The Significant. The Significant.: Result Results
The Significant. The Significant.: Result Results
The Significant. The Significant.: Result Results
helps your reader understand who or what is doing something and makes your writing
easier to read.
First, identify the subject (the person or thing doing the action) and the verb (the action
word) in a sentence. If the subject is singular, the verb describing its action should be
singular. If the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.
Cause That tree causes hay fever. Those trees cause hay fever.
Analyze The author analyzes the The authors analyze the text.
While subject-verb agreement is easy in simple sentences like these, it can become
tricky in more complex sentences. This article teaches you the most important rules and
common mistakes.
Table of contents
Compound subjects
Sometimes two or more subjects are linked to one verb. These are called compound
subjects. To decide whether to use a singular or plural verb, consider how the subjects
are linked.
Exception: When the two nouns don’t refer to separate things but to a single entity, use
a singular verb.
If the compound subject contains both singular and plural nouns, the verb takes the
form of the closest subject.
A basket of A basket of
puppies were in the puppies was in the
kitchen. kitchen.
Academic style
Vague sentences
Style consistency
See an example
Indefinite pronouns
These refer to non-specific persons, places, and things
(e.g. someone, other, anyone,anything, somewhere, every, none).
Most indefinite pronouns are treated as singular subjects. However, some are always
treated as plural, as they refer to multiple items or amounts.
Always Many, few, several, both, others Both of the twins are lazy.
plural Few know what really
happened that day.
May be None, all, some, most, more, any, either All of the cookies are gone.
singular All of the cookie is gone.
Note: Identifying the true subject can be difficult when using these phrases in a long
sentence, which can be confusing for your readers, so be careful when starting a
sentence in this way.
If you’re referring to a specific number or amount of something, match the verb with the
noun rather than the number.
Terms that describe a proportion of something are usually followed by “of” (such
as most of). First look at the noun you are describing to determine if it’s singular or
plural, then match it to the verb.
Collective nouns
A collective noun refers to a group of people or things as a singular whole
(e.g.population, team, committee, staff). The form of verb depends on the style of
English you are using. US English tends to use a singular verb, while UK English tends
to use a plural verb. This also applies to the names of companies and organizations.
However, in both styles of English, this rule is somewhat flexible depending on whether
you want to emphasize the actions of the collective as a whole or the individual actions
of its members.
The staff argue with each The staff argue with each
other.** other.
*A singular verb makes more sense here, as the emphasis is on the company as a
unified entity.
**A plural verb makes more sense here, as the emphasis is on the individual staff
Uncountable nouns
These nouns describe abstract concepts or masses that can’t be counted
(e.g.research, power, water and vegetation). They take a singular verb.
Note: Data is technically a plural noun, but it is widely treated as an uncountable noun,
so it is acceptable to use either the singular or plural verb form.
This research aims to gather additionaldata on bee behaviour, which iscurrently lacking.
Data were collected over a period of three months.
In the examples above, RPM (“revolutions per minute”) refers to a stand-alone number,
so it takes a singular verb. HNS(“hazardous and noxious substances”), on the other
hand, is used to describe multiple things, so it takes a plural verb.