#1500 Be EASY AIESEC Pitch
#1500 Be EASY AIESEC Pitch
#1500 Be EASY AIESEC Pitch
• AIESEC Introduction
Worlds largest Youth run organization, how big we are internationally and nationally (number
of countries we are in and all)
We promote cross-cultural exchange via internships and volunteering. UN partnership.
Have ENERGY in your intro!!
• Working of AIESEC
Works on a miniature MNC model, has a front office and back office
• Perks of AIESEC
12 months for a LOR, benefits of LOR, experience that is how you meet companies how you
grow and polish your leadership skills
Mention how we bring a change using SDGs, target departments on these SDGs like in
renewable energy department tell them about solar energy opportunities.
• Rec Process
GD and PI, express the value of the 200 rupees, tell them the entire feel of the recruitment
day, how we have fun, make them feel the experience is worth 200!!
Lastly add a small personal touch, make it your pitch!! Tell them why you are standing and
pitching to them, tell them what AIESEC means to you.
Also use the SDGs the different portfolios of AIESEC smartly, like pitch DB to the business
department, pitch SDG to sustainability courses, UN to international courses.