He 6 DLL Week 10
He 6 DLL Week 10
He 6 DLL Week 10
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives,necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons,exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
OBJECTIVES competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and
competencies and enable children to find significance and j o y in learning the lessons.Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum
A. Content Standard Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in the basics of food preservation
B. Performance Preserves food/s using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basics of food preservation
C. Learning 3.6 Markets 3.6.2 computes costs, sales, and gains with
Competency/ preserved/processed pride
Objectives food in varied/creative 3.6.3 uses technology in advertising products
Write the LC code for ways with pride. 3.6.4 keeps record of production and sales
3.6.1. packages product
for sale
Third Summative Test 1st Periodical Test 1st Periodical Test
prepares creative
package and uses
materials sourced
locally, packages
products artistically, and
labels packaged
II. CONTENT Food Preservation
LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning.Ensure that
there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-onl earning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials MISOSA-VI Pagimbak at
from Learning Preserbatiba (not
Resource (LR) portal accessible)
B. Other Learning https://books.google.com.p http://www.packagingoftheworld
Resource h/books?id=1Rro1l .com/2017/02/10-productpackaging-tips-
ZaGxIC&pg=PA1&dq=pac that-will.html
kaging+for+marketi http://www.businessdictionary.c
ng&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ah om/definition/advertising.html
UKEwiuv7vD0oXU http://smallbusiness.chron.com/ 8-different-
AhUMkpQKHdKMAkYQ6A ways-advertiseproducts-services-
EILDAC#v=onepag 19274.html
glish/packaging Stewart,
B. (1997). Packaging as
an effective marketing tool.
Surrey: Pira International.
A. Reviewing previous Recap of previous lesson Recap of previous lesson Yesterday, the
lesson or presenting the Last week the class class learned about the importance of
new lesson learned how to assess packaging in the marketing of a quality
quality of processed/preserved food.
foods. The class also
learned how to improve
the quality of specific
preserved/processed food
B. Establishing a purpose Now that the class learned Today, the class will learn on tips in the
for the about coming up with a packaging of products. Ask the learners:
lesson quality What do you think determine whether a
preserved/processed food,
it is important that the buyer will find some item attractive or
items will also be not? Answer: Design When a quality
packaged creatively and product comes in a well-designed
artistically for it to be package, it encourages sales
attractive to the target
market. Quality food plus
creative packaging equals
to increased sales and
C. Presenting Tell the learners: Ask the learners: What do you think are
examples/ instances of According to Stewart in his the important factors to consider in
the new lesson book, “Packaging as an packaging a product? 1. Packaging
Effective Marketing Tool”,
the “pack” is the silent
should work in tandem with the product
salesman. Ask the to create the best impact. Make it clear
learners: “What do you what a particular product is for and the
think is the meaning of that brand information. 2. Packaging should
statement? Give determine what sort of message the
examples. Generate ideas product is sending to the consumers. 3.
from the learners. Process
Packaging should be honest by
the response of the
learners. Show photos of showcasing the item for what it really is.
packaged products. The 4. Know your market or target
photos should include consumers. The teacher will provide
well-packaged products examples for each factor that should be
and not so well-packaged considered in packaging a product
products. Ask the learners
to comment on the
packaging of the products.
Is it possible to further
improve the packaging of
the product?
D. Discussing new The teacher will ask the Given that the class has completed the
concepts and practicing class: Based on the preparation of the processed
new activities earlier, what do food/preserved food and packaging of
skills #1 you think is the definition product, the class will be introduced to
of packaging? Packaging advertising their products. Show a video clip
is the presentation of a or photos of advertisements in newspapers,
product in a particular way. magazines, billboards, social media, online,
radio etc
E. Discussing new Packaging plays an Ask the class: What is your idea of
concepts and important role in marketing advertising? Give examples. Process the
practicing new skills #2 products. Packaging is a response of the learners. Ask the class:
marketing tool. Packaging What then is the definition of advertising?
can make an important Process the response of the learners.
contribution to profits Advertising is the activity or profession of
through the simulation of producting information for promoting the
sales and improved profits. sale or commercial products or services.
Packaging is the materials Advertising may be done in: television
in which objects are online (technology) radio newspaper
wrapped before being word-of-mouth advertising event
sold. Show a video clip on sponsorship door hanger flyers
packaging of products
F. Developing mastery Group activity: Group the Ask volunteers from the class to
(leads to Formative class into five (5). demonstrate the eight (8) ways of
Assessment 3) Mechanics: 1. Choose a advertising. Give the volunteers five (5)
food product that will be minutes to prepare.
preserved/processed by
the group. 2. Give your
product a brand name. 3.
Package the product using
local materials. 4. Present
to the class on Thursday
G. Finding practical Demonstration of eight (8) class volunteers.
application of concepts
and skills in daily living
H.Making Remember, aside from a Remind the class the importance of
generalizations quality product, creative creativity, honesty and clarity in the
and abstractions about packaging is also preparation of the design of the package of
the lesson important to make it the product. Mention that there are different
attractive to the target types of advertising. The class will focus on
market. online advertising.
I. Evaluating learning Ask the learners to Group collaboration with clarifications to be
comment: “If the business provided by the teacher. By this time, the
or an individual has a tight group should decide on the following:
budget, there is no need to processed/preserved food design of the
package the product package identified the task/s for
processed/preserved each group member online advertising
product:. The consumers
buy products that are
visually appealing, and if
some product suffers from
poor packaging,
unimpressive and shabby,
chances are the consumer
will move on to a better-
looking item
J. Additional activities Continue collaborating Continue collaborating with groupmates for
for application or with groupmates for class class presentation on Thursday.
remediation presentation on Thursday.