Systems Biology of Personalized Nutrition: Feature Article

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Feature Article

Systems biology of personalized nutrition

Ben van Ommen, Tim van den Broek, Iris de Hoogh, Marjan van Erk, Eugene van Someren,
Tanja Rouhani-Rankouhi, Joshua C. Anthony, Koen Hogenelst, Wilrike Pasman, André Boorsma,
and Suzan Wopereis

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Personalized nutrition is fast becoming a reality due to a number of technological,
scientific, and societal developments that complement and extend current public
health nutrition recommendations. Personalized nutrition tailors dietary recommen-
dations to specific biological requirements on the basis of a person’s health status
and goals. The biology underpinning these recommendations is complex, and thus
any recommendations must account for multiple biological processes and subpro-
cesses occurring in various tissues and must be formed with an appreciation for
how these processes interact with dietary nutrients and environmental factors.
Therefore, a systems biology–based approach that considers the most relevant
interacting biological mechanisms is necessary to formulate the best recommenda-
tions to help people meet their wellness goals. Here, the concept of “systems
flexibility” is introduced to personalized nutrition biology. Systems flexibility allows
the real-time evaluation of metabolism and other processes that maintain homeo-
stasis following an environmental challenge, thereby enabling the formulation of
personalized recommendations. Examples in the area of macro- and micronutrients
are reviewed. Genetic variations and performance goals are integrated into this sys-
tems approach to provide a strategy for a balanced evaluation and an introduction
to personalized nutrition. Finally, modeling approaches that combine personalized
diagnosis and nutritional intervention into practice are reviewed.

INTRODUCTION etc), various medical associations have established dietary

guidelines for patient subgroups. Health-related societies
Nutrition and health are intimately related, and the sci- and nutrition expert groups have also published dietary
ence underpinning this relationship is the basis for global guidelines for specific healthy populations, such as chil-
public health dietary recommendations. Recognizing that dren, the elderly, pregnant women, and athletes.
food and nutrition play a role in numerous medical condi- Customized nutrition strategies have been added to patient
tions (hypercholesteremia, hyperglycemia, hypertension, treatment plans for many inborn errors of metabolism that

Affiliations: B. van Ommen, T. van den Broek, I. de Hoogh, M. van Erk, E. van Someren, T. Rouhani-Rankouhi, K. Hogenelst, W. Pasman,
A. Boorsma, and S. Wopereis are with TNO (The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research), Zeist, the Netherlands.
J.C. Anthony is with Habit LLC, Oakland, California, USA.
Correspondence: B. van Ommen, TNO, Utrechtseweg 48, Postbox 360, 3700 AJ Zeist, the Netherlands. Email:
Key words: flexibility, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, personalized nutrition, systems biology.
C The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Life Sciences Institute.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (http://, which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the work, in any medium,
provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work properly cited. For commercial re-use, please con-

doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nux029
Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599
Table 1 Examples of personal goals in relation to personal nutrition
Goal Definition
Weight management Maintaining (or attaining) an ideal body weight and/or body shaping that ties into heart, muscle, brain, and
metabolic health
Metabolic health Keeping metabolism healthy today and tomorrow
Cholesterol Reducing and optimizing the balance between high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein choles-
terol in individuals in whom this is disturbed
Blood pressure Reducing blood pressure in individuals who have elevated blood pressure
Heart health Keeping the heart healthy today and tomorrow
Muscle Having muscle mass and muscle functional abilities. This is the physiological basis or underpinning of the
consumer goal of “strength”
Endurance Sustaining energy to meet the challenges of the day (eg, energy to do that report at work, energy to play
soccer with your children after work)

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Strength Feeling strong within yourself, avoiding muscle fatigue
Memory Maintaining and attaining an optimal short-term and/or working memory
Attention Maintaining and attaining optimal focused and sustained attention (ie, being “in the moment” and being
able to utilize information from that “moment”)

have a specific nutrition component. Only recently, sci- Finally, this review demonstrates that macronutrient,
entific evidence has shown that advances in analytical micronutrient, and non-nutrient recommendations can
technologies, data science, molecular physiology, and be optimized at the individual level, depending on a
nutritional knowledge may allow the subgrouping of person’s biological characteristics and specific goals.
populations to be refined to a more personal level. This
has resulted in the definition and scientific substantia- PERSONALIZED NUTRITION IN THE ERA OF
tion of a range of personalized health and performance LARGE-SCALE BIOLOGY
goals. Often, these goals extend beyond prevention
and/or mitigation of chronic disease and include multi- Public health recommendations for nutrition and diet
ple aspects of well-being, such as mood, attention, en- are based on averages of population data. However,
durance, and weight maintenance, as well as well-being individuals who adhere to these recommendations will
equivalents of medical conditions (maintenance of glu- differ in their response because of the inherent varia-
cose control, normal blood pressure, healthy levels of tions in and complexity of individual genetic makeups
serum lipids and low-density lipoprotein [LDL] and that interact with a host of environmental stimuli.
high-density lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterols, etc). Overall, the so-called omics revolution provides a solid
Indeed, with respect to nutrition, the boundaries be- framework for a systems-based approach to personal-
tween medical treatments, illness prevention strategies, ized nutrition research. There are, however, limitations
and strategies to achieve optimal health have become to the application of the current framework of evidence
artificial and are a legal hindrance to best nutritional based on randomized controlled trials, which are
practice. For example, the mechanisms of glycemic designed to minimize variation across study population
control and the nutritional approaches to optimize groups, to these new opportunities. In contrast, an ap-
metabolic health and cure type 2 diabetes are almost proach to personalized research requires that individual
identical, yet nutritional interventions are underused variation be embraced, thus necessitating a different ex-
in medical practice. Already in 2002, the Diabetes perimental approach. Indeed, enough inter-individual
Prevention Program established by the US National variation is available and can be quantified to fine-tune
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney the genome–exome–phenome relationships. Until re-
Diseases provided evidence that a multiyear lifestyle cently, this biological variation, now exposed by exten-
modification program was more effective than metfor- sive and accurate phenotyping, was ignored (dismissed
min treatment in reducing the incidence of diabetes in as confounders) or avoided (minimized through stratifi-
high-risk persons.1,2 cation). Tools to translate these genotypic and pheno-
This article describes biological mechanisms from a typic variations into personalized recommendations
systems perspective and outlines how the biology of using alternative research approaches, such as n ¼ 1 re-
personalized nutrition can be translated into recom- search paradigms, are now available.3
mendations for achieving specific health and perfor- Over the past 2 decades, various technological revo-
mance goals for individuals (Table 1). The concept of lutions have provided the building blocks for a systems
“systems flexibility” is introduced as an overarching physiology approach. The time is approaching when
biological mechanism, and a number of relevant exam- personal genomes, thousands of plasma proteins and
ples are examined in the context of metabolic health. metabolites can be scrutinized affordably, and detailed

580 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

whole-body magnetic resonance imaging scans will be- assisted by a range of fine-tuning mechanisms that gov-
come widely available. Methods to store, share, evaluate, ern biological processes and organ functions.
integrate and interpret this staggering amount of per- Maintenance of homeostasis under continually
sonal health data are lagging behind, but several devel- changing conditions is referred to as phenotypic flexi-
opments are promising and are worth mentioning here. bility or systems flexibility. Under continued energy
Changes in plasma biomarkers can reveal broad net- overload, the maintenance of homeostasis comes at a
works of related cellular processes, as described previ- cost of adaptation: excess energy is stored as lipid in ad-
ously for micronutrients.4 Metabolomics technologies ipose tissue. Once storage exceeds normal physiological
have been developed to elucidate the relationships be- boundaries, insulin resistance and complications start
tween different cellular processes and micronutrient to develop, which potentially leads to pathologies that
status.5 Further, network biology applications based on include adipose deposits in and around major organs,

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correlation matrices of multiple omics databases allow rising plasma glucose concentrations causing oxidative
the relationship between micronutrients and human bi- damage to microvasculature, and persistent low-grade
ology to be examined at a systems level.6 Similar inflammation triggered by macrophage infiltration in
approaches, combined with data from large cohorts, adipose tissue. In a human intervention study, a 4-week
connect genetic variations with biomarker responses in overfeeding regimen kept the 3 core processes (glucose
plasma7 and urine.8 The integration of multiple human metabolism, lipid metabolism, and inflammation) sta-
nutrigenomics studies with multiple omics knowledge ble, whereas most metabolic, inflammatory, and endo-
bases enables the creation of combined theoretical– crine processes regulating these core processes were
observation networks that provide a systems view of changed. These regulatory processes contribute to sys-
specific types of nutritional interventions to promote tems flexibility and illustrate the major molecular physi-
health and well-being.9 For this type of approach, a ological efforts to maintain homeostasis.12
standardized open-access depository of nutrigenomics An advantage of considering regulatory processes
studies is essential and available.10 in a systems-based approach is that it provides a means
to identify changes in regulation before the onset of dis-
ease, and thus enables the application of proactive strat-
OPTIMAL HEALTH Different macronutrients act differently on overlap-
ping regulatory processes involved in phenotypic flexi-
The complexity of personalized nutrition requires a sys- bility (Figure 1). For example, carbohydrates directly
tems solution, not only from a (homeo)static viewpoint trigger an insulin response through rising glucose levels
but also in the dynamic response to an environmental in circulation. Triglycerides and fatty acids, on the other
challenge. Because the relationship between nutrition hand, do not induce an insulin response, but their me-
and health is a continuously changing interaction be- tabolism is governed largely by insulin-dependent regu-
tween environment and physiology, it is important to latory processes. Dietary protein consumed with
understand how biological systems work together to carbohydrates can potentiate the insulin response, and
maintain homeostasis. A key component is the ability individual amino acids can act as insulin secreta-
of the physiological system to continuously adapt to the gogues.13 Insulin-dependent pathways also regulate
variety and amount of foods consumed as well as to the protein turnover, which consists of protein biosynthesis
timing of food consumption. Humans eat food as meals (accomplished in part via the mechanistic target of
and thus continuously switch from net anabolic to net rapamycin [mTOR] pathway)14 and amino acid degra-
catabolic conditions. This repeated switching both dation, both of which provide energy. These processes
requires and trains systems flexibility,11 although this are described in detail in numerous reviews and text-
advantage may become lost by the modern habit of reg- books. For the purpose of this review, it is important to
ular snacking. An important aspect of the relationship stress that multiple, overlapping, tightly regulated pro-
between human nutrition and health is the manage- cesses control energy metabolism. This regulation pre-
ment of energy supply and substrate metabolism. vents the formation of excess concentrations of
Energy is provided primarily by carbohydrates, lipids, metabolic constituents by maintaining a complex ma-
and proteins. A tightly regulated control network chinery of metabolic flexibility that is distributed over
ensures that energy is properly distributed, utilized, and many organs and processes. Redundant mechanisms
stored and that plasma concentrations of essential ensure that this tight regulation is maintained. As noted
metabolites, such as glucose, are kept in homeostasis. above, the lack of phenotypic flexibility can lead to pa-
Peaks in plasma concentrations are corrected by master thologies or to suboptimal health. However, pathology
regulators (such as insulin and glucagon), which are does not necessarily develop during the process or

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

Lipid flexibility blood pressure
cholesterol Glucose flexibility nutrition based
consumer goals

muscle adipose

liver pancreas

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Insulin sensitivity
Inflammation control Satiety flexibility processes
Fatty acid oxidation
and sub-processes

Lipid distribution Insulin production

folate B12 choline
dairy leafy Meat fish
carnine nutrients
fruit vegetables egg (connected in diets)
carbs Grains Mg
fiber legumes

Figure 1 A systems biology view on personalized nutrition. Four interacting layers are used to demonstrate the connection between
personal nutrition–based consumer goals (top layer) and nutrients (bottom layer). The 2 middle layers (the organ and process layers)
connect nutrients to goals and represent the detailing of the biological processes involved. These 2 layers are extended in Figure 2.
Abbreviations: K, potassium; Mg, magnesium.

within the organ where loss of flexibility occurs. For ex- flexibility is impaired in obese individuals with type 2
ample, the failure of peripheral adipose tissue to ade- diabetes24 and likely contributes to the selective accu-
quately absorb glucose or convert it into fatty acids may mulation of saturated fatty acids.25 Figure 2 summarizes
lead to the accumulation of hepatic lipids.15,16 the major processes within and between liver, muscle,
Subsequently, other organs (muscle, liver) may also be- pancreas, and adipose tissue involved in the mainte-
come insulin resistant. Several factors can cause insulin nance of plasma glucose homeostasis. It shows several
resistance, including nutrition (overnutrition or, in examples of mechanisms related to the loss of metabolic
some cases, micronutritional inadequacies) and disease. flexibility, which can result in liver steatosis and other
Genetics may also contribute to the development of dis- metabolic impairments. Thus, many processes are con-
ease.17–20 Insulin resistance can also cause increased ac- nected to form a metabolic system in which all parts
cumulation of hepatic triglycerides, ultimately resulting must function optimally and in which malfunctioning
in hepatic steatosis and fatty liver disease.21 (loss of flexibility) of one of the processes may become
Accumulation of hepatic triglycerides can be caused by manifest in other processes or organs. Furthermore, dif-
adipose tissue malfunctioning; it can also be caused by a ferent mechanisms may be impaired in different indi-
shortage of choline resulting from genetic disorders, in- viduals with the same disease. Changes in strategies for
cluding those affecting phosphatidylethanolamine N- handling energy open avenues for personalized
methyltransferase (PEMT) —an enzyme involved in the “systems interventions,” either by modifying the quan-
hepatic biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine.22 tity, timing, and source of energy consumed, or by opti-
Alternatively, low dietary intake of carnitine, which is mizing the processes involved, through the
essential for shuttling fatty acids into the mitochondria, manipulation of nutrients or other lifestyle components.
may contribute to fatty liver as a result of poor fatty In other words, although impaired phenotypic flexibil-
acid oxidation.23 ity may contribute to morbidities, the opposite is also
Both adipose tissue insulin resistance and hepatic true: regaining or optimizing phenotypic flexibility is
insulin resistance affect systemic triglyceride handling the basis of prevention and cure of metabolic diseases.
and metabolic flexibility (the capacity to switch from Interestingly, the concept of systems flexibility may be
glucose to fatty acids as fuel) in muscle. Metabolic valid for both the health/disease trajectory and the aging

582 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

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Figure 2 Major processes in and between liver (blue), muscle (light green), pancreas (brown), brain (dark green), kidney (pink), gut
(mustard), and adipose tissue (purple) involved in maintenance of plasma glucose homeostasis, each of them demonstrating
aspects of glucose flexibility. This biological network presents the middle part of the 4-layer scheme of Figure 1 (see insert top right).
Abbreviations: FA, fatty acid; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1.

trajectory. Many processes involved in aging and in- glucose tolerance test is used clinically to quantify the
creased frailty (energy/glucose/insulin homeostasis, plasma glucose response upon absorption of 75 g of glu-
protein homeostasis, redox homeostasis, mitochondrial cose and provides quantitative information on various
homeostasis, stress resistance, inflammation control) aspects of insulin sensitivity and glucose handling. This
are part of the systems flexibility concept.26,27 concept was extended by adding more analytical param-
In summary, systems flexibility is centrally posi- eters (levels of insulin, inflammatory markers, fatty
tioned in health, disease, and, possibly, aging, and inter- acids, triglycerides, etc) and other stressors (various
individual variations may have multiple causes and lipid/carbohydrate/protein formulations). The science,
consequences. Systems flexibility is a combination of all technology, and applicability of these stress response
of the interacting systems, each of which may have a ge- biomarkers in nutrition research has been extensively
nome component, and a response to environmental fac- reviewed by Stroeve et al.28
tors. Often, single parameters of flexibility, such as The application of both an oral glucose tolerance test
glucose flexibility, are composites of many underlying and a standardized mixed-meal challenge test to compare
processes, each possibly having individual characteris- processes between healthy and metabolically impaired
tics. It is, therefore, important to observe, quantify, and individuals (ie, those with type 2 diabetes) revealed a large
intervene on a systems level and not only on the basis number of biological processes that were different between
of single parameters. the 2 groups (S.W., unpublished data, 2017). The same 2
challenge tests accurately quantified health differences
QUANTIFICATION OF SYSTEMS FLEXIBILITY: within a cohort of 100 healthy individuals ranging in age
BIOMARKERS OF STRESS RESPONSE and fat percentage, substantiating the claim that these bio-
markers can indeed be used to quantify health. This study
Traditionally, plasma biomarkers are measured under used stress response biomarker panels comprising 120
homeostatic (overnight fasting) conditions. If system measured markers that could quantify all relevant systems
flexibility is indeed important to health, the quantifica- flexibility processes. A growing number of nutritional in-
tion of flexibility and its use as a biomarker is relevant. tervention studies, including challenge tests, are being per-
Flexibility can be quantified by using tolerance, chal- formed. A database that focuses on nutritional
lenge, or stress tests. Further, there should be a clear intervention studies of systems flexibility has been estab-
distinction between how markers behave in response to lished, the Nutritional Phenotype Database (http://www.
a challenge under conditions of health versus condi- Eventually, the use of a challenge test that
tions of disease. A number of relevant biomarkers exist quantifies systems flexibility could become standard pro-
and are used in tolerance tests. For example, the oral cedure in health diagnostics.29

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599


Lipid flexibility
Adipose insulin sensivity
• Adipokine producon
• Lipoprotein producon
• Muscle insulin sensivity
• Ketogenesis ** **
• beta-oxidaon ******* ** • gluconeogenesis
• Lipolysis
Carnine, choline • insulin sensivity
• incren producon
• bile producon
• insulin sensivity
• Disposion index
• Metabolic flexibility

* *
* ******** *** *
***** * *** * *

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• Gut mediated
inflammaon * **** **** *** * * Carbohydrate flexibility
• Oxidave stress * * * * *
• Nitrosave stress
• Chronic low grade * * ***
inflammaon Fiber, vitK, ** * *
• NO formaon *
*** ** ** * *
DHA, EPA, Se, Vit E

Figure 3 The “health space” concept to visualize aspects of systems flexibility, the involvement of specific biological processes, and
the effect of personalized nutritional interventions on these processes. The 3-dimensional space is created by 3 distinct axes, on pur-
pose defined to represent biologically relevant processes (this is in contrast with normal multivariate statistical approaches such as principle
component analysis, where the axes are purely defined on statistical grounds). Each of the axes is constructed from the systems flexibility re-
sponse biomarker profiles connected to the processes mentioned with each axis (see Stroeve et al28 for a detailed explanation of the relation-
ship between biomarkers and biological processes). The multivariate statistical approach is explained in Bouwman et al.30 The effect of
hypothetical nutritional intervention studies is demonstrated by the arrows. Abbreviations: DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic
acid; Mg, magnesium; Se, selenium; Vit E, vitamin E; Vit K, vitamin K.

A key question, then, is how to define and measure of biomarker panels. Until recently, these large bio-
the state of optimal systems flexibility. This could be marker panels have been too costly to be used outside
achieved in part by using single-parameter methods like of research projects. However, the cost of both geno-
the oral glucose tolerance test, which can be used to de- typic and phenotypic biomarker panels is decreasing
termine a curve derived from optimal homeostatic (fast- rapidly, and it is now possible to assess large research
ing) plasma glucose concentration, optimal plasma cohorts, patient populations, and even consumer
glucose peak concentration and time, optimal time to groups on a routine basis, allowing new disruptive
return to homeostasis, etc. This method can be used if developments in healthcare, as described elsewhere.29,31
sufficient data from a range of health, disease, and age Nevertheless, many questions remain: (1) Is “optimal
conditions are available to establish the comparison be- systems flexibility” equal for all? (2) Are individual data
tween the measured outcome and the desired health points needed? If so, what determines individual differ-
outcome. However, this method, underestimates the ences, and how can this be quantified? and (3) Is
complexity of a systems-based approach because it dis- “optimal systems flexibility” itself flexible (ie, how
regards so many other processes involved in systems should the bandwidth of optimal systems flexibility be
flexibility. To address this complexity, an emerging con- defined)? For example, does the definition of “optimal”
cept to visualize optimal systems flexibility is the “health vary, depending on an individual’s life stage, health
space.”30 Essentially, a 3-dimensional space is created goals, or priorities?
by using predefined axes that represent biological pro-
cesses relevant to different aspects of systems flexibility, SYSTEMS FLEXIBILITY AND NUTRITION: OPTIMIZING
each constructed from multiple biomarkers using mul- EACH PROCESS INVOLVED IN SYSTEMS FLEXIBILITY
tivariate statistical methods. The axes can be tailored to
the scope of the intervention. Figure 328,30 provides an ex- Because multiple biological processes distributed over
ample, tailored to the topic of this review, with the 3 axes various organs, each of which might function subopti-
constructed as carbohydrate flexibility, lipid flexibility, and mally, are involved in systems flexibility, interventions
inflammatory stress. To support the advancement of new that optimize these individual processes need to be
health space models, detailed information about organ designed. Different interventions targeting the same
and process flexibility can be obtained through a number outcome are possible. Upon detailed analysis, results

584 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

from dietary interventions are often specific to respond- mixture of science, medicine, and economics drove
ers or nonresponders. For example, caloric restriction32 these recommendations.37 Despite the decrease in die-
and physical activity33 that lead to weight loss improve tary fat consumption that occurred as a result of these
health by reversing insulin resistance and thus restoring recommendations, the incidence of obesity and type 2
multiple aspects of systems flexibility. However, the ca- diabetes increased.38 Although multiple factors led to
loric restriction that successfully resulted in weight loss the increased incidence of obesity and diabetes, some
for all individuals after 6 months resulted in improved individuals adopted an extreme counter-current “sugar
b-cell functioning in only part of the sample (respond- is toxic” message in response. Recent meta-analyses of
ers).34 Also, in the CordioPrev cohort, in which 642 the effect of macronutrients on important biomarkers
participants maintained their body weight over 3 years like cholesterol, lipoproteins, and serum lipid39 and on
of reporting on a dietary intervention (low-fat diet vs glucose control40 have provided a more balanced view

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Mediterranean diet), individuals with a specific muscle- than the “fat is bad” and “sugar is toxic” extremes, and
based insulin resistance were more likely to benefit the scientific opinion on fat is gradually changing.39-41
from the Mediterranean diet, whereas individuals with Another example is that of high-protein diets, like
specific liver-based insulin resistance were more likely Atkins and Paleo, which are popular because of the sati-
to benefit from the low-fat diet.35 Interestingly, the ating and muscle-promoting effects of protein, but these
effects were determined by using the insulin and glu- diets may have adverse effects (eg, on calcium homeo-
cose time course following an oral glucose tolerance test stasis and renal function).42,43 Instead of generalized
as described in the previous paragraph. In another ex- public health recommendations, recommendations
ample, individuals with type 2 diabetes required signifi- based on personal health status and goals may be more
cantly less insulin when a 43% carbohydrate diet was effective for optimizing nutrition and improving health
isocalorically (1800 kcal to maintain weight) substituted outcomes.
with a 70% carbohydrate diet with carbohydrates exclu- The first consideration when personalizing macro-
sively from whole-grain products, vegetables, fruits, and nutrient ratios is the optimization of systems flexibility.
dairy.36 The exact drivers of the changes in insulin sen- From a systems perspective, many organs are important
sitivity that occurred when individuals consumed the for the insulin control of glucose homeostasis: liver,
nutrient-dense, 70% carbohydrate diet are unknown muscle, pancreas, intestines, brain, adipose tissue, and
but may include changes in fiber levels and other chem- vasculature (Figure 1). This section focuses on 3 key
ical components in the whole grains and vegetables. organs in systems flexibility: liver, muscle, and pancreas.
Regardless, organ insulin sensitivity strongly increased As described previously, the contribution of each of
when individuals with diabetes consumed a nutrient- these organs can be easily quantified with an oral glu-
dense, low-glycemic-index diet, which demonstrates the cose tolerance test, which provides insight into im-
power of dietary changes independent of weight loss. paired glucose tolerance (emphasizing the contribution
These studies, in which individuals responded differ- of muscle in glucose uptake), impaired fasting glucose
ently to the diets based on their physiology, demon- (emphasizing the contribution of liver, which produces
strate the potential of personalized nutrition programs glucose through gluconeogenesis), and disposition in-
to optimize health. dex (focusing on acute insulin secretion by the pancreas
corrected for the level of systemic insulin sensitivity).44
PERSONALIZATION OF MACRONUTRIENTS IN THE For each of these phenotypes, specific macronutrient
AREA OF METABOLIC HEALTH BIOLOGY recommendations are available. The CordioPrev study
demonstrated that 2 diets that differed in macronutrient
People can utilize energy from all 3 macronutrient sour- composition had differential effects on liver and muscle
ces (carbohydrate, protein, lipid), and can cope with ex- insulin resistance.35 Individuals with an impaired glu-
treme changes in ratios between the three. Yet, cose tolerance phenotype (with insulin resistance fo-
abundance and reduction of macronutrients have their cused in muscle) require relatively low amounts of
pros and cons depending on an individual’s health state rapidly absorbed carbohydrates from the diet45 and
and/or goals.; however, dietary recommendations are thus should consume a diet low in carbohydrates, and
often generalized, which may lead to individuals receiv- with a low glycemic index. In contrast, individuals with
ing health advice or changing their diet in ways that are impaired fasting glucose (with insulin resistance fo-
counterproductive to personal and overall public health cused in liver) have no need for a low-carbohydrate diet
goals. For example, in the 1960s, concern about the sup- in terms of energy percentage. For these individuals, the
posed effect of saturated fat and cholesterol on cardio- “quality” of the carbohydrates matters, and they should
vascular health led to dietary recommendations to get their carbohydrates mainly from high fiber46 or
reduce intake of fat and saturated fat. An interesting whole-grain products.47 If, as a result of compromised

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

normal energy percentage from carbohydrates, mainly
from fiber and whole-grain products, and a high energy
percentage from protein (Figure 4).
Personalized macronutrient recommendations can
also be used for other phenotypes, such as hypertension
or prehypertension phenotypes. A high-protein diet can
improve blood pressure levels55 and reduce the risk of
hypertension.56 In terms of total fat intake, evidence is
conflicting. The Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension (DASH) diet, which is designed to lower
hypertension, restricts total fat to approximately 27 E%.

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Figure 4 Personalized macronutrient recommendations related However, evidence suggests that not only the total
to impaired insulin-dependent systems flexibility. The same amount of fat but also the type and source of fat are im-
phenotype (glucose imbalance) may be caused by 3 different pro- portant.57 Hypertensive individuals may benefit not
cesses/organs, which can easily be determined in response to a only from a diet relatively low in total fat but also from
challenge test, and the 3 subphenotypes require different macro- a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially
nutrient strategies. Other factors can be involved but are not visu-
eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.58 Of
alized in order to demonstrate the concept.
course, total fat restriction is not the only feature of the
DASH diet in relation to blood pressure and glucose
insulin sensitivity caused by either impaired glucose tol- control; the DASH diet is also high in fiber and potas-
erance or impaired fasting glucose, b-cell function is sium and rich in many other nutrients from fruits, veg-
also decreased, individuals may also benefit from a etables, and low-fat dairy products.59
high-protein diet because the ingestion of protein hy- For those whose phenotypes involve abnormal lipo-
drolysate increases insulin secretion.48–50 protein or postprandial triglyceride levels, focusing on
Similarly, individual amino acids have been shown the composition rather than the quantity of macronu-
to regulate insulin secretion.51 Leucine, as a supple- trients can be beneficial. High-fiber diets, especially
mented amino acid, has been shown to modulate glu- those high in pectin and b-glucans, and high intakes of
cose homeostasis through various means. In animals, monounsaturated fatty acids are associated with re-
leucine improves glucose control and partially prevents duced LDL cholesterol levels.60–62 Thus, the amount
diet-induced insulin resistance by targeting the pan- and the type of macronutrients need to be considered
creas. In humans, acute supplementation with protein when optimizing the health status of people with differ-
has been shown to be insulinotropic.48,49,52 It has been ent phenotype. The consumption of eicosapentaenoic
suggested that the insulinotropic effect of leucine is me- acid and docosahexaenoic acid may be beneficial not
diated by stimulation of protein synthesis in pancreatic only for lowering blood pressure but also for reducing
b cells by the mTOR signaling pathway.53 This pathway triglyceride levels.58
mediates insulin resistance by phosphorylation of IRS-1
by S6K1. Overstimulation of this pathway through PERSONALIZATION OF MICRO- AND PHYTONUTRIENTS
hyperinsulinemia may contribute to insulin resistance in IN METABOLIC HEALTH BIOLOGY
insulin-sensitive tissues. Insulin resistance in liver and
muscle following hyperinsulinemia may be prevented by Micronutrients play an essential role in many processes
blocking this pathway. Furthermore, leucine may influ- involved in systems flexibility. Metabolism and related
ence glucose homeostasis by increasing insulin sensitiv- oxidative stress and inflammation are major overarch-
ity and decreasing gluconeogenesis in insulin-sensitive ing processes in the area of metabolic health.4 A loss of
tissues, such as skeletal muscle or liver.54 In summary, it flexibility in these processes contributes to the develop-
is advisable for individuals with decreased b-cell func- ment of many chronic lifestyle-related disorders.
tion to consume a diet low in carbohydrates and high in Oxidative stress usually occurs when metabolic flexibil-
protein. To avoid problems with renal function, person- ity is impaired and peak concentrations of oxidative
alized advice for high protein intake should not exceed metabolites become too high. For example, oxidative
the higher end of the acceptable macronutrient distribu- microvascular damage related to insulin resistance is
tion range. Individuals who have both impaired glucose caused by formation of advanced glycation end prod-
tolerance and decreased b-cell function should consume ucts, activation of the protein kinase C pathways, and
a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein, whereas reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-
individuals who have impaired fasting glucose and de- phate by the polyol pathway.63 Personalized micronutri-
creased b-cell function should consume a diet with a ent interventions mechanistically target the impaired

586 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

Personalized (Micro)nutrient Recommendaons with vitamin K, supplementation with vitamin D has
related to systems flexibility been shown to improve insulin secretion and to improve
systemic insulin sensitivity, albeit inconsistently. It has
low grade been suggested that vitamin D acts through peripheral
Liver inflammaon mechanisms (eg, increasing glucose uptake through
Choline, carnine GLUT4) or on pancreatic b cells, thereby increasing in-
vitD, VitE, Mg,
Catechins? ω-3 fay acid, flavonoids,
sulin secretion.70–72 Zinc is part of the insulin complex
curcuminoids and has been shown to have a mechanistic connection
to the activity of insulin on its target tissues.73 Plasma
zinc levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes are altered
when compared with levels in healthy individuals.74–78

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Vasculature Pancreas Zinc thus appears to be a prime candidate for use as a
vitC, K, cocoa flavanols, Leucine, vitK, vitD, Mg supplement in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
NO-producing nutrients,
However, although some studies have reported a posi-
tive effect of zinc supplementation on glucose homeosta-
Figure 5 Examples of nutrients involved in optimizing specific sis, a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
organ-related processes involved in maintaining systems flex- failed to demonstrate a benefit of zinc supplementation
ibility. Nutrients involved in maintaining inflammatory control are on insulin resistance, as measured by HOMA-IR.79
grouped under adipose tissue. Depending on the quantification of
Oxidative stress is an important factor in the etiology of
specific processes, personalized nutrition can focus on optimizing
these with specific nutrients. Abbreviations: K, potassium; Mg, mag-
diabetic complications, and zinc supplementation has
nesium; NO, nitric oxide; Vit D, vitamin D; Vit E, vitamin E; Vit K, beneficial effects on oxidative stress in the presence of
vitamin K. type 2 diabetes.80,81 The mechanism behind these effects
of zinc has not yet been adequately elucidated, and fur-
processes, either by optimizing specific aspects of glu- ther studies may help explain some of the inconsisten-
cose metabolism with the micronutrients involved (eg, cies observed. Finally, magnesium intake improves
vitamin D, magnesium) or increasing the oxidative insulin resistance, as measured by HOMA-IR, in both
stress capacity with the micronutrients involved (eg, vi- individuals with diabetes and those without.82–84 The
tamin E).63 Broadening the oxidative stress example to beneficial effect of magnesium intake is strongest in
the metabolic disease spectrum, several additional individuals who have impaired glucose tolerance in con-
aspects pertaining to the metabolic syndrome become cert with magnesium deficiency.82,85 Although the exact
apparent. Metabolic syndrome is defined as the pres- mechanism of action remains to be elucidated, it appears
ence of at least 3 of the following parameters: obesity, that magnesium is important for the maintenance of pe-
hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL cholesterol levels, hy- ripheral glucose uptake, which is mediated by GLUT4.
pertension, and increased fasting glucose levels. From a Many non-nutritive dietary components have been
systems flexibility perspective, these risk factors are shown to positively contribute to different aspects of
mechanistically connected (Figure 529,64), and, to be ef- glucose homeostasis. Several classes of polyphenolic
fective, nutritional interventions should target one or compounds have been reported to improve dysregu-
more of these factors and their underlying processes. lated glucose homeostasis and other aspects of systems
flexibility. Catechins (including epigallocatechin gallate)
Metabolism from tea have been shown to improve insulin sensitiv-
ity, as measured by HOMA-IR,86 and may alter post-
Glucose homeostasis plays an important role in the met- prandial glucose response. These compounds are
abolic shock absorption system and many micronu- thought to act on glucose homeostasis through multiple
trients play a role in maintaining glucose homeostasis. mechanisms, such as inhibition of intestinal digestive
Vitamin K intake has been shown to improve glucose enzymes (a-amylase, a-glucosidase, sucrase) and carbo-
metabolism in healthy individuals by affecting insulin hydrate absorption, decrease in gluconeogenesis, and
secretion of pancreatic b cells (Figure 5); it has thus enhancement of insulin sensitivity in adipocytes.87–90
been suggested that recommendations for vitamin K in- Isoflavones improved glucose homeostasis, as measured
take are too low.65–68 It is posited that vitamin K acts on by HOMA-IR. Soy isoflavone intake correlated with im-
b-cell function via the carboxylation of osteocalcin.69 proved impaired fasting glucose in postmenopausal
Furthermore, plasma vitamin D is inversely associated women, although nonobese individuals (body mass in-
with 10-year risk of increase in postprandial 2-hour dex [BMI] <30 kg/m2) were less affected,91–93 which
glucose and homeostatic model assessment–insulin re- illustrates that the efficacy of soy isoflavones and other
sistance (HOMA-IR; a measure of insulin resistance). As compounds in the optimization of glucose homeostasis

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

Worrying Fear
Sleep disturbance Cognion Mobilizing
Chronic Stress
circadian rhythm High corsol
Physical inactivity Gut
Inflammatory Caloric excess
Endorphins Sweet & fat acvity
Quercetin, Se, Zn, … Visceral foods
adipose adiposity Adrenalin
inflammaon Muscle metabolic
Omega3-fatty acids ectopic Challenge
Carnitine, choline
lipid overload Adipose IR stress
systemic Hurrying
inflammation Fay liver
Low glycemic index

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Lipids, alcohol, fructose Hepac IR Sympathec
anthocyanins arousal
inflammaon High cholesterol
Stannols, fibre systemic
High glucose
parasympathec fibrosis Insulin resistance
tone Soy α-amylase
LDL elevated epicathechins
inflammaon Glucose toxicity β-cell failure
Heart rate
Heart rate
variability Microvascular
Hypertension Reflexes

IBD Brain
β-cell Pathology
Cardiac Heart Myocardial
dysfuncon failure infacons gluc Risk factor

Figure 6 A systems flexibility view in the context of personalized nutrition. The inner part of the figure represents the metabolic inflam-
matory part (yellow boxes) connected to risk factors of the metabolic syndrome (red boxes), which is termed phenotypic flexibility (Van
Ommen et al29,64). Imbalance or loss of flexibility leads to one or more pathologies (blue boxes). This system is connected to the outer circle
of neurohormonal processes, which impact the system flexibility (green boxes). A number of nutrients are shown where they interfere with
this flexibility scheme. Abbreviations: gluc, glucose; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; IR, insulin resistance; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; Se, se-
lenium; Zn, zinc.

depends on the physiological context. To translate the inflammation, decreases with intake of both vitamins E
above information into personalized dietary recom- and D.97,98 Vitamin D has been shown to inhibit nu-
mendations, it may be useful to determine the specific clear factor kappa B (NF-jB) pathway–dependent tran-
insulin-dependent systems flexibility subtype of an indi- scriptional activation through activation of IjB-a,
vidual (as depicted in Figure 3) together with the indi- which may explain changes in CRP production.99
vidual’s vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K levels. Vitamin E decreases inflammation in several ways, in-
Individuals with decreased b-cell function may be ad- cluding through activating protein kinase C a and sub-
vised to take (a higher dose of) vitamin K, vitamin D, sequently inhibiting NF-jB and through inhibiting the
and magnesium. Individuals with the muscle insulin re- release of interleukin 1b (IL-1b) from monocytes.100,101
sistance phenotype may benefit from extra vitamin D, Meta-analyses have suggested an inverse relationship
magnesium, and epigallocatechin gallate, whereas non- between magnesium intake and chronic inflammation.
obese, postmenopausal female individuals with liver in- Magnesium deficiency might contribute to elevated
sulin resistance may benefit from soy isoflavones. CRP concentrations by activating macrophages via the
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor and subsequently releas-
Inflammation ing interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor a
(TNF-a).102,103 Furthermore, a large cross-sectional
Chronic low-grade inflammation is involved in many study in the United States showed that flavonoid intake
pathologies,94 its modulation can be quantified by vari- is inversely related to CRP levels in adults.104
ous types of markers,95 and many dietary components The ability of long-chain n-3 fatty acids derived
can alter it.96 C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker of from the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid to

588 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

modulate inflammation has been extensively studied. vasculature and acts through several mechanisms, in-
Administration of n-3 fatty acids has been correlated cluding increasing flow-mediated vasodilation, improv-
with reductions in a number of inflammatory markers, ing endothelial dysfunction, and preventing uncoupling
including CRP, IL-6, and TNF-a. Meta-analysis shows of endothelial nitric oxide synthase.57,118
that the ingestion of these compounds is most effective
in individuals with BMI <30 kg/m2. The n-3 polyunsatu- Personalization
rated fatty acids are a minor component of the diet and
are thought to optimize inflammatory control through Dietary advice based on nutrient intake or status
the balancing and antagonistic effects of their metabo- markers provides a basic level of personalization; how-
lites (among others oxylipins, resolvins, and protectins) ever, this advice is based on (epidemiological) associa-
on the prostaglandin and related pathways.105,106 tion rather than the physiological function of the

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Flavonoids and flavonoid-rich foods have been nutrient. Recommendations for nutrients based on
found to reduce inflammation and associated bio- their status should be augmented with information
markers, including circulating concentrations of IL-1b, grounded more firmly in the physiology of metabolic
IL-6, TNF-a, and CRP.107,108 Isoflavones from soy show health. The role of key organs in an individual’s glucose
benefits similar to cocoa flavonols on flow-mediated di- homeostasis can be determined by parameters derived
lation in the vascular system in postmenopausal from an oral glucose tolerance test, and hsCRP assays
women. Isoflavones have been shown to reduce inflam- can provide information on inflammatory status.
mation, as measured through plasma CRP, with a Ideally, status-based micronutrient personalization
greater response to the anti-inflammatory actions of should be fine-tuned based on target site active com-
isoflavones seen in postmenopausal women with high pound concentration because this represents the out-
sensitive CRP levels >2.2 mg/L.91 Curcuminoids are come of the sum of process variation. Vitamin D
thought to mainly affect IL-6 and IL-1b, and, possibly, provides a good example because genetic variation
CRP, even though the compounds have very low modulates absorption, metabolism, efficacy, and excre-
bioavailability.109 tion.119 Because phytonutrients are not considered es-
sential nutrients and deficiency and dietary reference
Vascular health intakes are mostly undefined, recommendations for
their intake are based on their effects and not on status
Different mechanisms may contribute to hypertension, markers. Thus, phytonutrients can be selected to ad-
including endothelial dysfunction, malfunctioning of the dress issues (eg, glucose metabolism or inflammation)
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, or disturbance of based on an individual’s physiology. The European
the folate/homocysteine pathways.110 It has been sug- Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has sanctioned health
gested that vitamin C improves endothelial function and claims for some phytonutrients, and South Korea has
therefore health status.57 Vitamin C supplementation identified 55 non-nutrients with health benefits
was shown to improve endothelial function in patients through a similar process. Dietary recommendations,
with diabetes, atherosclerosis, and heart failure, but no including phenotype-based personalized recommenda-
effect was observed in healthy volunteers.111 Diets with tions, will benefit from further consensus as to the
both salt restriction and increased potassium are benefi- health benefits of various phytonutrients.120 All of the
cial in preventing or controlling hypertension.57,112,113 non-nutrients regulated by EFSA and South Korea and
The European Food Safety Authority has authorized a mentioned herein, are attainable from the diet but,
health claim for the benefits of cocoa flavanols and wal- depending on personal taste and preferences, are not nec-
nuts in the maintenance or even improvement of nor- essarily consumed in the quantities recommended.
mal endothelium-dependent vasodilation, as measured Opportunities thus exist for new product development,
by flow-mediated dilation.114–116 Positive action on vas- fortification, and supplementation.
cular flexibility through the enhancement of nitric oxide The examples above illustrate that recommenda-
production by endothelial nitric oxide synthase is tions for the intake of micro- and phytonutrients can
thought to be the most probable mechanism by which vary considerably according to the individual and can be
cocoa flavanols and walnuts act.114 In a randomized based on many personal factors (eg, genetics, health sta-
control trial, lycopene supplementation improved endo- tus and biomarkers, environmental factors). Because
thelial function in patients with cardiovascular disease, multiple nutrients may act on a similar phenotype (ie,
but not in healthy volunteers,117 indicating that, similar each has a unique and complementary role in complex
to vitamin C, the beneficial effects of lycopene supple- physiological processes; the immune system is a good ex-
mentation on endothelial function may relate to health ample121), it is important to understand the mechanisms
status. Resveratrol also has beneficial effects on the involved and ideally incorporate these into a systems

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

approach. This approach was extensively discussed in that influence the lactase gene are responsible for lactase
another review.4 Knowledge of the mechanisms under- persistence in Europe.126,127 Yet, for both variants, there
pinning specific aspects of systems flexibility can be used is no absolute correlation with dairy consumption or
to connect evidence (both mechanistic and observa- with occurrence of intolerance related to extended or
tional) from nutritional intervention studies of specific abundant lactose consumption because many factors
nutrients to personalized dietary advice aimed at opti- are involved in lactose intolerance, including other ge-
mizing system flexibility. This is illustrated in Figures 1, netic factors (gene–gene interactions), changes in pro-
2, and 5. Figure 6 illustrates how different compounds af- tein expression, and dietary factors (amount of lactose
fect different aspects of physiology. in dairy products, method of preparation, etc).
The health space in Figure 3 presents a simple A more complex example of gene–nutrient inter-
method to visualize the various macro- and micronutri- action is the physiological (disease-related) outcome of

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ent interventions in relation to a personalized systems mutations in the gene MTHFR and its interaction with
flexibility profile. A tailored intervention dependent on various nutrients. MTHFR is translated into the en-
the individual’s position in this health space can be zyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which plays
designed to optimize all relevant flexibility processes a key role in 1-carbon metabolism and is required for
and return optimal systems flexibility. An example of DNA and RNA biosynthesis, amino-acid metabolism,
this approach was elaborated on in a systems biology– and methylation reactions. A common variant of the
based nutritional intervention study using mostly ho- MTHFR gene is the SNP rs1801133 (677TT), which in
meostatic biomarker values.30 homozygotes leads to (1) a 30% reduction in enzyme
activity, (2) a possible lowering of folate bioavailability,
NUTRIGENETICS: CONTRIBUTION OF GENETIC and (3) elevated homocysteine levels, a risk factor for
VARIATION TO PERSONALIZED NUTRITION cardiovascular disease. Low folate bioavailability is as-
sociated with, and mechanistically related to, neural
Personalized nutrition is often directly associated with tube defects. Yet, despite the many studies performed
genetic variation or “nutrigenetics.” Indeed, the human on folate, health effects, and related genetics, no
genome is packed with genetic variants, many of which genetics-based dietary advice on folate intake during
have been identified in genome-wide association stud- pregnancy exists.128 Interestingly, recent work shows a
ies, that are involved in energy metabolism, satiety and clear association between the MTHFR 677TT variant
appetite, growth, nutrient absorption, and many other and high blood pressure. Supplementation with ribo-
nutrition-related processes, some of which are not yet flavin (vitamin B2), which serves as a cofactor in the
understood. Translation from genetic variation to phe- form of flavin adenine dinucleotide for MTHFR activ-
notypic expression is not straightforward, which high- ity, was shown to lower blood pressure, specifically in
lights the importance of using a systems approach to hypertensive individuals with the MTHFR 677TT vari-
create robust personalized recommendations. ant.129 Although the exact mechanism by which
For a number of rare diseases, rigid dietary control MTHFR 677TT interacts with riboflavin and affects
can help control the disease. The metabolic disease phe- blood pressure is not known, there are associations
nylketonuria is caused by a loss-of-function mutation in with the deregulation of nitric oxide, which is known
the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene (PAH). This muta- to affect blood pressure by regulating vasodilatation.
tion results in accumulation of phenylalanine, which can Also, higher concentrations of flavin adenine dinucleo-
cause mental retardation, organ damage, and neurobeha- tide and folate cofactors stabilize MTHFR.130
vioral abnormalities. If the disease is detected early, tight An ultimate example of genetic adaptation to nu-
control of dietary phenylalanine intake and provision of tritional intake is found in Inuit, a group of indigenous
sufficient tyrosine allow for normal growth and develop- people inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland.
ment.122,123 Although the gene–nutrient interaction of Inuit have lived for a long time in extreme conditions
phenylketonuria is relatively straightforward, phenylala- and on an extreme diet that is low in carbohydrates,
nine tolerance may vary from patient to patient depend- high in protein and fats, and low in vegetables and
ing on residual PAH activity, among other things.124 fruits. Importantly, the diets are particularly high in
Lactose intolerance also has a genetic component. polyunsaturated fatty acids. Despite high fat intake,
The majority of the world population undergoes a ge- (traditional) Inuit show low levels of cardiovascular
netically programmed decrease in lactase biosynthesis disease. A recent study131 found several variants in the
with age.125 Interestingly, in large parts of Europe, the fatty acids desaturase (FADS) genes that were present
population has regained the ability to express lactase in in almost all Inuit selected for the study; in contrast,
adulthood. Variants in the MCM6 gene (single nucleo- these variants were seen in only 2% of Europeans. The
tide polymorphisms [SNPs] rs4988235 and rs182549) variants lower the production of n-6 and n-3 fatty

590 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

acids, probably counteracting the already high intake of adipocytes to energy-storing white adipocytes. For this
these fatty acids from the diet. Interestingly, these particular variant, weight gain might not necessarily be a
mutations lower LDL cholesterol levels and have a pro- result of higher energy intake but instead be related to
found effect on height and weight. Other variants reduced levels of energy-dissipating beige adipocytes,
found in the Inuit population were associated with which is in line with the findings that this FTO variant is
TBX15 and have roles in the differentiation of brown part of a gene–exercise interaction on obesity risk.137
and white adipocytes. This differentiation may be asso- When formulating diet interventions, it is thus impor-
ciated with adaption to cold in Inuit populations. A tant to know the exact mechanism of action related to a
variant in FN3KRP is associated with protection from genetic variant associated with a health condition be-
increased oxidative stress that could be caused by high cause different genetic variants may require different
intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Health effects of interventions. At this stage, the FTO case is so complex

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the Inuit diet are closely related to the population’s spe- that responders and nonresponders have not yet been
cific genetic makeup and thus might not directly be identified. Additionally, despite the FTO variant contrib-
translated to other populations.127 uting the most to obesity risk of all known variants, its
The above examples show the complexity of formu- contribution to obesity risk is still very small.
lating dietary advice if the genetic variation occurs The complexity of such multifactorial phenotypes
within one specific biochemical pathway. In many can partly be addressed by constructing a genetic sus-
cases, the complexity is even higher because the path- ceptibility score or genetic risk score (GRS) which pro-
way is one of many that work in concert to regulate an vides an overview of the cumulative theoretical
overarching process. A good example is satiety, which contribution of genetics to a condition, such as obesity,
involves multiple signaling pathways that monitor both for a given set of genetic variants.138 This score is still
acute and chronic needs for energy. Within this com- based on average numbers obtained from large study
plexity, some master regulators can overrule the subtle- cohorts and, thus, does not provide an ideal solution for
ties of the network, and rare mutations may lead to personalized nutrition because it does not pinpoint the
morbid obesity.132 The common variants of the gene mechanism and, thereby, the specific intervention
FTO, which, among all the identified common genetic needed. Fine-tuning a risk score into contributing
variants in obesity, contribute the most to the risk of aspects or traits (for the case of obesity: BMI, fat mass,
obesity, provide an example of such an interaction. waist-to-hip-ratio, extreme phenotypes, waist circum-
Speliotes et al133 found a cluster of several SNPs ference138) does not help if actionable mechanisms are
that impact adiposity by affecting expression of either not addressed. Genetic risk scores for insulin resistance
FTO or its neighboring genes. In addition, Loos and and type 2 diabetes may become more useful as the un-
Yeo134 calculated that each individual risk allele of this derlying processes are more clearly identified and sepa-
cluster was associated with a 0.39 kg/m2 increase in rated. This has been done for drug targets of specific
BMI and a 1.20-fold increase in risk of obesity. FTO is type 2 diabetes processes, where process-based risk
thought to have a role in appetite regulation, and SNPs scores were defined based on genes associated with
associated with FTO are thought to cause decreased ap- drug classes.139 A very similar approach could be used
petite control, which leads to weight gain in individuals to construct process-based GRSs for mechanisms un-
with these mutations. Most studies assume a higher to- derpinning phenotypic flexibility. Because no processes
tal energy intake for carriers of the FTO risk alleles. A are completely independent, genetic variants might be
meta-analysis of weight-loss studies that included 7700 part of more than one GRS, and the process-based GRS
individuals demonstrated that the TA and AA geno- would serve to match the phenotypic quantification of
types of the FTO variant rs9939609 together contrib- the same process rather than being a mathematical frac-
uted to an average 0.20-kg additional weight loss as tion of the total GRS. Finally, existing dedicated catalogs
compared to the TT genotype.135 For personalized nu- of gene–diet and gene–environment interactions, of
trition, however, it is irrelevant that 7700 individuals ex- which the CardioGxE catalog is a good example,140 will
perienced an average additional weight loss of 0.20 kg; be of increasing importance for the construction of
what matters is what specific dietary (or coaching) ad- such process-based GRSs.
vice should be given to an individual and whether that
one individual loses 3.1 kg or gains 0.7 kg. THE MASTERS OF SYSTEMS FLEXIBILITY:
Interestingly, Claussnitzer et al136 showed that the NEUROBIOLOGY OF PERSONALIZED NUTRITION
rs1421085 T-to-C variant of FTO influences expression
of the nearby genes IRX3 and IRX5, which repress mito- The brain acts as the master regulator of metabolism
chondrial thermogenesis in adipocyte precursor cells, by utilizing multiple nutrient-sensing mechanisms
resulting in a shift from energy-dissipating beige and neuronal feedback control systems for metabolic

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

regulation. This has been reviewed by others.141 Three dietary fibers (more satiating food components), espe-
important areas of this master regulation (satiety, chro- cially when they also have the FTO risk allele.
nobiology, intermittent fasting and motivation) are spe-
cifically related to nutrition, including personalization Chronobiology
of nutrition. The importance of these areas of master
regulation is apparent when looking at genetic varia- The circadian clock system organizes multiple physiolog-
tions in these systems. For example, mutations in the ical functions, including digestion, absorption of food,
neural melanocortin receptors are responsible for the and metabolism. It also influences energy expenditure,
most common forms of monogenic obesity.142 activity, and sleep.150,151 The central internal clock sys-
tem resides in the anterior hypothalamic suprachiasmatic
Satiety nucleus. In normal physiological conditions, the supra-

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chiasmatic nucleus synchronizes rhythms with peripheral
Caloric intake depends on food quantity and quality tissues through a series of neural and hormonal path-
(type of macronutrient), and satiation is one of the ma- ways.152,153 In addition, peripheral rhythms are entrained
jor regulators of quantity. Satiety is tightly controlled by by various other factors, among which feeding/fasting is
a network of neuronal, hormonal, and metabolic sen- the most important.154 Knowledge of the circadian
sors, acting both short term (postprandial; triggered by rhythms in the digestive system and metabolic activity
volume, density, content) and long term (connected to can be used to devise strategies for the optimal timing of
set-point regulation). Signal hormones such as grehlin food intake to preserve or improve health.150 For exam-
and leptin induce feelings of hunger and satiety, respec- ple, sensitivity to elevated glucose concentration is high-
tively, from the periphery to the hypothalamus.143 Well- est in the early morning and declines over the course of
known satiety hormones such as cholecystokinine, the day.155 Therefore, people with reduced insulin sensi-
glucagon-like peptide-1, and peptide YY increase after tivity may be best advised to eat evening meals low in
food intake, acting as signals for individuals to reduce carbohydrates or carbohydrates with a low glycemic in-
food intake.144 The satiety cascade145 illustrates the differ- dex. Further, there is considerable interindividual varia-
ent systems involved in appetite control, including sen- tion in circadian patterns. These may derive from
sory, cognitive, postingestive, and postabsorptive external factors relating to behavior and personal prefer-
processes, which act acutely on satiation (the process that ences, as well as from genetic influences such as the
brings food intake to an end) and, after food consump- CLOCK gene.154,156 A person’s circadian preference or so
tion, on satiety, affecting the time between food intake. called chronotype can be determined using the
Different macronutrients have different satiating morningness–eveningness questionnaire developed by
€ 157
properties, and thus changing the ratios of macronu- Horne and Ostberg.
trients can modulate feelings of satiety. The satiating ef- Eveningness, as compared with morningness, has
fect of macronutrients has been studied in multiple been linked with unhealthy eating, increased BMI, re-
populations, including lean and obese persons, men duced HDL cholesterol,158 and metabolic syndrome.159
and women, and restrained and unrestrained eaters, Those with evening chronotypes, as compared with
with varied responses. Diets high in protein (up to those with morning chronotypes, tend to eat later in the
30 E%) may reduce appetite and support body-weight day (ie, after 8 PM), which has been suggested to increase
management compared with diets low in protein146,147; the risk of obesity.150 This may be especially true for
this may be due in part to a greater satiating effect of late sleepers160 and those who get insufficient sleep
protein relative to other macronutrients. A high-protein (ie, 5 h).161 Thus, those with morning chronotypes
diet has been shown to result in less ad libitum caloric may be advised to consume the standard macronutrient
intake, resulting in significant weight loss.148 The in- compositions throughout the day, and those with eve-
creased energy expenditure reported with high-protein ning chronotypes may be advised to eat more frequently
diets supports the negative energy balance theory for during the day. Further, those with evening chrono-
enabling weight loss and/weight maintenance.147 Obese types may be advised to consume evening meals that
individuals show a clearer satiety response to fiber in- are higher in protein and rich in fiber to promote satia-
take, especially when on a very low-energy diet.149 tion and thereby lower the individual’s risk of overeat-
Body-weight characteristics such as BMI and waist cir- ing in the evening/night.
cumference, as well as FTO SNP allele status, can help
determine the possible effects of macronutrients, espe- Intermittent fasting
cially protein and dietary fibers, on an individual’s sati-
ety. People with a high BMI and a large waist may, for Evidence is accumulating that intermittent fasting (ie,
example, be advised to eat more protein and more fasting periods of 16 h), during which a complete

592 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

catabolic metabolism, including fatty acid oxidation, alternative research approaches, such as n ¼ 1 para-
glycogen depletion, and ketone production, is activated, digms, must also be considered for the creation of effec-
benefits insulin sensitivity and optimizes brain bioener- tive recommendations. At this time, variations of the
getics and inflammatory control. Finally, implications evidence pyramid169 are commonly used by regulatory
for longevity have been reported, at least in model agencies and advisory boards, including the European
organisms.11 Although intermittent fasting is not a Food Safety Authority. As an example, the recommen-
usual dietary habit, it may be promising for individuals dation for increased folate intake for pregnant women
with insulin resistance and is a proven method for is now broadly accepted; however, the MTHFR 677TT
regaining insulin sensitivity in individuals with type 2 genetic variation, which reduces the catalytic activity of
diabetes and obese persons.162,163 a key enzyme in folate bioavailability,170 has been the
subject of more than 100 studies, but knowledge from

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Motivation these studies has not been used by public health agen-
cies to modulate folate intake recommendations.128 A
The motivation to eat has physiological and nonphysio- global consortium of nutrigenetics experts currently
logical origins and shows interindividual variation. oversees the consensus evaluation of nutrient–gene
First, motivation to eat is based on the feeling of satiety. interactions, providing an initial guidance frame-
Second, brain reward circuits may influence the salience work171 (Grimaldi, in press), and this methodology is
of food and, thereby, the drive to eat.151 Sleep restriction brought into practice by evaluations published in a
leads to increased activation of brain areas that are sensi- growing and regularly updated library of nutrient gene
tive to food stimuli164 and increased neural responses to cards in the online journal Genes and Nutrition.
unhealthy foods in nonobese individuals.165 Thus, indi- For nutritional experts to keep track of the enor-
viduals who are sleep deprived may be more prone to mous complexity of nutrient—health relationships and
eating nutritionally poor food (eg, simple sugars and quickly retrieve all relevant information, the use of ap-
high-fat foods). Counseling individuals to choose tasty propriate knowledge management systems is impera-
and healthy alternatives at the right time may improve tive. Systems should use a multilevel organization of
health. Third, because eating is rewarding and comfort- knowledge—that is, they should capture information on
ing, people may (over)eat to alleviate their negative mood biological concepts at the intervention level (food, nu-
or emotional distress.166 Alternatively, eating may lift trient, compound, supplement, lifestyle, SNP), the inter-
mood directly by affecting mood-regulating neurocircuits mediate molecular/biological level (marker, pathway,
via a serotonergic mechanism.167 Because there are con- process, organ), and the phenotypic level (health, dis-
siderable differences in mood and subjective well-being ease) (Figures 1 and 5). For each concept, information
between individuals, both temporarily and over the long on known values/thresholds (eg, a dietary reference in-
term,168 it is important to consider mood and well-being take for vitamin D) and intervals (eg, lower and upper
when devising a personalized nutritional plan. With ap- boundaries defining normal cholesterol levels) should
propriate timing, overeating due to negative mood may be stored. In addition, information concerning the rela-
be attenuated by providing satiating foods high in pro- tionships between biological concepts should be cap-
tein and fiber. Finally, there may be other external moti- tured by the system. A relationship between 2 concepts
vators to eat (eg, the desire to stay awake for nightshift can be represented by a “triple” (a combination of
workers). subject, predicate, and object) or nanopublication. An
example of a nanopublication is “angiotensin II” –
INTEGRATING KNOWLEDGE INTO PRACTICE: “increases” – “lipogenesis.” Each triple needs to be ac-
PERSONALIZED SYSTEMS APPROACHES companied by information concerning the source of
information (eg, a reference), the level of scientific evi-
The value of adding personalized nutrition and dietary dence, and the conditions in which this relationship
advice to generic public health recommendations is applies (eg, sex, age, ethnicity).
supported by a large body of knowledge on biological Based on this information, experts can design deci-
mechanisms, observational studies, and nutritional and sion trees that define which recommendations to follow
dietary interventions. The complexity of personalized in a given personal situation. For example, IF “marker
nutrition is enormous, however, and it is practically X” is “low” and “SNP Y” has “allele Z” AND “sex” is
impossible to perform randomized controlled trials “male,” THEN the advice for “nutrient A” should be
for each genome–phenome–exome combination. “low.” Complexity can be added by combining and in-
Established evaluation procedures have been tried but tegrating multiple decision trees into personalized die-
have mostly resulted in inconclusive results, as de- tary advice. A major benefit of the use of expert-derived
scribed herein with regard to nutrigenetics. The use of decision trees is the transparency of the advice given.

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

Each piece of advice can be traced back to a particular consume an average of 6000 kcal daily.176 The extreme
decision point, and each decision point is based on endurance performance that these cyclists deliver over a
established concepts and values. period of 3 weeks requires a well-adapted intestinal sys-
Modeling methods help to provide personalized die- tem that enables substrate uptake during activity.
tary advice based on personal health status and personal Personalizing nutrition for physical performance may
health and performance goals. For example, in the area of involve specific nutrients for specific types of perfor-
weight control, these modeling methods can range from mance, as well as specific timing of nutrient intake.
simple logic (“I want to lose weight, so I will consume less For endurance sports, simple carbohydrates are the
calories”) to multiparameter mathematical models.172 If main substrate used during activity, with a mean uptake
mechanisms are not known or only partly known, models of approximately 1 g of carbohydrates per minute.175,177
may be descriptive, data fitting, and reliant on trainer- Optimization of intake of carbohydrates before, during,

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tester dataset validation. In these cases, it is essential that and after activity has been shown to enhance perfor-
the modeling approach be open access and peer reviewed mance and endurance over time.175,177 Duration of the
instead of “black-boxed.”173 Complex models are usually exercise activity (<1 h, 1–2 h, 2–3 h, >3 h), the amount
probabilistic (ie, all rules or assumptions contain uncer- of carbohydrate needed (small amounts, 30 g/h, 60 g/h,
tainty) and, if they are to be used practical advice, need to 90 g/h), the recommended type of carbohydrate (single
be carefully documented and ultimately validated. and/or multiple transportable carbohydrates), and con-
Personalized dietary advice based on scientifically vali- sumption connected to this training have been studied
dated rules according to set criteria become decision trees for endurance sports.177 For the well-trained runner, for
(ie, a relatively straightforward series of science-based example, carbohydrate intake should be 10–12 g/kg/d
choices or decisions that in essence narrow down the for 2–3 days before a marathon.178 Training should in-
general population into specific subsets). As new trees are clude consumption of carbohydrates at the increased
validated, progressively more personalized recommenda- levels so endurance athletes can adjust to the digestion
tions can be realized. Early models of these decision trees of these quantities of carbohydrates and learn to manage
were successfully designed and applied in the Food4Me any intestinal discomfort. After exercise, sufficient and
research project on personalized nutrition.174 fast carbohydrate intake (ie, 1.2–1.5 g/kg within 4 hours)
Applying science-based personalized dietary advice is recommended to replenish the glycogen stores in liver
not only at the time of initial phenotyping or goal set- and muscle.179 Endurance athletes mostly consume a
ting but also in response to iterative diagnostics, with high-carbohydrate diet (60–70 E%). Interestingly, there
the advice optimized after each measurement to achieve is debate about whether a high-carbohydrate diet is es-
the desired goal, is the next step in personalized nutri- sential for well-trained people because they also show
tion. The energy intake in the simple example above increased fat oxidation. This has recently resulted in an
(“I want to lose weight, so I will consume fewer calo- opposite theory—that a high-fat diet should be the diet of
ries”) is easily optimized if connected to regular body- choice for elite athletes.180 Essentially, this debate stresses
weight checks. Even in complex decision trees, iterative the importance of metabolic flexibility (ie, the capacity of
fine tuning of personalized dietary advice based on a muscles to use both glucose and fatty acids as substrate)
timeline of (a series of) biomarkers improves the quality and suggests that at optimal flexibility the choice of en-
of the advice. Mathematical applications such as ergy source is less relevant. Figure 7 summarizes this rea-
Bayesian modeling can further improve this modeling soning and selections in a decision tree scheme.
process, especially if a large dataset of personal diet In addition to an increased need for (simple) carbo-
health records becomes available. This would be the real hydrates, endurance athletes have an increased need for
strength of a data democracy–driven health system. protein because of its role in muscle damage and repair
processes. For well-trained athletes, a level of 1.2–1.7 g of
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AS PERSONALIZED protein per kilogram of body weight is advised175 instead
NUTRITION GOAL of the 0.8–1.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight
recommended for people with average activity levels.
For normal daily activities the average recommenda- Caffeine intake (3 mg/kg) before exercise (<1 h)
tions for daily food intake and the mean macronutrient may improve endurance performance.181 Several stud-
composition of approximately 50–55 E% carbohydrates, ies indicate that consuming approximately 500 mg of
30–35 E% fat, and 10–15 E% protein are adequate.174 nitrate from beetroot juice or an equivalent food source
For people seriously participating in sport activities, en- may benefit endurance performance.182 In particular, it
durance training, or strength training for multiple is believed that low to moderately trained individuals
hours a day, increased energy needs are required.175 For benefit from extra nitrate in their diet. In professional
instance, cyclists in the Tour de France need to athletes, the effects of extra nitrate are inconsistent.182

594 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(8):579–599

Physical components of this flexibility machinery are subject to
Acvity nutritional modulation and relate directly to health out-
comes. This article presents many examples of these
Muscle strength Endurance nutrient–flexibility–health relationships and the ways in
which they can be personalized. Further expansion and
exercise type
(duraon, frequency,
maturation of personalized nutrition biology requires a
intensity) systems flexibility approach, spanning increased mecha-
Consumpon ming nistic knowledge, modeling technologies, knowledge
(prior, during, post)
infrastructures, and alternatives to randomized con-
trolled trials. This is a prerequisite for the professional
and credible expansion of personalized nutrition in a

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healthy society and its food supply.
Protein Carbohydrate
recommendaon recommendaon

Figure 7 Simplified decision tree of personalized nutrition in Acknowledgments

relation to physical activity. The various components that pro-
vide evidence-based fine-tuning of dietary advice are visualized. Funding/support. This review was written as part of
the collaboration between TNO (The Netherlands
The American College of Sports Medicine has spe- Organization for Applied Scientific Research),
cial position papers on the maintenance of fluid balance Campbell Soup Company, and Habit LLC to establish
to enable optimal endurance performance and well- the biology of a personalized nutritional advice system.
being. Performance deteriorates when individuals lose It was funded by Habit LLC.
body water equivalent to 2%–3% of body weight, result-
ing in decreased temperature regulation and an in- Declaration of interest. The authors have no relevant
creased risk of heat stroke. Fluid loss during exercise interests to declare.
due to sweating should be compensated for by drinking
isotonic before, during, and after exercise to prevent de-
hydration and hyponatremia. The amount of electro- REFERENCES
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