Mapeh 10

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I. Multiple Choice. Identify what is being described in the following statements. Write only the
letter of your answer on the space before the number.
1. It is also known as Aleatory Music.
A. Chance Music C. Expressionism
B. Impressionism D. Jazz
2. Music that uses the tape recorder is called _________________.
A. Musique concrete C. Music saving
B. Record tape D. Save Music
3. Who is the most influential and leading composers of the 20th century?
A. Cage C. Debussy
B. Glass D. Schoenberg
4. His compositional style is mainly characterized by its distinctively innovative but not
atonal style.
A. Cage C. Debussy
B. Ravel D. Schoenberg
5. What style of music where composers seek to express emotional experience?
A. Chance Music C. Expressionism
B. Impressionism D. Jazz
6. His works are defined with intricate and sometimes modal melodies and extended chordal
components and was born in Ciboure, France.
A. Cage C. Debussy
B. Ravel D. Schoenberg
7. It is a French movement in the late 19th and early 20 th centuries and was one of the
earliest musical forms that paved the way to this modern era.
A. Chance Music C. Expressionism
B. Impressionism D. Jazz
8. It was an attempt not to depict reality, but merely to suggest it.
A. Chance Music C. Expressionism
B. Impressionism D. Jazz
9. He was known as one of the 20th-century composers with the broadest array of sounds in
his works.
A. Cage C. Debussy
B. Ravel D. Schoenberg
10. It is a music that uses the tape recorder
A. Musique Concrete C. Cassette Disk
B. Magnetic Tape D. Cassette Deck
11. He is a central figure in the realm of electronic music.
A. Edgard Varèse C. Karlheinz Stockhausen
B. John Cage D. Mario Davidovsky
12. It is the ability of electronic machines such as synthesizers, amplifiers, tape recorders,
and loudspeakers to produce different sounds
A. Chance Music C. Expressionism
B. Impressionism D. Electronic Music
13. He is an "innovative French-born composer."
A. Edgard Varèse C. Karlheinz Stockhausen
B. John Cage D. Mario Davidovsky
14. His music was initially met with resistance due to its heavy atonal content with no clear
melodic or rhythmic sense.
A. Edgard Varèse C. Karlheinz Stockhausen
B. John Cage D. Mario Davidovsky
15. His technique in a composition is the use of a semi-tone scale.
A. Cage C. Debussy
B. Glass D. Schoenberg
II. Multiple Choice. Identify what is being described in the following statements. Write only the
letter of your answer on the space before the number.
1. The artist They started on something new like capturing scenes of life like household
objects, seascapes, houses, and ordinary people. What art movement is this?
A. Impressionism B. Expressionism
C. Op art D. Pop art
2. The artist created works with more emotional force, and not on realistic or natural images.
What art movement is this?
A. Impressionism B. Expressionism
C. Op art D. Pop art
3. How is expressionism achieved by artists?
A. They painted subjects in their actual images.
B. They used distorted lines and exaggerated forms.
C. They applied colors following their realistic appearance.
D. They relied from what are seen in the physical world.
4. It is an art movement that makes use of common place, trivial, and even nonsensical
objects that pop which makes artists seem to enjoy and laugh at.
A. Conceptual art B. Installation art
C. Pop art D. Op art
5. What elements of art refers to textile qualities of surfaces or to the visual representation of
those qualities?
A. Texture B. Perspective
C. Space D. Shape
6. What elements of art refer to any means of representing three dimensional objects in space
on a two-dimensional surface?
A. Texture B. Perspective
C. Space D. Shape
7. What elements of art refers to the expanse within the outline of a two-dimensional area or
within the outer boundaries of a three-dimensional object.
A. Texture B. Perspective
C. Space D. Shape
8. What elements of art refers to the lightness and darkness of surfaces.
A. Texture B. Perspective
C. Space D. Shape
9. It is also called environmental art, project art, and temporary art.
A. Pop Art B. Installation art
C. Op Art D. Art
10. This art movement used Geometrical shapes, patterns, lines, angles, textures, and swirls
of color
A. Abstractionism B. Op Art and Pop Art
C. Expressionism D. Impressionism
II. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is not.

___________11. In using the mechanical style of art, you need not use true-to-life subjects;
planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders are enough.
___________12. Surrealism is otherwise known as super realism because it deals with fantasies
and day dreams.
___________13. Claude Monet, Edouard Manet, and Auguste Renoir are expressionists.
___________14. When an artist creates a piece of art conveying an issue about a global pandemic
and its economic effect, this is social realism.
___________15. Non-objectivism style is under the expressionism movement.
I. Multiple Choice. Identify what is being described in the following statements. Write only the
letter of your answer on the space before the number.
1. What do you call to the number of training sessions that are performed during a given period?
A. Frequency B. Intensity
C. Time D. Type
2. What do you call to an individual’s level of effort, compared with their maximal effort, which is
usually expressed as a percentage?
A. Frequency B. Intensity
C. Time D. Type
3. What do you call to the duration of workout?
A. Frequency B. Intensity
C. Time D. Type
4. What do you call to the mode of physical activity?
A. Frequency B. Intensity
C. Time D. Type
5. What do you call to the way which individual live?
A. Lifestyle B. Intensity
C. Time D. Type
II. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is not.

1. Vigorous physical activity is always recommended for a beginner.

2. Exercise for a healthy lifestyle should be done at least three times a week.
3. BMI is dependent on a person’s height and weight.
4. Changes in a person’s lifestyle only affect the physical aspect.
5. Active recreational activities are recommended for the promotion of health because they are
enjoyable and effective in keeping the body in motion.
6. Regular physical activity must be done by anyone.
7. Greater benefits could be obtained if the individual maintains a regular regimen of a more
vigorous or longer duration activity.
8. Regular physical activity means being active in most if not all days of the week.
9. The FITT formula will help you determine how beneficial the amount of effort you executed
during physical activity.
10. When your body is challenged to do more than what it is used to, change in
your body starts to occur.
Multiple Choice. Identify what is being described in the following statements. Write only the
letter of your answer on the space before the number.
1. What are data and facts about health products and services you can get from media
and people around you?
A. Health Information B. Unreliable source of info
C. Health Services D. Health Consumer
2. What do you call to the procedures, actions or work furnished or supplied to help satisfy your
needs and wants as consumer.
A. Health Information B. Unreliable source of info
C. Health Services D. Health Consumer
3. What health information is based on customs and superstitions?
A. Health Information B. Unreliable source of info
C. Health Services D. Health Consumer
4. What health information is based on educational institutions?
A. Health Information B. Reliable source of info
C. Health Services D. Health Consumer
5. What do you call to the decisions you make about the purchase and use of health
information on products and services?
A. Health Information B. Reliable source of info
C. Health Services D. Health Consumer
6. Who are the licensed individuals that practice medicine and other allied health programs and
work in the medical profession?
A. Health Professionals B. Health Insurance
C. Healthcare facilities D. Health Consumer
7.What are places or institutions that offer healthcare services?
A. Health Professionals B. Health Insurance
C. Healthcare facilities D. Health Consumer
8. What do you call to the financial agreement between an insurance company and an
individual or group for the payment of healthcare costs.
A. Health Professionals B. Health Insurance
C. Healthcare facilities D. Health Consumer
9. What Government-owned corporation provide health insurance coverage for all Filipinos and
ensure affordable, acceptable, available, and accessible health care services for all citizens of the
A. Pag-Ibig B. Health Insurance
C. PhilHealth D. SSS
10. Which of the following is not a reliable source?
A. Neighbor B. Health Professionals
C. Health magazine D. Books

I. Identification. Directions: The following are sources of information on consumer health.

Write the word of the statement.

Reliable Not Reliable

11. 13.
12. 14.
1. Neighbors
2. Friends
3. Health Magazines
4. Parents who are health professionals
5. Elderly
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Most Essential Learning Number Percentage Number Level of Item Placement Item Description
Competencies of Days of Items Difficulty

MUSIC Easy 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Knowledge

illustrates well-defined 8 25 15 ,10,11,12,13,14,
sets, subsets, universal 15
sets, null set, cardinality of Average Analysis
sets, union and intersection
of sets and the different of Difficult Application
two sets
ARTS Easy 5,6,7,8 Knowledge
analyzes art elements and
principles in the 2 6.25 4
production of work Average Analysis
following a specific art
style from the various art Difficult Application
identifies distinct Easy 1,2,4,9,10 Knowledge
characteristics of arts 6 18.75 11 Average 3,11,12,13,14, Analysis
from the various art
Difficult Application
PE Easy 1,2,3,4,5 Knowledge
Engages in moderate to
vigorous physical 8 25 15 Average 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Analysis
activities for at least 60 ,13,14,15
minutes a day in and out Difficult Application
of school
HEALTH Easy 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Knowledge
explains the guidelines and
criteria in the selection and 8 25 15 Average 10,11,12,13,14, Analysis
evaluation of health 15
information, products and Difficult Application
TOTAL 32 100% 60

Prepared by


Student Teacher

Checked by

School Head

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