Improve The Reliability of High Flux Reboilers PDF

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The document discusses challenges faced by reboilers in ethylene plants including low pH, corrosion, and fouling. It presents a new treatment approach combining pH adjustment, buffering, and dispersants that helped improve reboiler reliability significantly.

The reboilers faced challenges like low pH, corrosion, under-deposit concentration effects, and deposits that promoted low pH corrosion. High heat flux and water evaporation at the top of the tubes also contributed to the issues.

The new treatment approach combined pH adjustment to neutralize acids, a buffer to prevent pH variations, and dispersants to prevent deposits. This helped control pH better and prevent under-deposit corrosion.

Improve the Reliability of High Flux Reboilers

A Treatment Approach for Dilution Steam Generator (DSG)

Reboilers in Ethylene Plants

Karl Kolmetz1 Charles D. Nolidin2 Zainudin Mustaffa3

KLM Technology Group. P O Box 963, Sulphur LA 70664, USA
Titan Petrochemicals. PLO 312, Jalan Tembaga 4, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor. Malaysia.
GE Betz. 13 Jalan SS 26/8, Taman Mayang Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Malaysia.

• Water in the reboiler has higher buffering capacity,

Abstract which enables it to accept feed water variations and
The reliability of high heat flux reboilers can be a challenge. not cause the pH to vary.
The tube life can be at times as low as three months between • Addition of pH booster will neutralize organic acid
average mean failures. The proper operation and chemical and prevents under-deposit corrosion through
treatment program can extend this average mean failure to concentration effect.
greater than a 400% improvement. • Additional polymeric dispersant add another
defensive measure which prevents iron deposition.
Corrosion is an operating challenge encountered in the DSG
reboilers for a typical liquid cracker ethylene unit. Low or The correct analysis of a high heat flux duty reboiler
high pH and / or presence of dissolved oxygen typically combined with proper operation and treatment approach has
cause corrosion. With medium pressure steam as the heat greatly improved the reliability of an Ethylene Unit’s
source, DSG reboilers operating at high heat flux or high Dilution Steam Reboilers.
percentage of water evaporation rate with respect to
circulation flow, can experience departure from nucleate Keywords:
boiling and formation of steam / water interface. These Low pH, Corrosion, Under-deposit, Heat flux, pH/PO4
phenomena promote organic / inorganic fouling and can lead coordinated.
to under-deposit localized low pH acidic corrosion.
Corrosion can also occur in the dilution steam itself if the Introduction
steam is wet, although this is not a common problem. Tube In the pyrolisis cracking of Naphtha, steam is added to reduce
leaks are the most common cause for shutdown of DSG the partial pressure of the hydrogen and shift the equilibrium
reboilers. If the reboilers are heated by quench oil, tube leaks to produce more ethylene. DSG adds this steam to the feed.
could result in massive organic fouling on waterside from
quench oil contamination. Figure 1 shows the simplified flow diagram for quench water
treatment for the DSG system. A DSG receives water from
A novel operation and chemical treatment approach has the Quench Water Tower. The Quench Water Tower has
proven the present reboilers treatment program at the DSG mainly four functions:
generation system can be revised to provide a more robust • Provides further cooling of the cracked gases.
treatment approach. This is due to the fact that the incoming • Condenses most of the dilution steam in the cracked
water into the system is pure and hence does not have a gases.
buffering capacity. Any change in the feed water chemistry • Maintains proper temperature of the gases prior to
will lead to pH variations and cause problems. compression.
• Separates light hydrocarbon (pyrolysis gasoline) in
The benefits of the new approach, while combining with the the cracked gases.
organic dispersant for hydrocarbon dispersion and amines
for neutralization treatment can be summarized as follows: Some of the condensed dilution steam at the bottom of the
tower (82 oC) is circulated as a heating medium through
various process heaters and reboilers before returning to
Quench Water Tower; while, the rest of the condensed DSG feed pumps casing and impeller have experienced coke
dilution steam will be used as a feed to the DSG system. erosion and corrosion problems. Sections of the condensate
lines have experienced weak acid corrosion and erosion due
Water for the dilution steam system is withdrawn from the to water hammering and condensate flashing.
circulating quench water loop of the Quench Water Tower
and fed to filters and coalescer to remove most of the MP steam is used in Dilution Steam Generator reboilers as
entrained hydrocarbons and coke fines. the heating medium. Blowdowns from furnace steam drums
and boilers are also fed to the DSG tower. Dual flow trays are
used throughout the tower to reduce tower size and cost
while providing resistance to fouling. Heavy compounds
leave the dilution steam system in the tower bottom
blowdown to the wastewater treatment.
QW This paper will only discuss the water chemical treatment of
the DSG reboilers system.

Chemical Treatment Program in DSG System

Quench Water
Heat Recovery
Circuit The Ethylene unit example currently is utilizing chemical
treatments to help mitigate the corrosion in the DSG System.
Below is a synopsis of the chemical treatment program.
make up
Coalescers Filters • An Amine is injected at Quench Water Tower
S bottom and Dilution Steam Generator bottom to
control pH.
• An O2 scavenger is injected at DSG feed water to
eliminate dissolved O2 in DSG system.
Blow down Cooler, E-273 • An emulsion breaker is injected at the re-circulating
DSG Reboilers : E-270A/B/C
quench water return to the quench tower to prevent
Figure 1: Simplified Flow Diagram for Quench Water emulsification of oil and water.
Treatment for Dilution Steam Generator (DSG) System.
• pH/PO4 coordinated program for the DSG reboilers’
chemical treatment.
The dilution steam feed water is then heated up against the
Short DSG Reboiler Tubes Life
quench oil before entering the Low-Pressure (LP) Water
Stripper, which is upstream of the Dilution Steam Generator.
The Ethylene unit example has three reboilers for the DSG;
The LP Water Stripper uses dilution steam to strip off the
namely E-270A, E-270B and E-270S. Two reboilers are on
volatile hydrocarbons in the dilution steam feed water back to
line at the same time, while one reboiler is on standby.
the Quench Water Tower. Medium-Pressure (MP) Steam at
14 kg/cm2G and 260 oC is used to raise dilution steam
The initial detection of leaking tubes was 14 months after the
temperature to slightly above superheated, preventing
reboilers were put into operation in 1994. Subsequently, the
condensation along the dilution steam piping. reboilers were periodically cleaned and plugged in the time
frame of 1 to 10 months depending on the severity of the tube
Corrosion, erosion and fouling in the DSG are not failure. One of the three reboilers, E-270A was retubed after
uncommon problems. Thus, most systems are designed with three years in operation and two years later an entire new
a spare for cleaning and repair. An Ethylene unit example has tube bundle was installed. E-270B and E-270S were retubed
also faced corrosion and erosion challenges in the DSG once.
system particularly at the DSG reboilers, LP Water Stripper
tower, DSG feed pumps and dilution steam condensate lines. Chronology or history of tubes leak will be discussed in the
later part of this paper.
The type of corrosion observed in the Ethylene unit
example’s DSG reboilers is of low pH under-deposit form, Under-deposit Corrosion at Reboiler Water Interface
normally at the waterline area where two phases exist. So far
maximum fouling has been detected. Frequent cleaning and A clear water line marking was present at the top portion of
retubing of the reboilers has been required. Water losses via the tube bundles indicating that the reboiler tubes were not
the blowdown cooler, E-273, to the wastewater treatment due fully immersed in water during operation. Most of the leaked
to leaking tubes have also increased the operating cost. The tubes were located at and within the water line where the
LP Water Stripper has seen acid corrosion and steam erosion tubes were covered with deposits. Meanwhile, the number of
resulting in reduction of the overall thickness of the shell and tubes leaking is at a minimum in the area under the water line
conical section of the tower. where the tubes are totally submerged in water.
The deposit sample above the water line was found to be A Chemical Treatment Specialist has recommended that the
mostly (98.8%) of hydrocarbon polymers and iron oxide, present reboiler treatment program at the dilution steam
with trace amounts of silicon, aluminum, phosphorous and generation system be revised to provide a more robust
sulfur species. The iron oxide was either coming from the treatment approach than the present system. This is due to the
tubes themselves due to corrosion or a carryover from the fact that the incoming water into the system is pure, and
upstream equipment and process. The sulfur was derived hence does not have a buffering capacity. Any change in the
from DMDS (Di-methyl Disulfide) injection into the dilution feed water chemistry will lead to pH variations and cause
steam before admixing with the naphtha feed for pyrolisis problems.
The new approach treats the reboiler system as a normal
Visual examination of the ruptured reboiler tube revealed that boiler – where the system buffering capacity is added through
the propagation of the attack was from external surface a pH booster. The strategy is to add a base amount of a pH
inwards. Metallurgical failure analysis report concluded that booster and trim the pH to target range with amines. There is
the tube corrosion was due to acidic under-deposit crevice also additional polymer formulation to further prevent
corrosion. deposition in the system.

The condition of low pH exists when deposits or crevices are The benefits of the new approach, while retaining the
present, a concentration of acid producing species may previous benefits (organic dispersant for hydrocarbon
induce hydrolysis to produce localized low pH environments, dispersion and amines for neutralization) to the DSG are
while the bulk water pH remain alkaline. summarized as follows:

Example: M2+SO42- + H2O ==Î M(OH)2 + H2+SO42- • Water in the reboiler has higher buffering capacity,
which enables it to accept feed water variations and
In order for this to happen, two most basic mechanisms not cause the pH to vary.
should exist. • Addition of pH booster will neutralize organic acid
and prevents under-deposit corrosion through
a. Deposition concentration effect.
• Additional polymeric dispersant add another
It occurs when the solids are concentrated up in the defensive measure which prevents iron deposition.
reboiler, especially, when the reboiler is not fully
flooded. The particles agglomerate, thus forming Reboilers’ Heat Flux Review
deposit. The deposit itself provides the right environment
for the gouging process to take place underneath it. A review of the process design of the reboilers is conducted
to determine if the percentage (%) evaporization rate plays a
b. Evaporation at water line role in the corrosion failures. The % evaporation is defined as
the % steam produced over the circulation water flow rate
Heat applied to the tube causes the water to evaporate, between the DSG and steam separator. Comparison of results
leaving an acidic solution underneath the deposits. was made for the Ethylene unit example’s DSG design %
Concentration of acid can occur either as a result of evaporation rate to a case study involving two DSG systems
steam blanketing which allows salts to concentrate on in another Ethylene units.
reboiler metal surface above or at the water line or by
localized boiling beneath porous deposits on the metal Case Study - Systems Information:
• Two Ethylene units (Plant A and B) in the same site.
• Plant B is of older design.
Treatment Approaches: Review of Reboilers’ • Horizontal DSG reboilers in both plants.
Water Chemistry and Heat flux. • Both plants have eight Quench Oil Reboilers and
two MP steam reboilers.
Increase pH and Control in the Required Range • Both DSG systems were treated with the same
amine program.
In order to prevent low pH during presulfiding, the quench • Plant A experienced no corrosion/tube leak problem
water pH is first increased higher to approximately 8.0 to 8.5. in all reboilers.
pH will start to drop to at least 7.0 after starting DMDS • Plant B experienced severe corrosion, fouling and
injection. tube failures in MP steam reboilers.

In August 1998, DSG water pH control range was revised A review of the process design of the reboilers had noted
higher from 7.0 - 8.0 to 8.0 – 9.0. significantly higher % evaporization rate in Plant B with MP
steam reboilers as shown in the following table.
However, despite the stricter pH control, the reboiler tubes
leaking continued to be a challenge.
Plant Reboiler Type % Remark At the Ethylene unit example, currently two reboilers are in
Evap service with one on standby. With all three reboilers in
A Quench Oil 7.6 No corrosion service the % evaporation would be lower (theoretically 20%
A MP Steam 5.8 No corrosion lower), and consequently will help to reduce the propensity
B Quench Oil 8.2 No corrosion to develop high heat fluxes on the reboilers’ tubes.
B MP Steam 35 Severe corrosion
and fouling Water Chemistry

The following table shows the Ethylene unit example’s DSG Chart 1 shows the pH control trend for DSG reboilers
design % evaporization rate as compared to the case study. blowdown at E-273 cooler before the new treatment program
was implemented. The target pH control range was 8.0–9.0.
Plant Reboiler Water Steam % The DSG blowdown reactive iron trend is shown in Chart 2.
Type Circulation Generation Evap The average blowdown iron was 1.6 ppm.
B MP steam 277 T/hr 97 T/hr 35
About 10–40% of the time (6 pH data points per day), the
unit MP steam 128 T/hr 40 T/hr 31 reboiler water pH controls were less than 8.0. At pH below
example 8.0, the passive magnetite film, which protected the carbon
steel, would be destroyed; and as such, significantly
increased the general corrosion rate.
In standard industrial boiler design, the % evaporation rate
over water circulation rate is typically about 10% to ensure
Chart 1: pH Trend at DSG Blowdown Before New Treatment
proper water circulation. Figure 2 shows the schematic of the
Program at the Ethylene Unit Example.
Ethylene unit example’s DSG system, water circulation and
steam generation rates. D S G B L OW D OWN E-2 7 3 pH
DSG Blowdown pH at E-273 Cooler
MP Steam 11 .0

Dilution Steam
To Furnace 10 .0
80 MT/Hr

9 .0 Major
Turnar ound
Steam pH 8 .0 ( 60 days )
30% Vaporization 8 Bar (175C) 7 .0

6 .0

Risers Risers 5 .0
5/1/00 1:00

6/30/00 0:00

7/30/00 0:00

8/29/00 0:00

9/28/00 0:30

10/28/00 2:00

11/27/00 0:00

12/27/00 1:00

1/26/01 1:00

2/25/01 0:00

3/27/01 0:00

4/26/01 0:00

5/25/01 20:00
5/31/00 0:00


pH depression
E-2 73 pH UC L LC L
128 MT/Hr
128 MT/Hr From
Stripper Chart 2: Reactive Iron Trend at DSG Blowdown Before the
MP Steam (260C) New Treatment Program at the Ethylene Unit Example.
MP Condensate
Average Fe = 1.63 ppm
Figure 2: The Ethylene Unit Example’s DSG Reboiler % ReactiveReactive
Iron DSGIron
Blowdown at E273
DSG Blowdown TPC-1
Evaporation and Circulation Flow Rates.
Re active Iron (ppm)

From the above review, it can be concluded that the previous 2.00

amine treatment program apparently unable to provide 1.50


satisfactory corrosion protection in DSG reboiler designed 1.00


with high % evaporation rate. When operating under high % 0.50

evaporation rate, the even water circulation in the entire 0.00

horizontal reboiler can be compromised. As a result, pockets











of steam/water separation will develop in the upper section of Date

the reboiler. The existence of water line at certain areas in the
upper section of the reboiler during inspection at the Ethylene
unit example is a testimony to steam/water pockets T/AROUND
formation. In addition, high evaporation rate in combination
with steam/water separation promote iron and hydrocarbon However, visual inspection revealed that the tube leaks were
deposition. This creates potential for localized under-deposit not related to tube wall thinning as a result of general low pH
organic acids concentration, which leads to low pH corrosion corrosion. The failures were related to the localized under-
effect. deposit corrosion, and all the leaks were located at the upper
section of the reboiler where bulk of the evaporation was A with lower % evaporation rate did not have any tube leak
expected to take place. The under-deposit corrosion with the same amine treatment program.
developed as a result of the concentrated organic acids
(mostly acetic) underneath the porous deposit as illustrate in Treatment Method: pH Buffering
Figure 3.
The Na and Ortho-PO4 chemistries are controlled based on
The contaminants in DSG water include organic acids coordinated pH/ PO4 coordinated as shown in Chart 3. The
(majority acetic, some propionic & butyric), ammonia and recommended control limits are 5–10 ppm Ortho-PO4 and
some carbonates. Typical acetic acid level in blowdown is pH at 9.0-9.8. This involves two-dimensional control to keep
300 – 600 ppm. Ammonia in the DSG incoming water is the data points in the control box. Conformance to the
about 20 – 50 ppm. The corrosion protection rendered by the coordinated pH/ PO4 control range (Na/PO4 molar ration
previous chemical treatment program used a low volatility between 2.2 –2.8) ensures no free caustic the DSG
neutralizing amine to neutralize all the acid species and blowdown.
elevate the water pH to 8.0 – 9.0. Ammonia, an alkaline
compound has the same effect as the amine. It is however, Phosphate, PO4 provides corrosion protection by buffering
much more volatile. and neutralizing excess alkalinity or acidity, and precipitation
of hardness intrusion into the reboilers system.
pH=8.5 Bulk Water Chart 3: Phosphate /pH Coordinate – Chemical Treatment for
(Amine/Ammonia) DSG Reboilers.
Steam Out CH3COOH Recommended Coordinated pH/PO4 Control Box
Chart 4. Recommended Coordinated pH/PO4 Control Box
Deposit 10.00


pH= <7
NH4+ OH-
OH -H+ Fe3O4 Na/PO4=2.8
Boiler pH

3 9.40


MP Steam 260 C 9.00




Figure 3: Under-deposit Concentration Cell–Low pH 8.40

1.0 2.0 4 .0 6.0 8.0 10.0
When bulk water at alkaline pH enters the porous deposit, Boiler Water PO4 (ppm)

compounded with the high % of evaporation rate taking

places at the upper section of the bundle, the condition for
setting up concentrated cells under the deposits (like a At pH below 8.0, the passive magnetite film, which protects
miniature boiler) prevails. The highly volatile ammonia will the carbon steel, will be destroyed and as such, significantly
vaporize and travel with the steam, upsetting the base/acid increases the general corrosion rate.
ratio in the water phase. This can result in a localized low pH
environment, which is highly corrosive towards magnetite The formation of the protective layer of black iron oxide,
and carbon steel; thus ultimately leads to tube leak. magnetite is as follow:

The conditions favorable for under-deposit concentration 3Fe + 2H2O ==> Fe3O4 + 4H2
effect to take place are as follows:
Magnetite will act as a barrier between the steel surface and
• Bulk water temperature is approaching boiling water to inhibit further corrosion. The stability of the
point, and magnetite layer formed is highly dependent on the pH of the
• High heat flux (heat absorbed per unit area) on the boiler water. Both high acid and high caustic levels lead to
tubes surfaces. corrosion. Highest stability and protection are maintained in
the 8.5 to 11 pH range. This is the primary reason for
Both of these conditions prevail when the % evaporation rate maintaining alkaline boiler water conditions.
in the bulk water is high. This explains why the tube leaks are
found only at the upper section of U-tubes bundle. In the case The basis for the pH/PO4 control is the ability of different
study discussed previously, the MP steam reboilers in Plant forms of phosphate to consume or add caustic as the
phosphate shifts to proper form.
The most important key performance indicator of the new
pH/PO4 Coordinated: Improvement and Benefits program is the reduce corrosion and iron fouling rates by
monitoring iron loading at the blowdown cooler, E-273, and the
• The stronger buffer (pH control 9.0 –9.8) in DSG tubes failures history. As shown in Chart 6, the iron loading in
blowdown means that the water chemistries are less DSG dropped from 1.6 ppm to below 0.6 ppm. This is more
sensitive to any pH swing due to changing organic than 60% of iron reduction.
acids load in the feed water. This will provide
overall improvement in corrosion protection. Chart 6: Iron loading of pH/PO4 coordinated program.
• Eliminates under-deposit localized low pH corrosion Reactive Iron at E273
with the use of non-volatile high Na/PO4 molar ratio
base products. It is far more cost-effective than
amine at the same DSG blowdown pH control. 3

• Incorporates synthetic polymeric dispersant to 2.5

reduce iron deposition by improving iron rejection

via blowdown. 2

These benefits ultimately translate not only to extended DSG
reboiler run length between cleaning, but also a reduction in

equipment maintenance cost. 0.5

As shown in Chart 4, the pH control is more stable in the








range of 9.0 – 9.8. The pH depression below the target limit











has been reduced.

Chart 4: pH Trend at DSG Blowdown after the New The following two tables show the historical tubes leakage
Treatment Program at the Ethylene Unit Example. before and after the implementation of pH/PO4 coordinated
chemical treatment.
DSG Blowdown pH at E-273 cooler
After New Chemical Treatment
E-273 pH

10.0 Power Failure

Shutdown Table 1: DSG Reboilers Tubes Leakages History Before the
9.0 pH/PO4 Coordinated Chemical Treatment.
Date E-270A E-270B E-270C
pH 8.0 Under Brand-X Under Brand-X
Under Brand-X
Feb 94 Treatment Treatment
7.0 Treatment Program.
Program. Program.
Brand-B Amine Brand-B Amine Brand-B Amine
6.0 Dec 94
Program Start. Program Start. Program Start.
46 tubes leak
within 390 days.














1st Mar 95
Mostly top section
E-273 pH UCL LCL 133 tubes leak within
19th Oct 95 600 days. Mostly
middle section leaks.
Since the new DSG program is using the coordinated pH/PO4 Retubed E-270B
7th Feb 96
approach, the control of pH within 9.0 – 9.8 and PO4 within 5 – 82 tubes leak
24th May 96
10 ppm is very essential. Chart 5 shows the Coordinated within 300 days.
61 tubes leak 480
pH/PO4 control for the new DSG chemical treatment program. days. Mostly
24th July 96
middle section
Chart 5: Coordinated pH/PO4 Control in DSG Blowdown After leaks.
10 tubes leak within
New Treatment Program at the Ethylene Unit Example 1st Dec 96
190 days.
9 tubes leak
within 162 days.
10.8 th
9 Dec 96 About 14%
Exceeded 13%.
16 tubes leak within
10.0 19th Jun 97
192 days.

116 days tubes
leak within 414
17th Mar 98
days. Total tubes
leak was 245
26th Jun 98
Retubed E-270A.
30 tubes leak within
8.4 6th July 98
DSG Blowdown
111 days.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 100
ppm Orthophosphate, as PO4
17th July 98
9 tubes leak within
393 days. • High % of water evaporation rate occurring at the
24 Dec 98
247 tubes leak 22 tubes leak within upper section of the tubes bundle promotes under-
within 179 days. 160 days. deposit concentration effect. This in turn leads to the
60 tubes leak
within 45 days. 8 tubes leak within formation of localized low pH, and ultimately tubes
16th Feb 99
32% tubes 54 days. leak.
21st Oct 99
12 tubes leak • Heavy iron and hydrocarbon deposits offer sites for
within 247 days. under-deposit low pH corrosion.
29 tubes leak within
30th Oct 99
256 days.
9th Feb 00 Retubed E-270A. The more robust pH/PO4 coordinated treatment has managed
3 tubes leak within
22nd Feb 00
124 days. to tackle the above three main operating challenges; thus,
31st May 00
7 tubes leak within prolonging the reboilers’ tubes life span.
98 days.
40 tubes leak
28th Oct 00
within 256 days.
121 tubes leak
15th Nov 00
within 168 days.
45 tubes leak
110 tubes leak in [1] Mustaffa, Z; Woo, P.Y; Siong, W.H; Lee, C. 2002.
29th Jan 01 total. 12 tubes leak
within 90 days.
within 53 days. Summary of Dilution Steam Improvement, Chemcials
3rd May 01
27 tubes leak Treatment Specialist Malaysia.
within 80 days.
9 tubes leak within
8th Sept 01
210 days. [2] Lee, S.H; Cheah, P.S.; Kolmetz, K.K. 2000. Challenges
15th Sept 01
10 tubes leak
within 130 days.
in a Dilution Steam Generator System. The 5th Regional
(ASEAN) Olefins Conference, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

[3] Nolidin, C.D. 2002. Ethylene Unit Dilution Steam

Table 2: DSG Reboilers Tubes Leakages History After the Generator System: Challenges and Strategic Improvements.
pH/PO4 Coordinated Chemical Treatment. Training Presentation, Titan Petrochemical Technical
Date E-270A E-270B E-270C
Start Brand-B Start Brand-B
Department, Malaysia.
Start Brand-B
pH/PO4 pH/PO4
20th Sept 01 pH/PO4 coordinated
coordinated coordinated
program. program.
1st Nov 01 Retubed E-270C.
1 tube leak within
27th Jan 02
120 days.
8 tubes leak
5th Feb 02
within 110 days.
Open. No leak
20th Mar 02
after 140 days.
Open. No leak after
10th Jun 02
150 days.
3 tubes leak
25th July 02
within 180 days.
Open. No leak
28th Nov 02
after 380 days.

From Table 1 and Table 2, it can be observed that before the

implementation pH/PO4 coordinated chemical treatment, the
average tubes leaked between 1995 to 2001 was 158 tubes
per year. A new bundle would leak within six months period.

After the implementation of the pH/PO4 coordinated

chemical treatment, the average tubes leaked between 2001to
2002 was only 12 tubes per year. A new bundle is free of any
leak after running for more than one year.


In summary, the following factors have contributed the

frequent DSG reboilers’ tubes failures at the Ethylene unit
• High % of low pH control in the blowdown.

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