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The virome of the human gut:

metagenomic analysis of changes

associated with diet

James Lewis
Gary Wu
Frederic Bushman

Diet, Genetic Factors, and the Gut Microbiome in Crohn’s Disease

University of Pennsylvania
Diet, Genetic Factors, and the Gut
Microbiome in Crohn’s Disease

COMBO: Cross-Sectional Study of Diet and

Stool Microbiome

CAFE: Controlled Feeding Experiment

Study virome under controlled feeding

97 subjects, assess diet with food frequency
questionnaire, 24 hr. recall questionnaire
454 tag sequencing of 16S regions


Food groups **p<0.01
diet components called at 25% FDR
COMBO (selected)
BMI Fiber Fat %Calories Actinobacteria




Conclusions from COMBO
•At an FDR of 25%, ~30-40 nutrients correlated with changes
in bacterial populations

•Correlations between food groups and Pyla detected, but

considerable divergence among deeper taxa

•Correlated effects on microbiome among BMI, dietary fat,

and percent calories from saturated fatty acids

•Though effects were significant, measured dietary effects

accounted for a small fraction of the total variation among

Follow up in CAFÉ: 1) fat versus fiber, 2) total calories

CAFE1: Controlled Feeding Experiment

• 10 healthy volunteers
• Randomized to high fat vs. low fat diet
• 10 day inpatient stay with same meals each day
• Caloric intake adjusted to maintain current weight
• Daily stool sample collection
• Rectal biopsies on days 1 and 10
• Sitz marker study to assess transit time
• Sequencing: 16S tags, shot-gun metagenomic
sequencing of total DNA and viral DNA, targeted
analysis of Archaea and Eukarya
Longitudinal analysis of microbiome under controlled feeding


Graphic from
Conclusions from CAFÉ 1 and 2
•Inter-individual variation predominates.

•Bacterial populations change within 24 hours of initiating

controlled diet.

•High fat versus fiber has detectable effect (CAFE1),

increased calories has detectable effect (CAFE2).

•Considerable longitudinal drift during stay in hospital in

all groups. Specific vitamins? Hospital environment?
Approaches to virome analysis

Multiple possible goals:

•Characterize overall viral communities

•Hunt for new viruses linked to disease

•Characterize populations of a specific virus

Viral Analysis on CAFE1 samples
• Purification of viral particles: filtration, CsCl gradient, DNAse digestion.
• Quantitative recovery of phage λ analyzed as a control
• Greatly reduced 16S rDNA
• Multiple displacement amplification
• Shot-gun sequencing, 454 Titanium, 992,309 reads, median length 380 nt
PID Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diet

2011 X X Low
Fat Sybr gold
2012 X X X Low
2016 X X X X High
2020 X X X X Low
2019 X X High
1013 X Ad lib
1010 phage per gram of stool

Sam Minot et al.
Assembly of viral sequence reads

• Newbler assembler
40bp overlap
90% sequence identity
• 7,175 contigs >500 bp
• 86.6% of reads in contigs
• Custom code to allow circular
• PHACCS: median species
richness 44 (range=19-785)

Gut virome characterization

Also found 22 CRISPR arrays, one example of CRISPR spacer targeting another virus in
the same individual 14
Comparative metagenomics:
viruses are parasites
Interpersonal variation

• Rows: samples
• Columns: contigs

• Clustering by

Variation associated with
subject and diet

• People are more

similar to
• People on the
same diet become
more similar over
• Specify the contigs
P values by label permutation
Procrustes analysis: covariation of
host and viral communities
What determines phage
• Abundance of host?
• Lysogenic induction?


Host abundance

In some cases the abundance of phage does not correlate with apparent
abundance of host: possibly indicative of differential induction?

• Variation in both bacterial and viral communities

dominated by interpersonal variation
• Dietary intervention associated with altered
composition of both bacterial and viral communities
• Metagenomic analysis over six subjects yielded 7000
viral contigs; 19-785 types per sample (minimum
• Both expected and novel functionality, one example
being viral CRISPRs targeting other viruses
UPenn/CHOP Group Collaborators
Gary Wu* Bob Baldassano Rob Knight
James Lewis* Sue Keilbaugh Catherine Lozupone
Frederic Bushman* Ying-Yu Chen Dan Knights
Sam Minot Lisa Nessel
Emily Charlson Jun Chen
Christian Hoffmann Hongzhi Li
Scott Sherrill-Mix
Serena Dollive
* co-PIs
Kyle Bittinger
Rohini Sinha
Jennifer Hwang
Rebecca Custers-Allen
Stephanie Grunberg

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