Teaching Arabic in The Light of Modern Linguistics
Teaching Arabic in The Light of Modern Linguistics
Teaching Arabic in The Light of Modern Linguistics
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1 author:
Fatima Omari
University of Jordan
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Fatmah Al-Omari*
This study discusses Teaching Arabic Language to Non-Native Speakers in the light of Modern Linguistics, in
terms of his/her ability to represent the dimensions of a societal, cultural aspects, and civilization in general. The
study discusses the importance of the teacher of Arabic to be specialized in language, the impact of his/her
culture on his/her effectiveness as a teacher, and it describes the teaching methods that the teacher uses while
teaching. The research includes a discussion of the relationship between the Arabic teacher for speakers of other
languages and their knowledge of socio- linguistics, comparative linguistics and semantics. The research sheds
light on the role of the teacher of Arabic for speakers of other languages within the context of his/her cultural
affiliation and contemporary reality.Moreover, the study discusses the adequacy of the teacher's knowledge, and
cultural understanding; in order to clarify the effect on the teacher’s ambitions and what is really possible to
many studies and research in the methods of teaching ordering words, but you will find that they are ordered in
Arabic for speakers of other languages. The researchers default, because they are followers to each other and they
focus their primary interest on teachers of Arabic in this are succeeding. So the knowledge of signified places in
field, and stress the focus on training and qualifying these mind is the knowledge of signifier's in utterance”(Al-
teachers in the best way(Mustafa). Jarjani, 1988).
Any student of a foreign language who wants to fully
Teacher of Arabic for Speakers of other Languages master it needs to get acquainted with its society’s culture
and Teaching Methods: that speaks this language, in a broad enough and
Teaching languages in general is considered to be a complete understanding that he/she can avoid making
real art; since knowledge alone cannot give enough serious mistakes. The culture of any society consists of
solutions and suggestions to teach languages. Learning everything that a person must believe in or know in order
languages, as practice in the field proves, cannot be to be able to behave in an acceptable way with other
defined as a clear specific set of certain rules which a members of that society, and to play any role that each
person can apply, represent, and depend on in order to one of them is expected to do. Although not all human
master that language. So he/she can speak it fluently behavioral aspects are language based, language occupies
without hesitation or of being afraid. “Language is not a a central place in this behavior; since if it is spoken or
group of facts that a nascent is fed with, but it is a group written, it captures different aspects of culture, transfers
of skills which a person acquires in his life. Learning a it, and saves it, and without language there will not be a
language doesn’t differ from learning any other skills, culture.
such as: swimming, shooting, driving, and typing. Since A teacher of Arabic wants to achieve great and quick
these skills can’t be learned without an organized rational results for his/her non-native students. Some teachers
training, learning a language is similar and practicing it is think that Arabic language is a simple and easy language
a must to master the skills of speaking, listening, reading, that is easily taught to students. They try to present, in a
and writing until using it becomes a simple and easy disorderly way, topics of Arabic language, and assail
habit”(Al-Masdi. 1986). them with information without any consideration of their
Teaching language has two main aspects: the first is learning capacity. Actually, the lingual achievement
theoretical and is formed by linguistics through scientific speed of some beginner students tempts teachers to do
and descriptive methodology. The other one is practical, just that. The teacher steps into the trap and believes that
the element undertaken by teachers who facilitate the it is easy to reach great results at a high speed. Some
student’s acquiring of skills in general. A teacher of beginner students show a big readiness to learn; so they
Arabic language has to set out from the theoretical pass the first stages by mastering phonemes, forming
knowledge, and present it through practical experience. words, and constructing lingual and grammatical simple
Learning any new language requires inserting a group sentences.
of phonemes (Ibn Jenny, 399 a.h). We mean that the Achieving a rapid acquisition of Arabic is a
teacher starts from sounds to words to sentences to teach phenomenon which can never be generalized to all
language. in our understood social reality, which is a students; therefore the attempt to pour information into
requirement for the ability to receive and order, students’ minds at great speed is generally agreed to be
moreover, to reproduce the messages of a certain lingual unacceptable by teachers and researchers. Also, the
group, so, it is the inserting of a person into a new social lingual reality and the scientific approach strongly reject
group so that he/she can send and receive verbal this approach. That is what Ibn Khaldoun talked about in
signals(di Sausseir1969) Language is one of the social his Moqadimmah: "instructing information to students is
concepts that keeps its essence and origin in useful if it is gradual and step by step, firstly, the teacher
general,(Anis,) for a new speaker of a language to know asks questions of every section of the art, or which are the
the language itself and its social functions lets him be principles of that section, and he/she simplifies it by
able to know the values of the signified, so he can order explaining it generally, and considering the mental
them in his mind, and then in his utterance 7. As Abdul strength and readiness of students to accept what is
Qahir Jirjani said: “Since you finished ordering the introduced, until the end of the art”(Ibn Khaldoun, 2002).
signified in yourself, you will not need to think in Gradual presenting of second language input means
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Dirasat, Human and Social Sciences, Volume 43, No. 3, 2016
that the results will be achieved gradually, since the The teacher of Arabic for Speakers of Other
student of language is not expected to learn extremely Languages is Specialized and Educated
rapidly. The teacher is not expected to achieve with Not every speaker of a language can teach his/her
students a native speakers’ level. That is a level not all native language to speakers of other languages since
language students can reach. It depends on many teaching languages is a specialization by itself. Teaching
factors which are related to individual differences, the native language is related to the language itself, which
teaching circumstances, and the length of the means that a teacher of language must be specialized and
experience with language which cannot be easily and have a complete knowledge of linguistics. They should
quickly achieved. Native proficiency in the second have the characteristics of culture broadmindedness; a
language can only be attained by some sharp and hard language teacher “forms the real problem in teaching
working in students. language for non-native people. The material, curriculum,
The teacher has to know that there is a target and a or any other materials used in the classroom are useless if
level where he/she may stop confidently, without doubt the teacher is not highly qualified to do this serious
or worry that he/she did not complete the duty. Abdul job”(Bishr, 1999).
Qaher Jirjani said: “Everyone who knew the conditions of . But this is not enough, and “not every teacher, with a
any language, wither it was Arabic or Persian, and knew strong knowledge in his subject, is suitable to teach
the significance of each word, then his/her tongue helped foreign students, in addition to this, he has to have the
to pronounce it, and to perform its letters. So he/she good pronunciation, clear vocalization, and enough
knows this language, has the whole means, achieved the experience”(. Al-Mubark,).
highest knowledge, and reached a target which is no Therefore, a good teacher of Arabic language is an
target after it”(Al-Jarjani,1988). This level can be eloquent speaker that clarifies the Arabic phonemes to his
achieved with most students, but what Jirjani talked about listener, and no accent, aphasia, or any flaw in
after that when he said: “The learner hears the eloquence, pronunciation mixed with his language; since the teacher
fluency, and proficiency without knowing any meaning is the most important human resource of language for
of them but the expatiation in speech. To speak loudly, students(Wajeeh, 1986). These facts must be
fluently, no accent faces him, and no aphasia stops him. accompanied with the variation of teaching methods; that
The learner uses the strange utterance and the abandoned it is expected from the teacher to create and design
word, and if he/she learnt it by heart, and exaggerated in suitable methods for his student that suits his nature and
studying, there would not be grammatical mistakes and cognitive abilities. The teacher must be aware that every
the subject would be put in the accusative position. Or by student is a unique person, and every relationship
making mistakes by using a word not as it is in the between the teacher and his students is a unique
lingual condition. Contradicting the Arabs usage, in relationship, and it is the teacher’s job to understand these
general: Jirjani does not see the shortage of a man but in relationships and build on it with an intellectual
the lack of linguistics”(Al-Jarjani,1988). This cannot be consciousness.
attained by all students; because it can happen only for Generally, teaching languages is related to knowledge
some of them who have high levels of intelligence and and consciousness, since a student of language is creating
patience to learn the language. The learner has to a complete cultural existence that emerges from a
practice, use this language intensively for long periods in different culture and is a descendant from a different
order to master it. civilization with its special peculiarities, and its particular
The teacher of language must be patient to achieve characteristics that make it an independent existence, and
results and must push his/her students to be patient too. it is a civilization, even if it is not a part of our world but
The importance of patience and endurance in teaching it is an independent value, and it is, usually, a dominant
languages cannot be underestimated especially when culture.15 A language teacher’s knowledge about that
presenting the lingual subject for students. On the other culture is a very important and serious issue; because the
side, patience is more important when waiting for student usually tends to relate new information with old
learners to reproduce the language they are learning. ones and with concepts that he already knows and has
When reproduction is about slowness and when mistakes acquired. This is what is called the cognitive learning
are made, that also need patience to be corrected. (Brawn, 1994), which is seen as students tending to relate
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Teaching Arabic Language … Fatmah Al-Omari
new information with what they already know so the new from native speakers so they (native speakers) pardon
material can be relatable with their own cognitive them for the misusage.
structures. The teacher is expected to consider this and Societies differ in being direct or indirect while using
present language to his students in real contexts that he language; some usually use equivocation speech. In many
composes according to his own wider understanding of instances, such as talking about dangerous diseases,
other cultural practices that he locates in the general Arabic society calls cancer disease with (that disease),
frame of cognitive structures of society that his students denominates the Jinn with (the Basmala or Iste’aza), and
belongs to. denominates many of social and health- conditions. The
examples of this are many which show the avoidance of
The Teacher of Arabic for Speakers of Other indirect use of language.
Languages and Socio-Linguistics: A new speaker who wants to merge into this society
Studies of different cultures have proven that cultures must know these special uses. But, there are some
impose special methods and specific ways to deal with equivalents which are exclusive for some classes and
lingual functions upon societies. These vary from society groups of people and these expressions are not essential
to society; “One of the sayings that occupies an essential knowledge, unless the new speaker wants to merge into
position in one language has nothing to do in another these groups and learn their private vocabularies.
language, or has a limited existence … for a long time In addition, some lingual groups use a group of
one of the biggest faults of grammarians was the attempt gestures (movements) that indicate certain meanings
to find the same sayings or a close equivalent in all the distinct from language, although these gestures express
languages of the world and the experience has proved that meanings without language, they cannot be detached
the difference is big.”(Mayeh,) from the aimed language. Finally, language is a complete
Therefore, we cannot suppose that there are direct and indicative approach which is socially stable and leads to
clear relations between the similar or corresponding lingual gestures, for example, to gesture with eye or wave
lingual structures in the different languages and between the hand means “No”, thus, this gesture, as result, equals
their functions in these languages. However, this doesn’t a lingual value that has a social specific meaning.
mean that there are no similar aspects between some The indications of facial expressions and hand
languages, especially those which are spoken by societies gestures differ between societies. Some societies
that have emerged from one single culture in the past, or effectively use them in a way that some special gestures
by societies that interact closely with each other. The take the place of some words and structures, and they
difference between cultures increases when they serve instead of spoken expressions in some speaking
disconnect and this reflects on the languages. Therefore, situations, that are ignored in many societies. However,
the language learner must know the social circumstances some gestures are accepted in some cultures and rejected
and the general cultural situation of the new language; in others. The Arabic society, spontaneously, uses some
and understand that he/she will not be able to eye gestures and facial expressions as agreed, but
communicate with the people who speak a specific sometimes, these gestures are considered very bad
language unless he/she has knowledge of that culture. offenses in other societies, and it may demand the referral
He/she cannot depend on his/her knowledge of his/her to the court and it may result in jail, to other punishments
society in his new language use, as societies and cultures like fines. It is important to have knowledge about these
differ greatly according to different criteria. To misuse an serious differences, and it is a duty to understand this
expression can lead the speaker to undesired while communicating with people of other cultures;
consequences. because to know these things is an essential issue that can
Although, a person spontaneously applies these rules never be ignored.
in his/her society, he/she has to learn and study it in The language teacher should not only make an effort
another language by focusing on it; to master the right in order to let his student acquire the ability to apply
ways in lingual usage is more difficult than mastering meanings in a structurally acceptable way. The teacher
grammar and phonemes for that language. Some also has to consider that language is a general entity that
researchers think that it is useful for second language contains the utterance and other elements or meaning,
speakers to use a special accent that distinguishes him since the utterance collaborates with gestures to make the
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Dirasat, Human and Social Sciences, Volume 43, No. 3, 2016
structure which is revealed orally by utterance, and in especially when teaching conversation and oral social
inscription while writing in context of the general speech communication, and the importance of mastering and
situation. It is impossible to learn a language for a long representing these two elements is clarified through
time without gathering all these skills, and that is what producing language. Applying intonation in a sentence
our ancestors realized when they taught their language to moves it from being a simply informative sentence to
others. Al-Jaheth said that: “And all types of indicators exclamation, sometimes, or to interrogation. And the
either utterance or other, five things don’t decrease or importance of this issue cannot be hidden for the new
increase: the first one is utterance, then gesture, then act, speaker in building communication bridges with the
followed by inscription, and finally the situation which is people of the society which he wants to merge, even if
called (Nasba). The Nasba is the indicator situation that that merging is temporary or permanent; so these two
takes the place of all these types, and doesn’t miss any contents interpose in dealing with his/her acquaintances,
indicator, and each one of these five has a different shopping, apologizing, complaining, and all aspects of
picture for its company, and a different ornament; and life in the new place.
that reveals the main meanings of the sentence, then its
facts in interpretation, and its kinds and value, general Arabic Language Teacher and Comparative
issues and private ones, its categories either pleasant or Linguistics:
harmful, and what is chatter, and invalid nonsense”(Al- The Arabic language teacher knows that his non-
Jaheth 155a.h). native students are going to experience in learning the
Moreover, the teacher must feel that it is his duty to language, at least, for the second time; since he is a
teach his students what is beyond expressions and the person who speaks, at least, one language fluently.
words of social reality, traditions, and facts(Prostad, “Teaching language usually begins after the learner learns
2004.). If not being content with passing on this from his mother language structure rules or system, and
knowledge quickly, teachers often turn to explaining in most cases he can read and write in his first language.
words with words, and feeding students with empty By this he knew inclusively, or in some cases actually,
expressions that they cannot understand the hidden human language nature”(Hassan).
meanings and indications, so they will not be able to use Thus, a speaker of a language who is learning a
them in the desired way. Choosing texts and vocabularies second language in his/her mind will definitely compare
has an important role; since it is useless to choose dead the two languages; the language which he knows, and the
words or to utilize abandoned words for students, because one which he/she is learning. This fact serves the teacher
this is a waste of their time and effort, vocabularies are greatly, even if it seems negative in some aspects, as
not alive unless they are related to the general and private former experiences and information help to decrease the
experiences of life. Thus, being aware of situations, needed time to learn new skills or to get new information,
context, and subjects that are being studied is more and this is clarified in learning a language and mastering
important than being aware of utterances (Al-Qabani’s, its skills(Al-Ma’touq, 1996).
1944). The language teacher's realization of this reality, in
, moreover, it is no use of being able to make addition to mastering his mother language that he is
structures and compose correct sentences, unless it is teaching for others, and his knowledge of students’
accompanied with a real knowledge of the speech's real mother language or some other languages, help him to
situational nature, and the appropriate speech form the identify problems that his students face; because he
situation demands(Khurma). Being aware of the context experienced learning a second language and knew the
facilitates language learning and studying for speakers of most important obstacles that faces a language learner.
other languages. The “language becomes difficult for the The teacher completely realizes that his mother language,
speaker, as much as his ignorance of the situations that it often interlocks with the target language, especially in the
is put in”(Al-Jaheth,1997.) beginning stages of learning. That the learner continues to
Importantly, secondary phonemes must be taken in to translate from his mother language, and vice versa, in
consideration when learning the Arabic language, so the order to understand vocabularies, structures, and
teacher must be aware of stress and intonation, as they are sentences. And, it is well known that the rules of
two main elements in composing Arabic sentence. This composing sentences in Arabic differ from other
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Teaching Arabic Language … Fatmah Al-Omari
languages’, and are structured in a certain way, and this is function, or status similarity, for example, teaching
revealed through compounding the noun and adjective, student's vocabularies with the following table:
for example:
The structure "…"رﺟ ٌﻝ طوﻳ ٌﻝ..(1) translated from Arabic New Old
to English means “a tall man” …(2), but this literal vocabulary vocabulary
translation is “a man tall”….(3). And the learner will Page Paper Substantial/ function
memorize the structure in his mind, to understand it in the Cold Flu Substantial/ status
beginning stages, as (3), and he will keep doing that until Bus Taxi Substantial/ function
advanced stages are achieved. So, if he/she wants to An orange Orange Spontaneous/ color
produce a similar structure, he/she will use the previous
steps, in reverse, like this: Barking Dog Spontaneous/ voice
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Dirasat, Human and Social Sciences, Volume 43, No. 3, 2016
finally, students, and he/she must present their importance of language and its role in understanding
professional message completely. To talking about the culture and societies, and the effect of this in teaching and
necessity of being committed to deliver a professional learning language.
performance and being concerned in understanding The research clarified the importance of taking all
students demands, and work towards letting them enter lingual aspects in to consideration to represent language
the Arabic language and general atmosphere which is for speakers of other languages who sit at desks studying
represented in two aspects: the lingual and the social, all to learn and master the language. Moreover, the research
of which doesn’t mean the teacher must be removed from talked about the characteristics of the Arabic language
his/her Arabic roots, and idea of belonging and his/her teacher in teaching speakers of other language, and
deep feeling of identity and cultural loyalty. But he/she showed that he/she is an educated specialist who depends
has to reveal the real and complete face of the Arabic on real knowledge in Arabic and its lingual system, and
identity which language represents in all its meaning. We he/she is an eloquent speaker who shows his/her listener
never ask him/her to separate themselves from the the Arabic sounds in a way that no accent mixes his/her
national issues, but to proceed in a calm awareness and tongue, and that there is no pronunciation flaw or aphasia
with great sensitivity and responsibility. So he/she which stand between him/her and language. Also, the
converses, not fight, and motivates not terrifies. It is not Arabic teacher is educated and aware of global and
easy to put the general Arabic Islamic fears and paranoia regional issues, and is a mature cultural partner of the
aside in a class of Arabic for speakers of other languages learner.
(Tu’ayma, 1983). But a class of Arabic language for The research showed the relationship between the
speakers of other languages is not a battlefield or a teacher of Arabic for of other languages speakers and
discussion circle to defend Arab and Muslim issues. On socio-linguistics, comparative linguistics, and semantics,
the other hand, the teacher must be aware of the concept using the books used for teaching Arabic for speakers of
“social differences”(Douglass Brawn, 1994) and its effect other languages as an example.
in teaching and learning Arabic. Students also feel the The research comes to the conclusion that teaching
difference between their cultures and the Arabic culture, languages is a specialization in itself, that needs a lot of
and they are aware of their nations’ position on Middle patience and strength; it needs continuing study and be
East and Arabian issues. This affects importantly their based on achieving the lingual sciences goals, and
aptitude to learn, and increases the obstacles that they understanding general lingual issues in addition to other
face in learning Arabic, even if the obstacles emerge from cultures and the ability to accept others. It needs a real
the language itself. desire to collaborate in order to achieve a result; the
learner, whatever his/her strengths are, cannot achieve an
Conclusion acceptable lingual level without a faithful teacher that
The research dealt with the role of Arabic teacher for supports him or her. The primary focus is that a teacher
speakers of other languages, interrogating the conflict of language is the important launch pad and central
between the readiness and achievement of language element in teaching, and this is what research has proven.
learning in the light of modern linguistics. It clarified the
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Teaching Arabic Language … Fatmah Al-Omari
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ﻣن ﺣﻳث اﻟﻘدرة ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﻣﺛﻝ اﻷﺑﻌﺎد اﻟﻣﺟﺗﻣﻌﻳﺔ،ﻳﻧﺎﻗش اﻟﺑﺣث ﺗﻌﻠﻳم اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌرﺑﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﻧﺎطﻘﻳن ﺑﻐﻳرﻫﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺿوء اﻟﻠﺳﺎﻧﻳﺎت اﻟﺣدﻳﺛﺔ
وﻣدى ﺗﺄﺛﻳر ﺛﻘﺎﻓﺗﻪ ﻓﻲ، وﻳﺗﺣدث ﻋن أﻫﻣﻳﺔ اﻟﺗﺧﺻص اﻟﻠﻐوي ﻟدى ﻣﻌﻠم اﻟﻌرﺑﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﻧﺎطﻘﻳن ﺑﻐﻳرﻫﺎ،واﻟﺛﻘﺎﻓﻳﺔ واﻟﺣﺿﺎرﻳﺔ ﺑﻌﺎﻣﺔ
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وﻳﺳﻠط اﻟﺑﺣث اﻟﺿوء ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﻬﻣﺔ ﻣﻌﻠم اﻟﻌرﺑﻳﺔ. وﻋﻠم اﻟدﻻﻟﺔ، وﻋﻠم اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﺗﻘﺎﺑﻠﻲ،ﻟﻠﻧﺎطﻘﻳن ﺑﻐﻳرﻫﺎ ﺑﻌﻠم اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻻﺟﺗﻣﺎﻋﻲ
.ﻟﻠﻧﺎطﻘﻳن ﺑﻐﻳرﻫﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﻧظر إﻟﻰ اﻧﺗﻣﺎﺋﻪ اﻟﺣﺿﺎري واﻟواﻗﻊ اﻟﻣﻌﺎﺻر
.ﻣﻣﻛن ﺑﺎﻟﻔﻌﻝ
ٌ ﻫو وﻣﺎ ﺗﺣﻘﻳﻘﻪ إﻟﻰ اﻟﻣﻌﻠم ﻳطﻣﺢ ﻓﻳﻣﺎ وﺛﻘﺎﻓﺗﻪ؛ ﻟﻳﺑﻳن أﺛر ذﻟك،وﻳﻧﺎﻗش اﻟﺑﺣث ﻛﻔﺎﻳﺔ اﻟﻣﻌﻠم اﻟﻣﻌرﻓﻳﺔ
. اﻟﻌرﺑﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﻧﺎطﻘﻳن ﺑﻐﻳرﻫﺎ، اﻟﻣﺗﻌﻠم، ﻋﻠم اﻟﻠﻐﺔ، اﻟﻣﻌﻠم:اﻟﻛﻠﻣـﺎت اﻟداﻟـﺔ
.2015/10/1 وﺗﺎرﻳﺦ ﻗﺑوﻟﻪ،2015/3/18 ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ اﺳﺗﻼم اﻟﺑﺣث. اﻟﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻷردﻧﻳﺔ،* ﻣرﻛز اﻟﻠﻐﺎت
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