Remove Limiting Beliefs Amy Scher Shortened
Remove Limiting Beliefs Amy Scher Shortened
Remove Limiting Beliefs Amy Scher Shortened
Maybe record this on your phone so you can listen to it and relax deeply while going through this process.
Just take it slow, really trying to sink into the words. If your mind wanders, it’s okay. Just allow the process.
Step 1: Connect with Your Inner Being or Higher Power — place hands over the heart
Step 2: Repeat The Sweep Verbiage — Simply repeat the following script slowly. Make sure you do not
rush through this, as you need to do it in a way that feels inviting and safe to the subconscious mind.
+ Even though I have this (state the belief), I acknowledge it’s no longer working for me.
+ I give my subconscious full permission to help me clear it, from all of my cells in all of my body,
permanently and completely.
+ I am now free to thank it for serving me in the past. I am now free to release all resistances to letting it go.
+ I am now free to release all ideas that I need this in order to stay safe.
+ I am now free to release all ideas that I need it for any reason.
+ I am now free to release all feelings that I don’t deserve to release it.
+ I am now free to release all conscious and subconscious causes for this belief.
+ I am now free to release all conscious and subconscious reasons for holding on to it.
+ I am now free to release all harmful patterns, emotions, and memories connected to it.
+ I am now free to release all generational or past-life energies keeping it stuck.
+ All of my being is healing and clearing this energy now, including any stress response stored in my cells.
Now install a belief that is the opposite of whatever you just released;
e.g. “I am perfectly able to ………………………”
Step 3: Check In —This process can take a few times of slow, deliberate intention and focus.
Tip: The Sweep can also be used effectively for clearing layers of energy contributing to symptoms. You
might want to experiment with this. Instead of inserting a limiting belief into the verbiage, you might use
something like this: Even though I have this (insert symptom, fear, emotion, or anything else), I acknowledge
it’s no longer working for me. Then revise the wording to fit your specific focus. I use this technique to clear
pretty much everything, whether it be a certain emotion I’m feeling strongly in the moment or a thought that
feels stuck in my head.
Rewiring Your Mind: Erase Biggest Limiting Beliefs in Minutes
Clearing Technique 2: Chakra Tapping
Step 1: Create a Set-Up Statement — the set-up statement has two parts.
Ideas for the second part of the set-up statement: + I completely love and accept myself. + I can relax now.
+ I am okay anyway. + I choose to release it. + I give my subconscious permission to let it go now.
Example : Even though I’ll end up alone if I heal, I choose to release it anyway.
Step 2: Use Your Set-Up Statement While Tapping the Karate Chop Point—continuously tap on the karate
chop point (the outside of your hand) while saying the full set-up statement three times.
Step 3: Tap Through the Rest of the Points—simply tap through the rest of the chakra points and talk about
the limiting belief. You can use a mix of stating the belief, talking about how you feel about it, wondering
aloud how you might have gotten it, and more. This is essentially a bit of improv!
The simple goal is to focus on this limiting belief so we can bring up the energy and clear it.
Example limiting belief of “I’ll end up alone if I heal”. Here is what that might look like:
Round 1
Top of head: I might end up alone.
Third eye: I haven’t taken care of myself in so long, I don’t remember how!
Throat: If no one helps me, I’ll just get sick again.
Heart: It reminds me of when I turned eighteen and Mom said, “You’re on your own!”
Solar plexus: I’m so frustrated that this is keeping me from healing.
Belly button: But I believe that if I get better, people will just ditch me
Top of thighs: Part of me really believes I can’t take care of myself.
Step 4: Break - Take a break and a few deep breaths to help your body process the energy and release it fully
Step 5: Last (5th) Round — Finally, tap through the points one more time while stating a positive
affirmation that you’d like to take in. This should ideally oppose the energy of what you just cleared.
Example: It’s safe to heal now. Alternatively, you can use the phrase healing at each tapping point.
Step 6: Check In — You may very well have overcome the limiting belief by now.
You can repeat the chakra-tapping process a few more times.
You can tap on chakras to move any type of stagnant energy. Just use gentle tapping for several minutes on
any chakra that you feel might be blocked.
Crown (Seventh) Chakra — Located on the top of the head, the crown chakra symbolizes spirituality and
your connection to a higher power. It is tied to the energy of knowing you can trust life, that you are being
taken care of and guided. The focus of the crown chakra is to help you connect with your purpose in life and
your connection to a higher source. Tapping Point: top of the head.
Third Eye or Brow (Sixth) Chakra — This chakra is located directly between the eyebrows. It represents
intuition, imagination, reflection, and the ability to see things for what or how they are (interpretation). Its
focus is vision and inner guidance. Tapping Point: in between the eyebrows (be extra gentle with this point).
Throat (Fifth) Chakra — Located in the center of the throat, this chakra is about expression,
communication, and truth. Its focus is communication and expression. Tapping Point: front of the throat.
Heart (Fourth) Chakra — in the center of your chest. It is linked to love, intimacy, forgiveness, & the
ability to send and receive love. Also responsible for your heart’s desires & helping manifest those desires.
Its focus is love, relationships, & inner healing. Tapping Point: the middle of the chest, at your heart’s center.
Solar Plexus (Third) Chakra — located just below the sternum, governs your sense of personal power,
including your personal choices & actions in the world. Its energy is tied to self-confidence, self-esteem, and
a feeling of being in control of your life. It stores your judgments and opinions about the world and yourself.
Its focus is personal power & a positive mentality. Tapping Point: right under the sternum at the solar plexus
Sacral (Second) Chakra — also referred to as the womb chakra, is located in the pelvis behind the navel. It
relates to your creativity and feelings and is also linked to childlike joy. It represents sexuality and is tied
closely to your stories and conditioning from childhood. Its focus is feelings, creativity, and joy.
Tapping Point: just below the belly button.
Root (First) Chakra — located at the base of the spine. It represents your feelings of safety and survival.
It’s connected to early childhood limiting beliefs, money, and identity. It deals with issues of abandonment,
unworthiness, and insecurity. Its focus is safety, security, and survival.
Tapping Point: lower sacrum or top of your thighs. (Using flat hands to gently slap your thighs, pretend you
are continuously motioning for a puppy to come sit on your lap.)
After creating and using a set-up statement, you’re going to tap through all of the previous points.
Starting at the top of your head, you’re going to tap and talk about the belief in as much detail as possible.
As you go through this process, just pretend you’re telling me, or your best friend, about the limiting belief.
Tell how the belief makes you feel, memories connected to it, where you feel it, whatever else comes to mind
Note: If it is a generational limiting belief, talk about where you think it came from, how it makes you feel,
& any other detail that spontaneously come up. Guessing & pondering out loud can work well in this process