Final PR
Final PR
Final PR
Justin Gamsawen
Althea Cambay
Tatiana Lindsay
Sittie shahaniya Panarandang
Ayeesha Tagtag
The American psychologist association defines bullying
as a form of behaviour in which someone hurts another
individual. It may be intentional and repetetive discomfort or
injury towards another person. This act of behaviour can be in
the form of verbal, touch and other actions. Nowadays, a recent
form of bullying is called cyber bullying where harrasment is
done through electronic technology. This study explores the
methods used by schools to prevent bullying with the goal of
gaining a thorough understanding of the approaches that have
been successful.One in three young people in 30 countries said
they have been a victim of online bullying, with one in five
reporting having skipped school due to cyberbullying and
violence, in a new poll released today by UNICEF and the UN
Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) on
Violence against Children. A school serves as a place where
students learn and grow with the support of teachers. Despite
its purpose schools often grapple with challenges and one
prevalent issue is bullying. This harmful behavior can lead to
struggles, for students, such as feelings of sadness, loneliness
changes in sleep and eating habits and loss of interest in once
enjoyed activities. Those who are bullied may endure long term
effects like depression, low self esteem, shyness, physical
illnesses and even thoughts of self harm. In 1970
Dan Olweus conducted groundbreaking research on bullying
among schoolchildren which paved the way for interventions to
address this problem. Fast forward, to 2013 when the
Philippines introduced Republic Act 10627. Also known as the
Anti Bullying Act. Requiring all secondary schools to develop
bullying policies. The act has a big contribution to the
prevention of bullying sinci it is implemented through law or
from the government
A range of studies have identified best practices for preventing
and addressing bullying in schools. Without consideration
might not be valid or unforceable for a better preventive
strategy. Ansary (2015) emphasizes the need for schools to
consider both preventive and responsive
approaches, According to sen, Sherwin Gatchalian (2023) At
least seven out of 10 students in philippine public schools have
suffered bullying, ranking the countrys forst among 70 with
the problem. When a connected classrooms means a student
leaves class and unfortunately neither does school bullying,
UNICEF (2023) Executive
director henrietta Fore (2023)improving young
peoples edication experience meansaccounting for the
environment they encounter online as well as ofline. Anti-
bullying laws must focus on the bully's home life for the best
This study expands our goal and perspective on the
problem, delivers advice on ways to stop bullying outside of
schools, and makes sure that the practices we use to stop
bullying are effective in preventing bullying so that the amount
of bullying situations will decrease. All of these elements
support our research and give us the belief that our goal can be
"Cultivating youth resilience to prevent bullying and
cyberbullying victimization" by Sameer Hinduja and Justine W.
Patehin (2017). The abstract null in an effort to better prevent
and respond to bullying and cyberbullying, school recognizing a
need to focus on positive youth development are often
neglected is the rubric is null resilience which can help students
successfully respond to the challenges they face. Enhancing
this null internal competency can complement the over- present
effort of schools as they work to create a safe and supportive
learning environment around the child. Result show resilience is
a potent protective factor, both in preventing experience with
bullying and mitigating its effect.After reading a study on the
topic, we came upon a new approach with encouraging
outcomes. According to the study, bullying may be avoided if
younger pupils get help in developing resilience. Being able to
overcome difficulty and bounce back from difficult situations is
recognized as resilience. Resilient students are less likely to
deal with bullying and other challenges that they can face.
We need to engage someone who will focus on youth
development methods to apply this approach.
This person would be in charge of helping students develop
their resilience by giving guidance and support when needed.
By selecting a
specific member for child development, we ensure that any
child has the tools needed to develop.
Practice in bullying prevention" by American Psychologist
Catherine P. Bradshaw (2015). Bullying continues to be a
concern in schools and communities, yet there are uncertainty
regarding the most effective approach for preventing it. In order
to increase the effectiveness of bullying prevention efforts in
real-world settings.
drawing upon a public health perspective and findings from the
field of prevention science, this paper aims to inform potential
future directions for enhancing the adoption, high quality
implementation, and dissemination of evidence based bullying
prevention programs.We could use the increased effectiveness
of bullying prevention efforts in real-world settings could be
used to highlight public health issues, gather more important
data, and determine the best way to follow by building on
prevention research findings. It is also our responsibility to
improve and implement bullying prevention strategies and
create effective methods for accomplishing this. The best ways
of stopping bullying are presented in this study, for them to work
in real-world environments better.
Using a public health approach and scientific facts, they
provided better methods for preventing bullying.
The Teacher's Role in Preventing Bullying" by Lisa De luca
and Annalaura Nocentini last Fersilia Menesini (2019). The
teachers play on important role in the management of
classroom bullying therefore, understanding and fostering
teachers characteristics able to predict successful responses to
Schematic Diagram
Research design