First Periodical Test in Mapeh 9 S.Y. 2017 - 2018

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II
Division of Cagayan
Anquiray, Amulung, Cagayan


S.Y. 2017 – 2018

Name: ____________________________________________ Grade & Section _________________

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. In this Period, Melodies sound elaborate, ornamental and are not easy to sing or remember.
A. Baroque Period C. Medieval Period
B. Classical Period D. Renaissance Period
2. Which is not true about Renaissance period?
A. Discovery of the actual position of earth in the solar system by Copernicus.
B. Invention of compass creating a wider navigation not only of the lands but also of the oceans.
C. Invention of printing in the 1400’s paved the way for a wide distribution of musical compositions.
D. During this time, the Christian Church influenced Europe’s culture and political affairs.
3. One of the oldest seculars, a trouvére, poet and musician. Jeu de Robin et Marion was considered the earliest
surviving secular French play with music.
A. Adam de la Halle C. J. Sebastian Bach
B. Antonio Vivali D. Giovanni da Palestrina
4. The prominent music used in the Medieval period is named after Pope Gregory I, who made this the approved music
of the Catholic Church. What is the term for this muic?
A. Monophonic Plainchant C. Both A & B
B. Gregorian Plainchant D. None of the Choices
5. Marris and her group were going to interpret sacred song. Which of the following is not included in the five (5) main
selection of Mass Music?
A. Agnus Dei B. Credo C. Messiah D. Sanctus & Benedictus
6. Ara is listening to “April Is In My Mistress’ Face” as part of their lesson in Renaissance music. Who’s the composer of
the said music?
A. G. Friedrich Handel C. Adam de la Halle
B. Thomas Morley D. Giovanni da Palestrina
7. What Characteristic of Gregorian Chant that uses diatonic scales that are not necessarily major or minor and does
not use functional harmony?
A. Free Meter B. Latin Liturgy C. Neume Notation D. Modal
8. “Kyrie” is to Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, “Four Seasons” is to __________________ .
A. Adam de la Halle C. J. Sebastian Bach
B. Antonio Vivali D. G. Friedrich Handel
9. A musical composition that resemble a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant Church during the
Baroque era.
A. Chorale B. Fugue C. Oratorio D. Concerto
10. A through–composed vocal music composition written and expressed in a poetic text, sung in a capella in a secular
vocal polyphony.
A. Troubador Music B. Gregorian Plainchant C. Mass Music D. Madrigal Music
11. Gregorian plain chant is a music consisting of a single melodic line without chordal accompaniment and the oldest
type of music.
A. Neumatic B. Melismatic C. Monophony D. Latin Liturgy
12. Ayana is singing one syllable of text while moving between several different notes in succession. What is the
statement referring to?
A. Neumatic B. Melismatic C. Monophony D. Latin Liturgy
13 – 15 Write three liner free meter musical Composition of sacred music. (English of Filipino Lines).
3 points 3 Lines Composition
2 ponts 2 Lines Composition
1 point 1 Line Composition

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is not true about Sculpture in Egypt in the Ancient period?
A. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the gods.
B. Relief compositions were arranged to record an event or represent an action.
C. Empty space were filled with figures or hieroglyphics
D. Famous sculptural pieces are reliquaries, altar frontals, crucifixes, and devotional images.
2. Manila City Hall has architectural column design as:
A. Corinthian B. Doric C. Ionic D. All of the Choices
3. It consist two or more large, upright stones set with a space between and capped by a horizontal stone.
A. Cromlech B. Dolmens C. Menhir D. None of the Above
4. San Sebastian Church in Manila has the architectural influence of what era?
A. Roman Architecture C. Gothic Architecture
B. Romanesque Architecture D. Byzantine Architecture

5. A technique of painting on a wall using a moist plaster surface with colors

ground up in water or a limewater mixture (water based pigments).
A. Encaustic B. Kerch Style C. Fresco D. Tropme-l’-oeil
6. It’s the best-known sculpture and most elaborate box-like funeral receptacle produced for the great Roman triumphal.
A. The Barberini Diptych C. Sarcopagus from Cervetiri
B. The Portonacio Sarcopahagus D. Myron, The Discobolus
7. It has a remarkable variety of artistic traditions comes from southern French styles. It also shows traces of Mozarabic
influence (Arabize influence) through elongated oval faces, large staring eyes and long noses, figures against flat
colored bands and heavy outlining.
A. Romanesque Painting C. Gothic Painting
B. Byzantine Painting D. Roman Painting
8. The Greatest Classical temple, ingeniously engineered to correct an optical illusion. The columns were slightly
contorted, swollen at the center and leaning inward to correct what would otherwise have been an impression of
deadness and top heaviness.
A. Pyramid of Giza C. The Parthenon
B. The Colosseum D. Hagia Sophia
9. Most paintings were highly stylizing, symbolic, and shows profile view of an animal or a person. The main colors
used were red, black, blue, gold and green taken derived from mineral pigments that can withstand strong sunlight
without fading.
A. Ancient Egypt Era C. Pre-Historic Era
B. Classical Greek Era D. Roman Era
10. Dan created an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones and other materials to add decoration in his
bedroom. What kind of art work is this?
A. Hieroglyphics B. Panel Painting C. Tomb Painting D. Mosaic
11. It’s an example of portraits presented in rigid postures, and were simple and powerful with very little show of private
emotion founded at 4th Dynasty, 2548-2530 BCE OF
A. Venus of Brassempouy C. Queen Nefertiti
B. Venus of Willendorf D. The Pharoah Menkaure and his Queen
12. Which of the following is not True about Romanesque Architecture?
A. The doorways of Romanesque’s churches are often grand sculptured portals.
B. Wood or metal doors are surrounded by elaborate stone sculpture arranged in zones to fit architectural elements.
C. This design included pointed arch which enabled builders to construct much higher ceiling vaults.
D. It is the period of great building activities in Europe, castles, churches, monasteries arose everywhere.
Draw the following architectural columns: (1pt. each)
13. Corinthian
14. Doric
15. Ionic
1. A woman has fallen and burned her ankle. She said, she heard something snap and started to loss her strength.
What should you do?
A. Apply a dressing and loosely bandage C. Apply R.I.C.E method
B. Apply heat and elevate the injury D. Have the victim walk on the injured ankle
2. Complaints are always present in a game, what qualities should an officiating official possess in order to deal others
in any given situation?
A. Emotional Qualities C. Physical Qualities
B. Mental Qualities D. Social Qualities
3. Chad is always on time in any competition, prepared to do his assigned job, and educates himself on regular basis
about the rule changes that may affect his specialization. What values does he possess?
A. Act with fairness C. Accurate and Responsible
B. Act of integrity D. Model Appropriate Health Habits
4. A patient has a suspected fracture of the femur and pelvis. What is your immediate response?
A. Give a person something to eat or drink C. Seek urgent medical assistance
B. Place solid objects on either side D. test for response in patients toes
5. What do call the energy required to digest and absorb food?
A. Basal Metabolic Rate C. Thermic Effect of Food
B. Calorie D. Thermic Effect of Physical Activity
6. Trixie focus on gaining muscle and not fat weight, she eat frequent meals with healthy snacks like cereal with milk,
fruit smoothies and fish sandwiches. What will happen to her with these kinds of eating habits?
A. She will gain weight C. She will get Obese
B. She will lose weight D. She will stay the same
7. How can you say that a person is physically fit?
A. According to his/her bone structure
B. When an individual can perform his/her daily tasks without undue fatigue
C. When an individual can perform his/her task fast
D. When she/he has a perfect body type
8. Danica a 15 years old student measured 150 cm in height and weighing 80 kg. The result of her BMI is 35. 56. What
is the classification of the BMI?
A. obese B. Normal C. Underweight D. Overweight
9. Jelo a 15 years old student measured 150 cm in height and weighing 45 kg. What is the result of his BMI?
A. 20.00 B. 21.50 C. 22.00 D. 22.50
10. What do you call an injury that caused by torn fibers in a ligament, swelling and bruising are some signs and
symptoms of it?
A. Dislocations B. Fracture C. Sprain D. Strain
Identify the following referees’ hand signal
11. A. Authorization to serve 12. A. Authorization to serve 13. A. Authorization to Serve
B. End Match B. End Match B. End Match
C. Chane Court C. Chane Court C. Change Court
D. Substitution D. Substitution D. Substitution
14. Draw the hand signal volleyball team to serve.
15. Draw the hand signal basketball travelling.
1. Which program of the Department of Health promotes community health?
A. Control of communicable diseases C. Environmental Health
B. Community Health D. Primary Health Care
2. Stanley has a farm that produces animal waste from barns, stables or the like. What do you call these refuse
A. Ashes B. Dead animals C. Special waste D. Stable manure
3. The following is the ways to refrain from doing what has been prohibited under the law. EXCEPT.
A. Allowing the collection of non-segregated or unsorted waste
B. Establishment or operation of open dumps
C. Open burning of solid waste
D. Proper disposal of solid waste materials
4. Which of these happens when soil and rock were moved from one place to another by wind, water, and by gravity?
A. Coral reef degradation C. Illegal mining
B. Flash flood D. Soil erosion
5. According to the world health organization the characteristics of healthy community are the following EXCEPT
A. A clean and safe physical environment
B. A diverse and innovative economy
C. The promotion and celebration of historical and cultural heritage
D. Unreachable and inappropriate health services and facilities
6. Primary health care ensure healthy citizenry, what is the primary function of epidemiology and surveillance program?
A. Adolescent counseling C. Controlling outbreaks
B. Blood pressure screening D. Tuberculosis control program
7. Which of the following is the law adhering environmental safety and health protection that provides protection for
coral ecosystem?
A. P.D 389(P.D. 705) B. P.D. 704 C. P.D. 1219 D. P.D. 1251
8. Leslie use pesticides for home gardening, which environmental factors affect health chemically?
A. Cleanliness and sanitation C. Nutrition
B. Noise and sound levels D. Ventilation
9. What do you call the discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport,
processing and disposal of refuse materials accord to the best principles of public health?
A. Community health C. Rubbish
B. Health D. Solid Waste management
10. Which of the following community health problems vary according to its economy, politics, geography, culture and
social context?
A. Armed conflicts B. Disease control C. Food sanitation D. Water supply
11. Which of the following is NOT a discipline associated with solid waste management?
A. Control of generation C. Storage collection
B. Public health D. Transfer and transport
12. Jose use herbicides to get rid of weeds in his farm, which of the following is the effect of these habits?
A. Air pollution B. Noise pollution C. Soil pollution D. Water pollution
13. Jeslie was experiencing depression, what health center services he should go to?
A. Child health care C. Mental Hygiene
B. Dental health program D. Nutrition program
14.-15. Write a community proposal.


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