Nmat Social Science
Nmat Social Science
Nmat Social Science
1. Which is NOT one of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? 11. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development,
a. esteem c. novelty the stage at which individuals evaluate acts in terms of their
b. safety d. physiological approval by others is the _____level of maturity.
a. post conventional c. conventional
2. Which of the following does not characterize high b. pre-conventional d. none of these
achievement motivation individuals?
a. they are more likely to go to college. 12. If a cloth is placed over a toy that an 8 month-old child
b. they desire to enter high status occupations. is reaching for, the infant immediately stops and appears to
c. they are less creative than low achievement individuals. lose interest. The baby seems neither surprised nor upset,
d. they tend to be successful in business. makes no attempt to search for the toy as if the toy has
simply ceased to exist. The child has not yet achieved:
3. Lesions and stimulation of the hypothalamus seems to: a. object permanence c. magical thinking
a. increase aggressiveness b. moral realism d. conservation abilities
b. increase sexuality
c. reduce fear 13. Which of the following does not explain why cognitive
d. produce loss of emotion factors play a role in operant conditioning?
a. For operant conditioning to occur, the organism must
4. Research on facial expression of emotion has found that: believe that reinforcement is at least partly its control.
a. it is easy to judge actual thoughts. b. The organism must perceive a contingency between its
b. the right side of our face is more intensely emotional. responses and reinforcement for conditioning to occur.
c. it is easier to judge emotions from the face than the tone c. There are constraints on what reinforcers can be
of the voice. associated with what responses
d. the ability to imitate facial expressions comes about after d. All of the above explain the role of cognitive factors in
age of two. operant conditioning.
5. It is classified as one of the patterns of social acceptance 14. According to Erikson, the life stage at which the child
where an incoming group is assimilated into the dominant learns that she is competent of a failure relative to her peers
society is:
a. Amalgation c. Assimilation a. puberty stage
b. Cultural pluralism d. Fusion b. locomotory control stage
c. latency stage
6. During the pre-operational stage, children exhibit: d. muscular development stage
a. imitation of absent models
b. logical thought 15. True of motivation:
c. knowledge of the principle of conservation a. Motivation typically directs behavior towards a particular
d. an understanding of relational terms incentive that produces pleasure.
b. We are motivated to alleviate an unpleasant state.
7. Object permanence is an important accomplishment of c. Incentive motivation is characterized by affect.
the: d. All of the above statements are true.
a. sensory motor stage
b. pre-operational stage 16. It is a kind of economic system based on the private
c. stage of concrete operations ownership of wealth
d. stage of formal operations a. Market Socialism c. Capitalism
b. Socialism d. Modern communism
8. Studies on aging have found out:
a. most people show a decline in mental abilities by the age 17. When one is not conscious of threatening thoughts or
of 60. images, the defense mechanism of _________is being
b. many disabilities of old age are the result of disease and employed.
poverty a. repression b. regression
c. from age 30 to 70, lung capacity decreases by 10 %. c. displacement d. projection
d. from age 30 to 70, nerve impulse velocity drops 50 %
18. Anna has told Jim she is leaving him and he experiences
9. Studies of sex-role stereotyping have found: hate for her, because to feel love would be too painful.
a. this does not occur on TV. Patricia says she 'doesn't care' if her husband Peter goes to
b. this occurs more in children’s books than on TV. sea, because to 'care' would destroy her. The defense
c. such stereotypes do not occur until about age 10. mechanism illustrated here is:
d. females are characterized as problem solvers. a. rationalization c. reaction formation
b. displacement d. scapegoating
19. Social ___________ refers to the movement of a person 29. How does the psychoanalytic theory explain gender
from one status or social class to another identity and sex typing?
a. Flexibility c. Mobility a. gender identity and sex typing develop from the
b. Adaptiveness d. Function children’s early discovery of the genital differences between
the sexes and children’s eventual identification with the
20. In the study of normal individuals committed to a same-sex partner
psychiatric hospital, it was found that they: b. emphasizes the rewards and punishments that children
a. were easily recognized as normal receive for sex-appropriate and sex inappropriate behavior,
b. were all classified as maladjusted as well as processes of identification with same-sex adults
c. became maladjusted based on observational learning
d. had a positive effect on the other patients c. Holds that once children can identify themselves as male
or female, they are motivated to acquire sex-typed behavior
21. When a person has an exaggerated concern about his d. Seeks to explain why children base their self-concept on
health, this person is called a (an): the male-female distinction in the first place
a. hypochondriac c. phobic
b. compulsive d. obsessive 30. Marasmus is a disease predominantly found in
underdeveloped countries. It is aggravated by….
22. This is a pattern of rejection whereby the dominant a. anemia
group causes the deaths of a large number of minority b. deficient calcium content
group members c. protein calorie deficiency
a. Segregation c. Partitioning d. obesity
b. Expulsion d. Annihilation
31. As a boy, John was bitten by a large red ant and
23. Anna has told Jim she is leaving him and he experiences developed a phobia for ants. However, he also developed a
hate for her, because to feel love would be too painful. fear for all insects. In classical conditioning, this is an
Patricia says she 'doesn't care' if her husband Peter goes to example of what?
sea, because to 'care' would destroy her. When someone a. extinction c. generalization
expresses the opposite of an impulse, this person is b. discrimination d. spontaneous recovery
a. repression c. rationalization 32. Classical conditioning emphasizes between ____and
b. reaction formation d. displacement ____; operant conditioning emphasizes the relationship
between _____and ______.
24. When Elizabeth had her first baby she used to cry and a. behaviour; response; stimulus; consequence
beg her husband not to go to work. When one avoids stress b. behaviour; consequence; stimulus; behaviour
by repeating earlier behaviour pattern, one is using: c. stimulus; consequence; stimulus; response
a. displacement c. regression d. stimulus; behaviour; behaviour; consequence
b. reaction formation d. projection
33. Howard is an expert wine –taster. He can tell vintage
25. Joan married her husband because he came from a wines apart with just single drops upon his tongue, no
well-known and highly respected family and she felt a matter how similar the sample taste. This demonstrates:
worthwhile person once she belonged to his family. a. absolute threshold c. reaction formation
a. projection c. repression b. difference threshold d. classical conditioning
b. identification d. isolation
34. Which style of parenting is most likely to raise children
26. Individuals who have not been socialized in the same who lack self-control and who always expect to get their
way as the majority of people are often considered by their way?
society to be _______ a. authoritarian parenting c. neglectful parenting
a. mentally ill c. abnormal or odd b. authoritative parenting d. indulgent parenting
b. deviant d. all of the above
35. One evening, Genie jumps into the pool and shivers at
27. When does socialization begin? the coldness of the water. After five minutes, however, she
a. at the time when an individual is conceived or within the has gotten used to the cold and is “ignoring” it as she does
first few weeks following conception laps across the pool. This is an example of what?
b. at birth or shortly thereafter a. operant conditioning c. habituation
c. on entering nursery school or kindergarten b. sensation seeking d. sensory deprivation
d. when children reach puberty and are able to understand
the reasons for society's rules 36. When a door swings toward us, its retinal image goes
through a series of changes yet we perceive a door to still
28. A shy, non-assertive man whose boss has yelled at him be rectangular. This is due to:
may bottle up the anger and resentment he feels until he a. stroboscopic motion
gets home. There he gets rid of his hostility and anger by b. figure-ground constancy
screaming at one of his children. His defense mechanism is: c. pattern recognition
a. reaction formation c. repression d. shape constancy
b. rationalization d. displacement
37. Aladin, upon getting hold of the magic lamp, asked the 46. Which of the following is not true regarding the
genie to give him the power of precognition, meaning: functions of attitudes?
a. the ability to read what another person is thinking a. Attitudes that we hold for practical reasons serve and
b. to move things in space without physical intervention instrumental function
c. to perceive future events b. Those that help us make sense of the world serve a
d. to perceive objects that do not provide stimulus to the knowledge function.
known senses c. Those that express our values or reflect our self- concepts
serve an ego-defensive function.
38. Which of the ff. illustrates cultural relativism? d. Those that help us feel that we are part of a social
a. Anything goes – there are no established standards that community serve a social adjustment function.
we must follow
b. Premarital pregnancy makes sense in societies where 47. Gemeinschaft relations are:
women are expected to prove their fertility as a trait a. specific and limited c. strictly formal
desirable in wives b. based on self-interest d. based on sentiment
c. Premarital pregnancy is universally condemned
d. Relatives are more important in some cultures than in 48. Many factors influence whether we will be attracted to a
others particular individual. The following are the most important,
39. When you are hungry, you conjure mental images of a. physical attractiveness c. proximity
food. This wish-fulfilling process is a function of your: b. familiarity d. intelligence
a. id b. ego c. superego d. libido
49. The “id” postulated by Freud represents:
40. Ways to improve memory include: a. the rational part of personality
a. chunking c. elaboration b. the conscience
b. imagery d. all of the above c. the instinctive desires of the individual
d. one’s self-concept
41. The idea that a group is more superior than others
shows: 50. All of the following will increase the ability to capture
a. ethnocentrism c. xenocentrism attention, except:
b. superiority d. prejudice a. contrast c. habituation
b. intensity d. repetition
42. Leonardo da Vinci’s interest in painting Madonna was an
expression of a longing for intimacy with his mother from
whom he had been separated at a tender age. This
a. externalization c. sublimation
b. reaction formation d. anticipation