You can
also include and exclude certain lists from receiving emails
based on tags that you set up. It’s important to actively manage
your lists to avoid making mistakes or duplications. You don’t
want someone who already signed up for or attended a certain
webinar to keep getting invitations or marketing emails for
the same webinar!

As you rerun your previously recorded webinars, you will need

to find new audiences. This is where traditional online market-
ing comes into play. You can use Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads,
joint ventures, and all of the tactics we discussed in previous
chapters. With all of these channels you simply continue run-
ning your webinar ads until your click-through rates start to
decline, and conversion costs begin to rise. When the decline
starts, simply change marketing channels, rewrite your ad
copy, and keep trying.


After a year or two, you may find that you have created a whole
library of webinars on multiple topics tailored to different
audiences. Some companies have chosen to create a section
on their website dedicated to past webinars. That way people
can visit the webinars page and click on the various topics to
watch whatever webinar interests them. You can ask people
to sign up with an email address before gaining access to the

L at h e r , Ri n s e , Repe at   1 3 7
webinar library, and then use this data to market new live
webinars to them.


One final thought on automating your webinar process: It
sounds more difficult than it really is. In reality there’s not
much technical about it. The vendors I recommend are easy
to work with, and their products are simple and straightfor-
ward. If you can work Facebook and LinkedIn, you can run
webinar campaigns.

It’ll take some time to set it up and work out the kinks. Mar-
keting all these webinars on an ongoing basis can be intensive.
But if you take it at your own pace, and slowly expand and
ramp up as you get more experience, you’ll do just fine.

Before you know it you’ll be a webinar guru, raking in sales

leads and creating new webinars with great success.

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What to Do Once You’re on the Phone

There’s one part of the sales process we haven’t talked much

about yet. We’ve worked your prospects all the way through
various systems to your call to action: requesting a phone call.
But what do you do once you get on the phone with them? I’d
be really lame to tell you everything else and leave you hanging
once you picked up the phone! So in this chapter we’re going
to tackle how to close the sale once you’ve got your awesome
prospect on the phone with you.

As you work this system, there are six types of sales calls
or conversations that you might find yourself in. Yes, I said
six. Why so many different kinds of calls? Because there are
different types of prospects and different types of lead gen
approaches. Thus, once you’re face to face or on the phone,
the conversation will be a bit different for each of them. These
six cover the majority of situations you’ll encounter.

Here are the six types of calls, from the coldest to the hottest.

1. The Cold Call

2. The Warm Cold Call

3. The Networking Call

4. The Carrot Call

5. The Hot Lead Call

6. The Webinar Call

In this chapter we’ll take a look at each of them and dig into
what they are, how they fit into the system and how you
should approach each of them. But first, here’s a quick tip
that applies to almost all of them.

Pro tip: Slow down!

Whether you’re a seasoned sales pro or a business owner

doing it all yourself, it’s tempting to start your sales call with
the product or service you want to sell. Don’t do it! The worst
thing you can do is jump on a call with a prospect and imme-
diately start telling them all about what you do.

In every type of call, except for the Cold Call, you’ll want to
start by asking an icebreaker question. Something as simple as
where they live usually gets the job done. “So Bob, remind me
again what part of the country you’re in?” Immediately you’ll

be engaged in a conversation about Bob’s personal life, which
is the best way to break through and really get people talking.

(Of course, if you’re operating on a more local level, the ques-

tion will be slightly different. “So Bob, what part of town is
your office in? Oh, awesome. Do you live around there too?”
You get the point.)

Be prepared to engage the prospect in a conversation here.

Don’t just say, “Oh, San Francisco, I heard that’s a nice place.
Well, thanks for taking this call today. What my company does
is…” No, no, no. They’ll see through that right away. Take the
time to genuinely engage with them!

Depending on how engaging the conversation feels, and how

interested the prospect seems in the conversation, this small
talk can often go on for one to five minutes, sometimes even
more! Don’t be afraid to really get personal and let it go as far
as the prospect will let you take it. Remember, people work
with people they know, like and trust. And there’s no better
way to achieve that kind of status than to get personal!

Even if you can’t become best friends in the first few minutes,
making small talk is still essential. If you don’t feel like you’re
good at small talk, calls like these are great opportunities
to practice.

Now let’s jump into each of the types of calls you or your sales
team will be making, and how to handle them.

C lo s i n g t h e S a l e  1 4 1
If you implement the system as outlined in this book, you
won’t be making many of these calls. But if you have a larger
sales team or simply do well with cold calling, then this might
be a fit for you.

To utilize LinkedIn to boost your cold calling efforts, it’s as

simple as using the advanced people search to find prospects
the way we described back in Chapter 4. From there, you can
use software like eGrabber’s Account Researcher tool (get a
free trial at to find
phone numbers, or use any other number of tools that do the
same thing. And voila, you’ve got a quality list to start calling!

I’m not going to get into cold calling scripts and best practices
here—it’s not something I teach and I think the techniques
outlined in this book are much more effective. But what I will
say is that LinkedIn can seriously supercharge a cold calling
campaign. With a prospect’s LinkedIn profile in front of you,
you’re armed with all sorts of data that a traditional “list” can’t
offer: where they went to school, people they’re friends with,
other places they’ve worked, things they’re interested in, you
name it. Super powerful.

Again though, most people reading this book will never make a
completely cold call. So let’s jump ahead. The other five types
of calls will definitely apply to you.


29% of prospects that you work through this nurture system

will agree to a meeting. But what about the remaining 71%?
Should we just forget about them?

Heck no! Those people have been exposed to a ton of content

over the course of the campaign. Many are in your LinkedIn
group and receive daily or weekly updates. They’re all con-
nected to you and see your status updates. And they all just
got done receiving a series of personal messages from you over
the course of two to three months. You’ve put forth a lot of
effort to get them to this point; don’t give up on them so easily.

Now, you might be thinking, “But what can I do at this point,

if they haven’t agreed to a meeting or call?”

Just pick up the phone and call them!

Here’s how that conversation might go. “Hey Danny, this is

Josh Turner. You and I are connected on LinkedIn and I shot
you a message or two last week about jumping on a call?” That
question mark is not a typo. Pose the statement as a question,
which infers to them that you’re looking for acknowledgement.
Most of them will respond with something like, “Yeah, that’s
right, I did get your messages. Sorry, I meant to get back to
you, but I’ve been really busy.” Boom!

Now you’re in. More or less, they just acknowledged that

they’re open to talking. And now you got ‘em on the phone. So
the next thing you say is, “No worries, I know how it is. How
does right now work for you? Do you have a couple minutes?”

If they say no, then try to schedule another time then and

C lo s i n g t h e S a l e  1 4 3
there. Many will say yes though. At that point, move to the
script for the Networking Call.


Let’s step back for a second and look at the messaging script
that most likely got the prospect to agree to this call. It prob-
ably goes something like this:


I’m trying to get to know my connections on LinkedIn a little

better so that we both might benefit from being connected.
We’ve been crossing paths on LinkedIn for the past couple of
months and I’d love to schedule a quick call.

Would you have a few minutes to chat next week? How does
your calendar look next Wednesday morning?



You can see how this is positioned as more of a networking

call; the prospect isn’t necessarily telling you that they want
what you’re selling. They’re agreeing to chat, to learn more
about each other’s businesses.

Here’s how to handle those conversations.

Step 1: Ask them about their business. Think about what

things you have in common, and bring up small talk around
those issues. You can talk about the industry, people you both
know, things like that. “Tell me more about what you’re up to
these days?” is a great opening question.

Step 2: Once they start telling you about their business, keep
asking follow-up questions. Be genuinely interested in what
they’re telling you! Spend the first ten minutes talking exclu-
sively about them and their business.

Step 3: During this conversation, listen for pain points and

needs they have. Ask questions strategically to get to these
issues. The more questions you ask, the more people will
open up!

Step 4: Come back to them and say, “Honestly Danny, I wasn’t

sure where this conversation would go. But I figured since
we’ve been crossing paths there might be some benefit to
learning more about what each other is up to. What I heard
you say earlier about X, Y, Z…it really made me think that you
might be interested to hear about what my company does.
Because we’ve worked with a lot of companies similar to yours,
like A, B, and C [name drop some companies similar to theirs],
and solved X, Y and Z by doing D, E and F [your solution].
Does that sound like something you’d be interested in hearing
more about?”

Step 5: The prospect will say, “Yeah, sure,” 99% of the time.
If it’s framed the right way, a smart businessperson will feel
stupid by not agreeing to at least hear you out.

C lo s i n g t h e S a l e  1 4 5
Step 6: Talk to them about your solution and get them to a
next step. That could be a second conversation, an in-person
meeting, or maybe a proposal. Whatever it is, the goal of the
initial call is to move the prospect toward this next step.

Simple as that!

Naturally, not every prospect will move from a Networking

Call to becoming a client. But that’s sales; it’s a numbers game.
Some percentage will move deeper in your funnel. The rest
can be moved into a more long-term nurture bucket.


So unless you’re pitching Bugs Bunny, this type of call won’t
involve actual carrots. The carrot we’re talking about is a met-
aphorical carrot, the kind you dangle in front of someone to
entice them to get on a call with you!

Here’s what that approach might look like:

Hey Danny,

We’ve been crossing paths here on LinkedIn for a bit and I

thought it wouldn’t hurt to reach out.

My company has worked with Company X, Y and Z

[companies that your prospect would know] to help them
[insert result] by [measurable increase/decrease].

I thought you might be interested to hear about how we did it.

If you’d be open to a call, let me know!


The exact script will vary significantly since each prospect’s

business is different. The key, though, is to offer some intrigue.
Get them thinking, “Holy cow, I gotta learn more about that.”

Then, when you get them to agree to the call, you can spend
pretty much the entire time sharing case studies with them
about how that technique helped various clients. It’s your
technique and your clients, of course, but relating those things
like case studies is super engaging for your prospect. And if
your offering is impressive, by the end they’ll be eager to learn
more about working with you.

There’s an important disclaimer here, though; this tactic typi-

cally only works for companies that are doing something fairly
unique in the market, or have a strong differentiator.

If you’re company is really just a “me too” player in a com-

moditized space, the networking approach will work far better.

Dangling a carrot doesn’t work so well when the prospect has

a pile of carrots sitting at their feet.


From time to time, you’ll have a prospect on LinkedIn reach
directly out to you and express interest in your services. Often
times these will be prospects that are in your LinkedIn group,

C lo s i n g t h e S a l e  1 4 7
are already connected to you, or just found your awesome,
optimized LinkedIn profile. Without even knowing it, the
system has warmed them up for you…and served ‘em up
red hot!

These are those hot leads that you always want. You can’t
just sit back and rely on them, as most of your calls won’t be
hot lead calls. But when they show up, they are always a great
bonus for your business.

Handling these types of calls is pretty straightforward.

The prospect is already interested in learning more about

what you do. Thus, the agenda for the call is simply to a)
build rapport and get them engaged in some small talk, then
b) chat with them about your services, answer any questions
they have, and get them to commit to a next step. It doesn’t
get much better than that!


Generally speaking, there are two types of webinar calls. One
is for the prospects who are immediately interested after your
webinar. These people can be handled pretty much the same
as a hot inbound lead. They know all about you, and are ready
to talk turkey. Use the Hot Lead Call outline for these people.

The second type of webinar call is more akin to a hybrid

between the Warm Cold Call and a Hot Lead. Because they’ve
seen your webinar, it’s easy to give them a call and say some-
thing like, “Hey Danny, I noticed that you signed up for our

148  CONN E CT
webinar last week and just wanted to get your feedback on
it. Do you have a couple minutes? Great! So what’d you think
about it?”

At this point, they’ll share their thoughts and most likely will
open up about whether or not they feel your solutions are a
good fit for them. Almost immediately you’ll be knee-deep in
a sales conversation.

Make sure to pull back and learn more about their business
too, though. It’s tempting in this kind of conversation to
focus just on your services, but you still need to build rapport.
Remember to spend way more time asking them questions
than you do telling them about your solution. Following that
golden rule will generate dividends, even if you take away
nothing else from this chapter.

For more training on improving your sales process, here are

a few of the go-to resources that I recommend to my clients:

• Lisa Sasevich – You can get a copy of her free book “Boost
Your Sales!” at:
• Dov Gordon – Dov’s manual “How to Systematically and

Consistently Attract First-Rate Customers” is pure gold.

Normally $97, I’ve secured a deal to get you a copy of the
manual for free at this link:
• Bill Baren – If coaching or consulting is your business,

you need to sign up for one of Bill Baren’s next webinars.

Sign up for the next one here:
• Some more people I follow and highly recommend include:

Jack Daly, Jeffrey Gitomer, and Gulliver Giles. If you need

C lo s i n g t h e S a l e  1 49
to improve your sales process, any of these people or
resources will be a great asset for you.

Improving the effectiveness of your sales process will have a

huge impact on the results you are able to get from my system.
Naturally, if you can’t close, then all the leads in the world will
do you no good. Be sure to check out the above resources if
you need help in any of those areas!


When and How to Use Cold
Messaging Strategies

Everything you have seen up to this point puts extreme impor-

tance on nurturing relationships before you go in for the sale,
and taking time to develop cold prospects so that they know,
like and trust you.

Does that mean that you should just dismiss cold messaging?

Not necessarily.

Cold messaging is definitely alive and well. When done prop-

erly, it might actually be the cornerstone of your marketing.
So don’t rule it out just yet!

Cold messaging can be viewed as a similar approach to cold

calling, almost like cold calling 2.0. For years cold calling was
a pillar for sales teams, but it’s lost a lot of its impact in recent

years. Sure, many sales teams still do lots of cold calling, but
many do it because they have no idea what else to do. Even
though it remains largely ineffective for them, they keep at it
because it’s what they’ve always done.

Because of cold calling’s decline, many people now believe

that cold messaging is also a worthless endeavor. After all,
at face value there doesn’t seem to be any real differences
between cold messaging and cold calling.

But upon closer examination, cold messaging can actually

yield much stronger results than cold calling. Why? Simply
because phone lines are much more closely guarded than
LinkedIn inboxes. Spend some time trying to get through on
the phone to a cold prospect and you’ll likely be stopped at the
gates by an assistant—who may not even deliver your message
to your prospect. But a LinkedIn cold message is much easier
to get through to the target. There’s rarely a guardian assistant
standing over their LinkedIn account.

Also, there are ways to optimize the methods used to deliver

cold messages, enabling you to send a much higher volume
of messages than cold calls for a given period of time. Since
this is a numbers game, the more messages you deliver, the
greater the results. Even though getting on the phone is argu-
ably much more powerful than sending an email, messaging
makes up for this by being massively scalable. You simply
can’t hit the numbers with cold calling that you can with
cold messaging.

Given that scalability, cold messaging is extremely powerful

in the right situations. Knowing how and when to utilize the
cold message tactic, along with knowing what type of message
to deliver, will create some pretty amazing results.

That said, it is still a relatively low response activity. Just

like cold calling, cold messaging will only generate a small
response rate. Typically 5% is what we aim for, which is obvi-
ously much lower than the 29% average we expect from a
long-term nurture campaign.

As such, this strategy is best suited when you have a massive

prospect pool and can afford to get a lower response rate, or
if what you sell just isn’t amenable to the nurture approach.

One final note: This tactic is definitely not for everybody. You
need to have the right situation to make this type of playbook
work for you and your business, but if it is indeed the right
playbook to run, the results can be awesome. Let’s take a look
at how to get those kinds of results.


Cold messaging is a fantastic way to pitch smaller-priced prod-
ucts and services, or to get people to opt-in for something like
a webinar or white paper.

Let’s say that you are a tax consultant that specializes in pro-
viding services to a couple of specific industries and that your
clients generally engage with you for $500 or even $1,000
per deal. Cold messaging is going to be a great tactic for you.

Q u i c k Wi n s   1 5 3
Why? Because there are not as many factors that go into a
signing a $1,000 deal as there are that go into a five, six, or
seven-figure deal. The risk is much lower. You don’t need to
build up as much trust first. There are fewer people to consult
with—often the decision makers you pitch will be able to
decide to make the purchase themselves, rather than asking
their boss’s boss’s boss.

On the other hand, if you’re a software company that typically

sells products or services starting at $50,000 per engagement,
then chances are slim that someone will engage with you just
from a cold message pitching your product or service.

Sometimes your cold message won’t even ask for any sort
of sale. You could simply be focused on getting prospects
to opt-in for a white paper, case study, or webinar. Then it
becomes an even simpler decision for the prospect. They don’t
need to think about the cost of taking the next step, because
there isn’t any cost.

This opt-in method can be a much better way to utilize cold

messaging to engage with targets you want to sell high-priced
products or services. If your cold message was about an
$80,000 deal, many targets won’t give you the time of day
because they don’t know you and that’s a huge amount of
cash to lay out to someone they don’t know. But if you ask
the same target to opt-in for your webinar, they’ll perceive
no risk at all, allowing you to build some trust before you
actually pitch them.

What about sending a cold message requesting to talk on the

phone? There’s no risk or cost to talking on the phone, so it
should be easy to get people to accept that, right?

Well, not exactly.

There are a couple of problems with this line of thought. High-

priced services and products are almost always pitched to
high-level execs. What sounds like merely asking for a call to
you comes off to them that you are asking for some of their
most valuable resource: their time. A CEO or CFO ’s time is
extremely valuable and limited. Half an hour of it is likely
worth thousands of dollars. So asking for their time when
no relationship exists is basically the same as asking for a
$50,000 sale when no relationship exists. It’s not going to
happen—and even if it does, they won’t bite on your high-end
service just from that one call. Use an opt-in message instead
and go from there.


There is an art to crafting lead generation messages. The more
you hone your skill at creating scripts, the greater the con-
version rates you will see on your messages. It’s not only the
specifics of the message that are important. The tone of your
message can play a big part in how well your message converts.

It might be tempting to craft a very formal and professional

message, but as with your LinkedIn messaging campaigns, it
actually works better to loosen up your tone and try to write
something more casual. Use a casual tone, like how you’d
approach a close friend or family member. That’s how you

Q u i c k Wi n s   1 5 5
want the prospect to view you. You are trying to give the
prospect the impression that you genuinely just came across
their info and wanted to reach out, not that they are in a mass
marketing campaign.

Let’s look at an example regarding the tone of your message.

Below are two intros to cold messages:

Dear Sir,

I am quite pleased to share with you a valuable resource

that you may find of great use for your business. Please find
it attached.


Hey Bob,

I came across your profile in the Social Media Marketing

group here on LinkedIn and thought you might be interested
in a webinar coming up next week that I think is right up
your alley. Here’s the link. Hope you get some good stuff
from it!

Which one sounds more appealing? It’s a no-brainer.

A real person would never use the tone from the first example
when sending a message to someone they know. In fact, the
tone in the first example gives off a cold and impersonal vibe.
The recipient would read that message and think, “I don’t
know this person, why should I listen to them? I’m tuning out.”

Now, the prospect who receives the second message doesn’t
know the sender either, but the language is a lot more inviting
and personal. The casual tone makes it easy for the recipient
to take the message at face value and not think it was written
and delivered by a robot from some company’s marketing
department. The second message was definitely written and
sent by a real person. That will make all the difference.

Just as important as the tone is the length of the message.
Do you think everyone will be interested to read nineteen
paragraphs that outline your entire history and all of the ser-
vices that you provide? Think again. Prospects will delete that
message before they even finish the first sentence.

It’s not just high-level executives at big companies whose time

is valuable. Everyone’s time is valuable. Do you read a super-
long promotional email from someone you have never heard
of before? No, you don’t. You do the same thing everyone else
does when they get that type of message: DELETE.

It doesn’t make sense to send the type of cold message that

you personally would scrap when you see it. Don’t fall into the
trap of thinking that just because a cold message is about your
company that everyone else will think it’s awesome. They’ll
think it’s trash just like the rest.

Personal messages, messages from people who care, are not

long. They are short, simple, to the point and casual. Let’s

Q u i c k Wi n s   1 5 7
check out an example of a message trying to get someone on
a webinar:

SUBJECT: Free LinkedIn Training for Financial Advisors

Jane - We’re both in the Finance Club group and I came

across your profile this morning. I thought you might be
interested in a free, LIVE, training event, specific for Financial
Advisors, my company is hosting on March 10th. It’s called
How to Create a Massive Referral Network on LinkedIn with
THE Most Influential Players in your Market. 

This is not just theory. We will go through real examples of

businesses just like yours that are taking a proactive approach
to LinkedIn and, in turn, generating some awesome results. 

If you’re interested in more info on the webinar, topics

scheduled for discussion, and to register, please visit this link: 


Please feel free to forward this to anybody in your firm that

would be interested. Hope to see you on the call. 



There are a lot of great things happening in that script. The

length is not super long, making it easily digestible for the
recipient. It’s straightforward and to the point. It lets the

158  CONN E CT
recipient know exactly what they are getting. There’s no other
fluff attached to the message. The subject line is straight to
the point as well. No guessing game needed to figure out what
this is about.

The language in the message is also tailored to fit the prospect.

The recipient, a financial advisor, knows that this is specifi-
cally for them. This is not just some general webinar. This
is going to be material specific and valuable to the recipient.
They see the benefit.

Do not overcomplicate a cold message. It’s easy and tempting

to write a message much more complex than the one above.
Don’t do it. Keeping things simple and to the point is the key
to your success.


As mentioned previously, the cold message approach is typ-
ically a numbers game, which means that the key is volume.
Cold messaging will not have the same conversion rate as a
nurture campaign, but what it lacks in conversion rate it will
make up for in scale. So you need to be able to hit thousands
of people for this tactic to work.

If you have a prospect pool of only a couple hundred people,

then this may not be the best approach. But if your prospect
pool is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, then
you are on the right track for cold messaging to be effective.
The larger the prospect pool, the more effective this approach
can be.

Q u i c k Wi n s   1 5 9
Where can you go to deliver cold messages to thousands
of targets?

I bet you already know: LinkedIn Groups.

LinkedIn makes getting access to the masses super easy. There

are groups that cater to just about every single industry and
niche you can think of, and many of the groups have thou-
sands of members in them. Because you can send a message
to anyone you share a group with, all it takes is joining a
group that caters to your target, going into the group mem-
bership area, conducting a keyword search to narrow down
who you want to send messages to specifically, and then start
firing away.

This process is similar to fishing in the ocean with a giant net.

You cast your net into the ocean, in an area where you know
the fish hang out that you want to catch. Might you catch a
few fish that are not the right types? Sure, but by and large,
if you’re in the right place, you’ll find the right fish. Focus on
the rule, not the exception. If you’re getting a large volume
of prospects to bite on your call to action, then you have your
process zeroed in.

The number of people needed to bite on your call to action

will be different for each business. One person may just need
twenty people to show up to a webinar. Another person may
need 300 people to opt-in for a report. Either way, cold mes-
saging can work in both of those situations; you just need to
determine how much activity it will take for you to hit your
goal, and then do it.

In terms of sending out a significant volume of messages, it all
comes down to having a process. Being able to copy and paste
scripts quickly into messaging windows that you have opened
up on your browser will save you a ton of time. Tedious? You
bet. Effective? Hell yes!

You also don’t need to do this activity yourself. An assistant or

marketing team member can easily handle this type of activity
once a group search has been identified and the script has
been drafted.

Review the results, make adjustments, and keep firing away.

Cold messaging might be the best play for you and your busi-
ness. If it’s a good fit for you, do not ignore it. It’s too powerful
of a play to let slip by.

Q u i c k Wi n s   1 61
Where to Start

You made it! Congrats on finishing this book. You now know
how to leverage LinkedIn and webinars to supercharge your
business, generate thousands of amazing leads, build relation-
ships, establish yourself as an industry leader, and automate
your systems to keep your growth going for years to come.
Soon your business will be growing faster than ever!

I’ve thrown a ton of information at you in these pages. And it

may seem like a lot to grasp. But don’t panic! I promise you
this will all start to make sense as soon as you begin taking
steps to put the pieces in place. The best way to really learn
these strategies and techniques is by jumping in with both feet.
So I’m going to wrap this book up by sharing my favorite tips
and tricks for getting started successfully.

1 63
We’ve talked about a number of techniques and strategies in
this book, and I recommend you try them all. But do not try
to do them all at the same time right out of the gate. Ease into
them. If you take on too many new projects all at once it will
be harder to get them all on track. You’ll probably get frus-

So start with one technique from this book, get it up and run-
ning, smooth it out, learn it well, and then go on to another.
Take your time. You’ll get to them all eventually.


Knowing where to start is important. Which technique should
you pick first? Think about what makes sense for you. Was
there a strategy in this book that piqued your interest more
than the others? What got you the most excited? Do you
already have a lot of experience at LinkedIn? Have you ever
hosted a webinar before? Do you like webinars? Are you good
at making presentations? All of these types of questions can
help you find the best starting point for you and your business.

Also think about where your company is likely to get the fast-
est results. Where do you think the most low-hanging fruit
is for your business? How are you most likely going to reach
your best prospects? Where will you get the greatest ROI? If
you already spend two hours a day on LinkedIn, then launch-
ing a LinkedIn campaign may be the best starting point for
you. If you already have a webinar that you’ve presented and
recorded, maybe that’s the best place to start.

If you’re still not sure after you’ve thought through these
questions, we recommend starting with the LinkedIn strate-
gies first. This way you don’t have the pressure of creating a
sixty-minute webinar and marketing it in a month. Start with
the LinkedIn messaging campaigns and creating your own
LinkedIn group, where you can go at your own pace. Once you
begin building your group, you’ll gain confidence, and soon
you’ll be implementing the more advanced strategies, too.

One quick thought on hiring an agency or another company to
outsource some of these campaigns and strategies. Be careful.
There are hundreds of digital marketing consultants and new
media ad agencies out there, but the vast majority of them are
generalists—companies that do a little bit of everything but
haven’t really mastered the strategies discussed in this book. If
you ask them whether they can implement a LinkedIn strategy
or a webinar program for you, they’ll always say yes to get your
business…and then they’ll have to go figure out how to do it
on the fly. This is not what you want.

Don’t trust a generalist social media agency or digital mar-

keting firm to achieve the type of results described in this
book. Instead, find a specialist who really knows this space.
The strategies I’ve created and written about in this book
are based on very focused, specific processes that took years
to develop. They’ve proven to be effective through concrete
results and ongoing optimization. And they’re all we do. If
you see the value in what these programs can do for your
business, but you really don’t have the internal resources or

C o n c lu s i o n   1 65
bandwidth to do it yourself, I’d love to talk about how we can
work together. You can sign up for a complimentary strategy
session at, call our office at 314-
499-8892, or email me at


It all comes back to this. Regardless of where you start, the
most important thing is that you make a start. Set a date on
your calendar to begin, and stick to it. Clear your calendar
on that day so you can really dive in and focus on only this.

Just like starting anything else new, it comes down to making

a commitment to moving forward, doing the work, learning as
you go, and then cranking it up. I have no doubt that very soon
you’ll be using these strategies to turn thousands of cold pros-
pects into warm leads and growing your business in a big way.


There are many people that have played a big part in the
journey that has led to the book you have in your hands
today, including: Bill Croghan, Ben Kniffen, Jessica Wood,
The Cohen Family, Jamie Kreft, Ryan Farrell, Margaret Muir,
Alison Baker and the entire LinkedSelling team, David Gon-
zales, Bill Prenatt, Russ Henneberry, Oscar Turner, Brandon
Dempsey, Jim Canada, Corey McDonald, Eddy Tauk, my
Mom and Dad, my brother Joel, Rhonda Croghan, Ronald and
Blanche Flynn, Aaron Agius, Tom Swip, Zach Obront, Chris
Balish, and Lydia Turner.

And last but certainly not least, every single client of ours,
every single member of Linked University, all of our partners,
and the tens of thousands of people who have been through
our trainings over the years.

This book doesn’t exist without you, and I’m forever grateful.

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168  CONN E CT

Josh Turner is the founder of Linked Selling, a B2B marketing

firm specializing in fully outsourced LinkedIn lead generation
campaigns. They represent clients (like Neil Patel and Mic-
rosoft, to name a couple) in the US, Canada, UK, Asia, and
Australia, in a wide variety of industries.

Josh’s company also operates, an online

training program for LinkedIn marketing. He is considered
one of the leading experts in the world when it comes to
growing your business using LinkedIn.

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