Small Grants Application
Small Grants Application
Small Grants Application
Embassy Santiago
Public Affairs Section
Note: Application should be filled out in English and typed directly into the form provided.
Please use at least a size 11 font and adhere to the length limits of each section.
• Application Information
• Applicant’s Information
Address (Street, City, Country, etc.) PADRE MARIANO 10. PROVIDENCIA, SANTIAGO
FAVA Chile, a private and non-profit entity, was created in 2012 thanks to a group of professionals who
proposed the mission of developing,
managing and accelerating education, philanthropy, heritage and collecting in support and benefit of the
visual arts of the country. East
effort was made by the hand of a group of employers who decided to support financially this capital of
thought, thus achieving an associativity
between FAVA and people and / or companies interested in culture and its development.
On July 4, 2014, with resolution number 2601 folio 120, FAVA is authorized by the Private Donations
Qualifying Committee of the Council of
Culture and Arts of Chile to operate through the Law of Cultural Donations of Chile (Law N. 18.985, 2013),
giving the possibility that the donors
defined by law can support the foundation and obtain tax benefits (law again approved in 2017 and 2018).
This law, in conjunction with the
Municipal Income Law obtained in 2015, has not only facilitated the management of FAVA, but has also
allowed to carry out various activities,
projects and programs linked to patronage, philanthropy and education through the Board of Contemporary
is made up of the patrons of the foundation, composed of people and businessmen animated by the same
ideals that they drive FAVA.
During 2014 and 2015, the work that FAVA performs at the Ch.ACO Fair was supported of the National
Fondart -Support for Cultural Organizations,
Festivals and Contests, of the National Council of Culture and the Arts- with the purpose of co-financing all
those communication projects carried out
for this event: edition of the catalog, production of the conference program, management of talks and
respective communication actions.
Also, in 2017 and 2018, FAVA has had the support of two important Private companies: Inmobiliaria las
Salinas (2017-18) and Banco Santander (2018),
whose financing has allowed the realization of various itineraries of the program "FAVA VA!" (In the
Metropolitan Region and V region of Chile)
and the "Routes Conversados / FAVA Santander ". Since then, and thanks to this type of support, FAVA has
continued to make progress in
its mission by developing a series of projects and programs that meet with the fundamental objectives of
their work: to promote philanthropy,
to contribute to education, promote collecting and valuing heritage.
• Project Information
What do you want to do with the US Embassy funds? (maximum half page)
This year, Chile will host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) which brings together 21
economies from the Pacific area.
Within this framework will organize the first PUBLIC ART FESTIVAL. During this November, and through
different cities around Chile,
artists from the 21 economies will carry out interventions in public spaces. This festival’s goal is to bring
citizens closer to art, using public space as its stage.
We seek to connect artists and people from different cultures and to contribute to the country’s artistic
From the United States we have invited the artist Janet Zweig (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US. 1950) who will
make, as part of this festival, an intervention in a public space in the city of
Punta Arenas, in one of the southernmost cities of the world, working in collaboration with local citizens.
We request this grant to finance her participation.
(See our Grants Application Information Page on our website for more detail on the restrictions regarding what kind of projects we
can support with U.S. Embassy Santiago Public Affairs grants funding.)
Who is your target audience for this project? (maximum half page)
This festival’s goal is to bring citizens closer to art, using public space as its stage. Our target public is
citizens, including local artists, passers-by, children, youth and adults,
immigrants and Chileans, from the city of all of Chile and in space from the city of Punta Arenas.
What results do you expect from this project? (maximum half page)
How will you amplify or promote your project? (example, social media) (maximum half page)
How does your project connect to the United States? (maximum half page)
The United States is an economy associated with APEC, which is the main principal of this project. For this
reason we have invited an American artist to be part of our program,
where artists from the 21 economies associated with APEC will participate.
How does your project support one of the following themes for 2020: (maximum half page)
• Expanding English language proficiency (priority: reaching public schools,
higher education students, and young professionals with an emphasis on improving conversational
English and STEM fields)
• Increased social inclusion (priority: equal rights and opportunities for immigrants,
LGBTI individuals, people with disabilities, indigenous communities, and racial minorities, as well
as civic education)
• Fostering entrepreneurship and innovation (priority: projects that multiply the
number of women and minority small business owners, including social impact investment and
• U.S.- Chile cooperation in science and technology (priority: renewable energy,
women in STEM and regional initiatives)
• Increasing cultural exchanges between the United States and Chile (priority:
reaching underserved audiences outside of Santiago)
This is a project for the community, addressed to all the inhabitants of the country, kids, young people,
adults, Chileans and immi-grants who use public space everyday. The artwork which will be produced by
seeks to generate a sense of belonging in the community where they will be created, in order to make them
part of people’s lives, and that the community it-self can tell the story of what each work of art stands for.
Janet Zweig will create a project related with local history, in specific she will work with the wind. Punta
Arenas is a windy city where the wind can reach more than 80km per hour. The inhabitants are accustomed
to this climatic and geographical condition, which is why in many places of the city, grip ropes have been
placed so that passers-by can hold on when there is wind. Janet will develop a specific work for the city of
Punta Arenas in relation to this condition. The work will remain there as part of the artistic heritage of the
• Increasing academic exchanges between the United States and Chile (priority:
higher education students and the 100,000 Strong in the Americas initiative)
• Advancing excellence in journalism (priority: investigative journalism).
Budget Summary
Please provide detailed budget including different lines under each category. The budget must identify the total amount of funding
requested, with a breakdown of amounts to be spent in the bellow budget categories. (See Budget Expenses Categories Summary
description on last page)
(Add as many as you need)
Explain type, quantity and costs
Cost Sharing (Contributions provided by yourself or other organizations)
Requested from
US Embassy
Total Cost
• Personnel
(Directly employed by the organization for the project) Specify position, honorarium daily rates,
how many days, salary %, etc.)
• Fringe Benefits
(For personnel directly employed by the Recipient organization)
• Travel
(Example: air fares, bus fares, daily per diem, lodging Provide rates, destinations,
tentative dates)
• Equipment
(property required and directly charged to the project)
• Renovation
(Non-major costs for rearrangement and alteration or reconversion or renovation of facilities
Example: painting doors or walls, adding a window, replacing flooring)
• Indirect Costs (NICRA or the de minimis rate of 10% of the modified total
direct costs)
A well-prepared Project Budget justifies all expenses and is consistent with the proposal narrative.
When determining your Project Budget:
Cover all expenditures that will be made with assistance award funds for the life of the project.
Be very specific and provide a detailed breakdown of how costs are determined.
Account for all proposal activities and be careful to ensure that each budget category matches
Ensure that the budget reflects contributions from donors supporting the project (when
Ensure that all numbers add up correctly
Project Sustainability and Long-Term Impact (maximum half page)
Please provide an explanation how this project will continue and sustain itself logistically and financially after the U.S. Embassy-
provided grant term is over. Will there be an outside or project-generated source of income in the future that will help sustain the
program? Is this a one-time event or a long-term project?
Q. Are you seeking funding or other forms of support from other organizations to support this
• No
• Yes (If Yes, please list partner organizations below and the type of support they are
I understand that if my project is chosen for consideration, I/my organization will be required to fill out other
forms, and that there will be some reporting required at the end of my project on its outcomes in order to
receive the final disbursement payment. I also understand that organizations applying for Federal Financial
Assistance may be required to obtain a DUNS number, request an NCAGE code and register with CCR
(information and links provided below) prior to receiving an award from the Department of State.
Public Law 109-282 (FFATA- Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006) requires
public disclosure of data on all acquisition and assistance awards within 30 days of award. The DUNS
(Data Universal Numbering System) number is one of the data elements mandated by the FFATA for all
The CCR (Central Contractor Registration) is the Federal government's primary database for complying
with FFATA reporting requirements. OMB designated the CCR as the central repository to facilitate
applicant and recipient use of a single public website that consolidates data on all federal financial
assistance. Under the law, it is mandatory to obtain a DUNS number.
Foreign Organization Registrants must have a NATO Commercial and Governmental Entity (NCAGE)
Code assigned before registering in the System for Awards Management (SAM). Applicants will need to
request an NCAGE code
NOTE: There are NO charges for acquiring a DUNS Number, obtaining an NCAGE code or registering in to apply for Federal Assistance.
DUNS stands for Data Universal Numbering System, which is a unique nine digit identification number
provided by the Dun & Brad-street (D&B) Credibility Corp. The DUNS Number identifies a single business
entity. This number can be used to access a database which details the name of the company, its address,
telephone number, line of business and number of employees — along with other pertinent information.
Adopted as a Department policy on August 2007, Mandatory Collection of the Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) and the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) applies to both domestic and overseas
posts. This policy requires all recipient organizations to acquire a DUNS Number to register in .
CCR or Central Contractor Registration is the official database for the U.S. Federal Government that
collects, validates, stores, and disseminates data in support of agency acquisition and assistance awards. To
be awarded federal assistance funds, potential applicants are required to register in CCR, and this
registration must be updated or renewed annually to maintain an active status. The CCR database validates
the registrant information, electronically sharing secure and encrypted data with federal agencies.
The NATO Codification System (NCS) was established in 1958. In order to differentiate between
the U.S. and NATO systems, CAGE was referred to as NATO COMMERCIAL and
business/organization is assigned a CAGE/NCAGE, they are in fact the same type/structure of
code but identifies which nation or if NATO Support Agency (NSPA) assigned the CAGE/NCAGE.
This code is a five number character identification number CCR uses to identify foreign vendors. Foreign
registrants must have an NCAGE Code when registering in
The System for Award Management (SAM) is the Official U.S. Government system that
consolidated the capabilities of CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS. There is NO fee to register for this
site. Entities may register at no cost directly from this page. User guides and webinars are
available under the Help tab in
Authorized Budget
There are no universally accepted cost categories, please use your best judgement as to where
items should fit. Grants officers will evaluate whether expenses are listed under the correct
category based on government-wide cost guidance. In all cases, costs should be reasonable,
allowable and allocable to the project.
1. Personnel
An organizations’ FTE, (Full Time Equivalency) includes any personnel directly employed by the
recipient organization that can be directly attributed to the grant. It does not include personnel that
indirectly work on the grant such as financial administration, secretarial or maintenance staff. A
percentage of FTE’s may be calculated and included as long as that percentage is directly
attributed to the grant. This might include project directors who administer several grant programs
or persons hired to work on several different programs or who work only part time on grant related
2. Fringe Benefits
Fringe benefits include cost items such as pension plans, health benefits, or other benefits that
conform to an organization’s established policy. Similar to FTE’s, fringe benefits may only be
applied for personnel directly working on the project. Often, this is shown as a percentage of salary
or wages and would conform to the organization’s established policy.
3. Travel
All travel costs that are directly attributable to a grant project. Travel costs must be itemized by the
grantee and must be reasonable: economy class domestic and international airfare, per diem
rates, and other local travel (bus, train, etc.)
4. Equipment
Equipment refers to tangible nonexpendable personal property including information technology
systems) charged directly to the award having a useful life of more than one year and an
acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. However, consistent with recipient policy, lower limits
may be established. This category would include vehicles, computer equipment valued over
$5,000, specialized equipment, air conditioning/heating equipment, installation, maintenance and
anticipated repair costs.
5. Supplies
Supplies means all tangible personal property other than those described under Equipment. A
computing device is a supply if the acquisition cost is less than $5,000, regardless of the length of
its useful life. Materials and supplies used for the performance of a Federal award would include
general office supplies, computer software, consumable automotive supplies, small equipment
such as adding machines, calculators, or other expendable supplies.
6. Contractual
Contract means a legal instrument by which a non-Federal entity purchases goods or services
needed to carry out the project or program under a Federal award. The term as used here does
not include a legal instrument, even if the non-Federal entity considers it a contract, when the
substance of the transaction meets the definition of a Federal award or sub-award. Contractual
expenses include conference room rental, speaker’s fees, including but not limited to per diem
and/or travel, security services, payroll services, accounting services and audits.
7. Renovation
Non-major costs for rearrangement and alteration or reconversion of facilities.
Construction would include ordinary or normal alterations, restoration or rehabilitation such as any
work that modifies buildings and/or grounds. This includes but is not limited to adding, replacing,
modifying, relocating, removing, or painting doors, walls, windows, flooring or the alterations of
ceilings, adding on to or dividing existing space or work on any building utility system, including
electrical, plumbing, ventilation, air conditioning, controls systems, fire alarms, fire sprinklers,
security systems and telecommunication equipment.