Your Belief Awareness Workbook: "The Sky's Not The Limit, Your Beliefs Are "

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The key takeaways are that becoming aware of one's beliefs and using intention can help shift one's life direction towards greater health, wellbeing and fulfillment. Speaking one's truth and listening to intuition are also emphasized.

The purpose of the workbook is to facilitate bringing more awareness to one's beliefs and start momentum towards achieving what one really wants in life through exercises for self-reflection.

Beliefs are assumptions we hold to be true that shape our perceptions and behaviors. They are largely formed in childhood and can be challenging to change consciously. Changing beliefs is important for personal growth and breakthrough.

Your Belief Awareness


“The journey of true discovery lies not in finding new lands but in looking
through new eyes.”
Marcel Proust

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”

Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Bookings: 02 6162 4102

ABN: 49 590 203 543

©Deana Cuming 2018

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator


I am really excited that you are here!

It is my intention with this workbook to facilitate for you bringing more awareness to your beliefs
and start a momentum for you towards the direction you really want in your life.

Over the years of my own personal development and hundreds of client hour’s one thing has
become really clear to me: building awareness, using intention and speaking your truth is
fundamental. When we are able to bring into our consciousness what flows from our higher self and
what resides in our subconscious, we can truly see what it means to live an authentic life, and
uncover what might be barriers to achieving it. If we choose to allow ourselves to explore with
curiosity and grace what are at the depths of our beliefs, our values and our thoughts, we can
discover that our health and wellbeing, and ultimately the journey of our life, are intricately linked.

That’s where the excitement, fun and joy truly begins! You can define who you want to be. You can
take a stand. Take a stand for you. A stand for what you really want your health, wellbeing and life to
be. Moment by moment, step by step, you can create a new momentum and flow. When a thought
arises, a space develops at that point, you notice it, you see it, and without judgement and before
you respond you ask yourself “Is this what I truly believe?” When an intuition comes, a space
develops at that point, you notice it, you see it and you ask yourself “Is this what I truly want?” In
those moments are the biggest opportunities to shift the direction of your life. Because you can
choose to listen to your intuition and define what it is that you believe about you.

It is my sincere hope that this workbook will begin or deepen your connection to these inner truths,
and facilitate the change you desire.

In love and light,

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~2~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Before we start…
What are beliefs?

Beliefs are an acceptance or assumption about something we hold to be true, with or without there
being evidence to prove that it is with factual certainty. Our beliefs are an anchor for our
understanding and perception of the world around us, and once they are formed (substantially in
our first 7 years of life) we tend to persevere with them, seldom questioning them or knowing what
we can do to change them. If we want to achieve any sort of personal breakthrough, we need to
begin with changing our beliefs.

Here are some examples of common beliefs, take a moment to be present, and hold your awareness
of any self-talk, physical reactions or anything else that happens when you read the statements.

 I can
 I love myself
 I am worthy
 I am valued, appreciated and adored
 I feel safe
 My life is fulfilling
 I can achieve anything I want!

Did you notice anything? If you felt completely at peace, and those statements felt 100% true for
you that’s great! Other people may have noticed reactions such as umm, aah, eww, uh-uh, no, or
perhaps physical reactions like twitches, head shaking or emotions. Whatever your experience, this
is your subconscious mind letting you know whether it is in agreement or not with these statements
or beliefs. Consciously we may want these to be true, but if our more powerful mind, the
subconscious, is programmed differently, then our experience of these things in our life can be more

It is really important to listen to your self-talk and reactions - these messages - they are very
powerful information about what is self-empowering or self-limiting in your life. The more we can
align our beliefs in our conscious and subconscious, the easier, more peaceful and fulfilling life can

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Henry Ford

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~3~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Brainstorm your beliefs

Most people are aware of at least a few beliefs or regular self-talk that isn’t serving you at the
moment. Or it can often be as simple as taking a moment to go back to your childhood and ask what
were some of the main messages, phrases or sayings that your parents/carers said to you? (E.g.
money doesn’t grow on trees, children are meant to be seen and not heard, life is not meant to be
easy, who do you think you are …)

With curiosity and grace, brainstorm and write down a list of beliefs or self-talk that isn’t serving you
at the moment.

Self-Limiting Beliefs

1. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________

4. _____________________________________

5. _____________________________________

6. _____________________________________

7. _____________________________________

8. _____________________________________

9. _____________________________________

10. _____________________________________

Ask yourself “Where did these beliefs about who I am come from,
and how old are they? Maybe it’s time to update your identity.”
Tony Robbins

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~4~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Reframe your beliefs

A reframe is framing or expressing words, a concept or plan differently, and in the context of beliefs,
we want to explore positive intent and focus to frame your perception with what you want. The
easiest way to explain this is by example. Consider you wrote down “I don’t like myself”.

Ask yourself the following question (note the first thing that comes into your mind):

How would I like it to be instead? How would I rather it be?

Did something come to you? Whether it did or not, that’s perfect! Let’s put on the curious explorer
hat to discover exactly what you would prefer, or if there is any refinement you’d like to make.

A very simple reframe is to take the word “don’t” out to turn it into something self-empowering,
therefore becoming – “I like myself”. If this was 100% true for you instead, this would make a big
difference, yes! Take a moment to reflect on how life would be different if that was your belief.

Now, ask yourself this question:

What is the best, most powerful and supporting statement I could say about me instead?

Take a moment to consider this question. This is where you can get creative and even ambitious, and
dream up the best statement for you.

 I really like myself

 I love myself
 I love the awesome person that I am
 I am awesome!

OK, let’s go through the original statements you wrote down above on the next page, and reframe
them into more self-empowering statements. Look at the statements one by one and see what the
most powerful and supporting statement you could say about yourself.

Don’t spend too long doing this if you find it challenging, the workbook is designed to help you
practice, so just move to the next page.

“Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your

own self-transformation.”

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~5~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Self-Limiting Beliefs Self-Empowering Goal Statements

’ !
e.g. _____________________________________ e.g. ________________________________

1. _____________________________________ 1. __________________________________

2. _____________________________________ 2. __________________________________

3. _____________________________________ 3. __________________________________

4. _____________________________________ 4. __________________________________

5. _____________________________________ 5. __________________________________

6. _____________________________________ 6. __________________________________

7. _____________________________________ 7. __________________________________

8. _____________________________________ 8. __________________________________

9. _____________________________________ 9. __________________________________

10. _____________________________________ 10. _________________________________

“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

Oprah Winfrey

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~6~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator


How did you go? Did you find some awesome statements for yourself? Perhaps you are saying to
yourself “I’m not very good at knowing what beliefs I have that are self-limiting?” or “I don’t know
how to turn that into a positive statement?” That’s OK! It takes practice, it is like building a muscle
when you exercise - consistent practice builds a strong and healthy muscle. As a society, we are
generally much more familiar with what we don’t like or don’t want than what we do, and it can feel
uncomfortable to state how you want things to be (particularly when they seem a long way from it).

Practice, Practice, Practice!

The intention of this 7 day workbook is to start to build the muscle of awareness of your self-talk and
learning to reframe into more self-empowering statements.

Positivity Pledge

I invite you to make a pledge with yourself to be more positive and kind to yourself. Cut it out and
stick it up somewhere where you will see it every day or make it your screen saver on your phone.

Positivity Pledge
I shall no longer allow negative thoughts or feelings to drain my energy.
Instead I shall focus on all the good that is in my life.
I will think it, feel it and speak it.
By doing so I will send out vibes of positive energy into the world and I shall
be grateful for all the wonderful things it will attract into my life.

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~7~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Daily Intention


 Find a quiet and private place

 Have at least 3-5 minutes available to begin and finish your day
 Be present
 Be kind to yourself - what you notice is neither good nor bad, it just is. Information is
powerful because it allows you to decide if you want something else or not

Begin your day…

Hold the intention to have focused awareness of any thoughts you have, whether self-limiting or

During your day…

Notice any thoughts, beliefs or self-talk and note them down

Engage in your action step/s

Finish your day…

Reflect on your awareness, practice reframe and complete the workbook

“If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”
Wayne Dyer

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~8~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Day 1
What I noticed I was saying to/about myself during the day?




What do I want instead?




Room for other note taking






Action steps
 Write one thing you are grateful for today ____________________________________________

 What is one small thing you could do tomorrow to promote what you want instead?


Hint #1
Be mindful that the word choices you make about you, whether silently or verbally to others, is very
powerful. The power of the word is an ancient wisdom. What would happen if tomorrow you made
one change to how you spoke about yourself in conversation to others so you were kinder to

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~9~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Day 2
What I noticed I was saying to/about myself during the day?




What do I want instead?




Room for other note taking






Action steps
 Write one thing you are grateful for today ____________________________________________

 What is one small thing you could do tomorrow to promote what you want instead?


Hint #2
Be mindful of the power of intention. The energy behind your intention for anything you do in life
sets the tone for the outcome. What would happen if tomorrow you focused your intention for
something you’d like to happen, allow yourself to see it, hear it, feel it, as if it was already
happening, how it would be, allow yourself to dream and imagine the best outcome for you.

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 10 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Day 3
What I noticed I was saying to/about myself during the day?




What do I want instead?




Room for other note taking






Action steps
 Write one thing you are grateful for today ____________________________________________

 What is one small thing you could do tomorrow to promote what you want instead?


Hint #3
Reflect on the power of the word and the power of intention. Practice tomorrow something that
resonated with you from the last few days.

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 11 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Day 4
What I noticed I was saying to/about myself during the day?




What do I want instead?




Room for other note taking






Action steps
 Write one thing you are grateful for today ____________________________________________

 What is one small thing you could do tomorrow to promote what you want instead?


Hint #4
Ask a trusted friend what are the common things they notice about what you think or say about
yourself. They usually have some interesting insights that you might not be able to see yourself.

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 12 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Day 5
What I noticed I was saying to/about myself during the day?




What do I want instead?




Room for other note taking






Action steps
 Write one thing you are grateful for today ____________________________________________

 What is one small thing you could do tomorrow to promote what you want instead?


Hint #5
Take one of the statements you have noticed you say about yourself. Consider this: what would your
future-self 20 years from now advise you about that statement? If you wrote a letter to you from
your future self, what would it say to you about this statement?

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 13 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Day 6
What I noticed I was saying to/about myself during the day?




What do I want instead?




Room for other note taking






Action steps
 Write one thing you are grateful for today ____________________________________________

 What is one small thing you could do tomorrow to promote what you want instead?


Hint #6
Are you starting to notice other people’s self-talk a lot more? Are you noticing your own more?
Perhaps you are starting to reframe your self-talk in the moment and making more empowering
choices? What would happen tomorrow if you held the intention to say, out aloud, one of your
empowering statements in a conversation?

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 14 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Day 7
What I noticed I was saying to/about myself during the day?




What do I want instead?




Room for other note taking






Action steps
 Write one thing you are grateful for today ____________________________________________

 What is one small thing you could do tomorrow to promote what you want instead?


Hint #7
What has been the most useful action step for you to engage in this week? Try that again tomorrow.

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 15 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Congratulations! Go You!
I am super excited that you have engaged in this workbook and got this far. You are in the top
percentage of people who are ready, willing and able to step forward and make a difference in your
life, and exactly the sort of person who I love to connect with.

What have you noticed overall from this practice? What is the most beneficial take-away?






Where to from here?

I am genuinely passionate and inspired to fulfil the highest, most truthful expression of myself as a
human being, and I want to share that journey with as many people as I can. My gift is to offer
support, guidance and strategies to make this happen.

 You qualify for my live 30 minute mentoring call

In appreciation of your time and desire to change, please send me an email to let me know your
feedback and I will register you for a monthly call to connect with other awesome like-minded
people and have the opportunity to ask me questions, share experiences and hear what other
services I have of offer.

 Like me on Facebook

 Subscribe to my free newsletter
 Attend upcoming events (live talks, information nights and more)
 Book a mind-blowing one-on-one session with me!

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 16 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

What do people say and experience

after working with me?

“Little did I know that when I went to Deana full of curiosity after having read the work of Bruce
Lipton that Deana would be the key that opened a door into a magical world. I knew my beliefs were
getting in my way but I had no Idea what those beliefs were. Deana's absolutely delightful
personality and commitment to uncovering those hidden beliefs resulted in profound and long
lasting changes. Who knew that changing bad habits, negative thinking and low vibrations could be
so easy and fun. Thanks to Deana's passion for facilitating positive change the results I experienced
have far exceeded my expectations. My life has taken a new direction and I now look back and
realise what major changes I made in a short time. With deep gratitude."

Josie , Canberra

“Deana’s ability to coach and guide me has assisted me in achieving fantastic results in my life.

I feel a great sense of calmness, confidence and power. Deana’s coaching has empowered me and
given me the ability to believe I have the power to make adjustments and reframe my thoughts to
achieve anything.

My physical symptoms of tightness and anxiety have released significantly and people around me
are noticing the new calmness about me.

I am excited for the future as a positive person and inspirational role model to my children.

I am so grateful for the guidance I received from Deana. She is an amazing inspiration and coach.”
Shelly J, Canberra

“Deana has helped me immensely with her PSYCH-K® techniques as I was going through a very
difficult time recently. She has a fantastic way to get to the core of an issue and reveal what is
behind the emotions, what may be blocking real change, and what is needed and desired to move
forward. The process is so quick and (almost:)) painless and I felt so much better after every session.
I am sure it would have taken months or years of conventional therapy to get this far. Thank you so
so much.””

Lina J, Canberra

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 17 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Understanding the subconscious

This workbook is focused on personal development from a conscious perspective. The conscious
mind is beautiful because it allows us to assess the past, contemplate the future, and make choices
about how we spend our time. While we are actively doing this, our subconscious mind is running
the show. This part of the mind is the powerhouse that automatically and simultaneously does
everything else we need to keep going, bodily functions like breathing, heart beating, moving our
body, and it knows how to respond to situations. Through repetition we can learn something
consciously, like how to drive a car. At first it is clunky and seems complex with all the things to
remember to do, and then one day we realise it has become an automated subconscious process,
and we drive from our home to work and realise we were thinking about our day and have no
memory of how we drove there! This is the beauty of the subconscious.

Research shows that up until the age of 7 we are operating entirely from the subconscious mind,
learning like sponges all the things we need from our environment. It is not until then that our
conscious mind starts to develop, and we start to engage in choice and decision about what we think
and feel about the world. A large proportion of what is stored in the subconscious is beliefs, so that
we can automate responses to situations.

What you have most likely uncovered in this workbook are beliefs that are stored in your
subconscious that are automatically providing responses to situations. They may not be how you
want things to be consciously, but because of the power of the subconscious, it can take a lot of will
power and consistent effort to make change at the subconscious level of mind. This union between
consciously understanding and focusing our intention on what we want, coupled with the power of a
subconscious that is in alignment and supportive of your desires, brings an ease, flow and joy to life.

I have found the most simple and effective technique to change beliefs at the subconscious level of
mind to expedite the changes you want in your life. It is called PSYCH-K. It has changed my life and
the life of many of my clients. This does not eliminate the need for conscious work and action like in
this workbook or that I facilitate in my coaching business, but it makes it so much easier!

 Yes please, register me for a Complementary session

In this 15-20 minute complementary session we can discuss what it is that you want, how my
services work, whether there is a connection between us as coach and client and if my services are a
good fit for you.

 Subscribe to my free newsletter
 Attend upcoming events (live talks, information nights and more)
 Book a mind-blowing one-on-one session with me!

Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 18 ~

“The sky’s not the limit, your beliefs are…”
Deana Cuming
Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
Health & Wellness PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Notes and Ideas





















Your Belief Awareness Workbook ~ 19 ~

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