Lecture9 STRAT OrganizingForAction TNeparidze
Lecture9 STRAT OrganizingForAction TNeparidze
Lecture9 STRAT OrganizingForAction TNeparidze
Functional Strategies
HRM Strategy
IT Strategy
HRM Strategy
Right People, Right Work
Productivity Quality
•Follow-the-sun management
Mattel has cut the time it takes to develop new products by 10% by enabling
designers and licensees in other countries to collaborate on toy design
1. Develop company’s IT catalogue by FY2023 and
make it accessible to suppliers, employees,
2. Streamline operations to automate at least ten
repetitive tasks in 2022.
3. Enhance digital experience of customers and
employees by creating an e-commerce website by
Functional Strategies 2024.
4. Increase the transactions via incentive systems in
5. Generate an equity payment scheme in Quarter 3
of 2023
6. Analyze trends in 5-year data sets.
7. Increase the efficiency of the bookkeeping by 10%
8. Implement mandatory trainings on money
laundering and corruption
Today’s Agenda
■ Develop programs, budgets, and procedures
to implement strategic change
■ Understand the importance of achieving
synergy during strategy implementation
■ List the stages of corporate development
and the structure that characterizes eachWhitegoods
■ Identify the blocks to changing from one
stage to another
■ Decide when and if programs such as
reengineering, Six Sigma, and job redesign
are appropriate methods of strategy
Chandler’s proposition
that structure follows
strategy (as well
as the reverse
Strategy Structure proposition that structure
influences strategy
Stages of Corporate Development
Stage 1 Simple
Stage 2 Functional
Limited managerial Growth and
Stage 3 Divisional
functions rationalization
Growth and
Everyone does Functionally diversification
everything specialized
Multi-unit structure
Appearance of policies
and management Formal systems and
stuctures processes
labeled by Greiner Management and
as a crisis of leadership performance indicators
Stages of International Development
Stage 1 (Domestic company)
Stage 2 (Domestic company with export division)
Stage 3 (Primarily domestic company with international division)
Stage 4 (Multinational corporation with multidomestic emphasis)
Stage 5 (MNC with global emphasis)
Strategic Errors
poor choice in strategy or organizational design.
Typical Challenges with Strategy Implementation
A survey of 93 Fortune 500 firms. Over 50% experienced the
following 10 problems when they attempted to implement a
strategic change. listed in order of frequency:
Strategy Programs
Strategy Budgets
Who are the people who will carry out the strategic plan?
What must be done to align the company’s operations in the new intended direction?
How is everyone going to work together to do what is needed?
Tools for Strategy Implementation
Tools for Alignment with Strategy
Develop company’s IT catalogue by FY2023 and make it accessible to
suppliers, employees, distributors.
Tools for Alignment with Strategy
Example 1: A restaurant
Goal: Increase profit by 5% by January next year through increasing output by 10% in lunch
and dinner trade without reducing our gross margins.
CSF KPI Target
Do the proposed Where should the Are we better off Should the Have we
programs and change begin? instituting the new change be slow overlooked any
activities How does the programs at a new or fast, important
constitute a sequence affect site, or can we incremental or activities or
coherent, stable success? Are reorganize radical? interactions?
system? there reasonable the existing Which blocks of Should we get
Are the current stopping points? facilities at a current activities further input from
activities reasonable cost? must be interested
coherent and changed at the stakeholders?
stable? Is the same time? Which new
transition likely programs and
to be difficult? current
activities offer
the greatest
sources of value?
Budgets Procedures
vs Financial vs Financial Strategy
Standard Operating
An ideal strategy might Procedures (SOPs)
be found to be completely
impractical only after
e.g. In a retail store, procedures ensure
specific implementation that the day-to-day store operations will
programs are costed in be consistent
detail. over time (that is, next week’s work
activities will be the same as this
week’s) and consistent
among stores (that is, each store will
operate in the same manner as the
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Six Sigma
An analytical method for achieving near-perfect results on a production
line. Ephasis is on reducing product variance in order to boost quality
and efficiency. In statistics, the Greek letter sigma denotes variation in
the standard bell-shaped curve. One sigma equals 690,000 defects
per 1 million. Most companies are able to achieve only three sigma, or Success: General Electric,
Allied Signal, ABB, and
66,000 errors per million. Six Sigma reduces the defects to only 3.4
Ford Motor Company.
per million—thus saving money by preventing waste. Six Sigma
encompasses five steps. About 35% of U.S.
companies now have a Six
1. Define a process where results are poorer than average. Sigma program in place
2. Measure the process to determine exact current performance.
3. Analyze the information to pinpoint where things are going wrong.
4. Improve the process and eliminate the error.
5. Establish controls to prevent future defects from occurring
Strategic Synergy
Between functions and business units
Should be higher than the sum of its units
• Efficiency
• Quality