Soa-Govmm: A Meta Model For A Comprehensive Soa Governance Repository

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SOA-GovMM: A Meta Model for a Comprehensive

SOA Governance Repository

Jan Königsberger, Stefan Silcher and Bernhard Mitschang

Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering
University of Stuttgart
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Email: {jan.koenigsberger, stefan.silcher, bernhard.mitschang}

Abstract—In recent years, the paradigm of service-oriented technology to implement services), but most companies un-
architecture (SOA) has more and more found its way into many derstood it that way and focused their efforts mainly on the
organizations. The SOA principles of loosely coupled and reusable technical aspects and ignored the equally important process-
services has convinced decision makers in many organizations related and organizational aspects. Yet, only implementing
to start SOA initiatives. Yet, the lack of proper governance some web services does not make a SOA, it creates only what
mechanisms has doomed many projects to fail. Although some
SOA governance frameworks exist, they differ highly in scope and
is known as JABOWS (Just a bunch of web services, [4]). To
none of them covers the whole spectrum necessary to properly truly achieve a SOA, one needs to view and comprehend SOA
govern a SOA. In this paper we identify and discuss eleven core as a mix of people, processes and technologies [6].
areas the governance of a SOA has to cover in order to realize
To address all aspects regarding SOA and manage it appro-
the intended benefit in flexibility and agility. We then analyze
and evaluate existing SOA governance frameworks with regard priately, its governance is absolutely essential. As a matter of
to those requirements. Subsequently, we present a meta model fact, the lack of governance is often stated as the main reason
composed of four parts: Service Provider, Service Consumer, SOA initiatives fail [7].
Organizational Structure and Business Object. We show, that those
four parts cover all requirements for a comprehensive SOA There are many definitions of what SOA governance ac-
governance repository. This allows an organization to leverage tually is, and most of them differ in focus. To name only
the information integrated in the repository to better govern their a few, Ramakrishnan of Oracle defines it as ”the creation
SOA and therefore improve the chances of its success. and administration of policies for the purpose of influencing
and enforcing actions and behaviors that align with business
Keywords—Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA Governance,
objectives” [8]. Allen & Wilkes define it as ”The part of
Meta Model, Governance Repository
IT governance that refers to the organizational structures,
policies and processes that ensure that an organization’s SOA
I. I NTRODUCTION efforts sustain and extend the organization’s business and IT
strategies, and achieve the desired outcomes” [9]. Holley et
Increasing globalization and the rising competition as well al. see it as ”an extension of IT governance that focuses on
as mass customization nowadays require companies, especially the life cycle of services and composite applications in an
manufacturing companies, to quickly adapt their IT systems to organization’s SOA” [10].
changing market conditions. The paradigm of service-oriented
architectures (SOA), which has been around for quite a while Since relevant definitions don’t completely cover all aspects
now, is more and more finding its way into many companies, we see as part of SOA governance, we have redefined it as
because of the benefits it presents. Establishing a SOA within follows:
an organization enables it to improve the flexibility and agility
of its business processes and to reuse and adapt them quickly SOA governance serves to effectively control all
to changing market conditions. technical, strategical, organizational and staff re-
quirements of a service-oriented architecture. It is
Yet establishing a SOA also introduces new challenges, responsible for the introduction of directives and
that is why in recent years, many books, academic literature control mechanisms as well as processes to supervise
or blog entries have been produced in order to help new SOA and enforce them. It also is responsible for the
adopters to avoid many of the known mistakes [1], [2], [3]. alignment of all activities within a SOA according
Still, many SOA initiatives fail or never accomplish the to a company’s goals.
desired improvements in flexibility and agility. A study con-
ducted by Burton Group (now a part of Gartner) back in 2008 Even though the wording has shifted in recent months
comes to the conclusion that only 1 in 5 SOA projects actually from pure SOA to cloud computing and from services to the
succeed [4], a problem that still exists today [5]. Reasons for full range of APIs, the notion of SOA governance is now
those failures are diverse and range from lack of executive more important than ever. The SOA paradigm still is valid
support, to forgetting that SOA is an architecture and not an if services are deployed in the cloud, and with the integration
IT project. of external APIs into an organization or the provisioning of
APIs to the outside world, the governance of those APIs
SOA never was about web services (they are just one is equally important. Regarding this development, Gartner
IEEE IRI 2014, August 13-15, 2014, San Francisco, California, USA
978-1-4799-5880-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE
recently coined the term Application Services Governance retired identified
[11], which can be seen as the evolution of SOA governance.
Since Application Services Governance currently is even more deprecated 7 1
unclearly defined than SOA governance, and this paper is Retirement
focused on SOA governance within organizations, we will stick
with the term SOA governance for the remainder of this paper.
6 Service
The next section of this paper will discuss the aspects a Sundowning Life
governance framework for SOA needs to cover, to enable an released

organization to achieve the benefits SOA offers. Section III 3 specified

5 Implemen-
will present several existing SOA governance frameworks Release tation
and analyze them with regard to the requirements from Sec- 4
tion II. Section IV will present our meta model (dubbed SOA- & Testing
GovMM) for a comprehensive SOA governance approach that integrated
represents the structured foundation for our SOA governance
repository discussed in Section V. The paper concludes with
an outlook and plans for future work regarding the realization Fig. 1. Service Life Cycle with Service States and Checkpoints
of the governance repository.
The management of a service’s life cycle gets even more
II. R EQUIREMENTS FOR A SOA G OVERNANCE complicated, when factoring in, that companies nowadays of-
F RAMEWORK ten use more than one environment, which may hold different
versions of the same service or hold the same version of a
Without SOA governance, several problems arise when try-
service in different life cycle states. So, while a service might
ing to implement a SOA. Based on those problems, we identify
be in the state announced on the production environment,
the following eleven key requirements for SOA governance
it might at the same time be in the state released on the
frameworks, both from an extensive literature review as well
staging environment and in the state deprecated on the test
as from application experience:
• Service Life Cycle Management While you could manage the services on each environment
• Consumer Management separately, managing them together allows you to leverage
a lot more information. For example, you could introduce
• Meta Data Management restrictions so a service can’t be released on production if it
hasn’t been released on the staging environment yet.
• Organizational Structure
A service life cycle usually consists of several phases from
• Portfolio Management its initial identification to its final retirement. We propose a
• Architectural Standards life cycle consisting of seven phases, as show in Fig. 1: In
Phase 1 (Service Identification), the requirement for a new
• Governance Hierarchy service or service version is identified and then checked against
the organizations business portfolio, to determine whether it is
• Funding Model
aligned with business need. During Phase 2 (Specification) the
• Service Monitoring business service is specified according to the existing architec-
ture policies. After passing an architecture review checkpoint,
• Maturity Measurement the service will be implemented (Phase 3, Implementation).
• Business Object Management After implementation, the service will undergo integration
testing during Phase 4 (Integration & Testing). After passing
These requirements will be discussed in detail in the the integration test, the service will be released into production.
following subsections. There are, of course, further aspects that When the service is no longer needed or when a new version is
have to be considered when implementing SOA governance, being developed, the service will enter Phase 6 (Sundowing).
such as risk assessments, domain management or training of During this phase all consumers are informed that the service
employees. Since they are part of larger programs within an is deprecated and is going to be retired. After the sundown
organization and not specific to SOA, we don’t see them as period, the service is retired in the last phase of its life cycle
key requirements and therefore did not include them in our (Retirement).
B. Consumer Management
A. Service Life Cycle Management Before a consumer can use a service, it has to negotiate
a formal contract with the service provider. This might be
Service life cycle management is one of the most important
accomplished using a standardized contract or by negotiating a
things you need to do when governing a SOA. Keeping track
new contract for each consumer. When providing standardized
of a service might seem simple at first, but gets complicated
contracts, this process could be automated.
the more services you add to your portfolio or when you need
to keep multiple versions of the same service active to stay This contract (or service level agreement) defines the
backwards-compatible with your consumers. conditions under which the consumer may use the service as

well as the conditions under which the provider operates the It is therefore important to clearly outline to each and every
service. This may include payment models (e. g. flat fee or employee the benefits the organization as well as the employ-
usage-based), service usage constraints (e. g. average service ees themselves gain from this changes. The establishment of
calls per hour) or service response times. virtual teams might help to ease the transition.
Consumer Management also includes the Management of
the consumers themselves, i. e. the tracking of all consumers E. Portfolio Management
using services. Those consumers stakeholders have to be To prevent the ”wrong” services from being developed,
managed as well, so that they can, for example, be notified portfolio management makes sure, that service development is
if a service is being replaced by a newer version and therefore aligned with an organizations business strategy and need.
being retired. This also includes consumers outside of the
organization. For example, if services have been deployed in When a new service is being developed, portfolio manage-
the cloud and provisioned by business partners. ment also ensures that there are no similar services already
in development. It also includes other stakeholders that might
C. Meta Data Management benefit from the service to improve reusability.
SOA governance not only needs to keep track of all This can be achieved by implementing checkpoints in the
services and their life cycle state, but also of a number of established project quality processes that trigger a review of
other artifacts. Those include first and foremost all documents newly proposed services. Checkpoints can also be tied to funds
describing a service interface (i. e. design document, test for the development of new services that are only cleared after
documentation, interface descriptions as well as data models), a checkpoint has been passed (see Section II-H).
the people responsible for the service (service owner, test
coordinator, etc.) and also information about service consumers F. Architectural Standards
and contract details for every consumer.
The establishment of architectural standards helps service
While some data might be available as unstructured data architects and developers in the development of better services.
(like design documentation) only, most of the data should be This is usually done as part of Enterprise Architecture Manage-
held as structured data in a central repository to allow tools to ment (EAM) and might include the definition of SOA patterns
leverage the information as well as automate certain tasks, such that require the use of specific middleware, such as a central
as service monitoring and policy enforcement. OASIS’ SOA Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as well as guidelines for service
Repository Artifact Model & Protocol (S-RAMP) provides a interface, e. g. standardized authentication methods, business
standardized data model for the management of SOA artifacts objects or best practice catalogs for service development.
Architectural standards also go hand in hand with estab-
lishing (or extending) architecture boards, who are tasked to
D. Organizational Structure
review new or changed services.
As already stated previously, SOA is a mix of people, pro-
cesses and technologies. A successful SOA adoption inherently G. Governance Hierarchy
brings changes in established team and role structures [22],
[15]. SOA governance is not a stand-alone concept, but has to
be integrated with other governance undertakings within an
SOA will bring new processes and services that span across organization, namely IT- and corporate governance.
different departments or even the whole enterprise. This moves
the focus away from system-specific thinking to a more global Literature differs on how SOA governance is linked with
view and is bound to lead to intra-organizational tension. It them: Rieger & Bruns see it as a subset of IT governance [15],
needs to be met with clearly defined roles and responsibilities whereas Allen and Wilkes as well as Oracle, see it as being
as well as the promotion of the understanding what SOA and directly influenced by both corporate and IT governance [9],
its benefits are on all levels of the organization. [16].
Especially a clear definition of those responsibilities is Because SOA crosses organizational boundaries and has
important, as each stakeholder needs to know who owns a a huge impact on the business itself, it cannot be seen as
service and is responsible, for example, in case of any outages. just a subset of IT governance, but must be seen in a broader
To accomplish this, existing roles might be enhanced with new perspective, directly being influenced by (and influencing) both
responsibilities or completely new roles have to be introduced. IT and corporate governance.
This extends also to boards, as sometimes a council of people
might be more suited to address certain issues. H. Funding Model
To be able to realize the establishment of new roles, With services and processes spanning across several busi-
boards and changed responsibilities, support from the (upper) ness units, new funding models have to be explored, too.
management is extremely important. The lack of sponsorship This could mean the implementation of usage-based payment
from (upper) management is as a matter of fact often stated as models or flat fee models, allowing for unlimited service use.
one major reason for SOA initiatives to fail [20], [23], [24], This helps to distribute the costs evenly between all service
[25]. consumers.
Organizational changes are one of the hardest tasks during In early stages of SOA initiatives, this often is a problem,
a SOA initiative, because of people’s resistance to change [26]. because costs for the development of a service are billed to a


Kohnke Niemann Rieger Oracle HP/ Everware Open

et al. et al. & Bruns [8], Systinet IBM -CBDI PwC Group
[13] [14] [15] [16], [17] [18], [19] [10], [20] [9] [6] [21]
Service Life Cycle Management
Consumer Management
Meta Data Management
Organizational Structure
Portfolio Management
Architectural Standards
Governance Hierarchy
Funding Model
Service Monitoring
Maturity Measurement
Business Object Management

Detailed Concept Defined Mentioned Not mentioned

single department or stakeholder, and the subsequent operation interface, and managing it separately. The data models are
and change costs stay with them, even if more consumers start then subjected to their own life cycle, similar to the service
using the service [6]. life cycle presented above (cf. Section II-A, Fig. 1), which
transforms them into business objects.
I. Service Monitoring
This allows the development of organization-wide stan-
Implementing monitoring mechanisms to keep track of dardized business objects that are specific to certain domains.
services during their usage is another important requirement They can then be used by multiple services, and therefore
of SOA governance. These mechanisms help to keep track of further improve information integration and reuse. To manage
which consumers use which services, how often they use it and the business objects, they can be subjected as architectural pat-
if they abide by the contracts negotiated (policy enforcement). terns to an organizations enterprise architecture management
This is important, because it might impact the fee consumers (cf. Section II-F).
have to pay (if on a usage-based model), and also could impact
the response times of services towards other consumers, if they The introduction of Business Objects further increases the
are being flooded with to many requests. agility of service providers, allowing them to adapt their data
model for new consumers, while at the same time keeping
Another crucial monitoring task is the observation of those changes transparent to existing consumers due to the
the services running state. Because services are integrated added abstraction.
deeply into an organizations business process, the outage of
a seemingly unimportant service might have a huge impact.
J. Maturity Measurement
A SOA program cannot be installed once and then works Multiple SOA governance frameworks have been devel-
for all times. Instead it is a process, that has to be checked oped and published. Between the frameworks there are huge
upon regularly and, if necessary, has to be adjusted accordingly differences regarding their scope and capabilities. Most of
to changes within the organization. them focus on single aspects, while ignoring others, whereas
few have a broad view of the topic. The following section gives
A maturity model helps an organization to assess its current an overview over those frameworks and subsequently analyses
SOA maturity as well as show a path to improve it, by them on the basis of the requirements presented in Section II.
providing a roadmap and best practices.
The same of course holds true for SOA governance, it
has to be checked upon regularly as well and if necessary, A. Existing Frameworks
be adjusted. The following SOA governance frameworks have been
published in magazines or journals (1 - 3), were developed by
K. Business Object Management software companies (4 - 6), published by consulting companies
One of the advantages of SOA is the abstraction of func- (7 - 8) or industry consortia (9).
tionality into services as well as the standardization of this
1) Kohnke et al. [13]: Kohnke, Scheffler and Hock, all
services’ interface.
employed by SAP, present a SOA governance framework
Business Objects further abstract and standardize these aligned along several ’fields of action’, grouped into the three
service interfaces by decoupling the data model from a service major areas ’structures’, ’processes’ and ’employees’.

2) Niemann et al. [14]: Niemann et al. describe a gov- There are a few aspects nearly all of the frameworks agree
ernance model consisting of two parts, the ’SOA Governance upon. This is of course the general need for SOA governance,
Control Cycle’ and the ’SOA Governance Operational Model’. as well as the aspects Service Life Cycle Management and
The control cycle is built up of four phases describing a process Organizational Structures. Some of the frameworks consider-
to develop and improve an organizations SOA governance. ing the organizational structures also provide a detailed role
The operational model consists of six ’main elements’ that concept (e.g. Rieger & Bruns).
are targeted to achieve certain predefined SOA goals.
Among the least regarded aspects is Service Monitoring,
3) Rieger & Bruns [15]: Rieger & Bruns provide a gover- which is defined by less than half the concepts. An aspect that
nance framework by highlighting several key aspects of SOA all frameworks except one ([15]) ignore is the management
governance. They also develop a detailed role model and an of business objects, which is, as discussed above (cf. Sec-
overview on how those roles have influence on meta data tion II-K), very important to reach business agility and stable
management. interfaces.
4) Oracle [8], [16], [17]: Authors at Oracle define a gover- A full analysis and comparison of the existing frameworks
nance framework consisting of a ’SOA Governance Reference is shown in Table I. The table shows whether the framework
Model’, grouped into five ’key areas’ and a ’SOA Governance neglects a requirement ( ), simply mentions it ( ), defines it
Continuous Improvement Loop’ providing a roadmap to keep ( ) or contains a detailed concept ( ).
SOA governance active and on track. They also provides a To properly govern a SOA, we propose a comprehensive
SOA Maturity Model detailing the areas an organization needs SOA governance repository, that covers all requirements pre-
to leverage in order to achieve SOA success. sented in the previous section. It should especially cover areas
5) HP/Systinet [18], [19]: HP presents a SOA governance of SOA governance, that are currently untouched by existing
framework structured into the four key aspects ’SOA policies’, frameworks, such as the service life cycle management within
’service contracts’, ’lifecycle management’ and ’metadata’. a multi-environment setting and the management of business
They also present a list of eight best practices. objects and their life cycle.
6) IBM [10], [20]: IBM define their SOA governance The notion of a central SOA registry or repository is
framework as an extension of IT governance with focus on the already present in some frameworks (e. g. Everware/CBDI or
service life cycle. The framework describes a service life cycle Oracle). In case of repositories this is always limited to the
and a service governance life cycle, both consisting of four management of service artifacts, whereas registries deal with
phases. They also list a catalog of best practices and questions the management and discovery of the services themselves.
that need to be answered when addressing SOA governance. There are also several other tools from different vendors
labeled as ”SOA Governance Tools”. Unfortunately they are
7) Everware-CBDI [9]: Allen & Wilkes present Everware- either lacking required functionality, or the functionality is split
CBDIs take on SOA governance by outlining a framework between different tools that can’t be integrated or overlap [27].
consisting of four dimensions (what, how, who, when) around Splitting functionality up, deprives the user of leveraging the
a central SOA policy hierarchy. information contained in those systems. E. g., it is not possible
to automatically inform consumer stakeholders after a new
8) PricewaterhouseCoopers [6]: PricewaterhouseCoopers
service version has been announced, if the services and the
(PwC) propose a SOA governance model based on the three
stakeholders are managed in different tools.
dimensions ’people’, ’process’ and ’technology’ that are split
into different governance categories. They also list several key A central repository also has the advantage, that informa-
governance policies as well as outline a four-step process to tion has only to be managed in one place and users only have
implement SOA governance within an organization. to learn how to use one tool instead of multiple, increasing the
tools’ adoption rates.
9) Open Group [21]: The Open Group provides a compre-
hensive SOA governance framework, consisting of two parts: IV. M ETA M ODEL FOR A SOA G OVERNANCE
The SOA Governance Reference Model (SGRM) and the SOA R EPOSITORY
Governance Vitality Method (SGVM). The reference model
describes multiple ’Governance Guiding Principles’ as well The framework analysis above shows that existing gov-
as processes that need to be considered for governance. The ernance frameworks only regard parts of the complete SOA
vitality method describes a process following four phases to governance picture. Therefore a complete view of all aspects
monitor and improve SOA governance. is necessary.
The following section presents the SOA Governance Meta
B. Analysis Model (SOA-GovMM) that defines our comprehensive SOA
governance repository. It is structured into four parts: Service
As already stated above, the frameworks presented in the
Provider, Service Consumer, Organizational Structure and
last section all differ in scope. Most of them focus on a
Business Object Management (cf. Fig. 2).
few select aspects (e.g. Rieger & Bruns and HP/Systinet), for
which they present a more detailed concept. Beyond that, they
A. Service Provider
do not provide a complete view on SOA governance. This
holds especially true for the frameworks developed by software Part A of the SOA-GovMM models the service provider,
companies. Their definition of SOA governance is only based including the service itself, its life cycle and its deployment.
on the scope of their software portfolio. It is shown in Fig. 3.

Each Service Version also has one or more Endpoints
associated, that represent the connection point to the Service
C D Consumer (cf. Section IV-B).
Services as well as Service Versions are linked to one or
Organizational Business multiple Roles (cf. Section IV-C).
Structure Object
B. Service Consumer
Part B of the SOA-GovMM describes the service consumer.
It is shown in Fig. 4.
Each service provider’s Endpoint is connected to a Con-
B A sumer. The Consumer represents the link between a specific
consumer system and a service provider. The System Version
Service Service and System represent this consumer system (respective system
Consumer Provider version) and help to enable better portfolio management (cf.
Section II-E) by making visible which consumer system uses
which services.
Fig. 2. Parts of the SOA-GovMM
Each Consumer/Endpoint-pair is also associated with a
Consumer Contract detailing this pairs’ consumer contract
(cf. Section II-B). The details of this contract are modeled
As already stated in Section II-A, the management of a as generic Contract Properties. Those might be specialized as
services’ life cycles is one of the most challenging tasks within the (exemplary) modeled Contract Document, the Quality of
SOA governance. The model takes care of the fact, that a Service (QoS) Property or the Funding Property, which holds
service may exist in multiple versions at the same time, by the payment/funding information as introduced in Section II-H.
allowing each Service to have multiple Service Versions. A The contract details stored in these properties are used as a
Service Version can be assigned to multiple Environments to basis for service monitoring and policy enforcement (cf. Sec-
model the parallel deployment of the same service version on tion II-I). For example: The negotiated number of maximum
different environments as described in Section II-A. Since the service calls per day can be checked against the actual service
service version deployed does not necessarily have the same calls. If this shows that the consumer is overusing its quota,
state in each environment, each Service Version/Consumer-pair appropriate steps can be taken to either enforce the policy or
has an associated Life Cycle State. Each Environment is also re-negotiate the contract with the consumer.
assigned Operating Resources. They represent, for example,
the physical server hardware. The Contract, as well as the Consumer are linked to the
organizational model (cf. Section IV-C) via one or multiple
Service meta data, as introduced in Section II-C, is modeled Roles. Those might be the owner of a system or the contact
as a collection of Service Artifacts, that can be assigned to person that negotiated a specific service contract.
either the Service (and are then valid for all Service Versions)
or directly to a single Service Version. There may exist C. Organizational Structure
specialized Service Artifacts such as the exemplary modeled As already stated, a SOA is highly dependent on clearly
Service Description (e. g. the services’ WSDL) or the Business defined organizational structures and responsibilities (cf. Sec-
Objects assigned to this particular Service (Version). tion II-D). This is modeled in part C of our meta model and
shown in Fig. 5.
Role Role Version Role Role

A: Service Provider B: Service Consumer

* * Endpoint
* Endpoint Service Consumer
1 1 *
* 1 *
* 1..* * Service System Consumer Contract
Service Artifact Version 1
1..* 1..*
* Version 1
1..* Contract Property
Life Cycle
* Service
Operating QoS Contract Funding
Resource Description Property Document Property

Fig. 3. SOA-GovMM Part A: Service Provider Fig. 4. SOA-GovMM Part B: Service Consumer

C: Organizational Structure D: Business Object
1..* 1
Department Business Unit
1 line manager Life Cycle
Business Object
* 1
1..* 1
Person Responsibility
1..* *
* Business 1..* *
* * * Object
1..* Version Business Object 1
Skill * Role * Data Model
* Role Version 1

Consumer Service Service Artifact

Consumer Contract Service Version

Fig. 6. SOA-GovMM Part D: Business Object

Fig. 5. SOA-GovMM Part C: Organizational Structure

A. Assessment
Core element of this part is the Role entity. It is the link As stated in Section III-B, current SOA governance frame-
into the organizational structure for the previously described works do not cover the life cycle management of services that
Service and Service Version (cf. Section IV-A), as well as the are deployed within a multi-environment setting. To support
Contract and Consumer (cf. Section IV-B). this, our SOA governance meta model decouples services into
Each Role is associated with certain Responsibilities, the an arbitrary number of service versions, each subject to their
bearer of this role holds. A Role is held by a certain Person own life cycle in relation to different environments.
that in turn is part of an organizations’ Department. To model Another requirement that current frameworks don’t con-
the organizations hierarchical structure, a Person is assigned a sider are business objects. This is, as Section IV-D and Fig. 6
line manager (who again is a Person). show, explicitly modeled within our meta model.
Both Person and Role are associated with certain Skills. In The model furthermore clearly fulfills the aspects required
case of a Role, those represent the skills necessary to fill this by meta data management, organizational structure, consumer
particular role. In case of a Person, those represent the skills management and funding model.
this person has to offer. This construct can be used to identify Some aspects are not as easily recognizable from the
qualified candidates to fill a role. distinct parts of the model, instead they can only be leveraged
when considering the complete model. This is for example true
for portfolio management: The model allows to get a complete
D. Business Object overview over all consumers and providers (including their
Part D of the SOA-GovMM models the business objects versions), as well as their interfaces, design documentation and
as introduced in Section II-K. The model is shown in Fig. 6. life cycle. This enormously simplifies portfolio management,
as the complete service portfolio is available within one model.
As already stated, business objects are subject to their The model also provides the overview over service de-
own life cycle and are therefore modeled similar to services scriptions and artifacts as well as business objects, which are
(cf. Section II-K). As there might exist several versions of all required for architectural standards as introduced above.
a business object, each Business Object can have multiple Furthermore, the model can be used to assess an organiza-
specialized Business Object Versions assigned to it. Business tions SOA maturity (cf. Section II-J) by allowing to produce
Object Versions are linked as Service Artifacts to a Service statistics about service reuse and interface standardization.
Version (cf. Section IV-A). To model its life cycle, each Busi-
ness Object Version is furthermore connected to its respective A requirement that currently is not covered completely by
Life Cycle State. the model is service monitoring. The model already contains
the complete consumer contracts, that build the basis for
The entity Data Model represents the specific data model monitoring. To actually be able to use this data for service
of a Business Object Version. This might be an XML-based (or monitoring it needs to be compared to actual service usage
otherwise represented) description of the actual data model. data. This usage data is not yet included in the model as it
depends mostly on the actual technical infrastructure used.
V. A SSESSMENT OF THE SOA G OVERNANCE M ETA B. The SOA Governance Meta Model as semantic foundation
M ODEL for the SOA Governance Repository
To show how the meta model presented covers our SOA Our SOA-GovMM is, as previously stated, the foundation
governance requirements (cf. Section II), this section provides for a comprehensive SOA governance repository. The reposi-
an assessment of the model. It also outlines our first ideas on tory will build on and implement the meta model, as well as
how to realize our SOA governance repository. provide the operations necessary to manage data stored in it.

C. Realization of the SOA Governance Repository [5] P. Swabey, “Divide & Conquer: The science of splitting large IT projects
into manageable chunks,” InformationAge magazine, vol. June, 2012.
The straight-forward approach to realize the governance [6] PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “SOA Governance: More than just registries
repository is to exploit any off-the-shelf Database Management and repositories,” 2009.
System, install the meta model as database schema and to [7] Gartner, “Bad Technical Implementations and Lack of Governance
provide the necessary functionality by means of an appropriate Increase Risks of Failure in SOA Projects,” 2007. [Online]. Available:
database API. [Accessed: 23.04.2014]
[8] M. Ramakrishnan, “SOA Lifecycle Governance: Right from the Start,”
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