t11 Zhu Biyu s10181561h
t11 Zhu Biyu s10181561h
t11 Zhu Biyu s10181561h
Zhu Bi Yu
Do you know that violence committed by social extremists have close association with
their childhood experience? Research has proven the cycle of violence, which explains
the possibility of one who involved or witnessed bullying is more likely to grow up to
become perpetrators of violence (Colvin, Tobin, Beard, Hagan & Sprague,1998).
Bullying brings harms to not only the victims, but also the perpetrators and the
bystanders. It is now a phenomenon to be addressed in preschool as more researches
prove the importance of education in preschool playing a role in curbing bullying in the
later years. Some may argue that it is too early and therefore unnecessary to introduce
bullying prevention educational programme in preschool as to these optimists, children
are seen as “angels” who do not commit intentional harms to others. However, this is
unjustified as bullying is common in preschools. Thus, it is extremely important to
introduce such programme in preschool to raise awareness and to prevent
deterioration of bullying in the later years. It is impossible to stop bullying therefore
essential for pre-schoolers to master the bullying-proof skills so that in face of bullying
circumstance in the future, they will be emotionally strong to handle them.
Academic Writing Assignment
Zhu Bi Yu
if their issues are addressed and identified early. Thus, it is necessary for early bullying
intervention. From the perspective educators, preschool should be a conducive
environment for the students, educators have the responsibility to ensure the
psychological safety, intellectual safety, physical health and safety of each child
(AECES ,2015).
The children’s overall wellbeing affects the family’s atmosphere. Pre-schoolers who
are being bullied in school show more behavioural problems at home. Also, parents of
victims encounter difficulties in persuading the children to go to school. The bullies
might demonstrate aggressive acts to their family members.
Some people may argue that it is too young for children to start the bullying prevention
programme as pre-schoolers are still innocent, they have not developed the intention
to harm. Many acts are demonstrated with the intention of play. These optimists
justified bullying as a natural growing up behaviour. In the early childhood settings,
pre-schoolers are just beginning to learn how to play and socialise with others (Gartrell,
2011). Thus, some people tolerate the bullying act and find it reductant to include
bullying prevention programme in preschools. When the issue of bullying is raised.
Some of the bullies’ parents will justify for their children and refer the behaviour as part
of the game process.
However, this may not be true because patterns of aggression are noticeable as early
as 17 months of age (Darling-Churchill, 2016) and children at risk of engaging in
bullying can be identified in early childhood. In Singapore, percentage of bullying is
21% in primary schools and 25% in secondary schools (Tan, n.d.). Phenomenon of
bullying does not occur overnight, the origins of bullying lie in early childhood (Vlachou,
Botosoglou & Andreou, 2013) as continued aggression leads to bullying in primary
school. Thus, it is of utmost importance to introduce bullying prevention programme to
serve as a deterioration for further development of bullying in primary school onwards.
Furthermore, from the sociocultural perspective, bullying among young children
reflects the inability to cooperate (Repo, 2015) and ineffective communication. Often,
causes are children wanting to seeks attention, to show the control of power or it is
Academic Writing Assignment
Zhu Bi Yu
merely a way of peer interaction. Violence within the family (Baldry, 2002) and
influence of media are contributing factors to bully’s aggressive acts. As media are
filled with mean remarks and violence, children often imitate them. In fact, they
perceive it to be acceptable because of its frequent occurrence (Freedman, 2002).
Therefore, the role of education in preschool is important as without a proper
educational upbringing, a risk that the behaviours will eventually turns to bullying.
Bullies in preschool has the right for an appropriate education where they can learn to
behave in the socially acceptable manner. Introduction of bullying prevention
programme will be an effective way to curb bullying and correct the bullies’ acts before
it is too late to do so. This helps to prevent and reduce bullying in the later years of the
children’s lives as the issue is addressed when the first sign of bullying appears,
allowing little chance for further progression.
Academic Writing Assignment
Zhu Bi Yu
they interfere. However, with the bullying prevention programme, parents are
educated of ways to help their children by giving emotional support and giving
judgement on severity of issue, this reduces the feelings of helplessness in pre-
schooler victims. Therefore, introducing bullying prevention programme is beneficial
in raising awareness and bringing education values.
Academic Writing Assignment
Zhu Bi Yu
Association for Early Childhood Educators Singapore (AECES, 2015). Code of ethics
practice (2nd ed.). Singapore, MA: Association for Early Childhood Educators
Baldry, A.C. (2003). Bullying in schools and exposure to domestic violence. Child
Colvin, C., Tobin, T., Beard, K., Hagan, S., & Sprague, J. (1998). The school bully:
Freedman, J.S. (2002). Easing the teasing: helping your child cope with name
Contemporary Books.
Academic Writing Assignment
Zhu Bi Yu
Repo, L. (2015). Bullying and its prevention in early childhood education. Retrieved
from https://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/154445/bullying.pdf?
Sourander, A., Ronning, J., Brunstein-Klomek, A., Gyllenberg, D., Kumpulainen, K.,
Niemela, S., Helenius, H., Sillanmaki, L., Ristkari, T., Tamminen, T.,
Moilanen, I., Piha, J. & Almqvist, F. (2009). Childhood bullying behaviour and
the Finnish 1981 birth cohort study. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 66(9), 1005–1012.
Tan, B.J., (n.d.). School Bullying: Prevention and early intervention. Children’s
Vitali, K. (2007). Bullyproof your child. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.