Isb - Amp - 2019 PDF

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Increasing Managerial

August 26 - 31, 2019
ISB, Hyderabad Campus

October 20 - 25, 2019
ISB, Hyderabad Campus

Mid | Senior Management

Increasing Managerial Effectiveness

Accelerated Management
Transitioning from a functional expert into a general manager represents a substantial
step up in leadership and responsibility. The one key difference is the shift from
managing a function to managing a business. You must rely on the right managerial
skills of working with people and processes to make good decisions, implement change,
and drive results. This means, gaining a deep understanding of not just one, but all
of the business functions and developing a style of leadership that’s effective and

There are three key learning areas that new general managers must address -
knowledge of the different functional areas and how these diverse functions enable
overall business success; shift in focusing on the relatively short-term goals of a function
to the medium and long-term strategic goals of a business, and finally, the transitioning
from the role of a ‘doer’ to the role of managing through a team, especially in an ever-
changing business landscape.

The Accelerated Management Programme helps you make this transition successfully
and grow into your new role with confidence.

Programme Details
Phase 1: August 26 (9.00 am) - 31 (5.00 pm), 2019 - ISB, Hyderabad Campus
Phase 2: October 20 (9.00 am) - 25 (7.00 pm), 2019 - ISB, Hyderabad Campus

INR 5,00,000 plus GST @ 18%

Fee includes food and accommodation at the ISB campus
or at an equivalent facility based on availability.
list of past
Adobe Systems India Pvt Ltd
Bajaj Finance Ltd
Citrix R&D India Pvt Ltd
GMR Group
Henkel Adhesives Technologies
India Pvt Ltd
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Co Ltd
Marico Ltd
“Just 6 days into the AMP,
Oracle India Pvt Ltd
I am thinking like a CEO/
Philips Electronics India Ltd Founder of a company”.
Reliance Broadcast Network Ltd
- Shashi B Gupta - Sr Mdm
Standard Chartered Bank Engineer, Engineering,
Times Group Design, R&D, Adobe Systems
India Pvt. Ltd
Industry-wise participants
(Over the past 6 years)

ITES, Professional Media and E-Commerce

Services and R&D 11% 4 %
FMCG, Conglomerates
31 %
7 % and Retail

Development and
12% Infrastruture

20% 15%
Auto and Manufacturing

“A path-breaking concept in management education, with

exhaustive research and real-life examples delivered effectively
through learning and development by research gurus. This
programme has been designed to create future business geniuses.”
Pramod Kale - National Manager - Collections, COE - IT & System
Enhancements, Bajaj Finserv
About the Key learning
programme takeaways
The Accelerated Management Programme • Leading across multiple functions and
is a management primer. It equips you domains
with a management toolkit that can help
you deal with the complex business • Strategically aligning the objectives
problems that come with an elevation of and plans of multiple stakeholders
responsibilities. Guided by the insights • Planning, within a dynamic business
of thought leaders and industry experts, environment
this programme enables you to design
• Managing people versus managing
effective solutions for dynamic workplace
problems. Woven into team challenges,
debates, discussions and simulations, • Dissecting business problems from
these insights will get imprinted into your both a micro and macro perspective
new leadership avatar - transforming your • Understanding core components of
capabilities, instantly. The programme Business, Finance, Marketing, and
helps you gain a practical understanding Strategy in the digital era
of effective global leadership practices
- blending theoretical frameworks and
experiential activities.

Who should This programme is for you if you are

stepping into a high-expectation
general management role, and want
to upskill yourself to perform at your
fullest potential. If you understand
High-performing line and staff leaders,
that managing across functions and
functional leaders, taking on general teams is both a science and an art
management roles. Current and future that needs perfecting – this is the
managers from across any business programme for you.
industry will find this programme valuable.
Key concepts covered
This high-intensity programme focuses to improve the design and implementation
on key areas of influence in business of new initiatives and avoid destructive
and management, financial systems, conflicts is a topic of keen discussion in
execution, value creation and leadership. this programme.

Cross-Functional Leadership Interdisciplinary Understanding

Gain readiness to take on responsibilities To coordinate effectively across functions
that require leading outside your area and domains, one must first build a
of expertise.Connecting the dots across knowledge base that informs your
functions, domains, geographies and decisions. The AMP takes a step back
even stakeholder interests is an every-day from leadership building, and invests
expectation for top managerial roles. This some time in first strengthening you
programme will help you coordinate this core knowledge of Business, Finance,
in a cohesive and streamlined manner. Marketing, and Strategy - through
interactive and experiential activities.
Strategic Thinking
Increased capacity for strategic decision- Managing Digital Transformation
making and the ability to think creatively Traditional strategic thinking has given
about current competitive strategies and way to modern digitisation trends, new
solutions. Senior managers are expected business ecosystems, which in turn drive
to have a wide-angle lens through which a new set of value creation. Managers
they analyse their business environment. need to understand these digital
The AMP is designed to help you refine ecosystems, explore different approaches
this lens. to digital technologies, develop the
necessary skills, tools and frameworks
Effective Execution for a comprehensive marketing plan
Beyond recognising challenges within and learn how to straddle the gamut of
a business system, and identifying positioning, differentiation, new product
solutions, is executing strategies to management, branding, pricing and
put these solutions into work. Better distribution. This programme helps you be
understanding of organisational dynamics on top of your game in this era of digital
How this How this
programme programme
benefits benefits
organisations individuals
• Develop a pipeline of leaders who will • Understand the different functions of a
effectively lead managers across your business and their linkages with growth
• Learn to connect the dots across
• Drive organisational change with domains, geographies and even
leaders who understand how trust and stakeholder interests
cohesion delivers sustainable impact
• Learn the essential leadership skills
• Sustain the culture of change across required to drive change and formulate
the organisation by investing in change a detailed personal action plan
• Apply the principles of strategy and
• Deliver long-term business implications effective execution to lead through
by nurturing leaders with broader and two of the most significant sources of
deeper perspectives uncertainty - globalisation and shifts in
• Enable leaders to gain transformative
insights on creating competitive • Gain insights on defining the digital
advantage and long-term value in the transformation journey for your
digital era business in an aggressive digital-first
• Implement the learnings with your
team members through an Action • ALP (Action Learning Project) helps
Learning Project (ALP), under the you apply programme learning to
guidance of the faculty implement valuable takeaways at your
workplace, through brainstorming,
defining and developing solutions
and specific action plans for strategic
business problems
Ramani Sonti Mohan Subramaniam
is a Clinical Associate Professor and an is an Assistant Professor, Carroll School of
Associate Dean, Admissions and Financial Management, Boston College specialises
Aid at ISB. He has co-authored and in the areas of ecosystem strategy, global
published several research articles in top strategy, and the strategic management
line journals in the area of finance. He of knowledge and innovation. His current
teaches courses in Investment Analysis, research interest includes new strategic
Value Investing, Options & Futures and frameworks for the digital economy and
Advanced Portfolio Management. He ecosystems. Professor Mohan teaches
holds a Ph D (Finance and Econometrics), courses in strategy, global strategy
Michigan State University; a Post Graduate and innovation management and
Diploma in Management (Finance), IIM; has consulted with and taught senior
and a Bachelor of Technology from NIT. executives at leading global companies.

Piyush Kumar Medini Singh

is Associate Professor, Department of is visiting Faculty, Indian School of
Marketing and is a Ph D (Marketing) from Business Professor (Decision, Risk,
Purdue University with core expertise in and Operations) Columbia University.
Service Strategy, Action-profit Linkage Renowned for his teaching excellence, his
Analysis, Brand Strategy, Marketing core areas are Operations Management
Analysis and Social Media. He has held and electives in Supply Chain
prior positions as Associate Professor Management, Operations Strategy and
at Wharton University and Assistant Service Operations Management. He also
Professor at Vanderbilt University and teaches executive education programmes
Rice University. He has won many in reputed institutions in USA, China, India
Teaching awards and has held key and Latin America.
editorial positions in leading journals
How to apply
Download the application form at and follow the
mailing instructions mentioned therein (or)
Write to us at (or)
Call us on +91 40 2300 7041/42
For further information about the programme, visit

Indian School of Business

Hyderabad | Mohali
Marketing Services, Centre for Executive Education, Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500 111, Telangana, India.

P : +91 40 2300 7041/42 E : |

Write to us to know more about the benefits of being a part of the CEE Alumni community.

Corporate Identity Number: U80100TG1997NPL036631

ISB CEE reserves the right to make changes in the programme without prior notice.
Please check with marketing services for the final schedule.

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